' -"'" r" u XjUmSudQlId I If a person is 111 and needs a medi cine is it not wise to get one that has stood the test of time and has hun dreds of thousands of cures to its credit? A great many women who are ill try everything- they hear of in the way of lunutiuo, uu iuib experimenting wlta unknown drum is a constant menaoa to their already impaired health. This seems to us very unwise, for there are remedies which are no ez perimenta and have been known years and years to be doing only food. Take for instanoe Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound; for thirty Tears its record has been one un broken chain of success. No medicine for female ills the world has ever known has such a record for cures. It seems so strang-e that some people will take medicines about which they really know nothing, some of which might be, and are, really harmful ; while on the other hand it is easily proved that over one million women have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 We have published in the news papers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been published in the interest of any other medicine. I All this should, and does, nrodnr a spirit of confidence in the hearts of women which is difficult to dislodge, and when they are asked to take some thing else they say, " No, we want Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- , pound, which has been tried, and never found wanting, whose reliability Is established far beyond the experi mental stage." We have thousands of letters like the following addressed to Mrs. Pink ham. showing that Monthly Suf faring Is Al ways Cured by Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, also Back ,, mehe and Bearlna-down pains. "I suffered untold agony every saonth and could get no relief until I tried your medicine; your letter of ad vice and a few bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have made me the happiest woman alive. I shall bless you as long as I live." Miss Joia Salx, Dover, Mich. " Four years ago I had almost given np hope of ever being well again. I was afflicted with those dreadful head ache spells which would sometimes last three or four days. Also had backache, bearing-down pains, leucor Those, dizziness, and terrible pains at monthly periods, confining me to my bed. After reading so many testi monials for your medicine, I concluded to try it I began to pick np after taking the first bottle, and have con tained to gain rapidly, and now feel like a different woman. I can recom mend Lydia Is. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the highest terms to all sick women." Miss Kosa Hkuk. izo vf . taeveiana Ave., Canton, O. Two Letters which Provo that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.No Compound Will Remove Tumor and Cure OUier Female Weakness. xwo years ago I was a great sufferer from womb trouble and pro- mao uumng eacn montn, and tumors would rorm In the womb. 1 had four tumors in two years. I went through treatment with doctors, but they did me no good, and I thought 1 would have to resort to morphine. "The doctor said- that all that eould help me was to have an operation and have the woib removed, but I had heard of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and decided to try it, and wrote for her advice, and after taking her Vegetable Compound the tumors were expelled and I began to get stronger right along, and am as well as ever before. Can truly say that I would never had fotten well had it not been for Lydia u Pinkham's Compound." Mast A Btahl, Watsontown, Pa. " After following the directions given in your kind letter for the treat ment of leucorrhea, I can say that I have been entirely cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies, and will gladly recommend them to my friends." A. B. Davids, Binghamton, j N. Y. . Another Case of Womb. 1 M t -M . . , . . I munoy ana uiaaaer Trouble Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " D ab Fbkxd Two years ago I had child-bed fever and womb trouble in Its worst form. For eight months after birth of babe I was not able to sit np. Doctors treated me, but with no help. I had bearing-down pains, burning m stomach, kidney and bladder trouble and my back was stiff and sore, the right ovary was badly affected and everything I ate distressed me, and there was a bid discharge. "I was confined to my bed when I wrote to you for advice and followed your directions faithfully, taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, Liver Pill and using the Wash, and am now able to do the most ot my housework. I belWve I should have died il it had not been for your Corn- Once, after exposing the ridiculous blunders or the editor of certain old plays, James Russell Lowell concluded with the remark, "In point of fact, we must apply to this gentleman the name of the tin King of Sparta." No one remembered, of course, what this was. but when they looked It up they fouud it was Kuilamklas. As Horace Mann sat tu his study one evening, au Insane man rushed luto the room, and, after abusing him for all kinds of fancied grievances, challenged him to a fight. Mr. Mann replied: "My dear fellow, it would give me a great pleasure to accommodate, but I can't do it, the odds are so unfair. I am a Mann by name and a man by naUre two against one! It would never do to fight" The insane man answered; "Come ahead; I am a man, and a man beside myself; let us four have a fight' Prince Bismarck and Bancroft, the historian, at one time minister to tbe court of Berlin, were one day dining with Herr von der Ileydt, who prided himself on the quantity and quality of the food which he furnlahed to his guests. In those days (18(58) Bismarck ' was still In possession of his wonderful appetite. Bancroft, at first aniased, be came at last anxious on seeing his friend twice partake largely of the first courses. "Dear Count," he remarked with a world of anxiety in his voice. "I believe there is more to come." "I , should hope so," replied Bismarck, joy rimy; and renewed bis terrifying pra tiee at the next course. It was once usual for Highland shep- nerds to take their dogs Into church and leave them outside the pews. Two shepherds at enmity sat on opposite sides of the aisle one Sunday, and, soon after the sermon began, the dogs- one a collie and the other not seemed to euter Into their master's quarrel Tbe shepherds' egged on their dogs in un dertones, and soon there was a real fight In progress. Most of those in the Immediate neighborhood craned their necks over the pews to see how the en counter was coming out, and not a few were standing up. The minister's na tience was ultimately exhausted, and so he called to his "hearers" and said: "Ah, weel, my brHberln, I see ye are more interested in the dog-fight than In my sermon, and so I'll close the bulke and I'll bet half a crown on the collier Capt. Hans Miron, who lost his life at his poet of dnty on the burning Saale at Uoboken, a few months ago, was fond of telling of his early introduction to the stern realities of his chosen ca reer. He had but Just come on board the schooner where, as cabln-bov. he was to serve his apprenticeship to the aea, and was still staring about him with boyish Interest and lnqnlsitive- ness, when the skipper approached and ordered him to assist in washing down the deck. He pnt down hla bundle and started awkwardly to do so, when a second order, acompanled by eniDhatlc expletives, was given him to take off his shoes and stockings. He was per fectly willing to oblige, but at home he had not been permitted to wet his feet. "No." he answered Innocently, with an engaging smile, "I should not mind, but my mother does not allow It" The skipper was a rough old sea-doe. who did not appreciate obedience unless it was rendered to himself, and his reply was a stunning blow that flung tbe boy across me deck. "But after that, Capt. Mlron would say. with a Brent laugh and not a shadow of resentment. i anew woo was captain of that schooner, and It was not my mother." lii ujuot peopie. Iney can understand Ubw the piano strings art tightened and loosened. But changes In the pitch of pipes queer them. It Isn't strange either, for the average organ bat five Finds of tuning. Of course, the pitch de pends on the length of tne pipe. The pi toll may be raised by shortenta? the pipe or by stopping the open end. A nuiuoer or the wooden pipes are topped by wooden slides. Handles are attached and the pipe Is tuned by moving the slides up or down. Other woods have set In the top a piece of metal which is rolled or bent over par- tiaiiy to stop the pipe. "Ulbbon strips are cut In the sides of the tall metal pipes and rolled down. These break the column of air and act the same as- cutting off the top of the pipe. Another kind of pipes, the reeds, are on a different principle. The length of the reed controls the pitch. A wire presses tightly against the reed and la moved to lengthen or shorten the vi brating length." New York Sun. WAS PEACHES AND CREAM. Meat General Starr Always Qlad to Yono West-Pointers, A gallant old American soldier who! at one time was well known lu Kansas had many Idiosyncrasies, not tbe least of which waa an Irrepressible dislike for young lieutenants when first sent out from West Point The name of this old soldier waa General Starr, and at the time of which we write he was a major In the Sixth United States Cavalry, though during the civil war he had been a brigadier general. In 1874 General Starr waa in com mand at Fort Riley, and one day an orderly came to hla quarters with the message that Lieutenant Morrison, just from West Point, was at the post ready to pay his respects and report for duty. In response to this message the old gen eral waa starting for his office, when his wife, a motherly old souL plucked him by the sleeve and said: "Now, general, promise me that you won't be rough with that young man." Rough r said the old man, smiling amiably upon his matrimonial compan ion. "Why 111 be peaches and cream unless the young dog riles me.' Reaching his office the general was confronted with a dapper little fellow, as spick and span aa though he had Just come from the hands of his burber and tailor, while he had the half -supercilious air that seems Inseparable from the first stages of military education. Looking the young lieutenant over for half a moment the old general said with 1 great dignity: "now do you do, Mr. 1 Morrison? I am pleased to see you." Then, as a flush gradually mounted over his weather-beaten features, be added: "I am always glad to see you young men from tbe military academy. You you (here the general ended with a roar) you think yourselves so smart!" Kansas City Journal 4' Thes who subscribe now for the 1901 Volume of Th2 Youth's Companion Sanding $1.75 with this slip or this paper's name, will receive all the remain Ins 1900 Issuos free, and THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CALENDAR FOR. 1901 FREE. ' BO IS ......-." w .r, ;; .-j-,, . I-,,, .Hnni'-f WV.'.-U.-A Illustrates Aueuictntit and Sample CapUa FREE, a Request. , Tho Youth's Companion, Boataa. Mass. The Companion Is Issued Every Thursday. Subscription $1.75 a Year. fui t,uuii uni Ktuumtois ars going mo ina u, k. as . lervlos betwsen roniaua and the Orient. Tacoma li Growing. The Tacoma News says 5,000 or 10, uuu people have com thers to live sinoe the Jane census. First Crtamtry. At Milton, lust week, was opened the urst creamery in extreme Eastern Ore' gou. in event was a bin oua. Hits th Pacific Coast Russia has put a high tariff on flour ana mat Mtt the coast states bard. Mothers wliTflitd Mr., wiii.i,.. o.i. oyrup in bet remedy to uk. for the t uuf5" twiunit period. Sattls Poultry Show. Owners of fsnoy obiakent In Seattle mil display tbera January 98 to- 8i. TO CVHK AoTlTtFoii IAT lake Laxative Dromo Ouinino TbI, wts. au druggists refund tha money i i. urn w cure. JK. w. Urove's sbr uBtui is ob eacn oox. oo. Sdlnj Whtat Abroad, Portland was third anion tha wirt of tha United States in wheat export r.. 1 i iur aooer. - New Gai Plsnt Everett, Wash., grants a franchise for gas plant, to be Uulsbed September i uexi. Wintsr Mill to Nome Mail will be aeut to Nome twice eaou month during the winter from Seattle, overland, or ice, and the first 'ot went forward December 1. . Stop the Oough end Work Off the OoM. Laxative Jirono-qninin Tablets cure a com m one day. Mo oure, No Pay. Prioa 85 cents. Ntxt Year's filrt, Officers of the coast state fair oircrlt meet in Portland December, IS to fit datea for next year's , fairs. Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California and British Columbia will be represented. KtTCKI'S HIHEUT. Btomneh, Bowel ami Urr Complaint perm.nently i-unsl by lutn UAH I Kl.lt tar. an HKRK MKUIVI ' K that our. In N Blurt's wmjuj rcnuniug in nut. Better Wterworlu. The water works of Port Townsend, Wash., will tone bonds for 1150,000 tor improvements In 1901. I do not twlir ve I'iim'i cure for fim mn i) t ion ha an eaual for cnuirha ami colds. John V. Bofss, Trinity bprlngs. Gettlnj People Into ins Stats. D. B. Ward, Washington iuimlgra ion agent, says 100,000 people can be bronght into Washington within two years if his board is given tho right help. HOWS TtllSt Government Should Help. The Portland Telegram say tbe gov ernment should help the natives of Alaska, who are hopelessly helpless in poverty and sickness. ; GERMAN MASK INDUSTRY. This .I(aatuf I. oa vwy boa I th. gaauls. How Paper and Oa mm Haaka Are Made h . . Wk -11 r- A Paper mask, are made by donbllng ,.Uxa?V.e BromO-Qulflioe Tablets on ah r . .ri.ii. w a em tm eesa cwj - -,--...j tricum payer, wetting It, and molding it by hand over How Waihinctoa Crows. a face form; It la then dried by artificial OT-.l.:-... heat and cut off to form, according to .n w 7 . TnnHOT' the Consular Reoorta. nZ. ? two ,bowin i000 ln PP- TUNING A PIPE ORGAN. It Takei Tw or area rtaTa and T. . rterve-Trying J b. "The misuse which many pipe organs Buner is a wonder to me, said a vet eran organ tuner and builder. "Church organs cost from $1,000 to $10,000. They are very sensitive to changes of tcm perature and yet many are heated and chilled once a week all winter aud nl lowed to get damp soaked in summer. The same people who neglect au organ win lane gooa care of a piano costing icnui or iwennein aa much. "An organ is a good deal like hn man being when it comes to chuiteea or me tnermoineter. sudden drops put a man out of tune and it's tho ,. witn tne instrument It needs an even. t moaerare temperature during the win ter Instead of a roasting on Sunday una a ireeze iue rest or the week. In summer a stone or brick chutch gets aamp. a sngnt nre once a week will keep the organ dry. a j)iye organ requires tuning at least once a year and the best instru ments are looked over two or three times in that period. It is a two or three days' Job and needs two men. Besides the tuner up in the organ an assistant must,be at tbe key board to bold down the keys. Temperature has ito be considered even In tuniug. All .the pipes must be brought to pitch at auuui me same uegree, ana mis degree jShould be that which the organ usual ly has wiien In use. I believe that pipe organ tuning la ure uiuiuur tieporis. upenings are cut for eyes, nose and mouth, and It Is painted and decorated by hand as de sired. The paper nsed by Sonneberg manufacturers Is made In Oeslan aud Schleuslngen and costs at present about 1.40 marks (33 cents) per 480 sheets. One sheet makes three of the common masks. The painting of cheap masks costs about CO pfennigs (12 cents) per gross; tne molding or face costs about 80 pfennigs (14 cents) per gross. Pack ing is figured at about 8 per cent, as the masks are rolled in brown paper, the ends being folded In to save string. The expenses are estimated at about 15 per cent, leaving the net profit 20 to 22 per cent, as the complete article sells at present at about 1.80 marks (42.8 cents) per gross. Wire masks are made by stamDlns- a piece ot wire netting about one foot square over a race mold in a large macnme, inclosing the rough wire edges in a narrow strip of lesd and painting. Tbe latter Is done by hand in oil colors. oaure masks are made by molding over a clay face form a doubled piece or cneap linen gauze that has previous ly been soaked In s starchy paste. The sticky linen Is made to adhere to the form, and this Is set on s stove and dried for about twenty minutes. The ulation since the censns of '90. Your Storekeeper Can Sell Yea t arter a Ink or he can get ft fur vou. Auk mm. irrlt. Vnr kwiia are sent aiimiullv tu every stute in the L'uiuu. 1). v.m l,u Carter'. T ' . Church Robbed. A Portland' tough rubbed a cbnn b in daylight and got 18 months in the penitentiary for his work. What is Ilia diflerence between a tier- aim aunt-ring fruiii heat tiriMtnaimi .ml A Urn 'a r'uul-Kaaer On. fcwla tha ht and the other heals tbe feet. Lift. Blj Price for Youaj Cettle. Grant county, Or., is paying highest price evr known for young cattle. rates rnnnlng np to $10 per head in some cases. Jt.0ntn? n,intS Dol,? Reward for any tea. ot Catarrh luaimu nut be cured by Wall's vatorrn euro. W. thounaVraia;Dl,huY inowu F.J.Ctaimoy tor tit. naat l voara. ami boiler, him tK.rluclly honorable In all biialu u trauaacttont and fin. anciall r able to carry out any oUUgnUona mada by their firm. lr WarrATitrux, Wholalo Uruarrlats, Toledo, 1, uimi, Kinkbh A Nanvia, ' r ,1, . "llePrur-lBU, Toledo, U uaii avauirrn i;ura im t ' -.... ti .. ..nR. illreoily ou lb blocxl and m.'oou auriuia. ol ?; o . 5C per uo' Uo. bv.il by aU ejrogilata. Toatlmoni-n. Irwi. ' uau a family 1'iiJ- r-Unheal. B!jjset Fruit Crop. Almost ouu car lomi. ot fruit went irom tne Walla Walla valley this year, the biggest crop yet, and tbe best quality. rr- - w anow WHAT YOU AKR TAKIKO When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Touio because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it i simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. f0o. Building! Art Going. Up. Permits (or new buIMlnira in finattu during November footed np $250,000. ora goes on all winter. 4 FEB WKKKX To men with rigs to in trod una nr. ponltry food among farmers Address, with stamp, Aoiue Mto. Co.. KnHi City, Mo. Three Timu for Murder. A colored women in Portland la ha v. ing her thlid trial for m ordering the same woman tne lint two being dls- agreements by the Jury. 6h killed the woman and admits It. Spanbh War Medals, The adjutant-general of Oregon has ooo cpanitn war medals, mads lor Ore- goo soldiers, that are not called for. Getting Rich From OIL uu magnates are springing np in Donturen allium la like mushroom Coal oil is going It Toor today, rioh wmorrow, inen poor again to many Telli About Ortjoa. ' Tho Southern Paoiflo has Just Issued s handsome folder relating to Oregon, sise 18x20 inches, filled with reliable statistics. ' Poultry and Pets. Walla Walla has organised a ponltry ins urst show and pet association and will be held in February next. ujiuwi wuwn nssa so tie a plague in Australia, ars now getting so scarce that it pays to raUs them in herds. Portland papers print 's story front Taooma about sir ship building going ou thers in a big shd In South Ta ooma, aud that trials will bs mads soon. ' i- Prosperity for 1901. Indications point to groat proipsrlly for His coming your. This Is a algn of a healthy nature. The succeai uf it country, as w.llai of an Individual, dttiend upon hcalUi. If you have any atoninch trouble try IfoMtcttor's Htoiuuth lllttttrs which cure dyejirpsla, ImllgeatUiii and bilious ns. ImlUn Tax-Piyer. A lull-lihMided Imllnn pays taxes in Wasco county, Oregon, hi share this year being $21. 78. Th. H.ai 1'r.anrlntlitii for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottls of Groves. Tasteless Chill Tonic, It 1 simply iron and quinine in a tanfrleas form. No Cure, No Pay. Pries COo, , Indlani Sy Hard Winter. Indians predict a hard winter for Idaho, Washington aud Oregon, and it oortainly started off that way. No Mars "Split Work." Court actions just for suits will bs stopped lu Multnomah county, Oregon, because judges have ordeiad ousts out up by all i oomplainauts. impaired Digestion May not be nil that, la meant t duMiuin now. hut It will la if m.ui,i.I Th. uih'hIiim after niiinir. II ! nf nrv. ous licKilm lia.ioiirnpmiiif tli.alninai'Ii, and diaagrrrahl. brlrhlng mnv Hut lis rv ImI now, but Hii-y will bo ir the stomaoli In suf. fernd tu grtiw wrnker. lvm'lnla la aiu li a nilaxiiilila r1liaaa that ill tendtiit'V in It sliuiilil tw glvii early alien lion, Tlila la cniiuilvtelv over. corns by HootPa Sarsanarltla tilch itreugtlieni tbe whole Ulitrallv.ars tern. , ' ss rL 1 fn), id IRLaNtlA nia. Vim II fliTrf wraa wtrw w Mavwawasaj V VaL Keep You Dsiy Taat Ho Sustitutc. faee r.i . 4howh FuLiLwK Of CARMtMT AKCHMs, r J.IOWtHCQ, Bo.t.m. Mass.' mmi Th Famoun German Wood Preserver AVEUARiUS GARBOUHEUrj.. mmPermmnently Dtroya.n. ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN . ffSTOne application Is aU that Is reqoireJ. It lasts for years. If rour dealer cannot iopdIv vou. write fa pitv..fara ir...ti . ..- flour fo, China. J Vher Thorsen & Co Portland, Oregon.! WhUtier, Coburn 8c wait I HIHIKQ, U Shipping Flour to China. AOOD COII LEXION la obtained bj purlrylng lb. ' blood and clrannlng the evatem with O.tKlKLU TKA, an HSKB MaiMCIMK pralard tb world over. Water Bonds for Sale. Welser, Idaho, is offering for 149,000 bonds for water and light proveraents. ' ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature) of Am FacSlaul. Wrapper Below. PATEflTSsi IT YOU WANT AN rnotiT rK i aurraful il a. r l i,l Ion IH'1,.1 frH.n..Il,.a M 11.(1. H. MIKVKMM A a.. t....! ...,7 lir.e.n-UihUiwi, WAaiiiNiiroN f v'. Branch oflicaa; cbn-agn, t.'lcv.landaiid Ivtruit, To W. C O' Workers with hnMiSah 4avtl,n iMuiriiff yoar miHlmt aalna lulu lli Up of a amu. li, i,,f,,i. mv aid d ai.i.r. T7,SoM'!rrKK''M,,"''a ,ur " TUB HM.IMCtTOIt. 7 t. 11 W.t uih St., N.w fork. KILL THE GERMS! ENCirJE, BOILER " . Th,an,h u. A . ... I Syal.m laataalljp t liackad bp SAW Mil l ...ukops... w,,, S S Saw Baa " IKr" I. a .rm kill, r Twrp aaaaU aa aa aawf sals inj- Forth. What rarall. A safe, tun, pure, perfect medlcln. lor all th. rami. jr. fxMim Candjr Catbartle, bring ntaaitn. i.raaaiat kaalil, i a . r Hn.. 1. w i.1,0. ....i I i,V.!...i-. - ..7 noaaenoiu. w vu. auu olHfning; CW I "B. iwc, c ow. iot tne eyes, moutn and nostrils. It is painted as desired, snd makes one of the most practical masks known. The . "."'nstts lodge of. Masons, Port- Old Maionic Ledjt. illamette lodge of . Mawina. gauze mask Is nsed lonslderably In tbe .? celeu"u, lh 60th anniversary linitea States. DUt the brnr rwrlnn - O - fva tivu VI I teukeassai i CARTER'S l7tUtn -m-- mix. -Jatf FO ICADACML roa oizzmcss. TOn IIUOUSIEtt. FOR TORMO IIYCI. rOI eOKSTIPATIOR. FOR SALLOW Ufl. FOR TMECOMPLUIOR KMvsarai mtmmnwHumtmt. RUSSELL It CO., Portland, Oregon. Oldlai-aMi; tilll,l,-r uf nrrv. furrvi a n.akrr ol (iiira bliMHl; of hrallliv llwuu. HborUia can l) no rtl..-.v. It la a naiaial urm III. Lvri ihMi,ui,H a.l.ini.m mraauraa ol pravaiiinm, tha ajt-rma which miter tb. wnak human ay.i..i ntiiTtUilv o rapidljr Dial Ihalr uaiulxira b.-nn Iwyond Or in fad anything la th. M.rf.!n. li. ! J!.??,: writ us for Catalogues and Prices. '" 1,1 hnraao rtmirrhn.liin, d.airnvins Hi. alms, liirraof Ilia budjr unlll doaih cnmi-a tu Iha lv tlm'a rrllH. "i i.koi M." if uk.n In tlma. 8TF0HT1II IMS poand. I hope this letter msy be tbe the niost nervous work one can tackle result of benefiting- tome other suffer. Jin fact, after long experience 1 have uk wumaa, x recommend yonr Com. 'come to ueiieve that I tune with my pound to every one." Mrs. Mary nerves. No, I don't refer to tbe nerves VauKhn, Trimble, Pulaski Co., Ky. wf hearing. I get my Impresolone that JOHK POOLE. Potlad, Orsooh ?Kve,outl.e best Ureal,,.' in imThSZ pii . bSu f T 'WT h re--,rlul',:.lfun'P. ilr " 18 not true 1 feeI nervous struts 11 X I, windmill sod byhi;i., Fa "" f0" " " C,10r'1 ta qua led. ' ' " true mv nerve. Iiwnmn noP,Ai i. - . . way, but I tune with my n. rvous sys tem, aiy assistant strikes the chord IFS"- pension :"wo II ,c,lFu". ihlnBt.ti. 0. C, they will r 1,lo ,i !', quick r,,le,. B. 4lh N. H. Vola. gug 10 8 0n aiihl'riia rroaecuiing eiainia atne. un. An soon nerves It sounds funny, but it's so. or inree oays may seem like a time to take to tune an organ, bnt wlu-o you stop to think of th i 7 pipt's In a large modern Instrument, it t so long, a large organ will have ti Sin? Tnainfiti Siinnmv':' It wnra. ,tPra "do JTaco. ot flve W or slsty one lul' "Znt"liirHi?rT. These Instruments have twenty- .mraiit.-iii u r"T" 10 "P- wlln '8"i registers ana a piie to each kty .. l"ri Ixixea will rnra any n.m. ' .... .. " f"" I;ukJ !"T"W1"1 ii.rmic... 'it has , alln register Mings the number fo 1,70 7 . . . rr..,irS ZUTS !i',r'". Not every key aud register had a ulne. ' I . .1 m utf . . . . . It. tLVHKHi y i"T,i7T..i. ... """"""d', it wi "" -xi. rhmkn-t fnl w,i nibjri.p. ; M inn as some nave two it amounts ta rtliat. The pipes are of all sotts and 'fixes, most or them wood, but many of uii'tnl. A small number of the large nud long wooden pipes never gel out of tune. They are too long. For many years the fancy pipes st the front of mem are made therein br 'machines owned by two firms, one In New York and the other In Findlay, Ohio. Terrible Fall. This is said to be one of the diver- sions occasionally Indulged In at Kan sas city: Solemn-faced man (with newsDanen . i . .. - -' 1 weii, 1 see mere-was a singular acrl. dent at one of the slaughter-houses out at the stock yards yesterday. A man who was leaning out of an upper story window let go snd dropped sixty feet ana wasn't nun a particle. Eager Listener How did that han-1 penrr Boicmn-raceo ManThey were nigs reel. His Dim Idea, A teacher was giving to her class sn exercise in spelling snd denning words. "Thomas," she said to a curly-haired little boy, "spell 'ibex. "I-b-e-x." "Correct, Define It" "An ibex,? answered Thomas, after a prolonged mental struggle, "Is where you look fn the back part of the book when you want to find anything that's printed in the front part of the book. Narrow tiaoape. Mrs. Henpeck What's this? blonde hair . Henpeck That must have come off the Belgian hare I bad for lunch. Syracuse Herald. 'Come easy, go easy," Is an ancient saying and good resolutions don't cost anything. CURE SICK HEADACHE, Ah, s ll2-rAL.,.letcL,ep aid hcen made undc? hla BupernHion ror over 30 years. Allow no nn r What is CASTORIA SSJiT? i 0 'h""1" Mibstltnte for Castor Oil. Van wbino u.eip.luV' r-IliIno nor other Jiariotlo f .5 e ,t" BTe l lts fetiarantce. It dostrovw Wnmu and allays everUncss. It curs blurThwn LtAWlZl 4W5i-iar2S-sat3 The Kind You Haie Always Bought juchxsj me Dignatnre of 7 In v0 For Over 30 Yea 1 aaara.. aaamw. n a.., mm. mmm aa am. ' Use lilT. " '. haalthr aior.ai.nt rf tba lraH.p. bowala aiarf dr. roa r. alok, or will ba. Kimd f or I iarrii tu b.iw.1. oib, and ba wall. I Wit, !a IbS aaaiaof I V-l. i,iLXr.::iSr. K" .p",9jJ ia fa. huaala alaar aud claaa la 10 taa. " ta an abanlnla nravumlvM .,f 1 , - . JZ only aUoluM cur. Ir Hhvnuiailam. itrlvln. out o Hi. arUm forvrer th nrm aclil au.l othat Imi.iirlii whic h rauw It Id Ha rar 1,10a forma. II la uan up .1 our. br tha blnn.1. Ilm. Ita Work la unlrktir. .nr.; ...J ....... tlm.a miir Scctlva. Ynn al.,,,,1,1 hi Ithnul It. Kt-oiira a hntil,, ,,..i.. v.. .1,1 then baon tha aala aula. "a Kruua" la harm, la.aana fan b UHiil i,v anniiH MHn ... u artult. II la umiI with unralllna afT.I la ha rnlluwln. atiaaaaoa, llhra aallam. Srlatl.a, aaxhaoho, M.uralala. iioua! la, Aaihina, llv F.a.r. roan. I. a 4rl,M- I I... ... a ... aa 1 run 1. 1... i..ni..... u - naaa, Nxrvmia a4 Nouralajln Hxariavhaa. rar.rha T....ha.li., Il.r W.aknaaa. faralrala, tJn.plii, Naiahn.aa, raasii CANOr I WAS AT DKATH'S DOOR. CATHAfmC. . ..k,,.1ll"nL ,w""t " '" what rm.w .,..., , unifiiu miwrj, jay ft,t w.rah awullcii an I mulil nm wi-araliwaaMilnia hamla war. arawn an 1 ron ,1 i.u ..1 ,,,,1.1 i.h... ,i... - V..' " " "i""'. " . "ur "-v -" tnvj vrnmt94i iiail aliul. ' . yi5u; ,,'.'n T er innlloin. h u.0WltTf0'!n,1,l.", '""'' Miiuild aaon- .11 L . wonta l awnir ,a nt unlll laat hovrmlwr oueol my nrlsblan-s haf Hlimimatlani ao had h. cinln,,t w,".. Ili tnlcl my hitahand alx.ut lit,.,.." carina- him. an ha ant n. . .1..11.. !..... ....j.". a wars. I waTka, will , i ... Z'WZ. ".i . a. - . ...v UuU 1IBW DIT RflllMI. aWtfllOf filtlSf I hsUl l.ats laf tw Sfe HAiiai . . . U..IM I .11 at.. 1 1 .." .".'"!' ",r mv TUUB BLOOD CLEAN Nytt aim can an my work wlih ra. I am .1111 ',.1,. -!rt.XX!r?JL'.hJ "," n'Kl a,-. , , .I j a .ru ii ui 11.. ,rna." hw llil. .. ..... I.t... t, . . dmil.la thl.. 1 7,'.. I. 'ZTJ on" il t 1. 1 llI3!!!!.'Iu1'' fuMOooA r nM. Wta, mw. Vkhutm, 1.1ml, ttw MM Hent. VI. liNnt. SWANSIrN'S DROPS" and axmita. onr Ki'iila. 1.. ....... ..i. " ,,, r r? " ,'inKKiaia ara II Ilia ri'lneriv I. n.ii .,l.,....-i.i. ... WK) duaaa, ll.wi . aunt ir.all h- ,r.a or mall lii 1 '";, to anaiii. all who art) .ufftTitiK, K at leaat liav aii.,l,irtiiiiliy uitry Ih. moat . wimdmfui or all ri-tn.illi.i. w. will Wllit Ol 4U. til linv i,.,.Im... 1 aan. wantril In n ti.rrlu.r. kV.u. a IWANHON'I RHEUMATIO CUKI CO. t net, Chloag. NUTHING BETTER MADE Yoa can't mak a mlatak 11 too (at ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Lecuis & Staves Co. PORTLAND. ORECON. sCuiauOk foes I ILs 79 nonocv iU II VI W I 1 10 D.'..S' TiiEATMEiiT FDfL iiavainads Uraniyanilltaeom. piiaaiio,ia a apefilftliy lor IWQIllJ J..1. ffllU IUJ 'art With tl fji. .v amniaaa. ui rjlH4t wnnilnrt'nl aii oareil muj tlioaa- i.B.s.aanit'tiioa. Bos lit Atlanta, Ot, 1 llJfllNIi II lawS rtr. ui.tm nir.l.t A -- 1 . . 4. , - - " f..i,-aaaa, w . UI SNIU tWUBB ILI MinaT. i mi fMin.M wn u HHn.i. Illriftrlii.sr or I'fiHrtidlitg sr.r::.,7:.o.?:m''r ''asiclala watnihr mall. Traatlaafnia. Wrlta vaawiutrguisaaa. uu. UOHANkO, l'h lada.l'a, CUTLER'SCARSOUTEof IODINE A M llHmiltf4IMl ('tir for (nisirrh mnA I Cnniiimrtloii. J) ln k Joi Md, ! X.VSITH I CO., Euffalo, 1. 1 , Prop's. K. P. M. V, M, B0-19OO, WHKN writing ta adv.rtla.rs pl.a.a