TnE-GQ!:D0:i;CU3DL THURSDAY-Jl i.Y 4 .. ICO I. - :- i JioTlCK. The nu w mmjnri.1r from H 11,1, j.r-r Ihr Hwiina-Krw mllHm ol the itnt? mr InvMr mif lrfcntt tnanrt n by rmlttta In. lw mr. f . hlr rrayec v ltrluhlmfSir!, 'rrv)!n tnmt ! aitrunt hy ' wHt.-f. nwwwrltT fnf Hrt JlraiHMt.lrtrt utanrTrjU-wermmrt Hfh,4 llir roth mmwrt nw tiiUiitjr fcwopiB .ui nrewl by rxTfwpmutfiiU. ,, Tjx- nsv,' nr fEi.RftKATE. Today ia th day we wlbr:ile with a. claxh ot cviiiIwIkaiuJ rH of drums; with the crash and rattle tf millions of fire crackers and the outburst of thousands of triotic orWr; with ievry conceivable outward demonstration that we are Hot taclfrigiii that (NVtiluilsiu which fired our fore fathers and caused theiu to rebel agin vaii litest K, i ill) at tS e 1 1 f 1 1 n i i I Moody war. to exnt-l his armies from American soil and pet up for themselves a republican form of government a government for the leoplp,bjt theeopiftv.Md f the people. J But isthepatriotism of today the ixa 1 artw) ttrHurl AAllllutr! With the kind that filled with teal'the souls of the revolutionary fa&ers? Is it of.Vhe same,, .fineness as that which inspired the m of the writer of the DeclaYatibnf of frtdej leudence? s Io. wes. average, representative Americans, on this 125th birthday of the republic love our country most because it is a republic, or. because it stilly affords fairly good 'opportunities for ac quiring possession of the elusive, a uigVy dllr? These are ques tion, which ftvery American hopld ask himseir and ponder e n t cTay and hisiriswer 6hould e witheld until the noise ' and din and powder smell of the cele bration is over and the spasmodic spell of fitar-Fpangied, patriotic exuberance, which the day always arouses has subsided. The spirit of commercialism is, all .around, J it isfn the very air we breathe and it is little wonder that even the natal day of the republic should be more or less tainted. with., its influence. 1.4 it not true that a large majority of the celebrations which will be held all hy$i ihia Tiroad land lodav are "pronipid ' xot e by a' desire tor gain than by: a desire td 'honor the founders of the republic or the republic itself? It may not tickle our patriotic vanity to say so on this occasion, but there are few who .will. argue, that it ia not true. - We should think of these things once in a while 'and ; what ' more propitious time' can we find; than the Fourth day of Jtily,'A''D. 1901 ? So from out the harry and; .bustle of the day which ;will be largely giveir over to the beating of drums, the clashing of cymbals, the waving of flags, the utterance of 'patriotic sentiments arid 'ihY absorption of peanuts, beer and red lemonade, let us steal a little- tjtne in , which to meditate on this objects for -which our-- forefathers; strove .when', they fought and woH;;theeyolutioriary battles and set up a form of goverii mentwhich they thought about per fect and which, their descendants lo day profess to think atqut perfect A few moments of such meditation, of .honest self-communion oa the many questiofisbf the, hour 'which so vi tally affects the destiniesjof the republic by every intelligent citizen would be of more value to the coun try than Hi the .noise sijisV and smoke and music and red fire and red liquor etc. etc. that" ever happened. nit- , t..-i But the trouble is vthe great American people can hardly ever find time for such tame pursuits.. The above enumerated .attractions BID IWU1UIU lUf Ult-LU. , jn a .K l I i The East Oregonian says" that Pendleton, with a VopulaU6ft yb 5000, will spend 111,800 on her Fourth-of-July CelebraUon and asks if any 'gther, tpwn,.4ii JhreG statesiir do as "Well Yes.'Cbilp according to the UU .cetlBUs hanja population of only 230arid she will ppend ' today about $500 in the entertainment of her guests. .But then Condju is a mighty big little town. , .rrhe Same Old. Story." A, KfUy relut-B an ei iunce si nil ir 1 1 ttiVi .'it ; ? i n li i.)) hi 1 1 in almost.- ttVcwy Meuli!x)rliM.l . in the Uuitmt St:Us an i tins I wen toil and re t)li by thou san U of orliorit, ; JI(j ayt Liti.u ii jrf 1 1 1 4 i mtt Vi oflvin teranJ iiuichiiecd a bottle of C'liain lterUiu'd C.lii!.AJii'lera mid Oiairiioea hinli I u-d .tcuordinif to diivc ti.nn mi I tiu ifiuiroly. i)tti.4f;t:t(ry re fiili. r.i i-Kjulne w-44 liitriiiied in idi l Hiknr tumi far iir, atuoks wheu I ii-w- l nilmr rmn:' lieii." Mr. KfHv U a. ll knnrn wiij'-n "f Htn'ltrm, J, (j. V it vale by 11 jjfoii Ftiaruiacy. Mr. Uryan get off the following ' KUr. Family Missing, rather good etory in ttw Common- O... .rftbe'rt , v ' V?..: w recinUI it tlm of -Ah- ktlley , . ... ! fauiilv. ) Uk liwiPnw,- 0Wd ihecompimnt wmon repuoucansr (;m M,f igoo, to'iwkrr City, make abxiul. tb weight of silver th IVnihicrat, "' retails a story told n a : Boston;!, the fumlW wtwli!of B. f KelW, man who was Vrgaing against tbe hl white metal. He said: -No oihi""7.;'-'". " 'Z' .Zi likes to carry silver, it is too heavy. Now suppose I gave my wife fifty dollars to go down town and buy sontelhing. say a srwwl of thread - or any article of small value, and the clerk gnve her back 'forty-nine d-illars and tha chmg-un silver, she would i't want to cirry that mnch,aniHurniog'to his wife for c t ii" u iti-M h inj tirel ''wr vtld y uf She repliel with a good deal offering Oh if I.aiuld oily get fifty dollars t speh'd f woiild ba mllinint3 "cttry ,th (ChAngqia. any ind of money."- - If -any "gold I b t d mbts th j truth of th'u st ry let him try the expjriuijntou his wife. . v: . v Summer cvKip!aint it nnnsually prev aleni awotiTKJilWren lhismon. well ' ilevirfed cae in the ' writer's family wan cared last week by the timely nse of CttaiuberUiM'a Colic, CltoJera and; biarrhoea Remeily me of the best latent mediijne!uannftnred and which is always kept on ha'ii I at the 'borne of ye scribe. This ia nnUntende 1 as a free pan for the company, who do not adver tise with s, bat to heneQt little laSWrers who may nofbe within ey aeoe of a physician. No family ehoold ,be with-, onta bottle of this medicine, especially in eommer tune Lansing. Iowa Jour- nal. For mI by HddMn PI I'harmacy. AJAX. 0ar Maley 'took hi niece Lenna Farrar to Condon Sunday. Miss Minnie Adlani visited her friend Miss Lenna Farrar Thursday. Mr. Wm. Ad lard and family visited his parents here Wednesday. Grandpa Palmer was confined to his bed one day this week with a very bad cold. ' Con. Schott was in this part of the country the first of the week fathering horses. ;" Nearly every one from thia. part of the woods will go to Condon on the Fourth. Mr. Lloyd Leslie who has a home stead in the Jntnp fif Joe country .was a caller at A" Saturdays - w ; Geo. Smith went to Condon Sunday to practice base ball as he is to help the Condon team play on the Fourth. WaUeFarrar CjrniedowB from Alville Thursday to inform his sister Miss Lenna that she was wanted for Goddess of liberty on the' Fourth" at Condon. Tosv. Heartburn. ' When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and especially eo if the digestion has been weakened by consti-. pation. Katslolyand not 'too freely of easily digested food. -Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six honrs elapse between meal and when you feel a full ness and weight in the region of the sf rnich after eatinj, in Keating that you have eaten to much, take one of the Chamberlain's Stomich and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be a- voided; 'Tor sale By Hudson Pharmacy. Renew Your Subscriptions. Subscriptions lor all the leading news papers and periodicals published in the United States or any. other country on earth will be received at the Globe office. Save postage, time and trouble by leav ing the-amount with us and . we will attend to the business for you. Call when in' town and renew yonr subscrip tions to vonr favorites fpr190l. tf Reduced Rates, Are now in effect toBnffalo, New' York. Do you .expect to attend the Pantraeri-. canUtp-wition? . Ir sil i n t hv yir tickM nnti) yon have investigated the service of he Illinois Central "Railroad." j Our accommodations are. the. best that can be had, our trains are always on time and employes coarteous and accom modating '. - -' Throngh tonrist car fn o P-iclftt A a ii ..rflPt j II youjsril.! seji.'l nieei) cenjs in spunpi,. toallre given bdo, w will fur- ward yoi by return miil' oi of oir 31 x 45 in'eh ' wall mvpi of , "the U ittel t States) Cuba an I Porto Rico. '' i Any information regarding rates, ac- coihmoxlations. service, time, connections stopovers etc. will bj cheerfully given by '. .- ;'' ;. . .' ' B. H. TBTMnnLL, : . , ; Coni'l Agt ; 142 Third Srreet Portland, Ore. . Purely, Business. , . Baths Hot and cold water, clean tow els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel. U. L. Neal, the well known auction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his care. If yos hsvc property to sell consult him. L. KICKUS. . ' DENTIST' . OBlce lu the Stepbsnson Building, nj ataln. CQNDON. OREGON. ' 2 Subscribe for The Globe, Only $1.50 a year. wnn vneir umuv mm n'j m"i - one nrrwl "mare''w'Uh a rrA et.' Their ) wngons wen of i!pritieW, Mo., imihr... : . , , .V - ' - Abont the eth t4, Jnw, ' JW - l fmiWcmv ithuutS nike wertf RawIiih, Vyt , fctreeveral liy on ac connt of lck mM of one of the hoy. Sime lht ifm no trace wImktw of their w.herenlxiou ha bwn iicovirel. To olksr byi f the family, KT ml Koy KtHey,-"rmiiine.l nl lion at UovV)vrit, and Um Mint) pmel "and , they r$ceWl no letter Irytn their imrehts they ' Wafti .'!f'ieJ and vurtetl ittstitutina a arch. In Noem Vr ;.UtHy Kvlley arrived in DakirCitr havinif trawled hr bierew om the direct r.mte that thefamily wwild have traveled t thiy had,cgnUnod on their tjTctpy. Koy Keifey,' the eecend son, who left Geowtown when' the family "started over the plains to Oregon, recently arrit ed in Baker and callH IhwDoiWrat. lie said that he and his brother had never for a moment relaxed their effirta ta,discuver the .whereabout of tlkelr parents and brothers from the first time they became alarmed regarding their safety. Being members of tbe'i. XX O." F. anil )Votinen ote Wrld, they enlist etl'lhe help of these orders In "their search, and had received the assistance ot aearryevery paper in the inter-mountain region In giving -publicity to the fact that ' information was T desired, but no tidinfs have been forthcoming. What to do next he" does not know, and he is alut to give np in despair. How a family of five people, all nearly of mature age,', con Id so effectually disappear as if the earth ha 1 s wallowed them up, Is beyond explanation, unless tbey were murdered and their bodies cremated.' . Then it would teem that their effects , the wagons and horses, would be a sure means of detecting the murderer. Certainly it U the most unaccountable disappearance ever heard ot Jand it looks as thongh it will ever remain so. The Best Unlment forStrains. i Mr: F.H. , Wells, the merchant at Dear Park, Long Island, N.Y., says: "I always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it laat. winter for a severe lame ness jri thesjdev resulting from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it effected." For tale by Hudson Pharmacy. When you want a modern;-Up-to-date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Li ver Tablets. They are easy ' to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 2 cents. Samples free at the Hudson Pharmacv. Stops the Cough ' and works off th Cold. Laxative Bromo-QKlulne Tablets care a cold In one dir. No Core, no Far. Price 25 cent . a-FOR8ALE.A v Good ranch, 160 acres, all fenced. Yonng orchard, house, living water and crop of wheat on ground. Good Chance to homestead land adjoining' this place. Enquire at this office. ''' ' ; Pullman Ordinary Sleepers .The tourist travel between the East and the Pacific Coast has reached enor mous proportions in the last few years, and calls for a special class of eqnipment. To meet this demand the Pullman Co. has issued from its shops what it, tech nically calls the'Tullman Ordinary Sleeper." These cars appear similar to the regular sleepers being bnilt on the same plan, but not furnished with the same elegance. They are equipped with mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases, towels, combs, brgshes, ect. , requiring nothing of the kind to be furnished by - the passenger. Each car has a stove for making tea and coffee and doing -"light housekeeping", .and each section can be fitted with an adjust able table. A uniformed porter accom panies eich car, blsbusiness being to make np berths; keep the car clean, and look after the wants and comforts of the passengers. In each of the trains which are dispatched daily from Portland by the O. ItV'A Ni Cb,: ie' to oe'toond' one of these "PotWiar Ordinary' Sleepers". The-car-attached to the "Chicago-Portland Special", goes through to Chioego without, change,, and the one '..'in the "Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas City without change, Passengers in this car for Chicago change to a similar carat Granger. J ;- ' ' , . MuL'h of the first class travel is being carried in these cars, the rates being lower, and the service nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates and full information, includ ing folders' write to A. L. Ckaig, General Passenger Agent, O, R. AN. Co. - Portland, Oregon. guaranteed fy00 Salary yearly. Men and women of good addre to rcjireient ui, Kime to travel appointing agents, others for. local work looking after our ' interests. S900 gulury guaranteed yearl)-; extra com iniiwfoni and expejiaes, repaid advancement,: old catubllMhed house. Crand chance for earn est man or, woman to secure pleasant, perma nent ioitlon, Hbeml Income and future. New, brilliant line. Wrlteat once. STAFFORD PRESS, 23 Church St., New Haven, Conn. OF IflTEREST EyEnuauojii this V6. If- yon are 1 ambitious H to -Keep nr-i tnorongniy. Inforined tL ; prices, ahead" w"", your M-.-" '' i.i.Btttnier ' X .Corset. ' f - ,.Ve" have.,..; wash , goods : in ftreai profusion. All the things - In ; ; Stch ' ginghams Jawn dimities, . organdies. ''sballiefl,o: .India lioeuj ami . . the .'place" "' ' ' get more v 'real ' ' talu t'r C foY every dollar'" - it . t. ; and K'"SV?& 1?,' - i;aHtighl front,' tt French, v .i yott uA 4u twait,''.'f viv Cycle just India mce.. .of English jibng, cloth, , naiaook, M IJ "JJ.:1 'ra over ji;! fiarefiy,:, , nin.'i 4 : tAll Goods Marked in PlaiVi ington, FRANK WILSON. proprlator. - ' t.-i J I UCt." worth that 3 coat of lead and oil will last from 3 to 4 years and 2 coats of A Wj prepared paints will last 5 to 6 years. Sold it.ii Si o"i Wilson WOOL Stored witH ua wf l Vecleve the careful attention of ' ; x experienced warehousemen. it... v .' ' i i I J3arbYire,ftn1uai SugaVlms, Cement Flour, Feed and i V J- -i - Mill StufFs'always on hand in any quantities. General Storage and Fo rwarding. ARLINGTON WAREHOUSE CO., ARLINGTON, - OREGON. Keopepea, "THE MODEL" Fine WirlesHLiQuors and Cigars. Everything Up-to-Date. ME." SUMMERS, Proprietor. St V J. R. New Store at AVe ha'Tejaif opened a' Btock ' of goods' at our . new, store at Alville. in Ferry Canyon;" comprising Groceries, Tobacco, Hardware, Tinware, Notions, Confections etc. We invite a share of your patronage and assure you of low prices and --fair treatment. Al & L. E. McConnell. V ' t- rl it . ,t - .J ,1..., . . 'visit DR. JORDAN'S oat at UUSEUU OF AQATOUY tOSI BUSKET IT, SAN SSANCISC0, CM. SUA ui SMrnia. Th1Tfit AaaMBkleal Motratt' BUaWoc'l Onttut nttrmetlrm ta IA. CUv. 4 VnTfl tigtu or vtoUor. .. WtlkMMM. or any oaatraet. S lli.,fv HIt.Ij wr. by th. mm EtprUiliit un th. PaelA. um, sukium raiiaitmatiuu Ttmaiar mrm an4 aM4la (4 mn wb. nr. nffvrlna Iron th. HIccU M youthful ln(ll- I a orsuana r ticmM in nauirar f jrm Kwriw..nS btiIcI IMMIIty.lM. I I. t Mmmttm la.ll luwmpll. wilon( mprmmtrrtmm. PrMkiMr- mt DrlHllu. l - Hr a nsaiMnatlon M mnliM, rfrwt MraltT. powrr, tb. Doctor A lia. . arraav hl lrMimni UisA u wlil not . only (Tt.r4 TniBdlt. mi4. bat mtbmuimiiI I ours, i m iXMnor ao. iwt sim u Mriurm 1 mtraelai, but I. will Hnnwa Inbit fair and I . maun rbyM.n und KurfMn, prv-mla.DI . iiraiLH Irwnmvhljr nxlloat.d IrotB ' f w mjmrnm ihni ia um Of afrrarr Tmilll fltUd b mm Einart. BaJLal curt tot rllM, riMar rrU, b I I Dr. J.rdM' ipcU jwlnln. aMitoda. r . , ETHT M4aarmlrlr)toMW$Urtl k Cur HontM W vtM bumrmtu QMtiVM CTSJfln I toery wultrtak. Onmltatlria FRKK and rtrlr "TSla Tr.atm.iit rrMnall r or by 4rur. Writ, f. Rook. FRIIorBT RiRRIlfiX. MuuiViu Avaloabl. dook Mr mm.) vanwwru. OX JORDAN i CO.. 1 Ml Kaflwt St. S. P. ''Subscribe for the Gwbe. ' TO ViDEAVAKE m miLmnmi you. : ; We , i'" can..; i ' ' any ' ied ''order" " -at"- bnce.''1 KuiAmer ' Jloiaery We We have tflean .. . want prepared and ' to make ahead tainletis, niany new for the 10 ciitttomera newoot 12 for our" and 15 itore hare them. 20 ' and f hall' Just reoeivel:' . 25 by gifing A complete 35 them line of 40 ; the moat Nubian 60 , and bent nearsilk, - . ' and at lowest luatral, J CO price. , j ierealine and cents Hend likesatin "n Inydur,. dreai, pair," 1 'order A linings. . - , and tets, , , All tha : i-.Mis. -.' s - our -s : newest. . 1 .ability.'- things in r-v! . . .W are , triraniings, I v,. i iare to braids, i j ! - nvakeyoo lace, !;,-; .. - rejoice.. t( silk, ruRlInga . ': .We knowj f i,l, .etc. .... that our . 4 . .... :v-jFOv '' n j) prices , ... . ,;.v. :.. ,m ... .ni'o'ed , . caotbe 1 - ' .beak W ; ' " ' , qualities. - ; lawns ana , Oregon. H. W. PAULINO, Manager ohljr by . ' knowing Pharmacy and GRAIN NEWMAN, Mixologst. Alville. PAPERING AND PAINTING. yull hpo ot latest Wall Taper. . Estimates on work and material famished on short notice. Call and see "my samples. i V. A. DARLING. B. V. BUTLER, RESIDENT DENTIST AKLINGTON, OREGON. . Will be In Coinlon the taut week In eachroonth commencing Jnlv 25tb. -- Crown BridKe and Plate work a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain. All work guar anteed. CONDON OFFICE OVER WILSON'S PHARMACY. Notloa of Final Settlement. Notice I hereby given that the Bndenlgned ,hnj tiled her final account of her proceedings a executrix of the eitate of Enoch Withers, deoeaa- f, the County Court of Ullllam County, Oregon, and that the Court has appointed Monday, July 1, 1901, at2o'lock in the afternoon, at the place of holding County Court, at Condon, In inld Coun ty, at the time and place of hearing all objections to the Mid f)nal account, If any there be, and the ftnul ettlemont thereof. All heirs, creditor or other peraoni interested In mid eiitate having any objection, to the mild final account a tiled are henby noli lied to Hie the same, specifying the pnrtlcHlum of anrti objeetion. on or before the Mid day and honr appointed for the .aid mini hearing and aettlcment of .aid account Dalgd Mny'JO, l'JOl. JUi.lM) Withk'rs,' Lxevlitrix PURCHASERS. head them c:ie by o?ie. "Alert In the .wants of the trade," is our motto. Extra fine line of ladies' shirt waists' belts, hitndkerohioftf, ,!" burnt Icatherfiurses, hair iins, ? ; hair i l ornaments .. 'etc.;,.. We hare only the . . best. m,;J Ladies' . i. summer.' vests, corset covers, . muslin underwear, petticoats ' Flgu resr3- V ' ARLINGTON SAL . c. n. rmiTE & co Piiop's. jFINE WINES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIQARS. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. ' FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR PRIDEi FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEO BEER oa Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon . "... 'i'.. . . j.,. .. . . ' '' ''."' .. . ,-. . , v ". -r-i -A - ... ...f. cadpf Jiors pirst-blass Your Patronaa , , la SollolUd. PORTWOOD'S LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMERS' TRADE. FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. J. J. PORTWOOD, Proprietor. '..''.. i' , '..--. t- Condon. Or. Corner Spring and Church sts. FOR OUR CUSTOMERS FINEST STEAKS ADD CHOICEST BEEF. ALL INTERIOR WAREHOUSE CO., (BALFOUR GUTHRIE & CO, Managers.) Highest Prices Paid for Grain. t i General Warehouse Business Conducted. Warehouses Rt ARLINGTON, BLALOCK, DOUGLAS and IONE. ' Dort port tfat is still in business giving the tu. : , u ii. t it,, i Luc lieu lud l uu nura. in ' Cards: latest Stationery; in ii l r van ai7i examine apd prices O. S. EBI, - PROPRIETOR OF - SODA and X)TTL1HI, G U QRKS MsDiifacturer of Soda, Orange and Champagne Cider, Sargaparilla Und Iron and all other Boftand Carbonated -Drinks. Condon trade is respect fully solicited. Orders promptly filled Arlington, .Ore.- FOR SALE. Ten bead brnks hofara,. Klgbt-LnJ wurk hurtes 13lX) to 1400 HunJl one s?ss rfrlrSftS herees. S sh nmrly aw. awl f srt of harntss. Can he sfeo at the r5rf!ld place la Ferry Canyon, Call oa or address." . . Ci ypr Fi rst, ' "t'.mdoo, Oregon. ..u- t t i !. ii .1 T. Ill ' T i, r. anw-irrTS. au t. . r. wxm, u, n. GULLETTB A WOOD PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON, liny and nltilil falls pnimsaly anawrtod ' IHAt Uatll lit nvat Mprtng. .t!ltMMt... .... ;.. tyKNr.riCK aWfliM ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIIR OAI I IW, C. S. PAIIlERi firtlstic Barber.' " ft . I HM Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground. COiiOD!! - OEllCOtl. f Treasurers Notice. AU county wsrraats mlitered prior to (lor, I, law, will le paid npon pre entation at. my oRlce. lnUrest ifesss altsr( June 13, 100!. , .s , . , . , IV U. pTKrMsafK. Treasqrer I OHHam, coonty, Oregon iW3 Subscribe for The Ot.omt All the news, 1.50 a year. ' Best adrertisiiig medium. Hotel ofyety- 00 . 9 . t'.tn t SERVED AT ALIV HOURS CiUry a treasonable atej.' SPRINGSTON & ROGERS. ROASTS CUT FROM . COOD THINGS AT JOHN JACKSON'S tlpe (JljDB Offiee latest news and turning out n i .. tfi i ri:!-i .... v lub liuuiiiv. . fiiiKHL v ihiliih' .'''11' V ....... ,. ... ' f hort the "best printingV; ; ; : rt . .' t ' , ...'.!.'. y.OQ 1: Before Orderipi Fossil Flour . takes the - lead becauso if; : is the best. " Try it. Fossil Flouring Mills. ' FOSSIL, OREGON.1'" Jii Fo.r Bole by leading Condon Merchnilt j '