Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 13, 1901, Image 4

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    Difficult Digestion
That It dyspepsia.
U makes lite miserable.
lit sufferers eat not twnnN tbey we ,
.but simply because they must
Tbey know tbey are Irritable and fretful;
W they cannot be otherwise.
They complain of a bad taste la tbe
month, tenderness at tbe pit of the atom
erh, an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness,
fcesdache, heartburn and what not.
Tba effectual remedy, proved by perma
nent caret of thousand! of severe case, Is
Hood's Sarsaparilta
HvKD tiLLM ere lbs seat eaOutrtU.
She Rcevert.
"Mr. Latld used to worry tcmbly
when her husband was away on his
trip, but she's got over it."
"Conquered her nervousness, I sup
pose?" "Oh, no; succeeded in making him
have his life insured.
When Ton take Grove's Tasteless Thill Toole,
becsuee the form ula it plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simr-ly Iron end Qni
ftint la a tasteless torn. Ko Cure, Ne Pay. toe.
Shop Talk.
Shop talk sometimes penetrates
even to the nursery. A young and
successful artist was heard to exclaim
with profound conviction, while he
was contemplating his son ana heir,
24 hours old:
"There is a great deal of tone about
that baby.
Our new extra heavy focusing cloth ;
costs no more than others, but lasts ,
twice as long. Trice by mail, 3x3, 50 !
cents. At all dealers, or kirk, Geary
& Co., 330 Sutter St. San Francisco.
Reason for Economy.
Newly wed Since I've been married
my tailor bills are scarcely one
fourth what they used to be.
Quuzer Do you put what you save
in the bank?
Newly wed No; I put it on my
I am snre Pieo'e Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. Mas. Taws.
' Rossi its'. Maple street, Norwich, N. Y..
Feb. 17, 1900.
Shirtwaist Jokes Now On.
"What do you think of shirt waists
for letter carriers?" asked the ob
servant boarder.
"Well, I never regarded shirt
waists as coats of mail," replied the
cross eyed boarder
riTQ Fenaanwiily Cared, Ko Sta er imanain
MIS (W in ! m4 It. RliaV. OroU hrr
a.twl far W tt K K -A. M Mai boruV aad trim.
ha. Xa.B.lLKMa.Uiaiareh3UPhilaiUIliia,fa
Only Half a Success.
"Yonr club meeting was a feast of
"Vm altnintrr? that nmmittee
did not get a bite of anything to '
Tale eigBstore la on every boa of the geaaiae
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Table
the remedy that ewreo m oald tm was J
Faint Heart
Miss Timidity I've thought it all
over, and I believe it would be wiser
for you to ask papa for my hand.
Cautious Lover Oh, I'm sure it
would be a most indiscreet thing for
me to do. I think we'd better have
some disinterested third party ap
proach him on the subject.
Agricultural Implement vFinn Giving
Remarkable Books.
The new catalogues for 1901, just
issued by Mitchell, Lewis k Staver
Co., are very valuable books to the
majority of the citizens of the North
west. This company's headquarters
are in Portland, Oregon, and it main
tains branches or agencies at all prin
cipal points throughout Oregon,
Washington and Idaho. The Im
plement Catalogue, the Vehicle Book
and the Harness and Bicycle cata
logues, all can be had free by anyone
who will write to the firm or to anv
of its agents. The books not only
snow everything up-to-date, but are a .
great help to the man who is think-'
ing of making a purchase.
"Con game, eh? That is short for
confidence game, I presume?"
"No ; con game is so called from
Connecticut, where it originated in
Puritan times."
A Question of Taste.
Barber Shall I shave you with
scented or unscented soap?
Customer Use scented soap, please.
It tastes nicer.
... te d.
When there is a natural and healthy circulation of tne blood, the entire
quantity, estimated at one-eighth the weight of the body, passes through the heart
every five minutes. This rapid flow of the blood through the system prevents the
entrance of disease germs ana impurities o every description. It filters out all that
is not necessary or good for the growth and development of the body and nourish
ing and strengthening the muscles, tissues, nerves and bones. But, unfortunately,
few persons can rightly claim an absolutely pure blood supply and perfect and
unpolluted circulation, and in consequence are exposed to innumerable diseases.
Contagious Blood Poison, the greatest enemy to mankind, enters the system
through the blood, and Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema, Salt
Rheum, Psoriasis, Tetter in fact the majority of human ailments are caused by
poisons or humors that are engen-
dered and fostered in a sluggish Tho ulcca is tho ZSourco
and impoverished blood. Old -
sores, chronic ulcers and rheumatic pains are com- Ci kit StFSISffttl
mon, especially among old people, whose blood -
naturally grows thin and pale because of the lack of the red corpuscles that give
color and strength to youthful blood. Sallow complexions and rough, oily skins
evidence some constitutional or blood trouble, which salves, lotions, powders nor
any external treatment can cure. Diseases that originate in the blood, whether
they manifest themselves as ulcers, tumors, itching eruptions, muscular or bone
pains, require a tonic and blood purifier such as S. S. S., which not only antidotes
and neutralizes blood poisons and humors, but possesses health-giving tonic proper
ties that no other blood medicine does. It goes dowa to the very foundation of
m - the disease and eliminates from the system every-
P&IiUtOO COCCf thing of a poisonous character or that obstructs and
clogs the circulation. It builds up and imparts
BFGi2Zf3 DiSCSSS new strength and vitality to the old innutritions
blood, and when the arteries and veins are once
more filled with new rich blood, the general health begins to improve, muscles
grow stronger, and sores and eruptions of every kind disappear.
S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the purest
and most reliable in all blood diseases. It has been tested in thousands of cases
during the past fifty years and is more popular today than ever. We will be glad
to send you our book tree, and if in need ot medical advice write our physicians all
about your case ; this information will cost you nothing and comes from experi
enced and educated doctors. All correspondence is conducted in strictest
The rVtaa't Remits,
A colored preacher at the funeral
of a brother who had fallen from
grace said :
"I hopes de good Lawd will bless
de reminiscence er his family en con-
iiiuruU, tail I got' my doubts erboul
it, kaze Br er Thompson put off re
pentance er his dyin hour. I dunno
whether Br'er Thompson is losornot;
but I knows one thing, en dat is, el
he is lost, I didn lose him I"
"Of course I am master of my own
house," said Mr. Meekton, a little in
dignantly. "How do you manage it?"
"I tell Henrietta to do just what
she pleases and she goes ahead and
docs it."
What Oar ttaf Staada For.
Wliever the American flag is raised tit
token of sovereignty, it stands for liberty
and independence. What the flag is to the
nation. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is t
the individual. It givea you freedom and
I protection from your ailments. When
i vour stomach irets out of order causing
dvspepaia, indigestion and biliousness, or
: when von art nervoua and unable to sleep
j you should try it. It will strengthen your
j stomach, steady your nerves and induct
I ,
Mr. tferguson What a fiery waist
you nave on I tat color is it:
I Mrs. Ferguson Oxblood.1
I Mr. Fenmsnn I boe-in to under
i stand now why you told the dress-
I i . . i . 1 1 : l .
I mater to pui ill id auuuioiiai gure.
Words fQratltu.ta and r raise from Far
ats far the Remedy that Saved
tbe Life of Their Child.
fat TYrlf, itrlaam Oily, Kan.
Rapid as has been the advance of
medical science along many lines, it
is only in recent years that a remedy
has been discoevred for one of the
most dreadful of nervous diseases that
affliced children St. Vitus' dance.
This and other nervous disorders
that cause the pale and wan faces and
peevish, irritable dispositions of so
many children can now be scien
tifically treated by a remedy that
strikes at the root of the disease by
renewing the impoverished blood and
strengthening the nerves.
Words of commendation for this
remedy come from all parts of the
civilized world. This is the interest
ing story told by Mr. and Mrs. Chris
topher Armstrong, of Jefferson, Okla. :
"Our youngest daughter was for
three years afflictetd with St. Vitus,
jaIoe. nd. we
almost despaired of
finding relief in medical treatment.
She was so helpless that she had to be
fed and would fall over at times and
be unable to rise.
"We had heard and read a great
deal about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People, and, aa a last resort,
deterimned to try them. The effect
was alomst miraculous. From the
first box there was a noticeable im
provement and by the time she had
taken six boxes she was almost well.
Altogether she took about a dozen
boxes, and by the time she was 13
years of age, was strong and healthy,
weighing 114 pounds."
Subscribed and sworn to before be.
W. D. Kramer, Notary Public.
The power of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People in the vast num
ber of diseases due to impure blood or
derangements of the nervous system
has been demonstrated in thousands
ot instances as remarkable as the one
related above. No one who is suffer
ing can rightfully nelgect this way
to restore health. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by
j all dealers, or direct from Dr. Wil
. liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.
j Y., 50 cents per box, or six boxes for
An Accident
j ricu i iiau a tail last, nigllt wnicn
rendered me unconscious for several
Ed You don't mean it! Where
did von fall
Fred Fell asleep.
The Best Proscription for Malaria
Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron andqninineln
a tasteless form. Ko Cure, No Par. Price 50c.
An Active Proselyte.
The Indiana preacher who allowed
his boy to fight another urchin to set
tle a quarrel, was delighted when his
boy thrashed the other boy, but when
the licked boy s father licked tht
! preacher the good man appealed to t
court. Alas for the inconsistencies
. of human nature!
Sbort Storiej ii
Here Is the latest story ot Judge
Henry E. llowland, one of the moat
popular after-dinner apeaker of New
York: "There was a little boy who was
badly puttied over the theory ot evolU'
Hon. He went to his mother and ask
ed: 'Mamma, am I descended from a
monkey? '1 dont know,' ah answer
ed; 'I never met any of your father's
Herbert A. Giles glvea the following
example of Chinese humor In hit "His
tory of Chinese Literature": "A man
who had beeu condemned to wear a
wooden collar was seen by some of his
friends. 'What have you been doing?
they asked him, to deserve this? On,
nothing,' he replied; 'I only picked up
an old piece of rope.' 'And you are to
be punished thus severely,' they said,
'for merely picking up an end ot rope?
WeH.' answered the man, 'the fact is
that there was a bullock tied to the
other end.'"
In his biography of Phillips Brooks,
Alexander V. G. Allen of Cambridge
tells of a clergyman who was going
abroad, and talked In jest of bringing
back a new religion with him. "You
might have some trouble' In getting It
through the custom house," some one
remarked. "No," observed Bishop
Brooks; "we may take It for granted
that a new religion would have no da
ties attached. Another person, for
the sake, no doubt, of argument, once
drew attention to the fact that some
men, calling themselves atheists, seem
ed to lead moral Uvea, and. Brooks
promptly disposed of It "They have
to," said he; "they have no God to for
give them If they dont
An old Scotch farmer once went to
have a troublesome tooth extracted.
Said the dentist, after looking at the
offeudlng molar: "It Is a very ugly one.
I would advise you to have It out by
the painless system. It Is only a shill
ing extra." He showed the farmer the
apparatus for administering gas, re
marking that it would cause him to
fall asleep for a minute, and before he
awoke the tooth would be out After
a slight resistance the sufferer consent
ed, proceeding to open his purse. "Oh,
never mind paying Just now!" said the
dentist kindly. "Hoots!" answered the
cautious old Scot "A wasn't thinking
o' that; but If A'm ga'en ta sleep A'
thocht A' wad like ta count ma siller
Frederick the Great once had occa
sion to rebuke his cavalry for shirk
ing their duty. According to "A Hls
tary of Frederick the Great," he said:
"Gentlemen, I am entirely dissatisfied
with the cavalry; the regiments are
completely out of hand; there Is no ac
curacy, no order; the men ride like
tailors. I beg that this may not occur
again, and that each of you will pay
more attention to his duty. But I know
how things go on. Yon think I am not
up to your dodges, but I know them all,
and will recapitulate them. When the
season for rldlng-drlll cornea on. the
captain sends for the sergeant major,
and says: 'I have an appointment this
morning at , tell the first lieutenant
to take the rides.' So the sergeant ma
jor goes to tbe senior subaltern and
gives him the message, and the latter
says: 'What! the captain will be away?
Then I am off hunting; tell the second
lieutenant to take the men.' And the
second lieutenant, who is probably still
In bed, says: "What! both of them
away? Then I will stay where I am.
I was Dp till three this morning at a
dance; tell the cornet I am 111, and be
must take the rides.' Finally, tbe cor
net remarks: 'Look here, sergeant ma
jor, what is tbe good of my standing
out there In the cold? You know all
about It much better than I do, you
go and take them.' And so It goes, and
what must be the end of it all? What
can I hope to do with such cavalry be
fore the enemy?"
Identifying Uncle Jamea.
Uncle James, from away out West
came to town one day recently to visit
his kinsfolk, who live In 13th stret, just
above Iowa circle. It so happened that
nobody In the family except the second
daughter, Nancy, had seen Uncle
James in years and years, and, as she
was unable to leave her room, Johnnie,
who Ib 12 years old and as ingenious aa
they make them, was told to go to the
station and meet the gentleman. Uncle
James alighted from the train and
walked slowly toward the station en
trance, looking this way and that for
somebody to welcome him. He had
passed through the gate and was enter
ing the waiting room when Johnnie ran
up behind him and touched him on the
"Lemme carry your traveling bag,
Uncle James?" be said. "I'm Johnny."
.Uncle James was delighted. .
"Why, how In the world did you
know me, my boy?" he asked.
"I wasn't sure until I saw your back,"
Johnnie made answer. "Nancy told me
how you looked, and as soon as I got
behind you I knew It must be you.
Nancy said you was a water-melon-shaped
man with a double chin on the
back of your neck." Washington Post.
After Addison.
One of the best Instances of witty
quotation is recorded by a writer In the
Washington Post:
An old country gentleman, the late
Sir Ralnald Knlgbtley (who was tbe
living double of Dickens' Sir Leicester
Dedlock), expatiated after dinner on
the glories of bis pedigree.
Tbe company was getting a little
restive under the recitation, when Sir
William Harcourt was heard to say
in an appreciative aside, "This reminds
me of Addison's evening hymn:
And Knightley to the listening earth
Repeats tbe story of his birth.
Woman Trying- to Be Funnr.
She Well, I must go and shell the
peas for dinner.
He Shell the peas?
She Yes; where's the can-opener?
No Wooden Pavements for Paris.
Wooden pavements in Paris have
been condemned, as they serve as a
breeding place for all kinds of danger
ous germs.
Life to the moat favored is sol always
full of sunshine, but to the average
American girl or vsoman who Is obliged
to work for her living, sad, perhapr
to help others at home, life is often t
heavy drag in consequence of iUneat
Women who work, especially those
who are constantly on their feet, art
peculiarly liable to the development,
of orgamo troubles, and should par
ticularly heed the first manifestations,
such a backache, palna in the lower
limba and lower part ot the stomach,
Irregular and psuntul monthly periods,
Hiss Euji B&tKXta, E. Soracarxa, Ohio.
faintneaa, weakness, loss of appetite
and sleep. .
The young lady whose portrait we
publish herewith had all these symp
toms, and in addition leucorrhoea,
and was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. First, she
wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham's lab
oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her
trouble, received in reply accurate in
structions what to do to get well, and
now wishes her name used to convince
others that they may be cured aa she
The . same helping hand, free of
charge or obligation, is extended, to
every ailing woman in America, It
yon are sick yon are foolish not to get
this valuable advice, it costs you noth
ing, and she is sure to help yon. Dont
Wait until it is too late write to-day.
Pennsylvania and New York.
When the first census was taken in
1790 Pennsylvania's population was
94,253 greater than that of New York.
By the census of 1900 New York's
population leads that of Pennsylvania
by 965,897.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Iruirgista refand tbe monev it It falls to rare.
R. W. drove's itftiaiare U on each box. S3c.
A Hard Task.
Johnny Wiar Paw?
Mr. Wise Well, my son.
"Noah had two of every being on
the ark, didn't he?"
"les, my son.
"Well, paw, it must have kept him
busy herding the microbes."
Genuine n
Carte r;s
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
5os Fae-Slmile Wrapper Below.
Vary aaaall siaa aa oaey
roam complex! on
tfcteti I Purely TegetaMa.yg5.
The Wrong Adjective.
Wife Why don't you smoke those
cigars I gave you at Christmas time?
I'm sure they're delightful.
Husband My dear, delightful is
not the word.
Mill of Great Proportion.
Manchester, N. II., is to have what
it is claimed will be the largest shingle
mill ever erected. It is nearly com
pleted, and is 770 feet, long, with
two wings of 330 feet, all of an aver
age width of 100 feet, and five stories
in height, including basement.
fund for Education of Boys.
The German emperor has assigned
the sum of 100,000 marks, collected
by East Prussians at the bicentenary
of the kingdom of Prussia, as a fund
for the education of boys who are no
longer under tho care of their parents.
Medical Attendencc Half Price.
Doctor I beg your pardon, 10 vis
its at 2 marks a visit make 20 marks,
and you have given me only 10.
Lady (whose children he has at
tended) But children under 10 only
pay half price anywhere.
Force of Habit.
Customer What's this? Seventy
five cents for a two cent stamp?
Why, that is outrageous 1
Druggist Beg pardon, sir. I
thought you had a prescription for it.
A Kitchen Romance.
Lady What do you think, I have
a servant who gets up in the morning
without being called.
Chorus of Voices Impossible!
Lady But it's true, ; she's in love
with the milkman.
unign ejrup. T
In time. Sold br d
KM uooo. uas f
Wlrtita. f I
"I just saw young Widow Weed.
She looked ut charming in her
mourning, " said the pretty woiuaii,
"I suppose, " remarked hercrwhoty
husband, "that you wouldn't mind
being a widow yourself.''
"Oh,' it's hateful ot you to talk
that way, when you know I've got a
blue silk waist that I haven't worn
The scientist spoke guardedly aa
well locamo him.
"There is more or less sickness In
St. Louis," ho said, "and much of it
is caused by a bacillus having a mark
edly burgoia manner; and yet, for all
this, I am not quite convinced that
the Chicago drainage canal affects
the waters ot the Minfi.Vippi."
The lay mind, however, being less
tolerant, could be lead to but one
conclusion from these data.
Boys la Greenland.
Greenland boys are great egg ' col
lectors. As soon as the gulls and
other birds that i08t in the far north
appear in tho spring, tho work begins.
No boy who has not practiced a great
deal at climbing the rough mountain
sides and creeping over the glaciers is
allowed to venture on the perilous
task. But at 15, and even More,
the Greenland Uv is as strong of limb
as fearless ot heart, and as cool ol
head as any steeple climber."
Curious (let barium, '
The oldest and most curious herb
arium in the world is in the Egpyian
museum at Cairo. It consists ot
crowns, garlands, wreaths and bou
quets ot flowers, all taken from the
ancient tombs of Egypt, most of the
examples being in excellent condi
tion. Nearly all the flowers have
been identified. They cannot be lent
than 3,000 years old.
Old Horn Snuf Box.
An old horn snutT box, onee tie
longing to Sir Francis Drake, possi-
.bly the one which he used at Ply
mouth I loo during his famous game
ot bowls, has just been sold for 3 10s
in London. The snun box is a
quaint old ivlic, bearing tho coat of
arms of Sir Francis, with his name
on the lid.
Stmtm t Couph mnd
MferAa Oft thm Ctolef.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets rura a eold in
one Oar. Ho euro, No Pay. fries ii oenta.
A Division,
Biggs What do you call your
Digg8 Henrietta.
Biggs But that's only one name.
Ditfgs Yes, we "divide it between
them. We call the boy Henri and
the girl Etta.
You need our new three told tripod
to complete you outfit. The best ama
teur's triiHxl made. Price, express pre
pid, $2.75. At dealers, or Kirk, Geary
fc Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco.
"A Hot Lilcrsry Dinner."
A Georgia paper has an account of
"A hot literary dinner, after which
there was a wrestling match to decide
who was the , best literary man in
town. Mart Tompkins throwed Luke
Landers five times, and wna afterward
declared head writer and literary pres
ident." Choice Article.
Inquisitive Neighbor Dear little
thing! How much did she weigh?
Proud Young Mother Six pounds,
I believe. But we don't estimate
babies by weight in this family.
MIesjflTre4 lbetertareertlie4asnBed
with protruding piles brought on by constipa
tion with wnlcu I was afflicted for twenty
sears. I raa across your CASCARKTS in the
town of Newell. la., and never found anything
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
piles and feel like a new man."
a H. Kbits, Mil Jones St.. Sloni City, la
. ..i...Li. I. m.A Afwwt flA
flood. Met er Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2c, tuc.
Surilag Utmttf Cr, OU. lrU S T.rt. SIS
MTft Oil Sold and naranted by all drog-
I UPM gists to ft' H E Tobacco Haolt.
Springtime Resolutions
Icolcy Cure
Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
habits. Send for particulars to
Inetltiifa Moved to 420 Williams
MSlllUlB, Ave., East Side.
Ir BICKFOKD, Washington, 0. C. they will re
II eelve quick replie. II. 6th N. H. Void. Btsfl
2Mb Corps. Prosecuting claims since WH.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street,
Can give yon the best bargains in
Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pomps and General
Machinery. See ns before buyjng.
Iff f irfl Is tst tlma to sure Catsrrh,
Iff iLU Bronchitis and Consumption.
Jl ll I L il Our remedy ia guaranteed, fl.
WJ. SMITH I CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
jr. p. . v.
He. 2-lt01.
WHEN writing- t advertisers please
mention this paper.
Ij mi I i miii iMtinwml tjtr
dF7p!$ CANDY
Hd Headache, Backache and Ser
ious Indigestion Pe-ru-na
Miss A. Brady, corresponding sex1 ro
tary Illinois Woman's Alliance, writes
from 2725 Indiana aveuue, Chicago,
"Last year from
continued strain
In literary work I
became very
much exhausted
my nerves seemed
to give way, and
I had backache.
headache ami
ions indigest
One of my Irion
suggested that I alias A.Brady,
try Peruna. It certainly acted like
maigo on my system.
"Within 10 days I felt new life and
health given mo, and by taking an
occasions! dose off and on when 1 feci
extra tired, I keep my system in per
fect order. "Miss A. Brady.
In yicw of the great multitude of
women suffering from some form of
female disease, Dr. Hartnian, the re
nowned sjwialiiit on female catarrhal
diseases, will direct the treatment of
as many cases as make application to
him during the summer months with
out charge. Address lr. 8. B. Hart
man, president of the Hartinan Hani
Curium, Columbus, Ohio.
frank and Prsa.
"Excuse me," said the very new
reporter, getting his notebook and
pencil ready, "what is the first thing
you would if you had an income of
$.')0 per minute?"
"Take another breath," replied the
leading citiien. "Say, send me a
marked copy of'the paper containing
this interview, will you?"
Fins Progress.
"Ethel is doing just lovely with her
music," said Maud.
"She doesn't play any better than
she used to," answered Mamie.
"No. But she has gotton so she
refers to 'rag time' as 'syncopated
time.' " '
Iser-T "T
ion. !'. - : f
ds " r 4"
Our 1901 Vehicle Book
Our 1901 Implement Catalogue
Bend roar name and t. O. address and w
will mall on or both, as deelred, tree of all
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
First and Taylor Bis.
With Pteel Wheels, made for the
"Wild and Woolly West."
' J. A. FREEMAN, General Agent,
tSO E. Water St. PORTLAND, Ore.
Complete Stock of
Chas. L. Mastick & Co. " JSrL
Conaignments solicited. Pay highest market prl,. PROMPT RETURNS.
Dealeri In Leather and Finding).
tteier to wens, rargo a
ff The
tf- Agents wanted In every town.
Builders of High Grade .
EDWARD HUGHES, General Agent.
Catalogue Mailed Free 182-186 Madison St., Portland, Oregon.
What Does It Cost ?
We have just issued an excellent little Cat-"
alogue on Fence subjects. Full illustrations;
all the newest Fence information. A postal :
card will bring It to you.
Portland Anchor Fence Co.
742 Nicolai St., Portland, Or.
DurlMnj Ode.
A pupil In tho juvenile department
ittoiiiNlicd his teacher recently by de
scribing a circle as "A straight lint
that's crooked all the way round."
100 KIWAIID 100.
TbS readers of thla neper will be pleased to
kara that tbarale atlesat one dreaded diMaae
itiateeieurehas boon able to cure In ail US
Siaeee, and that isoatarrh. Mall'e Catarrh Cure
Is the only Htttveeiir known t the tuedirek
fraternity. 1 alarra being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a ennatiluiltmat treatment,
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, a.'ilng
directly tipn the blood and mucous surlaces
ol the eyeteta, thereby dxalreylng the luunrie
titin of the dinreae, and giving the patient
strength by building us the enmtitut'on and
ssiilnf nature In doing lis woik. Tne pro.
prteture hate to much falib In lis euraiiiro
powers, that they offer One Hundred Ikiliara
lor any cue that It falls to cure. Seud lot lt
Ot testimonials. Ad.irem
r. J. I'll KNIY A l?0 Toledo, O.
fold bydmtglt,?.Ki.
.Malt's fain lis I'llls ar the beet-
He Stunning hair that girl over
there has, I should think when she
undoes it, it would fall below her
She (jealous) Yes; right onto the
Threw Physio ta the Dogs!
Constipation Is tresled by an Iniestluat lonls
and liver sllinulsnl, palatable, gentle, yet pw
tent t'aararvls Candy tathsrite. All drug
gists, loo, itw, 60s.
Ranra lied thiDryntss.
Mother I wonder how this new
book got in such a horrible condi
tion? Little Max I heard, papa say it
was too dry tor him, so I poured water
on it.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wli.slow'i Booth
ln Myrup the best remedy to us fur their
Children during tht teething period.
Qnlls Likely.
Bloomer (to ragged urchin) Your
parents left you something when they
died, did they not?
Urchin O, yes, sir.
Bloomer And what did they leave
Urchin An orphan, sir.
Dtpth of Mirny.
"Tho saddest, most btighted-life
case I ever knew," said the major,
"was that of a man who received a,
life pass over a new railorad."
"How was that? "asked the colonel.
"Why, that pass was Issued More
there was a rail laid and then the
road was never built. He has felt
swindled ever since," ,
Factory, Battle Creek. Michigan.
WA hMMMttl tut. . .Ml nl lU m .
miwt punular TrMtttnn Klii built.
r.itpiiir ant orpuraiori 01 ainereni i lee ana
aim iiitim oar menu m eeu enti Ht.pei'i
seme r write us for descriptive catalogue and
AtT tNt'K TURK'S It Kit CO..
Vm. 114 a-reii At , I'urllaM.I, Oregon.
Or Call upon our neare.1 agent.
The HeCormlek marhlueaare the most Med.
era. Tbey are the prlile of the new renturyi
nlghe.l In awards at the Paris exposition
Built best work beet-ore bent. With erery
test they prors the best.
ttt fteSptflahjSMS,
V- af'l if s i
Kneawa 1 X -V
Call bu tlie agent, or address for catalogues
"A. H. BOYLAN, GenlAgt.
vo. Dana, roruanu, vregon.
perfection of Wall Plaster, Is tho only materiel
wuiuu repairing van uv uuua nrawy enu iu eiay.
If you have never used It send and get a trial
lot. It will pay you. For Information address
Foot of 14th Btreet, Portland, Oregon.
ft, A "at