Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 28, 1901, Image 3

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JaJita J. D. Mtttlngly wu ofur from
MyvlllUt Saturday."
II you liv picture to enlarge, Ukt
tliom to Hit Novelty Oallery.
Kan Ward n op from Siullh'i lit;
crek raticti Suuday and Monday.
Mr. and Mr. Taylor Uramlon were In
from Ferry Canyon Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jf. Abalt, of YVInluck,
ere lu town title week fur a lew daye
Halting friend.
Mri. H. K. Armstrong l on the sick
Hit tble week suffering from la grippe.
lr. Wood ll attending her.
Mr. Fred Munroe lia Iron quite III
at the Urande Hotel. Under the care of
Dr. Ruedy ihe I recovering. Hecord.
Mr. and Mr, (loo. Hchott, of Rock
creek, vlilted Mr. and Mr. T. U. John
on and other friend In town during the
week. J :. "
A house oflcapled by Mr. Van llouten
end family on the Livingston place, near
Mayvilta, was burned to the ground lait
Paturday. We did ngi learn thr amount
of lorn.
E. M. Clymer, of Fossil, wa in town
Tueday night on Mi way home from
Arlington, where lie went to luatl itli
itgitd mother, who will vlilt Aim for
eouie time.
, ' Lost 8omewbere lteeo Condon
end Ferry Canyon, a ahawl belonging to
Mr. 8, A. MaddM!k. Finder please
leave tame at the Condon Hotel and
receive reward.
' Mrs. C. W. White, of raperack, I
Buffering from a aerioo attack of pneu
monia. Dr. Wood we called lust week
and, nuder hi efficient treatment, the
it now convalescent.
J. It. Fracer ha bought the Condon
Lone Rock mail route from Mr. Bond
and will carry the mail in the future.
Mr. Bond bn bought Mr. Fraxer'a ranch
on Tbirtymile and will try hi band at
' County School Superintendent Neil
left tor Arlington yesterday to hold an
eighth grado examination In the public
school at that place. For thl roaaon
there will be no echool here today or
llorbert Halitead'a baby ha been
very ilck for the pant week and wat re
ported verr low yesterday afternoon.
Latum The little one patsod away
At 4:20 thli morning. Interment at
Mount Moriab cemetery tomorrow at
2 P.M.
nruvwnnnnon nnnnuuwinwrvnjj
? A T'PIJ1. vfi n vt 3
Tho Globe will publish your 2
final prod? notices for $2.50.
You now pay $7.50. When
ready to make proof ask tho !
Land Office officials to send
your notice to this paper that
you may save this money.
Five dollars saved, in this way,
is better than $5.00 earned
raining 40 cent wheat; it's so
much easier you know. Call
at this office and wo will tell
you all about it.
Rev. Mr. Outran will preach In the
' Congregational church next Sunday,
morning and evening. A business meet
ing of the Church will be held at the
close of the morning eorvlce.
Mr. Malinda Withors, a well-known
pioneer woman of Mayvllle precinct,
visited friend in town this week. Mr.
Withors Is one of the early pioneer of
the Paciflo elope and ia held in high
esteem by all who know her.
The two newspaper of Ileppner have
been engaged In a wordy war for some
time and the trouble finally terminated
In a personal encounter last week, One
editor got lambasted in the other fol
low' papor, and the other one got
knocked down and drnbbed In the street.
Fie I ob fie I boy j you should be ashamed
Of youreelvea. 1
, .. John Danosky, of Danosky Bros., re
turned from Portland Saturday, where
he bad spent a couple of weeks on a
business trip. Danoeky Bros, will close
out their stock of goods at once and will
go on the road for a few month, Until
; they can get larger quarters for thoir
Charlie Earbart came over from lone
'.Saturday and spent several day visiting
with Condpn friend. Mr. Earhart has
recently purchased the Klondyke Saloon
; t lone and will take possession In
abort time, lie is an honorable and
, upright business man, and will no doubt
succeed in his latest business venture.
Dr. Wood reports a great deal of sick
hes among the children this week.
Rosa Armstrong, l II. Stephenson's
I children, Prof. Neal'B baby and a num
, of other have been sufferer and the
' doctor has . boon
bfinfc hnav otionrlintr
The disease seem to be a form
of grip, affocting the bronchial tubes
.,' and is described in the late medical
journals a "smothering catarrh
Many children are eaid to be dying in
the East from this disease.
Rev. G, F. Clapp conducted a ten
' days' series of special meetings In the
: Congregational church, which were full
- of interest, instruction and inspiration
. Mr. Clapp has the happy faculty of pre
'eenting the Gospel in a convincing
" and attractive manner. Much (rood has
, resulted from these meetings, which are
.' being conducted daring the latter part
of the week by Rev. Mr. Curran. ftlr,
Clapp left on yesterday? stage for
Sherwood, wnere neopena another meet-
v Dg Saturday, evening
March Eleotlon Postponed.
At will be teen by a notice printed in
another column of thl Imprenlon, the
city eloctlon which wa railed according
to law for the 6th day of March, 1001,
hai been declared off on account of the
revision of the city charter at the recent
session of the legislature, which changed
the time (or holding the city election
from the above date to the first Thurs
day after the tooond Monday In April.
Thli, of course, carrlo with it the
withdrawal of the ticket which wat
nomlnatod at the regular primary on
lust Thursday evening. Thl ticket wat
nominated for . the March election and
not (or the April election at the Weakly
Annex slated In it last Issue of mis
statements. The election notice wore posted a
month go--before the charier amend
ment bill wa introduced In tho legisla
ture, aud the primary wa held last
week In accordance with the old charter,
for the reason that the new charter wa
not known at that time to have become
a law. It I a great pity that the ma
chine could not . arrange to have itt
"weakly organ" play falronca In a while
and stale the troth about these little
matters. It would have so much better
effect, you know. But if it ha done to
In any one Instance In connection
with thl city charter affair we have
failed to notice it. Why I rather than
tell the truth and perhaps let the cat
out 6f the bag the littl thing even al
lowed the Fossil Journal to "scoop" It
on a new Item which wa or first Im
portance, not only to the people of Con
don, but to the entire state of Oregon.
We refer to the matter of the "prominent
attorney" who went down to Salem to
elect Corbett end to amend the charter
of Condon, which was first published in
the Journal, and, later, reprinted In the
U urn g with due credit.
Boiin At an early hour this morning,
to Mr. and Mr. Sam E. Van Vector, of
thl city, a daughter. All well.
Mr. E. R. Sloan bat gone to Eugene
for a fvw month' visit.
Our uew schoolhouse Is in course ol
construction under the supervision of
Mr. Lobec.
Mr. J. C. I lodges ha sold hi farm,
and will (tart for the coast a soou a the
weather settles.
Mr. 0. E. Wick, of Lone Rock, I
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr.
Anderson, of Lost Valley.
Mr. Lubeo has moved to the Barton
place, hi former home near the post
office having recently been destroyed by
The weather la fine now. The anow
it almost gone, but enough still re
mains to keep the creeks running tor
rents. Mr. and Mrs. Wllks, while moving
from Fossil to Lone Rock lat week, met
ith quite a tula-hap. While going
down the Johnson grade their wagon
lid off the grade and upset in a big hole
that had been created by the blowing
down of a tree. Mr. Wilts fell onder
the wagon, and Mr. Wilka alighted on
hi head, but both escaped seriou in-
Nora Miller has returned from Mon
Frankie Strlcklin is confined to bis
bed with the grip.
The Misses Rod a and Millie Rcoeslns
are attending school on the creek.
Miss Elda Flett has returned from a
two months' visit with the family of W.
W.Clark, ot Juniper Canyon.
Frank llackor. formerly of Golden-
ale, attended the grand ball at Olex on
the 22nd. The ball was a great success.
Ernest Farns. Dan Brock, Rufo Blake
and Bert Ward, all of ilHrdroan, at
tended the ball at Olex last Friday night.
School In district No. B commenced
Monday, with 20 pupil in attendance.
Mr. Carter, of aionmouto, 1 teaching
the school.
When you want a physic that Is mild
and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in
effect use Chantberiain'a Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples
free. Every box guaranteed. For sale
by The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Cros
field, mgr.
A Pleasant Occasion.
The entertainment and basket social
which was given in Armory hall last
Thursday evening by the young people
of the Latter Day Saints church, assist
ed by a number of their friends, was a
decided success, A neat stage, with
wings, background) drop curtain, etc.,
hud been put in place for the occasion
and assisted materially in a happy ren
dering of tho program, The program
consisted ot songs, recitations, dialogues,
etc., and was rendered in a most pleas
ing manner. Lack of space forbid a
special mention ot all the numbers or of
all the performers, but suffice to say
that every part was welt sustained and
aroused the heartiest applause from the
audlonce. A few local "hits" in tho laBt
dialogue brought down the bouse.
After the conclusion of the program,
tastily prepared and well filled lunch
baskets were sold and a pleasant social
hour wa passed while the lunches were
bairn? dianoaed of.
A nleasant feature of the evening was
the excellent music furnished by WeBt
Hros.' orchestra.
A together the auair was a great sue
cess and those in charge are entitled to
much credit. The proceed of the evea
ing amounted to abont 50.
Another Fire Alarm.
The fire-bell sounded an alarm
dftv forenoon, the trouble being in P
Morrell's stovepipe. The boys got a 20th
century move on and got the bose cart
to the top of the hill through four inches
of mud before youconldsay "scat," only
to find that the alarm wa false and
there was no fire to put out. The team
trnt. a mndriv as thonnh it had been a
real fire, though, and decided that it
Phil don't wait for dry weather for his
next "fire" he will be fined a pound of
smoking tobacco and a dozen corn cob
pipes. " . j
Mitchell Is Senator.
Last Saturday night at a few moments
past 12 o'clock the long drawn out sena
torial fight at Halcin came to an end by
the election of II, Mitchell. The
high water mark of Corbett' strength
wa reached in the early part of the
evening, wheu he received 85 votes, and
it wat not until the 20th ballot of that
evening wa reached that Mitchell'
name wat presented by Senator Brownell
of Clackamas. Pandemonium reigned
and It was but a short time until the
McBrlde men, re-enforced by enough
from the Corbett ranks to give Mitchell
s majority of the republican members,
were joined by enough democrat to give
him the 40 vote necessary toelect, The
scene It said U have been one of the
wildest ever witnessed In Salem, and
tho celebration of Mitchell' victory
lasted until a late hour Sunday morning.
John 11. Mitchell wat bom in Wash
ington County, Pennsylvania, June 22,
1835. Hi paront soon moved to Butler
County, and here he wa reared on a
farm. He worked and studied bard, and
In this way acquired a good classical
and legal education. In 1800 be came to
the Pacific Coast, and soon located In
Portland. He at onoe tookr a prominent
part In upholding the Union cause, and
wat oon elected to the State Serfate.
For four year be wa President of that
body. In 1800 he lacked only one vote
of tho caucus nomination for the United
State Senate. Six year later he re
cuived the toga at the hand of the Re
publicans. He wa again a candidate In
1882, bnt was defeated, and J. N. Dolpb
elected. In 1885, at a special election,
he wat elected to succeed James II.
Slater, Democrat. He wat again elected
in 1801. He wat an avowed candidate
In 18U7, but failed of re-election.
Stops the Cough
end work off the Cold,
Laxatlv Bromo Qalnlns Tablots cure a cold
In on dy No Cure, no Pay. Price 24 eenta
The claim of other cough medicines to
be at good a Chamberlain' are effectu
ally et at rest In the following testimo
nial of Mr. C. D. Glass, an employe of
Bartlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me.
lie says: "I had kept adding to a cold
and cough in the wlntor ot 1897, trying
every cough medicine I heard cf with
out permanent help, until one day I was
in the drug store of Mr. lloulchan and
be advised roe to try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and offered to pay back
my money if I was not cored. My lungs
and bronchial tubes were very sore at
this lime, but I was completely cured by
this remedy, and have since always
turned to it when I got a cold, and toon
find relief. I also recommend it to my
frienda and am glad to eay it is the best
of all congh 'medicines." For sale by
The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Crosfleld,
Temple' Novelty Gallery open Sun
day only.
Meet me at the Novelty Gallery Sun
day and we will have that picture taken.
The loss of the Rio de Janeiro off
Golden Gate last Friday morning was
one of the most terrible disasters which
as occurred on the Pacific coast in re
cent years. About 12a lives were lost,
among them being Consnl-General
RounBevelle Wildman and hi family,
ho were on their way from Hong Kong.
Mr. Wildman was at one time editor of
the Boiso (Idaho) Statesman, aud later
edited the Overland Monthly at San
Francisco. He was at one time Consul
at Singapore.
C. W. Crosfleld, the drnggist, will re
fund your money if you are not satisfied
after using Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of
the stomach, biliousness, constipation
and headache. Price, 25 cents. Samples
Abont all the sick folks in our locality
are getting on their pins again, which
fact is very encouraging.
The weather for the past tew days baa
been very disagreeable, and the mud,
too, ia almost unnavigabie.
J.H . Bond and family last SfUttrday
moved over to the ranch which he re
cently purchased from Riley Fraser,
Moat of the stock in the country has
been turned on the grass to rustle for
themselves, though hay is still quite
Riley Frater made his first trip a
mail carrier on the Condon-Lone Rock
route Monday, and reports the roads in
terrible condition.
The Ileppner mail carrier has been in
and out of here in all aorta of shapes
and odd times for the past few weeks on
account of bad roads.
Rev. Tonkins, of FobbU, closed hi
week'a meeting at this place last Sua
day evening. Onr people seemed to be
quite favorably impressed with the rev
erend gentleman, and he promised to
come back and preach to us again on
the fifth Sunday in March.
Our burg has a flour, sugar and coal
oil famine, but it is to be hoped that
after the city election, next Monday,
capital will again be turned loose in the
channels of trade instead of politics, so
that the above mentioned delicacies may
be obtainable within the city limits.
Erb Wilka and wife, while coming In
from Foasil last Friday with a four-horse
team load ot their furniture, etc., had
the misfortune to capsize their wagon
on a bad grade a couple of mile from
Lone Rock. Mrs. Wilks was quite badly
Injured and the wagon and their house
hold effects looked like they had been
struck by a tornado. This ia indeed
aerions loss to the young couple, a all
the content ot the load were broken
beyond repair.
Talco taxatlve Bromo Quinine tablet. All
druggiata refund the monoylf it tails to euro.
H. w, Grovo'i aigu&tura is on esctt bos &c
(Sucocaeore to Al KenehaW)
Furniture, Stoves and Tin-ware.
Couches, Lounges, Wood and Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattreew of all
kinds, Wool lied, Blanket, Table, Chair and Rocker, Tabs Etc.
Alsq Cotlery, Hardware and Building Material, Sash, Doors and Win
dows, Paint and Oil.
Lamps and Lamp Stock.
Kitchen FUrnitUre a SDeCialty.
Our Prices are Reasonable.
House Burned.
Last Friday evening wa an onfo, In
nate one for Taylor Brandon and family,
of Ferry Canyon, their house and all
It content being entirely destroyed by
fire. The family started about dark to
spend .the evening; at the home of a
neighbor, and toon after reaching their
destination they looked back and dis
covered their bouse in flames. They
hurried back, but were too late to save
anything. The house was a new one,
having just been completed last fall, and
was well furulshod. The lost will reach
about $1500, and there was no insurance.
The loss will fall heavily on Mr. Bran
don, bnt, as I ntoal with the big hearted
people of the Ferry Canyon and Condon
neighborhoods, substantial assistance ia
forthcoming to help put him on hi feet
again. -
The greatest danger from colds and la
grippe i their resulting in pneumonia.
If reasonable care i used, however, and
Chamberlain's Congh Remedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. It will cure a
cold or an attack of la grippe in lees time
than any other treatment. It is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale by The Hud
son Pharmacy C. W. Croafleld, mgr.
. A. Churchill, a nephew of Mrs. F.
Stevens, 1 teaching a successful term
ot school in district No. 19.' -
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Pcald, Cut or Bruise. Buckien's Arnica
flalve will kill the pain and promptly
heal it. Cure Fever 8ores, Ulcer, Boils,
Corn, all Skin Eruption. Best Pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Condon Drug Co.
The Gity Restaurant
Meals at
Board by the Day, Week or Meal.
First Door South of
New Year's
After taking account
of stock and sales, we
wish to say to our
many patrons that
we are more than
pleasediwith the bus
iness of last year and
hope to merit a con
tinuance of the same
iberal patronage. We
will Ibe found at the
old stand and our
motto for 1901 will be
the same as in the
past: "Good goods,
reasonable prices.":
i Yours respectfully
Highest Prices Paid for Grain.
General Warehouse Business Conducted.
Warehouses Rt ARLINGTON,
Call and See Us.
Purely Business.
As I will remain here but a short time,
I have reduced the price of Stamp Photo
to 13 cents per dozen. Those wishing to
take advantage of this cat should call at
once. Temple. Novelty Gallery.
Fine shoes for ladies, gentlemen and
children at P. H. Stephenson'.
Baths Hot and cold water, clean tow
el, only 25 cent at Condon hotel.
Ladies' dress skirts, extra fine quality
and extra low prices, at P. It. Stephen
ton'. . " V' ' '
G. L. Keal, the well known auction
eer, will give the strictest attention to
all business entrusted to bis care. If
you have property to sell consult him,
Reliable man for Manager of
Branch Office we wish to open in this
vicinity. If your record is 0. K.
here is an opportunity. Kindly
give good reference when writing.
The A. T. Morris Wholesale) HoU9e
Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps.
49 d 8
Renew Your Subscriptions.
Subscription for all the leading news
papers and periodicals published in the
United States or any other country on
earth will be received at the Globs office.
Save postage, time and tronble by leav
ing the amount with na and we will
attend to the business for you. Call
when in town and renew yonr subscrip
tions to voor favorites for 1901. tf
All Hours.
Everything Strictly First-class.
Dunn Bros. Store.
Shoes! Shoes!
Latest Styles in
Call and Inspect our fine
DfCSS SkirtS ofelrfin,"loa' Heavy Serges, Crepona
" French Cashmeres. Ladies' Cloth. English Mi.
tDre8' FftnCy rifti(Jnl Pressed Flannek A large aortmenl to select
, iv .iiiiu iui vuiiBi,uift gut iur wuef sister or uiotner.
Ladies' Kid Gloves,
Fine line of Men's
P. H. Stephenson,
Fall and Winter Goods.
Largest and Best tine in Gilliam County.
Winter Underwear, Overcoats
Mackintoshes, Ulsters Etc.
Hardware and
General Merchandise
Largest stock in the
Summit Saloon,
Stop at
The public will find that no better accommodations can be
found iu this country than at this house, MealB 25c; beds 25c.
Pure and
Celluloid Goods of every description.
Albums, Photo frames, holders and boxes.
Call and examine our line of choice goods. We can please vou.
The Condon Pharmacy,
Drugs, Photo Supplies, jewelry, Paints and Oils. Give us a trial.
O. S. E BI
Mnnnfactarer of Soda, Orange and
Champagne Cider, Sarsaparilla and
Iron and all other Soft and Carbonated
Drinks. Condon trade is respect
fully solicited. Orders promptly filled
Arlington, Ore.
Bargains In Shoes.
InfantV LadW and Men's
Fashionable Footwear,
First and
Present :$JZ
new line of these goods".
"i fBd ! Mi"en9' fin6 wo1
Furnishing Goods.
Universal Stoves and
Iron Bedsteads
Spring Mattresses
Extension Tables
OfdetB taken for Furniture
' and Wall Paper not kept ia
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly, renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-claea
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wants.
Fresh Aren"L
dossil Hour
takes the lead because it
is the best.
Try it,
Fossil Flouring Hills,
or Salo by Lpft'linjf Condon Mob