THE COi!DO:i GLOBE i i1. uxjjia 'iu-iautijauu . THURfOAYi OOTOBSM If, 1001. .-jic-ia ,x ". ,". ft . 'am -g - THI OFFICIAL PkPt Of OIU.IAM COUNTY. ORtOON, LOCAL NEWS. Mr Cuandtt I on tbt tick Hit. John Drart It dawn wltii Inflamma tory rlituuiaUtu. , Mr. A III DaMlng V lilted frlsudi at May villa Batnrday. The Clark faintly hsldart-unlon at Geo. Real' residence Sunday. Mr and Mm. 0. W. White cams In from I'aperuck Tuesday. - Mr. and Mr. Wu. Hiiell. n Ol, 1 Ited friend In town daring tin wttk. J. II. tMf tht wll known eltlsen of lxne It n in town for M hour or eo Monday, "I; Mr.tnd Mr J. p. tlrelner and Ml Kdna Mahimy, of Mayvlllt, Vjllud Mr. ml Mn Kd Dunn Sunday. ' ' ' Charlie RU'hniuiid had Mrloui spell Tiidy ii(4it At tha liotof, but wat nil right again yaslardav morning. Oil 1 1'ropH liai opened a boot and hoa hop n tha aDutli rtxjin o t!i Fix building. tot ad in thla leantv A ninth ir of Uml-mita attand! J Urn at Oiei trlday mninf and re ported a rlna lime. John Walaer did tha broncho act on Main atrfat Monday morning and cam out victorious, 1. a. ha roda tha horaa. Rsv. Kdward Ctrran wll occupy tha pii I pi I of tha 0 Higrfg4iliM efyurch of thia place nest Sunday buth) morning and availing. , Mill Mllit Lambersun waa seriously 111 l a (aw day laat week 8halavUltlng liar (later, Mrs. 8. J. Coutart In Carry Canyon. I'rof. Himiuooa paad tlirongh here Hunday on lila way toLnnt Rock whera li axprcttd to obtain a poaltion In tha I'uMlo echoul of that placa. ' Joe Uudd wa In town Saturday from Olf. Jot la a bachelor yet but that la not saying that aomt foollali woman U nut ml ulng tht chancaof her if. T. L. Nlcklln tht wall known dentiat write ui that ha at pacta (ott In Condon on or about tha SI it. Set hft cardial other column. ' . '. . . , ; " J. K. Lancaster went W irWtigUu Monday on a business trio. Hi son Faul who baa been at actios! la Spokane returned with him, . C. L. liaker and family have returned to Condon from Pendleton. They will reiide In Uie Armatrong hoaee until they can build a house of their own, CUrk A McCabt tilt photographers with to announce that they will remain 'in Condun nntil tht first ef net twees when they w ill move to Lone Rork. R, K. Searcy stood t'.it trip to Arlington Ant-rate lait week. After reaching that plura ha decided to Map there awbil for treatment befort proceeding to Portland. Mr. and Mn. W'm. Campbell left Mon day fur an Eastern trip, - The will vil li tha 1'iflalo titltkn aid abo fieir old home near Toronto Canada. The lout Itiblt which was"kdvrtUed (or in the laU lasu of thaUuonw by Mr. Otia I'ropH waa return! to thla office Friday morning It paya to advertise In the ji.ohk. J I. B. Sonthworth will well III peraonal proiierty at public auction at l)' home in Mivvllle prvcinct Monday Oct. 28 1001 ftta ad in thia iisut kUo billi printed at thia office. j , II. II. Little oi Ariltti'toa wailtere veittdnv invefftlng IN Ouhdon real en title, lit bought twd Iota near W. A. Derling'e pro(N?rty, and will botfdfand uiove hia family litre af 6m. U. W. Binehart la agent (of lhft,llfeof Win, McKlnley written by Colonel U. W. Towniend with an Introduction by Jai. It. Young. It la a work of great Interett and no doubt Mr Binehart trill place a large order in thla vicinity Newt Lotidermilk, wbftu been in tha mountains all mtuimet with aheep reach ed town the Ant of tht week. Newt aaye be ha not lout any cold lead recently ao he kept off the disputed rnngt when rifle practice waa tht order of tht day. Dr, Wood performed a aaccetefnl oper atfbn on a deformed foot of the 8-montb old child of Mr. and Mre. Charlie Carter on Tueaday. The operation waa entire ly aucoeaaful and tht little fellow eeemed h jolly an uaual a few houra afterward. Can Slinpion got In from the monnt " win 5nffwtth nta tm.i r .t.p. Caaa telia ii Irieuda aomt atoriea of lift and eiperjencea in tht Grant county lii lit) which art calculated to curdle the blood and elevate tht hair. B it he got back alive and with a full flock of sheep just tht lain. Mr. and Mr. Alec Duthie have return ed from their trip to Portland, where they went to enjoy a vacation and take in the Carnival. They report a highly enjoyable trip. Their eon, Alex jr. who wmit with them 111 f t- m The Dalle re-entered achool there where he ia taking the ninth grade course. Admiral Schley ha been placed on the retired liat having reached theage limit which bring to him that dlstinc tlndion, - It la fortunate he waa not re tired prior to the buttle of Santiago. If be had been the country might have lout the buttle and also tht excitement of the present Investigation. Cha. Bennett a pioneer of Oregon, who resides in Lane county, I here vis iting hia old friend 0. W. Binehart Mr. Bennett came to Oregon in '63 and vrnq out of the party who took what ia railed the cut-off. route via Harney Lake. The party suffered untold hardidiip bnt finally reached tht Willamette valley with the loss of only ont man. Mr, Ben pett has been visiting hia son James Ben fjett and other relations at Lone Rock RUIIDLEPALMERSMOT In a 8aloon Altercation Evening. Last 8HHIYER MADE CUD PLAY. Monty Matter Cau Troublt. , of A r-hnntlng affray orroml In tha Arling ton Saloon lait evening almntS o'clock In whirli Bundle palmer received a bad inn ahot wound In tht fact. John Shrlver Bred tha shot from 38 calibre revolver, whldi took effect In Palmer's left cheek. Tha ball' followed tht jaw bone and came ont just back of, and be low tha left tar making only a aevert daeli wmihL"!; . t'f. " Tut c'i of tht sliootluj la ban! to ar rlv at but from tht bast Information at hand lb men were engaged In a poker game when 8h river aiktd Palmar In pay hi 111 aomt money which ht claimed Palmer owed htm. Palmer evaded the matter and Shrivar went (or hi gun. When ht itturnvd ht found Palmer standing at tha bar and after asking him to pay ahot hlui..,Sbrver bad beta drinking heavily all day and waa said to have had qoltt'a 7g on" wbefi the hooting occurred. ; - " Shrlverwa placed ouiler arrest and waa held in 700 bohda (or a preliminary hearing at S o'clock today ' " ' ' A Bunohgrasr In Portland. Al llenahaw writes tht Uua from Portland that thert art many thing of interest la tht metropolis to beguile tht feellvt "cor master and to Induct him and kia hard earned 10-cent piece to part company. Eastern Oregon ia'well represented there being, beside tht pale facet, about 60 Siwashea who art tht observed of all obeervere. Mr. Henshaw expected to leave In a day or two for the land of flih and pheasant, down tht river, to try hi luck with rod and gun. Wt'll hava aomt good atoriea wbtn htget bomt. " Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Richmond and their children are at tht Condon botel thla week. Mr. Richmond having been moved to town for further treatment of hia broken knet cap from which ht baa been suffering since August. A new remedy for billtooine I now on lale at llndion'a Pharmacy. It is called Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablet II wives) quick relief and will prevent tht attack if given a soon a the 0rst symptom of tht dlaeaat appears. Price, 23 cents per box. Samples free. , Real Eatato Moving. J. E. Ijincasttr closed deals for tht salt of 24 lota In tht Condon townaitt last Saturday Thoat purchasing wen: K l Dunn, I block (12 lots) west of Con propoeol Catholic Academy, f250; Mr. Hannah Billings, 1 lot; Wru Dun!ap,4 lots; P. Morrill, 1 lot, Kllxaheth S. Un- canter, I lot; John Jackson, business lot on North Main street: Mollit Dama. t Iota; C.J. Becker, 4 lots. Mr. Lancaster ha shown a verr liber al spirit since becoming owner of the townsite, having put lota back to tht old acalt of price which was aonnled some time ago when tht lot were taken from tht market. - " Mr, Lancaster says lit la hereto help make Condon ont of the best towns in Kastern Oregon and be is showing every day that ht is not afraid to get In and do his part toward gaining that end. lit has already donated f50 to tht si la for tht Catholic school and has also sig nified hi readiness to do all that la fair and right in tht matter of depot and ter minal ground when the survey reachea thi point. lit is alao interested in tee ing a modern public school building erected in Condon and stands ready to materially assist In such an enterprise. What Condon now needa ia nnited co operation among her people towards building op a good, live up-to-date town When yoo have no appetite, and do not relish your food and feel dull after eating you may know that you need a dost of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tableta Price 25 cents. Samples free at Hudson's Pharmacy. I 1 1 1 A FINE LINE v .v... CUSTOM MADE FOOL JACK - Duck Coats and Mackintoshes, Ladies' Leggings, Over shoes and Rubbers. Also the famous M. W. Hoskin's Gloves and a complete stock of fine Wool Blankets. Our marvelous line of Groceries still remains unrivaled, 'k? n : : DUNN Ward off Wintry Winds ; PUBLIC SALE. Having decided to retire from buslneia in tbla county on account of ill health, I will offer for gale, at public aaction, at my ranch at the four cor tiers, 5) milci northwest of Mayville, MONDAY, OCT. 23,1901, the following dcribed prop " erty, towlt: 81 x good brood sows. Two bed room acts, 9 chairs, 3 rockers, 2 8-foot extension tables, 6-hole range, beating stove and other household and at , f kitchen furniture too numcr- oua to mention. Horseshoeing outfit, Oa borne self-rake reaper and oth er farming implements. Terms cash. P. B. Soi'THWOBTH. J. R. Wells, : ' " ' Auctioneer. . TO CUltB i A COLD IN ONE DAY Taka Uillv Bhfse Qui 11 In TuMeta. AU drinrlU rffmid tb motMyil ll (all to eura K. W. (iruvt'i iixiMtani la on each box. 23e SCHOOL 6TOCKING3-For boy and girla. Wt hava a doublt kneed stocking that la guaranteed to resist wear and tear aa bravely aa good mate rial and workmanship can. They art tht cheapest you can boy for your boy or girl. Tht celebrated "Iron clad" brand. For aale by P. II. ft-xruureox. WATCHES AND RINGS All kinds of Jewelry can be found at our. store aj the moat popular prices. We also have just re-v ceived a large and complete stock of Perfumes Toilet Articles, Hair Tonics, Face Powders, Etcv t , Condon Pharmacy, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Jewelry, Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc Call and see our store and stock. AL HENSHAW JKwuelmteurm- RE-OPENED The Modl FIXE WIKES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ? EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. T SUMMERS & NEWMAN, Props. FRANK WILSON, Proprietor. PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS Wilson's PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS Condon, OF Garme Suits ; Overcoats FROST BY PREPAR1I1G McMorrl$Ta!phon Llnea. ; J. A. McMorrl baa beta bosy for a few daya putting In new 'phone en tht elly drcult of hi totephont tyitem and alao in bringing in tht Myer lint which now connect (lit Ferry Canyon country with Ccmdon. Thl ytei M perhapa tha most extensive barb win telephone plant III tha country and It teemi to bt giving excellent HiUfactios to tha pat ron. Tht tystem now embrace three dty clnmlU with 15 'jjhones tht Mat ney Flat lint with n plrowe and the Myers lint with 6 pbonwvTiit lint Is now eq ilpped with a night service by which any patron May callnp any doc tor' offioa or drag ft ia tht city at any hour of the day or night. An extra charge of 60 cents will bt mad for night calls to defray the additional office ex penst. Tb offlt qolp.;eoti strictly op-to-datt and the entire system affords an excelltnt aervict to patrons, Mr. Mc Morris Is tobteongtataUted on tht splendid aoeceat 0 bj venttrt and alao on tht great pttf i ervict bt I rendering thia aertionuiCOilliam county In bringing the country district in clos er touch with each other and with the town. ' - j.. nAAuwvruvuwuvryiAVvinvrP) :' VIIEAT! VHEATll I am prepared to-buy wheat and will pay the htgiie,e mar ket price. ; Moneyed vanced on warehouse receipts. Per sons wishing to sell will well to see me, at Arlington? before making others. arrange ments. B.T.5nai, - Arlington,. Ore. linAninjvxrutAnjinnrtnirvrwuvu USUALLY IV3 -C. W. CROSF1ELD LONDON, ORE. H. W. PAULINO. Manager. Pharmacy Oregon S5s ."V FOR HIM NOW ' i BROS. - CONDON, OREGON tArVUVtAIUVWIArVlrWUVlAUirtAUtUVtnnAAAAAAA - - 1 -r 4. October 15 is the Date . on wb'tcb we open our Special Sale of Men' Cowls'. Atl who ire looking for bargain in Men'e wear are earnestly rerj nested to extend tbeir aearcb to this store while thia great Bale is on. It ia a money-Rarer for all. ALL THAT'S KEV ALL THAT'S GOOD Ready made rait and overcoats, tthirte, hats, boot and shoes. Our' r-pec i &1 sale of these fine lines begins ' October 15. Now is the time for those to buy who want tbe best goods at the lowest prices. It will cost you nothing to inspect stock. P. H; STEPHENSON SUABLE MERCHANT V con don r . :r :r 'Cr. oh Qon; j FALL AND WINTER GOODS. LARGEST STOCK Largest and best line in Gilliam county. Win ter Underwear, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Ul sters, Etc. We also carry a select line of Uni versal Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Hard ware, Iron Bedsteads, Spring Matresses, Chairs, Extension Tables. Orders taken for Furniture and Wall Paper not kept in stock. In fact we carry a full assortment of general merchandise. WADE) II THE PIf CTsiDC ' II . i usm KMm aki m uiii. . an t OLEX, - OREGON. II II I QTyllUljyyyyvUUlWUUUWUyuuu I 5 I lit ft, Haa been thoronglily renovated ami flM f (x 5 jaaaaaaai u ' now prepared to cater to the q ( 1 J I Ji ll PnnnflT I 5 I f "Jl S UUilUUll ( I rjierciaUrawleraandotlieredeairiiij " 2 OL-. lO iO IV W I " I a l - I f I ,1- 1. f lie i ii i wis couiiorw ui unii-ciim iioici win I CI ' J "V. M i j i i ii t a i . m &.ar az a ..i L.t.i i i . t, a 15 UATiri V Undtbtahonaeioited to their wants 5 ? ' ' L IF I ' g II . ' I S I : : 1 1 m m it via oon "a-.r- Ii ' caicaao r . I I BVMlAnl ' I ll CDCn Alf CAM DrAnrtAfM I T r i i SMV i iaavvi a waa ivw MVMVr I Finest brands of pure domestic and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fine Billiard and Pool tables in connection. A model resort enjoying tbe patronage of a quiet, orderly trade. Customers always pleased. CONDON. IflEHART'S RESTAURANT The public will find tbat no better accom modations can be found in this country, " . than at this place. Good meals, .clean beds. HEApQUARTEkS FOR TRAVELING MEM- GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop. " LOST VALLEY LU MBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager! BOUGH AI1D OaESSEP IU0IER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ceil ing, Rustic, Ship-lap and all kind of Rough Lumber. Careful alien given to bills of special sues and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. Renew. Your Subscriptions. Subscriptions for all tht leading news paper and periodicals published in the United States or aov other country on earth will be received at theGixBK office. Save postage, time and trouble by leav ing the amount with us and wt will attend to the ' business for you. Call when in town and renew yonr subscrip tions to vour favorites for' 1901. tf Subscribe for the Globe. GHOEHS TAXEil FOR r.!EirS TAIL Of? HADE SUITS. We are agents for one of the leading merchant tailoring houses in Amer ica a)d ffuarantee their work. Our stock of the latest and bent in all lines of seasonable mer chandise is unsurpassed. IS1 THE COUiiTY. BROS. OREGON MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c CONDON, OREGON Ladies, Attention! I am agent for the famous house of Chas. A. Stevens, of Chicago, and am prepared to take your orders for Cloaks, Jackets, Tailor-made Suits Rainy-day Skirts, Silk and Flannel Waists, Underwear, Hosiery and Corsets. Let we show you my samples. .MRS. CLARA DARLIKC. ; U Irrml ' M. muUtf, Iw. da ansa i. Attorney at lw, Matary Public and Cenvtyancaf, ' Hm4im Or. rlWHmBi1 lararanra. T.rmi r.nwnMa - OtSr la nar ! iwaivfllaa !HilWln, Mala s. 4. fATTISOS I0TAET HJELI3. etUa la OUba BulUltBf. 1 -r . J. W. VOCEL SpcdaUtl for Refaction asd DJcCa f Oe lye, i v WUt TtsltCaadaa Itj Tbrat Moatba. , . . Wat taeal Calava tor Data.. v . ,( gAM . V1X VACTOa ATTOSm-lT-LlV. , oaiaa aoraar Sprlsf atraat aai Oragoa aTtaatt comoov. oacooir. The Regulator Line. Its Biib, FcrtlmJ S Is!:na XATIQATIOH CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.. Dairy Una af Steamers Betwtea Pertl&fl Vtncottrer, Guni Lodb, oo4 Rbra tad aO Potato as ui TaaUastoa AS. rk. tiManr Bsriaa City ana aefntafer te rtiui4 avarf aiaralaf (aaeaM auaday)at'. M Taa Dallas at a a. arrtTtnf at taaUs Um im aaayla IIb tor uco1b( txalaa. nalgkt aaaCraly RadM4. W. C. AU.AWAT.O.. Att, Vast al Caart Straat. Taa Dattta, Or. '11 Cjvmnrr I iwts. A aw 1 tfca UNION PACinc TiMI SCHEDULES aninyta or. ARBIfB Bait lka, Daaver, U'0o.i. Ft. Warta.Onaba, tanaaa- City. Bl. ala,C'hlcaoaaa KaC Ailaotla Kainw :tta. m. via Haa. lailaa Salt Lak, Dcnrer, ft. Wartk.Omaha, tiapu cut. at. Lata! t,Chlcto and Mat. Walla Walla UwtaJ . tB,8pnkane,Hln neapolia.Ht. Panl, l .U a. bv Fai Mall U:lf ,aa. Vakaaa Dolulh. Mllran haa.CbiCHOuit OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rUOM rOBTLANU. AH. sailing dataa aubjcci to chance For Saa Francfsro bail averj daya :0 p. av Dally CateaiMa Slver Ia.8iin.lay ttaaaMrs. , tm m. 440 a.m. Ka. 8uuday (aiHtdaf JTa aatorla and Way . Laadluift. , :.. Ea. Saaday WiHaaMtt Bivar. 4:30 p.m. Ks. fiuadaf Oregoa City, New1- kera salaui, lnla ncadauM 41 nay lAMdlnna. 1:0 a. m. Taea.. Thur. aadt. WHIaatana aa Tiat- 1:30 n. m. Won.. Wad. anUFru klll ainars. Oreaon Mty, ray tn,a Way Laou- inga. 4:00 a. m. ru,,., Tanr aaaSal. WUIaaiant llvar. 4:!p. m. Hon., Wed. and Fri. fortland to Corral- li 4i Way Laud lag. Lt. Rlarla :IAa. m. Dai y Saak Slvar. Lr.Iwlatoa Daily S a. u. KIpartateLewUtoo A. L. CRAIQ, General PaaaeBfer Aaent, Portland, Of. LATEST STYLES... In Fall and Winter millinery. Trimmed Huts. Street Hats all style and price. Ladies' Shawls mill Fascinators. Chil dren's Hoods, Etc., Etc., Etc, r.:n lcuella .lflfllM i