I Loss of Jlppctite it Lom of Vitality, Vljpor, Tone. That stands to reason. It U common in the Spring, when, each way will bo l. The round trip between the two places by steam iaH New York-PhiUdtlpWa Ttolky Una. rians are about completed to close up the gaps between New York and Philadelphia and complete ft trolley line between the two big cities. The tracks of a couple of steam roads are of the way the blood, which needs cleansing, fails .nda high rate of speed is expected. .m.n tiIA oHm.iin nns I Tim limmnfM aav that the full fare A. L I T C .liv. viiMJ - i . essary ror tne proper pcnormain.- of their functions. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, restores appetite, gives vitality, vigor, tone this is one of the reasons why it's called the Greatest Spring Medicine. .Take it. , ' I bar taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and It hat created a rood appetite and cleansed my blood." APOLrsi Rhode, Plattsraouto, Neb. "My little brother had no appetite. He has taken Hood's SaraparlUa and now gets hungry like any other boy." Macs Kiloobb, alden, Kan. Mood's Sarsaparilla promises to euro and koopo tho promise. Mis Voktless Grief. Tilets Trj-der looked very sad when he heard that telephoning across the ocean is possible. Crustham I suppose he did, poor fellow. It will be an unhappy day for him when he cannot get beyond the reach of his wife's voice. Tfe Bt Pmeriptlo tor Halarta Chilli end rerer ta a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, It I (imply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Ko Core. No Pay. Price 50c A Low.Prkcd Worker. A Jersey farmer visiting New York, stood looking at a sign in a bookstore window: "Dickens' Works All This Week for Two Dollars." "Wall, he remarked, "my 'purin is that Dickens feller is either a twiirVitv noor workman or else he's confounded hard np for a job." All Iatastlaal Trouble Prevented Ten cent worth of prerentlon sstw fortunes i- ju.. win. nA rmiAral MDensee. 10c boy box of Caseerets Candy Catharthic. Drug gists, 10c, 2ac, 50C Boulevard to Cross Ohio. Th owners of automobiles in Ohio constitute a new force in the good roads movement. There ia a plan now under way for the building of boulevard from one end of the state to the other, touching the cities and largest towns. Garfield Tea is the most nsed. the beet liked and is the original Bern tea lor the cure of constipation and sick headache. It stregthens the digesUTe organ. . Cross Tobias. "But, my dear Tobias, remember that you may-die at any time." "Die, did you say? Die? That's the last thing I'll do. Our 1901 catalog contains a full list of everything needed for photographic purposes. The fullest line of amateur goods in the west. Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter St.,. San Francisco. Tactful Miss Withers (showing photograph of herself) I'm afraid it's rather faded. Binks (inexperienced, aged 19) Yes, but it's just like you. too BIWARD tUOO. Coed Tim Commlnj. Girt. "The girls that are growing up now will have one important advantage over the young married women of todav." "What's thatt" "Their husbands will not be con tinually telling them of the fine cook ing their mothers used to ao. How & von knowt" "Because the cook won't allow the mrtthpT of the coming race to stick their noses into the kitchen." Aa Observing Actor. "I am in luck." said the tragedian "I have just received an annual pass ovpr the Central railway." "How in the world did that hap pen?" asked the comedian. "Riemiition of valuable services. After our return from our last trip I rr-norted to the ceneral manager 37 defective ties, any one of which might have caused a wreck." .. - i ' A Moveable Possession. "John, you bring home a different umbrella every day. " "Well, I can t held it; as soon as j pick up one that I should like to hang on to, some other man in the othce claims it." Break hi China. "F.verv time von open your mouth," said the elderly and envious, but pleb . ; tan aunt, you put your im "And this is something, you know," pleasantly replied the wife of the mandarin, looking at the relative's ample understanding, "you couldn't possibly do it." BEYOND CONTROL m tee KUSCLES ill affected ih L0CCS3T0H iTUiL What la 1 dull, throbblncr tatn. accompanied by a eense ct tendernesa and heat low down In the aide, with an occasional hooting pain, indicates inflammation. On examination U win oe xouna urns the res-ion of pain ahowa soma swell In. This is the first staff of ovaritis, Inflammation of the orary. If the roof of tour houae leaks, my sister, yon hava fixed at once ; why not pay the same spect to your own body You need not, you ought no to lei yourself go, when one of your w sax ol The readers of this paper will be pleased to jearu thtt there ia at least one dreaded disease that science bas been able to euro in all its cages, and that is catarrh. HaU'sCatarrh Cure iha onlv Dositivecure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional ireaimeut. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol tne system, tnereny aestroymg tne lounaa tion of the disease, and giving the patient atrencth br buUdinc no the constitution and assisting nature in doing; its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its earativt powers, that they offer On Hundred Dollar lor any case that It fails to cue. fiend for list of testimonial. Address F. J. CHKNKY dt CO, Toledo, O. Bo:a or aroejrisis, voc. Hall's Family fills are the bet- Patcma! Objection. He I really believe there is some thing between Mary and that young idiot Brown. She Yes, dear, there Is you. ill jSSfe h as'., GOOD Short Storle$ ror tw year I was a Vlettsa f a Mia in Ita worst term. 1 eould eat antiitut Kt mlik teaas, and at usneatny niarh would Has. Jmu astost. bnlda out the helping hand to yon, and wtu advise you witnotu money ana without pricw. Mrs. Pinkham'a labora tory is at Lynn. Mass. Write a letter tero tolling all your aymptoma and jret the benefit of the greatest experi en In treatin? female ilia. I was eufferinir to auch an extent from orarian trouble that my phyai riaa thought an operation would ba necessary. "Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-r-outid havinr been recommended to tna, I decided to try it. After using ereral bottles I found that I was cured. My entire system was toned t. and I anftered no more with my ovaries. Mas. Assa Asrojf.Troy. Mo. An Error in Clsssificition. Percy Skitts is a sponge a per fect sponge. "Oh, no! When a sponge absorbs anything, by squeezing it you can get it again. This slfnstur fa on erery box of the geanint Laxative Bromo-Quioiae Tablets the remedy that csurew a eeM la smm slay An Error of Judgement. A colored citizen gave a justice of the peace a big fat possum as a wed ding fee. Meeting the groom a year after, the justice said : "Well, Jim, how do you like mar ried life?" "Well, sah." was the reply, "all I km say is I wish I d sum." A Well Kaoww Ohio Citlsea Cured This Stabbora Ailmant After Bis Bystesa SMsned Hopelessly Krokea Down. Fnm the h'net, Wamly, Ohio. Mr. Eli Totts is a well known citi- sen of Waverly, Ohio, having been in kninPM there for 14 vears. He is a veteran of the Mexican war in wnicn he served with company H, of the Fourteenth Tennessee regiment. At the age of 76he bears the respect of all who know him and the following experience, related by him, is raised beyond all doubt by the high charact er of the narrator. He says: "About seven years ago a disease fastened upon me which, as it devel oped, proved to be locomotor ataxia. I became very nervous, could not walk without having dizzy spells and did not aleeo well. As the disease aa- x vanr-pd I lost control of bit muscle! and could only walk a short distance. I could not control the direction oi mr stpna and was always afraid oi falling. "This continued until the fall ol 1897 when there was a breaking down of my entire system. My stomach was in bad condition ana l sunerea greatly with kidney trouble caused by being thrown out of a buggy. "About two years ago I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peoplt advertised in a Cincinnati paper. The case cured was similar to min and I gave the pills a trial. Very soon after I began taking them I ex perienced relief and, as the improve ment continued, I took the pills regu larly. Gradually the control of the muscles was restored and my general health improved. The dizzy feeling left me and has never returned. From my own experience I know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a great remedy and I am pleased to recom mend them to any one who suffers as I did." Signed. ELI POTTS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of November, 1900. W. R. A. Hayes, Seal. Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People may be obtained at all drug gists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., on receipt of price, 50 cents per box; six boxes for $2.50. An Old Instrument Violinist (proudly) The instru ment that I shall use at your houw tomorrow is over 200 years old Parvenu Oh. never mind! It's iBSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Garter's Little Liver PiUs. Must Bear Signature of 5m FscSsalle Wrapper Below. ITssry tl aaA as tetakaaasBfnxw i CARTER'S 1X1 IEABACHL FBI DIZZINESS. rCI IIU6USICSS. FOR T8IPI0 UYEI. FCI C0MSTIPAT1.I. F61 SALLOW SK1I. rOlTKECOMPLEXIOI i-. , omnvim mtmmj JeSalaSTsral.bwg CURE SICK HEADACHE. The Next Step. "Here's a scientist who claims that genius is merely a nervous disease." "Good! Now, can't he discover some way to make it contagious?" eat that poe- good enough. I difference. No one will know th rOU KNOW WHAT YOU ABE TAKING When von take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing; that it Is simply Iron andQni oino in a tasteless form. NoJJureNe fay. 60c. As She Understood It Boston Girl Have you read Emer son? St Louis Girl No, I guess not, those red spots on my face are just common pimples. The Last Ditch. "It mav seem like braeging," gaid the Englishman, throwing down his i newspaper in disgust, "but if this J Boer war was being fought out on the j sea there 'd be a different story to ! tell." ! On dav.'at Burllnittoo Ilouse, Ten nyson Is ahl to have asked the fueeta a conundrum which he had Just made: "Who are the greatest women, in the world t Th answer was: -ansa Ouri, the Mlsset Ippl and Sara Qoesa." W. S. Gilbert, of Gilbert and Sullivan opera fame, was one day standing oa the atepa of hla club house In London, when a stranger approached and asked: "Does a mas belong to your club with tu aa J ,.. one eye named waiKerr- - uu know," was the answer; "what'e the name of hit other eye?" Arthur Simmons, the venerable negro attendant at the Whlto House, was dot. Ing In his chair the other day, xrhan an usher rushed upstairs and said: "Man down here wants to see Mr. Cortelyou." "Can't see hlm,M replied Arthur, with dignity. "But thli man says he's got to see him." Don't care nothlu about that," said Arthur, preparing to resume his dose; "nobody can see Secretary Cortelyou; he's gone into his sanctum sanitarium." Thomas Lincoln, the father of Abra ham Lincoln, was a great story-teller, and one yarn that he never tired of r hears!n was a blood-curdling incuan tale. One day. when he was about seven or eight years old, and living In Kentucky, he waa sitting on a fence. watching his father and older brothers at work in the Held. Without a mo ment's warning, a small band of In diana came rushing by on horseback. One of them, with a aweep of his long ... .... n . arm. seised tne aa anu gauotnra ". Little Tommy Lincoln looked up Into the red warrior's face, and said: "Don't kin m. Take me a prisoner." The Indian smiled. Just then a rifle cracked. Indian and boy tumb'e-1 oft the horse, the Indian dead, with a bul let In his brain. Tommy Lincoln's brother hsd come to the rescue. Once, when Mark Twain was to lec ture In a small Western town, he was greeted at the railway station by the minister, who wss to be his host during his brief stay. On their wty to the parsonage, the minister asked if It would be agreeable to Mark If he opened the lecture with a prayer, aa was the custom. Of course the humor ist was delighted, and accordingly, when they reached the hall that even ing, the minister left the lecturer sitting In the corner of the platform, took the center of the stage himself, and pro ceeded to offer a prayer about half an hour long. In the course of whlcn ne gave his views on all the current affairs of Interest and concluded ny saying "And now. O Lord, we have with us to- ntght a man who Is known throughout all the world as the great American humorist. Help ns, O Lord help ns to understand what he Is about to ssy to us. and to be amused by It; and if pos sible, grant that we may derive some real benefit from his lecture. Talking of the Inauguration of James Buchanan. I A. McCreary, of Wash Ington, D. C, said: "The KIrkwood Ilouse was crowded from basement to the roof, and the rush was so great that store-rooms were used to make room for the thronjr. One of these hsd no window only a door, and when a man from Maine trudged In at midnight of March 3d, he was very glad Indeed to take the only thin left the window. less store-room. On the morning of March 5th, the man from Maine ap peared as the desk and wanted to know when the ceremonies were to take place. 'Ceremonies?' asked the clerk; 'what do you mean?' 'Why,' said the man, 'the Inauguration.' The clerk thought be was mentally unbalanced, and eyed blm suspiciously, until be ex claimed: 'I was awake half a dozen times, but didn't want to dress In the dark, thinking It was still night, and so I went to sleep again. I got pretty hungry at last, and that made me get up. When does the next train leave for Bangor? I want to get back to God's country, where they have sun shine.'" set ratals and 4ti even taaa Lat Narr j etta taklnf CASOAKaTH a siaee then J here steadily Improved, ttaUl leases well as I ,w " ta VnSn. Meant. Newark. 0. sLrJJ CATHARTIC jk V vasot feewsa awii'siassisF PtaaseM. Fateale. fweat. Taste 0(. Pe Bete, Merat !. W eakaa. at Una. K. SM. we .. CURE COKSTIPATION. ... H.iMH S.r CMesar. CMwe wml,lwli Wl Vft TA Bid So) as naranteeakf aiiarnt K9TU6AB slM M AaiKTeW UsUt. I IOREJHAII HALf A ffllMT Ml " AU BACK OF IVMY umiwocr ei.i 5LICKER OR COAT : &EAE3K THttTBAttKAEK :,v ew lis if. Man i ON 3AI HrVABt Of IWTATtONa cATAloeues puts , SMOWIN4 eULL IINS ' U 11UUMT1 SNO SATS. A at.TQWeB CO..B03TON.HA33. Greek Meets Greek. "What do you think my husband does when my mother comes to see us?" "I never cuess." "He writes for his mother to come too." Engtgement Confidence, You trust me thoroughly, don't you, fcineiT" -U! course, JP.ugnr; out ten me, am the installments on this diamond ring all paid oft?" A financial Qulckitnd. "Would you like an increase of alary, Mr. Smith?" "No; it'snouso." "Nrti.AoV' lf I had more money I would have to pay more debts. " Oriental Bauwood, si It Wire. 'Ynii nntrht to see inv cottano in tv 1.1 ttn luiiiniiir ima. I VIIV TWM, P. I"'t tional act rend. , "Make it out of Northern pine? asked some, one. "Not at all," she replied, in her light comedy manner, "I nmdo it out of East Ly nne." s . Not hVd teSult Executive I would appttint your man, but he is too ignorant for the nnliti force. . k . , . Heeler I)en put him on uo scihhh board. Flrel auomariao Cable. The nrst aiihniarhieralile was laid aM the KiikIIsIi Channel about Hfty year It was also auollt llie xaine mil "' tAtler' riioitiach Hiiten', Hie world re. miwiinl dvuetia cure, was Hrst tnir- duredlotfmtiuhlio.. It y'U are a sulh-rer frotii tins ailment, or fniiu liullKruiuni. tuleiifV, coiisiMimltoii, nervoumies r in soiimla von should try It nt once, If you would be well. It w ill sireiiRihrit your en tire system and produi-e sound sleep. The Way It Cots. "In tlum' two warm day this week winter seemed to have lipxtl a cog." "Likely enough. Winter is gener ally wound up with a spring." , to ensue A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo quinine Tablets. AU Sniretsu relnnd the money U It lane to cure. B. W.Urore's signature I on each box ALUM IN FOOD. Hew Can tne Dsngtr B Avoided? The reported cases of poisoning from the use of alum baking iowder have awakened tho public to the seri ous danger which menaces the wealth of tho people of the country In the numerous 1-owders which are lirgwl wptn consumers. (lenoral)y, alum powders may be known from tho price at which they are sold, or from the fart that they are eoominitHl by a gift, or are dis jKMied of under some scheme. The alum powder costs but a few cent per lHtund to make, and is often sold at 20 or S5 cents a pound; end sometimes as low a 10 cents. . It is impoMsihl to name all the alum powders in the market, but any Imking powder sohlat a low price, or advert i-d as costing much less than the well known, high class powders, or accompanied by a present, or dis poned of under sny scheme, ia of this clans, detremental to health and to le avoided. These facts should Incline consum ers to turn a deaf ear to all importu nities to buy the inferior powders. Tho wise housekeeper will decline In all canes to take them. A Typographical Error. A young lady wrote some verses for a local paper about her birthday, and headed them "May 30th." It almost ; made her hair turn gray when it ap peared in print, "My 30th." A Real Dramatic Trtst, Ale ChlnwhUkers Did you see Sary Ihrnhartlt play she was a man when ym was ter Noo York, Josh? Joehua Gechaw Humnhl Bet ter'n .that I I see a whole minstrel troupe made up of women. Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. a. fill Specialty. The Man (to applicant for alms) roor woman have you no husband to earn a living lor you. Tho Woman I have a husband, sir, b he is too busy to work. "Indeed! hat is he doing? " "Trusting in Providence." na BWaiuiil. Cnrl. Na Sts er nam S 1 1 9 aftw n 'Ut-. tiof lr. KliM'tOrMt Nr? Rnrtonr. .nd f. Fli R K S l.OO lr h.tl.w.d trM. Is, na.au aus.LidiiArahuraUa4lsala.ra, Winttd-s Million. If I had only 11,000,000!" ex claimed an angry father. "What would you do?" asked tho wayward son. "I d disinherit you the first thing!" replied the old man as he took a large hunk from a plug of tobacco. Good Health comes In those who lake the erf at herb blood purifier, (.arneiaiea; it cleann-s the system and cure, dlgrst Ire disorders. All druggists sell it. Mitchell Bicycles A rs-sP ADVANCE THRESHER CO. i $25 - $30 - $35 $40 OXFORD, DEFENDER and DUNLOP TIRES Pnnlop Steel Rims. Aleuts Wanted. Full Line of Sundries. Send lor Cettlojiie. Bicycles of the World. At the present time there arc at least 10,000,000 bicycles in the world and the number is increasing at the rate of 1,750,000 a year. Develop and print your own pict ures, complete omnia lor pnnung i ,.n,h anl .iovpli.f.inir 3Ux3L tft 4x5 met-1 I" . .1 Kt.. T. m .... B I.M llft'B, fl.uu Bill f.wv, "hij u Co., 330 Sutter St., Ban Jrancicsn, Cal. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., rirst end Taflor Sis. PORTLAND, OR. 7 Btsnrh Ilouse, Portland, OreuB, To be Prosperous, Use I he -ADVANCE" THRESHER Theirealrsl motier-mes -r. fnr pines Slid rtaliue m "A Usin'u'1 sxeMft, or write Advancs Thresher Co PortUal, Or Or write . M. E. and E. T. Hay, VHbur, VssH. NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCESl L""tu"w BIkSS Anchor Clamps and Uprights. Tas Oto Ftsca Ts Ascnoa Tinea. e ittf mt i tiiT .1 -Hh -cz "tl-t -1 n II ftf M S. S. S. has Deea before the public for many years; from a small begin nine, it has steadily worked its way to the front, and is now known in every city, town and hamlet in the country. Its etaunchest friends are those who have known it longest and have witnessed its wonderful curative powers in their own families or among their friends and acquaintances. Grateful patients in all parts of the country tell of their restoration to health and happiness, and the testimony of these is the highest evidence of the medicine's worth. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever in its history no other remedy stands so high, has ever given such perfect satisfaction or is so reliable in the cure of Cancer, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Acne, or any disease that originates in the blood. Being strictly a vegetable preparation, you will find it agrees with you much better than a drug store concoction or any of the widely advertised potash and mercury remedies, which affect the bones, muscles and stomach, causing Rheumatism or Dyspepsia. If you DOB't EXP OFfilO ftf have never tried S. S. S., you will be ' surprised at the immediate good effects, TGilO Sm Sm Sm for no sooner does it get into the circulation than the appetite increases; you grow stronger, and gradually but surely it drives out the poisons and restores the blood to a healthy condition. If there is a sore or ulcer on the body, it begins to heal around the edges, the dis charge finally ceases and the place gets well ; muscular and bone pains vanish, and the skin is relieved of all itching, irritating eruptions. Nervous, run down and anaemic people will find S. S. S. just the medicine they need, for blood poverty and illy nourished nerves are responsible for their condition, For old people and children S. S. S. has no equal; being free from all minerals, it does not nauseate or have any injurious effect whatever, and keeps the blood in good condition, thus fortifying against disease. Experience teaches what is good and what is not good ; this applies particularly to medicine, and S. S. S., a remedy that has retained the confidence ot the people for nearly 50 years, must have merit rr CURES, is the secret of its success, wnen you can ior &. &. o. don't be persuaded to accept something else there is no substitute for S. S. S. It is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purifier, and the safest and best for all blood and 6k in troubles. Do not let them force an inferior mineral remedy on you because there is a larger u if vnu havi Bti v blood or skin dis- cnae, don't hesitate to write us about it; our physicians will carefully consider our case and advise you without charge. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, OA. Frank . Here we were set upon and beaten with clubs. ' "Murder!" cried Ardley, Impulsively, A subtle something told me he was wrong. "You are college students, are you not?" said I, addressing our assailants, "We are," said they, civilly. "It Is as I thought," said I, turning to my companion. "This Is not murder at all, but a prank, merely!" Ardley was covered with confusion, and vowed he should never forgive himself, although the students, with rare good breeding, affected to. make light of It Detroit Journal. Aa Insuperable Bar. The New Yorker I supposo chess is a popular game in the Quaker city? The Fhiladelphian xso; it spiayetl very seldom. 'Why. I supposed it being such a slow game you people would like it." No; you see we d have to stay wake to play it." Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth- fne Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. Expressive. "Who is that girl with a face full of freckles over yonder?" 'She s a recent importation Irom Switzerland." 'Ah, I see! Dotted Swiss!" VBB!BJ)Ba See Our Anchor Clamp Yon would be surprised II rou knew how Utile ll would rt ou 10 As up that old lenre. Ilalter seud for hm Anchor Clamps ami I'prlphl. and ; pslr ol our nlni'hers, and mske rout 0 d wire fence look Use a new one. ANCHOR FKNCR looks so nlre and Is so strons that tanner sometimes think that It must be alf a priced. It Isn't, though. Cuar Biross I'sino. waiue, anecp ana nog iigni. it mvsr sure alter eiuemg FARM, RAILROAD AND LAWN FENCE. Write for Prlees en.l Catalogue. ne POsliana AfsCslOr TetlCe LO. 74a Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Aasnts Wauted In Kverr Town. Chas. L. Mastick & Co. ."ttuifftSS. CASH BUYERS OF HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW. Consignments solicited. Pay highest market price. PROMPT RETURNS. Dealers in Leather and Findings. Refer to Wells. Fargo & Co. Bank, Portland, Oregon. The Seasons Courtesies. Ice Man Good by, old man; I'm glad you had such a severe winter. Coal Man So long; l wisn you a sizzling summer. Practical Art Clitic Not a bad stretch of land scape, but uaven t you iaiu oui more than enough of it in water? Artist Not a bit of it. 'lhe pic ture is for a client who has made his money in stock watering operations. wireless Telegraphy on Atlantic Professor R. A. Fessenden, with his assistants, has installed a wireless telegraphy station not far from Cai Hatteras, off Roanoke island, N. C. Negative Fame. "Well I see they are going to have a real naval arch." "What's the idea of that?" "Oh, I suppose it's to commerorate the way Dewey has been forgotten." A Stumper For the M. D. Maid (to absent minded invalid) The doctor is here, sir. Absent minded invalid Well, just you tell him that I am not able to see any one today. Placing the Blame. "My dear, ' said the meek Mr. Newll- wed, "I don't like to complain, but this omelet you made" "What's the matter with it?" she in quired. "Well er-lt's rather hard to cut It, and " "Gracious! I waa afraid that man would send me tough eggs. I'll stop dealing with him." Philadelphia Press. Digestibility of Food. Bice, raw eggs and boiied venison require only one hour to digest. At the other end are pork, roast beef, cabbage and hard eggs, which require four to five hours. Keatlam. "What Is that sound like a rainstorm that I hear from the floor above?" "Why, that's our patent rain appara- aus. It s ror me convenience ana sat isfaction of umbrella buyers who want to test their purchases." Cleveland Plalndealer. Aa Amendment, "The man who shoots ns out of sea son Is to be fined." "Fined? Goodness, mal If they real ly want to stop it, why don't they lm- prison him for life or electrocute mm 7" Puck. - On the Enemy' Fire, of Conrae. "I think the enemy bas got our range, captain," said the officer of the day. "How In the world are we to cook our dinner?" replied the captain, absent- mindedly. What to Eat. The groom may lead the bride to the altar but his leadership is apt to end there. Every man Is sometlmea what bsl should be at all times. II. UM !'!!. :"!" AVegetable Preparationfor As similating tlicFoodandRcgula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Dige3tionheerful ncss and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Ivor Narcotic. yfeyv tfoua-siNuaptroait flmptm Sml' JU.Smn PsHstssWM' rmtWtJt Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness end Los9 of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDHK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. j EM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 7M AW nil In Use For Over Thirty Years The Chop and the Cherry Tree. ' 'Topkin loves to bo historically correct." "What's his latent!" "He had an Engliah chop for break fasl on Washington's birthdai " When Charm Mteti Charm. Mr. Jackson I done hub my rab bit's foot erlong, but she give me d mahble heaht, jea' same. Mr. JohnRon Mebbe she hab lie! rabbit's foot erlong, too! Aess ihm Otmeh mmt WorUmOffthmOJ. Lax at I re Broinoulnlne Tablets cure a eeld la one day. No cure, No fay. Price 26 cents. His Status. "Look here, my dear, I cannot afford to entertain on such a scale as you have indulged in of late." "John, I really Ix'Hcve you are just the kind of a man who would be per fectly happy .if you lived within your income." P I ee PENSION it thb asRTAua ese)T. ) oa erre. CLAIM 1 NTS FOR Wilt to NATHAN BICKF0R0, Wishlnf Ion, D. C. ther will re. eelve Quick ranllaa. B. 6th N. M vi. at. 30th Corps, froseoutlna claims slue 1S7J, JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot o( Morrison Street, Can give yon the best bargains in Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines, Wiu.lmilli and rumps and General Machinery. See ns before buying. sunnER W. H. SMITH S CO., Buffalo, H. If. best time to ears Tatarrh. Hronahltis and Coniumnttnn. Our remedy Is guaranteed. II. P. O. Bos 73. k. r. K. u. SO-ltOl. Wnmn writing mantloa this advertisers papa. pleas