Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, November 14, 1901, Image 4

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    Salt Rheum
It may become chronic.
It may cover tha body frith
lar-o, inflamed, burning, itching,
sealing patches and cause intense
suffering. It has been known to
do 80.
Io not delay treatment.
Thoroughly cleanse the system
of tha humors on which this
ailment depends and prevent their
Tht medicine taken by Mr. la E. Ward,
Cove Point. Md.. u Hood's Sarsaparilla.
She write: " I had a disagreeable Itching on
my arm which I concluded was aalt rheum.
I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and In
two das' flt better. It was not tonf before
I wa cured and I hare never bad any akin
disease sine."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
rromisea to cure and keeps the
promise. It is positively tme
qualed for all cutaneous eruptions.
Take it
A Favorite Spot.
Misi Dusnap (disgustedly). This
Is the sixth jug I have hooked Into
and pulled up.
Mr. Bertwhistle (confidently)
Good! That shows that this must be
a pretty fine place to fish. Brooklyn
There I more Catarrh In Una section of the
Country than all other diseases) aut together,
and until tha last few year was aunpoae4 to be
Incurable. For a treat saanv years doctors pro.
nouncrd It a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly Wing to core
with local treatment, pronounced it focarebte.
Science has proves catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires eonstito
ttonsl treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by r. J. Cheney A Co, Toledo, Ohio,
is the onty constitutional cure on tha market.
It is taken Internally In dosea from 10 drops to
a teaspoon ful. It acts directly the blood
and raucous sarface ot tha system. Tbey offer
one hundred dollars for any rasa it falls to
Hire, fiend for circular and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. . CH KNKY CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Irnirfsrs, 75c
Bail's Family FiUs are tha best.
Seek Protection from Extortion.
Eight hundred residents la South
London have Joined a tenants protec
tive league, started a few weeks ago,
"to enable weekly tenants to combine
for self-protection against the extor
' donate and illegal demands ot land
lords and rate collectors, and for pro
vision ot the necessary legal assist
ance." Pure Blood, Beantlfnl Coraploxloa
Go hand In hand, one Impossible without the
other, and the best, quickest, easiest blood
purifier is Caacarets Candy Cathartic. AU drug
gists, 10c, Joe, ate.
An Insuperable Obstacle.
"What foolish things they do say
about the Rockfeller fortune. Here
is someone who claims that if it was
in $1 bills it would encircle the
"Well, wouldn't It?"
"Of course not. How would you
get them across the ocean?" Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Time proves all things. It has
seen Wizard Oil cure pain for over
forty years. Many people know
this. - - -
A Pennsylvania Giant
William Lippincott, the heaviest
man in Bucks county, Pennsylvania,
weighs 479 pounds, but offers to out
dance any man who will try conclu
sions with him on the waxed floor.
Not long ago he allowed a young man
to hit his hardest where his (Llp
pincott's) waist should be. The
young man broke his arm.
V.iSTE 0
IE very man. woman and child snfter
imc With colds, asthma, croup, pneu
monia or consumption to write us.
American Lnu Balm Pad Co., Chattanooga,
- A Luxurious Traveler.
Cecil Rhodes never does anything
by halves. When he came over to
England by the fast mail from Africa,
besides other specially provided com
forts, he" was accompanied by his own
chef, his own poultry and his own
"Which would you rather, Tommy,
be born lucky or rich? asked' Uncle
"Both," replied Tommy, sententious
ly. Detroit Free Press.
Of Course.
"Is that Mrs. Brown of Boston?"
"I dunno her name, but she's Bos
ton bred." .
"Then she's brown, of course."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Outlet for JWuch Fresh Water.
The Detroit river is the outlet of the
greatest body of fresh water in the
world, aggregating 82,000 square
miles of lake surface, which in turn
drain 125,000 square miles of land.
Under Control.
The Count Your daughter, madam,
says she is perfectly willing to have
me. ,
The Mother Yes; she Is very dutiful.
' The diseases most feared are those which are
Inherited handed down from generation to gen
eration, and family to family. By far the most
destructive of these is Cancer, which finds the
greatest number of its victims among the children
and grand-children of those whose blood was taint1
with this dreadful malady. You may carry this poison in the blood for years but
as the vital powers begin to wane a slight bruise or cut, wart or mole, sore or
pimple may develop into Cancer. From middle life to old age is the time when
the slumbering poison is most apt to break out, a sore or nicer often degeneratine
into Cancer, and Tumors become more progressive and ulcerate through the skin
the sharp, shooting pains causing the most intense suffering. '
The Cancer patient naturally grows despondent as one after another the usual
remedies fad, and the sore shows no 6ign of healing. The impurities that have
been accumulating in the system, perhaps for generations, cannot be eliminated nor
the poisoned blood made pure by salves, washes and plasters. The proper treatment
is to purify and build up the blood, remove the cause, when the sore or ulcer heals
O O C i. "
Mr. J. B. Arnold, of Greenwood, B.
tiny nloer came, Just under tha left eye. It beg-aa
spreading-, and grew worse rapidly, destroying- the
flesh as It went. As Cancer la hereditary In my family
I beoame thoroughly alarmed, consulting the best phy
siolans and taking; many blood medicines, none of
which did no any good, when one of our leading-drag-gists
advised ma to try S. S. S., and by the time
I had taken the second bottle the Cancer began to
snow signa of healing-, the discharge grew gradually
lass and finally ceased altogether, the sore dried up
and nothing remains but a slight scar. X feel that I
owe my Ufa to 8. S. S.
wait nntn the blood is so polluted and the system so thoroughly saturated with the
poison that no medicine, however efficacious, can check the progress of the disease!
1J there is a tamt in your blood get it out at once, don't wait fof some externalevi
dence of it the appearance of a tumor or ulcer. We have prepared a special book
on Cancer which we wiU mail free. Our physicians are ready to help you br theb
advice and such direction as your case requires. Write us fully and freely no
charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CIA.
Counting Hit Chicken. .
"Before I trite my consent to your
engagement to n.y daughter, what is
your annual Income?"
"Counting everything, tstr, about $4,
000. as near aa I can tell
"Yea hm and added to this would
be the $3,000 income which I promis
ed to settle on her which would-
"Yes, sir, yes that ts tf you don't
mind, I've already counted that In."
New York Times,
Street Car Pan for Doe;.
A Detroit man has a pass which en
titles him to carry his dog with him
on the street cars. The pass is In the
j shape of a photograph of the dog, on
! the back ot which is an order, signed
by the superintendent of the lines, di
recting the conductors of all cars to
permit the dog to ride. The dog a
: Boston terrier is known to nearly
all the conductors, and it is rarely
necessary for the owner to show his
order. .
The Distinction.
"I could never see," remarked the
Sabbatarian, caustically, "wherein the
'sacred concert' differs from the ordin
ary concert
"Why, that's simple enough," re
plied Waggs.
"It isr
"Certainly. The "sacred concert is
given on Sundays only," Philadel
phia Press.
Sweet Revenue.
Dlggs And you ami going away
on a vacation this summer?
, Dags You bet I'm not; my land
j lord said, if I closed up the house and
went away he should charge me rent
' Just the same, and I'm going to stay
at home" to get even with him.
Ohio State Journal.
To Fit New Conditions.
"In a baseball game near Boston
the ostrich swallowed the ball."
"That would appear to necessitate
a change in the language of the
"What change?"
"Out in a fowl." Cleveland Plain
A wife is either a man's best pos
session or his very worst
St Jacobs Oil for .Chut Colds, Bronchitis,
Croup and Pleurisy.
An outward application for bronchi
al difficulties is many times far more
effective than syrups, cough mixtures,
cod liver oil, etc, simply because it
penetrates through to the direct cause,
which is, as a rule, an accumulation
of matter or growth tightly adhered
to the bronchial tubes.
St Jacob's Oil, possessing as it does
those wonderful penetrating powers,
enables it to loosen these adhesions
and to Induce free expectoration.
Cases have been known where expec
torations have been examined after
St Jacob's Oil has been applied, and
the exact formation was clearly shown
where the adhesions had been remov
ed or pulled off the bronchial tubes.
All irritation of the delicate mucous
membrane of the.bronchae is quickly
removed by the healing and soothing
properties of St Jacob's OIL In cases
of croup and whooping cough in child
ren St Jacob's Oil will be found super
ior to any other remedy.
St. Jacob's Oil is for sale through
out the world. It is clean to use not
at aU greasy or oily, as its name
might imply. For rheumatism, gout
sciatica, neuralgia, cramp, pleurisy,
lumbago, sore throat, bronchitis, sore
ness, stiffness, bruises, toothache,
headache, backache, feetache, pains
in the chest, pains in the back, pains
in the shoulders, pains in the Umbs,
and all bodily aches and pains it has
no equal. It acts like magic Safe,
sure and never failing.
"Did you meet any Philadelphia
girls at Atlantic City?"
"Yes; and I proposed to one."
"What did she say? '
. "She told me to come back at the
end of a year and I might kiss her."
Detroit Free Press.
Survivor of San Jacinto Battle.
James Monroe Hill, of Austin, Tex,
is one of the few survivors of the
battle of San Jacinto, which assured
to Texas its independence. He was
born in Georgia, and is a cousin of the
late United States Senator Benjamin
H. Hill, of that state.
Why lie Thought So.
"I see that a steamer ran into a
school of whales off the Lower Cali
fornia coast. I s'pose it was a school
of oratory."
"Why so?" '
"They were all spouting." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Will They Take Expert Testimony ?
"They are investigating that young
doctor who kissed the pretty nurse
in the hospital."
"All the testimony Is oral, I sup
pose?" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
V Timely Hint
Every married man should Join
some good society the society of his
wife and children for Instance. Chi
cago News.
Cwrrft.. "A I -?' gsriirectiy
into the blood, destroys
the virus, stops the for
mation of Cancerous
cells and cleanses the
system of impurities.
What we say of S. S. S. -as
a cure for Cancer is
supported by the testi
mony of those who have
tested it and been re.
stored to health.
Ti:o Gi:sxga cf
Is the most important period ta a wo
man' existence). Owmsr to modern
methods ot living, not one woman in
a thousand approaches this perfectly
natural change without experiencing
a train of very annoying and aomo
iimea painful symptoms.
Those dreadful hot flashes, sending
the blood surging to the heart until it
scents ready to burst, and the faint
feeling that fallow, sometimes with
chills, aa if the heart were goiug to
stop for good, axe symptoms of a dan-
2 4 - v(i
h ) 1?
ales. Jcxtn XontA
rerous, nervous trouble. Those not
flashes are just so many calls from
nature for help. The nerves are cry
ln out for assistance. The cry should
'w heeded in time. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound was pre
pared to meet the needs of woman's
system at this trying period of her life.
It builds up the weakened nervous
system, and enables a woman to pass,
that grand change triumphantly.
" I was a trery sick woman, caused
by Change of Life. I suffered with hot
fl uJjes, and fainting spells. 1 was
afraid to go on the street, my head and
back troubled me so, I waa entirely
cured by Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegeta
ble Vrn pound." Mrs. Jknms Noble,
(010 Keyscr St, German town, Pa.
Poor Chili
"You've got a little brother," said
the nurse at breakfast "He was
born last night"
"Really," said Tommy, "And last
night was Sunday. Poor kid!"
"Why do you say that?"
"Cause his birthday won't do him
any good. Sunday's a holiday, any
how." Philadelphia Press.
A Waste of Hospitality.
Mrs. Hermitage (of Drearydale) I
believe I will invite the Gothams cut
from the city to spend Sunday with
us, Oscar.
Hermitage (hopelessly) What's
the use, Mary? They don't want to
buy a suburban cottage.. Boston
Accounting for It
"It may be merely fancy," remark
ed Mrs. Seldom-Holme, "but since my
husband commenced drinking the wa
ter from that iron spring he has
seemed to be ten times as obstinate
as he used to be."
"Perhaps," suggested Mrs. Nexdoor,
"the water Is tinctured with pig
iron?" Chicago Tribune.
What Did She Do?
Miss Prism Don't let your dog bite
me, little boy.
Little Boy Ho won't bite, ma'am.
Miss Prism But he Is showing his
Little boy (with pride) Certainly
he is, ma'am; and if you had as good
teeth as he, you'd show 'em, too."
Not So Bad
Mrs. Housekeep Oh, Bridget you
haven't really broken that piece of
Severes? Oh, my! That's the worst
thing you could have broken in the
whole house!
Bridget Faith, Oi'm glad to hear it
wasn't the best mum! Philadelphia
Thrown from His Cab and Kilied.
The following is a most interesting
and, In one respect pathetic tale:
Mr. J. Pope, 42 Ferrar Road, Streat
ham, England, said:
"Yes, poor chap, he Is gone, dead
horse bolted, thrown off his seat on
his cab he was driving and killed
poor chap, and a good sort too, mate.
It was him, you see, who gave me that
half bottle of St. Jacob's Oil that
made a new man of me. 'Twas like
this: me and Bowman were great
friends. Some gentleman had given
him a bottle of St. Jacob's Oil which
had done him a lot of good; he onlj
used half the bottle, and remembering
that I had been a martyr to rheuma
tism and sciatica for years, that I had
literally tried everything, had doctors,
and all without benefit, I became dis-
! couraged, and looked upon it that
there was no help for me. Well," said
Pope, "You may not believe me, for
it is a miracle, but before I had used
the contents of the half bottle of St.
Jacob's Oil which poor Bowman gave
me, I was a well man. There it Is,
you see, after years of pain, after us
ing remedies, oils, embrocations,
horse liniments, and spent money on
doctors without getting any better, I
was completely cured in a few days.
I bought another bottle, thinking the
pain might come back, but it did not,
so I gave the bottle away to a friend
who had a lame back. I can't speak
too highly of this wonderful pain
killer." An Uncalculatint; Hero,
Helen Oh, he Is not at all mercen
ary. Alice But he doubtless knows that
you are worth two millions.
Helen Yes; but he says he would
love me just as much If I wasn't worth
but a mile and a half. Judge.
A Real Wonder.
Bill Have you seen that woman
lightning change artist at the thea
ter? Jill No. Is she good?
Bill Great! Why, she puts on her
bonnet in less than fifteen minutes.
Yonkers Statesman.
Another Trade by David.
The gentleman known as David
Harum stopped the deacon on the
"Deacon," said David, "I'll give
you a dolllar an' my sorrel mare fer
that black colt you're driving."
"Done," said the deacon.
Silk In Pliny's Time.
In the time of Pliny silk was sup
posed to be a vegetable product and
his "Natural History" contains a
long story of the way in which It was
picked from trees in the East Indies
and spun and woven into fabrics.
King Kderar att Csar Mcbalaa Hava
Sevaral Royal Cttelra.
Great Brltaiu has no distinctive and
exclusive throne. Instead, there are
four-the wooden chair, with the slab
ot Scotch stone, la Westminster Abbey,
which has served as the coronation seat
of the monarch of this realm for seven
ceuturles; the sumptuous chair of state
In the House of Lord: the chair on
which the late Queen sat when holding
a drawing room la Buckingham Taiace,
and the gilt arm chair at Windsor, la
which the sovereign sits to receive let
i ' 'I '!
' at' . . . I , .. ''a le .!
t ;H
I "-- ,it
'J Mi fV
J -
ters ot credence or recall from foreign
euvoys, or accord audience to dusky
The Csar of Russia Is even more di
versely throned. Each of a doxen
chairs of state are at various times
styled the Russian throne. The two
most remarkable are the chairs ot Ivan
the Terrible and the one tn St George's
Hall of the Winter Palace at St Pe
tersburg. The former Is of turquoises.
In the back alone there are 10.000 of
these gems. The other chair Is of cost
ly woods, with Ivory and gold, richly
jeweled, and embossed with the Im
perial eagle. The seat is ot ermine, and
the arms are Ivory tusks.
Further east in Teheran, the Shah
displays himself on a white marble
throne, looted from Delhi In 1739. It Is
of Ivory, overlaid with gold, and ablaze
with gems. Its value being estimated at
over 1,000,000.
In 1070 the Dutch possessed CO tons
out of every 100 afloat Now they own
t tons out of each hundred.
The sun's diameter decreases at the
rate of five miles in a century. Its
present diameter Is $'.0,000 miles.
There are twenty-eight pounds of
blood In the body of an average grown
up person, and at each pulsation the
heart moves ten pouuds.
Houses which are damp because of
proximity to undralned land may be
rf.'idsred more habitable by plauting
rthe laurel ami the sunflower near them.
A hotel landlord In St. Louis has es
tablished curfew reflations In his
house. Promptly at 10 o'clock at night
the curfew rings, ami guests at that
time are expected to turn out the lights
and go to bed.
Owing to competition with Spain,
Italy and Northern Africa, where labor
Is cheaper, French farmers nre aban
doning the cultivation of olive groves.
In the department of Marseilles alone
within six months 40.000 olive trees
were uprooted.
It has been calculated that the hair of
the beard grows at the rate of 1 lines
a week. This will give a length of CMi
Inches In the course of a year. For a
man 80 years of age, no less than 27
feet of beard mast have fallen before
the edge of the razor.
The total number of copies of news
papers printed throughout the world In
one year Is estimated at 12,000,000,000.
To print these requires 781.200 tons of
paper. The oldest newspaper is said
to be the KIn-Pau of Pekln, which has
been published continually for over 1,
000 years.
In Tennessee and Georgia the peanut
is known as a goober, In Alabama and
the Western Gulf States a ground pea.
In the Southeast of the United States
and In the West Indies a plndal or pln-
dar, and In various parts of England a
jurnut an earth nut or a manlla nut
To drive ants from the lawn fine coal
ashes sprinkled about the burrows of
ants will cause them to leave. Ashes
may be used on the lawn without Injury
to the grass. Sifted ashes are best,
but those fresh from the stove, shaken
from the stove shovel, will answer the
purpose very well.
The philosopher Confucius, writing of
the great Chinese Emperor Yn, said
that all his efforts could be summarized
In the creation of canals. They were
an effective means of diminishing the
destructive action of torrents and avoid
ing inundations, and at the same time
afforded a source of irrigation.
Women in Old Egypt-'
The religious Egyptian believed bis
ulterior happiness and bis everlasting
union with the divinities in the eternal
world to be wholly dependent upon his
preparations beforehand, and with
these the wife had much to do. She
was, In fact, as the mother of bis chil
dren, his savior and liberator, for none
but a son could pray for the father's
soul on Its way to paradise, and she
was entitled to and received bis hom
age and loyal obedience. In those
days the "gray mare was the better
horse," and she was treated accord
ingly. .
Durability of Plate Glass.
It has been ascertained that plate
glass will make a more durable monu
ment than the hardest granite.'
Live Fish Sales In Berlin.
More living fish are sold in Berlin
than In any other market in the worjd.
Success Is Yours If You
. Want It.
The Best Way to Improve Spare
You cannot get up, la the world
without making an effort, and that
effort must be well directed. Make
up your mind what you want to be
and never glv up until you have ac
complished it. Kven one hour a day
wisely applied to study will not only
give you a better education, but will
raise you to a higher position In lite.
Untold advancement la education
has been made by the inauguration ot
the correspondence system. Nowa
days no one within reach ot a post
olUce has any excuse for lacking a
good education. Such edueetloa is
now within the reach ot every young
man and woman la the Pacific North
west We give Instruction by mail
a method of teaching which has
proved abundantly satisfactory. Wit
ness the responsible positions held
by thousands of those who have ob
tained a large part of their education
by correspondence. We offer you a
choice ot S3 studies .arranged la the
following courses: Commercial (In
cluding Bookkeeping. Stenography,
etc.,) Mathematical, Historical. Eng
lish and Scientific, and Ancient and
Modern languages. Our field Is lim
ited to the Pacific Coast thus enab
ling us to give quick returns and the
closest attention to the Individual stu
dent For all information address
Pacific Coast
Correspondence Institute
Portland, Oregon.
lvlYe mt ewte. mm tttlm ssf. will mmt
mppmmf mmut .
Side Show Cosstp.
"The Armless Wonder Is a cute
"What's he been up to now?"
"Sent a specimen ot his writing,
done with his toes, to a woman ,who
makes a business ot reading charac
ter from handwriting. But she was
cute, too. She wrote back that he
must be left-handed. Philadelphia
Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
children during the teething period.
A Base Motive.
Von Blumer I didn't come down
to this hotel over Sunday to spend
the night dancing or the day in
playing golf, or the interval in talk
ing to a lot of idiots.
Mrs. Von Blumer (Indignantly)
No; of course not! The only thins
you care about is getting rested.
One Woman Rescued From Death
by Another.
"If it had not been for one of my
friends I would not be bere to tell
the tale."
These were the words of Miss Fran
ces. Hathaway, of No. 410 Pine street,
Kalamazoo, Mich., whose interview
is published in the Holland, Mich.,
"It is really remarkable that I did
not lose my Jifo," she said. "When
I was 16 years old was taken ill. I
was pale and weak ami grew easily
tired and tlio family doctor seemed
unable to help me stall."
"Didn't you try any other physi
cians?" asked the newspaperman.
"Yes, but they did not help me
either. My parents tried various
remedies and treatment but I only
kept getting, worse. By the time I
was 19 years old I was thin and blood
less as a ghost."
"What did the doctors call your
disease?" inquired the reporter.
"They said my blood had turned
to water and I had anaemia. I felt
dreadful. It was about this time that
Miss Huntley advised me to try Dr.
Williams Pink Pills for Pale People,
as she had been cured of a somewhat
similar trouble by their uso. I bought
a box and before I had taken all the
pills I found that they were doing me
good. My appetite increased and the
healthy color began to show in my
cheeks and lips. I continued to use
the pills until I had taken fifteen
boxes when I found myself entirely
"Have you ever had any return of
the trouble?" aeked the reporter.
"No; never a bit. I cannot re
member a time when I was as strong
and healthy as now. I know that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
saved my life and I believe that no
other medicine could have done so."
Anaemia is not the only disciuo
which succumbs to the potent influ
ence of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. They are an unfailing
specific - for such diseases as loco
motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the
after-effects of the grip, palpitation of
the heart, pale and sallow complex
ions and all forms of weakness either
in male or female. They are sold
by all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N. Y. Price 60 cents per box; six
boxes, $2.50.
Postoffices and Population,
At the close of the fiscal year of
1900 there were 76,688 postoffices In
the United States, or one to every
1000 inhabitants.
Just About
Uncle Jason (at the seaside hotel)
What's the difference between the
American and European plans, John?
Galey Oh! about the same differ
ence as between embezzlement and
robbery. Puck. ,
Too Much for Her.
"Yes, Mrs. Bouncer wanted to send
her daughter to Bryn Mawr, but she
decided on Vassar."
"What Influenced her decision?"
"She couldn't pronounce Bryn
Mawr." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Turntaj the Tables. ,
Mrs. Newbrlde isn't at all satisfied
with her husband's salary.
No; she says it Isn't nearly so
good as her father used to make.
Boston Journal.
- "1
Ila bull (waring In tnrn.fsJil.
Turns Iiwly lo tha wiuii.
Kail In-aruiKS Utrimt in wl'wli limirlin
Uehivst rututitt t)itKiUtt-s and rirvui
(rvsiest amount of i.or Ut ntmlHS.
lialvaivUi'tl ailvr Inaklnf, I'ul ligthr
will! itlvnU,t tmtu. il..iiltMiutt.,l j U4
I'su ran mm or nt 1hum and raulv.
Wflsht rvautaton I'itkhi n-itolfttlim. Nt
rrlxa rltais tvnawm with vvrv olisnu
wl ti'mtwrsloiv, ami (trow er wlltt all,
hrpalrs alwars on Itntui.
Tin iIiIiiks ara woilli innnrf to Ton.
Then why not bur a START
N. JT. 1. V.
No. l-IV0t,
WHKX wrltlnf u advertisers is
smkUm this nape.
g. p. nuzmiEuu & sons.
ItQ t cf 9t t Wmuktnmfm t, JVrti'a)), Or ova.
Tho Leading and Hollattlo Fuprlarm of tha Horthwot
rur'oi, C, Collritlt. lioas, H., Matt In all tl ylilonalii tura,
l"ur TrtiumioiM. Utitirs and litiua. tmul fur L'aiuloaua.
ItotitM and
Pur remodeled and repaired.
W'rlto us.
Why Pay High Prices?
For WATCH KS, WAMONI S an I JKWKI ItV alien yon can boy on
redeemed plrdgfa fr Amount of Money Loaned with Interest at the
Portland Loan Office, 'VViJa&o,,.
Ntw Jewelry at 40 pr rem, lowar
She IWI.vtd Kim.
Wlgg--She Is very susceptible to
Wagg I should say so. I once told
her she was as sweet as honey, and
would you believe It? the very
next day she had hives. Philadel
phia Record.
- Polka Dot Rev:lllon "
Bishop W. A. Chandler has been
talking to the St. Louis southern
Methodist ministers on the higher
criticism and tho tendency to ritual
ism In tho church. He deprecates
special musical programmes and paid
choirs and soloists. Tho higher crit
icism , he declares. Insists on a "sort
of polka dot revelation."
Fwnusnonll Ourert. ; HI or lrono
after ft rM 1'. if t" hlm-'ilirr.i Nrv
Rrt.r. Rod.) Ir P K K r. S J.00 tr ul I-.tlk. rl Ural-
Is. Ds.K.11 uhs,ii..wi AM'Uxurmisorii.uia,r
Accnrate Description, .
"What kind of a cover la this on
your umbrella?" said the inquisitive
"Well," answered the unblushing
person, "Judging by the way It came
into my possession, and the way It
will probably depart, I should call it
a changeable silk." Exchange.
Pise's Cure for Consumption is an infal
lible mrdicuie for rough and colds.- N.
W. yMUsu Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
luoo. . . , .....
Starting. Out Fair.
Archlo Say are you our new
Nurse Yes, dear.
Arcchie Well, I want to tell you
now that I'm one of tho Uys that
you will have to manage by kindness,
so you'd better get some spongo cake
and oranges right away.
A Terrible Mistake.
"Sir," said the Indignant customer
to the proprietor, "I have a complaint
to make.
"What Is the trouble?"
"I ordered Ice cream soda, sir, and
when I stirred It up I found ice cream
In It. Don't let It occur again, sir."
Mr. Pathlot This country has
maintained a standing army for
many, many years.
Ills Wife Goodness sake, Henry!
They ought to be dreadfully tired!"
Ohio State Journal.
1 Echo of the Census.
"So your name Is Paddy O'Nara.
Are you skilled?"
"Am I phwat?"
"Are you up in your occupation?"
"No. Oi'm down. Oi'm a coal min
er, sor." Exchange.
Italy's Woman Lawyer.
Slgnorlna Teresa Labortoll is the
first woman lawyer In Italy. She has
passed her examination with honors,
but, as she does not desire to advo
cate the "new woman" she determin
ed not to practice.
Mis Answer. ,
"Pa," said Willie, looking up from
his book, "What's the 'Spirit of '76,'
"SDlrlt of 78." his na replied. "I
guess that's any twenty-five year old
wnisKoy." muaaeipnia tress.
Artificial Means.
Elaine Did you notice the mean
way that Smythe girl sneered at my
new hat?
Gladys Yes; but those sneers were
only artificial means. Ohio Stute
"Oh, I don't know," remarked the
optimist. "After all, you'll find the
milk of human kindness."
"Huh!" grunted the cynic. "What
you do find Is usually the condensed
variety." Philadelphia Press.
Heard Nothing of the War.
Sven Hedln, the explorer, reached
Ctiarkhllk in the heart of China, last
April, without hearing of the troubles
in the eastern part of the empire. He
found the Chinese polite and oblig
ing. Summer Resolutions
iieeley Cure
Cnre relief fi om Honor, opium and tobooou
habits. Band lor partloular to
foslflV IlKtiflitn Moved to 490 Williams
fcBBlBy inSlllUIB, Ave., Portland, Oregon.
Bright Man Wanted.
WANTED A bright yonng manor
woman to represent us in each local
ity. A good opportunity for steady
andlucrativeemployment. Address,
10 LewU Bulldlnif ,
lth and Morrison St., . 1'OilTLAND, ORE
JOHN P00L8, Portland, Oregon,
i fool of Horrlsoa Strssb
Can give yoa the beat bargains lit
Ituu'ifies, Moan. Holler and Kniiiuo,
Win. 'null and Puittni sni General
Machinery. Hr ut before buying.
...Columbia University.
Academic and Collegiate Halls.
cochsks, Murary, iManillto aud
t'mutniTolnl. for rUiinlnr apply to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, PresldVnl,
I'nirer.iljr I'ark, I'ortUutt, Orvfon.
Ivi'iiii I'nti iTirn ismt
tlisu at any Jewelry Store In I'orMetid,
Reckless. . . .
First Bullfrog (swimming) I sea
your husband enjoying a stroll on tha
Second Bullfrog (swimming wor
rled) Yes; and it's right after din
ner; whereas, he knows perfectly
well he should never go out of the
water until two hours after eating,
Brooklyn Englo.
Possession Is Everything,
Ethel Oli ,mnmmn, It's awful hot
here in the suu.
Mother Well, why don't you move,
KthHl 'Causo I got here first
Youfh Versus Aje.
Mr. Boreum (dyspetlcally) My
dear, I can taste thnt lemon pie that
we had at dinner yesterday, tonight.
Willie Boreum (longingly) Gee!
I wish I could Boston Herald.
An Important Point.
"There Is no doubt that this scheme
will pay." said the promoter.
"Yes.", answered tho purchaser of
the stork, I suppose so. But who Is
to get the money?" Washington Star.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Fac-Stmllo Wrapper ftalow.
Tears' a as all aa4 aa easrf
ta take assagsje.
S aw.
tisvAn't a rosular. health, morflmnnt of ttut
Dowels every dtty, you ro sick, or will be. Keep your
bowels oien, ana be well. Furoe, In the .nape ot
violent ihyalo or pill poison, Is dangerous. The
nmooilioftt, imnlimt, most perfect way of keeping tbe
bam tit oluitr and oleaa It to take
.Pleasant, PalntaMe, Potent, Taste Oootl.DoOnoft.
r"evnr HloKon, Weaken, or Orliie, loo, We. Write
for free sample, and booklet oh health.' Address
SUrllsi Bnswly empsey, CMos Statfml, Ira Isrk. SMS
if fm
-l CUM
I j Best Cot
sl " "
CUHtS WHLlih AIL H it 1411 S.
j Best Cough byritp. Taatus Good. IT S3
,1 in time, noin ny dniiwutn.