THE CONDON CLODE. THURSDAY, AUQU8T8.J06I. f Met OrFlCIAL TAPER OF OILUAM COUNTY. OREOON. 1 . .., ' , LOCAL, NEWS. ttott Hotter 1 1 HuttUKtlll j:j Palmer wits In loan M n,Uft Mrs. It. L, Oluilln lion tlis lick lint. JlnrvoHtlng It In full blnst Mill week. 11. W. 1'nullnit U the coming cattle king. Frank Wlltton returned from Spokane Tuesday, Clarvnc Palmer Iim locate.! at Btmn Uo In the barlwr business, The Condon l'liaroiacy has en attract Ive new at In title Issue, Item! it. Mlewe Nellie ami KUU Drown, of ItiM-k crock, were In town Monday, Rev. Mr, Curran preaches at lone lioit Hundrty Ixith morning ami evening. Mre. Voting left Thursday for the Wil lamette valley Where the govt to visit relatlvea aud friend. Will Davenport wae over from May vllle Friday evening. He tia almost recovered from ttle Inte swlous lllnoea. Mies Lucy llurlbnrt has boon engnged primary teacher In the Arlington public achool vice MUa Lena Wnell re- llgned. Alburn Moore it hauling lumber from Arlington for 8. K. Luna's dwelling Vt lilch will be erectoJ near the Baptist church. Prof. Perry Chnndtor, fiVkl agent of Whitman College, Walla Walla, was here few days during the week to the iblereat of that Institution. Frederick 1). Preston, repretenting a firm of Walla Walla banker, li here looking over the field with view to es UblUhlng a local bank In Condon. Ham E. Van Vector returned from Portland Friday. Ilia brother, Floyd Van Vaotor, of Uoldendale, accompan ied him home and will be hit guest for a few weeka. The members of WisHula Circle vl serve ire cream Saturday afternoon. It will be delicious this hot weather so don't fall to drop in and eee them and be comfortable, A band of aitout 60 horses went thro' Friday for shipment to Colorado. They belonged to a Colorado man and it Is understood he paid f JO and upwards a head for them. Rev, ffm. Hoeklns, of Mora, wh canvassed this section soma time ago for the "History of Odd Fellowship," writes a that the book will be delivered here about August 20th. - Kd Cornctt went to Arlington Monday to meet bla mother-in-law, Mrs. S. E Montgomery, who will spend a couple of months visiting her daughter. Mre. Montgomery's home la at Cornelius, this state. Mike Pukekand Lew Couture will mn the Stephenson thresher this season the former as separator man and tho latter asenglqocr. They pulled out for Clem yesterday and ei peeled to begin the sea son's run this morning. U. II. Neel and his eon Joe came down from Lone Rock Sunday aud will put in a tew weeks harvesting at Dan Rine hart's ranch. Mr. Neel'a health, which as been very poor for several years, is lately very much Improved. Marshal Downing la out of to-vn this week on a horse round-up and W. A. Darling is wearing the star and keeping the pence. W, A. run In a young blood Sunday for getting funny and fined him and turned him loose again. ?he social dance given Friday evening was a very ploneant affair. Excellent muslo wna furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove and Icq eream of finest quali ty was served by the ladies of (he Rebekah lodge, A neat sum was real ised. ' Found About two weeks ago on the Condon-Trail Fork road, a revolver. Owner can have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice, tf. ' The big fine juicy ronsting-earis again with ua and the Missourlan or West Virginian who is not reveling in an at- tnosphere of gastronomic bliss Is a trai tor to his native soil. He should starve In the mldet of plenty. He deserves no ' bolter fate. Ed Temple left Friday morning for a short trip to Yuma, Arizona, where he goes to attend to some Important busi ness matters. He expects to return in two or three weeks. Latkr Since the above was put in type we learn that Mr, Temple htoppod at Arlington where he has accepted a position as clerk in the Grande hotel. Dr.T. L. Klcklin writes the Globk that be has arrived safely at home again and asks us to express bis sincere thanks and appreciation of the many courtesies ehown him by the poople of Condon and 8iirroundingnelghborhood8. The doctor thinks Gilliam county people are "the finest" but in passing this compliment he wishes it distinctly understood that he is not a candidate for any office. J. J.. Portwood and family, Austin Thompson and family and R. K. Wilson etarteil Monday on a trip to Southern Oregon going by team over the Cascade mountains. They will enjoy camp life and mountain scenery on the trip and visit relatives and friends In Jackson county. They will stay till they get tired and all expect to have a fine lime a( rcr they once get across the hot, dusty country between here and the Des It's cream Satnrday afternoon Wallu la Circle, Woodmen, J. It. Welts will build a new dwelling oil his ranch east of town, Monday was a record breaker for h6t weather and "scraps," It was a hot time In the old town sura enough. The mercury reached 101 and the 'scrapping' spirit about IttO. Two or three tights were reported with acres of "trouble" and miles of "rag chealng," L. R. and I.. T. Price have finished flue residence fur A. D. Hard! on Trail Fork, and have returned to town. They will build a barn each for Ed Dunn and i- K. FlUwater, after which they they a ill go to Ferry Canyon where they will build substantial residences for Kitl ph Fromnn and J. M. Cameron. E1 I'arlutt was seriously Injured one day last week while riding after stock onTenmilo, He was thrown from hi horse and besides being rndered un conscious for a lime he nwieved a num ber of severs sprains and bruises. He was brought to town and has since been at John Dysart' where he I now gut ting all right again, John Jack so a has so far recovered from his late Illness as to be able to drive In from the Duthle ranch Tuesday afternoon. Hit returned to the ranch the same evening and will remain there until strong enough to stand the trip to the hot springs near La tirande where he hopes to rid his system of the festive rheumatic germ. t John Downing left a gentle team standing In front of Dnnlap's blacksmith shop Monday afternoon and, of course, they took a notion to go home. They were harnetwod together bnt not hitched to the wagon and when they got under way they made good time They struck a wire fence during the heat and receiv ed some ugly cuts and scratches but none serious. A crasy horse run amuck In town last Thursday afternoon after parting com pany with his rider about three miles out. The brute started in to clean out a blacksmith ahop and, although the blacksmith was armed with a hammer and reinforced by the barber, he came near succeeding. When the dust cleared away the barber was so bespat tered with blood that he looked aa tho' he bad been trying to shave himself. At the Congregational church Sunday venisg a special young people's service was held whea the newly elected officer of the Christian Endeavor Society were Inducted into office, . The new officers are: Miss Mary Foster, president; Miss Myrtle Fitiwater, vice president; Mis Uxie Hoover, secretary and treasurer; Miss Lllla Clarke, organist. A short ad dress was made by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Curran, after which Prof. Chandler, of Walla Walla spoke on "Education" and presented the claims of Whitman college aa an educational institution in a forci ble wanner. A Logical Kid. Apropos to the big crop of babies that I being harvested In and aroond Con Ion this Summer if the following bit of wisdom from the lips of a 8-year-old Condon kid. After being introduced to a nice new baby brother Johnny took the matter under advisement and hav ing studied it ou t to his own satisfaction he next morning elucidated on the sub ject thinly: "I think babies are all right, I wish we could git 8 or 10 more and I wish all the people in town could get 8 or 10 apiece and then when they grew op Condon would he a big town and we could have street care." That boy has an eye to the future and a head for logic that some grown people do not possess. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide reputation for its cures. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Hudson Pharmacy. Farmers Attention!! I will be at Springston & Rogers barn Friday and Saturday. August 0 and 10, with 5 head of well broke work horses weighing from 1100 to 1400 pounds. Parties in need of teams for harvest should see these animals as they are all for sale. Clydr Flint, Condon, Oregon. Do You Need a Header? If you 1 MgCORMIGKI This company is one of the oldest concerns in the country engaged the manufacture of Harvesting Ma chinery and for 50 years their product has stood every test and given per fect satisfaction. Light Running, Basily Operated, . Simply Constructed, Built to Wear. DUNN CONDON Luke Mason Dead. A sad accident occurred at Arlington last Friday by which Lnk Mason lust hi life. A party of young men were bathing In a slough on the Washington side of the Columbia, when Mason, who was enable to swim, got beyond his depth and was drowned before help could reach him. His body was recover ed with but little delay bat life was ex tinct, - Deceased came to Gilliam connty about three years ago from Mason Val ley, Arkansas, where his parents stili reside. Most of his lime In thi county was spent In and around Condon until lust Hpring when lis took a position as dork In theilrande hotel at Artington, which he still held at the time of his death. Ry his good habit and courte ous ways he had won many fi lends In this connty all of whom will sincerely eiourn his untimely end.' The funeral took place at Arlington on Sunday, interment In the Arlington ccmilcry, Henry Cnendft's baby is on the tick list this week w ith Dr. (Juliette in at tendance. W. II. Colwell cams In yesterday from the Interior where he has been on a business trip, He Sold 500 head ot Cunning ham buck on the trip. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Grelner, their on Den and Mr. and Mr, B. K. Searcy leave thi morning for the mountain on a pleasure trip. W L Wilcox will build a new residence on his ranch a soon as the welldrill has determined the water question to a cer tainty. Ed Palmer's drill has been at work there and is already down about 80 feet with but little water. Work has been suspended pending the arrival of a new and longer cable. If a sufficient supply It not secured there another well will be 'sunk in a different location and the residence will not be built until that question is settled. FRANK WILSON, Proprietor. Ladies and Gentlemen Should use Benxoio and Almond Cream during this hot weather. It prevents tan and cures chapped hanrla and. lip, ; AVe wish to state also that we carry everything for the baby's comfort Rub ber dolls, teething rings, toy animals, talcums, powders and soaps. Remember! we fill prescriptions carefully And reasonably. Wilson's Pharmacy, Reliable and Generous Apothecaries. LODGE fapi ERflB A complete line of Lodge Emblems iuld Jewelry at popular prices. If you cannot call and see our large stock of Jewelry Etc., write, for description and prices of same, to Condon Pharmacy, The place to buy , ' . Drugs, Paints, Oils, Jewelry, Musical goods and everything carried in a 6rst-class drug store. ' ALHENSHAW, : C. W. CROsFIFLD, Proprietors. CLARKE & FRAZER. Machine Oils, Oil Cans, Grindstones, Bolts, Shelf Ilardwar, Bed Lounges, Couches, Dressers, Commodes, Chairs. Rockers. Bedsteads, Kitchen Furniture, Stoves,' Dishes, Tinware and Kitchen and Table Cutlery. ' AVENARIOUS CARBOLINEUM- Sure death to Chicken Lice. Best wood preservative known. Use it on your water tanks, header beds eta It will pay you. Y Our Prices are Reasonable. Call and See Us. do call on us and examine the Old in BROS S3 ;. 3t Wedding Balls.' A vtry qit wt-dding took pisce yp terday morning at the Congregational j,aroi:a, whim R.-v. Edaard Curran prononnrcd the words Dial "mads two fond hearts best as one" and that united for life two of UUllem county's r oot popular young people. The high con tracting parties were Miss 8, Elizabeth Shannon, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Shannon, of near Condon, and Mr. Oscar Mslry.of Ajn. The bride Is a most tl rouble young lady belonging to one of the most highly CKpected fnmilituf this section of the county and the groom l the senior mem-bt-r of the firm of Ms ley liro., the well known cattlemen, of Ajax. Kwryburiy know Oxcar and hit many friends will agree that the highest praise that can be given him Is that he it worthy of such a bride. . Only a few Intimate friends and rela tivos of the young people were present at the wedding. The happy couple left immediately after the ceremony, f t Ar lington and will take the (rain there for Clatsop Reach to spend their honey moon beside the murmuring waves of the PaciBc. . Our heartiest congratulations go with them and our wish for tbem is that the prosperity and happiness which they deserve shall be theirs. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is piles Keep your bowels regular by tak ing a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and yon will never have that severe punish ment Inflicted npon yon. Price, 25 cents. For tale by Hudson Pbarmacv. 6topa the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a eold In one dir. No Care, no Pay. fries 25 cents Subscribe for the Globe. M. W. PAULINO, Manager. LEiS. Reliable ts OREGON. ' DO YOU WEAR BARTON BROS. SHOES? if : nh Not They Combine Elegance, Comfort and Durability. P. H. Stephenson, Condon, HARVEST SUPPLIES. We can t you out with all needed supplies and can guaran tee every article first-class. We can Bell you anything from a needle to a threshing machine. Our stock is one of the largest in the county and our prices defy competition. V We want your trade. Wattfh this space for further announcements later. Yours for trade, WADE BROS. "The Big Olex, CALL AT -THE- 5 :: Summit Saloon, riXEST BRANDS OF IHA'ES, LIQUORS and CIGARS HUE BILLIAR AXD POOL TABLE I.Y C3.Y.Y3Cri3.V. FRED WILSON, PROPRIETOR, Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Proprietor. RINEHART'S ."' Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The public will find that no better accommodations can be -found in this country than at-this houRe. Meala25c; beds 25c. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELOG MEH. : LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager!: ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ceil- ing, Rusticj Ship-lap ami all kinds of Rough La tuber. Cureial atten given to bills of special siiea and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. FINE PRINTING at the GLOBE Printery. Why Not? Reliable Merchant. Oregon. Store," Oregon. CONDON. ORE. This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find thi3 house suited to their wants. RESTAURANT T W. DA RMS li. Attorney it Law, Notary Public snd Conveysncsr, Cou.I in. Or. OonwllMn1 Irwttt-Knrit, Terms OHh lu rt-ar ut Miotui-. uullilius, Mmu mvtt. s. A. TATTlSOlt EQIAEY FUBLI3, Offics ts Olobs BallJInf, co !:, . . . . oitKao. D R. 1. W. VOCEt. Specialist for R fract!oa and D Jcct$ cl tie Eye. Will VUU Condon Xitrj Tbres UontnS. Watch locaf Column tor Dt. gAM X. VA2J VACTOB ATTOBUET.AT-Utf. OSes sorner Spring street and Orefoa aveBOt COJSDOIf, OKKOOK. The Regulator Line, te Ballsj.PdanJ S Islsrii NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Day Line of Steamers Et Porttift Vancouver, Cucaic Locks, Hood Rivet , and all Points to tlx Tas&ngton Tb Stearorfs trt nl )rnftOT Portland crery morning (eicpt Hunrtav) t ; tnd Tu DtUM at g a. m., arriving at dJUn Ilea In ample time (or outgoing tratna. freight Kates Greatly Seduced. W. C. AIXAWAT. Gen. AsU Foot ol Court Street. The Dalles, Or. Shgit urn mn union Pacific mm TIE SCHEDULES ., PCTV Arlington Or. , . '""" fhlraro Salt Lake, Denver, 11-OSa.m. Portland Ft. Worth.Omalia, Special Kansas City, St. S:ia. m. Lonii.Chicatjoand ta Hunt- last. li.gton. - Atlantis Fait Take. Denver, 2:11a.m. Kipreha Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kansas City, -St. til Huat- I.ouis.Caieasoaiid ingtoa Kut PLPtul Walla Walla Iw!s- 1.40 a. EU Fat Mail toii.Spnkane.Min 11:17 p.m. iieapolU.St. Paul. Y Dulnth. Milwan- Epokane kee.ChicagoiEa.iS OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE . IKOll POItTLAKD. l.-00p.m. AH calling dates 4:00 p.m. nul'jocl to change For San Franclseo bail every i days, DhIIt Columbia Rier 4:OOp.m.'ixley . Ex. buudaf . 8:00 n.m. Saturday To Astoria and Hay 10;0O p. in. iudinga. . . :00a.m. Willamette River. 4:S0p. m. iz. Suuday Kx. Bundaf Oregon City, New. bertf, aalein, Iixie- rendenue St VVaj andiiigg. - ' 7:00 a.m. lllamH tnd Tam- S:S0p.m. t'uea., Tliur, hillKlvefa.- Sion., Wed. ud Bk aud Fri. Orecon City, Pny ton,4Vay LauU iugs. 6:00 a.m. . Willamette RUer. 4:S0pm. Tuea., Thwr Mon., Wed. and Sat.- Portland to Corral- audFrt. lis & Way Laud logs. ...... ,. Ir.Rlparla Snake River. L.lwlto 8:S5a.m. Dally Daly Rlparla to Iewlston Sa.m. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agsut, Portland. 0. mwiiiuimui.iV niLLIilEF.Y. BeatUiful Ribbons, Hair ' Ribbons, Neckties, Collars Belts; Trimming &ilk Etc. ALL PEETTY TKIHCS V .'.FOB LADIES, Finest Quality and Cheap at MISS LOU ELLA fMDOOOO. . Chutes,