Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 09, 1901, Image 1

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9 Sm.Iw tm UMfUoa m4 Mil sr Uaa tisr
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W fany srferlsf fasas, M
NO. 9.
a yaw asr tafoto e&acvtt It fraik4
1LJ iJJo
. "Wbat luaeae jrou kaap that bl( tiluo
unbooDat drawn ao elosaly ovar your
f T Ara you afraid of having It escnJ"
Tlit person adilreesad wit a pule, slrk
y looking child about nlaa nra of gi,
who pu tba dauk of tho- vel WlurVr
tnxro, was gslnjf lutrntly toward tha dls
taut abort of old Ktiflaml, fast rrrvdlng
from vlaw. .War br a nn-bMkln hny
of fuurtwn waa atandlitf, trying lu vain
to gala a look at tha fitaturaa abided by
tba c I nub am bounet.
At tha noun I of bla voir tba llttl girl
alartad, and wltlnmt turning bir bfad,
ropllxd, "Nobmly wante to inn. I am
ao uitly at) I dleirriablo."
"I'gly, en )mi?" rcpt-atrd th by, lift
ing hvr up an I lousing hrr fully In tlir
faoa. "VVVH. jtui era uot vry band
onto, Ibai'a a fart, but I wouldn't be eul
l.m about it. fitly prupli ar always
amart, anl pcrbap you art). Anyway,
1 Ilka III (It- girls, ao JiiMt lot ma alt lu-re
and get at'qiultitd."
Mary Howard waa wi-talnty not Tory
handsome. Her fi-aturcs, tbongb tolera
bly regular, wer anmll and tbln, hi-r
complmloo aullow, and btr ryaa, though
bright and rMr.'mlv, arpmd too largp
for her fact, .0ia bad frtqtisntly baon
told tbat aba wm botuvly, and oftan whmi
alona bad wipt, and wondttrad why ah,
too, waa not bun laoma Ilka b-r ilxter
ISIIa, on wboKi cherk tba aoftaat roae waa
blooming, while her rich brown hair fell
In wary innam-a about b'r wblta nm k and
ahoiildcra. Hut If IJIIa waa mora Imau
tlful than Mary, tlura waa far Icaa in
bar vbararter to adinlrt. 8ba knw that
aha waa prclly, and thla mad hir proud
and aolfl-ih, rxpat'tlng attMitlon from all,
nd growing allien If it waa withheld.
Mra. Howard, tha mother of these chil
dren, had ini'urmd tba dlspleaaure of her
father, a wealthy ICuglUhman, by mar
rying hor niuab teacher. Humbly at her
father's fet aha bad knelt and aued for
pardon, but the old man waa Inexorable
and turned Iter from bla house. Lata lu
lifa he had married a youthful widow,
who, after the lapan of a few years died,
leaving three little girl. Sarah, F.lla and
Jana, two of them bis own, and one a
atepdaughter and a child of bla wife's
Drat marriage. As a last requeat Mra.
Tempi bad aaked that her baby Jane
should be glvrn to the care of her alater,
Mra, Morris, who waa on the eve of em
barking for Atui'Hca. Sarah," too, 'trig
adoptod by her father's brother, and thus
Mr. Temple waa left alone with hia eld
rat daughter, F.lla. Occasionally he heard
from Jaue, but time and dintanre gradu
ally weakened the tie of parental affec
tion, which wound Itself more closely
around Ktla; and now, when ahe, too, left
him, and worxu than all, mnrrled a poor
muaic teacher, tha old tnnu's wrath knew
do bounda.
"But . we'll ace," anld he "we'll ace
bow tbey get on. I'll use all my influence
agalnat the dug, and when Mlsa ICIIa'a
right cold and hungry aha'll be glad to
come back and leave hi in."
But be waa mistaken, for though right
cold and hungry Ella oftentimes waa, ahe
only clung the doner to her husband,
happy to ahara bla fortune, whatever it
might be. Two yenra after her marriage,
hearing that her father waa dangerously
111, aha went to him, but the forgiveness
ahe ao ardently desired waa nrver gained,
for the old nian'a reanon waa gone, Faith
fully ahe watched until the end, and then
when ahe heard rend hia will and knew
that hia property waa all bequeathed to
bey sinter In America, ahe brushed the
tears from her long eyelaahea and went
back to her humble home prepared to
Dioet the worat.
In course of time three children, Frank,
Mary and Ella, were added to their num
ber, and though their preaence brought
lunahlne and gladnesa, It brought also
n Incrcaac of toll' and care. - Venr after
year Mr. Howard struggled on, while
ach day minora reached him of the
plenty to he had In the land beyond the
aea; and at lust, when hope seemed dying
out, he resolved to try hia fortune In the
far-famod home of the weary emigrant.
The necessary preparations for their voy
age were made aa soon aa possible, and
when the Windermere left the harbor
of Liverpool they atood "upon her deck,
waving a last adieu to the few kiud
friends who on shore were bidding them
Among the passengers waa George
Morcland, whose parents hnd died some
mouths before, leaving him and a large
fortune to the guardianship of hia uncle,
a wealthy morchaut residing In Boston,
This uncle, Mr. Bidden, bad written for
hia nephew to join him in America, and
It waa for thia purpose that George had
taken passage In the Windermere. He
wna a frank, generous-hearted boy, and
a favorite with all who knew him. He
waa a passionate admirer of beauty, and
the moment the Ilowarda came on board
and he caught sight of Ella, he felt irre
sistibly attracted toward her. "Mary,
whose sensitive nature shrnnk from the
observation of atrangera, eludod all hia
e (Torts to look under her bonnet. Thla
arouaed hia curiosity, and when he fol
lowed her addressed to her tha remark
with which we commenced this chapter.
At last, gently smoothing back her hair,
which waa really bright and glossy, he
said, "Who told y-u that you were ao
ugly looking?" The teara started to
Mary'e eyes, and her chin quivered, as
ahe replied, "Father aaya ao, Ella says
ao, and everybody aaya ao but mother
and Franky."
"Everybody doesn't always tell the
truth," said George, wishing to admin
ister aa much comfort aa possible.
"You've got pretty blue eyes, nice brown
hair, and your forehead, too, la broitd
and high; now If you hadn't such a mud
dy complevlon, bony cheeks, little nose,
big eara and awful teeth, you wouldn't
be auch a fright!" i
Gebrge propensity to tease had come
npon him, and in enumerating the defects
In Mary'e face he purposely magnified
them; but ba regretted It, when he saw
the effect his worda produced. Hiding
her face in her handa, Mary burat Into a
passionate fit of weeping, then anatching
the bonnet from George' a lap, aha threw
it on bar haad and waa hurrying away
when George caught her and pulling ber
back, aald, "Forgive me, Mary. 1 could
not help plaguing you little, but I'll try
ami not do It again."
For a time George krpt thia resolution,
but ha could not conceal the preference
which ha felt for. Ella, whose doll like
face and childish ways were far more
In keeping with hi taste than Mary'a
old look. Wbenevar ba noticed her at
all, be spoke kindly to her; but aba knew
there waa a great difference between bia
treatment of iier and Ella, and ofttlmes,
when saying hsr evening prayer, she
prayed that George Moreland might love
ber a little, juat a little.
Two weeks bad paased since the last
vestige of land had disappeared from
view, and then George waa taken dan
geronaly ill with fever. Mra. Howard
herself visited him frequently, but ahe
commanded ber children to keep away,
lest they, too, should take the disease,
For a day or two Mary obeyed hr moth
er, and then curiosity led her near
George'a berth. For several minutes she
lingered, and wka about turning away
when a low moan fell on her ear and ar
rested her footsteps. Her mother' a com'
mauds were forgotten, and in a moment
ahe atood by George'a bedside. Tender
ly ahe smoothed hia tumbled pillow,
moistened hia parched lips and bathed
his feverish brow, and when an hour af
terward, the physician entered, be found
bia patient calmly sleeping, with one
hand clasped In that of Mary.
"Mary! Mary Howard!" said the phy
sician, "this is no place for you," aud
he endeavored to lead her away.
Thla aroused George, who begged ao
bard for ber to remain that the physl
clan went In quest of Mra. Howard, who
rather unwillingly consented, and Mary
was duly Installed aa nurse. Perfectly
delighted with ber new vocation, ahe
would alt for hours by her charge. 8he
possessed very aweet, clear voice; and
frequently, when all other means bad
failed to quiet him, ahe would bend her
face near bis, and taking his hands In
hers, would alng to biui some aimple aong
of home, until lulled by the soft music
he would fall away to alecp. Such un
wearied klndncaa waa not without lta ef
fect upon George, and one day when
Mary aa usual waa sitting near him, be
i-alled ber to bla side, and taking her face
between his bauds, kissed her forehead
and llpa, aaylng, "What can I ever do to
pay my little nurse for her kindness?"
Mary hesitated moment, and then
replied, "Love me aa well aa you do
"Aa well a I do Ella!" he repeated;
"I love you a great deal better. She bits
not been to see me once. What la the
Frank, who a moment before bad etui
en to Mary'a side, anawered, aaylng,
"Someone told Ella that if ahe should
have the fever, her curia would all drop
off; and ao ahe won t come near yon!"
Just then Mrs. Howard appeared, and
thia time ahe waa accompanied by Ella,
who clung closely to her mother's skirts.
George did not aa usual caress her, but
he asked her mockingly, "if her hair had
commenced coming out!" while Ella only
answered by graaping at her long curls,
aa if to reassure herself of their safety.
In a few days George waa able to go
on deck, and though he atill petted and
played with Ella, he never again alight
ed Mary. At last, after many weary
days, there came the Joyful newa that
land waa In aight; end next morning Boa
ton, with lta numeroua domes and apirea,
waa before them. . Toward noon a pleas
ant looking, middle-aged man came on
board, inquiring for George Moreland,
and announcing himself as Mr. Selden.
George Immediately stepped forward,
and after greeting bla uncle, introduced
Mr. and Mra. Howard, speaking at the
aame time of their kindness to him during
his Illness. All waa now confusion, but
In the hurry and bustle of going ashore
George did hot forget Mary. Taking
her aside he threw round her neck a
small golden chain, to which waa attach
ed a locket containing t ailnlature like
ness of himself painted a year before.
"Keep It," aald he, "to remember me
by, or If you get tired of It, give It to
Ella for a plaything."
"I wiah I had one for you," aald Mary,
and George replied, "Never mind, I can
remember your looka without likeness."
Then bidding adieu to Mr. and Mra.
Howard, Frauk and Ella, he sprang Into
his uncle'a carriage and waa rapidly
driven away. Mary looked after-him aa
long aa the heada of the white horses
were In Bight, and then taking Frank's
hand, followed her parents to the hotel,
where for a few daya they had deter
mined to stop while. Mra. Howard made
Inquirlea for her sister. '
Meantime from the wlndowa of a large,
handaome building a little girl looked
out, Impatiently waiting her father'a re
turn, wondering why he waa gone ao long
and if ahe should like her cousin George.
In the center of the room the dinner
table waa standing, and Ida Selden had
twice changed tho location of her cousin's
plate, once placing it at her aide, and
lastly putting it directly In front, ao she
could have a fair view of his face.
"Whjr don't they come?" ahe had said
for tha twentieth time, when the sound
of carriage wheels In the yard below
made her start up, and, running down
stairs, ahe waa aoon shaking the hands
of her couain, whom she decided to be
handsome. Placing her arm affectionate
ly around him, ahe led him Into the par
lor, aaylng: "I am ao glad that you have
come to live with me and be my brother
We'll have real nice timea. but perhapa
you dislike little girls. Did you ever see
ono that you loved?"
"Yes, two," waa the anawer. " My
couain Ida nd one other." i 1
"Oh, who la ahe?" asked Ida. "Tell
me about her. How doea ahe look? , Is
ahe pretty?"
George told her of Mary, who had
watched so kindly over him during tha
weary days of hia illness..
"I know I should like her," Ida laid.
"They ir poor, yoo aay, and Mr, flow
ard la, a music teacher. Monsieur Du-
prea baa Juat left me, and who knowa but
papa can get Mr, Howard to fill hia
When the aubject waa referred to ber
father ba said tbat ba bad liked the ap
pearance of Mr. Howard, and would, If
possible, find bim on the morrow and en
gage hia aervlcea. The neit morning the
sky wss dark with angry clouds,' from
which the rain was steadily falling. Ail
thoughts of Mr, Howard were given up
for that day, and as every moment of
Mr. rtelden a time waa employed for aev
eral auccesslv ones, It waa nearly a
week after George'a arrival before any
Inquiries were made for tba family. Tba
hotel at which tbey had stopped waa then
found, but Mr. Belden was told that tba
persons whom he waa seeking bad left
the day before for one of the Inland
towns, though wblcb one be could not as
certain, f
It was tha afternoon for tha regular
meeting of the Ladles' Hewing Soelety In
the little village of Chlcopee, and at the
uatial hour groups of ladles were seen
wending their way toward the atately
mansion of Mra. Campbell, the wealthl
est and proudest lady lu town. The apa
clous sitting room, the music room ad
joining, and tha wide, coot ball beyond
were thrown open to all, and by three
o clock they were nearly filled.
At first there waa almost perfect si
lence. broken only by a whisper or un
dertone, but gradually the hum of roicea
Increased, until at laat there waa a great
deal more talking then working. Then
for time there waa again alienee while
Mra. Johnson, preaident of the society,
told of the extreme destitution In which
she bad that morning found poor Eng
lish family who bad moved Into the vil
lage two or three years before. Tbey
bad managed to earn a comfortable liv
ing until the husband and father sudden
ly died, ainct which time the wife'a
health bad been very rapidly falling, and
ahe waa uo longer able to work, but waa
wholly dependent for subsistence upon
the exertions of her oldest child, Frank,
and the charity of the rillagera. The day
before the sewing society Frank bad been
taken aerloualy ill with what threatened
to be acarlet fever.
The sick woman In whom Mra. John
son waa ao much Intereated waa Mrs.
Howard. All inquiries for her sisters
had been fruitless. Since we laat aaw
them a aickly baby had been added to
their number. With motherly care little
Mary each day washed and dressed it,
and then hour after hour carried It in her
arms, trying to still Its feeble moans,
which fell so sadly on the ear of ber in
valid mother.
It waa email, low building which
they Inhabited, containing but one room
and a bedroom, which they had ceased
to occupy, for one by one each article of
furniture bad been sold, nntil at laat Mra.
Howard lay upon a rude lounge, which
Frank bad made from some rough boards.
Until midnight the little fellow toiled, and
then when his work wna done crept soft
ly to the cupboard, where lay one slice
of bread, the only article of food which
the house contained. Img and wistfully
be looked at It, thinking how good it
would taste; but one glnnce at tbe pale
facea near decided him. "Tbey need it
more than I," aald he, and turning reso
lutely away, he prayed that he "might
sleep pretty soon and forget how hungry
be wire."
. Oue morning when be attempted to
rise he felt oppressed with a languor be
had never experienced, and turning on
hia trundle-bed and adjusting bis blue
cotton jacket, his only pillow, he again
slept ao aoundly tbat Mary was obliged
to call him twice ere ahe aroused him.
That night he came home wild with de
light "he bad earned a whole dollar, and
he knew how he could earn another haU
dollar to-morrow. Oh, I wish It would
come quick," said he, as be related his
success to his mother. .
But, alaa! the morrow found him burn
ing with fever, aud wbeu he attempted
to atand he found it Impossible to do so.
A case of scarlet fever had appeared In
the village, and It aoon became evident
that the disease had fastened upon
Frank. The morning following the sew
ing society Ella Campbell and aeveral
other children ahowed symptoms of the
aame diseaae, and in the season of gen
eral sickness which followed few were
left to care for the poor widow. Dally
little Frank grew worae. The dollar he
had earned waa gone, the basket of pro
visions Mrs. Johnson had sent was gone.
and when for milk baby Alice cried, there
waa none to give her.
(To be continued.)
Down a Mountain Slope).
The de-scent from the easiest pass
n cross the Blue Itldge mountains there
abouts, known as Sulcker's gap, to the
Shenandoah river, Is long and steady.
At regular Intervals a little elevation
of solid earth, also known as a brake,
has been banked up across the road
to keep It from being washed away by
the heavy rains. A ferry, propelled by
the river current, carries the stage
conch across the Shenandoah, which
flows at the foot of the mountain.
One day the conch, well loaded tflth
passengers and their bnggnge, had at
tained a fair speed when an accident to
the harness occwred. The driver could
not turn the vehicle tt -'gainst the high
banks on either side rithout upsetting
It and perhaps maiming its occupants.
There was nothing to do but to "keep
the horses on their feet and , guide
Every time he reached one of the
mounds across the road be bad to exer
cise the greatest skill In steering over
It squarely, but by coolness and pre
sence of mind he brought his load safe
ly, although at a tremendous speed,
down' the mountain. From long expe
rience he knew where It wts possible
to drive Into the river without getting
beyond his depth, and, as he boldly
plunged his team Into the stream an
effective brake upon Its speed began to
operate. It soon came to a standstill
and the terror-stricken passengers
drew a long breath once more. Row
boats came out after them, the harness
and brakes were repaired and the
journey resumed.
The poet Campbell found that "Com
ing events cast their shadows before"
and " 'TIs distance lends enchantment
to the view."
A Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happenings of the Past Week Prese ted
in a Condensed Form Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Famine forced court to leave Sinan
Bubonic plague hai broken out in
Honolulu, ,
France has restored loot taken from
the Chinese.
German soldiers fired on a British
tug at Tien Tain.
Boven people were burned to death
in a Chicago fire.
Ex-State Superintendent McEIroy,
Of Oregon, is dead.
The Shamrock II had her first trial
pin at Southampton.
About a dozen people were injured
in a tram wreck in Ohio.
A commission has been appointed
to improve the l et Ho river.
Another battle has occurred be
tween the Boers and British.
Revolution in Colombia has degen
erated into guerrilla warfare.
Firo in Nashville, Tenn., did dam
age to tho, amount of $100,000.
Wholesale arrests resulted from re
volutionary movement in Russia.
China suggested to powers the open
ing of Manchuria to all countries.
Another oil gusher has been struck
at Beaumont, Tex,, near the othet
Mrs. McKinley has been given the
honor of launching the battle ship
Ohio at ban r rancisco.
The homeless of Jacksonville, Fla.,
as a result of the recent fire, will be
quartered at St. Augustine army bar
racks. . - .
The force of soldiers in the Philip
pines will be reduced to 40,000, and
if improvement continues, still fur
ther reduction will be made.
President McKinlev, while at El
Paso, Tex., exchanged felicitations
wUh.Fresident Diaa, of Mexico, and
received delegations from that coun
Vanderbilt and Gould are buying
heavily of U nion Pacific stock.
Tbe merchants of New Orleans
gave a banquet to the president.
King Alfonso will assume the
throne of Spain in one more year.
Six thousand soldiers are needed in
and around Tien Tsin to keep order.
The man who robbed the American
express office in Paris has been ar
Two masked men entered a resi
dence at Springfield, Mich., and 6tole
?!J,000 in gold.
The retxrt that 200 men had frozen
to death in an Alaska stampede has
been confirmed.
In a wreck on the Great Northern
in Montana, one man was killed and
several injured.
The French are making prepara
tions for a withdrawal of a portion of
their troops in China.
Apache Kid," a leader of a band
of Yaqui Indians has been executed
by Mexican officials.
Mrs. Carrie Nat.Jnn trtiA t.n ber
word, has again returned to her cell
in the Wichita, Kan., jail. '
A congressional committee has
been appointed to inspect harbor im
provements on the Pacific coast.
The course of Minister Loom is has
been sustained hv the United States
and Venezuela will be so notified. .
The indemnity committee, com
posed of representatives of the powers,
has decided that China must pay
$273,000,000. '
An agreement has been, reached
whereby all the principal trans
Atlantic steamship companies will
form an immense trust.
The gates of the Tan-American
exposition at Buffalo have been
thrown open to the public. Notwith
standing the fact that the big fair is
far from complete large crowds are
constantly in attendance.
Chinese officials have apologised to
an insulted French consul.
Much land in the Palouse, Wash
ington country is being bonded for oil
and gas.
Two more prominent Filipino gen
erals and several officers havn surren
dered with their forces.
The transport fleet is on its way
from Manila to transport Chaffee's
army to the Philippines.
A reuglar semi-monthly steamer
service between , San Francisco and
Manila is to he established at.
two first-class steamers to be placed
upon the route.
During 1889 the total value of
mules exported to all foreign coun
tries was $516,000. while durine- 1000
the figures reached $3,919,000. Mem
phis used to be the great distributing
point for mules, but Louisville has
recently taken precedence.
Amount of Indemnity Has Been Fixeel at
Paris, May 3. The foreign offic
haa received a dispatch from Fekin
announcing that M, Pichon, French
minister, presented today the report
of the committee on indemnity. The
amount China has to pay has been
fixed at 1,365,000 francs ($273,000,
000). How it is proposed that the in
demnity be distributed among the
powers is not set forth.
There was much disappointment
over the fact that the United States is
supporting England against an in
crease in the customs. This is at
tributed to the influence of the Amer
ican community in China. It is be
licved that England, if alone, would
yield, but fears are entertained that
England's scheme is to prolong nego
tiations until her hands are free in
Souh Africa, when she would show a
stronger policy in Chinese affairs.
Official advises received here from
Pekin say the ministers are divided
into two parties in the discussion to
decide how China is to raise the in
demnity. France, Germany, Russia
and Japan agree in favor of raising
the customs duties, which can be re
lied upon to produce a great part of
the requisite sum, and the imposition
of a duty on junks, which will con
stitute a tax on internal navigation
and taking over of some of the likin
(provincial transit duties). On the
other hand the United States and
Great Britain decline to agree to an
increase of the customs duties, but
they do not appear to have presented
a counter proposition. The fact that
the United States and Great Britain
have joined hands on this issue has
caused surprised here. It waa hoped
that the United States would stand
with France and Russia. The result
will be to greatly protract the nego
Arrest of Men Who Broke Into the American
Express Office at Paris.
Paris, May 3. The principal auth
or of the robbery of the American Ex
press Co. s office in Paris the night of
April 26, when three masked burglars
escaped with 30,000 francs, has been
arrested. His name is George Miler.
For some time he has. lived in Paris
under the name of James Samuel, be
ing employed in a barber shop. Some
days before the burglary the detect ives
noticed three men of tnelibh appear
ance whose behavior was very mysteri
ous. These persons entered banks
without doing any business, and in
spected buildings. The detectives
maintained a careful watch at the
railway stations for persons who
might possibly have been connected
with the robbery, and their patience
was awarded when they apprehended
Miler. Miler was the bearer of a
large number of stolen checks to the
amount of 6,000 francs in a box in a
leather handbag. He had also in this
bag dynamite cartridges, jimmies, a
metal saw and drills of the finest
Another one of the thieves has been
arrested at Amiens, his baggage being
seized at the railway station. Other
arrests are imminent.
Memento for the President.
Seattle, May 3. The Snoqualmie
Fall Power Co., is preparing a beauti
ful souvenir to be presented to Presi
dent McKinley on the occasion of his
visit to Seattle. It will be a solid
tablet of silver some eight inches by
six inches in size, with an outline of
Snoqualmie Falls, and the surround
ing rocks and trees embossed in purest
gold. In the lower corner will be an
attached leaf, bearing on its upper
surface a suitable inscription and
showing underneath a plan of the
company's work room cut into solid
rock of bnoqualmie.
Rate War to Alaska Towns.
Seattle, May 3.-Heavy slashing is
the order in the Alaska steamship
rate war. Fares first and second class
to Lynn canal are cut to half of the
old rates. First class tickets are sell
ing for $10, and second class for $5.
A week ago they. were worth $25 and
$16. Corresponding reductions in
freight rates are also reported.
Great Fire at San Juan. ,
San Juan, Porto Rico, May 3. The
new $150,000 pier caught fire this
afternoon and was destroyed in half
an hour. A large stock of sugar and
rum was lost in the fire. The fire
continues to rage and the flames
threaten to spread to the stores of the
custom house.
Vetoed Insurance Tax Bill.
Denver, May 3. This was the last
day for the consideration by Governor
Orman of bills passed by the recent
legislature. He vetoed the bill in
creasing the tax on insurance com
panies from 2 to 3 per cent of their
gross receipts, but permitted the bill
restoring capital punishment to be
come a law without his signature. -
Large Grain Crop Sure' .
Eugene, Or., May 3. Crops in this
section are looking much better since
the rains of a few days ago. Farmers
say it is impossible to estimate the
good done by the showers. Large
gram crops are more than assured.
Crop prospects were never brighter in
Lane county. .
A special agent of the United Statei
department of agriculture reports that
beyond doubt grain can be matured
anywhere in Alaska,
Items of Interest From AH Parti
of the State:
K Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ment of the Many Industrie Through,
out Our Thriving Cofnmonwealth.
Work has started on the soldier's
memorial monument at Eugene..
Last week 15,150 bushels of wheat
changed hands at Weston. The price
was 46 cents.
A new pump ha been put in at De
Moss Springs for the benefit of farmers
who haul water.
J. II. Eggert has taken a contract
to get out 2,000,000 feet of logs,
mile below Vient.
About 12,000 bushels of wheat
:hanged hands at DeMoes springs last
week at 45 cents per bushel.
The Bonanza mine, in Eastern Ore-
ton, has received a large new boiler,
It weighs 21,000 pounds, and it took
20 horses 9'i days to haul it frcm
3umpter to the Bonanza, about 16
The farmhouse of Thomas Seavey,
on the north side of the Mckenzie,
short distance below th emouth of the
Mohawk, was totally destroyed by
fire. This was one of the land marks
of that country, having been built in
1868, at a cost of about $3000.
Athena has secured a street rock
Work of building a road to Blue
river, on the Calapooia side, has be
Plans of a telephone line from Baker
to the Panhandle is under considera
A burglar proof safe arrived at Ash
land last week for the First National
Bank. ,
The telephone line from Grant's
Pass to Williams is complete and in
County roads between Baker City
and John Day are said to be in very
bad condition.
The Hood .River Fruit Growers'
Union is beginning to receive orders
for strawberries.
Fred J. Runmmel was killed at the
Mammoth mine, in Eastern Oregon
recently by a snow slide. .
Thieves broke into a saddle shop at
The Dalles several days ago and made
away with several pieces of harness
W. C. Peterson agrees to put an
electric light plant in Brownsville it
the city will pay $45 per month foi
six lights.
Horse rustlers with two car loads ol
stolen horses are dodging the officers
somewhere in the the eastern portion
of Malheur county.
Governor Geer will be asked tc
trrnnt, ft nnrdnn in I fi T.iiVirmfln
o l - . . ,
u-hn wna Rpnt tliA Ytpnifpririiirv frnm
w " - 1 J
Baker county in June, 1900, convicted
ot manslaughter. .
Wheat Walla Walla, 59 60c,
valley, nominal ; bluestem, 61c. pei
Flour Best grades, $2.703.40 pei
barrel : graham, $2.60.
Oats White, $1.35 per cental:
gray, $1.25 1.30 per cental.
Barlev Feed, $17 17.25; brewing,
$17(3 1725 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton ; midd
lings, $21.50; shorts, $17.50; chop,
Hay Timothy, $12. 50 14; clover,
$79.50; Oregon flild hay, $67
per ton.
Hops 12 14c. per lb. ; 1899 crop,
6 7c. v
Wool Valley, 12 13c. ; Eastern
Oregon, 912c; mohair, 20 21c.
per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 15
17jc. ; dairy, 12fr'l4c. ; store, 10
11c. per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1414c.
per dozen. V
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13c. ; Young America, 13g14c.
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed,' $3.50..
hens, $44.50; dressied, ll12c. per
pound; springs, $35 per dozen;
ducks, $56; geese, $67; turkeys,
live, 10 12c; dressed, 13 15c. per
pound. - ,
Potatoes Old, 75c. $1 per sack;
new, 22)ic. per pound.
Mutton Lambs 4c. per
pound gross ; best sheep, $8 ; wethers,
$5; ewes, $4.50; dressed, 7c.
per pound.
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.756;
light, $4.755; dressed, 77fc'c. per
Veal Large, 6 7 per pound;
small, 8jc. per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $5 5. 25;
tows and heifers, $4.504.75; dressed
ueef, 8c. per pound
Forty-eight thousand Turks have
been exiled during the last 11 years.
Wolves are increasing rapidly in
many of the forest lands of northern
A German savant points out that
rural postmen were in existence in
Egypt 4,000 years ago.
A company with a capital of $1,.
000,000 has been organized in Vine-
land, N. J., for the making of floui
from 8 weet potatoes.
Lost on the Desert, a Utile Girl Dies of
Hunger and Exposure.
North Yakima, Waah., May 6. A
5-year-old girl has been found on the
lonely desert of the Horse Heaven
country, 13 miles from her home.
standing in a badger hole, where she
died from starvation. The child waa
the daughter of Hon. W. B. Mat
thews, ex-county commissioner of
Yakima county. Searching parties
had been scouring the country for five
days and nights in an effort to locate
the child alive. It was thought that
she had been carried away by Indians
and would be found on the reserva
tion. Phe had bwn trked,12..mile?
from her home whfn ait tract of ber
were obliterated by the winds blowing
the tracks from the sand.
Two children, a boy aged eijht
years, and the girl, five, were sent out
from home five days ago to look after
some lost cattle. They walked away
until 10 miles from home, when grow-.
ing tired they fell asleep. A passing
cowboy noticed them, and after arous
ing the sleepers took them on his
pony and carried them almost home.
The children then assured him that
they could get home without further
assistance, and he let them go alone.
The night came on and it is supposed
the boy ran faster than his sister and
left her behind. . When he reached
home he was frightened and could not
tell exactly what had happened. A
search was made for the girl, but she
could not be found that night.
Reports of a Secret Combination of Disaffect
ed Element Are Confirmed.
London, May 6. "The reports of a
secret combination of disaffected ele
ments in the Yangtse province for the
purpose of organizing general risings
are receiving some confirmation,"
says the Shanghai correspondent of
the Morning 'Post. "The British
consul at Nankin telegraphs Mr. Bren-
nan, the British consul at Shanghai,
that the Nankin viceroy is very anx
ious about the Yangtse movement,
and he asks Mr. Brennan to assist the
Taoti to preserve order by holding
troops in readiness.
"It is announced from a German
source that the French have with-
am auric cmst f
RUHurg urn I
TtsTMAT MAY 2,184,1 f
m & c;st. i
This monument was erected May 2,
1901, near Chanipoeg, Oregon, on the
Willamette river, about 32 miles
above Portland. It stands where 52
pioneers met on May 2, 1843, and or-.
ganized the first government of Ore
gon. drawn their troops from Hwai Lu to
Pao Ting Fu, thus leaving the Ger
mans in sole possession of all the
passes into Shan Si."
Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times
from Pekin says: ,
The indemnity committee favors
a loan raised on the guarantee of all
the powers. ' Its proposal to increase
the maritime cutstoms to 5 per cent
advalorem applies to import duties
only and not export. All the minis
ters of the powers, except the British,
American and Japanese, favor an im
mediate increase to 10 per cent. The
report, which is based on somewhat
imperfectly understood data, has been
referred to the home governments."
Battle-Ship Iowa Launched.
Seattle, May 6. The battle ship
Iowa was launched today from the
Bremerton navy yard, after under
going repairs and a thorough over
hauling. Less than four weeks were
occupied in the great undertaking,
although six weeks had been allowed
by the navy department. Admiral
Casey, whose flagship the Iowa is,
was loud in his praise of the equip
ment and facilities of the big dry
dock. The flooding of the dry dock
and subsequent launching of the big
vessel was witnessed by over 1,200
Northwest Postal Orders
Washington, May 6. A postofilee
has been established at Rock Creek,
Baker county, Or., to be supplied by
special service from Haines, and Ed
ward P. Castor appointed postmaster.
An office has also been established at
Bluellight, Yakima county, Washing
ton, on the route from Bickclton to
Mabton. Elbert L. Gravse has been
commissioned ' postmaster at thu
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