THE CONDON CL08L THunariAY. February 21. 1001. TUB OFFICIAL PAPER OP GILLIAM COUNTY, OKKOON. LOCAL NBVVS. KyotilmVo picture " t nliirgn, take tlittm to th Noelly (inllcry. Jim Burni ll hating illglit tu1 with Itt ct'lp tltl Kd Tmile Iim accepts J a podilon m tulMUtiin In 1'. II, 8te()liuun't mure. Jainei A. Kibbey nl Frank Kfr, o( Ferry Canyun, were lit twwti during the wool.. V. II. Bthninn tiM received eon I(jnmont o( gniig plowi, harrow, etc., fur the MprliiK trad. F.d McKlnney end family rcturiimi to tlielr home on Thlrtymlle Monday, after ponding teverel dayi vliitlng (riitndi In towu. Nine doiperete criminal; being held In the county Jail at gpoknto, over powered the Jailer and etc-aped last Bun day morning, Mra, Annitrong, of Ferry Canyon, toho haa been vliitlng fur the lat els month at llrowntvllle, Oregon, hat re turned home. ' - , Danotky Broi. announce that they hill cloie out their Hock of good within the net 30 dayi. Read their ad. lit another column. I)r. Wood hai fitted op a eletplng room In the rear of hi office, on Main treot, where he will be found at night. The doctor hat (.added to locate perma nently in Conddn and any rumori to the contrary are without foundation. , (Jilttrap Urol., who hare been oper ating the Kagene Kcgletpr for eome time Under a leate, have bought the plant Mod ire now proprietor a well at editor of the paper. The lteglaUtr ha im proved wonderfully nbder their manage went. vnAnjuvinnnAninnp s HOMRSTKADKKM attention: i The Gi.obr will publish your final proof notices for 12.50. You now pay 17-50. When ready to make proof ask tho Land Oifico oflicialo to send your notice to this paper that you may eavo this money. Five dollars saved, in this way, is hotter than 5.00 earned raising 40 font wheat; it's so much easier you know. Call at this oflk'u and we will tell you all about it. iwJxnhhruiruxnruwvx. Stamp Photot 15 ct. per dot. at the Novelty Uallery fur a short time only. fee new ad. of Clarke A Frater in another column. Mr. C. W. Crosdold returned from her visit at Portland last Friday. A tine ton was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downer on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Ahalt, a aister of Stephen Van clove, is quite III at the latter' residence on Trail Fork. T. II. Stephenson la busy this week salting pork for hi neat summer trade. He it putting up about 30 Ijoad of fine . porkers. , Josh Ilardlo moved 1400 head of eheep from Trail Fork to Ferry Canyon during the week. The band (topped over In town Tuesday night. Mra. Herman Goer, step-mother of (iovernor Oeor, died at htfr home at Cove Union county, Feb. 4th. Mr. Cieer wa a pioneer of Vnlon county, aud her demise will cause sorrow to a large number of acquaintance. Tat Connolir Informs os thrtt bis brother, John Connolly, who went to Chicago several week ago to visit frienda, lias decided to remain ill the Windy City permanently. He haa embarked in business with a brother-in-law Who I an old resident of that place. ' D. Mi Bowej a fruit-tree ealesmanj t who, with his partner, Mr. Starr, has beeit stopping at the Condon Hotel for some tioie, received a message over the wire Monday eveniog announcing the death of his fathor, at Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. Bowe left at onoe for Arlington to take the train for home. Ed Dunn received1 a letter Monday from hia brother Jim, who Is at Phoenix, Arizona, seeking health. Jim writes that be la feeling much better than when he left Condon. Rain haa beon falling in torrents at Phoenix lately, which break a drouth of about seven , years' duration la that country. Andrew Scott, who carries the mail between Fossil ond Wagner, in Wheeler county, upset his rig into a creek last Saturday and had a narrow escape from drowning. The creek was swollen by the heavy rain Friday night and Mr. Scott, who la crippled, had bard work to save hia life. The mall sack waa lost, Wm. Smith, the well-known sheep roan, was up . from hia ranch, at the rnotith af Hay creek, Monday, and while here made a pleasant call at this office Mr. Smith says the sheep are looking better than usual at thla season, bnt the grass on his range is .beginning to get . Short. . . , The ball given by Wallala Circle, W. of W. last Thursday night WaB a great success in spite of the unfavorable weather. A large crowd was In attend ance and the dancers pronounced the affair one of tho most enjoyable ever Riven in Condon. About 70 dance tickets were sold, ana the supper, which was . given in Stephenson's hall by the Circle, was patronized by about 130 persons, After paying all expenses, the ladies ; have between $10 and $50 "to the good" anuiruwuvu t. lor ttio use ot the lodge. It, K. bearcy cam over from Mayvllle yeilerday, . Al Kearey I (pending a few dayi in town thii witek,. On of the Cudahy kidnapper! hat been af rented at Omaha. Al Wright ri-turnud yesterday from a two week' ylnlt at Portland. Uoaw-Biimlay, February 17, 1901, to Mr. and Mr. 11. C. Ury ton, of Wenton, a daughter, lloBK-Wednot lay, February 20, 1901, lo the lfe of W.C.Caldwell of tula city a daughter. Manhal I'tttlton It alowly recovering from hi attack of typhoid, lie now tit up part of each day. Tom I'ortwood ha clotod Li bar new Imp, III, understood that he ha ac cepted a position in Portland. The eenatorlui tittiation remain prac tically the ame, It 1 to be hoped (bine candidate will produce a long enough tack today or tomorrow totetllu theuiatlvr If money will tetlleit. The title can hardly afford an extra tctbion for that purpose. Her. C. F. Clapp arrived on Tuetday'a ttago and, with lie v. Mr. Curran, It con ducting an lntorenllng aerie of (pedal oitctlngt In the Congrcgntionat church. Mr. Clapp -vat delayed la getting here owing to the wah-out on the O. K. & N. railroad, but when he did arrive the meetingt took on new life and energy, a he It an able ami energetic ex pounder of the Gotpul of Chrltt. The meeting will continue every night title) week and part or all of neit. lie will preach both morning and evening neat Hunday and all are meet cordially Invited to these tervlce. Al llenthaw leftthl morning on the ttage for lloltnn, Tillamook and other pointa on the Goaat, where he will apend teveral month vltillng friend and looking after butlnet Interest, lie hai promlted the Uwuk man to catch and devour 14 nice trout for him every morn ing for a week after reaching the famous Tillamook flub and game country, . New Settlers. K. DeNeol, a well known resident of Ferry Canyon, waa in town Friday to meet a duk'gallon of hit relative who arrived on that day from Iowa Fall, Iowa, to locate Id thla county. The party consisted of Samuel Hixin and family and Albert and William Itush, all hrothert-in-law to Mr. DeNeul. These people are looking for some of the good thing which aro enjoyed by Gil- tiamitci, and we take pleasure iu wel coming them to the county. Stops thai Cough and work off the Cold. Laxkilva Bromu ijututn Tubleu cure a cold lu one tUy No Curs, no Fay. Prtca 25 cvuu Cone to Dawson. Hon. It. K. Mlscner. of Mitchell, waa in town today on hia way to Dawson City, where he expects to remain for the next con pie of year if thine turn out at ho hopot they may. Ho will be accompanied ty a brother-in-law, who will meet him in Portland and who has largo business interest in Dawson. Lee Vanover. of Mitcholl, also accompanies Misener. The party expects to sail from Seattle on the 18th. The Dalles Chroni cle. Mr. Misener was a candidate on the Democratic ticket at the last Slate elec tion for Representative for thia district. TO CURE A COLtTlN ONE DAY Take taiittlvo Bromo Qululna TtbloU. All drttKirliiU relttml tho money It it (alls lo cure. fcl. W. (irov' unnturo ! on eocb box. School Notes. Gchsik Daruno, School Editor. The attendance has not beon so good thia week at usual. Mr. McMorrla and Mr. Starr visited our school last week. Mabel Price has returned to school, after an absence of several days. Classes A and B of the third grade are doing good work in arithmetic. Several pepils are absent rroui the primary room on account of sickness. The 8th grade B are working in Gen eral Review, and the 8th grade A are working in Supplementary Problems. Belle1 Campboll, Nella and Esther llollonbock, Weldon Darling, Robert Fitzwater, Anna Wallace and Louise Morrell are absent this week. The literary society met at the school house again lust Friday evening. An interesting program was rendered, alter which the debate followed, which was leclded In the affirmative. Our next meeting will be the last, and we hope every one Will come out. There will be no debate, but a program is being pre pared. The following program , has been ar ranged for our Literary Friday evening, Feb. 22, which will begin at 7 P. M. : Opening song No. 40 Esther Ilolenbeck. .Recitation Isa Washburn .......Reading Lillian Clarke Instrumental Music Jennie Neal .......Recitation Song by Society No. 28 Fred Anderson . . Byrl Springston. , .Declamation . . . . . ... ..Recitation Instrumental Music Jennie Balding. . Florence Clarke. . Abble Darling... .Recitation ........ . .Recitation Song by Society. ..............No. 48 Nellie Spring8toA ..Recitation Ten Year Hence. Letter - " " (continued)... Dialogue Song by Society .No. 49 Gnssie Darling .Recitation CloBlngSong....... "Good Night" Entertainment and Baskdt Social. The ladies of the Latter Day Saint's church will itive an entertainment and basket social at Armory hall on Thurs day evening, February 21 commencing at 7 o'clock p, in. A program of choice musical and liter ary selections will be rendered, Baskets will be sold at 50 cents each. Admission, 25 cents. Ladles bringing baskets, eentlemen accompanying ladies with baskets and children under 14 years of age will bo aomitted free. All are cordially invited To the School Clerks of CM Ham County, I have received, and distributed to you, the blanks for your annual report. lou will notice that the form 1 materi ally changed. This change will preclode your using the form for annnnl reports lo record book; hence, it will benwes tary for you to disregard the form In the record bxik, and use the blank marked "Original" Imtead. You ran fllo the original report In (he record book and it will answer every purpote. I will especially call your attention to the financial report. One of the dilfl cultlec will be in securing the correct amount in item 29. Item 2'J of your report must be the same a item 43 of your last year' report. Now, you will readily see that if your coining report doc not have Item 2'J of thla year's re port correspond with item 48 of last year's report, your report to thl olllce will be Incorrect. Now, if your report are Incorrect It will be Impossible for me to make my report correctly to the State Superintend eut in my annual report, which I based largely, if not wholly, upon your annuel reports, and for this reason I have called your attention to thl matter. This odice receives many Inquiries as to what kind of a revenue stamp should be placed upon the clerk's bond, there fore I will lake this occasion to say that there must be a oO-cent revenue stamp placed upon each bond. W. Il.N-Mi., Connty School flupt. Condon, Ore., Feb. 17, 1001. -o- - ARLINGTON NOTES. From lnlrinlent. Mr. Henry Nolt returned on the 12th Inst, from her visit with relatives at Stayton, Oregon, after a sojourn of sev eral week. She was accompanied by XI its Bessie Queener of that city, who will visit relative and friends In the vicinity of Olex. Mr. and Mr. Goo. Gibbon were in Arlington Saturday last on their way to Portland, where tbey will visit for a few day with relative who reside in that city. Master Talbert, their son, came in to this city with them to take the team back to their home near Mayville, where they are engaged In farming, John A. McMorris and H. L. Propst, two prominent farmer of the Condon country, were in Arlington Saturday, having eome in to dispose of wheat stored in this city. Mr. McMorris gold 600 sack and Mr. Propst sold 2000 sacks, and the Independent ia informed that current quotation of 43 cents was beaten. However, it wa not learned at what figure the sale was made. Revival meeting have been in pro gress in the Bunker Hill schoolhoose east of Olex during the last six weeks. Rev. Moorehouse, of Douglas, is conduct ing the meetings, which are in the in terest and faith of divine healing. It is reported that there have been a good number of converts to the faith and several miraculous healings performed. Rev. Mooreliouee wa in Arliugton re cently, on which occasion he invoked the faith on patients of thia city. Some accredit the faith with the- healing of a certain young lady of this city. Supposing a Case. Suppose that the Condon political machine should elect the next mayor, councilman and recorder. Suppose that the people should, by some chance, elect tho marshal. Suppose that the marshal should appoint three or four deputies to assist him in keeping cases on the sani tary conditions of the city and also on prominent citizens who might so far forget themselves as to nse water for irrigating purposes 12 or 16 hours a day when they only pay for one hour. Sup pose thia bad marshal would enforce all city ordinances against members of the machine the same as he wonld against ordinary people. Wouldn't the ring be in a devil of a fix? They would have to take their medicine, for the marshal would have been elected by the people and wonld hold bis omce until the ex piration of his term. He would also ap point what deputies he wanted and tho dear good machine council would have to pay them with the city inoneAy.,,That ia what the new charter provides for and It must be all right, for it' a machine measure. Politics do be an awful twisty business. C. W. Crosfield, the drdggist, will re fund your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness, constipation and headache. Price, 25 cents.' Samples free. Wanted Liberty, The prisoners in the county jail made' an unsuccessful attempt to take "French leave" Saturday nignt. Their plan was rather unique one. They took the stove, which is a heavy, upright one weighing about 150 pounds, fastened it on a swing made of blankets, suspended from the ceiling of the cage, and attempt ed to use it as a battering ram to beat down the door. The result was destruc tlon to the Btove, which was smashed into smithereens. A few nights before this they attempted to wrench the door of the inner steel cage from its binges but failed. Had tbey succeeded in this they might have succeeded in battering down the outer cage door, as the Steel door would have been a much more formidable' weapon of attaok that the stove proved to be. - . . . The three Wheelef county prisoner seem to be the most restless in confine ment and they are now kept in the steel cage, where they can have no opportu nity of doing harm. When ybu want a physic that is mild and gentle,- easy to take and pleasant in effect u'se Chamberlain's Stomach and LiverTablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Evory bo gO'a'ranteed. Fr Bale by The Hudson Pharmacy C.- W. Cros field, mgr, . '' M, O. CLARKE. CLARKE (Sucewnoreto At Hanshaw) DEALERS IN- Furnlturd, Stoves arid Tin-ware. Couchc, Loong, Wood and Iron BednUads, Spring Maitrews of all kinds, Wool Beds, Blaukett, Table. Chair and Rocker, Tub Etc. AUo Cutlery, Hardware and Building Material, Path, Door and Win dow, 1'alnts aril Oil. Lamps and Lamp Stock. kitchen Furniture a Specialty. Our Prices are Reasonable. Born Waturday, February 16, 1'JUl, Vi the wife of M, E. 8uinmert, of Matney, a daughter. " Bokn Saturday, February 18, 1901, to Mr. and Mr, li. B. i'oag, of Matney, a son; The greatest danger from cold and la grippe i their resulting In pneumonia. If reasonable care Is used, however, and Cbauiberlain'e Cough Remedy Uken, all danger wilt be avoided. It will cure a cold Or an attack of la grippe in les time tnananyotner treatment. : It I pleasant and safe to take. For (ale by The Hud ton Pbarmacy-5. W. Crosfleld, mgr.- ' To the People of Condon. The following letter ha been received at thl office and is self explanatory : Editor Ulobx: -Will you please thank the good people of Condon, through the columns of the (J lobe, for their never to be forgotten kindness towards onr ton, W. E. Temple, through all hi afflictions while among tbem 7 He writes u that they have been very good to him, and we take this means of thanking them for their goodness to our boy while away from home. They will ever have a warm place in our hearts. ' . Respectfully, L. I. a.D W. B. A. Tkmple. Dufor, Ore., Feb. 18, 1901. A Frightful Blunder . Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bncklen's Arhica Salve will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Fever Sores, Ulcer, Boils, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Condon Drug Co. The City Restaurant Meals at Board by the Day, Week or Meal. - Everything Strictly First-class. R. B. LUCAS, Proprietor. First Door South of Dunn Bros:. Store. New Year's Announcement. After taking account of stock and sales, we Wish to say to our many patrons that we are more than pleased with the bus iness of last year and hope to mer it a eon tinuance.of the same, liberal patronage. We will be found at the bid stand arid qui4 motto for 1901 will be the- same s in the past: "Good goods, reasonable prices." Ypurs respectfully DUNN BROS. FOR THE HOLIDAYS, r FINEST STEAKS AND ROASTS CUT FROM I 2 y CHOICEST BEEF; ALL COOD THINGS AT INTERIOR WAREHOUSE CO. w (BALFOUR GUTHRIE & CO, Managers.) Highest Prices Paid for Grain." : ; General Warehouse Business-Conducted :. Warehouses at ARLINGTON, H. N. FRA2ER. & FRAZER, Call and See Us. Purely Business. As I will remain here but a short time, I have reduced the price of Stamp Photo to 15 cent per dt&eti. Those wishing to take advantage of this cut shonld call at once; Temple. Novelty Gallery. Fine shoes for ladies, gentlemen and children at P. II; Stephenson'. Baths Hot and cold water, clean tow els, only 23 cents at Condon hotel. Ladies' dres skirts, extra fine quality and extra low prices at P; H. Stephen son'. . " - ;. O. L. Nenl, the well known auction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his caie. If you have property to sell consult bim. WANTED! Reliable' man for Manager of Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K. here is an opportunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. The A. T. Morris Wholesale House CINCINNATI OHIO Illustrated catalogue 4 ctfl. stamps. 49 d 8 Renew Your Subscriptions. Subscription for all the leading news papers and periodicals published In the United States or any other country on earth will be received at theGuoas office. Save postage, time and trouble by leav ing the amount with us and we will attend to the. business for you. Call when in town and renew yonr subscrip tions to vonr favorites for llX)i. tf All Hours. JOHII JACKSON'S :BL A LOCK. DOUGLAS and TONE, 1 Shoes! Shoes! Bargains in Si rfltlf Stvlno In '..fofanVt Ln-lW ami Men's f'infj Sh-I MVWWW ill , f 1" ll.-i. i nsmonaWe ryotwear, appropriate for a WiriSimaS eSCIlt ghoe ppcre Call and infcpei our fine new lme of these good; DreSS Skirts extrtteqnalitr. Heavy Serges, Creponf La French Cash oreres, Ladies Cloth, English Ml tores, fancy i jaufs and I'rctwd Flannel. A large a?."orttfient toSeleci from. J os the thing for a Christmas gift tot wife,- aister or mother. Ladies' Kid Gloves, , ' Fine line of Lien's Pi H. Steph Fall and Winter Goods; . Largest and Cest Line in Gilliam County. Winter Underwear, Overcoats Mackintoshes, Ulsters Etc Groceries Hardware and General Merchandise" Largest stock in the county WADE : : CALL AT THE Summit Saloori, FOR FINEST BRANDS OF MINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. FINE BILLIAR AND FOOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. FRED WILSON, PROPRIETOR; Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. . -4 MRS. S. A. MADDQCK, RINEH ART'S Condon Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, PropY. The public will find that no found iu this country than at HEADQUARTERS Pure and Fresh ASl Celluloid Goods of every description. Albums, Photo frames, holders arid boxe. Call and examine our line .of choice goods: e can please you. The Condon Pharmacy, Drngs, Photo Supplies, Jewelry, Paints' and Oils. Give us d trial. O. S.EBI - PROPRIETOR OF - SODA and BOTTLING U ORKS ; ManuinctOrer of Soda, Orange and Cham pgne Cider, Snrsaparilla and Iron; and all other Soft and Carbonated Drinks.' Condon trade U respect fullj Sol-cited. Orders promptly filled Arlington Ore iocs Sk TV fchawla, Fasinators Ettf. Furnishing Goods Reliable1 enson Merchant. Universal Stoves and Ranges fron Bedsteads Spring MattrcBses Chairs Extension Tabiea Orders taken for Furniture : and Wall Taper not kept irt Stock BROS. Oregon- CONDON, ORE, Thia popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public -in an up-to-date manner. ' ' Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. Proprietor. RESTAURANT better accommodations can be this house. Meals"25c; beds 25c. FOR TRAVELING ME!!. Fossil Fiour takes the lead because it is the best. Tryiti FdSSil Flouring ilills4 . . FOSSIL, OREGON. t fi'f ?. !y Loa'tinf Contort If i H