1 A'TFiLirvrvi Tul COO!!. CLOSE TlfURSDAV, NOVEMBER IS. leOO. tnr ftwn iiiIKi cwnwpdwfeiirf ttnm nil i " ilim m i.lllixin rfiflmt. We aim tnmnse li!).n' r ! Iv.i.iImii mllmn the tfin.iv mid Im ilr m Irt-ti1 tu ! nt by . n 1'(B in lliw ww o( itwtr rrK" lr ifciith-.Kt. vrr'nlt'iv roust tw ::! liv thi- wrltrf. n4 nwvwsrily lor jinr I 'utti'M. sjmvltifiifoiirwwl rMith,u4 , niior iuuiiitii tut reiMilMmj- furtHin f ..,. ix,.mit--i ' i"ntrimlfrit. VlJE MASK TIIROU N OFF. At last thcOreginian has thrown off the mask and has Iwldly and defiantly proclaimed itself to be what all it intelligent readers have known for years it is, to-wit, in tolerant, unfair and fanatical in its treatment of all persons who laro to disagree with it on the po litical questions of the day. Ina recent ed.torial under the caption, "Missouri's Audacity" nearly a column of invective and blackguardism is directed at the voters of Missouri for the 6ole rea son that the electoral vote of that state was given to P.ryan inctwul of to McKinley both in 1890 and in 1000 and the "big daily" pro ceeds to scold and harp and howl against any appropriation being made by Congress in aid of the proposed Louisiana Purchase Ex posi lion to be held in St. Louis in 1903. "They should not get a cent from Congress for their Fair; they should be obliged to accept plug ged coin for admission, and at the time of thjir show St. Louis should he delivered over to riot so that nobody would attend," is the anathema pronounced by tho Ore goniau against the citizens of a sovereign state, and the reason is given in these words: "They choose Bryan electors by 40,000 majority, they send twelve Demo crats to Congress and they will elect a Democratic Senator to suc ceed Vest They will expect President McKinley to pign their bill with a gold pen. , and yet their 17 electoral votes went against him in 180S and 1900." In voicing such sentiments as the above the Oregonian denies every right and every privilege which the founders of this republic held sacred. It denies the right of a free ballot and it demands in effect that every citizen must shape his politics to conform with the policy of the party in power or be denied any of the benefits of citizen ship. It says that President Mc Kinley should not sign any bill which would benefit any state whose electoral vow was not cast for himself. It says in effect a great many things which, if uttered by a Democrat or a Populist or a Prohibitionist, would be denounced by the Oregonian in unmeasured terms as anarchry. A little farther along in the same article is where the mask is thrown off and it is done in these words: 'The Oregonian wishes here and now to disclaim and disavow from this time forth any tolerance or sem blance of fair dealing for those who have worked and prayed to ruin the industries of this country by descent to the silver basis." Is not this a sample of high minded journalism for you? Is it not a statement coming as it does from "the leading journal of the Korthwest" of which every citizen should be proud? To a recent editorial the Orego nian takes the position that every man who voted for Bryan is an enemy to his country. That would mean that he is a traitor and ought to be shot. In another article in the same issue the claim is made that a man who is so dissatisfied with all of the candidates that he will rote for none ot them is a fool and should leave the country al together. That would mean that there should be no one allowed to live in this country except those who vote as the Oregonian directs. If the Oregonian can only manage to have this policy adopted during the next four years, and then have Harvey Scott "elected" Imperator we might yet have a prettygood country from the Oregotiian's standpoint. Then, if any low lived Missourian dared to ask a favor or think a thought not in accord with Oregonian ethics the Divin Ilarvoy would be in a posi tion to intimate in that low, soft, weet voice of his that the lovv I'ved cum should find favor in His eye8 by opening his veins or taking poison, examplod by Nero and Pet roniua. That is the condition in which Harvey's teachings will land tho human fiuwilyif followed long enough. ' Stops the Cough and work off the Cold. t.miiUve Uromo Quinine Tabids care a cold mouIh Nucufc.no raj. Price SJ cent. A Ville Blacksmith Saved His Llt tl Son'a Ufa. Mr. li, II. Black, the wall kttown til lug blacksmith at Uraliauisville, Built van Co., N. Y., aya: "Our little son, live years old, ha always been nolJxt to croup, and so bad bava the attarka bn that we have feared many times that lie would die.' We have had the doctor and Bed many mediciuc, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to diolv the tongh mucus and by giving frequent ios when the emu pt symptoms appear w hare found that the dreaded croup it ctr-d ra-fore it gHs settled." There Is tin danger In giving this remedy for it contain no opium or other injurious drug and may he given as confidently to a hatw 8 t- an adult. F ir sale by The Hudson ruarinary C. W. Crosfield, mgr. ' ARLINGTON. T.wter are out for a Masque Ball here Thanksgiving. The furuitnre Is already bought look out for a wedding in high life hero soon. Whent 43 cents Monday, V 8 Chi pp left for Smupter Tuesday where he ban ieruiauent posilttin. Mrs Campbell visited at. Columbus this tfek. " . ' The Kopiibliiran dance last week was Hhort un nttisio. Democratic d r.ce tomorrow night. Jesse Nye left Taeseay for a visit at La Urande. Lawrence Lorndorff, who started for the old country last week, stopped at Spokane and will be back in a few days. 1) A Pattella, of tbe B G A Co ware houses was here this week. Mrs A C Hawson i on the sick list. To remove a troublesome corn or bun ion: First soak tbe corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; robbing vigor otibly for five minute at each applica tion. A corn plaster ehonld be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. As general liniment for sprains, bruis es, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is aneqaaled. For sale by The Uadson Pharmacy C. W. Croefield, mgr. School Notes. Nkluk B. Browx, School Editor. Miss Alice Wehrli visited tbe grammar department Monday alternuon. Henry Stanton enrolled in the sixth grade Monday. The fourth grade are working in Long Division this week. Florence Clarke, Belle Campbell, Lee Shannon and Herbert Brown are absent on account of sickness. The pupils' in both departments are bnsy reviewing the past month's work that they may be prepared for the exam ination which will begin today Thursday. Tna school literary met Friday even -ins the oneation for debate beins decid ed in favor of the negative. It was decided, for a change, to have short speeches at the next meeting, on the lives of oar presidents, in place of the regular debate. We were pleased to see so many visitors present at tbe last meeting and hope they will continne to attend and assist as in niaking the or ganization a success. Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six different doctors nearly sent Wni. H. Mullen of Lockland, O., to an early grave. All said be had a fatal lung trouble and that he mast soon die. But be was urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. After takiog five bottles he was entirely cored. It is pos itively guaranteed to core alt diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, including Cnnvhn. HoMr. I .ft f.rinrMi- Pnenmnnia. .... . . 'lUUimlio, board of Jury .. Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay lever. Croup, p h suphnsn. Co Trru. Whooping Congh. 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles free at Condon Drug Co.'s. LOST. A pair of spectacles, in a black case, on the road between Condon and John Haddock's ranch. Finder please return same to John Maddock or leave at this office and receive reward. $5.00 Reward. I will pay the above reward for my team One sorrel horse, branded FA on left sti&e, star in forehead, collar marked ; one bay mare, strip in face, branded A4 on left stifle delivered at Condon, Or. Last seen west of L. VV. Darling's place on Hay creek. W.L. Wilcox. Condon, Or., Nov. 12, 1900. SHERIFF SALE. Hotice Is hereby given that an execution and order o Sale was issued ont of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, Gilliam County, on the 31st, day of October, 1900, apon a decree therein rendered on the 22nd day of September, 1000, In favor ol James J. fix, plaintiff, and against U W. Darling. Locy Darling and the Arlington NslioulBunk, a corporation, defendants,whicn said execution and order of sale Is to me directed and commanding me to sell the property herein after described, for the purpose of satisfying the Judgement of tin plaintiff In said canse for the naof 1211.60 with interest thereon at 10 per cent, per annum from the 22nd day of Septem ber. 19(0, and tbe eosia and dishiirusnxrut of said suit taxed at f 13.00 and IK. and 100.00 attorney's fees. Therefore, In compliance with sold execution sud order of sale, 1 will on SATURDAY, DECEMBER t, 1900. at tbe hoar of 0:W o'clock a. m. at the Court House door In Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, sell at public anction to the hlgheai bidder for cash In hand, for the purpose of satisfying the Judgement and decree above mentioned tbe fol lowing described premise to-wlt: The W yt of the W of See. 21, Tp. S R M E W. M. in Gilliam County, Oregon. Dated this 31st day of October, M0. Sjm E. Vam Vactob, " W. U Wilcox, Att.yforrlfr. Sheriff Gilliam Co, Or. PAPERING AMD PAINTING. Full line of latest Wall Taper, Estimates on work snd material , furnished on short notice. , , Call snd sue my samples. W. A. DARLING. ! very much attention during lAwVn ab-1 Notice of Eighth Grade Examination An examination for graduation from the common school con roe will I held at the public school building, tn Condon on Thrlv, Fridav aii'lISaturtlny, Nov ember 22, 23 and 24, W, beginning at V o'clock a. m. Diplomas will be granted fo (hose who make an averaire of 80 per cent, and not falling below 70 per rent iu euy one branch. Toese diplomas will be taken In lieu of an examination should the holder de sire to enter any of the state institutions of learning. VV. R. Ukal, ' School Superintendent. Coiulpn, Oregon, Novemlier 13, 11HW. County Court Proceedings. November term, 1000. fROBATK. In the matter of guardianship of Fran cis and llaxel Clay Petition for sale of real estate Ordered that petition be made more definite. In matter of estate of II Beck, dee'd Report of sale of real estate Sate con firmed. Kstate of Tbns. J Young, deceased Final report approved Estate fully set tled. ' Kstate of James Nixon, dee'd C J Qoinn appointed administrator. Bonds fixed at flow iro nicuuvray. A u Stephens and A D Haley appointed ap praisers. Estate of D C Downer Final report approved Executors discharged. Ketato of N J Hawk Executor au thorized to pat CO per cent on claims. . COMMISSIONERS COCHT. In matter of petition of S V Moore et al for a county road No. 109 F M Shan non, SAD Unit and John Stitt appt. as viewers, to meet Nov. 20, 1900, at 10 a. m. In matter of application of H J Nolt for a rebate on taxos on acct. of wide tire wagons Rebate allowed on 3 wag ons. Petition of Chaa. Fix et a) for a county road No. lift Rejected. Petition of A L Dothie et al for a coun ty road No. 115 Sam McOilvray, Cbas. I.iliie and James Ramsav appt. viewers, L W Darling surveyor, to meet Nov. 19, 1900, at 9 o'clock al tn. CLAIMS ALLOWED. J E Prune, act. O R A K., transportation Mia, CvbiU v I 71 S W 8 Mvwi, vtewvr damage road Us.... a CO T G Johnaon, tuna S tt C A IXinnnoan, nmt 9 l) F M .-"hsnnon. pr. daw. road 109 ' 1 00 8 A l Hurt, ume 3 00 F."l nnitn, trt. n-nl Sot. and rtee..,...,. S 00 A W hirnl, iiulKe election J 00 W C Caldwell, Mine S 00 II C Shod, nam I f W Tobey clerk election: SO nlleawlth returns 11 M Chan. Morrit, eler. election IW C C Clark, lailjre election: Tl mile with ivtann 10 28 WPWeatJudre tt W K Baker, Hin.. S 00 J A Smith, clerk . 3 00 M EAyeri. mm ,. SOU W H Herrin. sene SOU W F Settlvmeir. same Sou A Monbunie. lame 8 00 C bane. some and M mile with ret ... 9 40 T U Woodland, umt; W mile wita ret. 7 00 T C Moblcjr, mm S 00 II D Randitll, asm 1( J Kelly ume S 00 Ctua.5lnrtin.Mnke 3 00 W 8 Myera, jurfito 3 00 (leo. Tfttum. atfuift 3 0O II Downing, ume 00 L W iMrlimc. clerk. 3 00 K H Walu. aame 00 SAD liurl. T. bat)., prtutint. etc.. 1107.00 elaimed. allowed Si 90 Ralnh lToman. iudse election; zi mile withreturria 5 20 Geo. Hanson. Indira 3 no J 11 Caru;r, ume BOO H B Couture, rlerk 3 00 i li Steveniun. aame . 3 00 U Hchill'.iK. iide; IS m. with ret , 4 no 8 D Hetcher, jHdne 30U John H Hiily, ileik... 3u W I. Barker, same 3 00 K B i'oag, same 3 00 J W Scrimcr, judire; 17 m. with ret to John Chance. Juiltfe .'. .. ...... .. Sta) C Jolinwm, same 3 00 I. P Davidson, clerk S (10 T H Morris, same 3 00 P h Ham. judge 8i) k ja jomisou, same Otto Ward, same T J Anderson, clerk J B GofT, elerk and mileage K B Stevens, jadge and mileage ... .... 8 M VanCIere, Jadge Alex Hardie, snioe J K Fraier, clerk K A Churrhlll. same E A Stlnehtleid, JwIkc and mileage .. . J Kdwanls, judge Will Davenport, same f.w. Dukek, clerk . F B Moore, ssme S K Lane, med. att. 8an Hullna;, 115.00 tno jtuo B HO 700 00 300 1 U0 It) SOU 5l sou 8UI SOU 800 500 600 10 20 10 tl 2 'JO 3J m 51 () im 3.100 IS TO tm I no 1 oo M ion i ii 3 CM UK) 1 ut I 00 100 3:) 1 on euo 7W 2l MI S00 :iii Xlt) 200 S75 Aon l! 1MI l.'MJ ISO 1 50 Claitnen, ailowea . Mr. Maddork. board, etc., same i'. 00 claimed, allowed Glass A frail hom me. election supplies, 340.flsimed, allowed Glaaa A r'niiUximme, books and stipplles Arlington V arehotise Co., (r't lord . . atUary. M O t'larke. Co assessor's nay W K Neal. Mcnool dipt. snl. and supplies Weekly Times, pt'g ballot and blanks . U L Neale. J F fees state vs. SirickUud , A J Moore, Juror sama caj.... .... f M MoriiiiMtoii, same I) B Trimble, same. ., John Palmer, same J K Wells, same E A May, same H i Jordan, same...... K W Cooke, same J W Ebbert, same J J Portwood, same. , . : ( has. Fix, same :. W 3 Myers, same T G Johnson, same W m. Foster, witnea same ease A rtliur Foster, same letter Wing, same KM Plller, asm Joe Young, same J A Kiaer, same , Alburn Moore, saina K H Wain. same H N Krazer, sama Hpringstone: Kogers, team for Jury A J Hhelton, J P fe state ts Farrier ... T D Hweetin. constable fee same case. .. Jess Kichardsoii, witness fee same ease. 1) W tafiin, same C W Hanson, same J A Pound, ssme J K beemon. same Concluded next week. Editor Sees Wonders. Editor W. V, Barry of Lexington Tenn., in exploring Mammoth Cave, contracted a severe case of Piles. His quick core through nulng Backlen's Arnica Salve convinced him it is another world's won der. Cares 1'iles, Injuries, Inflatnstion, and all Bodily Eruptions. Only 25c at Condon Drug Co.'s. rhls tgnktnra la en every box of tbe genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tsiieu thai remedy that rmrrm m eoW Im iss) day WANTED. I'astnre of any size, containing water, well fenced for horses. Uieirice until March ldtb. Address, N. E. Hoprirr, CsreUlobe. D R. T. I. KICKUN DENTIST Office over P. H. Stephenson's store. CONDON OREGON R. J, PALMER, Practical Blacksmith and Horse-shoer. Satisfaction Assured. Give me a Trial. At the Old Clark Stand Condon, Oregon. A bulletin of the To the Consumers of GiflS&rri County: We desire to state that we are determined to reduce our large stock o! goods and for the next 90 days will tuuke great reductions in all Hues (or . cash. By referring to yonr local papers you frequently nbte the ad. of Interior merchants who, with consplcioua signs, say: "We sell at Arlington prices." Is this not evidence that the Arlington merchants must load In low prices or there would be no need for ta'ch statesiiiemsY Before pur ' chasing your fall supplies or the smaller bills' get prices from lis. In agricultural Implements we have the favorite Monitor Drills subject to four attachments, vis, hoe, disc, press wheels or shoe. The Oliver and Flying Dutchman l'lows are hard to beat for good clean work, durability aind lightness of draft. It Is no longor an experiment to buy a Bain or Rtonghten wagon, as -they have but few if any competitors when strength and light-running; . qualities ar considered. It you anticipate treating yourself to a new bnggy or hack do not pur chase nntil our new carload of the old reliable Itauine rigs reach us, which will be here in Beptember. When in need of a chop mill, hay press, windmill, tewing machine, or any kind of machinery used on the farm, write us for prices and we will treat you right. aCa7'Addres3 H communications to the firm at the old James W, Smith store. SHURTE & WEIR CO. Arlington : ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAII LABOUS, PROP. FIXE WINES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGARS. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. . FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR PRIDE. FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER on Draught, Main St., Condon, Oregon tmmmmmmnm i i THE a a "MODEL." A Quiet Resort. HEADQUARTERS FOR iUUH-GKADK "WET" GOODS. USE WHISKIES. OLYMI'IA BEER. FANCY MIXED DRINKS. Lower Charles Main street uummiuiuiuuiu I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HAND MADE HARNESS. The best is always the My harness are the best. I make and sell everything in the Harness and Saddle line including Chaps, Spurs, Bridles, Ilultors, Horse Cov ers, Feed Bags Etc. Call and see me. TOM L. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON. FALL TEUM BEGINS (SEPTEMBER 18, 1900. Students prepared to take State Certificate immediately on graduation. Graduates readily secure good positions. Expense of year from $120 to $150. - Strong Academic and Professional courses. Sew Special department in Manual Training. Well equipped Farming Department. For catalogue containing fall announcements, address P. L, Campbell, l'resident, or W. A. Wann, Secretary of Faculty. VICTOR MARDEN Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness and Saddles O-Kine Stock Saddles a Specialtyl We Guarantee Our Prices to Please , and Our Uorkto Give Satisfaction Call when in The Dalles or write for prices and information. The Dalles, Oregon. c. s. PALMER, prtistic. Barber. Sleek; Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground. CONDON - - - - OREGON. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Not lei ts hereby siren lhat the aiiterxlane1, administratrix ol the estate ol Thos. J Young do ceased, baa filed In the county court ol uillUm comity, state ol Oregon, httr Dual acconiit aa such administratrix of said estate and that Tuesday, Novombor 6, lOOO, at J o'clock P.M., has been fixed by snlrt court as th Unto for bearing objections to said report and th settlement thereof. Mstr A. Youai, Administratrix of the Entitle ol Thos. i Young, dvt!ud h hiU jkli k WtJTi Oregon, BOWLING ALLEY POOL TABLES' IS COSNECTION. Condon, Oregon. Fix, Prop. cheapest. Get the best. Get them. PORTWOOD. .Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to March 1, 181)0, will tie paid on pre aentation at my office. Interest ceases after October 30, 1U0O. P.-II. STKMlltNMOK, Treasurer of Gilliam countv, OreK"n. Dated at Condon. Ore., Oct. 30. 1000. ' Treasurer's Notice. All city warrants registered prior to Pec. 1, 1899, will be paid on presents tion at id v olflce. Interest ceaaes alter Aug. 20, 1900. V. It. Htefiimshok, City Treasurer, Condon. Juns 11, 1000. PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON. Day or night calls promptly answered. Officii In New Masonic Uiillclintr. CONDON - - - - OREQON, HubHcribc for the Glouk, iJ FALL AHO WINTER GOODS NOW ARRlVinC, V wish to's'.aouncoto' our friends snd' patrons tbat'our FalUnd . ' Winter stock of Dry Uoodfi, Notions, ClMblng, Underwear, FurnlBli lug Gootls ana Shoes is now nrrlvitig snd is larger snd better stilecl'eiT than ever before. We also have complete Superior Hoe and Disc Drills, Superior Seeders, Canton Plows and Studebaker Hacks, Wagons and Buggies. M ALL COODS MARKED IN PLAIN FICURES ir When in Arlington make our storo your headquarters. There's room for all ami bargains for all and the latch siring is al ways out. LORD & CO. Arlington, Oregon. F. M. Sprlngeton J. A. Rodvort SPRINGSTON & ROGERS. (Suocaasors to T, O. Johnaon.) Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Hay and Grain bought and sold. First-class Kigs always on hand at very reasonable ratos, A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited! Condon, GO AND SEE AL Who keeps a fine line of Stoves, Ranges, Linolenm, Redding, Springs, Valises, JIardwawe, Gloves, Cutlery, Flower Tots, Jar Hubbera Etc. E. A. NEL80N. NELSON & PORTWOOD (Successors to D. M. RI.N'EIIART), 'LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMERS' TRADE. FIRST-CLASS Condon, Or. '"Corner LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD. Manager. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of Fine SarracerJ Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ceil' , ing, Hustle, fihlp-lsp and sll kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes snd dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY. OREGON. E. T HOLLENBECK, M. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER. Estimates made on all kinds of Buildings," Machinery, Water Powers, Pumps and Pumping riants. Repairing a Specialty. If you have anything you think past fixing, bring it to me. " HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDING. Condon, Oregon. Doi?'t port ttyat tye QIOBlx. Office Is etill In buBinoss giving tho ktost news and turning out tho neatest job work in tho County. Finest VMtitig visi tvi.i i. untwiivi ) iti ThlSJ lines of Oregon. IIEL1SIIA J, 3. I0KTW00Ir RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS'. Spring and Church sis. nuvti fctiV l'V,Ct JllllH W