1 THE' COHDOII GLOBE THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 17. lOOt. STinC THe Vrv Cni-itr mi! tmm ll ltl.m (UlllnoMMMty. W aim in make tlilo Hvr tho Itwliiit iirw WH-rtftm n( the rnttimt Invite mrni-nt t m by twllrnr In r'vr nt tlM-ir nnr lv -toli1ftinMitit. Ciriv m w miC I nkitl y tl ! nwiwrtlr to pwb- limlfcuMmf imiiittw f cnl Ulh. ti4 lh wlltitr awim' n ivnlWy friva twttr i il by umamth-nl. T IjOg ftg. stead trrgw trfcusfnsBe mi capitalists of FoYrk4 tnexjltjnfta't will receire tW ereamr of'rhe bce fits which tire fair will bring to the BUte, to take bofJ of the pro ject as if they mean ottsinew and the people of the state and tne-legislature, will do the right t&ing when the proper time comes. The Lewi and Clark Fair is all rght but mopt special regions are most- . , It all wrong. v Some people can tw;., .,.,,.. Uv fW is i remen.berofa certain regular .rMindrrth halovon tn4" that never organiiedand ora special session less than two , later -which appropriated Lei us return thaoks. 'lfM"l to W th?if M gMe were as noifV as schoof bujrafj ' WriMS.Ithiimtof humaiiUv l StrfcAen Wltn Paralysis. t .1 Henderson Grlniett, ol this place, was plHety lost the n of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent physi cian for quite a whfleNrTthoot VeRef. mf wife recromendeit Cbambetmio't Pain Balm abd after wsing two bottle of it he in almort entirely cured. (i to, B. Mo IHhiald Man, Igao county, W. Va Several jal( wy remarkable rwrea of partial paralysis bate been effected by tite one of this Hutment, tt U moat wide ly known, however, at a core r rheu matism, sprains "and bruise. Fur tale bv Hudson's Fuarniary. If Sclij'a witnesses areas much ie t. eontradictory statements as were Chose for the government, the whole business will descend from a swell fake trial to a to qj moo country store lying match.'' .. Miss Stone, the missionary lady who Is now the captive pf Turkish bandits, should be enjoying theop jwrtanity of her life for effective missionary work. Surely those fel lows need ber services. If the ran dom is much longer delayed she may convert the whole band and lead captivity captive. City. Lots For a ' Sale. v The faculty of the University of Chicago has passed a. role prohibit ing smoking in any of the build- in zs or on the campus of that! institution. This is a wise move as a stray spark from a pipe or cigar might ignite the oil with which that institution of learning is supposed to be saturated and start a disas trous conflagration. All Oregonians, whether they be : such by birth or by adoption, are united in believing, this to be the greatest and best state tn. ine Union but the fellow who has a drop of good old Missouri blood, in his veins cannot help but renieuy ber that this is the season of pump kins, pawpaws, 'possum and per simmon . in the., old state and; in consequence his "mouth waters, his heart is filled with longing and his . stomach with emptiness. .. : LONE ROCK v . Rev. Henderson the new M. E. preach er arrived -in towiroo .Saturday and preached to us oh uniay, and and aa the sayintt goea that a new brooiu aweepa' we hope the parwn'a broom may never get old. , Prof. Patterson was obliged to cancel bis engagement to rommence the Lone Rock, school on the 7th on account of poor health hich fact is very unfortunate j for both Mr. Patterson and our school bmiBVss. The directors are rustling for another teacher for the principalshi p and Mitfe Sininions will conduct the primary department. Abe LnelHng of Condon is up Sn the Lone' Rock country gathering his' horses to deliver to some eastern horse buyers. Jeff Keel got back Saturday from his mining trip to Nome. Jeff says he considers bia experience worth the price of the trip. M long aa he got back alive, but he does not want any working interest inliome gold mines. A Wyoming editor has bucked feelings by writing thusly: '"We are gojng , to .buya new shirt. Strange and extravagant as it may seem, we change shirts every' 6 months, whether we need it or not, With this end irrvriew we wish the dealers to subny bid8-Thje. con tract will be let talbe lowest bid der,V .Quality and style no object. Any old thing will do jriat so it is cheap. Bend in yorjr bids. Ex. President Roosevelt is an advo cate of woman suffrage. It is" claim ed that he is the first president, an iens Lincoln be excepted, wh has publicly declared himself in. favor of equal civil rights for women. As early as i836 Lincoln said in a pub lic letter: 4,I go for all sharing the privileges of the government who . assist in bearing its burdens by no means excluding women " . Pres ident R wsevelt while governer of New York announced in his an nual message that he favored wom an suffrage, and was ready to sign a bill granting women equal civil rights with men. ' A Typical South African Store. 0,1 R. Larson, of Bay Villa,' Sundays River, Cape Colony, conducts a store typ- Vl'of South Africa, at which anythtng can be purchased from 'the proverbial "nexiloto an anchor." Tbia store is situated in a salley nine miles Iron) the nearest railwanr eUtion and about twenty five miles from the nearest town. Mr Larson save:' "I am favored with the cus tom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied cik twUmadiMmr aiW&tt&AQ torVadWoe almost out of the question. Withtn one miie of my store the-popola tioo is perbape sia.ty. Of these within the jaaet twelve moiiUia no leas than four teen have been abaotwtely cured by Cha mberlain's Coogb Remedy. This must surely tie a record. ( For sale by Hudson Pharmacy. , "K y , . 8totw4ho Coue-n and workaoff the Cold. LuaUra Brom-Qinlne Tabtett care a cold to onedy, So Cart, wo Paf. Price 25 cents Having recently secured (he Condon Townsite - from the v- Arlington National Bank, I beg to announce to the public that I will offer a limited number of choice residence and business locationsAt the old scale, of prices. I do this to accommodate a number of persons who were, about to close deals for the purchase of lots at the time the proper ty was taken from the market a few weeks ago by, the for mer owners. . . . -NOW IS THE TIME to secure BARGAINS in Condon real estate. . If you wait until the railroad reaches Condon i vou may expect to see prices double up rapidly. Condon is now one of the best business points in East ern Oregon and with the won derful resources of the country still practically undeveloped, it is sure to continue to grow in population and wealth.; .. This section 'is. bound to have better transportation facilities in the near future and Condon seems destined to become the terminus, o: such a road.' l Now is the 'time to "get on the band wagon without using a step-ladder,,. tA . I will also conduct a gener ai real estate busioeewirfs your property f4thi ale. For particulars call on or address ' ' ' J. E. Lancaster, ondon, Ore, Office in Glole builrTg. :': fock Creek. George Taylor and fioirmer Patterson gathered borees at Mayviile last week. Miss Elda Flett vieited her parents Mr. and Mrs W. Q. Flert Saturday re turning Sunday, to Jnniper Canyon where she will remain daring the winter ith Mn, W. W. Clark. . W.G-Flett, . W. Keepew and Jack Schoneece started Tuesdav for The John Day river where Ihey will remain till December if they find Indians enough there to locate. The Social dance-that was given at Olex Oct. 11 was a grand success. I FEASTYOtB lYti -;-' ...fatteij.. J J YOURTOCKETBOOSi p U KICKUS, ... DENTIST OJtaa SOS txAvm Baildinc, Portland. Oregon V'lil t fa Condon on or aboat October 2U la lemala lor a abort lima Mr. Edward Everett Young, the bright young editor of the Baker City Republicau, was some time ago made a commissioner of the Lewis it Clark Exnosifwin wbihia ARLINGTON NOTES. . Mrs. Karl Weatherford and Miss Flo ra Jones were in from Scbottler Flat Monday. B. K. Searcy ,o'f Mayviile, is under the doctor's care here this week. He Is improving rapidly; A number of Arllngtonites and their Mr. Young has shown a laudable ; tw-n.rlV-.''Vi.u.I' zeat in furthering the work ,to chased 100 liead ofyrllng steers from which he has been appointed but tha Uilman-Frencb Co. and will run tnere seems to be some danger that l"e,M 00 range near Arlington. his enthusiasm may get the better! Messrs KWI, Moore and Hosford, of of his.judgement even in so impor-1 Moro' M' ei " he r.i. Recorder Mason ha pouted the rail- ' road franchitto ordinanue and it is now a fa:t. . Geo. McLanghlin.oar harness maker, as the proposed exposition. Mr. Young has lately been strenuously advocating the calling of an extra session of the legislature during the coming Winter for the' purpose' "a insUlled another sewing machine of making an appropriation for the j lo r,e'P UKe C8re 01 ,,,a Mtettiot busi proposed show and in so doing' he may be suspected of not having Jack 'f" " '''''y lve return t I, -j i .... 6 ;ed from. Irtnu where he waj engHged in fully considered the beet interests itbe,tel busin-ss. .' , of the Oregon taxpayer, who has We understand that onr p..pu!artowns naaioo uiucn experience in the-; man, L. J. GUf and Misi llil-in Bei k, past with special and regular ses sions Of the state legislative body. We are heartily in favor of the big Fair and believe the people of the utate generally favor, it, but a'spe cial ne$iou of. -the Oregon legisla ture is too much to ask even fora rorld's Fair. No, nol neighbor -ditVi'l jr;::iju'i1i! rj?ioii but in- of The Dalles, were married Wednesday evening. The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should ever leave home without a bottle ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea lieniidy. For sale by . Hudson's Pharmacy. Lost Between Olex and Arlington, Monday October 7, a memoranda book about 4x6 inches in size containing meat and veg etable accounts. Suitable reward will be given for its return to the undersign ed or may be left at the Giobb office. F. Lima, Olex, Oregon. For Sale Four room cottaga and 4our lots tp Condon. Good bargain. Enquire of J.'R.CtABK,' ' : ' : ' Condon.Ore. Notice of Dissolutions. Notice la hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between the undersigned ha been dissolved bjr mniual consent. All , accorfnU"'dne1 the old firm are now' due and payable to J.F. Wood.SL D. . F. GULLKTTB, M. D. .- J. F; Wooto, M.D; . tnWff SALE. KotlceJvJbarebf given tbat an execution and order of inle waahnnea' oat of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon Gil Ham County, on the Kth. day ofOcXIWV aabn'a decree therein rendered on tbe 16th. day of Sept, 1901. in favor of Charlea W. White plalntifT, and gHinn. John uroM,(ie;eBdant, which aald exe cution and order of anleU tome directed and commanding me to Hell tbe property hereinafter described, ' for tbe pnrpone of latuifylng tha judgement of the plaintiff In said cause for the am of three hundred. e verity Are and 75-100 dollar! ($375 7 ) and 175.00 attorney'sfee and the ooxtK'aiid dhbarnemnUof laid' salt, taxed at 12.00. Therefore, In comtpManee with aald execution and order of wile, I will on ;8ATL ttDAY, NOVEMBER W, 1001, at the honr of 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the Coart Houiednor In Condon, Gilliam Cottnty, Oregon, ell at public auction to the hlghent bidder for caib In hand, for the purpose of satisfying the Judgement and decree above mentioned) the' fol lowing described real property, to-wit: Tbe Korthwest quarter. of Settlon -2,. Jn Tovrniblp 4 Smith oljltnnge 21 East of Willamette Meridian, In Gilliam County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of October, 1901. ' ... w. . . to' WiUWitcOx, Sheriff of Gilliam Comity, Oregon; 8am K.Vam Vacroa, ... .. .ttiorney Utf l'lti,ilir..'. .. -, , v WATCH THIS SPACE ' THIS FALL IT WILL SAVE YOU V I ITS CASISR TO 8KE I ...Ybar profit... 1 I THAN OUK,PR'OF, MNY A DOLLAR J.1 p. woor M. tr. Phystelan and Surgoort Day and nujhl calls proiapily aiuwarwt Ofllca Mala itnwt near Spring. condoh; oitir. NVKFKK A WILSON ATTORNSYS AT LAW Best table CLOTH mm NicoCpIors 20g 1., ' !;:r ;y$ird WE PEtl III EVERYTH1IIC And ui. ptM. in ' ing our patrom that in dealing with us thejr get the benefit of first-class goods, fitir treatment and honest prices. .Our line of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc, is the climax of fashionable footwear. Our tall and winter underwear will give comfort and preserve health in the winter season, and, no matter what kind of quality you want, we can suit you. All goods marked in plain figures. A child can buy as cheap, as a man! Cour teous, conscientious clerks. Big new assortment of '' ' Dress Goods Dress Linings Trimmings Best Table OIL CLOTH Tilt ft-AlXRi eniuioM, Nice Colors 20c a yard rja. a. r. butcicr, RESIDENT DENTIST AKIJNOTOS, ORKUwn. Will to la Condon the lasl w la wbmnnUi eoBttneni'im July nra. t-rowa rW and I'laW ' p -" r- THh slraetnl wllhoal pal" " mo,t ,n ntowa ' CONDO! WriCK OVKR . . x....v WIUSOS a run.' C. S. PALHER, MistK Barber. Sleelc Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and r-ground. CQKDOM - ORECOIIr 1 SEND FOR SAM- S 5 PtES. 'POSTAGE d ? PAID BY US ON 5 2 MAIL ORDERS. 5 LORD & COMPANY ARLINGTON, OREGON THE ODD CENTS YOU SAVE HERE COUNT UP VERY RAPIDLY. O. S. EBI, pRoruiETOit or SODA tnd BOTTLING HORKS aiannfactow ol Ma, Orange snd Champagne Cldor, taraparllls awl Iron and all other ISoft and Carbonatnt Prloki. Condon triult Is reapeot tolly solicited. Orlr promptly Clled Arlington, Ore. : r? - Rsduced Rates. . Arenosr In-effBCttoBuffalo. New York. Do 76a expect to aitead tba Pan-Ameri can 1 portion? . . ir soao aoi Wf yoor ucReta nnui you hate Instigated the tervici ol the IlhnoUtiaiSallroad. . Out acconrnodatlons are the best that can'be had,' oh r trains are alwaye 00 time and employes courteous sod accom modating j" Through tourist oars tram Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. II you will send fifteen cents in stamps, to address given below, ' we will for ward yoa by return mail one of oar Si s 40 inch wall maps of the United . State. Caba'ahd Porto Rteo. - Any information regarding rates, ac commodations, service, time, connections top-overs etc, will be cheerfully given B. ILTsestBuu- : .. Oom'lAgt 143 Third Srreet Portland Ore. awi r WalUPapar. I will close oot my big stock ol wall, mlifir- 1 IJb.veJasl2Bce(ye4 a big stock ol modern ErtftrdfUUSterns. Call early and se cure bargains. W. A. Daruno. ' Lost "" On the road between Condon and Clem Monday, September 30, a pocketbook containing lot of wheat receipts be longing to W,C. CaldwelUnd 15.00 in money. XV'beat receipts were in an en velope addressed to Dan Thomas. Suit able reward if returned to W. C. Cald well or left at this office. S0d31 Estray Notice. Came to my place on Thirty iiiila,ot 18 months ago 'a bay mare and colt. Mare lame on fore leg. Branded on left hip. Owner should call, pay charges and take stock away or it will be sold according to law. Joseph Wiiytb, Oct. 7, 1WJ,W ' : . Condon, Ore. i . .'Purely Business. Baths Hot and cold water, eleaa Vow els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel. Folding luncb boxes for sale at Clarke AFraser's. Treasurer's Noticed All orty!ftarintir regieterW .prior to April 1,1900, will bepaidopoa pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Sept. 1, 1901. r. II. Stephenson, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. G. "L.' NeaJ the well known anctlon- eea, will givethe strictest attention to all business entrusted to his care. If yoa fcae property! -to- aell -consult b,im. ' '-: v ? i -ir- Por'tfand catalogue do not beat Clarke A Fraier's price. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers - The tourist travel between ' the East and tbe Facific Coast hat reached enor mous proportions In the last few. years, and calls tor a speciaj class of equtpmenL To meet this demand the Pullman Co. has Issued from Its shops what It tech nically call the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper." These cars appear similar to the regular sleepers being built on the tame plan, bat not tarnished with the same elecauce. They are equl pped with tnattreaae, blankets, sheets, pi Hews, pillow-case, towels, combe, trutbe, ecL requiring nothing ol the kind 'to be furnished by tbe patasngef. Eacn ear ha a to 0 for auk lag tee and coffee and doing 'Might- Beoaekaaptag", tod each section can be fitted with m adjust able table. A uniformed porter accom panies each car, hi basTaeae being to make up berth; keep the ear elaaa , end look after the want sod eoaforta of the passenger. In each of the trains which are dispatched daily from Portland by tbe O. R. A N. Co. I to be found one of these "Pullman Ordinary Sleepers' Tbe car attached to the "Chicago-Port land Special" goes through to Chicego without change, 'and the one in the "Atlantic E 1 press" rant to Kansas City without change. Passengers in this car for Chicago change to a similar carat Granger. Much of the first class travel la being carried in these car, the rates being lower, and the service nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rate sod full information, includ ing folders' write to A. L. Cxaio, . General Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co. Portland, Oregon. (iuaraqteed fo00 aiary Year, Men and women ol good address to represent ns, some to trarel appointing agents, others lor local work looking alter onr Interests. SOOO salary guaranteed yearly ; extra com missions and expenses, repaid advancement, old eatabllthed boose. Grand chance for earn est man or woman to aecare pleasant, permi nent porftlqn., liberal Jnoome and future. New, brilliant line. Write at once. STAFFSIS fSISS, 23 Churoh St.. ' Nw Haven. Conn. CONDON SHOE SHOP . I am now on deck with a com- plete outfit of shoemaker's tools . for either new or repair work. SHOES MADE TO: ORDER: Shop In south room of Fix bnilding where I will be found, for the present, on Friday's and ,. Saturdays only. Work may be . left at Clarke & Frazer's store. s y '. ; -7. J . leit at uiarke frazer's store. niaklgauMtaiebaaTC7beaertfMteanlM( ... iS&'t. OTIS W. PROPST. J . Under New Management. .. . . . Kentucky Liquor Store COMPLETE STOCK OP FINEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE FAMOUS HOP GOLD . BEER ON DRAUGHT. - REIPLINGER & BATES, PROP'S, ARLINGTON, ORE. Splendid Specimens of Superior Skill A MOID SCRUTINY OF OUR 8AMPLE8 REVEALS NOTHING BUT GOODNESS In the expression of 'almost every pfinon who ho examined aamplei of work executed at this office. Superior printing U the klnil yon want. Wofktbatli done In a ilovenly manner li the kind that neither pay the buiineM mnn nor the printer. All the printing sent oat Iroin this omce is neat and attractive. V 1 8. A. PATftSON PVBUMUK .. THE CONDON CLOBE PRINTERY The Arlington Saloon C W. VXITE A CO PKOPtinORS Fine domestic and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bil liard and Pool tablea run in connection. First-class goods is our pride. Fresh, cool MILWAUKEE BEER kept constantly on draught Our constantly increasing patronage testifies to the fact thai we understand how to please our customers. MAIN STREET Condon, Oregon KEII CIFFOI k C&, PROPS. IXAXCM KOUSU: RLALOCK, QUIKN1 . .GRAI N . . . Stored with us will receive the careful attention of exiieriencwi warehousemen. Barb wire, nails, salt, sugar, lime, cement, feed and mill stuffs always on band in any quantities. Gen eral storage and forwarding. ' A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON nnnnnnnnnnruwwi The Condon Barn Only flret-clas Livery and Feed Stable in the city. Fine new rig and good team. 8peclal attention to all stock left In onr care. Large, strong corrals In connection. Oar term are reas onable and we solicit your patronage. Springston & Rogers, Proprietors rinrtrtiiruinAiirinuuvfvnvjvuuv FOR OUR CUSTOMERS FINEST STEAKS AND ROASTS CUT FROM CHOICEST BEEF. ALL GOOD THINGS AT JOHN JACKSON'S r NEW STORE AT ALVILLE WE HAVE Jl'BT OPENED AN KI.EOANT STOCK OF DRY GOODS, i NOTIONS, CTOTHINO, GROCERIES. HARDWARE. TINWARE, TOBACCO. CAND1K8, ETC., IN KERRY CANYON, AND CORDIALLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PATRON AUK LOW PRICES, FAIR TREATMENT AL & L E. MCC0NNELL We Sell the lost Successful Gasoline Lamps Air-Tight Heaters. Cook 8toves and Ranee. Zinc Washboards, Stovepipe and fittings. Shelf Hardware, Dishes, Wash. Boilers, Tinware, Granite ware and' Cotlery. Bed Lounges, Conches, Dressers, Commodes, Chairs. Rockers, Bedsteads, Sideboards, Floor Matting and Carpets. Windows Doors, Mouldings and House Trimmings, Paints, Oil and UIrbs.' Avkna riobh Carboijnkum will preserve fence poet and purify chicken bouse and stable. Our price are very reasonable, and we invite your patronage. CONDON, UHtUON. CLARKE & FRAZER THE INTERIOR WAREHOUSE GO. HIGHEST MARKET ' PRICES PAID FOR GRAIN , GENERAL WAREHOUSE BUSINESS CONDUCTED , , . BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO . M'C'RS. ARLINGTON, BLALOCK, DOUGLAS, I0NE