UiltLOBL JMTIl'r.., ')." invit wm jttirirti-iMVf rrtia aft .i::; im t'ottiuy' We Hint turn -i f tvt;ti iut lrliiil to bmLi, hf i lti ; trjif-m. 'iir.'i.n';:itt,e nmit b t -1 t.y writer. t!.)t nm.Maril't l;'.'putf 'fit. r. tii a, trtttWTit'et1 kih! Mha ami i .. it. ahSurma''rVvjonllittf Urtrvtu- The Kig'iA(k Cftial likflj to tall bj' th waynil jir- ent rWinoft oi congreM. continental rwttway itirluenoe will bo Vh atfeng. a foot agaitmt it to l.ave any chance lor it pussnge. j On the otrwr hand, the oiwp sfofcwdy bill is likely to pa becatfiw. rK.-ij!' a big graft and a steal, it will find ! plenty of supporters in the nation- al legislature. The canal is some thing the producers of the country V'Xid and won't Ret. The ship sub- w.fir .in w r,mprS;ii.f thn nlntrt - ma mm .ill ,.U .,.,1 U.r.rB jou are..; - ' Stop th Cough tnd-work off tha Cold. rH Bromo-Quiu'.n Tahiti cur a cold fboncd? NoCarc.no I'y. I'rice 35 ennfs. mo STATES Pendleton Tribune. The capital of the state is too remote from Eastern Oregon, and it costs too much money, and too much time, for the people of this emotion :o be able to afford to go to Salem to attend to their business. A's a consequeuce very few Eastern Oirogon people visit the state capi tal. From this it follows that the Willamette valley dominates legis lation, appointments to office, ap propriation bills and, in short, the government of the state. The Bosses and the lobby throng to Salem from Portland and other near-by towns, and Eastern Oregon lias no influence at the state capitoi worth mentioning. Just think of it for a moment. The two Federal Senators are from the Willamette valley, and both Congressmen are from Western Oregon, for, while The Dalles, from which Representative Moody bails, is nominally in Eastern Oregon, it is really a suburb of Portland, and i entirely dominated by Portland interests. Yet Eastern Oregon is nearly half the state in wealth and population, and in 10 years will Among the tens of thousands who oted Chamberlain's Cough Rem- lr for enkl tad la grippe during the past few years, to onr kaowHKtg, not a tingle caw has reeirttrd in pneumonia Thos. WhitefieM & Co.. 240 Wabash vcftop, Chicago, one ol the most promi nent retail druggists in that city, in. Speaking of this, aayt: "We recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Kemedyfor la grippe in many caee, as it not only pives prompt and complete recovery, tout also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For title by The Hadeou rharmacy. C. W. CronfielJ, mgr. SPECIAL OFFER On account of Bcarcity of room we offer the following goods at a the first of the year: . Jfen's Fleece Lined Underwear . . $ Boy's M " 8 tolgyears Children ' " " Ladies' Wrappers .......... Children's Mackintosh Coats, with capes, heavy quality. . .... Men's Cotton Pants. ; . Men'a Fine Gloves, fleece lined, . . . . Corsets EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED STRICTLY AS THE TRUSTS D0!1T 5f en't Shoes. ..... ... Others ask (I 75. . Children's Shoe, genuine Kangaroo TJalf. Guaranteed. ladles' Shoes .All ttyles, best quality Macikntoshes, rnbber lined, yoarauteed water proof.. . . . . 'lniicl Shirts, double and mgle breast SI 25 75 1 25 2 50 I 00 UNDERWEAR. Wen't ffeeco lined 75c a eoif. Jkhiis, heavy, (1.00 Others ask I,C0. Men's sU wool, II. UV a garment. MEN'S SUITS. WoiTted, lafet sf yfs IA 00. Heavy til wool ehevoits, 7.50. Serge, Clay Worst ed and MIU Mitttim guaranteed -to bo all wool and st prices in proportion. SXJHJS, WAISTS, UNDERSKIRTS, CAFES ETC. tlilUTrl Cashmere, Alpaca. Serge, C'rrpon, VTortted, Flaidt -Lateot styles ft up, WafaT Flannel, French Flannel and better qualities, Me and op. T'M'KKHKIKTS !ten and Silkoline, fine colors and patterns, ftfV end up, C01frrrWis.il!. tiTOCKINf,S Cotton JO.;., Wool 20c. Lioed tfloveaWc. . n M l IK IV KKII.N bflliy Vlsfll R tatfVIIWI exceed' Western Oregon in both. ArwJ what has tho eastern half of tho state (Mt to show . far its hnrdeft of faxes? Well, tt sees PbrtlWml and other Western Ore gon communities arbitrarily cut Kn thw valuation of their taxable projwrty by a score of millions to wri taxation. Eastern Oregon g.t a pittanceof $15,000 or $20,000 I for ita Weston Normal School. bill i?i What du? A fow thousand dol in th ! lar! r,r terminating wild animals. TrMiK.1 What t lsft? Anv Supreme Court Ju.f? Net exactly, but it does H a deputy Mipreme court ctera at a asilary of about two-bit8 a day. What more? An insane a-yluro? Well, hardly. Whut besides? Well( K y can of anything else. j pie teleptono tne tribune, aim we will print it. Spica wil not permit mention of many other reasons for division, ! such aa natural boundary lines, ' differing climate, different pursuits and the diverse temperaments of the Mibabitents of the eastern and Western sections. The people of Eastern Oreqon are "restless" under the unequal yofc thy bear, and unless the j people of Western Oregon permit reform of the present obsolete con stitution, and that right soon, Ore gon will be divided into two states at no distant dav. A. MASTER PRODUCTION. Recent Work Which Is Up-to-Dat and Finely llrustraterd. There was introduced in Condon thit week, by a hook man, Kllis' Standard History ol tne Lmiwi Mates, in sit volumes, in handsome bindings. The work is of exceptional merit and the priee admits of everv one having it. The historv covert a period from the year 400 A. I. to recent date, betides being well written and historically re liable; it ia nrofmeiv illustrated with engravings and colored plates of climac teric incidents in the various wars ol tne United States. The colored pictures are rich in appearance and add much to tlt beauty ot the book. The marginal reference it another helpful feature, ami the work is indeied in the closing vol ume to a nicety, to that anything can be found in a moment. It is a history for the stndent and a handy reference work for the professional man or woman. SOMK FKOXIKEST OMNIOyS. Walla Walla, Wnsh.. Nov. 3, lOOO. Mr. E. A. Hackett: The set of Kllis" History of the United States ordered from von were duly received. I have carefully eiamiced the several volumes and am highly pleased with the work. The waps special illustration and me chanical construction of books are op to date. The anbject matter is complete and well selected, anu the etvle it m teresting. They will be of great assist ance in my work. u. S. Ikjkd, uonntv Superintendent. The Dalles, Ore., Not. 21. 1900. I have been oting since May of this year, "Ellis' History of tho United States," now being introduced by Mr. R. A. Hackett. I have fonnd it quite satUfactorv. The characteristic features of thit work are clearness and directness of statement, making it everv where at tractive and interesting. The salient points of United States history are brought out in strong relief, whiletrivial details are omitted. It is not onlv nar rative, but philosophical. No one can read ita pages thoroughly without a higher appreciation of the history of tins country, aad without a deeper thrill of patriotic fervor. J. b. Lander, City Snpt of Schools. A set cf Kllis History may be seen at this office. Anyone desiring to learn of the cmbbmg rates may doww calling, ('lobbing rates good until January 1, for our large stock of goods great reduction in price until 75 50 25 50 I 25 75 40 50 REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. LIKE THESE PRICES. Sweaters, Cotton, All wool flOO Boy's knee pants, all wool and mixed worth 60c," 75. $1 00. . . Toweling, heavy weight, good quality per ytrd ............. Boy't suits All latest styles and patterns. Good quality.. Wrappers, Percale and Flan nelette ,.; 50 25 5Ct8 50 50 Ladied all wool, SOc s garment. Children's wool fleece, heavy weight, all sizus, Sees suit. L0"A'7I MAW STlUlf; OmSITE KEWHAXS 8T5UT. ' ) Commu"rtloie(i, Km Gums: Gilliam rmty nr ow been orgn!tel atwtjt tifieen ytttry mi dnring nil tbatttmo hat been orWVr practil'y the anme financial maaage nn.'iit inaitagement that has boasted ot of splendid financial condition, etc. Hut we have no court house, The "ahed" in the center ol the public tqttare that the county ownateenv rJ,tiouloasly inattequate. No conrt-rooui lor the circuit court, no room foe district attor ney or grand jury, no room lor county eonrt, no office for school superintend ent, surveyor -or judge.- Twice a vet we si the valuable record's dumped into a wagon and hauled away to tho bntn like quarters provided In which to hold court. This ttate ol atfalrs is not con sistent with exintfmt conditions In (be county. We vhimld have a proprr and snitablo building erected for county pur poses. It nee not be a costly edifice. It has been asserted and with some force thatt a ncnt and commodious building can be put o p tor $5,000 or 0,0f0. It is said that there are those who op pose the construction ot a court house at Condon, with a view ot ultimately locating the county scat at tome other place. Now, after all our struggle for the set tlement of the seat of government, one would think the question forever settled It is olwrved that Wheeler county is now advertising for bids for the con stroctioir ot a brick court bouse , and this wtxra that count v is lets than two years old. Wheeler, with its good finan cial standing, or showing, is making as "think of those at boBte." Let ut have a court house. Loci-St Ssen OLEX. L. O. Ralston is here hunting for loots change. Our parsonage building is being roared slowly but tardy. W. A. Darling, of Condon, it doing inside work on Charlie Martin's house. The ground frote slightly Sunday night, which stopped seedfetg for the time. . A force of men and teams are at work here on the now road from Condon to Arlington via Ulei. Pat Head has leased bit saloon to William Fletcher, of Arlington, who it circulating a petition for a retail license, bat the temperance people say it is no go. From reports, a great matrimonial wave will strike this community about holidays. If you tee anv of our bos s around Condon looking guilty, please keep your eye on them and report their actions to us at once. Willie Ries returned Saturday from Washington, where he has been for the last two weekt with hit best girl. We think his case needs investigating with tin cans, cowbells, shotguns, etc. BEECH ER FLAT. Farmers are quite busy patting in their crops. .Our school will start after tho holi' days, with .Miss Belle Wilson at teacher Wm. Searcy moved to his new home last week, the John Urisham ranch. Mrs. Annie Ramsay, of Lost Vallev is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Cor!. Mrs. Wm. Searcy hat gone to the V alley to spend the boliuayt with her tister, Mrs. Hardraan. B K. 8earev lost one of his best milch cows, caused by a tack of barley and an overdose of Unseed oil, a tew days ago. Wasted To hire a cheap bov to water a vonng man's fattening hogs ami do other chores while he attendt the revival meetings at Fossil. We bad a two weekt' meeting at Beecher school house. There was much interest manifested with several con versions, and four uniting with the church. The Flat was visited by a terrific wind storm three dart last week, and on SaV nrdav night some left their houses and eonght refuge in their barns, as their height made it safer than the house. Mr. J. II. Downing visited at B. K. Searcy'i last week, and both gentlemen canvassed the route from there to Fossil and via Mavville to'ondon initio inter est of the new road from Condon to Ar lington, meeting with success in Fossil, .Mayvtiie and all along the route. Notice to Sheepmen. A good sheep range to let from now until spring. Plenty of bunch grass. O-oou wiucl breaks, sheds, feed racks and all panels needed. Also house to camp in. For par ticulars apply to Joity Harrison, Tbirtymile. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In (he Coanty Court of th 8tt ol Oregon, for Glllfim Conuty. In tha matter of the E.tate of August Reektmp deceued. Notice U hereby gtvtn by the wndersigntd, ad ninlirtrator of the estate of Awnut Beeksrap, do- eeucd. to the eredttors of, nl til peraon having e!lms dm Mid deetued, Co presmit tbein wttn tbu proper vouchers, within six montntpf tbedntcot tlrlt notice, to tlw mid tdminietrttor, at the office of bfsattorneySam. E. Van Vector, the ume being the piece for the traufsRtion of the bu.lnee of setd eetate, la Con doo, Ollllem County, Oregon. ROtZBTfiEIKAMr. A'imlniirtralor of the eetate of August Sekemp, deceased. Kefed this IS dy oi IKember, 1900. Qlt. T. U MCKUN DENTIST Office oter P. U. Ptujibeneon's store. CONDON OREGON R. J, PALMER, Practical Blacksmith and Horse-shoer. Satisfaction Assured. Give me a Trial. At the Old Clark Stand Condon, Oregon. To the Consumers of Gilliam County: We desire to state that wa are determined to reduce our large rtock of goods and io the nett 90 dnys will make greet reductions in all 11 net for cash. By referring to your local papers you frequently note the ad. of interior ' merchants who, with consplckms tignt, ay: "We tell at Arlington prices," Is this not evidence that the Arlington merchants mnst lead in low prices or there would be no fl (r uch ttatcsnientt? before pur chasins yon fll supplies or the tmallet bills get prices from ut. In syricnltarnl Implements we have the favorite Monitor Drlllt subject to four attachments, via, hoe, disc, prest wheett or thoe. The Oliver nd Flying Dutchman Plows are hard to beat tor good clean work, durability amd lightneet of drsft. . It is no longer an experiment to buy a Bain or Stoughton wagon, as they have but few if any competitors when ttrcugtb and light-running qnalitiet are considered. If you anticipate treating yourself to a new buggy or hack do not pnr chate until our new carload of the old reliable Racine rigs reach us, which will he here in September. When in need of a chop mill, bay prett, windmill; tewing .machine, or any kind of machinery used on the farm, write at for prices and we will treat you right. dtfAddreas nil communications to the firm at the old James W. Smith store, SHURTE & WEIR CO. Arlington : : : Oregon. ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAII LABOUS, PROP. FINE WIKES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGARS. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR PRIDE. FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER os DKAt citT, Main St., Condon, Oregon Hr.ADQl'ARTERS TtOU'T TVP J-OR Hll!H ORADE . TUT? t ! v WET" OOOD8. a 1 JTI Cd ALLEl vine wnsanm.. "MODEL." OOI OLTMPIA BEER. TABLES FANOV MKD K . n IS COSSKCTION. PR1NKii' A Quiet Resort. Lower Z7 . ,,. iT Condon, Main street Charles Fix, Prop. Oregon. iiuuiuuuaiiAiiuu VICTOR MARDBN Manufacturer of and Dtaltr in Harness and Saddles -SFine Stoclc Saddles a Specialty 11 1 Guarantee Our Trices to Please and Our It ork to Give Satisfaction Call when in The Dalles or write for prices and information. , The Dalls, Oregon. E. T HOLLENBEGK, Ftl. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER. Estimates made oh. all kinds of Buildings, Machinery, Water Powers, Pumps and Pumping Plants. Repairing a Specialty, If you bare anything you think past fixing, bring it to me. HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDING Condon, Oregon. C. S. PALMER, IrtistK Barber. Sleel Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-Rround, CONDON OREGON. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice 1. borebr rlvan In fhe marternl the eetato nf J. moil Mjon, ilwe.fi!, that the under Igned bee boeii dulr uppolnod admlnlatratnr of ine nuit or uki awenvnt. An rereons neving rlatioe tilnt mI4 eeUte ehmild nrcwtit the aine In me at lay nuMi'ive near Miyvlllo. Ore- cm, wiiniii ix montiie irnni the date ol (he irt puUIIcatloD of thle nollcv. Mayville. Omron. I C. 1. OlIKK. oveiatf , WW. I Admtitlatrabirof fhe Mute of Jatuet NUod, dee. Petition for Liquor Ucent. To the UonoraMe Couotr Court oi AUUaio County , Oron : W. th.HndcnrlKned, 1K1 Tntere of tho Tre dnetof Rock Creek. In tha County ofOilliem, Bute of OreKon, do reepecttiiny petition the Honorable Count? Court of Gilliam County, to tram a license to one w. I. Fletcher, to aen aplr rtoua, malt end Tlnoua liijiiort In nantltlet tree than on. rallon, In the town oi Olex, in laid Precinct, County and Bute, for the period of one year, u In duty bound we will erer pray, M. A. nemlnt, Him I Hurt, Sumner Patter eon, U t. Crura, Cba. D. Ward. Frnk Kidd, O, W. Cbamberlain, 8. 8. Cole, T. D Huber. W. H, anell, V, B. Huhtr, Pope Cetlln, H. Wllklrw, James Larch CUee. Wllklne, O. A. Taylor, J. E. Dodaon, P. H. Head, P. Hurah, J. Nelson, W. C. Taylor. J.C. Wood, N. H. Cummini!, J, B. WUe. man, O. O. Boyd, William KletLOuo. Welthons, 3.1. Puffy, B. Klely, . J. C. Klcly, Oeo. Wik llarhi, Jacob Larch, Mcl'benon Broa, II. M Hrork man, A. Ranijueal, O. R, Hanna, Cli. Hurrh, W. L. Olbaon, r. T. fteore, William Hunt, t. W. White, rrank Little, K. 8. MeKimey, W. M. Me Kinney, Wm. W. Clark, H. 8. Gorrleh, If. 8. Tay lor, J. V. Phillips, E. 8. Taylor, J, 8. ITett, Wl. Ham Doiwlan, C.N. HcokhIik, B. T. MneH, O. Mlllur, J. Martin, H. !. Pbllllpe. A. A. Carothem , T. C. "Wiseman, t. O. Elifbi, W. Y. Pe Kord. To Whom It May Co worn; Notice In hereby Riven that the unikrafgncd, W. I. Fletcher, will, on the loth day of January, 1901, apply to the Honorable County Court oi Cllllam County, Ore- ton, foralicenan to avll at ruUO, in o,tiantiti Iom than one Kulloo, tplrttuoui, iuHivl vinoui Hiior in the townof Oles amt precltw.t of Kock Creek, iu aaid Ulllleui County, Oreton, W, I. KtETtHBK. ubocriLiu for iha Gi.ou. Treasurer's Notice. All coanty warrants registered prior to iar 7. inw. win tm patii on pre' tentallon at my oflire. InUirett ceatei afterNovemberSl, 1900. P. II. ftrEFIfKMOK, Treasurer of Gilliam conntv, Oregon. Dated at Condon, Ore., Nov 21. 1900. Treasurer's Notice. ATI rity warrants registered prior to Jane Zo, ltUKi, will ne paid on present tion at my olBce. Interest eeaset alter Dec. 4, 1900. P. H. STEPHEXitoy,' City Treaturer, Condon. TJB. J. P. CCLLETTE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 0f)tit Main Strut Condon, Oregon, f W OODO M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Will be found for thepreaeut at Dr. OullttU't office, Main street- FALL AMD WINTER GOODS W with to laminco to bur triemUand pntrnni ttiat out Fatlani! Winter ttoek of Dry Goods, Notlpn, ClotfUnj, Underwear, Furrjla.ii-'" ing tionda ami Kbort It now arriving and la larger and better telecUd than ever Mor. ' VVe alsoTiave complete Superior Hoe and Disc Drills, Superior Seeders, Canton Plows and Studebaker Hacks! Wagons and Buggies. 43 ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES - When in Arlington mako our itoro your hcadquartcrB. ' There's room for all anl bargains for all and tho latch string is al 'ways out v LORD & CO Arlington, Oregon, 51?e Qondoij Barn CaDiij 0r8 jOtel of tt)Z gty. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS pirst-elass Ciliary at Ica509able IJatej. mIZKS. SPRINGSTON & ROGERS, GO AND SEE AL. ' HEM8HAV9 Who keeps a fine line of Stoves, Ranges, Linolentn, Betiding, Springs, ValiHCH, Hardwawe, .Glovea, Cutlery, Flower rots, Jar Rubbers Etc. PORT WOOD'S J LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMKRW TRADE. FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. J. J. PORTWOOD, Proprietor, Condon, Or. Corner Spring and Church sts. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE STOCK SADDLES. I wake and sell everything iu the Harness and Saddle ij line including Chaps, Spurs, Bridles, Halters, Horse Cov ers, Feed Bags Etc. Call and see me. TOM it. PORTWOOD. PAPERING AND PAINTINC. Tull linn ot latest Wall rier. Estimates on work and material furnislipj on short notice. Call and sue my samples. W. A. DARLING HOW ARIMG. lines of , Any Style Vou Want. Plain or Flower Stamped. All Strong Built and First-class as to Stock and Workmanship. I'm after the Trade and I'm get ting it Because Honest Work' and Fair Prices Cut Ice iu Coudot H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. . Scroll Uorlf, a Specialty. Plana and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon.