t u c o n h ft n ji p nnc lu. uUilUUil ULLDi-! THURSDAY. MARCH 7. tOJ. - " KOTICK. " , Ti. tfvltra "oriTwHHlrnce tnra all tvti.tn o( .!ifm muntr. We nim l mt ttil )wr the laltnir tirws medium of the nv-iitv unrt InvHe our irirnria to irt o by i'!i1iiic the mws of Uwir rwr-w lv HrH'hlKMhiKkt. rorrewpoiKleiu mart be uuoii by the writer, uH nmwllr for pb llc;ii!i,'bt Manrviten Ai fB-.tti, d tlwonitor umi no rwnonsi'.ititts lotojua ltnini.iethy -rrw(uclrnu- ABOUT THAT LOAN In tu.othr column of thi H the eame time help the settlers to pression will be fcuHiti a statement sayt mouey whieh. wauted to from Mayor Ed IXrnu in regard to ! f!ttVe the loan which the proprietor of , When the Gt 0Bff offered to pub thia paper secured from the city ,f; lisll ihwe notices fof $..50 (which Condon in 1893. Mr. Dunn j pflVr ,8 Rtill open) the Times had pared the statement for publication ' the chanc) iu lhe worW in the last issue of the Weekly j dum thfl peopIe of lhis 8ec. Times, as that paper had, in a pre-1 liou thftt h wa3 not a grg cor. vious issue, made insinuations , with nQ other object in Life which were calculated to gve the uhan tha RCllQUUioQ of tbe ,long impression that the loan had never ! or K&son or other been repaid, thereby casting reHee- j u , a his;w wrch anj Wan to tions on the integrity of the various city officials who have held oSce since that time. Iii referring to this matter last week the Globk stated that it would leave the ques tion of whether or not this money had been repaid to the city, to the city officials, and their books, to answer, and, as Mayor Dunn had informed the writer that a state ment of the matter had been pre pared and handed to the manager of the Times to be published, we thought it would be only fair to alTow that paper an opportunity of correcting the false impression which its previous statement was calculated to give to the public. Our kindly intentions appear to have been thrown away, however, as it appears from Mayor Dunn's statement that the manager of the Times informed him Friday even ing that the statement would not be published unless he "paid forit". This is the first time on record, bo far as we know, when any kind of a newspaper has demanded pay for correcting a mis-statement, and it simply goes to show that the Times is not disposed to be fair in any particular, and as though it was afraid that the above was not suffi cient evidence to establish it on a firm foundation as the champion unfair and unreliable sheet, it refers to the loan and mortgage in its last issue iu the following item in its local column: , . "We And on the coonty records that tbe mortgage held by tbe city of Condon gainst S. A. Pattison was satisfied last Saturday immediately after the pub lication of oar last issue." It is plain that the impression which the Times sought to give in the above was, that the debt was paid and the mortgage was can celed "immediately after the pub lication of our last issue", else why dil it not consult the city records and find whether or not Mayor Dunn's statement was correct, and then either tell the whole truth about the matter or else ignore it entirely? "The truth wrongs no man"; but the truth does not ap pear to be what the Times is seek ing. A falsehood, which, it is hoped, may wrong some man whom the ring is '"after," is a-weapon better suited to its tastes. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. The Globe's conscience has nev er hurt it a bit on account of its past action in charging the regular An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. Ueorge W. VVaitt, of Booth Gardiner, Me., 8ayi: "I have iiad the worst congb, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no accoant bat profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is the only thing that lias done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and tbe chills, cold and grip have all-left : we.. ,1 congratu late the manufacturers of an honest medicine." For gala by The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Crosfield, mgr. SELLING OUT AT OUR ENTIRE STOG TO BE CLOSED OUT IMMEDIATELY. We will be with you hut a short time so now is the time to lay fn a sup ply of goods for the Spring and Summer for little money. We will sell REGARDLESS OF COST FOB CASH. COME EAHLY AND HAVE FIRST CHOICE BEFORE STOCK IS PICKED OYER. gSTPdrties having HIDES, PELTS, FURS. HAIR Etc., should bring tbemf yin immediately if they wish to secure the highest market price. m03 OmOSKY BROS. r.CCEL LOYiTSl MASH STREET OPPOSITE HEKSH AW'S STCP.E fee far th p wio;uku f fi nal prwf tic Neither has this papor everlntimatel that the' Weakly Times is exorbitant in making the aajne charge. As the Times was started, not to make mowy, hut only to put tho Globs out or busi ness, and as we are an accommo dating sort of a cuss and like to help as many people as we can, we thought to do what we could to help the Times not to make money that it didn't want to make, and at figure on divideuds and things, just tbe same as an ordinary newspaper. As a philanthropist we are sorry the Times saw fit to ignore our good offices in this matter, but a9 an ordinary gnarlly-hearted child of sin and misery, we are sort of glad of it. We ace curious to know just how near it can reach around the barrel it is "over." PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. The folllwing is from the Chicago Inter-Ocean of recent date: "I do not believe it will be a good thing for the country or for the railroads, but the logical result of 'centralization of financial control,' is government ownership of rail roads," said a leading official of one of the most important western systems. "Today the government could arrange with not more than a score of men for the acquirement of the Pennsylvania system, the Baltimore & Ohio, New York Cen tral system, Northwestern, Union Pacific, Illinois Central, Alton, Kansas City Southern, Erie, South ern and Southern Pacific railways. When it is demonstrated that it is better to have the policy of all the railroads controlled by a few men, and this is being demonstrated to day; it will not be long until it is urged that these quasi-public cor porations should all be controlled by the government. Few railway officials are willing to. admit that the railways could be successfully operated by the government, but the government would have little trouble in securing the services of the very men who are now success fully operating railroads. Under government ownership it would not be necessary to have so many high salaried officials. In fact, the men most easily to be dispensed with would be the railroad presidents. While now they earn all they get, much more as a rule, the main work they now do would not be reeded with the rivalry that exists between the private corporations. Government ownership would end competition without checking the development of the railways or interfering with the service given to the public. In fact, the service both to the travelers and shippers could be greatly improved. The number of passenger trains could be reduced and schedules adjusted so as to afford much better accom modations than now, and freight Banker Routs A Robber. J. II. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of Tbornville, Ohio, had been robbed of health by a serious lung trouble until he tried Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a se vere cold or a bad case of lung trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with Coughs, Cold?, or any Throat, Chest or Long trouble when you can be cured so easily. ; Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Condon Drug Co.'s. COST rates- could bo gratly reduced. Whether right or wrong, govern.; nient ownership of railways is com- j itig, I thi"k it wiH arrive be fore this century is very old." J. PIERPONT MORGAN Here U the opinion of the great financier as expressed by the Unit ed States Investor, and one of the recogniwd authorities in the finan cial world: It is not necessary that one's memory should go back more than fifteen years in order to discover how effectually Morgan has changed the character of the United State?. Wear not the same people we were then; our ideals are different; our industrial methods v have been entirely transformed; eur political tendencies have all been changed; our dependence on fixed economic principles has generally come to be recogniied as an absurdity; tbe old distinctions of society have been abandoned; liberty, equality and fraternity are no longer words to stir the blood; the personal equation is no longer considered an essential factor in life; the relations between man and man is no longer defined in terms of justice and human sympathy, but in such terms as ''capital" and "labor" and the survival of the fittest," the latter being construed strictly in the sense in which it is used in connection with tho struggle for existeuce among the brute creation To District School Officers and Teachers. Ctfick or Schooi Supkrinteh dent, Condon, Ore., March 4, 1901, All school laws now in force, except that pertaining to the issuance of state papers to those who graduated from nor mal schools and chartered Institutions prior to September 1, 1809, will remain in force until May 22, 1901. ' The following change have been made in the method of apportioning the county school fund : "Subdivision 3, section 19. lie shall make an apportionment of the entire school fund then in the county treasury on the first Monday in April and October of each year, and at such other times during the year as he may deem advis able. The county school fund, collected in pursuance of tbe school tax levied by tbe coonty court, shall be apportioned in the following manner : In October he shall apportion $50 to each district in his county that has reported to him as required by law. At tbe same time he shall apportion to each district in bis county $3 for each teacher employed by such district during the twelve months immediately preceding such apportion ment, who has attended for a period of at least Bixteen hours an annual county institute or state teachers' association held during tbe twelve months imme diately preceding the time of making such apportionment The county super intendent aball take as evidence that such district ha employed a teacher or teacher who have attended an institute or association a above described, a certificate properly signed by tbe secre tary of such institute or association, or a certified copy thereof. It is hereby made the duty of such teacher to file with the clerk of such district a certifi cate or copy thereof as hereinbefore pro vided, and it shall be the duty of said clerk to file said certificate or copy there of with the school superintendent of bis county; provided, that tbe county school superintendent shall not credit a district with a greater number of such certifi cate than the whole number of rooms in operation in such district at any one time during tbe year. Tbe balance of the county school funds thereafter re maining in the treasury, and any amount of eueb funds to be apportioned at any other time, shall be apportioned among tbe several districts in bis ouunty that have reported to him as required by law in proportion to tbe total number of school age residing in each district, between the ages of four and twenty year a shown by the clerk's last annual report. If at the time for making tbe apportionments in October there shall not be sufficient of the county sebool fund to make the required $50 to each district and tbe $5 for each teacher em ployed, as hereinbefore provided, he shall apportion the whole amount of such fund in equal earn among the several districts which have reported as required by law, and a soon thereafter as there id a sufficient amount of the county school fund on band for that purpose he shall apportion to each dis trict such a sum as will make up the required $50 and $5 for that year. In the case of joint districts the sum of $50 herein required to be paid to each school district in a county betore any part of the county school fund is otherwise ap portioned, said $50 shall be paid to said joint district by the counties in which it lies in proportion to tbe total number of children resident in each county, be tween tbe age of fonr and twenty year in each county a shown by the clerk' last annual report, and tbe $5 each for teachers em ployed as hereinbefore pro vided, shall be paid in equal proportions by each of the counties in which such district lies. On tbe first Monday of October of each year be Bhall apportion the common or irreducible school fund among the sev eral districts in bis county in proportion to tbe number of children resident there in between the ages of four and twenty year. As soon as be shall have made any of the apportionments provided for in this subdivision he shall draw war rants on tbe county treasurer in favor of To the Consumers i of Gilliam County: We deslra to mate that we art determined to reduce our Urge stock or good and fur the next 90 days wilt uiaku great reductions la all linos fur cash. . ' Ny referring to yonr local papers you frequently note tl ad. of Interior . merchant! who, with conrpicioua ligns, y: "We H'H at Arlington prices." U this not evidence that the Arlington merchants must lad In low prioos or there would be no need for iqch sUtesmeiusf Its lore pur chasinti you "fall supplies or the smaller bills get price from ua. la ftgrti'tilinral (inpleitrent we have the favorite Monitor Drills subject h tour attachments, vis, hoe, disc, press wheel or shoe. The Oliver and Flyln Dutchman plow are hard to best for good clean work, durability atnd lightlies of draft. It i no longer an experiment. to buy a Pain or Stoughten wagon, a they have out tew if any competitor when strength and light-running qualities are considered. It you anticipate treating yourself to a new buggy or hack do not par chase until our new carload of the old reliable Haclne rigs reach us, which will he here in leptember. When in need of chop mill, hay press, windmill, sewing machine, or any kind of ntachiusry used on tbe farm, writ u for price and w will treat yorj right. CSVAddres all communication to tbe SHURTE & Arlington : ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAH UBGUS, PBOP. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGARS. BILLIARD and FOOL TABLES. . FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR TRIDE. FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER on Dkacgut Main St., Condon, Oregon Nmmnmmmttm TTHE " MODEL." HEADQUARTERS FOR HIU H-GRADE "WET" (iOODi. K1XH WHISKIES. OLYMPU BEER. FANCY MIXED DRINK. A Quiet Lower Charles Fix, Prop. lauuiiiumauaiii Main street 'visit DR. JORDAN'S oriatI UUSEUU OF ANATQUY test MARKET ST, UN FRANCISCO, SAL (IMima lUikM ImukJ Th. tafwrt AwtomJod Mmmmii la lb. War . WMkMunnnreHlmli tb ttliltat Spriatt on Ik. r.rrttt 08. eWOAK-rtlVATI DISEASES T mrm .a I Mr4 we. ar. uevriaf , IroiB iht UfMU M roaUifai Indte- I A mrmumu vr n. in BHOnr f rm HrrouanpTiH lMMllr,la.. ( , rTlM, lt, rr....; A lik w inufM BM irMNnsBI tau II will lot . W nlr laBtOliM niM, hot Brm.nwil I Htt-Mh. hat hi wall know, la km . Ulr aad I o,aara rbriaVilaa .a argwn,mlaMl U bU srtlty Dlavaawa f Hn. i TPHILI4 lunBRlr .rudtjalad bom ' im imaai wiiM.1 in. mm Mrf arr. I Tram... fltud tiT aa InorL HaaflMl far tor l.,l.r, A quick W raiMeul cwtlol PIlM, ria.ar a.4 rtalalat.ajr Dr. JaMaa'. .pacta! .Main, method ETIIT 11 A If pplrtnftoaUliMT' Wt rM Marmnt$ rOtUTlVM CTMft I very to w. wiffrl'iH CH4M9Z9 VXtT MKANONABLt. Tmuuiil .raa.allr or b7 laitar. Writ. fr m. iiin)rirr f MABRI A)Am Mails. Fiia CATaioaoia baoK fur .) uwiarwrii OR. J0IDAN CO.. 1 811 Mariut 8t. . P. the district for their respective share and transmit tbe same to the clerks hereof; provided, that tbe superintend ent shall not issue or transmit any such warrant to tbe clerk of any district until the clerk's bond shall have been received, examined and approved by the coonty snperintendent and Gled by him in hi office as a part of the records thereof. The basis of all apportionments shall be the last annaal reports of the several district clerks on file In bis office at the time of making such apportionments. I would especially call the attention of teachers and school officers to tbe provisions in tbe stove relating to at tendance at teachersj jnetitute. Teacher desiring positions in this county are requested to eend their name and address, with information regarding wages expected and number of years' experience, to thi office, so that I can act promptly and intelligently in supplying the wants of districts whose officers have applied to this office for teacher. Respectfully, W. R.Neal, School Superintendent of Gilliam Co. Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism. From the Vindicator, Rutherferdlon, N. C. The editor of tbe Vindicator ha had occasion to test tbe efficacy of Chamber Iain's Pain Bain twice with tbe most remarkable result in each case. First, with rheumatism in tbe shoulder from which be suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing tbe part afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in thigb joint, almost prostrating him with se vere pain, which was relieved by two applications, robbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Tbe Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Crosfield, mgr. Arm at the old Jsmcs T. Smith store. WEIR CO. : : Oregon. BOWLING ALLEY ADD , TOOL TABLES IN CONNECTION, Resort. Condon, Oregon. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrant registered prior to Jnly 1, 1809, will be paid npon pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after January 5, 1001. P. H. SntpneKsoN, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Dated at Condon. Ore., Jan. 7, 1901. Treasurer's Notice. All city warrants registered prior to June 25, 1900, will be paid on presenta tion at mv ollke. Interest ceases after Dec. 4. 1900. P. H. SmrneNHON, City Treasurer, Condon r. WOOD. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wilt be found fortheprcaeut at Dr. GnJIetto'i oftlce, Maiu street- R.J, PALMER, Practical Blacksmith and Horse-shoer. Satisfaction Assured. Give me a Trial. At the Old Clark Stand Condon, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tbe County Court of the Btate of Oregon (or OUllam County. In the matter of the Eatate ol Aagtuit Set-lamp deceased. Notice ii hereby given by the undentgned, ad minUtrator of the eatate ot August fcekamp, de ceased, to tbe ereditort of, and all person, having claims against, the said deceased, to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months of the date of this notice, to the said administrator, at the office of bis attorney Ham, E. Van V actor, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, iu Con don, OUllam County, Oregon, . Robert Bkkkamp, Administrator of the estate of August Beekamp deceased. Dated this 13 day of December, 190O.v Subscribe for tbe Globe. NOTICE. All persons knowlns themselves to be Indebt ed to me will pleaue call at once and settle by cash or note as I expect to close up my business with out delay. My books will be at the Condon Pharmacy for a few days only. Call and settle by cash or note, as Lshnll place my accounts In tbe bands of an attorney lor collection. Ax. Hznskaw Condon, Oregon. January SO, 1901, , C. S. PALMER, jlrtistiQ Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ground CONDON OREGON. ffals signature is cn every box of tbe genuine I flYntivp RrnmnafiifinstiA r.hita tbe remedy that pufff, n e14 fa one day id vrx. FALL AND WHITER GOODS Wanisb to jounce t our friend and ratroni thai on Fall and Winter tok of Dry Oooda, Notioni, Clothing, Undarwear, Farnlah Ing liooda and Show U now arrUlng aud ! larger and betur mWcUJ than avr before. Wo alsoliavo complete Superior Hoe and Disc Drills, Superior Seeders, Canton Plows and Studebaker Hacks, Wagons and -M ALL GOODS MARKED when in Arlington make our store your headquarters. There's room for all and bargains for all and the latch string is al ways out. LORD & CO. Arlington, Oregon 5l?e Q)rjdoi? Barr; CaDir;$ forS? Jfotet of tye Qty. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS pirst-Glass Ciliary at lea$or;able late$. YoV8o,rou7d. SPRINGSTON & ROGERS. PORTWOOD'S LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMERS' TRADE. FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. J. J. PORTWOOD, Proprietor. Condon, Or. Corner Spring and Church sts. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON. . FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18, 1000. Student! prepared to take Bute Certificate Immediately oo graduation. Graduates readily secure good positions. Eipense of year from $120 to $150. Strong Academic and Professional ooarsei. Hew Special department in Manual Training. Well equipped Farming Department. For catalogue containing full announcements, address P. L. Campbbm,, President, or W. A. Wakh, Secretary of Faculty. Dort port ttyat tf)e QipB Offiee is still in business giving the latest news and turning out the neatest job work in the County. Finest Visiting Cards: latest Stationery in short the "best printing." ?all aijd Examine Our 5toelv apd prices Before Orderly. PAPERING AND PAINTING. Full line of latest Wall Paper. Estimates on work and material furnished on short notice. Call and see my samples. W. A. DARLING. HOW ARRIVING. lines of , Buggies. IH PLAIN FICURES H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Uork; a Specialty. Plana and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon.