Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, March 07, 1901, Image 3

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Bert Con n la Moii'luy from Ferry
Cmiyoii, -
YA McKlnnpy pout few dyi In bur
city thin wwk.
IVrry limn win over from Lou Kuck
timidity tnd Monday.
' II you have ftltiturvt to enlarge, take
them to ttt Novelty tinllory.'
Andrew and JelTNeel ami H. M. John
on re over from Lone Hack 8iarJay
and Sunday, ' .,
H. 1). Barker and family and Mn. J.
V, tteltacher left Sunday fur a vlult at
Wi cll the attention of our rdor to
the protccdlDtfi of the Oregon It'ifUlatare
on firvt g.
Mr. It. K. Armstrong, who hut been
very til Lr the post wouk with neural
gia, U loiter.
Mn. I'. II. Ftejilienion tft Monday
morning lor Portland to vlelt her elntor,
Mn. H. W.I'nullog.
Mtwei Maggie Maddock end Holla
Wlleon ld title office ft pluaeant visit
Inet Saturday afternoon. "
Mr. and Mre. I'ennU. of rendleton,
re Halting Mre. Jtannla' parents, Mr.
end Mre. (1. 0. 1'aruiao. - ?. i
Udkn At Portland, Thoredey, Febru
ary 28, to Mr. and Mre. II. V. Pauling,
formerly of title city, an eleven pound
tmy. Hotter eend up a bos of clgare,
Fred Wlleon returned home Saturday
from the Uood Samaritan boepltal, Port
land, where he recently underwent an
operation for arpendlcftl. lie it feel
ing firit rate and la rapidly regaining
lilt health and strength, -
4 kJii.lUrt A, IMlASJViim...,
The 'Globe will publish your
final proof notices for $2.50.
You now pay $7.50. When
ready to make proof ask tho
Land Oflice officials to send
your notice to this paper that
you may avo thU money.
Five dollars saved, in this way,
is hotter than $5.00 earned
raisincr 40 cent wheat: it's so
much easier you know. Call
at this oflieo and we will tell
2 you all about It.
Born Friday, March 1, 1001, to the
wife of James Campbell, of Trail Fork,
a son. lr. Wood acted as master of
lr. Wood was calleJ Monday after
noon to visit one of the Hurt boys, about
seven oillo north of town, who Is suffer
ing from a severe attack of pneumonia.
Jim Cameron, tho Ferry Canyon sheep
man, was in town a few days during the
week. He says the recent long spell of
wet weather haa been hard on the sheep
and also on the range.
President McKinlcy and Vice-Preal-dent
Kooaevelt were Inaugurated on
Monday with great pomp and ceremony.
The occasion la 1J to have been tho
most splondid Id tne history of the na
tion. It, It. Lucas, proprietor of tho City
RoBtaurant, has rented tho Bnrr build
ing, corner Main and Spring street, and
moved his place of buKiness there. The
building formerly occupied by the res
taurant Will LttJ uikSS S' --,
rooms lo connection with the restaurant.
Miss Louella Maddock has been teach
Ing a Sunday-school class In the Catholic
church all winter aud eipects to con
tinue the good work during the coming
eommer. All children of the Catholic
faith are welcome to join the class at
any and all times. Sunday-school every
Sunday afternoon.
W. A. West, of Hay creek, has rented
the Miller ranch, near Oles, and moved
to.-that place yesterday. His brother
will run the ranch of West, Bros,, on
Hay creek. .Before leaving Condon Mr.
West had bis name on the Globe's sub
scription books changed to the Olex list
bo that he would not miss a single copy.
The management of Whitman College,
at Walla Walla,-Wash., have offered a
free scholarship to the momber of the
graduating class of the Condon publio
school who makes the boat record at the
end of the school year. A number of
pnpila are making special efforts to win
the prise. The scholarship is worth
about $300.
Weldon Darling, alias "Alkali rete,"
tho champion pie enter of Condon, has
made a record which should prove an
"open sesame" Into the field of politics
when he is a little older. No kid with
auch a month for "pie" should fool his
life away Inordinary vocations. Weldon
should go to Salem when he is a little
older and train for a stata politician
I Joe Budd, B. Kioly, J. M. Klely ; and
Ed Portwood were in tovm Monday and
Tuesday from the Oles country on land
. business, i The two gentlemon, first
; named were pleasant callers at .' the
. ' Giobk office, where each left bis measure
for another year's subscription to this
family journal. Mr, Kiely wanted us to
insert a matrimonial ad. for Mr. Budd
' benefit, but as that gentleman objected
we decided not to say that any young
beautiful, unmarried lady Worth $100,
000 might hear of something to her ad
vantage by addressing Mr. Budd at Olex
We wish we could have mentioned th
mailer, bat of cours'o we cannot do eo,
County court la In petition title) week.
L. V. Purling wa In from Hay creek
J. VV. Bcrivnor was over from Elglit
mlle Tuesday.'
W. 0. Drown was over from Idea pre
sort during the week.
Frank Wilson left yesterday for a few
days' visit at Kpokane.
Flore Couture was In from ferry Can
yon Tueaday night.
Mr. and Mre, F. B. Stevens were In
from Thirtynille Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. Joe F were In from
Thlrtyiulle during the week.
P. II. Hteplioiiaon is visiting at the
White ranch on 1'spereack this week, .
Charlie rinkliain came In from Ferry
Canyon Tueaday and will remain for
awhile as deputy In Sheriff Wlluos's
ofllce. "
W. A. Goodwin left yesterday for
Hood lllver, where he goes to deliver a
horae which he has told to a citlien of
that place.
Dr. Wood was called to Oles Tueaday
to see Will Hums, who Is down with an
attack of pneumonia. Jim Burns went
down with the doctor and remained to
nurso his brother. t
About a dozen s members of Monnt
Morlalt Lodge, A. F. A A. M., of this
place, will visit lleppner next week to
attend lodge and take sotno of the more
advanced degrees. They will leave
Monday, going via Arlington.
3. A. McMorrls haa Just finished a
telephone line connecting the ranches of
W. 8. Myers, Arthur Myers, Walter
Myers, Frank Shannon and Wayne Orl-
der. The line worke to perfection and
the parties are welt pleased. As soon as
the switchboard for Condon arrives this
tin will be completed to town.
Kaatern Oregon's first real harbingers
of spring have again pot In their ap
pearance. The buttercups are abloom
and the children are happy. These
modest little bloosome modest as the
daisies which were made Immortal by
Burns' pen are real heroes after all.
Undaunted by the biting blaats of Boreas,
who so delights to revel In mad pranks
athwart a March landscape, they peep
their modest fares from a dark and sod
den earth ami dare the North-wind god
to do them harm whilst ther do their
loving errand bring their message of
good cheer to pten and women and lit
tle children. The later flowers, which
bloom In such profusion and fairly flit
the world with beauty and fragrance,
are good to look npon, but none of them
can take the place of the modest, fear
less buttercup, which treads npon the
heels of Winter and bids htm to begone.
(Jod bles the modest, fearless, yellow
buttorcupl How many childish hearts
have throbbed with ecstacy on thy ac
count? How many weary ones have
taken courage because of tby message
that "Spring Is heref
He Fooled The Surgeons.
All doctors told' Bienlck llamiltou, of
West Jefferson. OV after suffering 18
months from Rectal Fistula, be would
die tinleas a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself with
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, the beat in the
World. Sureat Pile curt on earth. 25c
a bos , at Condon Drng Co.'s.
School Notes.
Gussis, School Editor.1
Gussle Darling was elected school or
ganist Wednesday morning.
. There was no school Monday afternoon
on account of tbe annual School election.
The eighth grade la reading Orations
on Bunker Hill Monument By Daniel
Lllla Clarke, laa Washburn, Belle
Campbell and Nora Wallace are absent
from school this week, -
Prof. Neal returned Sunday from Ar
lington, where he held an eighth grade
examination last week,
Bortha Trimble, Jennie Balding and
Mabel Price have returned to school,
after an absence of several weeks.
Maud Ward, Vera Portwood, Myrtle
Ferguson, Alvln Wllcos, Arthur Parrish,
Charlie Price and Floyd Moore were
promoted from the fourth to the -fifth
grade this week,
As this is . the beginning of the new
school year, the teachers have reorgan
ised the school. All the erodes in the
principal's room have taken op mental
arithmetic, and Mr. Neal has united the
eighth grade A and B classes.
Take' Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All
druKKlst refund the money if It talis to ears.
K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c
P. L. Ham made a trip to Condon last
Tho annual school meeting Monday
passed oil quieuy.
Mrs. J. R. Dennett has been quite
sick the past few Uays. .
It. M. Johnson made a trip to the Ilay
creek country last wpek.--, :
The irraBs is prowlng nicely and sheep
are in fine condition, and the prospect
for a fine lamb crop this spring la-excellent.
" : '. .
Mrs. W. C. Brown and daughter, Mrs.
Nicholson, went over to Wagner last
Saturday to visit their relatives, who
are on the sick net. :.
A telephone message was received
here laBt Saturday morning Informing
us that one of our ftightmile neighbors,
James IuBklp, had just died.
The weather has been warm and pleas
ant, the rinRt week and our farmers have
commenced scouring op their old plows
and preparing for the usual spring farm
ing. ...; y:, -
' Rock creek was up booming, perhaps
tho hiirhBHt, for many veers, a few davs
non and carried away the center span of
thnhtirnnur bridge on the Lone Rock
and Heppner county road. It will cost
Morrow county quits a sum to repair
tho bridge. , , (;: . . ; .
To Whom It May Concern.
Yjn mu CojuxiK (iims :
The following statement wal prepared
by trie and handed to the manager of the
Condon Weekly Times on Monday, Feb.
23, with the request that the same be
publlahed In that ' paper. On Friday
evening, March 1st, Mr. Christie In
formed me that he had been Instructed
not to pobliah the matter on lees I paid
for the space. I therefore ak you to
publish the statement, in order that a
falae Insinuation w hich, I consider, re
flects on the oflkers of the city of Con
don, should be made right before the
public. KuDemr,"
Following Is Mayor Dunn's statement:
"CoKiwn, Feb. 25, To the editor of
the Condon Times.
"Drab Hib : I wish to correct a state
ment appearing in the Inst Issue of the
Times Insinuating that Mr. 8. A. Paul
son Is Indebted to the city of Condon.
, "As kn officer of the city of Condon I
wish to make public tho reason why the
county records show that Mr. Pattlson
Is Indebted to the city of Condon, while
as a matter of fact be does not owe the
city one cent.
"On February 10, 18tf8, daring Mr. 8.
B. Barker's last term of office as Mayor
of Condon, a warrant was drawn In favor
of 8. A. Pattlson for $250.00 as a loan at
10 per cent per annum, and a mortgage
was given the city of Condon by Mr.
Pattlson to secure the loan. The city
treasurer's books show the following
payments to have been made on this
loan: On Jane 28, 1898, $100.00; on
April 10, 1890, $170.05.
"The reason this mortgage has not
been canceled by the city recorder is, I
presume, en oversight of the city treas
urer in not giving the recorder notice of
the payment of same.
"Ed Dumji,
O. W. Rlnehart and Mrs. Herbert
Halstead are visiting at Oles this week.
The ladies of the Baptist church will
give an entertainment some time this
month conaisting of short dramas,
tableaus, music, etc. ,
Another Fire.
The fire fiend was again on the ramp
age last Saturday evening, this time the
object of its attack being the residence
of U U. Parman, three miles northwest
of town. The family were at supper
when fire was discovered in the upper
story of the building, and the flames
had already gained such headway that
it was Impossible to save anything from
the upper floor. A piano, a steel range
and a few other articles of furniture
were saved from the first floor, but the
bulk of the furniture, clothing, supplies,
etc., were destroyed. Quick work, was
required to save a lot of wagons, etc.,
and also a qnantlty of wheat which was
stored near the bouse, but, owing to the
direction of the wind, the barn and other
out buildings were not in jeopardy.
When seen by a representative of the
Glob a Mr. Parman stated that he could
form no estimate of the loss, either of
building or contents; but it was no
doubt a considerable sum. There was
no insurance on the property.
The family are living temporarily in
the boose on the W. R. Hartman place
which Mr. Parman haa rented for this
A Cood Cough Medicine for Children
"I have no hesitancy In recommend
ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
says F. P. Moran, a well known and
popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We
have given it to our children when
troubled with bad coughs,' also whooping
cough, and it has always given perfect
satisfaction. It was recommended to
me by a druggist as the best cough
medicine for children as it contains no
opium or other harmful drug." Sold by
The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. CrosQeld,
School Officers Re-elected.
At the annual school meeting held In
the school-room Monday afternoon, V
h. Wilcos and l u. stepnenson were
unanimously re-elected trustee and clerk,
respectively. Quite a number of citizens
were present at the meeting. On motion
it was decided to call a special meeting
at some future time to consider the new
schoolhouse proposition.
Stops the Cough
, and worke off the) Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets cure a cold
In one day Fay. Trice 25 eeitta
Temple's Novelty Gallery open-Sun
days only. ;
, Meet me at the Novelty Gallery Pun
day and we will have that picture taken.
A Birthday Surprise Party.
A pleasant social event occurred at
the residence of W. A. Goodwin Monday
night, the occasion being in honor of the
birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wallace,
Mr. Wallace's birthday having been on
Saturday, and Mrs. Wallace's on Sunday.
The old people were inveigled to the
horae of their Bon-ln-law and were kept
completely in the dark until about 30
friends had gathered, when they began
to "tumble" to the cause of it all. A
pleasant evening was enjoyed and Mr
and Mrs. Wallace were made the recipl
ents of a number of useful and beautiful
presents. May they have many happy
returns of the day. -
Headache often results ' from a die
ordered condition of the stomach and
constipation of the bowels. A dose or
two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv
er Tablets will correct these disorders
and cure the boadache. Sold by The
Hudson Pharmacy C, W. Crosfleld,
mgr. ' '
(Succeesors to Al Henehaw)
Furniture, Stoves and Tin-ware. j
Couches, Loonges, Wood and Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattreseea of all
kinds, Wool Beds, Blankets, Tables, Chairs and Rockers, Tubs Etc
Aleo Cutlery, Hardware and Building Material, gash, Doors and Win
dows, Paints and Oils.
Lamps and Lamp
Kitchen Furniture a Specialty.
Our Prices are Reasonable.
A Human
A seedyIooking
young man struck
town last Saturday afternoon, and In
the evenlog gave a slight-of-hand per
formance in the rear room of the Fix
building. It was plainly evident from
tbe first that be was an expert at para
ng the hat, which "act" was repeated
several times during the evening sc
often in fact that It brought blushes to
the faces of those who bad already con
tributed what they thought ought to be
sufficient to buy a decent "Jig.
It is said that a camel can take enough
water on to last a week, and "there are
others," as was proven beyond a doubt
last Saturday night, when the young
man lo question swallowed tumbler after
tumbler of water in quick eucceesion and
called for more. Barring tbe bat "act,"
the water act beat anything ever seen
in Condon, unless it be tbe Irrigation
act" so often performed by some of our
Mrs. O. E. Van Dentin, ofKllboorn,
Wis., was alllicted with stomach trouble
and constipation for a long time. She
says, "I have tried many preparations
but none have done me the good that
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets have." These Tablets are for sale
at The Hudson Pharmacy. Price, 25c.
Samples free.
I am prepared to take backs to past
ure for the summer and will insure good
care for all stock entrusted to my care.
Good grass and plenty of water. Call at
my ranch, on Thirty mile, or address
Jos. Whttk,
- Condon, Or.
The City Restaurant
Meals at
Board by the Day, Week or Meal.
First Door South of
New Year's
After taking account
of stock and sales, we
wish to say to our
many patrons that
we are more than
pleased with the bus
iness of last year and
hope to merit a con
tinuance of the same
liberal patronage. Ve
will be found at the
old stand and our
m otto for 1 901 w i 11 be
the ' same as in the
past: "Good goods,
reasonable prices."
Yours respectfully
Highest Prices Paid for Grain.
General Warehouse Business Conducted.
Warehouses at ARLINGTON,
Call and See Us.
Purely Business.
As I will remain here bota short time,
I have reduced the price of Ktatnp Photos
to 13 cents per dozen. Those wishing to
take advantage of this cot should call at
once. Temple. oveity tiauery.
Fine shoes for ladies, gentlemen and
children at P. H. Stephenson's.
Baths Hot and cold water, cljan tow
els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel.
Ladies' dress skirts, extra fine quality
and estra low prices, at P. U. Stephen
son's. . .
U. L. Meal, the well known auction
eer, will give tbe strictest attention to
all business entrusted to his care. If
you have property to sell consult him.
Reliable roan for Manager oft
Branch Ofllce we wish to open in this
vicinity. If your record is O. K.
here is an opportunity. Kindly
give good reference when writing.
The A. T. Morrta Wholeaalo House
Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps.
43 d 8
Renew Your Subscriptions.
Subscriptions for all the leading news
papers and periodicals published in the
United States or any other country pn
earth will be received at tbe Globi office.
Save postage, time and trouble by leav
ing the amount with os and we will
attend to tbe business for you. Call
when in town and renew your subscrip
tions to voor favorites for 1901., tf
All Hours.
Everything Strictly First-class.
Dunn Bros. Store.
Shoes! Shoes!
Latest Styles in
Nothing is more
appropriate for a
Call and iorpect our fine
Hriicc Qlnrfc of extra fine
kJ k lJJ fcJIVli tO T?,U r-1
iiMuuicren, ij!cj cioin, inguan wis
tores, Fancy Plaids and Pressed Flannel. A larjre assortment to riled
from. Just the thins for a Cbrigtmaa rift for wife iator nr mother.
Ladies' Kid Gloves,
Fine line of Hen's
P. H. Stephenson,
Fall and Winter Goods.
Largest and Rest Line in Gilliam Coanty. '
Winter Underwear, Overcoats
Mackintoshes, Ulsters Etc.
Hardware and
Genera! Merchandise
Largest stock in, the
Summit Saloon,
Stop at
Condon, - Oregon.
The public will find that no better accommodations can be
found in this country than at this Tiouse. Meals 25c; beds 25c.
Pure and
Celluloid Goods of every description.
Albums, Photo frames, holders and boxes.
Call and examine our line of
The Condon Pharmacy,
Drugs, Phpto Supplies, Jewelry, Paints and Oils. Give us a trial.
Manufacturer of Soda, Orange and
Champagne Cider, Sarsaparilla and
Iron and all other fctoftand Carbonated
Drinks. Condon trade la respect
fully solicited. Orders promptly filled
Arlington, Ore.
Bargains in
Infant' LvW ami Men's Fine ami
Fashionable Footwear.
Present nftrair.cffine
Dew line of these goods.
quality. Heavy Serges, Crepona,
T.I- f ., ,.,..
Silk and Wool Mittens, fine Wool
Shawla, Fasinatorg Etc.
Furnishing Goods.
Universal Stoves and
Iron Bedsteads
Spring Mattresses
Chairs .
Extension Tables
Orders taken for Furniture
And. Wall Paper not kept in
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants o
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-claea
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wants.
Are Our
choice goods. We can please you.
Fossil Flour
takes the lead because it
is the best.
Fossil Flouring Hills,
For Sale !y Leading Condon I