Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 05, 1901, Image 1

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i p'B w "i'.-.........M...-, I BO , ; ; ; ' . ; afte
t.y.y;,zzzrrzir vol. xi. condon, gilliam co., oiieook, tiiuusday, decembeii idol no aa m.t7mi
I! LL. .'''''-'"' aa4 sU UUaTll Is fmOk4
1 1 1 rrrr , , , . . rmmm , ,. irriTr
rj be Doetor'$ petunia jj
By Hesba Strctton
ciurxicn xxn.-Couttnucd.)
TDat same evening I received a note.
daalrln m to o nil I ace htm Imniedl
ately. H was louklnt Urlxhtr and bat
tor than lu lb nutrulnit. and an odd smlla
played now ami tMt almut Ids faea aa be
talked to nut, aft.-r having desired Mra,
olfr to l.'urt ua alone together.
"Markl" h aald, "I haw not tba allht
est rvanon to doubt Olivia's dcaib, except
your owu opinion to tha contra ry, which
la rouuded upon reaaous of which I know
nothing. Hut actinic on tha aupposltlnn
that aha may bo mill alive, 1 am quit
willing to tutor Into negotiation with
liar. 1 aupiion It niuat b through you
"It inuat," I answered, "and It cannot
b at prvaent. You will hava to wait for
aoma months, perhap. whllat I pursue
toy search for her. I do not know whir
aha la any mora than you do."
A vivid gluam fronted hi faca at these
word, but whether of Incredulity or aat
lafactlon I could not tull.
"But euppoae I dU in tba meantime?"
CO objected.
"I do not know that I might not leave
you In your reetit poaltlon," I an Id at
laati "It may be I am acting from an
over-straluod aeuse of duty, ltut If you
will giva mo a formal deed protecting her
from yourself, I am willing to advene
the fuitda n'rcar to remova you to
purer air, and mora open quarter than
these. A deed of aeparittloll, whUh both
of you roust sign, can be drawn up. and
raceiva your signature, I here will be no
doubt aa to getting htra, when we Dod
bar. ltut that may le aoma tuoutha
hence, aa I auid. Still I will run the
"For her aoko?" be aald, with enoer.
"Fur her aake, aimply," I answered; "I
will employ a lawyer to draw up the
deed, aud aa aoou aa you algn it I will
advance the money you require. My
treatment of your diaeaae 1 abnll begin
at once; ttmt fall under my duty oa
your doctor; but I warn you that freah
air and freadom from agitation ara al
most, If not poaltlvely, eaaentlal to It
aucceaa. The eoouor you acure tboaa
for youraelf, tba better your chance,"
Soma further convemntlon paaaod be
tween u, aa to the atlpulatlotia to be In
alated upon, aud tho dlvlalon of the year
ly Income from Olivia a property, for I
would not agree to her alienating any
portion of It. Foater wlahvd to drive a
bard bargain, a till with that odd amllo on
hla face; and it waa after much dlacua
elou that we came to an agreement.
I bad the deed drawn up by a lawyer,
who warned me that if Foster aucd for
a rent I tut Ion of hla righta they would
be enforced. But I hoped that when
Olivia waa fouud abe would have aome
evidence In her own favor, which would
deter hint from carrying tho cao iuto
court. Tho deed waa algued by Foatcr,
and left in my charge til) Ollvla'a algna
ture could be obtained.
Aa aoou aa the deed waa aecured, I had
my patient removed from ltcllringcr
atrcet to aome apartment In Fulhnm,
near to Dr. Senior, whoa intercut iu the
caao waa. now almost equal to my own.
Here I could vUlt him every day. Never
bad any aufferer, under tho blgheat and
wealthiest rank, greater care and acl
oce expeudod upon him than Ulcbard
The progreaa of hla recovery waa alow,
but It waa an re. I felt that It would bo
00 from the Hint. Day by day I watch
ed the pallid hue of aicknea upon bla
face changing into a more natural tone.
1 mff hi atrength coming back by alight
but ateady degree. The malady was
forced to retreat Into it moot bidden
citadel, where It might lurk aa a prisoner,
but not dwell a a destroyer, for many
jreare to come.
There waa no triumph to me !n tills,
aa there would have been had my patient
been any one else. . The cure aroused
much Interest among my colleague, and
tnade my name more known, ltut what
waa that to me? Aa long aa thia mau
lived, Olivia waa doomed to a lonely and
friendlea life. I tried to look into tho
future for her, and aaw It atrctch out
Into long, dreary year. I wondered
whore she would find a home. Could I
persuade Johanna to receive her Into her
pleasant dwelling, which would become
ao lonely to her when Captain Carey
had moved Into Julia's home in St. Peter-
port? That waa tho beat plan I could
except being too many of 'era p'rapa, an.l
my oia woman won't own to that. Hut
there a aomethlng In the wind aa cuu
cerue Dr. Dobry, ao I thought I'd boiler
come and give you a bint of it."
"Very good. Hlmmona," aald Jack.
"Yon recollect taking my cab to (Jrny'a
Inu Komi about thl time lust year, when
I showed np ao green, don't you T' he
"To I euro," I aald.
"Well, dix tora," he continued, "the'very
last Monday aa ever was, a lady walk
alowly along the stand, eyeing ua all very
hard, but taking no heed of any of 'em,
till ahe catche eight of me. The lady
cornea along very aiowly-ahe looka hard
at me h nods her head, aa much aa to
say, 'You, and your cab, and your hre
are what I'm on the lookout for;' and
1 geta down, opena the door, and aeea her
In quite comfortable. Save ahe. 'Drive
ma to Messra. Scott and Drown, lu tJray'a
inn iioau.
"Nor I ejaculated.
"Yea, doetor," replied Simmon.
" 'Drlva me,' she aava. 'to Mcaera. Scott
and Brown, Cray'a-4'n Uoad. Of course
I knew the mime again: I wm vkiJ
enough the last time I were there, at
ahowlng myself so groin. I looka hard
at her. A very fine make of a woman,
with hair and eyea aa black aa coala. and
a impudent look on her face somehow.
She told mo to wait for her In the street;
and directly after ahe goea In there cornea
down the gent 1 had Been before, with a
pen behind hla ear. lie looka very hard
at me, and me at him. Saya he, 'I think
I have aeen your face before, my man,'
Very civil; aa civil aa a orange, a folka
aay. 'I think you have,' I aaya. 'Could
you atcp upstairs for a minute or two
aaya he, very polite; 'I'll find a boy to
take charge of your horae.' And he alipa
arf-crown Into tny hand. Quito u!eu-
"So you went In, of coureer aald aJck.
"Doctora," he answered solemnly. "I
did go in. There' nothing to be aald
against that. The lady la sitting- In a
ornce upstairs, talking to another Kent.
with hair and eyea Ilk her, aa black a a
coala, and the auuie look of brans on hla
face. All three of 'cm looked a little
upon him now,' - 'Stop,' he aay, a I
were going away; 'they kpep a carriage,
Of course'' 'Of course, I so; 'what'
the good of a doctor that hasn't a car
riage aud palrr 'Do they uso It at
night f any he, 'Not oftm,' aaya 1;
'they take a cub; mine If it' on the
stand.' 'Very good,' he aaya; 'good morn
ing, my friend.' So 1 come away, aud
drive back again to the aland."
"And you left the lady there?" I aak
cd, with no doubt iu iny mind that it was
Mr. Foster.
"Ye, doctor," be answered, talking
away like a poll-parrot with the black'
haired gent. That were lust Monday;
to-day'a Fti lay, and this morning there
cornea this bit of a note to me at our
house. That' what'a brought me here
at thl time, doctors.!'
lie gave the note Into Jack'a Tiaads;
and he, after glancing at It, paid it on
to me. The coiil'Tit were aimply theae
words: "Jame Siuimoiia is requested to
call at Oiny's Inn Itoad, at :;i9 FrlJoy
evening." The handwriting struck me
a one I had tu ant noticed before; I
scanned It more closely for a minute or
two; then. a glimmering of light began
to dawn upon my memory. Could it be?
I felt almost aure it waa. In another
minute I wa persuaded that it waa the
atinio band a tntit which had written the
letter announcing Olivia' death, l'roba-
bly if I could see the penmanship of the
other partner, 1 should lind It to be Men
thai with that of tho medical certificate
which bud accompanied the letter,
"I-eave this note with ran, Klmmoni,
I said, giving lil in hnlf a crown in cz
change for It. 1 was aalsfiej now that
the papers bad been forged, but not with
Olivia a connlvaniv. aa Foster him
self a party to it? Or bad Mr. Foater
alone, with the aid of these friend or
relative of hers, plotted and carried out
the scheme, Icaviug him lu Ignorance and
doubt like my own?
I crossed iu the mall ateamer to tiuern
eey, on a Monday night, as the wedding
waa to take place at an early hour on
Wednesday niorulng, In time for Captain
Carey and Julia to catch the boat to Lug
land. Tho ceremony waa to be solemn
ized at seven. Under these circumstance
there could bo uo formal wedding break
fast, a matter not much to be regretted
Captain Carey and I were standing at
tho altar of tho old church aome minute
before tho bridal procession appeared,
lie looked pale, but wound up to a high
pitch of resolute courage. The chureh
wa nearly full of eager apectators, all
of whom I had known from my childhood.
Far back, bulf sheltered by a pillar, I
aaw the white head aud handsome face
of my father, with Kate Daltrey by hi
aide. At length Julia appeared, pale like
tho bridegroom, but diguitied and prepos
sessing. She did not glance at me; she
evidently gave no thought to me. That
waa well, aud aa it should be,
"Stayr be anld; "t!icr I no chance
whatever of going luts a this. lA't
un think for a few i il inu ,
But at that niom"'t a furious peal of
the bell rung tbrouIt 'tho house. We
both ran Into the bali. The servant had
just opened the dr, I Bl a telegraph
clerk stood on the t-p, with a tele
gram, which he tl.i . t hi to hi hanla.
It waa directed to J J tore it open.
"From Jean Orlmoi f, (itanvllle, to Dr,
Dubrce, Brook tw", Iudoo.' I did
not know any Jean u t of Granville;
it wua the name of ;i
message waa written
man patois, but so .
la it trutiiiuilssiou t
out the sewie of it.
waa aure about w r -tcr,'
"Tardif," aul
wa on the point ot death 1 could not tell.
1 (To be continued.!
Mr.uiger to me. A
liiicrneatb in Nor
i jKlt and garbled
l I could not make
Thl only word
"nma'ielle," MFo-
"agonie." Who
I - - . . 1
my 9. I raal mMmv m
Insects Are ISeccsstrr to the Frnlt'a
Fuccasaful Cultivation.
The loiig-contluucd effort to produce
the Smyrna tig of commerce in Cali
fornia bus beeu crowned with auccena.
Tho blatory of the expcrlmeut la iutcr
eatlng. It began over twenty years ago
with Importation of cuttings from Aaltt
Minor. Figa have been produced from
these aud other liuiwrted cuttings, but
they were not the famous white fig of
commerce. The credit of producing
the latter la California belongs to Geo.
C. Hording of Fresno. Until this sum
mer every true Smyrna fig tree planted
lu California which bore fruit failed to
mature it; the figs were unfertilized
and withered and dropped. It was
finally discovered that the fertilization
of this flg depended upon the service
of the blaHtophaga wisp, whose habitat
Is iu the cuprl, or wild flg. The latter
was ImiKirted aud thrived amazingly,
but the blastopbnga did not aeeoiapaay
Special Importations of the wasp fol
lowed, but It thrived pnly for a season
on the caprl flg and then disappeared.
It was assumed that it could not sur
vive our winters. Last year the De
partment of Agriculture took the mat
ter In band, A fresh consignment was
imported aiid its care intrusted to Mr.
Itoedlng. Last April the youug insect
colony emerged in full force from the
first capri cot, entered the second,
emerged again, and then took posses
sion of the Smyrna fig trees, the fruit
on which was ready for fertilization.
Mr. Itoedlng reports that this experi
ment has been perfectly suecessfuL A
ton of the fruit has been picked from
his trees and the entire crop will yield
five or six tons more. Mr. Hoedlng be
lieves tuat tlie tilasRiphaga has come
to stay and he expects that California
wlllN be enriched soou with another in
: V
' ' :
1 I
H Km (at tot Uttarttsa aaU eaaag ttaa (ka
4 Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happenings of the Past Week: Presented
la a Condensed Form Which Is Moat
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
One of the convicts who nwarvxl
from Leavenworth, Kan., has been
I 1 1 1 . . . . .
At St. faul. Walter Bourne, cx-
deputy county auditor, was convicted
Ion a charge of . false auditing and
TTTl , . 1, .
imo uuciuiiK row in ina caiierv
of a Chicago theater, George Harden,
la special omcer, waa shot and fatally
A New York man has been arrested
on a charge of having set fire to a ten
ement house in which 62 persona
were asleep.
The coroner's jury found the offi
cers of the Smuggler Union mine at
Telluride, Colo., were not responsbile
tor me recent disaster.
Early in September last Miss Ellen M. Stone, an American mifuimnarv
in Turkey, while riding with a party of 10 or 12. between Bansko and Damala.
was captured by a. party of brigands, some 40 in number. Mine, Tsilka, who
was of tho party, was taken along as a companion for Miss Stone. Thev were I
carried to the mountains where they still remain in captivity. A ransom of
,wu juhio JLUIS.1BH ittjuivaiem 10 practically fiuu.iaju) was demanded,
payable at Samokov within 18 days. Miss Stone's death being the penalty
named for failure to receive that amount. A subscription was started in thia
A At, a . . I
country, dui me tuu sum aemanded was not raised. The time limit has been
twice extended. Mr. Dickinson, U. S. consul at Constantinople, at once
took the matter in charge and has since worked assiduously for Miss Stone's
release, but thus far without success. His efforts have, to outward appear
ance at least, been seconded by the Turkish and Bulgarian governments.
According to late accounts he has offered the brigands f 12, 000 for Miss
ctone s release, giving mem six aavs in which to accent the offer. t thu onit
oi wmcu nine is wouia oe withdrawn. .Letters from Miss Stone indicate I Gilbert Parker, the novelist, is
'" uu iici Luiuiiiiii mil ciOKtiiv puaraea. rate int t.nir hiva hiun mmino b imui
O F J ' V MM I WV .1& w
rwottTd aa soon think of doing trnsi
nesa without clerks aa without adver
Kothinf. eieept the mint, ean make
money without advertising.
When yoa pay more for the rent of
yoar business house than lor advertis
ine yoar business, yoa are pnnainn a
policy, u yoa can oo onaineaa.
1 known.
Julia's marrlugo arrangomonts were go
lag on speedily. There waa something
Ironical to mo In the chance that nimie
me ao often the. witness of thorn. We
were ao merely cousins again, that she
dlacuBsod her purchases and displayed
tnem norore me, as lr tnero hnd never
been any notion between us of keeping
house together, unce more I assisted
In the choice of a, wedding dross, fur the
one made a year before was aald
yellow and old-fashioned. ltut this time
Julia did not Insist upon having white
an tin. A dainty tint of grey waa con
sidered more suitable. Captain Carey en
Joyed the purchase with the rapture 1
had failed to experience.
The wedding was fixed to take place
the laat week in July, a fortnight earlier
than the time proposed; It was also a
fortnight earlier than the-date I was look
ing forward to most anxiously, when, if
ever, news would reach Tardif from
Dr. Senior had agreed with me that
Poster waa sufficiently advanced on the
road to recovery to be removed from Ful
lism to tho better air of the Bouth coast.
We required Mrs. Foster to write us
fully, three times a week, every varia
tion aha might observe in his health.
After that we atarted them off to a quiet
village in Sussex. I breathed more free
ly when they were out of my daily sphere
of duty.
But before they went a hint of treach
ery reached me, which put me doubly on
my guard. One morniug, when Jack and
I were at breakfast, Simmons, the cabby,
was announced. He was a favorite with
Jack, who bade the servant show him In.
"Nothing amiss with your wife or the
brats, I hope?" said Jack.
"No, , Dr. ; John, no," he answered,
"there alu't anything amiss with them,
under the weather. 'What'a your nome,
my mau?' asked tho black gent. 'Waler,'
I aaya. 'And where do you live?' he
aaya, taking me serious. 'In Queer
street,' I aays, with a little wink to ahow
'em I were np to a trick or two. They
all three larfoil a little among themselves,
but not in a pleasant aort of way. Then
the gent begin again. 'My good fellow,!
he aaya, 'we want you to give us a little
information that 'ud be of use to us, and
we are willing to pny you handsome for
it. It can't do you any harm, nor no
body else, for it's, only a matter of busi
ness. You're uot above taking ten shil
lings for a bit of useful Information V
'Not by no manner of means,' I says."
"Go on," I said Impatiently.
"Jest so, doctors," ho continued, "but
thia time I was minding my P's and Q'a.
'You know Dr. Senior, of Brook strevty,
he aaya. 'The old doctor I says; .'he's
retired out of town.' , 'No,' he says," 'nor
the young doctor neither; but there's an
other of 'em, Isn't there?' Mr. Dobry?
I saya. 'Yes,' ho says, 'he often taken'
your cab, my friend r 'First one an J
then tho other,'-! .says, -'sometimes Dr.
John and sometimes Ur. Dobry. Tn;y re
as thick as brothers, and. thicker.'. "GooJ
friends of yours?' he- says, 'Well,' says
I, 'they take my cnb when they can have
it; but there s not much friendship, aa I
see,' in that. It's the beat cub and horso
on the stand. Dr. John'a pretty fair,
but the other'a no great favorite of mine.'
'Ah!' he aays."
Simmons' face was illuminated with de
light, and ha winked sportively at us.
"It were all flummery, doctors,", he
said. "I jeBt see them setting a trap,
and I wanted to have a finger lu it. 'Ah!'
he says, 'all we want to know, but we do
want to know that very particular, Is
where you drive Dr. Dobry to the often-
est. He s going to borrow money from
us, and we'd like to find out something
about his habits. You know where he
goes in your cab.' 'Of course I do,' I
says; 'I drove him and Dr. Johp here
uluh a twelvemonth ago. The other, gent
took my number down, and knew where
to look for me when you wanted me.'
'You're a clever fellow,' he says. 'So my
old woman thinks,' I says. .'And you'd
be glad to earn a little more for your
old woman?' he says. 'Try me,' I says.
'Well, then,' says he, 'here's- a offer f or
you. If you 11 bring us word where he
spends his spare time, we'll give you
tea shillings; and if it turns out of any
use to us, we'll make It five pound.'
'Very good. I says. 'You've not got anj
Information totell us at once?' he says.
'Well, no,' I says, 'but I u keep my eye
.1 .
ti mere was a pang in itreason a
I would, there waa a pang In It for me,
I should have liked her to glance once at
me, with a troubled and dimmed eye. 1
should have liked a shade upon her face,
as I wrote my name below hers in the'
register. But there was'noHiing of tho
kind, fche gave uie the kiss, which I
demanded as her cousin Martin, with
ot embarrassment, and after that sho
put her hand again upon tho bridegroom's
arm and marched off with him to the car
A whole host of us accompanied the
brldul pair to the pier, and aaw them
start off on their wedding trio, wiih a
pyramid of bouquets before them on the
deck of the steamer. We ran round to
the lighthouse, and waved out hats and
handkerchiefs aa long as they were in
sight. That duty done, the rest of tho
day was our own.
It was almost midnight the next day
wnen i reached Itrook street, where I
found Jack expecting iny return. A let
ter was waiting for me, directed in oueer.
crabbed handwritiug, and posted iu Jer
sey a weoic before.
It had been so long on the road in' con
sequeuee of this., bad penmanship of the.
auuress. 1 opened It carelessly ns I an
swered Jack's iLst Inquiries; but the in
stant I saw the signature I held up my
hand to silence him. It was from Tar
dif. This la a translation: : ' 1
"Dear Doctor and Friend This day I
received a letter from main'aallor-quite a
little letter with only a "few lines in it.
She says, 'Come to be. My husband has
found me; he ishere. I have ho frfeijds
but you and one other, and I cannot send
for hlin. You said you would come to me
whenever I wanted you. I have, hot .time
to write more. I am in a little village
called Vllle-en-bois, between Granville
and Nolrean. Como to the house of the
cure; I am there.'
"Behold, I am gone, dear monsieur. I
write this In my boat, for we are-crossing
to Jersey to catch the steamboat to Gran
ville. To-morrow evening I Bhan be In
Vllle-en-bois. Will you learn the law of
France about this affair? They, say the
code binds a woman to follow. her hus
band wherever he goes. At London you
can learn anything. Believe me, I will
protect niam'aelle, or I Bhould say mad
ame, at the los of my life. Your de
voted TAUDIF."
"I must go!" I exclaimed, about to rush
out of the house.
"Where?" cried Jack.
"To Olivia," I answered; "that villain.
that scoundrel has hunted he out in'Nor-
mandy. Bead that, Jack
Rogues of Wall Street.
The rogues of Wall street flourish
They are thievlnjr brokers, promoters
of mining schemes and disreputable
speculators. Said a thieving broker on
one occasion: "If the Postottice Depart
ment would let me alone I would have
to hire a cart to carry down my uioney-
iadeu mail.. All you have to do is to
appeal to the eupJdity of the public.
Promise 0 per cent dividends on a frst-
class security aud yon can't do busl
ncss; but promise 5J per cent on a fake
aud you can get rich." Investigation
proved this statement to be true. He
is of the same class as the tipster fraud
who advertises that he knows exactly
which stocks will advance and those
that are going to decline. ,
For ?5 a w eek Tie will tell you pre
clscly how to make a fortune. He ad
vertises in strange ways, using a rldlcr
ulous code. For example: "Hit Kan
garoo for a jump of 20 points," etc.
This Interpreted means' buy a certain
stock for an advance of ?20 a share.
Such men are swindlers. Quite as con
temptible as the man with a fake gold.
silver, sine, copper or "oil mining
scheme. He first. buys a mining pros
pect for say ?2,5O0 and then organizes
a $500,000 or $1,000,000 company under
the lnwa of New Jersey or West Vir
ginia for sny $2,500 more The shares
have an alleged par value of $1 each,
but he offers them for 37c each from
an elaborately furnished office where
he poses as the fiscal agent - The
rogue, who selects the broker, as his
victim Is more plentiful than, the brok
ers are willing to confess. World's
Work. ' - r
Tulklnghorn'a House to Disappear.
Yet . another famous house has to
make way for street improvements. It
is the mansion Iu Lincolu's-inn-flelds
adjoining. Sardinia street, and was
built from' the designs of Inlgo Jones
Exltniive Recommendations by Naval Board
of Construction.
ashigton, Dec 2. The naval
lioard of construction has completed
the recommendations called for by
congress relative to the two new battle
ships and two armored cruisers, and
- ....
ibu covering many tecnnical ques
tions which have arisen as to naval
architecture, armor, batteries, tur
rets, etc. The recommendations as
to battle ships call for two ships of
16,000 tons each, and two armored
cruisers of 14,500 tons each. The
battle ships are to be heavily ar
mored, and carry the following bat
teries: four 12 inch guns in two
turrets forward and aft, 8 8 inch guns
in tour separate turrets, 12 7 inch
guns, 20 10 pounders and a large
numoer ot auxiliary machine guns.
lhe armored cruisers are to have
an armament making, them in effect
battle ships as follows: Four 10 inch
guns, with two tnrrets forward and
aft; 16 7 inch guns, 20 14 pounders
and the usual complement of small
guns, in the secondary- battery.
Neither the battle ships not cruisers
have euperpoised turrets. Tornedo
tubes .also are entirely eliminated
from these plans and the recom
mendations of the. board favor an
abandonment of torpedoes on heavy
armored ships, leaving the torpedo
wartare to be carried on bv tomedo
boats and the smaller cruisers. Rec
ommendations are made against the
sheathing of ships and upon other
technical questions.
Transport Overdue,
Washington, Dec. 2. The trans
port Buford, en route from the Philip
pines to New York, with two bat
talions of the Twenty-third infantry,
is several aays overdue. .No appre
hension is felt at the war department.
however, as the severe northwest
gales which have prevailed for some
days past Jover the North Atlantic
naturally would retard her progress.
. What It Cost piina,
Berlin, Dec. 2. The estimates for
Germany's expenditure in China for
the year 1902 are 39,500.000 marks.
.bub vi .u.jsw junes aa na;nef. 10 Knn ruin a.u jJ
( lha .l?n,.l T ln,1n,M - 1"l rlml, - '""- .-,yy, uicw&q OJ.UCHUCU
v, ..,,... v.,- """"-1 in China in 1901 Un nonomu
- - - v 'VliuiuilO
widows and orphans resulting from
There is danger' of a serious water
famine at Hong Kong.
The Illinois fund for the McKinlev
memorial amounts to $5,342.
King Edward ignores the anti-
British agitation in Germany.
Twenty-aix men were killed by a
boiler explosion at Detroit, Mich.
Santos-Dnmont proposes to make
Report of Assistant Postmaster General
the Subject
Washington, Nov. 29. First Assist
ant Postmaster General Johnson, in
his annual report, nays the yearly in- J ascents in his airship from London,
crease in the postal revenues has re- Frank Mnnaev h ,.haHt
suited in the free delivery service be- controlling interest in the New York
coming self sustaining. Of the gross I Daily News.
postal revenues oi the United States f The warship Missouri will be
for the past fiscal year, 174,295,394 launched at Newport News, Saturday,
came trom 865 free delivery cities, iecemoer zs,
lhe remaining 3,600 presidential The switchmen's strike at Pitts-
offices yielded 116,063,252, while the bur8 waa failure. Only one rail
72,479 fourth class Dostofficea- nro- roaa WM seriously affected,
duced $18,913,519. Mr. Johnson says
that the fact that the postal service
in the largest cities is practically per
fect is the explanation of why the
annual per centage of increases in the
revenue of the free delivery postoffices
should be three times as large aa that
of the fourth class offices. As rural
tree delivery reaches out into the
country, giving equal facilities with
out regard to locality, he saya, it in
creases the revenues at a rate at leas
equal to that maintained in the free
delivery cities, where, during the past
five years, it has averaged 8 per cent.
At the end of the present fiscal year
o,ow rural routes will -he in successful
operation, 6,000 being in effect by
December 2. The latter figure repre
sents just ou per cent of the applica
nons ior such service hied since its
inauguration five years ago. The in
flexible policy is announced of hers.
alter avoiding the maintenance of un
necessary postoffices and superfluous I carried off $700.
siar routes contemporaneously with Half a million people in the Yang-
;ui uu very routes, un July 1 1 tse valley, China, will starve unless
.,. imw w ,oui runti carriers thov mnoira oiri
a a . :, . . i wv v j
R'AH flprvincr 9 HA( RAA naAvin a - I
fraction of over 75 cents per capita; monetary loss from the recent
and on December 2 next 4.000 000 f P"? on the Atlantic ia greater than
the rural population will be eniovin " Dm ""PP08.
free delivery. Every establishment I Traffic on the Panama railway was
of a route, the report says, is followed stopped, but marines ' from the Iowa
promptly Dy a steady increase in ' the 800n re-established it.
volume ot mail both delivered and . Knrih,ii, r
xne city tree delivery service now throw many men out of emnlovment
m t mo ' 1. ..
vivaco wiu lUB iio. ill-1 mr a r.imo
Queen Wilhelmina has recovered
from her recent illness, and will be
able to go out in a few days.
The General Carriage Company.
of New Jersey, will be reorganized
with a capital of $2,500,000.
Kitchener has again applied for a
number of staff officers from India to
be sent forthwith to South Africa. -
Strike of railroad switchmen is
ordered at Pittsburg.
Shakir Pasha has been appointed
governor of Scurati, Asia Minor.
Marquis Ito, the Japanese states
man, has arrived at St. Petersburg.
William Gwin, for; 30 years chief
messenger to the secretary of state,
is dead.
Home - Rule Republican party of
Hawaii wants Chinese exclusion laws
re-enacted. "
Three masked men entered a ramb
ling resort at Chickasaw, I. T., and
linn 1 room on. the first floor of the
house '-was 'chosen by Dickens for the
scene of the assassination of Mr. Tulk-
lughorn. Sir . Leicester Dedlock's law
yer, in "Uiear uouse. Aireauy, npw-
ever, the painted celling, with the Ro
man soldier pointing his truncheon to
the body of the dead solicitor, has dis
appeared under a coat of whitewash,
wickedly applied ft lew. years ago.
Lbndbn Globe.; w .. v :. .
Bin Words Indorsed.-; -
It was the worst domestic storm they
had ever encountered, ".i ' "
'You don't deserve. CVMi . hanging,"
he said as he left the house.
"I deserve it better than- you dor she
sent after him as a parting shot. Phil
adelphia Times.
A Monumeut for Virgil.
Mantua, after nearly twenty cen
turies, has remembered that it Is the
birthplace of Virgil, and set to work to,
erect a monument to Its great poet Tho
sum of $20,000 has been raised and
artists are called' on to send In plans
in competition.
London's Cemeteries.
London has . twenty one municipal
cemeteries, and ten which are owned
Let aie bo." j by private compaules.
the the China expedition amount to
491,000 marks annually. 1 ' ' :
TT '
Russia Honors Ito.
St.-Petersburg, Dec. 2. The War
granted an audience to the Marquis
Ito, - the t Japanese , statesman, ' this
afternoon 'and later Count Lamsdorff,
the Russian minister of foreign f
iairs, gave a gala dinner in honcT of
the visitor. An effective entente
-between Russia and Japan is regarded
as the probable outcome of the audi
ence, although it is not anticipated
that permanent or binding obliga
tions will be undertaken by either
The New York Fire.
New York, Dec. 2. The fire which
started yesterday afternoon in the
lumber yards of William E. UrtePTn.v
& Bros., at the 'foot of East Tenth
and Eleventh street, burned laat
night, and this morning the firemen
were still fighting the flames in differ
ent parts oi the large yards. The
fire on the Standard Oil property,
however, waa extinguished late in
the night. The loss waa estimated
today at $750,000.
embraces 866
t . .i .
uiuumg jour in me new-, insular pos
sessions, an tnese employing an
army of 16,389 uniformed- carriers.
who-collect and carry the mails two
or more times each working day to
32,000,000 patrons. The total cost to
the department per- annum for this
service is 50 cents per capita.
Pan-American Congress.'
City of Mexico, Nov. 29.The com
mittees of the Pan-American confer
ence are rapidly completing their
work, with the exception of the arbi
tration committee and the committee
ori commerce and reciprocity. The
latter is withholding action until it
learns the stand which President
Roosevelt will take on the subject of
icwuiruuny in nis iortncoming mes
sage to congress, lhe committee on
future Pan-American conferences
Johnston, Miss., has been practi
cally destroyed by fire. Fourteen
stores and six residences were burned.
Loss, $75,000.
According to a dispatch to the
London Standard from . Odessa, 130
persons . perished in recent earth
quakes at Errazoum.
Secretary , Hay has iust . received
from an unknown person, throusrh
tne collector of customs at New York,
a conscience contribution of $18,668.
Americans captured a rebel camn'
m jtionoi island.
Sousa's band is playinsr to overflow
ing audiences in London.
Fire destroyed the Crawfordsville.
ma., wire and nail plant. Loss,
T.nrd RallRhiirv fa aai t A V., rnr
wi 1 1 nrwi m AnW k l. 1 1 ' - I ... . . . oo
..... .vvviiiuicuu.bijn iiuiu i n v oi h uuti- i ramniv rrt rfi.n .a :
- o i f .j , ..v uwtajo iiitio juttueaii ill
""" ovciy "vo years. publio affairs.
AH-t. r r-L i i a ..i I
vmns u. uw.esion cxposiuon. Thft hnhhv nf finff - . . .
B8mngion, jmov. za. Arrange- eood horsea. Hn ia ;,! iiu
- . v o ' uwm W fcU V1IV
ments nave oeen made lor the open- best judge of horses in his state.
inff Of the South Carolina Tntfirstatfl ...
and West Indian Tiw5Hnn hv tho . eixty-hve. thousand dollars have
president next Wedrifisdav At th peea offered for . a ' seat on the New
close of the address hv T), York stock exchange, establishing a
at Charleston, messages of ereetint
win pass between the president and John Jay Jackson, iudtre of the
uiaiiagera oi ine eXD081tlon. ana at United Ktatea nnurt For tho nnrfchnrn
z :dUo clock the president will press district of West Virginia, has com-
the button which will set themachin- pleted the fortieth year of his service
ery oi tne exposition in motion. I on the federal bench.