mmm close. THURSDAY.' OCTOBER, 24. foot.- - . . NOTICE. iiH-timinil (iillmm mnni. nn tttnmfrfl llilo pitT th- It-mtiug tf iw rrtiiliim iif H sn diet invite (mt :Ttmt tn "( m hy bfiwHMtHitiiHM. . A-i u ti-wo miwjl we i ftiri li il vtrtt.-r. ?mt Vwwrllv fr 1 I:i"alimi."ll H HMrViilflHf") "xl MltJl. .4 .Mit n.-ti ut ewMimu.H i.o, . ,,J I 1 Pill.. 1 L- - -.- rM Fridrfy. ' The Alitor oF an exeWnge'vf bl?e W Harrison" vfuWnrolWTn the la in an ironical mood the other day ( termite MoudHy. penned the following: I fuWitf thol Ulerarr r .i ,fi ..' ' Si-ietv met last Friday and an interest- "To run a newspaper all a ft How has to do is to be able to write t,B ; ,, trtl ,h!tt tl)t(- tey, would poems, discuss thetaritTand money j,..IVe to do better next linre. fcfrestion, umpire a bast-ball game, . , , ' l i Mr. and Mrs. Charl e Richmond and fettott a Wedding, saw wood, boat a . . , , . , , ' r , - ' , (their children are at the Condon hotel lawyer, ttoenh a fire so that the LhU week Mr Richmond having been reader vrill fhed their wraps, make ,n0Ved to town for further treatment of ft riollar do the wor a ot ten, snine. At a soiree, address horticulture aocieties, measure calico, abuse the liquor habit, test whiskey, subscribe to chartiy, go without meals, attack free silver, defendbimitalisui, sneer at snobbery, wear diamonds, invent Advertisements, overlook scandal, praise babies, delight pumpkin raisers, minister to the afflicted, lieal lire disgruntled, fight to a fin lift, publish djetor's kicks about the lawyers, set type, mould opin- ions, sweep the flice, speak at prayermeeting and stand in with everybody and everyt hing.'' Stops the Cough and works off the Cold, laxative Eromo Quinine Tablet eutf a Pot J Id one dy. No Care, no Pay. Price 3 eeuts Conditions of famine in a number of densely populated districts in Russia are simply appalling. Not since the great famine of 1891-92 has the 6tress been so great or the outlook so gloomy. The government is bestirring itself to prevent whole sale starvation in these districts, but the suffering will be great and the death rate, especially among children necessarily large. The class of people afflicted by famine learn nothing from experience but continue year after year processes of reproduction out cf all proportion io their means or assurance of subsist ence. Nature running to excess in one way corrects her blunders at more or less regular periods by kill ing off the surplus. The process in volves much human suffering, but it is nature's way and will be pur sued until man learns that it can be turned asida by reason and not by wailing or by prayer.-Oregonian Cafe De Schriver. On accoont of ordinary delays in in augurating any new business Mr. Schri ver informs us that his new restaurant, which will be known by the above cap tion, is not yet folly prepared to accom modate the public. The lunch counter is now open and all kinds of shell fish, clams, crabs etc, smelt, salmon, and other fine fish foods are now on hand. He makes a specialty of the finest Blue point eastern oysters for eale, either at the lunch counter or by the can. Mr. Schriver expects to have a first class cook in the establishment in a few days when he will be prepared to cater to the most fastidions tastes in the line of fine eata bles. Hungry people will always look lor Cafe De Schriver. J. R. Clark leaves this morning for Hood River. G. W. Rinehart went to Arlington this morning. Mrs S. A. Maddock is visiting at Port Kind and The Dalles. Alex and Dave Hardie were in town ring the week. At a council meeting held Monday evening the salary of the marshal was cut offend that officer's pay now consists of constable's fees. Ho provision was made for a waterworks manager and the question is, "Who will care for the winJ-RHft now?" A Typical South African Store. 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays Kiver, Cape Colony, conducts a store typ ical of South Africa, at which anythtng can be purchased from the proverbial "neklle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station and about twenty five miles from the nearest town. Mr. Larson says: "I am favored with the cus tom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have snpplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to their value iu a household where a doc tor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the popula tion is perhaps sixty. Of these, within the past twelve months no less than four teen have been absolutely cured by Cha mberlain's Cough Remedy. This must urely be a record. For safe by Hudson Tharmacy. This signature la on every boa of tlte gonalne Laxative Bromouwitr. va.ueu fc remedy that curea a cole la 1 1 tnf Subscribe for The Globe All the news, ll.oO a year, advertising medium. rnjiruvtruvtiru uv.TJVxnjiAArinAa opunm MHTFQ 5 i C FRKD ANDERSON. KriTa ovoriruuv innnjviAni i Fred rinkhain visited tins, ksl tfeek. ' M hStnl Lancaster was enrolled la theGlh Igfu'ta Wednesday. lUve PtVlhte and Mure Whyte entered l. ,k K.H . 1- Mr M. O. Clarke visited the school hi broken kneecap troin wincn ne nas been suffering since August AJAX. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan of Cor- valiia.are visiting Mrs. Buchanan's sis ter Mrs. Fred Adlard. - Mrs. Frank Marvel, ot Schuttler Flat, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adlard the lint of the week. Eltin Myers of Condon visiteJ the I bnrg Friday and Saturday. Oscar Malev and wife attended the ball given at Arthur Myers Friday night. Con Schntt of Rock Creek rode for horses in this vicinity last week. Clift Maley is very busy putting iu his fall grain. Ed. Talnier visited his home Sunday. John Steiger returned from the mount ains with his sheep last week. Wm. Adlard and wife visited his par ents Mr ami Mrs. Fred Adlard Sunday. Mrs. Ed Palmer and famtlv visited her mother, Mrs Maley, Saturday and Sun' day. Topsv, The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should ever leave home without a bottle ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Retuidy. For sale by Hodson's Pharmacy. ARLINGTON NOTES. S. S. Cole was in Monday on business. Sherman Wade was iu from Olex on business Monday. C. E. White shot a 20 oound salmon near the ferry boat Sunday. Chas. McAllister came up from Trout dale Sunday on business. A. Ferenbacher and daughter were np from the "Nook" Monday. Mose McKinney and family wera in from the Creek Monday. Ray Cunningham is having a number of horses broke for cavalry purposes. J. W. Redford was kicked by a horse Friday and had bis left arm broken. C Schott, a Rock Creek veteran, was in shaking bands with the old timers Monday. A Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will probably ba organized here next month. M. E. Weir and wife returned from the Portland Carnival Sunday and went on to their borne at Mayville Monday. Quite a number of geese have been kill ed here already. Some of the boys of Blalock went out and got 27 one day last week. A. Smythe & Son crossed a band of sheep to the Washington side Sonday. They will run several bands near Arling ton this winter. Ben Ward who has been in charge of Wm. Smith's sheep in the mountains this summer, was in town Sunday. He reports the Smith sheep in better fix than any he has seen this fall. While B. F. Tennis and Mr. Phillips, of Rock Creek were on their way to Ar lington Saturday, their horses ran away and they had a narrow escape frqjii in jury. As it was the buggy only suffered. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brmo Quinine Tablet. AU druggist refund the money if it Calls tp core E. W. Grove's nil; tuitu re la on each box. 25c ROCK CREEK. Robt Spencer has purchased a new buggy. Willie Johnson baa returned to his home at Glenco. Miss Elda Flett has returned borne from Juniper Canyon, i Robert McKinney and wife have re turned from their wedding trip. 80 mner Patterson and John Flett are at Heppner this week with cavalry horses. JohnChaney was here Sunday driv ing with his best girl. When is the great event going to happen John? SCHOOL STOUKIXGS For boys and girls. , We have a double kneed stocking that is guaranteed to resist wear and tear as bravely as good mate rial and workmanship can. They are the cheapest you cau buy for your boy or girK The celebrated "Iron clad" brand. For sale by V. II. Stephenson. Astounding Discovery. From Coopersville, Mich., comes word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a bad cngh always insures a good night's rest. "It will cure the cough too," writes Mrs. S. Himelbtuger, "for three generations of our famiiy have used Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption and never found its equal for Coughs and Colds." It's an unrivaled life-saver when need for desperate lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50 cents and $1.00 at the Condon Pharmacy. Trial bottles free. iuvuvvrvuvrvro City Lots For Sale. Having recently secured the Condon Townsite from the Arlington National Bank, I beg to announce to the public that I will offer a limited number of choice residence and business locations at the old scale of prices, t do this to accommodate a number of persons who were about to close deals for the purchase of lots at the time the proper ty was taken from the market a few weeks ago by the for mer owners. NOW IS THE TIME to secure BARGAINS in Condon real estate. " If you wait until the railroad reaches Condon you may exp.ect to see prices double up rapidly. Condon is now one of the best business points in East ern Oregon and with the won derful resourcesof thecountry still practically undeveloped, it is sure to continue to grow in population and wealth. This section is bound to have better transportation facilities in the near future and Condon seems destined to become the terminus of such a road. Now is the time to get on the band wagon without using a step-ladder. I will also conduct a gener al real estate business. List your property with me. For particulars call on or address J. E. Lancaster, Condon, Ore. Office in Globe building. SHERIFF SALE. Notice U hereby given that an execution and order of le to Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Gilliam County, on the 16th. day of Oct, 1901, upon a decree therein rendered on the 16th. day of Sept, 1901, in favor of Charle W. White plaintiff, and ngalnot John GroM.defendant, which said exe cution and order of sale is to me directed and commanding me to sell the property hereinafter described, for the purpose of satisfying the judgement of the plaintiff in saki cause for the snm of three hundred seventy five and 75-100 dollars ($375.75) and 175.00 attorney'sfees and the con to and disbursements of said suit, taxed at 112.00, Therefore, in compliance with said execution and order of sale, I will on J9ATCEDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1901, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the Court House door fn Condon, Gilliam Comity, Oregon, sell at public auction to' the highest bidder for cash in band, for the purpose of satisfying the Judgement and decree above mentioned, the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of Section 26, In Township 4 South ofJRange 21 East of Willamette Meridian, in Gilliam Coauty, Oregon. Dated this 16th day ot October, 1901. W. L. Wilcox, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Oregon. Sam E. Vak ViCToB, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, la Bankruptcy. In the matter of Jennie J. Scogglns, a bank rupt. To the creditors of Jennie J. Scoggins, of Olex, in the CoHnty of Gilliam, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt Notice is hereby given tbat on the eighth day of October, A. D, 1901, the said Jennie J. Scog glns, was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the flrwt meeting of her creditors will be held at Condon, in Gilliam County, Oregon, on the fourth day of November, A. D. 1901 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at hicfc time the saM creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the baukrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Edward Dunn, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated at Condon this 21st day of October, 1901. Reward Notice. I will pay a reasonable reward for the delivery at my ranch 3 miles north of Condon or for information leading to the recovery of the following described stock : 1 old red cow with white calf fol lowing her; 1 dark red cow dehorned ; about 1ft head of yearling steers and heif ers. All of this stock is branded J A con ected, on left hipor ribs and part of them have a bar ( )over the letters. Earmark crop off right swallow fork on left. Also 1 2-year-ohl Hereford . boll branded FB counected on right hip. A. S. Rice, r orut AAruvtAAn rinnruvvruvrirj 2 t Oft t.Atin PVl'fl your' ocketbook . MANY A DOLLAR Best Table OIL CLOTH Nice Colors 20c - n a yard SEND TOR SAM PLES. POSTAGE PAID BY "US ON MAIL ORDERS. nru-uvuwuuuruu Wall Paper. I will close ont my big stock of wall paper, window shades etc., at cut prices. I have just received a big stock of modern np-to-date patterns. Call early and se cure bargains. W. A. D.vrUVO. Estray Notice. Came to my place on Thirty mile, abont IS months ago a bay mare and colt. Mare lame on fore leg. Branded J on left hip. Owner should call, pay charges and take stock away or it will be sold according to law. Whyte, Oct. 7, 1901. Condon, Ore. Purely Business. Baths Hot and cold water, clean tow els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel. Folding lunch boxes for sale at Clarke & Frazer's. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to April 1, 1900, will be paid upon pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. lj 1901 . , P. II. Stephbnhon, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. G. L. Neal, the well known auction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his care. If you have property to sell consolt bim. SHERIFF SALE. Notice Is hereby lven that an execution and order of sale was issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Gilliam County, on the 16th. day of October, 1901, upon a decree therein rendered ol the 18th. dsy of September, 1901, In favor of John Denny ns executor of the last will and testament of Eliza Denny, deceased, plain tiff and against Gertrude J. Denny, as executrix of the last will and testament ol O, N. Denny, deceased, and Gertrude J. Denny defendants which said execution and order of sale is to me directed and commanding me to sell the proper ty hereinafter described, lor the purpose of satis fying the judgement of the plaintiff In said cause for the sum of Eighteen Thousand Three Hundred Fifty three and 35-100 Dollars, with in terest thereon at 6 per cent per annum, from the 18 day of September, 1901, and the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at 114 25 and 1500.00 attorney's fees and Interest thereon at 6 per cent per auntrm from September 18, 1901. Therefore, In compliance with said execution and order of sal, I wlli on 8ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1901, at the hoar of 11 o'clock, a. m. at the Court House door In Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in band, for the purpose ol satisfying the Judgement and decree above mentioned the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: Lot 19, 20, 21 and 22 in Block B. Block C. Block 1 lying south of Block 11. Block 2 lying west of Columbia street Lots 2, 4, 8, 9, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 In Block 5. Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 6. Lotel, 2, 3,4, S, 8, 9, 10, 18, ), 21 and 22 iu Block 7. Lot 1, 2, 3. 4,5.6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, IS and 17 in Block 8. Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5,6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, 19, 22, 23 and 24 in Block 9. All of Block 10 except Lot 23 and 24. Lot 1,2,8,4,5,0,7,8,9, 10,11,15,16,17.18 and 19 in Block 11, All of Block 12. Lot 6. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 15 and 16 in Block IS. Allot Block and 15, Lots 8 and 20 in Block 4. Block 2 lying south of A street and Block 1 lying west of Columbia street. All In Denny's addition to the town of Arlington, in Gilliam County, Oregon. . Dated this 19th. day ol October, 1901. ( W. u Wilcox, '. Sheriff of Gilliam CoHnty, Oregon I irmnnnrunnrinjinnnnnrumri Splendid Specimens Superior Skill I the expression of almost every person who has examined samples of work executed at this office. Superior printing Is the kind you want. Work that is done in a slovenly manner Is the kind that neither pays the business man nor the printer. AU the printing sent out from this ottlce is neat and attractive. S. A. PATTISON THE Cj 1-UuUSHKB rjTJxrinjvuuwuirutruirutrt THE INTERIOR WAREHOUSE GO. . HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR GRAIN GENERAL WAREHOUSE BUSINESS- CONDUCTED BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO , M'C'RS. ARLINGTON, BLALOCK, DOUCLAS, I0NE Watch this space THIS FALL IT WILL SAVE YOU WE DEL IN EVERYTHING And take pride in assur. "' " 1 1 '" ing our patrons that io dealing with us they get the benefit of first-class goods, fair treatment and honest prices. Our line of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc., is the climax of fashionable footwear. Our fall and winter underwear will give comfort and preserve health in the winter season, and, no matter what kind of quality you want, we can suit you. All goods marked in plain figures. A child can buy as cheap as a man. Cour teous, conscientious clerks. Big new assortment of Dress Goods Dress Linings Trimmings LORD & COMPANY ARLINGTON, OREGON Pullman Ordinary Sleepers The tourist travel between the East and the racifio Coast has reached enor mous proportions in the last few years, ami calls for a special class ot equipment. To meet this demand the Pullman Co. has Issued from its shops what It tech nically calls the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper," These cars appear similar to the regular sleepers being built on the same plan, but not furnished with the same elegnnce. They are equipped with mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases, towels, combs, brushes, ect. , requiring nothing of the kind to be furnished by the passenger. Each car has a stoe for making tea and colloe and doing "light housekeeping", ami each section can befitted with an adjust able table. A uniformed porter accom panies each car, his business being to make up berths; keep the car clean, and look after the wants and comforts of the passengers. In each of the trains which are dispatched daily from Portland by the O. R. & N. Co. is to be found one of these "Pullman Ordinary Sleepers". The car attached to the "Chicago-Portland Special" goes through to Chlcego without change, and the one in the "Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas City without change. Passengers in this car for Chicago change to a similar carat Granger. Much of the first class travel is being carried in these cars, the rates being lower, and the service nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates end full information, includ ing folders' write to A. L. Ckaio, General Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co, Portland, Oregon. Quararjteed j000 Salary Yearly Men and women ol good address to represent us, some to travel appointing agent, others for local work looking alter our interest. $900 salary guaranteed yearly; extra com missions and expenses, repaid advancement old established house. Grand chance for earn est man or woman to secure pleasant, perma nent position, liberal Income and future. New, brilliant lilies. Write at once. STAFFORD PRESS, 23 Church St.. New Haven, Conn. CONDON SHOE SHOP I am now on deck with a com plete outfit of shoemaker's tools for either new or repair work. SHOES MADE TO ORDER. ' Shop in south room of Fix bnilding where I will be fonnd, at all times ready for business. Satisfaction guaranteed. OTIS W. PHOPST. ; of A RIGID SCRUTINY OP OUR SAMI'IsREVEALS NOTHING BUT GOODNESS CONCOH GLOBE PRINTERY truAiArLftAnruxannnru IT'3 EASIKR TO BEE ..Your profit... THAN OUR PROFIT nnjwiruvvr Best Table OIL CLOTH Nice Colors 20c a yard xnnnniwvwnnnt THE ODD CENTS YOU SAVE HERB COUNT UP VERY C RAPIDLY. oSjvtninnnwtnnrui. The Arlington Saloon C. W. WHITE & CO., PROPRIETORS Fine domestic and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bil liard and Tool tables run in connection. First-clas gooda is our pride. Fresh, coot MILWAUKEE DEEU kept conetantljr oil draught. Our constantly increasing patronage testifies to the fact that we understand how to please our customers. MAIN STREET Condon, : : : Oregon KERR CIFFOR & CO., PROPS. ...GRAIN... Stored with us will receive the careful attention of experienced! warehousemen. Barb wire, nails, salt, sugar, lime, cement', feed and mill stuff always on band in any quantities. Gen eral storage and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON trtnnivinjvirinnruxruinjvuxruu The Condon Barn Only first-class Livery and rigs and good teams, Special attention to all stock left In our tare. Large, strong corrals in connection. Our terms are reas onable and we solicit your patronage; Springston & Rogers, Proprietors ruxriruirumruvuinnruiruxrwutnn FOR OUR CUSTOMERS FINEST STEAKS AND CHOICEST BEEF. A L NEW STORE AT ALVILLE WE HAVK JUST OPENKD AN KLEGANT STOCK OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CTOTHINO, G KOL'K HI Ert, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TOBACCO, CANDIES, KTt, IN KERRY CANYON, AND CORDIALLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAUF LOW PRICES, FAIR TREATMENT AL & L. E. MCC0NNELL Under New Kentucky Liquor Store . COMPLETE STOCK OF FINEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE FAMOUS HOP GOLD BEER ON DRAUGHT. REIPLINGER & BATES, PROP'S, Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore exiting between the undersigned lin lieou dissolved by mutual consent. 'All accounts due the old firm are now duo and payable to J. F. Wood, M. I). . J. F. Gt'l-LETTE, M. D. J. F..Woo,'M. 1. r. wood, m r. hyafofan Ancf Sdrgoon lHy ami itliX promptly imwrrwl omit Maui trvvt mmr Hifii(. WN'lHltf,' . OUR.' ATTORN EV8 ATLaW THK PAt.lM t)K.?lO.-T. Qtt. n. rv ncfiru, RESIDENT Ol'MTIST AKMXUTOX, OHKilOK. Will bt lu ('(tixlim I lie lint work III wl'hWntif ctimrat'iit'lnK July 'Mh, frtiwii llrlilno ami I'laltt work a cllty.; TwtlctmvM without pant. All work sjttar'.' aiitwU, CONItON OKKIt'K OVKU . WlhtiONtf I'IUKMaCW frtist( Barber. Sleek Shaves . and Hair-cutsfr Razors r)'orud and re-R round COHDOH - ORECOII. OTs. EBI, ntontiiiTuit of SODA h4 liQTTllXG It OXA'S Manufacturer of Soda, Orange and Champagne Ctdvr, Sarnaparllla and Iron and all other Soft ami Carbonated Drinks. Condon trade U respect fully solicited. Orders promptly fillttd! Arlington, Ore. BRANCH HOUSES: BLALOCK, Q0INN Feed Stable in the city. Fine new ROASTS CUT FROM COOD THINCS AT JOHN JACKSON'S Management. ARLINGTON, ORE. L. NICKUN, DENTIST Office m Dekinn Building, rortlnnd, Oregoa. Will be In Condon on or about October iilit. to remain for a short lime ' j. )