Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 27, 1901, Image 1

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sum Tsxa Tim t2 c::r;iAt: c
AOVcmnsiK bats.
rvtma aranv thvpt
Idltur tad Ffo.rWlf.
Pmfawtonal 4
41 w iwr aw;.
Om- ni tar eemiaa,..
SuIaaM tecai win fce e&r?-a M V mum pm
S tat tret ttaarSa aa 1 mam y Us
LaaJ aavartawssaM a bl &2 t&M kg
ie rr (to )Tnf). .......... . ,.,M.,. 1 W
I Bui ald la iwlm. 00
t3 tttOtl Mil i. .,ti.....M... .....(. . 1 00
NO. 1G.
M U bw Mac a&ia-rU ft tereLfc
-. .... ..... , . V ... -.. . . , ( 7 .
CttAMKn Xll.-tCoutlnued.) '
Ilro Jenoy'i remark wera Interrupt
J by tha luuJ rsttliuf of wheals, and tat
halluo of omny voices. Going to tha
loor, aha aaJ liar ssw coming down
tha road at furious rata the old hay
r-art, lJa with jroung imhiiU from Chic
oiiio, who bad bu harrying in Stur
trili and wra now returning botna lti
hlth gl-a, Tba boraxa wart fantastically
trimmed with feme and vergrena, whlla
wl of ih girla were oroinientad lo
Ilia anma way, t'onmpk-uoua among tho
Itolsjr croup una Klla Campbell. Henry
l.lni'oln'a broad brimmed bat wai r?t
lug on bi-r long curl, while hr whlto
sun-bonnet was H.'J under Heurjr's chin.
Tti moment Juny appeared tha whole
party act op ahoot ao doafanlng that
tba Widow IVrklna cam out in a trie
to "If tba Old Harry aa tojmy. or
what." No sooner did Henry Llncolu get
slilht of Mary than apriiutlng to bla fet't,
and awlnglug bl arm around bis bead, ho
screamed out: "Three cheers for tho
achoolma'aiu anl her bandaoma lover,
Hilly 1 Hurrah r :
"Wtw't that amartr aald Jenny,
when at Ut tlit bay rart dlsapeared
from view, and the nolao and dnt bad
somewhat sull l.l. Then a aha aaw
the tears In il.try'a eye aba added, "Oh.
I wouldn't care If they did teaaa nie about
Hilly lkndr. I'd as lief t teased about
him aa not." ;',,
"It Isn't that." said Mar, smiling In
aplta of beraelr, at Jeuny'a frankness. "It
Isn't that I didn't Ilka to bear til alng
wlib your brother, when aba must have
known ba meant to annoy ma."
"That certainly was wroog." wtoi-ned
Jenny, "but Klla Un't su much to blamt
a a Henry, who aeema to bar acquired
great Influence over her during tba few
weeks be has been at borne, You know
aha la easily flattered, and 1 dare aay
Henry baa fully gratified ber vanity in
that respect, for be says ah la the only
; decent looking girl In Ckicopee. Hut see,
'there comes Mrs. Mason; I guess she
wonders whst Is keeping you ao long."
The moment Mr. Mason entered the
school room, Jenny commenced talking
about Mouut Holyoke, her tongne run
ning ao fast that It entirely prevented
anyone else from speaking until sbs stop
ped for a moment to tnke breath. Then
Mrs, Mason very quietly remarked that
If Mary wished to go to Mount Holyoke
be could do so, Mary looked up Inquir
ingly, wondering what mine had opened
ao auddenly at her feet: but aha received
no explanation until Jenny had bidden
ber good-by and gone. Then ahe learn
ed that Mr. Mason had juat received one
hundred dollars from a man In Host on,
who had years before owed it to her bus
band, and waa unable to pay It sooner.
"And now," said Mr. M anon, "there Is
no reason why you should not go to
Mount Holyoke, if you wish to,"
"Ob. what a forlorn-looking placer'
exclaimed Hose Lincoln, as from the win
dows of the crowded vehicle in which
tbey had come f.otn the cara ahe first ob
tained a view of the toot Very bsodsome
village of South Hadley. ,
Hose waa In the worst of humors, for
by some mischance Mary waa on the
same seat with herself, and consequently
she waa very much distressed and crowd
ed. She, however, felt a little afraid of
Aunt Martha, who abe saw was inclined
.to favor the object of her .wrath, so she
restrained her fault-finding spirit until
abe arrived at South Hadley, where ev
erything enme In for a share of ber dla
pleaaure. . . ...
"That the seminary!" said she con
temptuously, as tbey drew up before the
building. "Why, it Isn't half as large or
handsome aa I auppnsed. Oh, horror! I
know I shan't stay here long." ,
The furniture of tbe parlor waa also
very offensive to the young lady, and
.when Ml I'jon came In to meet them
she, tOO secretly srylod "a prim,
fussy, sllppery-tongued old maid." Jenny,
however, who always saw the bright aide
of everything, waa completely charmed
with the aweet am Ho and placid face.
Aftor some conversation between Mix
Lyon and Aunt Martha It waa decided
that Rose and Jenny should room togeth
er, as a matter of course, and that Mary
should room with Ma, Hose hnd fully
intended to room with Ida herself, and
thia decision made her very angry; but
there waa no help for It, and she was
obliged to submit. ,
And now In a few days life at Mount
Holyoke commenced In earnest. Although
perfectly healthy Mary looked rather
delicate, and It was for this reason, per
haps, that the sweeping and dusting of
several rooms were assigned to her, as
her portion of the labor. Ida and Rose
fared much worse, and were greatly
shocked when told that tbey both belong
ed to the wash circle!
"I declare," aald Rose, "It'i too bad.
I'll walk home before I'll do it;" and she
glanced at her whito hands,' to make sure
they were not already discolored by the
dreadful soapsuds!
Jenny was ' delighted with her allot
ment, which was dish-washing.
"I'm glad I took a lesson at the poor
house years ago," aald she one day to
Rose, who snappishly replied:
"I'd shut up about the poorhouse, or
they'll think you the pauper Instead of
Madam Howard."
"ranpert Who's a pauper?" asked
Lucy lowns, eager to hear so desirable
a piece of news.
reprovingly upon Rose, who nodded to
ward Mary, and forthwith Miss Downs
departed with ; the Information, which
waa not long in reaching Mary's ears.
"Why, Mary, what's the matter ?" ask
ed Ida, when, toward tbe close of the
day, she found her domptnlon weeping
in her room. Without lifting her bead
Mary replied, "It's foolish In me to cry,
I know, but why need I always be re
proached with having been a pauper? I
couldn't help It, ' I promised mother I
would take care of little Allie aa long as
she lived, and if she wont to the poor
bouse I had to go too."
''And who was little Mile?" asked Ida,
taking Mary's hot banJs between ber
In few worda Mary related ber his
tory, omitting ber acquaintance with
George Moraland. and commencing at tba
night when ber mother died, Ida was
warm-bearted and affectionate, and care t
but little whether one were rich or poor
ir ahe liked them. From tbe first she bsd
been Interested in Msry, and now wind
ing ber arms about ber neck, and kissing
away her tears, she promised to love her,
and to be to her aa trut and faithful a
friend aa Jenny. This promise, which
was never broken, wss of great benefit to
Mary, drawing to ber side msny of the
best girls in school, who soon learned
to love her for herself, and not because
the wealthy Mlaa Belden seemed ao fond
of her.
Boon after Mary went to Mount Hol
yoke aha bad received letter from Hilly,
in which be expressed bis pleasure thst
she wss at school, but added that tbe
fact of her being there Interfered great
ly with bis plan of educating ber blm
eelf. "Mother'a 111 health," aald he. "pre
vented me from doing anything until now,
and Just as I am In a fair way to accom
plish my object someone else has stepped
In before me. Hut It Is all right, and as
you do not seem to need my services at
present I shall next week leave Mr. Bel
don's employment, and go into Mr. Wor
thingtou's law ofne as clerk, hoping that
when the proper time arrives I shall not
be defeated in another plan which waa
I'ormed In boyhood, and which has become
the gnat object of my life."
Mary felt perplexed and troubled.
Rilly'a letters of late bad been more like
those of a lover than brother, and she
could not help guessing tbe nature of
"the plan formed In boyhood." She knew
ahe should never love hlui except with a
sister's love, and though she could not
tell blm so ber next letter lacked tbe tone
of affection with which abe waa accus
tomed to write, and waa on the whole a
fratber formal affair. Hilly, who readily
perceived tbe change, attributed It to tbe
right cause, and from that time bla let
ters became far less cheerfnl than usual.
, Mary usually crUd over tbem, wishing
more than once that Hilly would trans
fer bla affection from herself to Jenny,
and It was for tbla reason, prhsps, that
without stopping to consider, the propri
ety of tbe matter, she first asked Jenny
to write to him and then encouraged ber
In answering bla notes, wbicb became
gradually longer and longer, until at last
bla letters were addressed to Jenny, while
the notes they contained were directed to
Rapidly the days passed on at Mount
Holyoke. Autumn faded Into winter,
whose Icy breath floated for a time over
the mountain tops, and then melted away
at the approach of spring, which, with
its swelling buds and early flowers, gave
way in ita turn to the long bright days of
summer. And now only a few weeks re
mained ere the annnal examination at
which Ida was to be graduated.
Neither Rose nor Jenny were to retnrn
the next year, and nothing but Mr. Lin
coln's firmness and good sense bad pre
vented their being sent for when their
mother first beard that they bad failed
to enter the middle clasa. Mrs. Lincoln's
mortification was undoubtedly greatly in
creased from the fact that the despised
Msry had entered la advance of her
daughters. "Things are coming to a pret
ty pasa," aald abe. "Ye, a pretty pass:
but I might have known better than to
send my children to such a school."
She Insisted Upon sending for Rose
and Jenny, but Mr. Lincoln promptly re
plied that they should not come' home.
Still, aa Rose seemed discontented, com
plaining that so much exercise made her
side and shoulder ache, and as Jenny
did not wish to remain another year un
less Mary did, he consented that they
ahould leave school at the close of the
term, on condition that tbey went some
where else.
"I shall never make anything of Hen
ry," aald he, "but my daughters shall
receive every advantage, and perhaps one
or the other of them will comfort my old
age.'N -
He had spoken truly with regard to
IInry, who waa studying, or pretending
to study, law In the same office with Billy
Render. Hut his father heard no favor
able accounta of htm, and from time to
time large bills were presented. So It
Is no wonder the ' disappointed father
sighed, and turned to bis daughters for
the comfort hia only son refused to give.
For the examination at Mount Holyoke
great preparations were being , made.
Rose, knowing she was not to return,
seemed to think all further effort on her
part unnecessary ; and numerous were tbe
reprimands, to say nothing of the black
marks which she received. Jenny, ou tho
contrary, said she wished to retrieve hef
reputation for laziness, and leave behind
a good Impression.. So, never before in
her whole life bad ahe behaved so' well,
or studied as hard as she did during the
last few weeks of her stay at Mount Hol
yoke. Ida, who was expecting ber fath
er, aunt and cousin to be present at the
anniversary, was so engrossed with her
studies that she did uot observe how
sad and low-spirited Mary seemed, t She
had tasted of knowledge and now thirst
ed for more; but it could not be; the
funds were exhausted, and she must leave
the school, never perhaps to return again.
"How much I shall miss my music, and
how much I shall niisa you," she said one
dy to Ids, who wss glvlHj her 5 lesson.
"It's too bad you haven't a piano," re
turned Ida, "you are so fond of it, and
Improve so fasti" Then after a moment,
she added, "I have a plan to propose, and
may as well do It now as at any time.
Next winter you must spend with me in
Boston. "Aunt Martha and I arranged it
the last time I waa at borne, and we even
selected your room,. , which Is next to
mine, and opposite to Aunt Martha's.
Now, what does your ladyship soy to It?"
"She says she can't go," answered
Mary. , , .
"Can't go!", repeated Ida. "Why not?
Jonny will be In the city, and you are
always happy where she is; besides, you
will have a rare chance for taking masfe
lessons of our best teachers; and then,
too, you will be In the same boure with
George, and thai alone I worth going t
Boston for, 1 think."
Ida little auspectfd that ber last argu
ment was the strongest objection to
Msry's going, for, much as she wished
to meet George again, she felt that she
would not on any account go to his borne,
lest be should think she came on pur
pose to see blm. There were other rea
sons, too, why she did not wish to go.
Henry and Rose Lincoln would both be
In the city, and abe knew tbst neither
of tbem would scruple to do or ssy any
thing which tbey thought would annoy
ber. Mr. Mason, too, missed ber, and
longed to bare ber at home; ao she reeiat
ed all Ida's entreaties, and the next let
ter which went to Aunt Martha carried
her refusal. -.-
In a day or two Msry received two let
ters, one from Hilly and one from Mrs.
Msson, the latter of which contained
money for the payment of ber billa; but,
on offering it to tha principal, bow was
she surprised to learn that her bllle had
not only been regularly paid and receipt
ed, but thst smple funds were provided
for tbe defraying of her expenses during
tbe coming year. A faint alckneas stole
over Msry, for she Instantly thought of
Hilly Header, and tha obligation she
would now be under to blm forever. Then
It occurred to her bow Impossible It wss
tbat he ahould have earned so much In
ao abort a time; and as soon as she could
trust ber voice to speak, she asked who
It was thst bad thus befriended her.
Tbe preceptress was not st liberty to
tell, and with a secret suspicion of Annt
Msrtha, Mary returned to ber room to
read tbe other letter, which was still un
opened. Her bead grew dizzy, and ber
spirits fsint, as she rend the psssionate
outpouring of a heart which bad cherish
ed ber Image for years, and which,
though fearful of rejection, would 'still
tell her how mnch she was beloved. "It
is no sudden fancy." said be, "Once,
Msry, I believed my affection for you
returned, but now you are changed. Your
letters are brief and cold, and when I
look around for the cause 1 am led to
fear that I was deceived in thinking you
ever loved me. If I am mistaken, tell
me sout If I am not. If you can never
be my wife, I will school myself to think
of you as a brother would think of an
only and darling sister."
For several days Msry had not beea
well, and the excitement produced by
Billy's letter tended to Increase ber Ill
ness. 'During the boors In which she was
alone tbat day she bad ample time for
reflection, ae-l before night ahe wrote a
letter to Billy, In which she told blm how
impossible it was for her to be tbe wife
of one whom abe had a! way a loved as an
own and dear brother. This letter caused
Mary so much effort, and ao many bitter
tears, thst for several days she continued
worse, and at last gave np all hope of be
ing present at the examination.
"Oh, It's too bad!" said Ida, "for I do
want you to eee Cousin George, and I
know he'll be dlaappoluted, too, for I
never saw anything like the interest he
takes In you."
A few days afterward, as Mary waa
lying thinking of Billy, and wondering it
she had done right in writing to him aa
she did, Jenny came rushing in, wild
with delight.
Her father was downstairs, together
m-lth Ida's father, George and Aunt Mar
tha. "Most tbe first thing I did," said
she, "wss to Inquire after Billy Benderl
I guess Aunt Martha was shocked, for
she looked so queer. George langhed,
and Mr. 8eldon ssid be was doing well,
and was one of tbe fiuest young men In
' During the whole of George's stay at
Mount Holyoke Rose managed to keep
hlro at ber side,7 entertaining him occa
sionally with unkind remarks concerning
Mary, who, she said, was undoubtedly
feigning her sickness ao as not to appear
In her classes where she knew she could
do herself no credit; "but," aald she, "as
soon aa tbe examination is over she'll get
well fast enough and bother us with her
company at Chlcopee." : ''
In this Rose was mistaken, for when
the exercises closed Mary was still too ill
to ride, and it waa decided that ahe
should remain a few days until Mrs. Ma
son could come for her. With many tears
Ida and Jenny bade their young friend
good-by, but Rose, when asked to go np
and see her, turned away disdainfully,
amusing herself during their absence by
talking and laughing with George More
land. ... r f ; ,
Tha room la which Mary lay command-
ea a view or me yard ana gateway; and
after Aunt Martha, Ida and Jenny had
left, she arose, and stealing to the win
dow, looked out upon the company aa
they departed. She could readily divine
which waa George Morcland, for Rose
Lincoln's shawl and satchel were thrown
over his arm, while Rose herself walked
close to his elbow, apparently engrossing
his whole attention. Ouce he turned
around, but tearful of being observed,
Mary drew back behind the wludow cur
tain, and thus lost a view of his face.'
(To be continued.)
Zulus of the Kailroads.
"Do you know what a Zulu fs?" said
an old railroad man. The traveling man
who waa waiting for his train smiled
in a way that was meant to Indicate
he knew all the species of Zulus that
ever existed, and told the railroad man
about the Africans, called Zulus, who
maintained that continent's reputation
for fighting before the Boers stepped
Little vas doing In the railroad
man's line just then, so he listened.
"Well, they may lie Zulus all right
enough,", he remarked, "but they are
not the sort of Zulus that travel on
railroads. There Is the kind that runs
Into these yards," and he pointed down
the track, where a box car stood.
A stone pipe protruded through a
bole lu the door. The pipe was at an
angie of about 35 degrees. A cloud
of amok waa coining from 1L Four
blooded horses and a man were the oc
cupants of that. The man was the
Zulu. Taking 'care, of valuable stock
en route from one market to another
was his business, He waa a type of a
clasa that railroad men on every line
haev named the Zulus. They fit up the
center ot the cars for a sorjt of living
room, and there In the midst of their
animals live as happily as the road's
president who passes them In his pri
vate car. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Caution Is often tossed to the wlnda.
but never brought back by them. -
k Comsfehcnaive Rtvltw of the tmper'am:
KapjHningi f ft Fast Wck Frcse Ui
in a CeadotK1 Torn Which I, Most
UUly te Prove of Interest te Our JUny
Rcadar. " ' I '
Three lives were lost in a storm at
Pittsburg. f j
' All insurgent prisonera on Luzon
will le rcleaied. ,
Arollio's force in Batanga ta ex
pected to Burrender.,
President McKinlejr will visit tha
northwest next year.
Heveral strikers were wounded in
ripts at Columbia, 8. C.
Earl Kutuw ll will be tried by the
house of lords for bigamy.
The transport Indiana sailed from
Manila with coast artillery.
Holland will reclaim a whole pro
vince from the Zuydcr Zee.
Cortex, the Texas aaaassin, is sup
posed to have len captured.
The Prussian crop shortage it the
most serious in recent years.,
CailIc8, the Filipino leader, surren
dered his force at Santa Cruz.
General Chaffee has been appointed
military governor of the Philippines.
Public buildings at Manila are to
be turned over to the civil authorities.
The secretary of state has addressed
the Russian government on the tariff
question. -
Adelbert S. Hay, son of secretary
of State Hay, fell from a New Haven,
Conn., hotel window and waa killed.
State of Oregon has begun a suit
to collect bond of ex-School Clerk
Davis, who embezzled about $31,000.
At least 200 perished by floods in
th Pocahontas, West Virginia, coal
region. The property loss will reach
$2,000,000. .
General Corbin has started for the
Philippines. " ' y
A new political party ; has been
launched in Kansas City.
. A pro-Boer meeting in London waa
the scene of much disorder.
Under the new ruling no duty has
been collected on Russian oil.
One hundred thousand persona are
anxious to file on Oklahoma lands.
All the volunteers are expected to
arrive from the Philippines by June
26. ,';''
The American ship John McDon
ald,, of New -York, has been given up
for lout;- . -. !
Forest fire near Olympia, Wash.,
destroyed a $10,000. logging camp
equipment. , . , .
The United States is said to have
notified Denmark to sell its West
Indies or fortify them. -
A Cuban committed suicide in New
York because of the difficulty of learn
ing the English language.
The sale of postage stamps for the
fiscal year just closing has increased
greatly over any previous year. 5. ;
P. C. Cheney, of Manchester, N.
II., ex-governor of that state and also
ex-United States senator, is dead.
The steamer Deutschland crossed
the ocean at an average speed of 23.38
knots per hour, breaking all previous
Nome loet $126,000 worth of prop
erty by fire.
Gold has been discovered near Spo
kane, Wash.
: Fire, destroyed a large portion of
Greenville, South Carolina, N
Fire in Buffalo, N. Y., consumed
$300,000 worth of property, .
Russia has , imposed a retaliatory
duty on American resin and bicycles.
, Tho treasury department has put
a countervailing duty on Italian beet
sugar. . .
Telegraph operators on the Lacka
wanna railroad- are preparing to go
on a strike.' ,:. 1
France has made a treaty with
China for the protection of the Ton
quin railway. ,
; five hundred cjtizens of Texas are
engaged in a hunt for a baud of Mex
ican outlaws. - ' .v:
Mrs, McKinley has : been pro
nounced out of danger, but doctors
say her ailment may return. . 4
Governor Allen has reported that
Porto Rico is self supporting. -
1 II. S. Pingree, ex-governor of Mich
igan, died in London., , ;; :' t , ;
' If it is possible for President Mc
Kinley to be present at the com
mencement of Harvard university, tbe
degree of LL. D. will: be conferred
upon him. . ' ' ' . "; ' .
A servant girls' union is being
formed in Chicago. . f
The United-States may establish a
CleftHTX' hOse at Manila, 1:
The southern states plantd 27,532,
000 acres of cotton this year, an in
crease of 2, 1 11,000 acres.
Texas fever has heen : discovered
among native cattle of northern Ger
many, and is said to have existed
more than 100 years.
The Berlin city mission, headed
by A. Stocker, issues each week 108,
000 sermons for those who cannot
attend church, 20,000 of which are
distributed in the city.
B th Pint Civil Governor f the
Washington, June 24. Secretary
today issued the order of the president
establishing civil government in the
Philippine. The order follows;
"On and after the 4th day of July,
1901, unless it shall be otherwise
ordered, the president of the Philip
pine commission will exercise the
executive authority in all civil affairs
in the government of the Philippine
islands heretofore exercised in such
affairs by the military governor of
the Philippines, and to that end,
William If. Taft, president of the
said commission, is hereby appointed
civil governor of the Philippine
islands. Such executive authority
will lie exercised under and in con
formity to the instructions of the
Philippine commisfcion, dated April
7, 1900, and subject to the approval
and control of the secretary of war
of the United States.
"The municipal and provincial
civil governments which have been or
shall hereafter be established in said
islands, and all persons performing
duties appertaining to the offices of
civil government in eaid islands, will,
in respect to such duties, report to
the said civil governor. The power
to appoint civil officers heretofore
vested in the Philipine commission
and the military governor will be ex
ercised by the civil governor, with the
advice and consent of the commis
sion. "The military governor of the Phil
ippines is hereby relieved from the
performance, on and after the said
4th day of July, 1901, of the civil
duties hereinbefore descrilicd, but his
authority will continue to be exer
cised as heretofore in those districts
in which insurrection against the
authority of the United States con
tinues to exist, or in which public
order is not sufficiently restored to
enable provincial civil governments
to be established under the instruc
tions to the commission, dated April
7, 1900.
"By the president. J
"Secretary of War."
Big Batilc-Shlp Massachusetts Successfully
Passed the Narrows.
New York, June 22. Without the
assistance of a pilot and to demon
strate that a first class battle ship
could he navigated through Hell Gate
successfully, Captain Henry M. Man-
ney took the big battle ship Massa
chusetts through the narrows today.
It was the first time in the history of
the navy that any commander of a
war vessel of this class ever dared
attempt the feat, and river craft and
the shores were filled today to witness
the trip of the Massachusetts. The
passing of the mammoth fighting
machine through the dangerous
waters of Hell Gate successfully
proves that in case of hostilities with
a foreign power, a. battle ship of the
same draft as the Massachusetts, if
she passed tne fortifications of Wal
let's Point and Fort Schuyler, could
repeat the performance of the Massa
chusetts. Secretary Long has taken
official noticeof Captain Manney'a
feat, and issued orders that no naval
vessel the size of the Massachusetts
shall use the Hell Gate narrows ex
cept in cases of great emergency.
Three Men Shot While Trying to Enter a
West Virginia Mine.
Matewan, W.'.Ta., June 22.
Strained relations between the union
and non-union miners here has re
sulted in bloodshed. Yesterday seve
ral hundred union miners who are
on strike marched in a body against
the Maritime mines of this palce,
where non-union men were at work.
They tried to effect an -entrance, but
the operators, with 20 guards armed
with '.Winchesters, . blocked the en
trance. "She non-union miners were
headed by Superintendent Lambert,
and when the union men persisted in
ther attempt he gave the order to fire.
Fully 60 shots were fired. Two union
miners were fatality shot and another
dangerously wounded." " The union
men did not return the fire, but dis
persed. All the union miners throughout
Mingo are collecting, and serious
trouble is expected tomorrow, when
they will again try to effect an
entrance to the Maratime mines.
Sheriff Hatfield is on the scene with
50 deputies.
Will Move Headquarters.
Denver, June 24. George Estes,
president of the Broterhood of Rail
way employes, announces that the
headquarters of the brotherhood will
be moved from San Francisco to Den
ver in the near future. This organiz
ation admits all railway employes
without reference to their particular
line of work. It is a comparatively
new order, but is said to have a large
memberhsip among the railway em
ployes ef the West. V"' ' w '.'
Righting the Ingalla "
New York, June 24. The attempts
to float the capsized army transport
Ingalls at Brooklyn will probably bo
made tomorrow. A crew of divers is
working at closing the ports and
hatches. When this is done the .hull
will be pumped out and the ship
floated and righted.: The ship does
not appear to be seriously injured. -
Commercial sad Financial HappcnSngs of Im
portance A Brief Rtvk f of thi
Growth and Improvements af the Many
Induttrki TVoe$Hui Ow Thriving
nwmwuith Latest Market Report
Two Benton county farmers have
purchased a clover huller.
Sherman county will have an extra
large wheat yield this year.
A number of mines in the Robin
sonville district have been bonded.
Four hundred head of cattle were
purchased near Eugene at an average
price of $17 per head.
Ore from the Bad per mine. Eastern
t-f-- ,
Oreeon. is shinned to San Francisco
" v ay -
at the rate of two carloads every five
Work is well under way on the new
road from Whitney to Alamo. When
completed this road will decrease the
distance very materially and bring
more mines into the shipping list. .
A new steam laundry will be start
ed at Eugene. -
5 - -- - ,
The Southern Pacific has opened a
down-town ticket office in Salem.
Tf. in rerwtrtpfl thai tVia fmlf In
-r" .-v...
T!ar1n and Pina vallpvn haa Kppn
killed by the late frosts. Much grain
is also killed, and the clover and al-
laita injured.
Rich quartz claims on Quartz gulch,
near Alamo, were sold last week to a
mining man from Iowa for $25,000.
It is the intention of the new owner
to put a mill on the property.
Taxes collected in Baker county for
the year 1900 have been turned over
to the treasurer. - They amount to
nearly $50,000, and the entire amount
was collected in about 60 days.
President Did Not Corns But "The fourth"
Is Coming and There Will B a Big Time.
The enthusiasm which Portland ex
pected to expend in the entertain
ment of the president and party has
been bottled up and will be let loose
in the celebration of the Fourth of
July. While the committee which
Is engaged in arranging for the cele
bration is not doing much talking, it
is earnestly and energetically at work
on its plans, and will . have several
very large surprises in store for Port
landers and visitors on Independence
Day. The fact that cheap railroad
fares will be provided on all lines
into the city will doubtless prove an
incentive to many residents of the
neighboring citiea to come in and
help celebrate, and they are promised
a reception which they will long re
member. Bands from various outside towns
will help to furnish the music, and
all societies of whatever character are
invited to take part in the parade.
L. D. Cole, chairman of the adver
tising committee ia working hard to
let the residents of sister cities know
that they will be welcome, and he
says that the city will probably enter
tain more guests during the celebra
tion than at any time 111 her history.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 6162c.;val
ley, nominal ; bluestem, 6162c.
per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2.903.40 per
barrel; graham, $z.bU.
Oats White, $1.32K1.35 percen
tal ; gray, $1.301.32& per cental.
Bailey Feed, $1717.50; brewing,
$17 17.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton ; midd
lings, $21.50; shorts,. $20.00; chop,
Hay Timothy, $12.50 14; clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $67
per ton. ...
Hops 12 14o per lb.
Wool Valley, ll13c; Eastern
Oregon, 7 11c; mohair, 20a 21c.
per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 15
V7Ho. ; dairy, 1314c. ; store, 11
120. per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1212jc.
per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, ;12c;
Young America, 13 13c. per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 7 $3.00 ;
hens, $33.50; dressed, 8 10c. per
pound; springs, $l.oO3 per dozen;
ducks, $33.50; geese, $4 5. 50; tur
keys, live, - 8 10c; dressed, 9 10c.
per pound.
Potatoes Old, $1L20 per sack;
new, 1? 2c. per pound.
Mutton Lambs 4o. per pound
gross ; best sheep, wethers, with wool.
$4.zo4.ou; aressed, 6$7c per
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.756;
ngnt, f4.aa; aressed, ic. per
Veal Large, 67a per pound;
small, 7s8c per pound.
Beef steers, $4.254.60;
cows and heifers, $3.754.00; dressed
bflftf, 77 Vet, per pound.
Admiral Rogers will represent the
United States at the unveiling of the
rerry monument in Japan.
It is reported that the head of Rear
Admiral Sampson will appear on
medals commemorating the battle of
Satiago bay.
Rice, raw eggs and boiled venison
require onlj one hour to digest. At
the other end are pork, roast beef,
cabbage and hard eggs, which re
quire four to five hours. ' '
Two Hundred Uvea Lett ia a West Virginia
Rata Storm and Flood.
Bluefields, W. Va., June 21. ThU
section has just been visited by a
flood, the extent of which in all prob
ability will equal or exceed that of
Johnstown in 1880, 10 far as the loss
of property ia concerned. Early yes
terday morning, shortly after mid
night, a heavy downpour of rain be
gan, accompanied by a severe electric
storm, which increased in volume,
continuing for several hours. The
storm continued throughout the
entire night and day and at 10 A. M-,
though the storm had abated, the
lowering clouds threatened another
terrific downpour at any moment.
Many miles of the Norfolk & West
ern railroad track, bridges and tele
graph lines are entirely destroyed
and communication ia entirely cut
off nest of Elkhorn, so that it in im
possible to learn the full extent of the
loss of life and property, but officials
of the coal companies located in the
district have sent out messengers to
Elkhorn, the terminus of both tele
graphic and railroad communication,
and have received a report that a con
servative estimate as to the loss of
life will eausily reach 200, Some of
the drowned are among the most
prominent citizens of the coal fields.
The little town of Keystone, with
a population of 2,000, seems the
greatest sufferer, practically the entire
town being washed away. This town
is the principal one in the Pocahon
tas coal fields, and is located near its
center. It was to a great extent the
headquarters from which the mining
population purchased supplies.
A great number of the coal and
coke plants throughout the Pocahon
tas district are reported practically
destroyed and are in some instances
entirely washed away. ' Owing to the
high water which has flooded the dis
trict and prevents communication,
anything like a correct estimate of
the loss of property is impossible, but
from the best information obtainable
the loss to the property will easily
reach $2,000,000.
"A rough estimate places the num
ber of bridges washed away between
Bluefields and Vivian Yards, a dis
tance of 28 miles, at from 15 to 20,
and from present indications it will
be impossible to run trains through
to Vivian and points west of there
under a week or 10 days. Thia will
render it impossible to get relief into
the stricken districts, and with those
who escaped with their lives, home
less and without food, indescribable
suffering is inevitable.
Forty Insurgents Killed or Wounded in
.:' Aihay. '
Manila, June 22. It is estimated
that 40 insurgents were killed or
wounded during the recent engage
ments which ocenrred near Sorsogon
in Albay province. Many insurgents
are returning to their homes.
Charges of theft and sale of prop
erty are made against a number of
the witnesses in the commissary cases.
Provost General Davis has submit
ted a plan for the municipal govern
ment of Manila. The United States
Philippine commission is modifying
Washington has been asked for an
appropriation of $10,000 to defray the
expenses of 50 Filipino teachers who
are to study for a year in normal
schools in the United States, these
schools having offered them free tui
tion. Two hundred soldier prisoners will
be sent to the United States on the
transport Indiana.
Three Men Were Killed and Five Others
Injured. " - '
Kalama, Wash., June 24. Three
men were killed and five others in
jured by the premature explosion of
a blast on the Oregon & Washington
Railroad. The scene of the accident
was in a deep cut about half a mile
south of this place.
The cause of the explosion will per
haps never be known, as the men who
were working at the drill hole were
instantly killed. About 25 men were
working in the cut, and from the sur
vivors it was learned that two men
were loading a 12 foot drill hole with
No. 2 giant powder, and had put in
about . 100 sticks. It is . supposed
that they ' had just been tamping the
powder with an iron bar, as they had
sometimes done before, when the ex
plosion occurred,
Americans Invade the Rand.
London, June 25. The Johannes
burg correspondent of the Daily Mail
contributes a long letter to his paper,
in which he describes the American
trade inavsion of the Rand, aided, he
alleges, by British apathy. The cor
respondent asserts that Americans
are quietly buying up shares and
pushing their efforts in every direc
tion. He says that practically all
the mining machinery is already
American and refers to a rumor to
the effect that there is an American
movement to capture all the poorer
Rand mines. -- - - . ...
Invasion oCape Colony.:
London, June 25. Lord Kitchener
has sent no report of the Waterkloopf
mishap. Recent events in Cape
Colony seem to prove the Boer inva
sion of that country to be serious.
A letter ; to the Daily Mail, dated
Cape Town. June 5, confirms the
pro-Boer report and says the invaders
number anything from 7,000 to 10,
000; that they are swarming all over
the eastern and midland districts and
getting recruits and horses.