TI'S COHDOII GLOBE . iUroay. January io. iooi. TM ('to tflttui corwppTHh-nr frost n . tiutis t,; Ollhitm cnaniy. W uu totnuka ti.ii r rper tlir Ifadlns cew meahimnf th fm. v :! Invite onr irirud t!i ns by ; In the nwi thir rwpec la in isMH"Tli'xi. Oorri'.poti'trnee noil b--!!uS l.v ih writer. iiol no-mriiv fnut J .u u,1ni n-ti o- lilt nr o! rxx( ttiJviid flniimr imumrane rywpopttitlltQl ter opin ions xiMed by (Dtmpaiuteuta In regard to the railroad project which is just now engaging the at tention of the people of this county the Globe would suggest that the matter of first importance is- to perfect an organisation and to as certain how many people will be come stockholders in the Company and what amount of stock can be placed. When that much is set tled it will be time to decide juet what kind of a road should be built, what route should be selected and a hundred other matters which, if kept at the front now will only tend to vex aad annoy. As a matter of fact these questions can oulj be settled by the stockholders or the cml engineer. Let us not attempt to cross the bridge before we reach itr and as the road which leads to this particular bridge may be long and devious, let us all give our best efforts just now to the work of organization and so estab lish the project in the confidence of the people as to insure its suc cess. J. P. Morgan and E. H. Harri man, the well-known financial lings of New York, have decided that all railroad rate cutting must stop and they have hit on a very effective way of having their edict obeyed. They will simply refuse to loan money to railroad com panies who indulge in the rate cut ting habit, and the "boys" will have to come to time or quit busi ness. The reason given for such action is that with ' demoralized freight and passenger rates the roads cannot make enough money to pay satisfactory dividends on their watered stock. It's a great echeme; but it takes Morgan and Harriman to devise great schemes for their own profit. . dispatch from Ottawa, Onta rio, says: Sanford Fleming, one of the principal promoters of the Pacific cable, has written an open letter to Hon. William Mulleck, Po&tmaater-General, in favor of a state-owned telegraph line encir cling the globe. This is said to be the beginning of a movement to . nationalize the cabel and telegraph services of the British Empire, if this were done, Sir Sanford says, it would reduce the price of messages to one-eighth or one-tenth of what it now costs to distant British pos sessions. A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks Prof. Rom Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Coagh Bern-edy.-says:. "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to ran into pneumonia. I tried different rem edies hnt I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Congh Remedy and I found it was pleas ant to take and it relieved me at once, I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid med icine again." For sale by The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Crosfleld, mgr. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS 0H"LWK. PRICE NO OBJECT. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO CARRY , THEM, OYER ON ACCOUNT OF ROOM. Flannel Overehirts ......75 SI.00 Men's Arctic Socks - 25 Ladies' Underwear 25 , Ladies' Mittens 15 Woollen Underwear, suit (.50 Fleece Lined " " 75, 90 Children's, same, per garment, 0 Boy's " " 25 Macikntoshes, rnbber lined, guaranteed waterproof...... 2 50 MEN'S SUITS. Worsted, latest styles, $5.00. Heavy all wool chevoits, $7.60. Serge, Clay Worst ed and Silk Mixtures guaranteed to be all wool and at prices in proportion. SKIRTS, WAISTS, UNDERSKIRTS, SHOES ETC. SXIRTS Cashmere, Alpaca. Serge, Crepon, Worsted, Plaids Latest styles $1 op WAISTS Flannel, French Flannel and better qualities, 60c and up. UNDERSKIRTS Sateen and Silkoline, fine colors and patterns, 60c and op, CORSEIS 50c. -STOCKINGS Cotton 10c., Wool 20e. Lined Gloves 60c. We also pay highest prices for HIDES, PELTS AND FURS. LOWER MASH STltEET KORMAL SCHOOLS,, Representative Geer, of Malheur Cownty, will endeavor to Intfueo the Legislature to establish a Nor mal School at Burns, Harney Comi ty. Thus U goes. As soon as one section of the state "gets" a Nor mal School, every other ecction of the state wants one. By yielding to the persistent, and it might al most be said pestiferous importu nity and insistence of the original Normal School touters, the state, as was predicted by Legislator who looked ahead, has gotten itself into an embarrassing position. It accepted the schools at Mon mouth, Weston, and elsewhere and their property, and thus legal ly adopted them, and made itself liable for their maintenance. So biennially these schools want lib eral appropriations, and more and more; bat this ia not all; other localities want schools also. They say: "You have done this for these localities; you have never done anything 'or e;now we want something anything will do; if there is nothing else you ean do for us give us a Normal School; that will cause some money to be expended in a town in our region, or in 'my county or 'my district' M What has been done cannot, or will not, be undone. The state has these institutions on its hands, and must take care of them. But it has quite enough of them, and in deed too many. Oregon ought to have one good, first-class Normal School, possibly after awhile two, one in Western and one in Eastern Oregon. With these two, or better, only one, located somewhere be tween Albany and The Dalles, it should have stopped,and resolutely resisted all further appeals. The principal of one of the Ore gon Normal Schools told the Tele gram not long ago that there was really no such thing in Oregon as a Normal School, and under the present system could not be one. And the more we have of them, the farther below the standard of a first-class Normal School they will be. The men who weakly yielded to importunities, and so committed the state to the policy of adopting these hungry orphans, did the state great injury. Now Burns wants a Normal School. t It is as much entitled to it as a Ay of the other places where such a school is established were. It is 140 miles from a railroad, and the neatest point on a railroad is several hundred miles from the nearest 'Normal School. What then? Must the state establish a Normal School in every remote sec tion, to accommodate a score or two of teachers, or to help out a Representative with his constitu ents?" It Burns is to have a Normal School, why should there not be one in JOamatb County, another in Coos, another in Clatsop, and another in Clackamas? In pur suance of the policy of the past, these favors must be passed around. But it is time to stop. Indeed it was time to stop such a policy before it was begun. We shall probably have to keep the so-called Normal Schools we have, but let us have no m ore. Telegram. Stop the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qalnlne Tablets ears a eold in one day So Care, no Par. Price 25 cents. Sweaters, Cotton, eft All wool 1 00... UU Boy's knee pants, all wool and mixed worth 60c, 75, $1 00. . . 25 Toweling, heavy weight, good quality per yard. ., 5i cts Boy's suits All latest styles and patterns. Good quality.. 50 Wrappers, Percale and Flan-, nelette 50 tOS. OPPOSITE KENSHAWS STORE. School Notes Byu. Spanwsros, School En tor. . Prof. Nel's little daughter UWX U much better, wt am happy to Irene, Pearl and Myrtls Moor art. absent from the primary room on ac count ofillaess. Jennie Baldinsr, Nellie Brown, Fred Anderson, Abbio Darling, KJitb Green field and Arthor Parrinh have U been absent on account of Illness. School began lass Wednesday, after a week's vacation. Trot Seal made a speech to bis pupils, ia which he recom mended them to look forward in the present centory and make the best of their school life. I We thank our friends K the interest they have taken in our sckool , but onr parents have not remeoabsred nt well we hope, however, that, bring as thit is the beginning of the New Year and the new century, they wW toftt m a new leaf and visit our school, f Robert FiUwater, Fred Anderson Gussle and Abbie Darling were promoted to the eighth grade this week. There are now two divisions of that grade, but both are preparing forthe final examina tion ia May, division A working in For eign Exchange, and division B ia Parti Payments. , The primary room ts still very crowded The severe weather eeems to have no eSect on the attendance in that room. AH the fourth grade pupils and a part of the third ait io the principal's room on sccount of lack of seat and room in the primary department. The principal's room is also crowdsd, every seat having an occupant. There have been sFx new popita en rolled In our -school since holidays- Bert Edwards, eighth grand ; Carl Fro man and Clarence Uollenbeck, seventh grade ; Ami! Dams, sixth grade ; Flor ence Ferguson, third grade, and Tillie Dams, first grade. Our school now con tains 139 pupils, 63 ia the principal's room and 76 in the primary rooox Onr literary society met last Friday evening. A short program was rendered after which the debate was dispensed with and the sociecy proceeded to elect its new officers. Bertha Trimble was elected President ; Gussie Darling. Vice- President; Abbie Darling, Secretary Herbert Brown, Treasurer, and Jennie Balding, Organist We feel very mncb disappointed that onr parents do not visit our meetings. We hope they will come out next Friday evening, as we expect to have aa interesting debate, and we will doonr best to entertain them and make the meeting both pleasant and interesting.. Our next question for de bate is: Resolved, That the negro has been worse treated by the people of the United States than the Indian. The question is a familiar one, and we would be pleased to have every ona present take part in the debate. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo JJnlnlne Tablets.- ATI aragguta refund tne money II It fails to ears, K. W. Grove's siitnatare ia on each box. ' 25c NOTICE. On last Monday Dr. J. H, Hudson sold his drug store at Condon to the Condon Pharmacy, and has located at Antelope, where be will operate a drug store and practice medicine. The new company is entirely separate from the old manage ment and will endeavor to operate a first- class drug store. All accounts owed by the Hudson Pharmacy will be settled by Dr. Hudson, and all claims dne to the Hudson Pharmacy will be payable for the present to Hendricks & Bowerman at Condon, Oregon. NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES IN HAIR ORNAMENTS ' AND NECK WEAR Samples of the Lateet Designs in Dress .Sriiynjrpijs. Latest Styles ia Uigter flats LOUELLA MADDOCK. First door west of Stepheoaon'i store, Spring street. CONDON : : : : r : : OREGON rbis signature i on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-uuinme Tablet the remedy that eww a told tm m Amy vis.t DR. JORDAN'S oaiaT nusEun of ahatohy I0M MARKET ST., IAN FRANCISCO, CAL. OXCnn ainaaaa Sana. Thlr.rt JLnaiomtcal VnMCim lataaWut's. ermtut aMr-Mffon tm th CUM. A Wsvfc ... raay contract. 4 duMH.Mil tlTly attraa by r -ibumk MtMUiAtd at jrmn. Wi JORDAN-PRIVATE DISEASES fB U9 Tm aa aa Baiall 1 1 JIT a4 .a wh ara uff.rlnf A 4 iron lb aSacta at routhlal lodu- f 1 ( iron tba aOaeta ai J A . anuaaa ar ascaxaa in matur f"B.H ar iifwm in nawrar r raara, jiarroua ana paraMM oakiutr. laa. Tvmmmr, mmmm nuawa la au IMOnmpll' eailonai Nawraaataarrhaa. rmliur rhmm, aarrkaa, Haa, Vrr.ara., f (Irlaatlaf, . Hr oaaiBlnaUoo of rwnaawa, 01 art earanva powar, ua Doator aaa aa arfaaaaS a la traatnent thai It will ael onir itaawKllata raHaf, hut rarmjuiant oura. . aa uoater aoaa aiaiat laparfarm mlraetaa. feat la wall lui toUi Liir x4 I ft'S" "rW and Mart aeoaranlBaat I la lilt acfotr-alajaa t Maw. , . TPBIII.ia IharoacMr arartlaatad froa I tb )r.i wltbout t Mof Mrrnarr. , Taaiaaaw flttad by aa JExaari Statical I mwm lor Ba.lara. A oulc ana radiant awtrar rilaa, riaaairw a4 Flatalaa.b I Sc. Jardaa'a aseolaa aalalaai matboda. . tTKBT MAM anolrtnatauiwUl ranatra I arkoiMaf aMirfa of af.eainrlaint , ' w wilt ewan(M a rosiilvM CzntM ( avery cat Kt tmaertoM, ' Con.iiitatlna FREK an aWfltlrprtTata, k CHAHOSi fMMt XX J HONABLJL TraaUBaotparaaaallrarbr lattar. , JWrlta fnr look, TfX1orWrT OT ' iMABRItSE. Huilb Faaa. cavaiaabia i , Dae tor mem.) uui ar wrii Sit. J4RDAN CO., lOSI Merfcat tt, t. f. To the Consumers of Gilliam County: Ws deslra to state that we are determined to reduce our larga stock of goods and for the next 00 days will make great reduotlous la all lines tor cash. By referring to your IbcaT papers you frequently uote the ad. of interior merchants who, with conspicioua signs, say i a tell at Arlington prlcesv" Is this not evideoce that the Arlington merchants must lead la low prices or there would be no need for such statestuenisf IUilore pur chasing your fall supplies or the smaller bills get prices from os. In agricultural Implements we have the favorite Monitor Drills subject to tour attachments, via, hoe, disc, press wheels or shoe. The Oliver and Flying Dutchman Plows are bard to beat for good clean work, durability atnd lightness of draft. It la no longat an experiment to buy a Bain or Btoughten wagon, at they have but few it any competitors when strength and light-running qualities ara considered.. It you anticipate treating yourself to a new buggy or hack do not pur chase until our new carload of the old reliable IUolne rigs reach us, which will be here la September. When In need of a chop mill, hay press, windmill, sewing machine, or any kind of machinery used on the farm, write us for prices and we will treat yoo right. &Addrea all communication" to the SHURTE & Arlington : ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LABOUS, PROP. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGARS. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR PRIDE. FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER ot Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon tnmmmmmmm fiEADQCARTERS FOR HIGH-GRADE "WET" GOODS. THE " MODEL." A Quiet Resort. yi5K WHISKIG& OLYVPIA BEES. FANCY MIXED DRINKS. Lower Charles Main street iiuiiiaaumauuii VICTOR MAR DEN Manufacturer efand Dealer in Harness and Saddles CKine Stoclc Saddles a Specialtyl Me Guarantee Our Prices to Please ' and Our If ork to Give Satisfaction Call when in The Dalles or write for prices and information. The Dal Is, Oregon. C. S, PALMER, rtistK Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground. CONDON OREGON. Petition for Liquor Lloense. To the Honorable County Court ot Gilliam County, Oregon: We the andenigned, legal voters ot the Pre cinct of Rock Creek, la the County olGlllUm, 8uteo( Oregon, do reipectlnlly petition the Honorable Coanty Court of Ollllam County, to grant t license to one W. I. Fletcher, to ae.ll iplr itoua, malt sad Tlnon liquors In quantities leal than one gallon,. In the town of Olez, In said Precinct, County and State, for the period of one year, ai in duty bound we will ever pray. M. A. Fleming, Henry Horat, Sumner Patter on, L. P. Conroy, Chas. D. Ward, Frank Kldd, O. W. Chamberlain, 8. 8. Cole, E. D Huber, W. H. SneU, V,B. Huber, Pope Catlln, H. Wilktni, Jamca Larch Chan. Wilkin's, G. A. Taylor, J. E. DtxUon, F.H. Head, P. Hureh, J. Nelson, W. C. Taylor. J. C. Wood, N. H. Cummlngi, J. B. Wise, man, O. G. Boyd, William Flett, Geo. Welahona, J. J. Daffy, B. Klely, J. N. C Kiely.Geo. Wil liams, Jaeob Larch, HcPberson Bros, H. M Brock man, A. Ranqueat, G. R. Hanna, Chaa. Hursb, W. L. Gibson, F. T. George, William Bunt, F. W. White, Frank Little, R. 8. McKInn ey, W. M. Mo Kinney, Wm. W. Clark, 8. B. Gerrlsh, H. & Tay. lor, I. D. Phillips, E. 8. Taylor, J. 8. Flett, Wll 11am Douglal, CM. Bcoggins, B. T. Snell, G. Miller, J. Martin, H. W. PbiUips. A. A. Carothers T. B. Wiaeman. E.D. Bigbee, F De Ford. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned-, W. I. Fletcher, will, on the 10th day of Janaary, 1901, apply to the Honorable County Court of Gilliam County, Ore gon, for a license to sell at retail, in quantities leas than one gallon, spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in the town otOlex and precinct of Rock Creek, in said Gilliam County, Oregon. W. I. Fletcher. Petition for Liquor License. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Gill lam. To the Hon, County Court of Gilliam County, Oregon. We the undersigned resident, and legal voters of the Precinct ol Lone Rock, in said County and State, hereby petition your honorable body that s license be granted W. R. Roberta, of said precinct, to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liq uors at retail in quantities less than one gallon in the town ot Lone Rock, In said Precinct, County and State: P. R. NIoholson, Otto Ward. J. R. Bennett, Jos. M. Hayes, C. W. Pitcher, F. .B. Landers, Ark Madden, Geo. Madden, Wm. K Corson, G. Wick, I. C. Bennett, Adolph Ounnevan, C Phegfey, G. H. Neel, Jack Parker, 8. W. Smith, F. H. Ralston, RUey Billings, Ed Compton, F. H. Robinson, O. W: Boone, J. R. Ralston, Jeff Hayes, H. M. Noel, John Goshen, D. Z. Robinetto, E. D. Wlnelsnd, Wm. Cartto, W. R. Roberts. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is horeby given that the undersigned, W. H. Roberts, will, on the 10th day of January, 1901, apply to the Honorable County Court of Gilliam County, Ore gon, for a license to sell at retail. In quantities Idas than one gallon, spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in the town and precinct of Lone Rock, In said Gilliam County, Oregon. W. It. Roberts. firm at the old James W. Smith store. WEIR CO. : : Oregon, BOWLING ALLEY AND TOOL TABLES IN CONNECTION. Condon. Oregon. Fix, Prop. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Jnly 1, 1899, will be paid upon pre sentalion at ray office. Interest ceases after Janaary 6, 1901. P. H. Stephbksom, Treasnrer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Dated at Condon, Ore., Jan. 7, 1901. Treasurer's Notice. All city warrants registered prior to Jnne 2&, 1'JtXJ, will be paid on presents tion at mv office. Interest ceases after Dec. 4. 1900. P. H. Stephknhon, City Treasnrer, Condon JJ)R. J. F. Gl'LLKTTE, PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. Ojfee Main Street Condon, Oregon. J F. WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Will be found for the present at Dr. Gullette' office, Main street- R. J, PALMER, Practical Blacksmith and Horse-shoer. Satisfaction Assured Give me a Trial. At the Old Clark Stand Condon, Oregon QR. T. L. NICKLIN DENTIST Office over P. H. Stephenson's store. CONDON OREGON NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the County Court of the Btato of Oregon, for Gilliam County, In the matter of the Estate of August Seckamp deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, ad minlstrutor of tbe estate ot August Seekamp, de ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to present them with the proper vouchers. wKhin six months of the date of this notice, to the said administrator, at the office of bis attorney Sam, E. Van Vactor, tbe same being the place for tbe transaction of the business ol said estate, in Con don, Gilliam County, Oregon, Robert Seekamp, Administrator of the estate of August Beckamp, deceased. Dated ibis It day of December, 1900. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given in the matter of tbe estate or James fiison, aeceasca, tnat tne nnner slgned has been duly appointed administrator of the eatate of said decedent. All persons having claims against said estate should present the same to me at my residence near Mayville, Ore gon, wltnin six moncus irora tne aute oi tne first publication oi this notloe. Mayville, Oregon, j C. 3. Qitikn, November 22, l'JOO. I Administrator of the estate oi Jumea Mxon, dec. FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ws wish to jnoanee to our friend Winter stock of Pry Goods, Notions,. livg Goods and Shoes is now arriving than ever before. We alsohave complete Superior Hoe and Disc Drills, Superior Seeders, Gahton Plows and Studebaker Hacks, Wagons and -3 ALL COODS MARKED When in Arlington make our store your headquarters. Thcro's room for all and bargains for all and the latch string is al ways out. LORD & CO. Arlington, 51?e Qoi7doi7 Ban? CDir J40r8? Otel of tlje Qty. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS pirst-elass Cilry at Iea$or;able Iates. Your Patronage 1st Solicited. GO AND SEE AL. HENSHAW. Who teops a fine line of Stoves, Ranges, Linoleum, Bedding, Springs, Valises, llardwawe, Gloves, Cutlery, Flower Pots, 'Jar Rubbers Etc. PORTWOOD'S LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMERS' TRADE. FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. J. J. PORTWOOD, Proprietor. Condon, Or. Corner Spring and Church sts. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE STOCK SADDLES. I make and sell everything in the Harness and Saddle line including Chaps, Spurs, Bridles, Halters, Horse Cov ers, Feed Bags Etc. Call and see me. TOM L PORTWOOD PAPERING AND PAINTING. Full line of latest Wall Taper. Estimates on work and material furnished on short notice. Call and see my samples. W. A. DARLING. NOW ARRIVING and patrons that oar Fall and Clothing, Underwear, Furnish and Is larger aud better selected linos of Buggies. IN PLAIN FICURES r Oregon, SPRINGSTON & ROGERS. Any Style You Want. Plain or Flower Stamped. All Strong Built and First-c'las as to Stock and Workmanship. I'm after the Trade and I'm got ting it Because Honest Work and Fair Prices Cut Ice in Condon. H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Uorl( a Special ty. Plansand Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon.