Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 27, 1901, Image 4

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It a constitutional diaeese.
It originate In a scrofulous condition ot j
the blood and depends that '"
It often causes headache and dlnlnesa, i
Impairs the tat, smell and bearing, at-
fectt tbe vocal organs, disturbs toe stomach,
It is always radically and permanently j
StJ?J0 'P". s
and tonic action of i
tiooa s aarsaparuia
This great medicine has wrought tha most
wonderful cure of all diaeaaft depending
on tcrofuU or the crofulouthabiU
Mood's Pux r Mm kMt aaihara.
in Thir !.
"Yea; I declined an offer of $5,000
a week to play the Iceum circuit,"
aaid the Vaudeville Soubrette.
"Huh! I never dream 'era that
way, I always accept," commented
the Scltser Water Comedian.
.. :.. fsa Omm W aW
laxative Bronio-Qulnine Tablets ears a call la
seed?, care, Fay. met eenia.
By th Wrong Praccss.
The teacher was trying to explain
to the little girl what faith is.
"Now, when your father plants his
flower seeds in the spring, how does
he know they'll come up!"
"'Cause our neighbors has got
chickens, ma'am," aaid the little one.
Send 15 cents in stamps for a sam
ple of copy of Camera Craft and a
large three color picture of ' Wawona. "
The best photographic magaiine pub
lished. 330 Sutter St., San Francisco.
Jamas X ttilTi Early Days.
James J. Hill, the railway magnate,
was at one time a Mississippi river
steamboat "runner," and as such was
well known in the early development
of Milwaukee, He was then account
ed one of the best "drummers" of bus
iness for river boats.
Btati or Ohio, Cttt or tolxdo, I
Lpca Cocwrr. (
Fa am 1. Citm makes oath that ha la tha
Senior par ter oi the firm ol F. i. Cikhst Co..
doing baaineca Id tha Citv at Toledo, Coaotv
and tetat aforesaid, and that aaid firm will pair
tbe Sub ot ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS lor sack
and every ease of Catarrh that eanaot ba eared
by th use of Haul's Catash Cvbb.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in bit
presence, this (th day oi December, A. D. 1884.
IZZS ActaryJSMie.
Ball's Catarrh Car is takes Internally and acts
directly on tbe blood and mncons suriacea of
the system, fend for testimonials, free.
F. i. CBEXEY CO, Toledo, O.
Sold by dnirfint, 76c
Hair rairuIyPUl are th beat.
Systematic Economy.
"The idea of your telling me I'm
extravagant!" protested Mr. Chug
water, "when I have saved up $500 in
the last 10 years on one item alone,
by a little self denial 1"
"What item was that T" demanded
Mrs. Chugwater.
"Cutting down my life insurance
from $5,000 to $1,000."
TakeLaxaUTe Bromo Quiniae Tablet. All
Ironists refund tha money if it fails to cure.
L W. Grove's signature is on each box. 35c
A Warning.
better not
l ou bad better not go
his 813-
with sister," said Tommy to
ter a beau.
; "Why not, Tommy?"
"'Cause I heard her say she intend
ed to throw you overboard soon."
Hoitt'O School.
At Verio Park, 8an Mateo Coanty, Cat., with
Its beautnul, surroundings, perfect climate,
earefut snperr on, thorough instruction,
complete laboratories and gymnialum, easily
ara mains its position in the front ranks of
scuools for bora on the Pacific Coast. Ira O.
Holtt, Ph. D., Principal.
A Philnthropiri.
She (haughtily) I happen to know
that you have already proposed to two
other girls this year. -
He Yes, dear; but I assure you it
was only out of compassion.
Teacher Johnny, . what do we
Johnny Air.
Teacher That's right. Now, Tom
my, of what is air composed?
Tommy Breath.
European Match Companies.
"An Austrian firm uses 10 tons of
phosphorus a year and turns out 25,
000,000,000,000 matches. Another
match company, an English one, uses
100,000 pounds of sulphur, 700,000
feet of choice white pine timber, and
150 tons of strawboard for its boxes
in the same time.
Big Estates Doubled.
it is declared by wall street men
that the estates of Commodore Van-
derbilt and Jay Gould have about dou
bled in the hands of the late owners.
The Vanderbilt properties were worth
$80,000,000 and the Gould interests
Rheumatism is due to an excess of acid in the
blood. When this escapes through the pores of the
akin, as it often does, it produces some form of skin
eruption some itching disease like Eczema or
Tetter but when these little tubes or sweat glands
are suddenly closed by exposure to cold and sudden
chilling of the body, then the poisons thrown off by
the blood, finding no outlet, settle in membranes.
muscles, tissues and nerves. These parts
hot : daerzer-like, maddeninz pains follow
extremely tender, the nerves break down and the sufferer is soon reduced to a state
of helplessness and misery. This acid poison penetrates the joints and seems to
dry out the natural oils, and the legs, arms and fingers become so stiff and sore
that every movement is attended with excruciating pains.
Liniments, plasters, electricity and baths, while their use may give temporary
ease, cannot be called cures, for the disease returns with every change of the weather.
xnre years aro x una ft severo snsn ox
ls rrlppa, which left ma almost a physical
wreck. To add to my wretched condition, av
aevsre form of Rheumatism developed. X
tried all tha physicians la our city, but none
of them could do me any permanent grood. X
vised all the rheumatio oures X could hear of,
hut received no benefit. After befflnnine; S. S.
B. X was relieved of tha pains and have rained
in flesh and strength and my general health
is batter than for yaara. X consider S. 8. B.
tha grandest blood medicine In the world,
smd heartily recommend It to any one seek
In relief from tha tortures of Rheumatism,
B. T. OrKEOOBY, Union, B. O."
to ruinous habits. Alkalies and the potash and mineral remedies so often pre
scribed, affect the tender lining of the stomach and weaken the digestion, thus
adding another burden to the already weak and impoverished blood. 8. S. 8. con
tains no mineral or dangerous drug of any kind, but is a simple, vegetable
remedy and the most perfect blood purifier known. Send for our book on Rheu
matism and -rvrite our physicians if you wish any information or advice. We would
be glad to Kail yon a book free ; we charge nothing whatever for medical advice.
Tfce Only Vay.
An Illinois attorney argued to the
court. one alter another, a eeriea v$
Terr wean nointa. none 01 which
. . ltrl tn w ,nvw.rit.
until th finalIy wid .
J Hrt think there ia
MrpdO you thinK mere IS
anything in these points T
yeji judge, perhaps there isn't
much in any one oi them alone, but
I didn't know but your honor would
kind ot bunch them."
, ...
lunj nnry wu
Duke Henry My dear, why are all
of those royal carriages standing out
in front of the palace t
Queen Wilhelmina I wonder that
you ask. They are standing there to
prevent the wretched collection
agency from stopping its dead wagon
' in front ot the door. That's why.
Tha Naw Biey el.
Btcvcle manufacturers tiata that tha bl
cycU'for this year will ba practically tha
sama mentis as 1900, as Improvement seems
to ba impossible. Precisely tha sama is
true of lloiietter's Stomach Bitters. It
represent tha limit ot sience. and it is im
possible to make a better medicine for the
stomach, liver, kidnevs and blood. Try it
for dvspepsia. Indigestion, constipation.
datulencv,orourstomach,and you will be
couvinced. Sever take a substituta.
A The for Cverythinj. J
' "I hare made all the arrangements
tor your divorce," said the lawyer.
"Shall I secure it at once?"
"No," repiled the fsensational act
resaafter some reflection. "Not yet.
My preas'agent is on hi vacation." -
Vra.W. T. Clark, of Hons. S. T. Tell
Why Ska la Mow Reeoaaaaaadlaa a
Wellkaova Remedy t
Her frleitd.
Indigestion and stomach trouble
have many results that are not always
readily traced to their real cause.
Sometimes the kidneys are apparently
affected but more often an irregulari
ty of the heart's action produces a far
more alarming symptom. The cause
is easily explained and is removed
when the stomach trouble is cured.
I A case in point is that of Mrs. W. T.
Clark, of 318 West 1 nomas street,
Kome, N. Y. She says:
"To begin with, I had gastritis,
which brought on sinking spells for
about an hour every morning. I was
very weak and nervous and finally was
compelled to take to my bed. My
illness began in the spring of 1897,
and continued for about four months.
For about half this time I was con
fined to my bed. I suffered greatly
from the stomach trouble and ner
vousness, but what alarmed me most
was the sinking feeling at the heart.
"I had read about Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People and when
some of my friends recommended the
pills very highly, I decided to give
them a trial. I bought one box and
by the time this was used up the sink
ing spells had ceased. I felt better
but continued taking the pills until I
had used 12 boxes. I still keep the
nills in the bouse for I believe that
they are a splendid medicine. I
always recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills to my friends who are ail
ing for I know that they will do all
that is claimed for them."
Signed, MBS. W. T. CLARK.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 9th day of April, 1900.
Benj. S. Brown,
Seal. Notary Public.
No discovery of modern times has
proved such a blessing to women as
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple. Acting directly on the blood
and nerves, invigorating the body,
regulatnz the functions, they restore
the strength and health in the ex
hausted patient when every effort of
the physician proves unavailing.
These pills are sold in boxes at 50
cents a box or six boxes for 2.50, and
may be had at all druggists, or direct
by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine
Co,. Schenectady, N. Y.
A Problem Solved
George Why do women talk so
Fanny So the men "can't. They
think the lesser of the two evils the ,
Tha Bast Prescription for Malaria '
Chills and Ferer is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic It is simply iron and quinine in i
a tasteless form. No Cure, Mo Pay. Price 60c. 1
Alter Seeing the Library.
"Gran'pa, please draw me a
boy thout a stitch
clothes not
even shoes."
"Why, Tommy, that wouldn't be
proper." "
"Yes, it would, gran'pa; I want to
put wings on him an' make him an
become greatly inflamed, feverish and
in quick succession, the muscles become
o. S. b. cures Rheumatism by
working a complete change in
the blood ; the acids are neutral
ized, the circulation purified and
the rich, healthy blood that ia
carried to the irritated, aching
muscles and joints, soothes and
heals them. 8. S. S. cures Rheu
matism even when inherited or
brought on by the excessive use
of mercury. Opium, in some
form, ia the basis of nearly all
so-called Rheumatic Cures,
which deaden the pain but do
not touch the disease and Uarl
Short Storlefj
Henry L. Clapp, In a company of
rood fellows, once said of a well known
editor who was constantly Impressing
people with his own Importance: "Yes,
he Is a self -made man, and he worships
his creator."
Thackeray, anxious to enter Parlia
ment, stood for Oxford, thluklng he
might win the seat from Lord Mono a,
who then represented It, Meeting his
opponent In tbe street one day, he
shook hands with him. had a little talk
over the situation, and took leave of
him with the quotation: "May the best
man win." "I hope not." aaid Lord
Monck. very cordially, with a kind
little bow. .
In a little Western town the other
day the most popular citizen soundly
whipped a tough character, and to vin
dicate the majesty of the law the of
fender waa brought up for trial. The
Jury were out about two minute.
"WelL" aaid the Judge, "what have the
Jury to sayr "May It please the court,
responded the foreman, "we, the Jury,
ftnd that the prisoner Is not guilty of
hlttln with Intent to kill, but simply to
paralyse; and he done It." The verdict
was received with applause and the
prisoner received an ovatton.
Senator Vest of Missouri tells of a
mass meeting once when a certain res
olution was discussed for several
hours. Finally one of the delegates be
gan a speech which wandered all over
creation. Some one Interrupted him
with the remark that he ought to con
fine his remarks to the resolution.
Yea,- aaid Judge Phillips, who was
presiding, "the gentleman must speak
to the resolution." "Let us have the
resolution read," suggested some one
In the meeting. Judge rhtllips atooped
down and whispered to the absent-
minded secretary. "Read the resolu-j
tlon." he said, "irmr queried the sec
retary, waking up; "what resolutlonT
"The oue we have been discussing for
several hours," replied Judge Phillips.
The resolution was hunted for high and
low, but could not be found. On the
secretary's desk there was a bit of
paper which looked as if it had been
nibbled by a mouse. It w as all that re
mained of the resolution. The absent
minded secretary had eaten the rest
During one of his expeditions In the
Philippines, the late Gen. Lawton came
across the trail of a party of Filipinos,
whfchhe followed for several days with
a small body of troops. One day he and
his staff reached the top of a small emi
nence and saw a river stretching be
low them but a short distance ahead.
Turning to one of his aids, the General
said: "Lieutenant, ride ahead and see
If that river la fordable." The Lleuten
ant put spurs to his horse, and soon en
tered the river. A few feet from shore
the bottom shelved off suddenly and
the horse was soon floundering In deep
water. The Lieutenant disengaged
himself and swam to the shore, which
the horse also reached In a short time.
After a brief chase, to the amusement
of the General and the staff, the horse
was recaptured, and, mounting him,
the Lieutenant rode back. His khaki
uniform was soaked and bedraggled
and the water spurted from tbe top
of his military boots at every jump of
his horse. Riding up to the General,
he gravely saluted, and said: "I have
the honor to report, sir, that the river Is
not fordable." Lawton looked at him
a moment, trying to maintain the dig
nity of his position, but the situation
was too ludicrous for him. He burst
into a hearty laugh In which the staff
joined at the expense of the young
lieutenant, who, however, tells tbe
story on himself.
Pope's Wardrobe.
A large staff of women Is employed
at the Vatican for the sole purpose of
keeping the Pope's wardrobe in perfect
condition. No spot or stain may dis
figure the garments worn by his Holi
ness, and, as he always appears In
white, even a few hours' wear deprives
the robes of their freshness. It is con
sidered that no man's hand Is dainty
enough for their care, so in this one
respect women are permitted to serve
the Pontiff. Only the most delicate
materials are used, moire silk being the
summer fabric and a specially woven
fine cloth the winter one.
A Hebrides Island for Bale.
It Is announced that the Duke of Ar
. . TH Intends to sell TIree, the most fer
naaeu , , , , , n ,j
isuwu oi me argjiejuire nuuriuen.
It la some twelve miles long and four
miles broad. By reason of Its flatness,
Tlree is prettily described In an ancient
Celtic legend as "the kingdom whose
summits are lower than the waves."
Around the coast there are some forty
ruined watch towers of unknown his
tory and several "standing stones."
The Duke's factor's house was erected
In the middle of the eighteenth century
on the site of the venerable ruin of a
turreted castle. London Chronicle.
' ' Fears a Timber Famine.
If It were not for the foreign supplies
England receives a timber famine
would have overtaken the country long
ago, because the home-grown supply
baa not been able to meet a tithe of the
! demand for long enough, and that only
i of Inferior kinds of timber. If the for
J eign supply of fir alone was to fall off
sensibly now the whole building trade
of tbe country would come to a partial
' standstill and tbe wagon companies
would be next to idle.
Tried to Please Her.
Mistress I'd just like to know what
was tbe meaning of all that loud and
angry talking down stairs last night?
t Domestic That was Just me and me
husband, mum.
j "Your husband? You told me when
you came that you were not married."
I "I wasn't, then, mum; but you com
plained about havhY so much love-mak
in' ln th' kitchen, so I married one of
em." New York Weekly.
Altogether Different.
"It's all very well before a girl's mar
rled for her to get a flower In her hair,"
remarked the Observer of Events and
Things, "but It's an entirely different
matter if after she's married she gets
her hair ln the flour." Yonkers States
What suffering frequently results
from a mother's Ignorance t or more
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly instruct her daughter 1
TradUion aaya "woman must snt
fr," and young women are so taught.
There is a httlo truth and a creat deal
of exaggeration in this, li a you j if
woman suffer severely she needs treat
ment, and her mother should see that
she gets it.
Many mothers hesttatft to take their
daughters to a physician for examina
tion : b tt no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter ot
herself to Mrs. Pin Wham's Laboratory
at Lynn, Mass., and secure from a
woman the moat efficient advice with
out charge.
Mrs. August rfai.-srraf, of South
Byron, w is., mother or the yonng iaay
whose portrait we here publish, wrote
Ln.i" lriltll
the time, and pain In her aide, feet
swelled, and waa fir ne rally miserable, i
She received an answer promptly with
advice, and tinker dte of March,
the mother writes again that Lydia E.
Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured
her daughter of all paina and irregu
larity. !
- Nothing the world equals Lydia B. i
Finkham'a great medicine for rcfc"
lating woman'a peculiar monthly
troublea. . , . .
"TV ttiA nnlv tninie nn rf h "aaiit
Mr. Dolan, who was struggling with a!
balky horse, "that I wisht for an otty-,
mobile." ;
"Would yes sell the horse?"
"n !r v,nr v.w in
that. I d hitch the animal up
front nf the msrliinA and then I'd hpo
whether he'd on or not.' I
Take pictures at night at you home
print them at night you can do it.
Address Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sut
ter bt., sun Irancisco, for informa
tion. Largest photo supply house in
the West.
For Cause.
Yeast Do the robins come to pick
the bread crumbs from your lawn?
Crinisonbuck They used to, but
they don't any more.
"How do you account for that?"
"My wife makes her own bread."
This sifnstur is oa every box ot the genatao
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets I
lb remedy that eaurea cold la os tfajr
Already Informed.
Disappointed admirer Yo' kin tell
Dinah dat ef she wants dat chump
Sam Johnson she can hub him. See?
Mutual friend He done tole her
dat hisself.
VI.TOWr.3 CO..B0T0N.riAS.49
Springtime Resolutions
Ifeeioy Cure
Burs relief fiom liquor, opium and tobacoJ
hablf . Bend for particulars to
leeley Institute. 2.. aTi1.1.""'
. r. h. o.
. SS-ltOla
W0EIT writlnsr U, advertiser pleas
mention tbi paper. .
'lhe Kind You liavo Always
r..nn.w,j im mmnnm: mn-'ijn m mhwh. i.m . ipw , mm n .n. im .,. , ,,.,li.
-' v - - -' v.V' ;- - - - - - . ...
kuid v vwtsi letvucrt uuu jias uccn maue unucr jiis
personal supervision for . over 30 years. Allow no odo
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-grood." ore but Experiments, and endanger tlio
health of Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Hoothintr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its agro is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Pcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teelhiiifr Troubles, cures Count! palioia
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the ',
JStomaeh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Prlend.
The Kind You toe Always Bought
t- j.1 n j.
Dears me
in Use For Over 30 Years.
Kamarkabl Kndaraace
nwsrta sravat
Ont of tbe very first things that strike
tbe wanderer lu the great expanses of
the southern hemisphere la the streugth
lud endurance of the horse. Though
to look at they art the sorriest scraga
t ever .tt eyes en, yet they appear to
e possessed ot a power ot getting over
die ground that la little short ot inlr
teutons and so astonishing lu Its per
ilsteoce as to seem automatic, A very
itrlklng Instance came under my no
tice only a tew day after lauding la
Cape Town In 1SU3. 1 waa alttlng one
Saturday afternoon on the stoop ot
rark'a Hotel, which occupied tbe con
ter of Addsrley and 8trand streets,
a hen a dust-covered horseman stopped
tnd dismounted. Ills horse was taken
to the stables and In the course ot con
rersatlon tn tbe bar I learned that be
a-as a member of a legislative assembly
tor an up-country district There was
to railway communication with the In
terior In those days and be had ridden
In from bis home at Colesberg In less
than six days, having started tbe pre
vious Monday.
Now Colesberg Is more than BOO miles
from Cape Town and tbe country Is
very rough going, much ot It being sand
and other parts very mountainous. No
English-bred horse, fed according to
Euclltb methods, could have accom
plished such a ride as this, more espe
cially when we consider the tempera-
tura of tha Carta Colon. I want to
look at the animal oo which tbe Journey
had been performed and found It to be
ft mtJ, ,chlmmel barely fourteen
htnds and apparently a. fresh as paint
remarkable rid. that
"der my notice wm performed
dj a uoer woo urea a lew tunes irotn
Gray town, in Natal Ills wire was
taken 111 and a particular medicine, not
to be obtained In Graytown, was Im
perative. Bo In. the early hours of the
night he started for Marltaburg, fifty
five miles distant through an extreme
ly hilly country and was back on his
farm In sixteen hours. The remark
able thing In this ride was that this
Boer weighed over seventeen stone.
In my own experience many Instances
of the wonderful staying powers of Af
rican horses have occurred. To men-1
tloB ln im 1 hd eppolnted
honorable secretary of the first athletic
iportn held In tbe Umbotl country of
tww! 10 "i0 urtJ"
town on boxing dsy, which feU on a
tVItnita All rramtsi re tttnei tw faVAOak 1
Hvyust at s a v yea i ivue, nwn
' ronciuaea eany in uccemner, when I
"e'Tea " request to go to tne
was lying very IQ In bis wagon
so attendants but a couple of raw kaf
Bra. I rode as hard as I could and
found him among the kopjes of tbe
Drakensberg, between Lydenberg and
VTakkerstrom, very bad with fever,
which he had contracted somewhere In
the low country to the northwest I
tended him for some days until be was
learly out of danger and then suddenly
remembered that I had to be In Gray
town on Monday morning. I was then
lifting on the wagon bos drinking my
morning coffee at 0 o'clock Saturday
morning. Graytown was 220 miles
iway. but I was at my post tberv at
10 a. m. and In addition took a second
srlse both In running and jumping com
petitions. African Life.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's 8ooth
ins; Syrup the best remedy to nsa for their
children during the teething period.
First Financier I gave my boy
1100,000 to operate with on the street
the other day, and he made $2,000.
Second Financier Clear?
"Yes; that's what he had left."
Not a French Scholar,
"Here, son, you've studied French;
what's this word on the eatin' list?"
"That's 'fillet'."
"Filliel Do they thin'. I want
horse meat?"
PITH PsrmsMnilr . -jo. rfo SI er
II I W ftrr)rl U,'.n.of rr K Ilea's Omu Htrn
Rawn-r. Mod for W K K f trial b.rftl mmI Irnt.
is. Ds.R.11 Kus.U..WI Arvb.PtalliMl.lpbts.l's,
Trying to Break Him of Smoking.
Gayboy What's wrong with this
Slippers To tell the truth, old
man, it's adulterated. I've dis
covered that my wife has been empty
ing the dustpan in my tobacco jar for
the past few mornings.
Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever
used for all affections of the throat and
lung!!. Wm. O. Endsley, Vanburen, lud.,
Feb. 10, 1900.
The Critic's Way.
' Indignant Artist You say it's a
bad picture? And pray, what do you
know about pictures? You never
painted any.
... Critic My dear fellow, I know a
bad egg, though I never laid any.
Bought has borne the sltma-
signature ox
fti-Congrcssman A. T, Qoodwjrn.
Ex-Congrossman A. T. Goodwyn,
(rom Alabama writes the following
The reruna Medicine, Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen "I liavo now used two
bottles ot reruna, and am a well man1
louay. i coum ioei mo eoou cuevts
ol your medicine before I had used it
a week, alter suffering with catarrh
for over a year."' Itespectiully, A.
T. Goodwyn. .
Catarrh In Its various forms Is
rapidly becoming a national curse.
An undoubted remedy has been dis
covered by Dr. Hartman. Thi rem
edy has Wen thoroughly 'tested dur
ing the past 40 years. Prominent
men have come to know ot its virtues
and are making public utterance on
the subject. To save the country we
must save the pcoplo. To save the
yitople we nnixt protect them from
incase. The disease that is at once the
most prevalent and stubborn ot cure
is catarrh. Publio men ot all parties
rccognixo tn reruna a national catarrh
remedy ot unequalled merit.
It you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart
man, giving a full statement of your
case and he will he pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratia.
Address Dr. Hartman, president of
the Hartman Sanitarum, Columbus,
of Catarrh of long
Our ISOI Vehicle Book
Our 1901 Implement Catalogue
end roar nam and P. O. address and w
will mall one or both, a desired, free ot all
Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co.,
rirst sod Taylor St.
Builder of High Grd
EDWARD HUGHES, General Agent.
Catalogue Mailed Fret. 182-188 Madison St., Portland, Oregon.
Th Glraat Conditioner and Stock Pttor. HORSPS ew
More Work Um PhA COWS glv More and IUcMT
JrUlk. MOOS Fitti Quick M gives. tkU t4.
Package, BOo and tl.OO.
PU1AN KiuiDT Co., Bt. Pnl, Minn.
GBNTLRiiKN : I hT beta feeding your Pbcmum Stock Pood to my
thoroughbred swine. It (ire, them an appetite, and make tb pig
grow. I alio tried It oa ituoted calve with atiafartor7 remit.
JE. J. BOWIX, Coat Agent, Front
AT M m in if ST in ta!fmfm,fm
T Agent, innted In vry town.
What Does It Cost?
We have Just Issued an excellent little Cat
alogue on Fence subjects. Full illustrations;
all the newest Fence information. A postal
v card will bring it to you.
'' ' . ', '' ' " . .'' ', ,
Portland Anchor Fence Co.
742 Nicola! St., Portland, Or.
bhamher of 1 Commerce,
Ir BICKFOHO, Withlnalon, 0. C. they will ra
il ceiva quick repliea. B. Ath M. H. Vola. Btaff
20th Corp, froteoutlag claim, ilnce 1678.
O- -"4 fc.l I--.S i"j. 4
I liM-oft ;r I 1
: i
A Conscientious Jury.
j jdgft U'm. Your verdict seeml
to bo decidedly mixed.
Foreman ot Jury Yes, your honor.
It's In accordance with the evidence.
Pees Year Wife Baiter
ntlos surer torrlhtr lr eonstlilloa, stffc
hvsilsi hx. 'rl rsimr tainarno aira
quick relief. Kaspsbot Bml. Aliaruits.
lor-,', We.
Push and Pull
She He's In tho push, all right.
Ho How did he got there?
She Oh, he had a pull.
Whsa veil take drove's Tasielss Chill Tonio,
becsusa tbe lormulals plalnl printed on every
bonis show Ins that It 1 slnflv Iron sod Cui
sine la a taswesstom. Ko Cure, We Vay. w.
lucky Mn
"There's luck (or you. 1
How's that?"
"Why, ho's got the butler so digni
fied that he even awes the cook into
JQWV POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
foot ot Morrison Itreet,
Can give you the best bargains In
Bnggies, flows. Boilers and Knglnes,
Wimlmllls and Pumps and General
Machinery. Bee ns before buying.
Tiis r.Jooonr.ziGK
Roilor Bearing lloador
Is th best la tb world, it bs no equal la
40 amruenr.
It has been tsit In all harvest fleWs. I
easeof bittlln. swerinf. strenilh, ant dust.
ncasol draft. II I wlllii.ut a tr. ruos m
light. In fact runs lit htr with lour noise Ibaa
an utnet aeaaef vim sis.
-JTZj ..xK " "JIT"
as, w oii
Call oa tb nearest MoCormlek Aut, or
A. II. BOYIAM. Cen'l Mgnt,
J. A. FREEMAN, General Agent,
ISO K. Water HI. tOlt 1'I.AN It, Or.
aad Taylor St., Portland, Oragun.'
Th perfection of Wall PlaStw, U the only maUrlal
with which repairing can b don neatly and to ly.
If rou hare never aied It tend and get a trial
lot It will pay you. For Information addri
Foot of 14th Street. PmHIfd, OMtran.
Secure patent, for Inrentlon,
ln the Untied States and foreign
conntrici. Alio negotiate mar
ket and defend patent Inven
tion. No better term or facllltlei
than we offer obtainable any.
where. Payment of our fee
may be deferred till patent I,
allowed. Write for pamphlet.
beit time to care catarrh.
Bronchltli and Comumptlon.
Our remedy la guaranteed, It.
17. 1 i:M l CO., tl:, H. Y.