Eczema Row It 1d th cb, drls and sosles I Pome popiecll It tetter, milk crust or Bait rheum. The euflerlng from It li sometimes In tram; local application are resorted to tbrj mitigate, but cannot aire. It proceeds from humor inherited or ac quired and persists until these bar been removed, f Hood's Sarsaparilia positively remorea thera, ha radically and permanently cured the worst cases, and li without an equal for all cutaneous eruptions. Sooo'aruxsiuvtbeUctCfttkkrtt. rrfewvt At Carnival Tim. . "If you dislike her, why do you visit her," was asked, after the maiden had expressed her opinion of the absent one. "Oh, all the parade pass her home," was the satisfactory reply. Tbls airaatur la every box of ta (Maine Laxative Brotno-Ouininc xaMeta tawj Apprehension. First Old Codger No, I fcaven't been at the club today. Second Old Codger So they told me. I was afraid something might be wrong thought you might be married. A WIRE FENCE MIRACLE. laUrtstinj Discovery a Important a the Head to Pin. The fences in the United States cost $5,623,892,160. The average county has paid $2,000,000 for its fences all paid by inhabitants you , and yourn eighbor. Did you know this before? Such an immense sum of money seems in credible, yet it is the correct amount. A 1 ar it k a fdtt. that Lham ac ...stv. f than all other farm improvements voluntary testimonials from minis combined! It is absolutely essential tera of the gosl which have come to the preset vaticn of your property irparts of the country . One and stock that you hare good fenced o '" 5V" Enoch Hill and keep them in good order. This pastor of the M. E church of Grand fence question is always, pressing Junction, Iowa, who says: uch ..A k.' zLa.Z "I am a firm believer m the efh- a v-o-v. a va.-vaa J J -f aau VVUVUUVUO aggregate cost of fences renders the subject worth the most careful con sideration. Untold trouble has been experi enced for many years and the general advance along the line of improve ment has resulted in the widespread substitution of wire fencing for the various forms of wood fences. But with the new era of wire fences the old, old fact that anything is only as strong as its weakest part has been time and again conspicuously demon strated. Wire fencing in all its var ious applications to different pur poses is undoubtedly taking the lead in the construction of the world's fences today. This is so because it is the most economical and most dur able, even in its earlier and cruder forms. " " The great drawback to all iron fencing has been the difficulty of se curely fastening the joints (wire to wire) so that thev will not slip. These joints have always slipped. They constitute the one weak point. If they become loose the whole fence soon goes. That has been every one's experience and is the base of all trouble with wire fencing. f Becently a genius solved the prob lem by inventing a clamp which binds the wire and bends and "an chors" a joint into perfect security. The thing is sq simple that . people wonder why someone did not think of it before. But the important point is that the clamp does its wonderful work unerringly, and from now on all wire fences can be made tenfold more durable. Of course the big parent company that secured the patent for this wonderful "anchor clamp" is having a phenomenal success. "An chor" fences are multiplying like hot cakes everywhere, for the discovery of the "anchor clamp" in wire work is comparable to the deed of the man who invented the head to the ordinary tin of commerce, and an old-fash-oned wire fence can be converted into an "anchor" fence if you have some of the little "anchor clamps" and a pair of pinchers. The Portland Anchor Fence Company, which has its headquarters at 742 Nicolai street, Portland, Or., controls the sale of "anchor" fences in the Northwest, and they send very interesting pamphlets and pictures, telling all about fences, free of cost, to anyone who sends them his address. Seeking Hit Fortune. "Young man, why do you stand on the bridge every day with that life preserver on?" "S-s-sh, don't give me away. One of these heiresses may fall overboard." mm MM F mmn Constitutional Affection; I ' Spray, washes, powders, salves, medicated tobacco and cigarettes, however long and persistently used, ao not cure catarrn. I ney relieve the inflammation in the throat and nose, you to breathe more easily and treely, rinnnl a-iiett -t-tis-- tTAn.i vIiaiia bAJhA U04 1IUMI VI 1UUU1V VWA IAS JT the irritation ana ultimately produces the elands, wken the breath becomes A. 1 it- 1 . rt4Vtiaiv attA fh astf WttlM jtf ifhc or. destroyed. The catarrhal inflammation the entire surface of the mucous membrane, or inner skin ; the stomach, kidneys and lungs are often involved ; the whole system soon becomes affected by the rapid absorption of poisonous matter into the blood, and the disease that you had hoped to cure with simple local remedies, assumes a dangerous form. .. X had Catarrh about IS year, and tried during- the time everything I could hear of, but nothing did me any g-ood. At last X earn to the ooneluaion that Gmtarrh must b av blood disease, and decided to giva B. 8. 8. a trial. X could ssa a little improvement front the first bottle, and continued It three or four months, or until I wu cured. Hare sxot taken anything- for six year, and am just sua wall a I ever was. M. 2CAT SON, Lapeer, Mich. " Catarrh is a constitutional disease a blood disease which is frequently inherited, and only a blood medicine, such as S. S. S., can remove the hereditary taint, destroy the poisons that have been accumulating in the system for years perhaps, ana restore the blood to a healthy and pure condition. The inflamed membranes and diseased glands are healed by the rich, pure blood which is carried to them, and the offensive discbarges from the nose, and the terrible headache and neuralgic pains cease. Chronic cases of the most desperate character and apparent ly hopeless, have been cured completely and permanently by the use of S. S. S. Write our physicians folly about your case and they will cheerfully assist you by their advice,. We Cbarge. nothing whatever for this service. Boole free on explication, TKff SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Ths Sams Old Cxcum. Magistrate Well, young man, what excuse have you for taking the picture when you wtra forbidden to doitT Young Man Judge, I didn't know my camera was loaded. A Poor Subject, "I don't believe in hypnotism," said Mr. Smart in the presence of Mr. Stunner, a veritable Svengali in the hypnotizing business, "becausen of one has ever been able to hpynotite me." ' ;: :',s: : " ,s: ; "Well," observed .the professor, cuttingly, "the exception only proves the rule. It is scientific fact that people who have no brains cannot be hypnotized." - rc la Ike PklllppUea. Peace in the Philippines is bound to prove prodtable to all concerned. Warring conditions, whether they be in the Philip- Siuea or in the human stomach, areeqiiallT ijsstrous. If vour stomach has rebelled, there is one aujhoritv that will ouicklr subdue it. It is Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, and it cures constipation, indigestion, biliousness, nervousness and dyspepsia. See that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck or the bottle. If They Only Knew. Wages Boston women who ride cross-saddle fashion are being talked about all over the country. Daecs Yes ; I'll bet if the Puritans had foreseen it they wouldn't have landed in Massachusetts. HIGHPRAISE. Rev. Enoch Hill, of Grand Junc tion, Iowa, Indorses Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. from Vtt Erie Bradliskt, Grand Jnneiion, la. No higher praise can be offered nor better references given concerning the virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People than the many cacy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, the remedy having been used in my family with highly grati fying results. For three or four years I was a sufferer from general debility. I seemed to be lacking in vitality, was tired out most of the time and sleep gave me no rest or refreshment. I was troubled with headache much of the time and my illness incapaci tated me for energetic work in my pastorate. "A sister-in-law living in Nebraska, who had suffered very much and who had used Dr. William's Pink Pills with good results, recommended thcra to me and I decided to try them. I had taken but two or three doses of the pills when I found that they were helping me, and further use of the. remedy brought such relief that I am glad to offer this public recommendation of Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People in the interest of suffering humanity. "My wife was troubled much as I was and the pills also proved of great benefit in her case. I have recommended the pills to many whom I have met in my work and am always pleased to indorse the medicine, the excellence of which has been established within my own observation." Signed, REV. ENOCH HILL. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., on receipt of price,50 cents per box; six boxes, $2.50. Extent of Swedish Agriculture. Sweden cultivated only 1,350,000 acres of land in 1812. . Now she has 12,500,000 acres under plow and grows 105,000,000 bushels of grain a year. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When too take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui- nine In a tasteless form. No Cure, Nt Psj A Cheap Shave. There are places on tne .Bowery in New York where a man can get a shave for 6 cents, r or 2 cents more he can have his face washed with bay rum. Poco, Premo, Korona, Graphic, Cy clone, Vive, Hawkeye.Al-Vista cameras and Eastman kodaks in stock. Send for special catalog of ' any of them. Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter St., S.F. . Roadsters for Governor Barnes. The school teachers of Oklahoma have given Governor Barnes of that territory a pair of driving horses as a recognition of his work for the public schools of that territory. nn jl! temporarily and enable tout the con- Irans i -. Jb-VV M i ulceration of W J excetvliticrW t. J 1 V frn,ij.t,t1y extends over I had Catarrh so had was entirely deaf In one ear, and all the Inside of my nose and part of the bono sloug-hed off. The physician irava ma np as incurable. I determined to try S. S. 8., and began to improve at onoe. It seemed to set at the Boat of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I waa entirely cured, and for more than seven yeara have had no irn of the disease. MBS. JOSE PHINE POLHILI,, Due West, S. O. lpPjr SMALL BOY AND TH1 HORSE. Acta tkat BtaesB tba Hmu wit tka Bade Ot Nobility. . What nuisances laeoo am&U boys are sometime. The street art full ot them. They play trick upon us. They snowball our tall hats. They steal up behind us and placard our backs wtta "I am blind," or "Wanted to buy 100 eats." We are made aware ot It only by the people who pass us, stopping snd pointing and sneering at us. How angry we are! And then ws discover peeping around the corner three or tour mall boys, They are so comical we burst Into a laugh; that is. It we are wise, and remember that we have been boys ourselves some time In the past And so the Incident passes with the comment, "Boys will be boys." , For our part, we like small boys. We can get aloug with their pranks, We can endure the noise they make, muddy footprints on the carpet, pillow Bghts In the morning when we would like to sleep, the new suits all bedraggled and muddy with holes In the knee, the stubbed toe that must bo washed and done up, bedlam In the house In gen eral. Why this moralising upon the subject of the small boy? yon ask. Just this. We saw smelt boy, as we were passing along the crowded street, stop and caress a horse.. It was not a royally bred, htgh-toncd beauty, but an ordinary work horse, standing wear ily by the sidewalk waiting for "Get up here," and perhaps the lash of the whip. The boy was eating an apple. lie stopped and patted the horse. He gave him a part of his apple. He caressed his nose, placing It against his face. You should have seen the mutual quick understanding between bone and boy. Would we trust that boy! Surely we would with uncounted money. His frank, honest face, his eyes speaking sympathy and kindness, intelligence and pent-up fun and life, were an Index of his character and natural bent that were unmistakable. Boys, yon are soon to be men. Such Incidents as the above are worth your consideration. Tbey are Indexes of what you are and what you may hope to be. They have a reflex Influence upon yon, too, that will help yon In after years. The boy was understood by the horse; the ob serving man understood the boy as well. Boston Traveler. COIN'S QUEER HISTORY. How a Qtartsr Corneal I Friendship Bctwos-a Boalnosa Kirala. There Is a proprietor of a popular cafe In a downtown cross street who guarJs as his chlefest treasure a worn and battered coin which was struck from the mint hi 1809. The coin Is only a 25-cent piece, but It Is safe to say that $23 could not buy It, and the reason why Is this: When the owner of the coin opened his cafe shortly after the Civil War. be chose a good location, and this fact, coupled with his own vigorous person ality, brought him a flourishing trade. His business grew so rapidly that an other cafe was opened by a rival di rectly across the street,, The newcom er announced that he was after a part of the trade in the neighborhood, and that, what was more, be was going to get It His attitude was distinctly defiant, and the customers of the es tablished cafe wagged their beads sol emnly and said that trouble was brew ing. On the day that the new cafe was opened a crowd of Idlers filled the place and waited for something to happen. Tbey were not disappointed, for In the middle of the morning In strolled the restaurateur from across the street, and. throwing a shining quarter on the bar, he askel his rival to have some thing to drink. . So the men drank, while the crowd gaped and wondered who would strike the first blow. But no blows were struck. On the con trary, during the afternoon the owner of the new cafe took the same coin which his rival had nsed in the morn ing, and, walking across the street, treated In turn. The operation was repeated the next day, and every day for thirty years. Meantime the piece of money grew worn and old, and the two men grew worn and old, too. At last the pro prietor of the newer cafe died, and the other man was the chief mourner at his funeral, and when it was all over he put the battered quarter In a safe place and vowed never to part with It this side of the line separating him from one who had been both his rival and his friend. New York Mail and Express. The Toad In the Rock. Of hate days I have noted, says s re cent writer, a considerable number of reputed cases of the occurrence of lire frogs and toads In what were al leged to be solid rocks. This Is, of course, an old, old story that appears to possess perennial powers (like the toad) of revivification. I had thought that Dean Buckland (father of the genial Frank) had exploded the toad In the rock myth once for alL The Dean Inclosed toads and frogs In cells cut In blocks of stone, and burled them three feet deep In his garden. Here the conditions were even less rigorous than those under which the amphibians are reported to survive for ages In the "solid rock." Dean Buckland's toads were nearly all dead by the end of the first year of entombment and none sur vived the second year. ' j A , A Polish Wedding. A curious marriage was recently cele brated at Grocholetz, in Poland, where a peasant at the age of 88 led to the altar a maiden of 18 summers. Among the 200 guests Invited to the wedding were eleven sons of the bridegroom by former marriages, the eldest being 60 years old and the youngest 4L There were also sixty-three grandchildren, thirty-nine great-grandchildren, twenty-one children of the fourth generation arid four of the fifth. When a servant girl leaves, the woman of the bouse always says, In telling about It: "She said It was the easiest place she ever had; still, she wouldn't stay."i ' ' ; - A man never has as much difficulty In getting the girl's consent as the novels claim, and is never as happy after marriage as tl novels picture. ' Many a man will row a long way up stream simply for the privilege of float ing back. Tbo'Ghnnrjo of Is the most important period in a wo man's existinoe. Owing to modern methods of living, not oue woman in a thousand approaches this perfectly natural chang without experiencing a train of wry annoying and eoaiv tlmea painful symptom. Thos dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until it setns ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills, aa if the heart were going to top for good, are symptoms of a dn Mas. Jama Noaus. rerona, nervous trouble. Those not flashes are just so many calls from nature for help. The nerves are cry ing out for assistance. The cry should be heeded la time. Lydla E. link ham's Vegetable Compound was pre pared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It builds up the weakened nervous Sstem, and enables a woman to paa at grand change triumphantly. " 1 was a very aick woman, caused by Change of Life. I Buffered with hot flushes, and fainting spells. 1 was afraid to go on the street, my head and back troubled me so. I was entirely eared by Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound." Mas. Jshxis Noblb, 6010 Keyser St, German town, Pa. N Room for Doubt about the sincerity of your friend's religion." "There can be no doubt whatever of its sincerity," was the answer. "Why, sir, that man would rather go to church on Sunday than play golf." TO CCRE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Qnlnlne Tablets. All Ironists refund the monev it It tails to cure. S. W. Orove's stgnatnre laoa each box. 15e. Improving Grant's Tomb. The grounds around Grant's tomb at Riverside are to be beautified. The trees will be planted, the steel em bankment terraced and asphalt walks laid. Learn to take pictures. The "A. B. C. of Photograjtiiy". tells you how to do it. The best book on photography ever written. Your dealer can get it for you. Camera Craft, 330 Butter street, San Farncico, Cal. . ' The Remedy. ' Stern Professor (to nervous stu Aertt in hnnipnnnthvl On the nrin- ciple, then, of like cures like, what would you order in a case of delirium tremens 7 "Wouldn't some form of snakeroot fill the bill?" Mothers will find Mrs. Wtnslow's Sooth ing Syrup the beet remedy to use tor their Children during the teething period. In Smokiest Chicago. "The bridegroom was late in com ing to the wedding, wasn't he?" "Yes; he had, allowed only an hour for getting his hands thoroughly clean." Pifo's Cure can not be too highly spoken of as a couch cure. J. W. O'B'riim, 822 Third Ave., K., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. , .- - 1 : Cuckoo Ejgs. Willie had been told that when a hen was heard cackling around it is a pretty sure sign she has laid an egg. One day he ran to his mother in an excited manner and exclaimed: "Oh, mamma, I just heard the cuckoo in the clock make a noise. I'll go down and see if she's laid an egg." , - ' jCVfcffetable Prepacationfor As similating ttie Food and Regula ting theStoinachs andBowela of Promotes Dige3tfonheerfui nessandlteslContains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. WOT"NAHCOTIC. lmp$tfOUJSiMUB.PttClBli jtamSd Jii fjtrtvnik-iaU ' Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpa Ticn , Sour SiGuiiCiif Diarrh6c3 Worms .Convulsions Jevcnsn ness and Loss OF SLEEP. , mm lmu p mm Facsimile Signature of NEW YD UK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. V l "'- ' - ' :r j i They Ajrtt& "Mr, Carnegie is the gretwt and mrwt sensible philanthropist fe world ever knew." . "I agree with you sir,' and now may I ask your busine!" "I am a bookseller. And you?" "I am a maker of hardwood book shelving." Unnecessary Prslimlnarlts, "I can understand all this prelim inary talk about that duel these Frenchmen are going to tight," said the eminent pugilist. His entourage begged him to am plify his views. "Well, as I undersland it, the event isnt to be pulled off under the auspices ot any athletic club, and there is to be no gate money to divide." Do Good to Somebody, To shako off trouble we must set shout doing good to somebody. Tut ou your hat, and go to visit the poor; inquire into their wants and adminis ter unto them. I have often tried this, and found it to be the best ird icine for a heavy heart. A. J. Sym ington. Tn RttoH Courtteus, "Ko, I havo nothing for you," said the housekeeper, sternly, "And don't you come here after dinner again." "Beg pardon, lady," replied Hun gry Hawkes, "but 1 didn't suppose you'd have dinner over (lis early in de dav. You ain't very stylish, are yert . Willis's MlMpprthtntlos, Willie Boerum (entertaining his sister's caller) Do you Hke baseball vorv much. Mr. Jamaica? Mr. Jamaica I never played ball very much, Willie. I en joy. golf Willie Boerum (disappointedly) Why, I hear pa tell Susan you was a great catch. Iter Strong Hold, Wife (testily) Don't interrupt me. I leave out half my words when I'm writine. Husband But you don't when you're talking, do you? Uviti'a school. At Menlo Park, San Mateo Coamy, Cat., with Us beautiful, surroundings, perfert climate, earelul supervision, thorough Inttrunltoii, complete lahoratortm. and gymnasium, easily maintain! Its position In Ihe Irnnt rsnka ot rohoolt tor bovs on ths I'smtlO Coast, Ira U. Uoiu, I'b. P., Principal. Born Lucky. Blinks Lucky man, that fcll'w Jones. Winks I don't see how you make it. Ttlinto Whv. he took out a life in surance policy for $5,000 and died six days before tho company failed. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of 5es Fac-Slasila Wrapper Below. Tory small mwk as ? to take as rci IEABACRL rsi DISMISS. FOR IIUOUSKSS.' FOI TGKPia LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TKEC0MPLEX10I , i oauusjsi iswtjuww"; ticZtt I orrr TerstaMe.$ i iwa wu CURE SICK HEADACHE. p ill ITor Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use U : For Over Thirty Years tmi eiNTAua momnmr. oaa omr. ICARJER'S I J Uj . MS AW E V 1 A If f n At-. ... m in uuuu u FARF.l MACIIIIIERY FREE TO FARMERS Our 1801 Vehlcla Boo, Qur 1801 Implement Catalogue JUST ISSUED. est rear same and P. O. edilrwa and will matt en or both, a destrvd. ft of all hart. , Mitchell, Lewis Staver Co., first asd Tailor lis. fORTLAND, OR. GEISLER PATENTS COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON "ADAMANT" LAND PIASTER AisoU wsntod laavarr lows. --T...V -t.:. .. ----r-s 'LICII TiO WKM, laasl Ageat, rronl ! HI HI'.. Vrlta for a Catalogue, stating what you sstobiiy. - BENECIA ACMCUUUFAL Uf0K ' A rrry Tall. On the boat botwoen Looust Point ind Fells Point ho found a largo roll at bill. "Ah I" ho smiled, "my good ferry has arrived at last!" mm,mm Bit thm timid. Lax stirs ttromo-Qutnlne Tablets cur S oold li m day. . Mo curs, N o Pay. lTloe 2& east. A Rcraon for Evcrythlnj. Alice Did vou notico that Mr. Skynflint only put a nickel in tho contribution box? Gladys Yes. the Lord loves a cheerful giver, so Skynflint is afraid to toss off a whole dollar. Tba Beit Prasoriptlon for Malaria) Chills and Ferer Is a bottle of Qrors's Tasteless Cblll Tonic. Itlssia s tasteless form. Ho iplr iron snd qnlnlne In Cure. Nol'sy. lrlcs60o, Inhuman Torture. "Mies Vinagarce, they don't haio the freshies at Vassar college, do tbeyT" "Don't Uiev. thoucliT Tlievmauo me buy pound after pound of almond buttercups and stand and watch thorn while they ate them." rtTB Psmanwtlr Care. No fits er snouwaesi M I O sOor Hr.l m.of lr Kliea'iOrret N.ry Btenr. Bead far PKRK 4.00 trUI MlU.nd Ul lee. IafR.H KLiss,Ltd..Miarcbdl.,Phuilaua.ra. Accommoflatloni. "Did you hear about their preach ing sermons on Sunday trains?' "Yes, but how would they go about it?" "First collect all the passengers in ihe sleepers, of course." Stats or Ohio, rrrr or tolrdo, t ,, Lvcas Couwtt. Fssmk J. Cmsniy makes oath that ha 1 the senior parterof the II rm of If. J, Ciisnit t Co., doing businpsn In Die Cltr of Toledo, County andHtate afomald, and that snid Arm will nay the sum ol ONE II if NiiRKl) Dul.LA K.-l for eauh snd every csae of Catarrh thst runnot be cured by lb use oi Hall's Cstarrii Ci'im. KKANK . CHKNEY Sworn to before me snd stibucWbed tn my presence, this lh day of December, A. D. 18S4. 7ixTt A. W.0LKA80N, ll ' Notary PubUe. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucons surlsces of the yueni. Hend for trutlmnnlals, free. T. 1. VH KNEY ii CO., Toledo, a Bold by driiKglnts, 76c. Hall's Family fills ar tba best. Spotted. First Shirt Waist Man There goes Mr. Schermerhorn in a new shirt'waist.i ' ' 5 Second Shirt VYaist Man That's no new shirt waist. That's one of his last year's shirtwaists: see how large the sleeves are? Only Fafe Medicine) for Children. The tender little Insldes of children are ruln ert by violent purge, pill or liquids. Canoar pt re plaent,harmlos, effective. Druggists, loo, J!.', 60c. An Unjust Epithet Ilunery Hiceins Wot do you think? A woman called me a ani mated scarecrow this morninY Weary Wutkins I've knowed you since the early '80s, but I never seen no animation about you yet. Springtime Resolutions TAKK TUB lieeloy Dure Bure relief fiom liquor, opium and tobacco habit. Bend for particulars to Ctsley Institute. Moved to 430 Williams Ave., East Side. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street, Can give you the beat bargains ia Baggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines, Windmills and Pumps and General Machinery. See us before buying. Cuiii H WHLHI HrAtTTLSfe U (AIL! l Bant c Best Cousli Srrun. Good. Css in time. Hom ny arnmrms. r-. s. r i 3 AND SUPPLIES. ..r -r-..'i--.v:tt-'r Milwaukee Dindors 1X4X1 With onsttmRttstoi and Lcwtln lHvt, Ititetshsa teal Conoavo Drlvo Whsol Uzht Draft CATAl.iXil'K rRKK, J. A. FREEMAN, Gen'l Agt. IMf, Wmimr XL, Fr4lmtl, 0w. Complete Stock of Watrr A.Wood Extra. Secures i'nt for tnrctilleoi In Ihs t)ntll Nairn ant fureiRil eouttuli-s. Atxi mottmr mar kets and dvluiids i'li'iit Ittvim- K'o bailsr 1rms or fsi'llttlrs than nffor obtaliiabls any whir. I'srmsnt l our frM may bs d'-frrrvd tilt patunt Is allowed. Wills tut aiupblt. Th Psrfsotion o Wall Plaster, U a ur prsrtntatlv aalnst damp wall. ' ... .Li BCl-nd,B"'"',",wu,',,w" """ ' roolotUtsBtrsst, K tV. 0MM t . PRUooi am :uzr:zz KILLER SSJVsU 7kT. 75 yvm. rrltxs. OOe sad 01.00 acn. Solt bjr aesasra. fsirwiin stscPT co . rsei.msa. am a lnMr of S '." 1eeaue rmr I'Hl'iwlUK LW ll Ut!S Kl J H SUI.ONS of a.l. .esMtserHt MUlt Ul'B Ktl U-l Is lurt the IMns tor lire on Sox. 4 m eri k S Mm aa Tsjrler Sis., rrUd. Urs MiMTtaH this ftrta. 0Mtr rYyv Nun1mtm Hmkm, Jraaf OmrtB, Hy , raws' Cvttmew, Summit- fmllaw W'ldmrm, mim., srf. WETaWEATHEH W15D0MI ; v XvV Trit OBKINAL OIL.CD CLOTHING slack: or vet low , WIL KEEP YOU DRY KOTO EL52, WILL TAKf NO S'JMTITUTE xvmit ruu line or abmint3 mm$ A J.TOWCR C0..P03ION, rlAJJ. TAP A tap warm eighteen fart lung si least eanieva the eueiie afier lur taking two CAHCAHK 1'S. This 1 am Hire lias canned my bad ksalth for tb past three venrs, J am still taking Oasuareta, the only onUmills worthy ol nolle by senalitl people " Oso. W. UOWI.H. lialrd. Miss. Ptsstsnt. fslsisiiie. I'nteitt. Tml Onod. In Uood. Net er Mlnken. W.Hk.B.ur Ule. IPo. Sue.MiO. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... MwMaf alf , lwt. Naolml, In TS. til UA Tfl Blft Sold snd S'"rsnlMil Itf all itrn. flUIUBW slMto IIHK'lonamn lUKIi the Mccormick Roller Doarlng lloador Is tb best In the world. It ha no equal in STRENGTH, ADJUSTABILITY, AMD SIMPLICITY, It has been tested In all harvest field. In smi of handling, steerln. strength, and lisht liess of draft, It Is without a peer. It run light, tn fact runs lighter with four borsultuaa. any other header with sis. Call on the nearest McCormlck Agont, or address ' A.. H. EOYLAN, Gon'l Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. Moiel Flatel Opens for season June 28, 1901. Col. J, F, Harvey, Manager 7 XffV THE "MONTEREY" OF OREJON. Vnt hAatttlfiil and perfnnlly ennliinod sum. mor resort. Kvcry conveulp"ncaiid comfort. Kree bus from hotel to surf. Halhlng, llshlnif, dancing, bowling. A splendid hotnl with lovely aurroundiniis. Under new manitifninunt this yesr. For rati i and reservations address HOTEL FLAVEL, Flmvl, Or. Or J. L. MITCHELL, 018 Marqumnt Bldg., Portland, Orm. mi v. h. s:, ER Is best time to Cure Catarrh, Bronchitis and Coimumntlon. Oar remedy la guaranteed, f L P.O. Bos 91 8. ITH 2 CO., Buffalo, H. Y. M. f. Mm D. ' ?-t0t." w HEN writing t advertisers pleat DteBtloa this paper. - fff .VlrJ 'v N A cmtw I i&mr ffri CANDY VLyfc CATHARTIC X. tsaoimass wtisttmo illl.