Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 21, 1901, Image 4

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    Tasiao Goad
And eating ia simply perfunc
tory done because it must be.
This is the common complaint of
the dyspeptic.
If mating sparingly would cure
dyspepsia, few would suffer from it
The only way to cure dyspepsia,
which is difficult digestion, is to
give vigor and tone to the stomach
and the whole digestive system.
Hond' SarurarilU cu4 th nic ef
Frank Fav. 106 N. St., South Boston,
liass., who write that she hud been a
area snfferer from dyspepsia torsi rears!
had been without appetite and had been
troubled with tour atomach and headache,
tin had tried man other medicine in
Tain. Two bottle of Uood'a Saraaparill
to ad her well.
Hood's Sarsapsrlila
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. Don't wait till you are
worse, but buy a bottle today.
Perpetual Moiloa Discovered.
James Conroy, of Jersey City, S. Y.,
claims to hve devised a aystem of
spring and weight which, operating
a a balance, will run machinery with
out the aid of feel, electricity or any
other motive power.
tffrn th Comtfh ef
Off ( CWrf.
Laxative BronHv-Quinlne Tablets cure a cold la
woe day. Ko cure, Ko Far. Price 26 cent.
Gcorjt Washingtons In the Civil War.
The attention of the pension bureau
baa been tailed to one regiment in the
civil war in which, according to the
rolls, 23 colored George Washington!
aerved. -
Complete Ufa mt Qimd Vlctorlsv. Beet
bonk, beet terms. Ont8t mailed frv.
AddtMl 8. C. Miller Co.. Portland, Of.
Stock Exchange Membership Not Taxable (
The appellate division of the supreme
court of New York state has decided
that memberships in the New York
stock ezbeange are not taxable.
Bran of Ohio, Crrr or tolkdo, (
Ldcai Cocstt. I
Faiir: J. Cheney makes oath that he la the
senior parter of the arm ot F. J. Cbcxst Co.,
doing business ia the City ot Toledo, County
and State aforeeaid, and that said firm will par
the turn ot ON If HCNDREJ) DOLLARS tor each
and evert cane of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catakrr Craa.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, thiatth day ot December, A. D. 1886.
i--j A. W.GLEASON,
j Mil J rotary PaMie.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acta
directly on the blood and mucoos surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY 4s CO, Toledo, a
Bold by druggists. 75c
Hail's Family Pills are the best.
Fried Smelts.
Smelts can be fried to perfection in
the blaser. Clean them, wipe dry,
season and dip in floor or fine bread
crumbs. Egg them, dip in crumbs
again and try in plenty of hot hotter
Serve with aance tartaxe and Saratoga
Grip and colds may be avoided
by keeping the system c earned,
the blood pure, and the dtges
. tiongood. Take Garfield Tea.
To the Housewife.
Never leave canned goods in the can
after it has beien opened. Their con
tents should be placed in an earthen
dish immediately. Many people have
been poisoned from eating goods that
have stood in open cans.
That Doll, Awful Pala!
' It'a a sick headache. Cure itT Avoid It! Cas.
carets :andy Cathartic give quick relief and
prevent headaches If taken in time. Ail drug'
gills loc, 2ac,50c.
Cars of the Eyes.
If yon woold have good eyes, never
read, write or sew immediately after
cominz from comparative darkness
into a bright light.
Carter's Ink
has the largest sale of any ink in the world.
because it ia the beat ink thai can be made.
A Municipal Pawn Shop.
Chioago has the only municipal
pawn suop in the country. Paris and
other European cities have had them
in operation for many years.
CJo': : External
The blood may be in bad condition,
ret with no external signs, no akin
eruption or sores to indicate it. The
symptoms in such cases being a variable
appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable
weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh
end a general run-down condition of the
system clearly shewing the blood hai
tost its" nutritive qualities, has become this
end watery. It ia in just such cases thai
8. S. S. has done some of its quickest and
most effective work by building tip the
blood and supplying the elements lacking
to make it strong and vigorous.
" My wife used sev
eral bottles of 8. S. S.
as a blood purifier and
to tone up a weak and
.maciaterl fivfttrm with
very tnarrea eneci by u.(;
way of imposvemeni F
"We regard n a
great tonic and bloodt
purifier." J. F. DUFF, V
Princeton, Mo.
I ia the greatest of all
'tonics, and you will
ifind the appetite inv
w ZZf proves at once, strength
returns, and nervousness vanishes as new
rich pure blood once more circulate!
through all parts of the system.
S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable
blood purifier known. It contains no min
erals whatever. Send for our free book
on blood and skin diseases and write out
physicians for any information or advice
ranted. No charge for medical advice.
I'.uiJtS ttHfKt All FIXf UltS
Best Cough byrup. Tastes Good. TJe
In t'me. Bold r drufcKlMS.
for) .
1 Lx.'
TTi Hi
Great Variety of rood fa Dtepaweed by
the toanm atar Departeaaat.
No one outside of the army has any
Idea ot the variety of commissary ar
ticles which are carried In the sub
sistence storehouses at army posts.
The present extensive stock Is a grad
ual growth since lStiO, when the old
army sutler was supplauted by the
post trader, who In turn was driven out
of the service by an eiposnre of cor
ruption and cotluslou which Involved
even the wife of a cabinet offlovr and
dragged the latter Into retirement.
The Dost trader carried a few ar
tlclea which he sold to the officers and
men at exorbitant prlees, and one of
the choice government "tuapsM waa a
post tradershln, for which men were
willing to pay large sums that they
might have the protection and Uceuse
of the government In robbing the help
less army officers and soldiers of re
mote frontier garrisons. The variety
ot the post trader's stock was as lim
ited aa Its quality was Indifferent
When the post trader was banished
the subsistence department of the
army extended Its system so aa to em
brace something besides the ration
which It purchased and Issued to
troops. It began to keep such articles
as smoked fish, sirups, canued oysters
and lobsters, jellies, jama, flour, hams,
coffee, candles and salt. The list was
a meager one, but It was the begiuutng
of an elaborate system and an exten
sive stock. The department has im
proved Its supplies year by year, keep
ing In mind the needs aud the desires
of the enlisted men, the officers and
their families. These supplies are out
side the regular ration and are sold at
contract prices even tJ officers and
men on the retired list, provided they
certify that the supplies are Intended
for their owu consumption.
In the list of foods there are now all
kinds of canned and evaporated fruits,
canned vegetables, fish and meats,
four varieties of soup, four varieties of
crackers and three varieties of white
sugar. There are all kinds of spices
and seasonings, sauces and jellies,
among which are four varieties of
pickles and two varieties of table
sauce. There are four brands of ci
gars and four varieties of smoking to
bacco, with other smoking articles and
supplies. Sometimes these varieties do
not meet all the demands ot the army.
and additional kinds are provided, but
there Is a limit placed on certain arti
cles, and the department does not pro
vide more than ten varieties of cigars
(none costing more than $t$ per $100,
or $12 In the open market), six varie
ties of pickles- or crackers and five of
smoking tobacco or soup. Saturday
Evening Post
Sanguinary Conflict Takea Place After
. a Meal on Fermented Cane.
The most exciting affair In the vlclnl
ty of Branson, Fla., of late was the fero
cious combat between two of Farmer
Hawkins' Intoxicated cows the other
day, causing the death of one after a
fight that would put a 'modern bull
fight to blush.
Hawkins lives four miles from Bran
son and prides himself upon his fine
stock. He makes lots of cane sirup
also. In the grinding season most of
the farmers In this country make beer
for home consumption from the "cane
skimmings," but Hawkins Is a stanch
teetotaler and vowed he would give the
skimmings to his cows. So be filled the
trough full the other afternoon, not
dreaming of the tragic consequence to
Soon two of his pet cows came up
and began drinking the liquid. It tast
ea gooa, ana the cows wanted more.
Soon they had on a goodly "jag" and
they got belligerent One plunged at
the other, trying to get possession of
the trough. The other, with a bellow
of defiance, gored her antagonist in the
side with artistic skill. The other turn
ed tall for a moment and then came
rushing back, pinning the cow to a post
and goring her frightfully.
The fight then became general. The
Infuriated animals bellowed and
plunged at each other and fought with
deadly earnestness. This was kept up
for a half an hour, when one was
knocked down In & dying condition, and
the other was just able to walk around
and bellow triumphantly. The men
folks beard the uproar, but did not get
to the scene of the warfare In time to
stop It
Mr. Hawkins Is out one cow, but has
lots of experience. The old settlers
around there say this Is a common oc
currence where cattle drink this skim
mings, as it makes them fighting drunk
and a scrimmage follows. In the old
times It was one of the boys' sports to
get a drove of cattle In an Inclosure
and feed them with cane skimmings
and watch the fight tbat would follow.
When He Held the Jack.
"He was a sottish sort of chap, but
played a tolerably fair game of seven
up," said ex-Sheriff Warren K. Rldg
way, of Pike County, Pennsylvania.
"We were sitting In, up at Lacka
wanna, playing for a quarter a corner.
I knew he was dead gone on a girl up
at the Narrows, and so remarked, casu
ally, early In the game:
" 'Every time a fellow gets the jack
of tramps In seven-up It's a sure sign
his girl Is thinking of htm.'
"Then I sort o' watched the young
fellow, and the very next hand he
picked up I noticed bis eyes light up
and a real nice flush of pleasure spread
over his face. So I led out and, sure
as pollywogs! I cangbt his jack, as I
thought maybe I would. And It worked
so well all the evening that I had a
whole lot of his quarters when we
quit. But he seemed pleased, and
went up to the Narrows on the next
train." New York Evening Sun.
New Jersey Fossils.
In the blue shales of a valley a few
miles from Montclalr, N. J., are found
fossil flsi of a kind which is almost
extinct only three specimens now sur
vlvlng. They belong to the order of
ganoids, which possessed no interior
bony skeleton, but only an outside cov
ering of bony or cartilaginous plates.
They were the earliest known verte
brates. A. number of excellent speci
mens show distinctly the shining, bony
scales of this peculiar species of fish,
which, according to geologists, must
have existed ages ago.
The wrong Is doubled when a book
agent la jolly.
merest ol werJ Women.
Only 60 years ago, but one women
worked to every 10 men. At. present
the ratio is one to lour. Thirty years
ago two-thirds ot all tns self-support-lug
women were domestic servants.
Today only one-third ate to employed.
,worMteEtIThb Yr.
This ta the MM-iit decition of on of the
nroiitlneiit atM-iatie uf th world, but the
exact dv ha not vet been fixed upon, and
while there are verv few peop' ho believe
this prediction, there ar thousands of
others who not onlv believe, hut know that
listener's Stomach Hitters is the beet
medicine to cure dyspepsia. Indigestion.
constutatton, biliousness or ner aim aa
nev tmnttles. A fatr trial win ceriamij
convince you of it value.
As She Remembered Him.
Mr. Skimuierhorn (at the parttckj
pauts in the debate became personal)
I was a thundering tool when I asked
yon to marry met
Mra. Skim uierhorn Well, you look
ed it, dear.
Remedy toe Grip Saftrri
Garfield Tea cleanses the system,
purines the blood, aids diges
tion and help nature throw oft
disease. It ia aiade from UKKB9.
Rather Ancient
Criteek "That western Napoleon ot
finance whom yon have written up in
today's paper mnst be a man ot enor
nions longevitr.
Kditor "Why?"
"You tav, 'He is reputed tu have
mads 8,000,000 in as many years.'
riTA Psrmuwatlr Cars. Ka it ar
ill sfto Srat '!' HMof It alias's tlml Nsrvs
KaMr. Moil for FK BK BLSOlrul Urftl. iixl trau-
SM. Us. &. 11 KI.IXS. arvaSt. Fhils.tlhis fa.
Three Rules of Life.
Edward Everett Hale gives the fol
lowing three good rules for life: First,
live as much as possible in the open
air; second, touch elbows with the
rank snJ file; third, talk every day
with a man von know to oe your su
Uothers will find Sirs. Wlnalow's Sooth
er Svrup the best reinedv to use for their
shildren during th teething period.
Home Truth.
Mr. Biddle Those shoes are absurd
ly small for you, my dear; but one
must suffer to be beautiful, I know.
Mrs. Biddle Ahl but how one suf
fers trying to be polite yon will never
Thta sirnstur is on every box ot the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabiu
th rested; that caurao eolsl la smso etajr
Literary Note From th Century Co.
The Centnry is to hare a serial story
by Irving Baclieller, the author of that
popular novel, "Eben Ilolden." It is
a border tale of 1813. Two types of
the men who bar helped to make
America are set forth in it: one, a
Northern Yankee, quaint, rugged and
wise; the other, a man who has the
hardy traits of a Puritan with the ro
mantic temperament of a cavalier.
The scene of the stoty is in the neigh
borhood of Lake Cake Cbamplain, and
the title is "D'ri and I." It will be
gin in the March Centnry and run tor
ix months.
I do not believe Pi.o's Cure for Consump
tion has an equal for coughs and cold".
John F. Botrb. Trinity Springs, I ml., Feb.
15, 1900.
Steam Patrol Wagon.
Hartford's mw steam patrol wagon,
which cost f 2,530 weighs 3,000 pounds
and is operated at an expense of two
and a half cents a mile. It ia of 12
horse power snd runs from 15 to 20
miles an hour. In five minutes a
steam pressure of 200 pounds can be
generated from cold water.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if It faila to enra.
fS. W. Grove's signature is on each box. lie.
To Remove Paint From Clothes.
A painter advises how paint maj be
removed from clothes that will wash.
For a white garment or any goods that
will not fade, boiling water is suffi
cient. For colored cottons rub com
mon kitoben soap thoroughly on the
spot, and let it soak in clesr water
over night, when the paint will readily
peel off, leaving no stain and without
any injury to the fabric.
AYegetable Preparationfor As
similating rheFoodandBegula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcstionChccrfur
ness and Rest.Con tains neither
Opiiim.Morpnine nor rlineral
hope troujysdMLUPrrcauf
Wiaats SeU"
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
non, Sour Stomh, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Pac Simile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
1 1
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Colds 3itl
Mm p ii,
tftkst in mi i 'vt 'i. t '
A Letter From the Executive Office of Oregon.
The governor of Oregon is an ardent
admirer of Fe-ru-na. He keeps it
continually in the house. In a recent
letter to Dr. Hartman he says:
State of Oregon,
Executive Department.
Salem, May 9, 1893.
The Pe-rnu-na Medicine Co., Co
htm bos, O.:
Dear Sirs: I have had occasion to
use your Fq-ru-na medicine in my
family for colds, and it proved to be
an excellent remedy. I have not had
occasion to nse it for other ailment.
Yours very truly, V. M. Lord.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh is well nigh universal; almost
omnipresent. Pe-ru-na ia the only ab
solute safeguard know n. A cold is the
beginning ot catarrh. To prevent
colds, to core colds. Is to cheat catarrh
Ink Used by Ancient Roman.
Pliny says that the liquor of the cut
tlefish waa often used by the Romans
as an ink. It waa considered superior
to the lamp black preparation, bat it
was not used so freely on account of
its much greater cost.
When vou take Grove- Tasteless Chill Tonic,
because the formula la plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it la simply Iron and Qui
alas la a taaieleas form. Mo Cure, No Fay. (or.
Rinje War la Wyomlnj.
A fierce range war has been prevail
ing in Northwest Wyoming between
the sheep and cattle men. In one day
the cattlemen drove the sheep over a
precipice aud killed 2,000 of them.
, Population vs. Miles of Railroad.
While New York state is first in
point ot population it is seventh in
miles of railroad, aocording to one au
thority. Illinois, the third in popula
tion, is the greatest railroad state,
with nearly 11,000 miles ot track.
Pennsylvania ia second both in popula
tion and in railroad tracks.
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bear Signature ef
5ee Pac-Staslle Wrapper Below.
Tear oswalt mmA aa oaay
to take) sat aacaav
. oauevxsns svsjws sssaws.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
. Bears
For Over
Thirty Years
thc esNTsua iMHir, Ntw veaa em.
the t
" si 1 1 v.l
in His Family
p and Grip.
out ot it victims. Fe-ru-na not only
cures catarrh, but prevents. Every
household siioul' be supplied with this
great remedy for coughs, colds, and so
tot to.
It will be noticed thnt the governor
says he has uot had occasion to use
Fe-ru-na for other ailments. The iea
son for this is, most other ailment be
gin with a cold. Using Pe-ru-na to
ptomptly cure colds, he protect hi
family against other ail menu. This t
exactly what every other family in the
United State should do. Keep I'e ru
na in the house. Use it for coughs,
colds, la grippe, aud other climatic af
fections ot winter, aud there will be
no other ailment in the house. Such
families should provide thetnuelva
with a copy ot Dr. Hartman' treelmok,
entitled "Winter Catarrh." Address
Dr. Hartman, Colon) tm. Ohio.
Needs le B Unselfish.
We have an idea that a woman lis
to be unselllsh to live comtoriadly
through that period whou her sous pre
ter yoong girl to her, and her hnslmnd
begins to take his daughter out aud
leave her at home.
Tfce Best Prescription fur Malaria
Chills and Fever I a bottle of Drove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine In
m mwmwm iwiuit iiu uiv, ev I ay, I ril. w.
New Proposed National Park.
The national park ot 1,'.'97 square
miles proposed at the head water ol
the Mississippi will, it it is estab
lished, be the tlml in the central reylou
ot the country.
To Prevent thc Plague.
Ceylon is setting its house in order
against the arrival of the plague, lu
the past year in Colombo the munlei
pality has had 60,001) rats killed.
If roe haven't a reanlar. Health, movement ef the
bowels every ear, rue re sick, m will be. keep Tout
bowals smd. ao be well. f"orfe. In Ibe.baueof
tloleat b;la or pill pel ton. is dangerous. Tbe
iBiootbssi. easiest. niiei perfoet way of teepla (be
sc w us clear ana cieaa is w tae
Pleasant. Palatable, potent. Teste Qoort IViOkkI.
Never Hiesen. Wuk.n. or Urlpe. We. (Or Write
for free sample, aod booklet on bealm. Address
ltllS mms rawsear, Caknae, aeamal, S tare, tlta
Bur from the manufacturer. Price In full rolls
v 2 feet wide. 1M) feet long I M
g . ii M 2.47
4 M MM M g30
J ' 4, 12
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
140 Front St., Portland, Oregon.
Yo can't make a mistake Ii 700 ct
Mitchell, beoiis & Stavei Co.
Don't You Want
The prettiest Calendar oat this season?
JI HO, SCIIQ your iibiiiv aiiu HiivN.iaci
addresses 01 nve mnuners in your iiciru.
boi bood, aud one will Le n ailed you free.
Gen. Agt., MflCorrolck H. M. fo
221 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore.
Heirs of ITulon BoMlers who homsteaded less
I han IfiOacr. s before June 22, 1874 (no matter if
aDsnaoneaj, snomu uui.
HENKT N, COPr, Washington, D. O.
no less anecessfnt
na desoriptton
and get free opinion
m. A 17-I4th Street. WASHINGTON D. C
Branch offices: Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit
from 14 to n lbs. per month by a
harmless treatment. Thousands
cured. Mrs. at. A. MarOroue, 431
Uawlev St., Roobester, W.
writes: "Konr rears ago I was
reduoed 48 pounds by your valn
hi iM.imnnt at v eznerlenoe
as Trained Nurse has taught me thedanfers of Patty
Iieesnerstlon. Have not sained." Patients treated
br mallooofldentlallr. for partloalarsaddress,wltli
Us, UP.P.C.TDSB. l3l4IMiiTBpli,CiieifAUi
ITCHING Piles produce moisture and cause Itch
Tblsform, as well as Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles are cored br Dr.Boeanko'e pile Remaajr,
Burns Itrhlne and Dieeainc. ausoros tumors, sue
Jar at druggists or ssnt b
r mall. Tresttsa f ree. Write
me about four case, u
H. B08ANKO. Plrlada.P.
H. p. sr. v.
lte. S-1BQ1.
writing ta advertiser please
VI mention th
kbw vwass ma ft etowneia jyJsy
Oae Keatackr Yll!a Which the
Black Mae 1 Barrett,
Calvert City. In Marshall County, la
KentuckT. I one of the few ttlace In
the world that has effectually solved
the race problem. Not a negro Is to be
found within a radius of doien tulles,
aud the lu'gro Is yet to be discovered
who has auy pertuauont desire to cotue
To threaten a negro with Calvert
City Is to bring before his frlghteued
vision pictures of death more horrible
than by lyuchlng.
The peaceable, law-abiding spirit tbat
prevails In the little Kentucky town la
swiftly baulshcd wheu a uegre ap
pears. If be keeps going be la hot
molested, provided he atteud strictly
to hi owu affairs aud doe nothing to
provoke the ever-alert hostility of the
residents. Hut be cuu neither take up
his abode there uor remain over all
ulght, aud ao disastrous have beeu all
past attempts to break this unwritten,
but uoue the less, atrtngeut law, that uo
ucgro would to day dare to move Into
Calvert City aud aunoutice bis luteuttou
of remalulng.
The town Itself Is a small place of a
few hundred luhabltauts, situated on
the Illinois Central railroad, ouly a
Union in Ilea from I'aducah, the uietro-
polla of South went Keutucky.
The luteuse hatred of the negro dates
hack tweuty years or more. Few pro
fess to know Its origlu. aud ninny claim
that It was born In the pimple, but some
of the older Inhabltauts declare that It
had Its luceptlou yeara ago, wheu two
negroes man led white women aud set
tled there. The avvralou of the people
became so great that numerous at
tempts, resulting In considerable blood
shed, were made to expel the inUtmtted
couples, aud eveutually they were
driven away.
This aroused the bitterest hostility
among the uegroea, and the white peo
ple aoou grew to 'so hate the sight of
oue that every negro was aultlmately
run out of the vicinity, and one baa
never been kuown to live lu those parts
In recent years there has been no
serious trouble, but It Is estimated that
no less thnu teu or a doten negroes who
had settled In the neighborhood have
been shot from ambush or otherwise
mysteriously killed.
This reprehensible means of exter
minating them, however, was always
dopted as a Inst resort, aud uo one
waa ever punished for rellevlug the
community of their presence.
Old Mrrvante' lrls.
On the Austrian emperor's fete day a
diiuiIht of irUts were distributed to
servsnts who have lc-n a long time
lu the same situation. The pHse was
about 15 lu eucl) case. First on tbe
list was a vulvt, axttl 71, wbo bad
served forty-six ooiinecutlve years In
one family. The second was a nurse,
7'J years old, who bad served forty-two
years In o:e fnmlly; a maid of all work,
77 years old. wbo bad served forty-one
years In a nunnery, rame next; then
an under cook, aged 51, wbo bad
served thirty-nine years tu a boy's or
phanage. There was a maid of all work, aged
70, who bad served thirty-nine years
In one family; a kitchen maid, tH years
old, wbo bad been In the household of
Princess Clementine of Coburg for tblr-
ty-ulne years, came next, and then, 68
years old, came one wbo bad been a
lady's maid to Baroness Cbley for thir
ty-eight years.
Altogether there were twenty-one
names on (he list, and the shortest term
of service was thirty years. Our cor
respondent remarks that the mistresses
of these good people deserved prls,
too, for they must surely have lovable
tempers If they can go on being waited
upon by ladles' maids and maids of all
work of the ages named.
Siberian lllvere Well Lighted.
One of tbe most remarkable features
of tbe Uusslan navigation of Siberian
rivers consists In the thorough way In
which each verst of the navigable 3,000
or more Is lighted. There Is always a
lamppoHt In sight, and these are paint
ed white or red, so as to be easily dis
cernible during the day. This miiKt
necessitate the employment of at least
1,000 llghtkeepers. who also patrol and
sound the river's depth within their re
spectlve beats. Each Isolntcd woodpile
must have Its gunrdlans, who live near
by In a log but or two.
An Exceptional Lake
An interesting exploration of Lake
Tanganyika and the country north of
It, finished recently, revealed tbe fact
that while certain sea molluscs are
found In this lake, It Is the only one
of all the large African lakes In which
such phenomena are observed. This
lake is only a short distance, sora
eighty miles, from the great Congo ba
sin, much of which, without doubt, was
once covered by tbe sea.
Bicyclists In France.
Thereareln France chiefly In Paris-
over half a million registered bicyclists.
In 1804 tbe number was 203,020 and In
1800 483,414. Each one pays a tax and
carries a license, The above number
'does not Include motor-cycles and mo
tor cars, which are far more plentiful
In France than In England. Motor
cyules are to be used by postmen for
collecting letters In Paris.
Female School Teachers.
Women are rapidly displacing men na
teachers In tbe schools of New York
During tbe last year there was a de
crease of 217 In the number of men em
nloved, while the. number of women
teachers Increased 1,073.
Prairie Chickens In Kansas.
Prairie chickens are said to be more
abundant In Western Kansas than for
years, and the farmers arc disposed to
give tbe birds a chance to multiply by
keeping a check on tbe hunters.
Superstition of Chinese Women.
Chinese women believe tbat tbe evil
spirit holds possession of all the high
points of the earth, and tbat Is why no
Chinese woman can ever be Induced to
climb a mountain.
Holland's Canals.
Holland has nine miles of canal for
every 100 square miles of surface, 2.700
miles In all.
Usually tbe man who Is good when
he's asleeQ Is troubled with Insomnia.
111 IHIi CE
tfce Hory Is Tela br raifces Was la
Uraterul fat Ills Iaghtef'
No. 91 Lincoln avenue. Cortland, N.
Y was ouo a bous ol sorrow and
sadness. Th daughter ol (ir.
Ixiucks, th prltl ot th. household,
seemed going into a dsollua a she
reaohd her early womanhood aud her
condition oausa.l ths greatest anxiety
In th lamlly. Tha happy ending ol
ilisj'tuatteir caused oousiilerabla txolts.
men. in th neighborhood and, when
quttoud by a reporter, Mr. Louoks
Uiads ths follow ttm statement:
"About two year ago my daughter,
who n then In her HUli year, was ia
bad health. Hi was pla aud thin,
without strength or vitality, iu fact her
coudlttou was that which it geuurailv
called all run down. W were, ol
course, worried about her ami employ
d th best physloiatis to attend her.
They studied her ease and although
they did everything possible, gar her
no relll which was permsneut. Tha
late lr. Angls had first called my at
teutlnn to Dr. William' l'lnk rills (or
J'ale reople, and my wife had heard
tbey were a line touto, so deoldsxi
to try them lor my dangbter. Wa did
so aud inside ol eight weaka ths prU
itiary cause ol her trouble was reinov
ed aul she showed a decided gain ia
health, strength and flesh.
"A great many peopla will buy a
medlclue aud Uke a few desoa. Then
W they are not cural they throw it
asitle a uo good, or take It spatmodlu
ally. We believe lu a lalr trial In
strict accordance with directions aud
our faithfulues wa rewarded (or sha
was greatly benefited by them. Her
color came to her cheeks aud she con
tlnuetl to gain in wslgbt aud ttreugtb.
Wa have told a great many people
about them and have been glad to do
-Hlgued, RKOItGB LOUCK8.
Subscribed and sworn to befort m
this 9tb day of Joue, 1000.
Notary Public.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill l)r Pala
People are sold by all dealers, or will
be sent to any addresa postpaid, on re
ceipt ol price, 60 omits a box, or six
boxe lor $2.50, by Dr. Williams Med
IciuoCo., SchouectaJy, N. Y.
Spends Millions (or Amuic men!
The American people are great tbe
ater-goer and spend about $1 IS.000,
000 annually for such amusements.
Portland SEED Company,
135 Front Street. Portland, Or.
Annual t'ataliiie now reedy, Malle.l
free on renurat. full line uf supplies lot
farm, poultry, bes or garden.
150 Front Street. Portland, Or.
Always Fresh.
Always tha Best,
For 140. to gain this year sui.osa b
euatotiMrs. and h.uro offar
I Pita. Saisr's.;ius Ulixxl Tomato,. Iss
luanonnvrn iaim,. ,, , a
tiaiua'. taturiU (iitluO. .... Ka
KmaraU (Irsan Cucumber.... 10.
t'ltytiaroan Hast loo
IS Pay luuluh las
U;r Mark.t lttuoe.,.. IM
Llecent riuw.r SaaUs 1.
Werth ll.erJ4aeaU. (LOS
We will suit you tins enttre Iters
orth of .planilid sasU no.sltlas fraa.
tof. ther with our lanra IHu.tralM
riant ana aaaa vata urns on rari,i
of tat. aatlae aa 1. la posta-
ChalreOalaWCari SOe lb aa as.
rnsataas at'psr barrel aad Dp"
Catalosuaalona.So.rita, t
whs i num tm eoisemsi,sit.
The "Cyclone" Thresher
If You Boy a New
Thresher, Engine,
You ol Course Want the Best. Write foe
Catalogue and Price.
Oiled Clow
i.V Bl A sf laT VB I a a-va .
iro VOU
TAHc No SuasTiTUTis. run CaraLOOuts
A ,Q . Towta, Co. bo.tom
0 rut-L LlNS O.
fthtHT. AND Hva.
W.H. SMITH 4 CO., Buffalo, M.Y., Prop'f
J J ar told every here), VJV
ff f isut Meed Aunual frae.
Vi.11. HUT CI., IITIHT, micilX