Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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...8. A. PAT Tl 3 ON
Editor and Proprietor.
f not la dvftito,MMM........ ,.,
tar tw. tl.
ihr tnuniht."
WUfl MptM,.
O. ft. M. Co. Tin Car.
IBUtnTfoff, MUOX,
New aud, taking olaol uad.r. Fshr
try lltki .
" B-fT kOtmB.
No, 1 Yta Hantlnglon, leave-.,
.7 : n, m.
J;m. m.
4 Via Itmkane, Ihtm
-eeai noli at, 1
watt boukb.
1 Portland, ltnu
.1 J :47 a. m.
a. M Looal height, leaves!
tferllad, Irerea
4 01 a. n-
.11 m a.
J, I. CHAKB, aioat, Arll-iioa.
Attornty at Lit,
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Coadoa, Or.
Colt.ottnM.aiJ In.urenna. Term. roaMBaMe.
Ottvo la roar ol poatofflue t,ultJIU,Malu.uee.
iotabt njBiia
Boo la Olobt Balldfng.
Specialist fur Refraction and D fects
of the Eye.
Will Vlilt Condon Irory Thr Montlia.
Wateh lxwal Colnmo tor Data,
If oa ooraof Sprlai itrool aad Oragoa artaoo
The Regulator Line.
It3 Dallef. Portland I Isliria
Daily Lino of SUaram Borwcca Porthr-I,
Vancemror, G-CAOo Lock-, Hood Rival
' aod all Points oo Iba TaaUoftaa) akla
TkO ttuta.n ttatlat Otfanfl R.tntato? Inn
Partland Tr, taoralas ( luadaf)at.
andTkolMllMaita. arrl.lnj at daiUaa
kta la aaialo maa lor outgolai wmlaa .
frolfkl Kataa Ucaallf BodtMOd.
W. C. ALLAWAT.O.a. Afl.
Paot ol Coart Buoot, Tko DalUa, Of.
front Arlington
Bait !-k. PanTar.i
10:17 a. I
rt nortn.i.mana,
Kan.aa ( lu, mi.
B 41 a. ut.
Bait lakn. .Denrar.
141 a. at.
Pt. Wnrth.Umaha,
Kaloa. City, til.
1 oul.,t'alc.u aud
17. at.
. alia Walla lwl
1:4 a. m.
tun, Hpok.n., MI11
Bannlla,HI. Paul,
Dnlntli, klHw.n.
4.00 p. a
All .allliif data,
ubj.ot to ohauga
For Han
kail ovorj t dajpa.
Cohiatkla Rlrar
4 00 p.m.
Bs. huud.r
Win. m.
Hi:tw p. m.
To Attorla and War
4:00 am
fca. kuuuaj
Wlllaaitna Rlror.
Bi. kuadar
Orton Cllr, N.w.
r,, aaiaia, lima- a w.jr
7:00 a. m.
Tun., Tlmr
Wlll.iMil. and Yaat-
:80 p.m.
Mon,. Wad.
and Pet.
kill Rlrort.
Ornon t'ltr
toil, a wa Uui
4:01a m,
fuaa., Thar
aad Bat.
WlllaattHa Rlrar,
Hon.. Wod.
Portland to Corral.
lit war Lau.
L. Rlparla
l:Ma. m,
Inakt Rlrar.
Rlparla to Uwl.ton
I a. at.
foavatal tutvum Aaaai, Portlaaa. f
111-. I 1 I. JIBll LUJM SBttBaui .. .m ' I IT'T'IT .1 ' I I 1.IJL. I . III III j. ... II l J III IJIJI ...B mn p J J J L , , l ,LUIL.j, I
tm''1 ! iinymtiMM i iwiv f it ......-w,...,, - i-ni-fr-rtWrM-igwiMM1-MHiMiiiiMiri-irwni n '"'- "nr n 1 . r - , - - - -- .... ,... .... .
tioL. - i : : ' '
t w - - - . zz 1 ".v.: -
I oo '
Epitome of th-3 Telegraphic
News of the. World.
Bd Intaroatlnc Collootlnn ut I torn, proaa
to two HomUphoroa Proa .iki 1
In a Con-lonaod Jrr.m. V
Th mlnUtei-a at Pkin have agracd
on tha baali of ucgotiMtioua.
An Invextluatlon ol r.erllo'i corrupt
ponce loroe lint twen ontareu.
Kruuer i making a alow trip tc
Europe on acoount ol iltneia.
Itunaia baa no iutoutlon of bailding
another railroad aeroaa Aula.
Nome atoamer Uoanoke, ropoited
loat, hat reached I'ort Towuaend.
Woodbnrn, Or., hri granted 80-year
franchiiw for litfht and wutur nyatem.
Wu Tina Fang, theChlneae mlnUtor,
thiuki tout when a I withdraw from
China railroad eountructlou on a large
cale will be began thore.
The aute board of health anthoritlea
of Miaalwiiipi, retort one caae of yel
low fever at Natobei. The patient ia
tha wife of a local BaptiNt tniniater.
Iaaao Hull Adam, a grandaon of
rreaidont John Aduma, and a nephew
of 1're.idoot John Quinoy Adaina. died
at hi home at (junioy, Mma., aged 87
The Toronto aolclleri of the Ponth
African contingent returned to Toronto
aud were received with tremendona on
thnniaam. Trallio waa mmpended for
bourn, and altogether the dmnonatra
tion waa one of the moat notable in the
hlntory of the city.
An explosion took place in the dry
liotiae onuutN ted with the worka of the
Winchester liepontlng Arma Company,
at New Haven, Conn. The walla of
the building Mug blown out and the
window in the aajacut bui'diuga that
tereil. No one waa in the building at
the time.
Yice-Admiral Alexioff baa adJreaaed
a communication to Li Hung Chaua
aakiug Chiua'a intontiona regarding
Manchuria and inviting bur to resume
the government of that territory under
Hiiaialau 'protection, which, be aara.
will le of "mutual advantage to China
and Itiiula." .
The queen of rortugoal, at Caaoata,
a laabiouable retort, wade a thrilling
rescue. Klie baa been auying at tha
1'alkce Caacala, and waa on the beach
watching Catalo Croom. her boatman,
bringing bla boat into thore. Sudden
ly a huge wave overturned the boat.
Ciooin't arm wat broken aud he waa
overcome by the undertow, which car
ried him beneath the wavea. The
queen ia an expert twiimiier. Seeing I
that her boatman waa drowning, the
aprang into the water before any of her i
altendauta could prevent her. With I
rapid strokes the twain to the boat- ,
nian't tide and held him up until per-1
aont put out in boat and rescued both
the queen and her boatman. Croom
waa taken to the Itoyal Palace.
Two men were killed in a railroad
accident at The Dallas, Or.
Orders for Ave new 'Russian warship
will be placed in this country.
The big Atlantio liner St. l'aul suf
fered a acriuua accident at tea.
Kitchener ia to stop pursuit of Boera
ind establab garrlsoua among them.
The king of I'orea eent the allied
troops a large gift of floor, rice and
Experiments with ttorage retervoirt
for trtlgatiou are being made in Mal
heur county, Oregon.
An immense crowd attended the un
rolling of the ttatue of the late Presi
dent Carnot at Lyons.
American fluanciert are to Dartioi-
pnto In the nutlonalikHtion of the Swisa
ruilroadt and (ierinau capitalists are
rrofeiaor Rchurman iviiUhi to Slito
Lopei, in which he ahows It ia for the
highest good of Filipinos for American!
to succeed.
The tuit of tha state of Texat against
the Watere-rierce Oil Company for
ponaltiea amounting to f 100,000, for
alleged violation of the anti-trust law
of 1S0U, ended in favor of the ooinpany.
The deaths from the tailored wreck
near Keswick, Cat., now numbor
three,. James Hart, of Charter Oak,
la., died from the effects of hit injur
ies. The name of one of the other
killed hat been discovered to be K. J.
ltowen, of Castle Itook, Wash. B.
Woodruff, of Ashland, Or., may re
Adjutant General Corbln hat re
eeived from Judge Taft, president of
the Philippine commission, a dispatch
forwarding a message from Honor linen-
camiuo, formerly secretary of foreign
affairs in Aguiuiildo'a cabinet. Tha
message wat telegraphed to the president.-
It it undcrstuod that Sttnor Bn-
eucamino, besides unreservedly accept
ing American sovereignty, submits a
proposition to organise a force of Fili
pinos to make war upon the supporters
of hit former ohief. -
California stands fifth
among . the
states at an oil producer.
W. P. Rend 8ayt European countries
mutt look to America for supplies of
All the street mail boxes in Tre-
mont, O., were brokon open and tha
oontuutt rilled.
Rev. Bam Jones, the evauselixt. is
broken in health. His physician hnt
ordered him to take an absolute rest
for several mouths.
Forty Uvea
wore loit In th Bay of
The steel trust hat bought a fleet ol
lake steamers.
A typhoon sunk a British onnboat at
Hong Kong,
American boots and shoes are in de
maud la Kuglaud.
Dietrich, Republican, It elected gov
ernor of Nebraska.
The monitor Arakntaa wat launched
at Newport Newt, Va.
ft is rumored that Controller Dawea
will succeed Seoreatry Oage.
Steamship Universe will load at
Fortland for Vladivostok.
Governor Oeer designates November
20 at Oiegon'a Thanksgiving day.
Sixto Lope aayt the Filipinos will
continue to fight for independence.
Stanford University defeated the
Oregon eleven by a score of 34 to 0.
The Colombia rebels were completely
defeated by the government troops at
Buona Ventura.
The city of Chicago ' hat officially
tendcrod it f34.000.000 drainage canal
to the United tSatet government.
A monument to commemorate the
victory of Admiral JDewey at Manila
will be erected in fan Francisco.
The population of New Jersev. at
ofllcially announced, it 1,88,660, at
against 1,444,683 in . 1890, an inceraae
ol 80.8 per cent.
Cbarlea If. Pinkham, well known
at a manufacturer of proprietary medi
cine, died at hie home inLvun. Matt..
aged 50 years.
Tho president baa appointed Freder
ick 8. Stratton, of California, collector
of customs at San Francisco, vice
John P. Jackson, deceased.
The populaton of Idaho, at officially
announced by the United Statet ceueut
bureau, is 161,773, as against 84.885
in 1800, and increase of 77.887, or 91.7
per cent. .
The population of Colorado in 1900
is 689,700 compared with a population
ia ihuu oi 412.108. repretentinit an in
crease during the decade of 137.602.
or 80.9 per cent.
In New Orleans. William Daniels
and Rose Johnson were convicted of
the murder ol a deputy tberiff who
wat protecting a negro who assaulted
a white -woman at Lake .Cbarlea. La..
and were sentenced to the state pent
tentiary for life. This is the first iuoi
dent in that state where would-be
lynchers have been caught, tried and
convicted. . -
Bryan carried Missouri by 28,000.
Bryan's majority in Texas la 176,
000. .
V yoruing gives McKinley 4,000 ma
Bryan carried Boston by 13,000 plur
ality. .
McKinley carried Baltimore by
Bryan carried Nevada by a amall
Connecticut gave MoKlnley a pural
ity of 23,000.
McKinley s' plurality In Pennsyl
avnia is 200,000.
MoKlnley'a plurality In the city of
Pittsburg it 16,000.
Cincinnati and Cleveland gave plur
alitiea for McKinley.
McKinley carried his own state by
an inoreased majority.
Bryan carried Greater New York by
a majority of S7,331.
McKinley received a plurality of
3,000 in Buffalo, N. Y.
At an election riot in Denver, Colo,
two men were killed and four wounded
The vote in the cily of Chicago whs
close, McKinley receiving 180,970,
and Bryan 172,624.
Lincoln, Neb,, the home of Bryan
gave McKluley a majority of 1602, a
gain of 656 over 1896.
In Adlai E. Stevenson's home pre'
clnct In riloomlugton, 111., the vote
was: McKinley 806, Bryan 112.
At Phoenix, Aria., a woman with a
shotgun killed a Mexioau robber who
was trying to steal a calf.
Fire broke out in a candy factory at
Albauy, N. Y., and commuuioated to
nn adjoining building, causing a loss of
Before nearly 85,000 people, the Co
lumbia football eleveu today defeated
Prinoton by a score of 0 to 6, on Co
lumbia field.
A very light vote was polled in
South Carolina. . The full state ticket
aud Inll cougtessional ticket was elect
ed by the Democrats.
The American , Rice Growers' Dis
tribution Company, hat been incorpor
ated under the lawt of the slate of
Louisiana, with a capital of 1 15,000, -000.
W. K. Vaudorbilt la president.
One of the iuoidenta of election day
wat the suicide of Fred Janeokt, of
Chicago. Upon reaching the polls he
remarked that he wat about to oast hit
first ballot. Thit he did, then pur
chased a bottle of corbolio acid, and
upon hit return home committed sui
cide by drinking the contents of the
bottle. -
The 83 largest towns of England and
Wales have a total population of near
ly 12,000,000.
The total number of deserters from
the Freuch army since January 1,
amounts to nearly 7,000.
The Pennsylvania railroad's system
of pensions for employes may be ex
tended to its western Hues.
Ramon Reyes, a Filipiuo, asked the
privilege of registering at Omaha with
the view of voting for president.
! Mil
Sweeping Republican
McKinley Carries Maw York by 180,000
Big I.andalida In Illlnolo-Harylaaid,
, Woat Virginia and Nobraoka la Oho
Bepublleaa Column.
Now York, Nor. 7. It beoame evi
dent at a very early hour tfala evening
that the election of MoKinlev and
Roosevelt was assured. The president
oarrlrd the state of New York by 160,-
000 plurality.
As the night progiessed, it only
erved to confirm this judgment, bnt
the rturns from Illinois revealed a
like condition. The Repulbican pin
rality of 1896 waa greatly reduced, bnt
It wat ttill far, too large to be over
come. On the othet band, the returns from
Indiana, Michigan, the two Dakotas,
Utah and Wyoming, as well as Nebras
ka, seem to Indicate steady Republl
can gains over 1896. Delaware, Mary
land and West Virginia, bave given de
cided Republican pluralities.
The count in several of the far West
ern states waa naturally so delayed as
to give little indication of the opinion
there, tint they bad ceased to bave a
determining effect, and before 10
o'clock the Democratic leaders bad
given up the contest and it was an
nonnced that Mr. Bryan bad gone to
bed and was sound asleep.
The whole story was easily and
briefly told. The Republican tl-ket
would bave a larger electoral vote than
four years ago, bnt in the larger states
of the East and Middle West the plu
ralities of 1896 had been greatly re
duced. Masachusetta bad fallen from
174.000 to 60.000 New York, 268,000
to 160,001, and Illinois from 142,000
to lOO.OCaJor less.
The 67th congress seems to be Re
publican by a substantial working ma
jority. Bryan carried all the Southern
statea, as usual, along with Colorado,
Idaho, Montana and one doubtful state,
Kentucky, by a small plurality.
Doubtful states which went for Mo
Klnley are Maryland, West Virginia
aud Indiana, all by small pluralities.
McKinley's purality in Ohio ia 75,
000, in Micrrgun 80,000.
Nebraska, Bryan's home state, went
Republican by a small plurality.
The New England ttatea and Penn
sylvania are, as nsual, in the Republi
can column.
McKinleya plurality in Iowa is 100,
000, Kansas 80,000, Minnesota 80,
California, Oregon and Washington
all went for McKinley.
The contest was close in California,
but it ia expected the atate will give
McKinley 10,000 plurality.
Oregon gives MoKinley 14,000 plu
rality, but few counties going Demo
cratic. ,
Washington goes for McKinley by a
small plurality, probably 6.000, but
the slate ticket is much in doubt, with
the probability that Rogers. Democrat,
is elected governor. The legislature
will be Republican.
Tbe electoral vote will probably be
as follows: MoKinley. 292; Bryan.
Dlaaatrouo lit Sharp and Goats.
Monroe. Or., Nov. 7. Sheep an!
goat raisers in this vicinity are greatly
alarmed over the abundant growth this
season of tbe poison fungus or toad
stool. Goats aud sheep seem to have a
great liking for the stuff, and its poi
sonous qualities are sufficient to kill tht
animal which eats it.
Will Be Hanged December SI.
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 7. Edward
Rice, convicted of the murder of Matt
Mailey, at Warduer, Idaho, was today
senteuced at Wallace to tie hanged on
the last day of the century, December
81. Hie wile was giautod a divorce in
Sodkaue today ou the ground of cruelty.
lono Secure. Flooring Mill.
Hepner, Or., Nov. 7. At a publl-
meeting at lone Satuiday evening the
capital stock of the new flouring miV
and elevator was all subscribed. Tbe
enterprise is to be located in a most
excellent farming region.
Kick ltl.oorery In Carry County.
Gold Beach, Or.. Nov. 7. George
Bailey, who has been prospecting on
the headwaters of Johuson creek for
years, recently found an old bed of
poipbry that carries free gold and has
sold out to a California company for
Heppnor Oafa-tod Hakor.
Heppuer, Or., Nov. 7. A mates.
game of football here Saturday resulted
in the Heppuer team beating tht
Baker City ; team, 16 to 0. A largt
crowd witnessed the game and tht
weather waa perfect.
Off for Now York With Mather.
Seattle, Nov. 7. Charles E. Mather,
who was arrested in this oity two
weeks ago on a charge of having pawn
ed 146,000 worth of jewel, tbe prop
erty of New York merchants, was to
day taken into custody by Deteotivt
Nugent upon a governor's warraut o
extradition. Nugent left with his pria
oner tonight for New York.
Senor SUvela, tho premier, has madt
the emphatical declaration that Spais
mast have a powerful navy again.
Later Keturn. From tho Kail.rn Statea
Dhow oo Material Chance.
AlabamaThe Democratic majority
Will be at least 40,000.
Arkansas Enough is known to indi
cate a plurality of 60,000 for Bryan ia
this state. ,
California Tbe majority lor McKin
ley and Roosevelt in California contin
ues to grow and tbe indications are tbat
it will reach 40,000. Complete returns
from 1.574 precincts out of 2,190 out
side of San Franosioo give McKinley
107,992, Biyan 81,248. The same pre
cincts in 1896 gave McKinley 96,847,
Brysn 91,801. Tbe Republicana have
elected all seven congressmen.
Colorado Bryan's plurality k 85,
000. Florida This state gives Bryan a
majoirty of 28,000.
Georgia This state gives Bryan a
plurality of 40,000. Every Democratie
congressmen elected.
Illinois Congressman William Lo-
rimer, of the Second district, conceded
bis detent this morning. Tbe majority
against htm may reach 1,500. Addi
tional retruns received at Republican
state headquarters from all over the
state confirm Chairman Rowe in his
statement that McKinley's plurality
will run close to 100.000. and that of
Yates for governor between 70,000 and
Indiana The election resulted in a
plurality of anywhere from 20,000 to
82,000 to the Repulbican national
ticket, and nine, and perhaps 10, of the
congressmen, and tbo choice of a legis
lature, bat will bave a Republican
majority of 40 on Joint ballot. The
4th congressional district is still in
doubt. . Indiana elects all Republican
congressmen except in the 2d, 8d and
12th disiiicts.
Iowa Returns from 86 out 99 conn-
ties: McKinley. 266.066: Brvan. 178..
Kansas On tbe basis of limited re-
torus ' Republicans claim Kansas by
25,000 for tbe national ticket and 20,
000 for the state ticket and tbe elec
tion of every Republican congressman
with the possible exception of the 3d
district. Republicans claim tbe leg
islature by a safe majority on joint
Louisiana Tbe entire six congres
sional districts in Louisiana are strong
ly Democratic. Bryan s majority in
tbn state will be in excess of 80.000.
Maine McKinley's majority in
Maine will vary but a few hundred
from 28,500, a loss of 16 per cent since
1896 aud a Bryan gain of 21 per cent.
Maryland ith scattering precincts
to hear from, Maryland's plurality for
McKinley and Roosevelt in yesterday's
election was 14,146. A solid Repub
lican delegation to tbe 57th congress
was elected.
Massachusetts The complete vote of
this state is: McKinley, 239,495;
Bryan. 156,507.
Michigan McKinley's plurality. I
90,538. 'The enitre congressional dele
gation is Republican.
Missouri The Democrats bave elect
ed congressmen in 12 Missouri dis
tricts, and the Republicans in two,
with still two the IStb and the 14th
to be beard from. These are claimed
by theDemocruta.
Montana Bryan's plurality 18,000.
MissiBBippi Bryan's plurality 40.-
Nevada Brrau't
majority is 25,-
New Hampshire The Republican
majority in the state on both tbe eub-
ernatorial and national tickets will be
18,000. -
New Jersey McKinley's plurality
9 091) Si. nut nl .i..l,l 1
New York McKinley's " plurality
North Carolina North Carolina
gives Bryan a majority of not less than
30,000. The next congressional dele
gation Iroin this state will contain
seven Democrats ad two Republicans.
ftortn Dakota Kepnblican plurality
Ohio Unofficial returns received
from 83 out of the 88 counties warrant
the claim of 70,000 for McKinley, and
we elect 17 of the 27 uiembeis of con
grots, a gain of two Democrats.
Pennsylvania Complete returns
give McKinley 287,733 plurality.
lthocte Island Otbcial returns give
McKinley, 33.821 Biyan, 19.947.
Both congressmen Republican.
South Carolina It is not considered
probable that Biyan'g majority will
all short of 80,000 in the state. Every
Democratic congressman was elected.
Teunessee Bryan's plurality 80,000.
Utah McKinley's majority 4,500.
Vermont MoKinley's plurality 80,
000. Virginia A recapitulation for Vir
ginia indicates a Democratic plurality
on tbe presidential ticket of over 30,.
000, and tbe electiou of tbe Democrats
iu every congessional district.
West Virginia In a statement is
sued at ni id iiin ht, Secretary J. K. Hall.
of tbe Republican state committee,
gives tabulated returns from every
county in the state, showing MoKinley
hat nearly 20,000 majority.
' Wisconsin Tbe Republicana will
have a plurality of at least 112,125 in
Wisconsin. All the Republican con-
liressmen are elected. The legislature
is overwhelmingly Republican.
Wyoming Returns from 174 pre
oincta out of 800 in Wyoming give a
majority of 8,000 for McKinley.
Three Minora Killed.
Tacoma, Nov. 8 A cave-in at mint
No. 7, at Carbonado, yesterday, result
sd in the death of three mine employes.
Tbe dead are: Karl Huhtela, Matie
Ledem, Gust Sandberg. Leedem was
a married man, the others were sinsle.
The accident was caused by tbe giving
way of one of the large supporting
beams. About 50 men weie working
In tbe mine at the time, but all except
the three killed escaped uninjured.
Sides Are Claiming
Defooto Vrlnk for Gorernor of Wash
lngtoB-Plarality la Oregon)
Is Plllni TJ.
Portland, Nov. 9. Only one doubt
ml state remains Kentucky. Tbe
Democrats claim tbe state for Bryan
by 7,800; the P.epublicans also claim
the state, but give no figures. It will
require the official count to determine
the result.
McKinley carried Nebraska by at
least 2,000. 'The legislature is in
doubt, and will not be determined un
til tbe official count of Douglas county
is in. The Republicans are figuring on
a sale majority on joint ballot.
Other states are practically as first
reported. The electoral vote follows:
1900. 1896
McKinley 292 271
Bryan ..155 176
In VfublngtoB.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 10. The
majority for President McKinley in the
state ol Washington will be between
11,000 and 12,000. and John R. Rog
ers. Democrat, for governor, will have
something like 1,300 over Frink, his
Republican opponent. Tbe average
majority of tbe two Repblioan candi
dates for congress, Jones and Cushman,
will be 9,009 oi more, and tbe legisla
ture will be heavily Republican. All
the state Republican ticket, except
r rink, is elected by large pluralities.
All these things were made clear by
yesterday's returns. Every county in
Western Washington has been beard
from and the only two counties in East
era Washington about which there is
any uncertainty are Chelan and Oka-
nogan. With these, scattering returns
show that the only question is to the
size of the Democratic pluralities.
Later returns are more likely to in
crease than decrease Rogem' plurality.
McKinley has carried 26 counties
and Bryan 10; Frink 18 counties and
Rogers 17. with one (Mason) a tie.
- Ia Still Piling- Up.
Portland, Or., Nov. 10. McKinley's
purality in Oregon is still piling up.
Owing to an error in a former footing,
his lead this morning is made to ap
pear 600 less than yesterday, whereat
it should be about 100 more. Reports
continue to pour in that former Bryan
strongholds have either gone for Mo
Kinley or greatly decreased the Nebraa
kan's majority in 1896. For example,
five precincts in Malheur county tbat
gave Bryan a plurality of 196 in 1896,
this year gave him but 44. Malheur
county, which has all along been con
ceded to the Democrats, la now
thought to bave gone Republican by a
majority of 50 to 100. This leaves but
three counties in the state which bar
given pluralities for Bryan and theii
combined vote ia only 265.
Fifty-six precincts reported yester
day, making a total of 696 out of 769.
McKinley's vote to date is 42,195;
Bryan, 29,676 The latest estimate of
McKinleya' plurality in the state ia
Serious Strike at Tain pa.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Spanish-speaking
cigar-makers iu Tampa, Fla., bave
started a strike against American
workmen, and official reports received
at headquarters of the International
onion in this city today indicate tbat
the trouble is assuming serious propor
tions. Nearly 1,000 English-speaking
workmen bave been made idle inconse
quence of the position of their oppo
nents. :
Yellow Fever In Mlaaisalppl.
Jackson, Miss , Nov. 10 One new
case of yellow fever was reported to
tbe state board of health from Natchex
this morning. Mrs. Butler, the first
patient reported, died last night. She
was a niece of ex -Governor Longino,
A surgeon of tbe marine hospital serv
ice is now in Natchei endeavoring to
trace the source of infection.
Tho at. Michael Beaorratloa.
Washington, Nov 10. The secre
tary of war, under an order of the presi
dent, bag directed that all lands lying
beyond a radius of 10 miles from the
flagstaff at St. Michael, Alaska, be
turned over to the-secretary of tbe in
terior. When thia reservation was
first created it had a radius of 100
Franco-American Coinmarelnl Treaty.
Paris, Nov. 10. Tbe customs com
mittee of tbe chamber of deputies met
today. Tbe opinion prevails that the
re-election of MoKinley will lead to
Frauco-Au-.erican commercial conven
tion being shortly submitted to the
Washington senate, whoee vote it
awaited before -the measure will be
brought before the French chamber.
Smallpox Among Indiana.
Washington, Nov. 10. The Indian
bureau has received a telegram from
the Shoshone agency in Wyoming an
nouncing tbat smallpox has broken out
at Lauder, near the Indian reservation.
Vaccine virus for, 1,700 persons, which
the agent asked to have dispatched to
him immediately, has been forwarded.
Demand, an Accounting.
Chicago, Nov. 10. E. H. Griffiths,
who claims to be tbe largest holder of
the stock and bonds of the Seattle
Traction Company, has. with others,
brought suit in the superior court hero
to have an accounting of tbe finanoea
of the concern. Tbe defendants are
the " members of the reorganization
committee, nvhich took charge of tht
company when it wat evolved from the
Seattle Electrio Railway A Power
FrofenHonal oarde. 41 gg per amtk
One .quant ... 1 M Mr ual
One-quarter oolnmn.. I h per Moetk
On half rallBO. ..... oopaMik
Oaeeolumn . JO 00 nor Koala
B-tloei locals win ka charred at la aanoj
sitae (at Brat taaarttM aad 1 oaala per Una thero-
Lagal adrortlaoae-t. will la all oaaoa ka
charged to tha party ordortnf tkoai. at lata!
-Mas, aad paid lot kotoro aadarlt la t-ralako
Three Men Kilted Outright and Two;
Fatally Injured.
Roeebnrg, Or., Nov. 12. Tbe worst
wreck ever kown on this division oc
curred about daylight this morning,
two miles south of Roseburg. Two
freights, the regular No. 226, south
bound, and a long extra coming north,
smashed together on a curve in a
heavy fog. Engineer Sam Hendricks,
of No. 225, and Fireman Wilhelm, of
tbe extra, were caught beneath the
wreck and almost instantly killed.
Fireman Ed Riddle. Engineer Walter
Drennan and Head Brakeman Charles
Campbell, were all badly injured, the
latter two doubtless fatally. Riddle
lost a foot and suffered a broken left
arm. Campbell's bead wae badly
hurt, his right leg crushed, his left arm
broken, and it is feared bis back was
broken. Drennan received a cut
through the skull over the left eye,
about three inches in length, which
exposed the brain. His leg was broken
and be received many bad cuts and
One of tbe trainmen ran to town with
the news and an engine and caboose
were sent out after the thrie injured
men, wbe were cared for by three phy
sicians on arriving in the city. Some
time was required to get Hendricks
and Wilbelm from" tbe wreck. The
latter was pinned down in the cab, the
coals from the firebox burning off both
bia legs to the knees. The bodies were
brought to the undertakers immedately.
Tbe necks of both of tbe men were
The scene of the wreck defies ade
quate description. The boiler of the
extra's engine bad literally forced its
"way through tbe other engine its full
length, but neither engine bad left tbe
track.- Tney were both partly covered
by wrecked freight cars, the engine of
No. 225 was entirely covered, and a
badly broken-up box car surmounted
the heap, apparently balancing on tbe
smokestack. Tbis part of the Wreck
cangbt fire once, but tbe flames wore
quickly extinguished.
It is stated that the wreck was due
to a misinterpretation of orders on tbe
part of Engineer Drennan of the extra.
Superintendent L. R. Fields happen
ed to be in tbe city, and is looking after
the dead and wounded men.
Coroner Twitcbell has summoned a
jury and will bold an inquest tomor
row on the remains of Wilheln and
Flrat Wltneaaea Were Offlcere and Em
ploye, of the Hank.
Kew York, Nov. 12. Cornel iut L.
Alvord, Jr., the note teller of tbe First
National bank, who is accused of em
bezzling 1600,000 of tbe bank's funds,
was arraigned before United Sattet
Commissioner Shields in the criminal
branch of the United States circuit
court here todav.
Whiting E. Snow, assistant cashier
of the First National bank, said he had
known Alvord 20 years, the past 10 ol
which he had been tbe note teller ol
the First National bank. He explaiued
in detail the duties of tbe note teller
and tbe bank's clearing house transac
tions. He explained the balance
sheets, which showed a shortage of
690,000 in Alvord's department. The
figures showed that the shortage var
ied, and tbat from October 10 to Octo
ber 13 it was $700,000. Alvord's at
torney led Snow to admit that since
the latter first bceame an officer of tbe
bank, two years ago, he bad- never
known officers of the bank to examine
tbe assets of the institution.
Cashier William Reed, of the First
National b nk, was the next witness.
He said that tbe lust time the bank had
an examination was October 15. He
bad no personal knowledge of any re
port of the examination.
Mcrton . Moore, settling clerk for
the bank, identified a column of figures
on a sheet that was prepared for and
sent to the clearing house as having
been made by himself. He explained
the details of making up tbe sheets
for the clearing house. Then, one by
one, be Identified the sheets made up
for the banking days in October. Mr.
Moore tesittied that two figures in tbe
shoots made up lor October 15 bad been
changed. The figures as they stood
were not his. He did not know who
bad made the changes. It was brought
out that the sheet had been in tbe pos
session of Alvord as it badbeen mads
up by Moore.
Decorated for Service In China.
London, Nov. 12. Admiial Edward
W. Seymour-Hobart, K. C. B., in com
mand of the China station since 1897
(who is to be succeeded by Vice-Admiral
Sir Harry Iloldsworth Rawson),
has been appointed a G. C. B., and
Naval Captains Bailey, T. Burke Col
la gean aud Jellicoe have both been ap
pointed C. B., for services in China.
. Medal From Wllhelmlna.
Chioago, Nov. 12. Professor Fred
erick Starr, the well-known anthropol
ogist at the University of Chicago, bat
received a silver medal from Queen
Wilbelmina, of Holland. This award
of honor has been given as an ackuowl;
edgement for a fine oolleotion of bust!
and pictures secured by Professoi
Boyal Cansdlana Sail for Home.
Cape Town, Nov. 12. The British
transport Hawarden CaBtle, having on
board the Royal Canadian regiment,
sailed from here today.
French Ministry Sustained.
Paris, Nov. 12. At the close of a
long session today, culminating in
very exciting scenes, the chamber of
deputies adopted a resolution of confi
dence in the Waldeck-Rousseau minis
try by 829 votes against 222. The
chamber had previously adopted a res
olution expressing regret that the gov
em men t had surrendered to Belgium
Sipido, the assailant of the Prince o