E GCKDQil CLOSE. T.VJrtSOAY. NOVEMBER S I900, jp it.-onTt !"ittfl oompAnflottfp from S St ti 4 i.ilfita iiitnty, U hh u m.tike ni' Jtr.'iU' our irii'Mfls to nanM hjr ; t U Dt-ws tt tru'ir rwv Ive -liih'-:,;. .Mn,BlM1,"',',, Hi'1 ' lv tir v-rtt'T, not HtM'CN;i Sly fir pnl 11 in i., . it! .ill tvi'iWH't ' ifoixt Jnilh, l , .ufrr iwiirics tin rtfjn-'i!iility foruii- ABOUT ANONYMOUS LET TEAS. "; About the inost coi tt nj liLlo, cowardly individual ' on earth is! that one who seeks to "play eveV on some real or fancied grievance through the medium of an unsigned letter. Since the present proprietor of the Globe has been doing busi ness in CoiUlon he has been but little annoyed by this most con taaiptible species of ihe genus homo but, having had some experience with the creature in the past, we eannot hope but expect to bump up against him once in awhile In the future, at least until such time as the ultimate evolution of the human mere has raised aS classes and conditions of the hutnau family to a higher and nobler plane than that which is now occupied by some creatures who indulge in the anonymous letter habit. The latest effort of the anony mous writer which has been di rected at this office is au unsigned communication received Monday, in which we are criticised for men tioning the return to town of two young men who have been in the mountains all summer looking after Bheep. Both the young men are well known here and have been for years, and are known to be hard working and honest individ uals. The anonymous writer sees fit, however, to designate them as "worthless characters and rumhole loafers," and volunteers the advice that the Close had better leave its space blank than to tell its readers of their arrival in town The Globe is hereto give the local news ot this neighborhood, and it desires to say here and now that, even if coupled with the very worst faults to which any of his class is addicted, the eheepherder is counted as worthy of infinitely more respect and consideration by this paper than is his cowardly traducer who attacks him through the medium of uns;gned correspond ence.' ' . The country may now expect four years more of prosperity un less another panic and period of hard times should happen along the road and break into Uncle Sam's enclosure. If such a thing should occur McKinley might have to say, in the words of Charlie Robin son, "Th at beats me." The only trouble with the demo crats is that tbey were "shy" a few thousand votes. This was a fatal oversight on their part and if they ever engage in another campaign they should see to it that such a thing does not occur again. The expression on the faces of McKinley and Bryan Wednesday morning was probably as different as are their views on imperialism. LONE ROSS. , A light snow eto'm evevt over tbe foothills lat week, the first snow since last spring. Tbe stockmen of oar vicinity have been oat in bands of from one "to half dozen for conple of wc-eka rant ling the conn try over gathering op their toe Is and patting them in their winter pastures. A sheep hnyer came over from llepp ner a few day's ago to buy Andrew Neei'i entire band of sheep, about 15(10 bead. The price paid was something over 3.00 per head. A traveling racehorse man b the name of Giles came over from the'Ante lope races and passed throne!) otir bora this week, lie had three very tine racers un in ill. The election on Tuesday passed off quietly, ittiout even a dance in the evening. A Village Blacksmith Saved His Lit tle Son's Life. Mr. If. II. Black, the well known vil Inge blacksmith at Grahaiusville, Sulli- Tttn Co., N. Y., pays: "Our little son, live years old, has always been subject hxrroop, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times ttrot he would die. We hav bad the doctor and iwit maiiy medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now rmr sole reliance. It aeems to dissolve the tough miicnd and .by giving frequent doses when lliecrouuy '(() ptouis appear we have found that -the. dreaded croup in cured before it gt settled." There In no danger in giving this remedy for it ttintnins no opium or other injurious frog and may be ive as confidently to a tin be as to an adult. F r sale by The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Crosflold, -$ V Census of 1900. The cflioiul announcement ot the con sns of 1030 hRS been given out showing a total population of tho United States and territories of 7(5,295,220. Following is ths official announcement ot the popu lation of th several states and terri tories iu lSvK) and 1S00 showing the In croirae :' " 1900. 1890. Alabama 1,8'JS,C75 1,513,017 Arkansas . 1,811,56-4 1.128,179 California 1,485.053 1,208,180 Colorado ........ n8!.700 412,198 Connecticut ....... 7 l,tUS Delaware ..... 184.73? 108.393 Florida ... , . . . . . . . 528 5.2 591,422 Georgia .......... 2,216,3:9 1,387.353 Ilaho ...V 107,771 S4.3S5 Illinois......'..., 4,821,550 8.82,S5l Indiana 2,510.403 2,192,404 Iowa 2,251,820 1,011,896 Kansas .......... 1.469,490;-- 1.427,09(1 Kentn.ky ....... 2,147,174 1,858,C3S kmUs'mna. ....... 1 ,381 ,027 1,118,585 Main .......... 694,360 601,030 Maryland 1.189,940 ..-1,042,390 Massachusetts ... 2,805,346 2.238,043 Michigan . 2,419,782 2,093,839 Minnesota ...... 1.751.395 1,301,825 Mississippi ...... 1,551, S72 1,289,000 Missouri ........ 3,107,117 2,079,184 Montana ........ 243,289 132,159 Nebraska ....... 1,068,901 1,058,010 Nevada ......... 42.334 45,761 New Hampshire. 4U,5S8 376,530 New Jersey...... 883,699 1,434,933 New York ...... 7,208,009 5,997,853 North Carolina .. 1,891,992 1,617,947 North; Dakota ... 319.040 1S2.719 Ohio 4,157,545 3,672,316 Oregon 413,532 313.767 Pennsylvania.'... 6,301,305 5,258,014 Rhode" Island ... 423 5"0 ' S45.506 South Carolina .. 1,840,312 '1,151,439. South Dakota ... 401,559 " 828,808 Tennessee ....... 2,022,723 1,797,518 Teias ........... 3,048,828 2,235,523 Ctah 276,506 207,905 Vermont . .... ... . 343,0-41 S32.422 Virgiuia 1,854,184 1,655.980 Washington ..... 517,672 19,3510 West Virginia .. . 958,909 762,794 Wisconsin ... 2,008.903 1,636,800 Wyoming 92,531 60,705 Total 43 states. .74,627,907 62,110,811 Territories, etc. Alaska (estimated) Arizona ....... .'. Dist. of Colombia Hawaii .... .... Indian Territory. New Meiico Oklahoma 44,000 122 212 278,713 154,001 391,900 193,777 398,345 32,052 59,620 230,392 89,990 1S0.192 153,593 61,834 Tutal 7 territories 1,667.313 932,943 To remove a troublesome corn or bnn ion: First soak tbe corn or bunion in warm water to soften it, then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor ously for five minutes at each applica tion. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoe. Aa a general liniment for sprains, brais es, lameness and rheumatism. Pain Dalra is anequaled. For sale by The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Croafield, mgr. Death of Mrs. Lucas. Time-.Motmtnineer. Xor. 2. At 7 o'clock this morning Mrs. Elsie Sturgill Lucas, wife of J. P. Lucas, regis ter of the U. S. land office, died at ber hofiie on Fourth street, after au illness of one week with paralysiaof the stomach. Mrs Lncas was born near Baker City December 23, 1872, and when s small girl was sent to college in Camden, Mo. After returning from college she taught school in Baker City, and later took a coarse in the State Normal school at Monmouth, graduating from that insti tution with high honors in Jane, 1897. At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bturgill, near Baker City, she was united in marriage with lion. J. 1. Lncas, on October 13, 1807. When Mr. Lncas was appointed register of the land office they moved here and bave made this their home since August 1, 1898. Mrs. Lucas was a member of the Congregational church and had a wide circle of friends both here and in Baker county. The remains will be taken tonight to Baker City for burial. Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of sis different doctors nearly sent Wot. U. Mullen of Lockland, O., to an early grave. All said he had a fatal lung trouble and that he must soon die. Bat he was urged to try Dr. King's Kew Discovery for Consumption. After taking five bottles he was entirely cured. . It is pos itively guaranteed to cure all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs, including Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup, Whooping Cough. 60c and $1 00. Trial bottles free at Condon Drug Co.'s. visit DR. JORDAN'S crct( HUSEUy OF AHATQ12Y 1061 KUHKET ST.. SA FRANCISCO, CAL JUMMM SlSlfcM fefNtkJ The!ffMtAoatoBUe! Vcveum IS iu v or 3. rttit mttrmttifM in th City. A W"irful tiihtjor Visitor: Wh acaars, or aay eontraet- Itte biaavt priut a tba Vmal&m VL J0R0A,1-PetVATE DISEASES Twaj tmrm and actual f 4 aaaai wis ara uinariag i fiutB th tfMta nf roulblal ladu- f yaar. Karrmia aid phraioai iMblllla. M,tar , lnt naU4 uinllluomplt cattnita; MiraHirrliWM. trani. l rha, aarrta, id Int. Vrrarurr ' r rlaaulatr, . 11 a onmbuiatln f i ratnA.net, of rt earallra pow ar, tba liiuw l.aa ao arrmna4 bla traaliifftt Itua It wiil oat a euty aftoi-d liaamltata r.ltf, bot aarraaftant I er. in uwwr aus ar, eiaiin aupaiiartu mU-aelaa. bnt la wM llniiwn lo ha a fair ana I squara Chyttaa aad Mtirtoiipra-taiioaul in uitiuKiwiy-wiiiawi ai M m m. rrSIIH IharmigMy )lrtf from tua ayitaia wllhoul tkaiweOl-airjr. TraiaaaM fit tad by aa Xaaort. Hn4lal car for Knptnr. A ql?g una rtvlUyU awafnr 11 la. flaaaro au4 Fltlia, by Xr. Jordan'a apaolal paialtaa BialkiO'la. BVKBf MAS apslylngtoaawUlnMlT our hnn'H vptnian of aiacnirnlejitt. M'awlU tltiarmtn a rOtUJIVM CCSM In Cnnwiitatlva rhlCK and atrletly prtrata, CHASom Ykr HtAhOJAlllli. TraauuaiitparaunaUy or by lettar. Write fr Rook, I'HtWterHT er U4IIU:. Afau.aDFaM, tAvatuatua bovk fur maa.) Call wr wrll 01 J0R0N ft CO., 1011 Mark t. 1. 1. r rhU )rntvir In on every box ot the genuine th remedy that carve cold la ene day WANTED. Pasture of any siae, containing water, well fenced for horees. Give price until March loth. Address, N. K. .Mocrin, -Care "Globe, For Sale or Trade. , New Monitor Drill, 14 hose 12 foot. Good wood frame harrow 12 foot. Oliver Chill two bottom plow 14 inch. Uodge header No. 2, center drive, in good condition. , Stove and kitchen furniture, 30 head of spring colts, '., 25 head of yearlings past. Will sell the above cheap for cash or trade for real estate. J. K. Mokkitt. Call on or address The Globe, Condon, Or. kR. T.L. K1CKUN .- DENTIST -Offlwover P. U. Stoilienou's store. CONDON OREGON R. J, PALMER, Practical Blacksmith and Horse-shoer. Satisfaction Assured. Give me a Trial. At the Old Clark Stand Condon, Oregon. ATTENTION LADIES! ! NEW STORE! NEW COODS! NEW PRICES! The largest and best assorted stock of fine Millinery Goods in the county will be opened for your in spection on or abont Sept. 24lh. I have styles and prices to suit everybody. Come and see my goods and get my prices before buying elsewhere. LOUELLA MADDOCK. First dorjr west of Stephenson's store, Spring street. CONDON ::::::: OREGON SHERIFF SALE. JJotlce If hereby frtven tbat an execution and order of Sole wxi inaited out ot the Circuit Court ol tho State ot Oregon, Gilliam Conutjr. on tbe 31 st. day of October, 1900, upon a decree therein rendered on the Kind da? ot September, 1900, in favor of Jame J. Fix, plaintiff, and apilnrt L. W. Darling. Lucy Darling and the Arlington ationalBank, a corporation, detendanta,which Mid execntion and order of sale is to me directed and commanding me to lell the property hereto after described, for the pnrpoee of ttitiafylng tbe Judgement of the plaintiff in said cante for the rainot fJll.SO with intercut thereon at 10 per cent, per annum from the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1000, and the coats and disbursements of said auit taxed at 119.00 and FJ.50 and frO.OO attorney'! fees. Therefore, In compliance with mid execution and orderof iale, 1 will on SATURDAY, DECEMBER t, 1900. at the boHr of 10:30 o'clock a. m. at thcConrt Ilotiae door in Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, ell at pnblie auciion to the blgbeit bMd-r for caxh in band, tor the pnrpoae of tatlafying the Judgement and decree above mentioned tbe fol lowing described premliw to-wit: The W of the W otSee. 2l,Tp.3SB20E W. M in Gilliam Count;, Oregon. Iftted Hill 31st day of October, 1900. Bam K. Vax Vactob, W. U Wilcox, Att.yfor Pl ff. BherilT Gilliam Co., Or. SHERIFF SALE. Notice i hereby given that an execntion and ordr of aale was iued ont of the Circuit Conrt of the F-taie of Orcson. GUIIam Comity, on the 2nd day of Oittr. 1U00, iiimki iiIwm ttwrein rcndered on the I7th dy of t-ptembcr, l'.M,'in favor of Tbe Ameriran Mortgtiae Compiiny of Scotiiiiid Umitetl. plaintliT, and agnlnat Sarah K. Crum et al. dWeii'lanta, whih aaid execution and order of sale U to me directed and command ing me to sell the property h'rclnnfterdtfMribed, for the purnoee of aatiafying tite judgment of the plaintilf in said caune for the mm of 1 wo Thou aaud Kigtit Hundred Una and 76-100 dollars with interest thereon at S er cent per annum from the 17th day o( KepU mter, li, and the cmU aud difburMemeuta of aaid auit taxed at ll.'i.OO, and HCWtM attornoy f;and Hi.a for taxe paid on mortHKol premiaes. 1 herWure, in compllnuee with aai 1 execution and older of aaie, 1 will on Saturday, November 3, 1900, at the hour of 10. M o'clock a. m. at the Conrt House door iuC-owion, GiDiatri County. Oregon, aell at public auction to the blglient bidder for caah in baud, for the purpose of aatisfying the Iudgment aud d'tfrree aiave mentiouod, the lot owing deoribed real prop;rty, to-wit: The Northeant tj'inrt.rrol 8ei:tion Twenty-aeven my, the Houtheuat luarter of Ttlon Thirty four (l); the Northwest Quarter of Bection Twenty-tii pi), and the Month west Quarter and the Houtluat ijuarter of aaid flection Twenty-six (Jti), all of aaid land being in Townahip One (I), Heuth of Kmire Twenty-one (21) Kaat of the Wil lamette Meridian, in Gilliam County, Htateof On-gon, aitdcontHiuhig acres inoreorivat. Dated tint 2nd day ol October. I'.ns). W L. Wirrox, Sheriff ol Gilliam County, Oregon. A. A.JATKg, j Attorney for Plaintiff. ) PAPERING AND PAINTING. Full line of latest Wall Paper. Estimates on work and material furnished on short notice. Call and see tny samples. - W. A. DARLING. C. S. PALMER, rtistic. Barber. Sleek: Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground. CONDON - - - OREGON. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Kotlce it hereby given that the undersigned, admlnlmmtrlx of tho estate of Tbos. J Voting do- ceased, baa Bled In the county court of Gilliam county, ttate of Oregon, her final aeeoaat at ittch administratrix of tuid eatate aud that Tuesday, November 6, 1SOO, at 2 o'clock P.M., hut boeii fixed by mid court aa the time- for bearing objection, to laid ruport aud the tcttlemcnt thereof. Maky A. Yocku, Admtnlntriilrlx of the Latate of '1 lioa. J Young, deceio.'.-d. . . To the Consumers of Gilliam County: We desire to state that we are determined to reduce our large stock of foods and for tho next 00 days will make great reductions in nil lines for cash, V.:-.'. ,- .. By referring to yonr local papers you frequently nolo Hie ad. of Interior 'rnerchants who, with consploioua signs, say ; "We soil at Arlington prices." Is this not evidence that tho Arlington merchant, must lead In low prices or there would bo no need for tueh stntcsiiioins? lk'tore pur chasing yonr fall supplies or the smaller bills got prices from us. Iu agricultural Implements we bave the favorite Monitor Drills subject to fonr attachments, via, hoe, disc, press wheels or shoe. " The Oliver aud Flying Dutchman IMows Are bard to beat for good clean work, durability amd lightness of draft. It is no longer an expetinient to buy a Vain or Stonghten wagon, na they have-but tew If any competitors when strength and light-running qualities are considered. '-.' If yon anticipate treating yourself to a new buggy or hack do tint pur chase until onr now carload of the old roliable Uaolne rigs reach us, which will lie here in September. , When in need of chop mill, hay press, windmill, sewing machine, or any kind of machinery used on the farm, write ut for prices and we will treat you right. J2CTAddre8a all communications to tbe SHURTE & Arlington : ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LABOUS, PROP. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGAIIS, - BILLIARD and TOOL TABLES. FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR TRIDE. FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER on Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon nmnmmtmtinw a THE . . "MODEL." A Quiet Resort. HEADQUARTERS FOR HItiH-ORADK " WET" GOODS. VINE WHISKIES. OLYMl'IA BEER. FANCY MIXED PRINKS. Lower J Charles Fix,Prop. iiuiuimiimmaai Main street I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HAND HADE HARNESS The best is always the My harness are the best. I make and sell everything in the Harness and Saddle line including Chaps, Spurs, Bridles, Halters, Horso Cov ers, Feed Bags Etc. Call and see me. TOiil L. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18, 1000. Students prepared to take State Certificate immediately on graduation. Graduates readily secure good position. Expense of year from $120 to $150. Strong Academic and Professional courses. . Hew Special department in Manual Training. Well equipped Farming Department. For catalogue containing full announcements, address 1. L. Campbell, l'resident, or V. A. Wash, Secretary of Faculty. VICTOR MARDEN Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness and Saddles CFin2 Stock: Saddles a Specialtyl IPt Guarantee Our Prices to Please and Our H ork to Give Satisfaction Call when in The Dalles or write for prices and information. The Dalles, Oregon. QR. LC.N'A PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IiayorulKlitciilli promptly annwercd. Office in New Mawmlc Building. CONDON - - - - OREGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAHDOmCK AT Tli Tl,W. OB.,8fTlt. K'WOO. Notlra la hor"hy vvnn that tho following nainnl aittMur liaa llli'd nntiicoi hlaiiiUiiition to make limil .timl in topport ol hit claim and that Jalrt prnol will bo nai tm'ore 11, N. Krawr. county tlirk, at condou, Orison on TUurtduy, Nov. 8, 1'JOO, viasi JOHEI'Il K. FOKH.oiOundon.Orot'on, lid. K.So.74W lor tlio w n e , aud w a e i ten. 11, T. 5 . K. n K. W. M, He nnnM the followlim witnetap lo prove liia wmtlmioiia rvaldttnce Mpon and cul vatioM of nnld laiiil. vU: V. If. HUivrna, (inorxe Moore and K. Chnrolilll, of i'ondon. Ortiron. and ,.orao Srdiidfii. of 1 ona i Um( W, Oregon. Jay l'. Ixi a ltKialr. I firm at tbe old James VT. Smith store. WEIR CO. : : Oregon. BOWLING ALLEY TOOL TABLES IS CONNECTION. Condon, Oregon. cheapest. Get the best. Get them. P0RTW00D. H. N. HXNlmlOca. JAY BOWKHKtK, HENDRICKS & BOWERMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Timet tvuiin wskt or rout omen, cowdok; riRtToooR nohtm orirrciwKK's brick, roMta. On-f'tl gttuntton to legal hntineaa In Gilliam and Wiiccliir courilita. A Nutary In tai l) ul1lc. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrnnts regiRtured prior to March 1, 18011, will lie paid on pre sentation at my oflice. Interest ceases after October 30, 1U0. 1. II. Stbimikmhon, Treasurer of Gilliam countv, Oreon, Dated at Condon, Ore., Oct, 30. 1900. Treasurer's Notice. All city warrants rginterod prior to Dec. 1, 1899, will lio paid on presenila tion nt niv nllice. Interest ceanes after Aug. 20, 1900. I'. II. rSTKI'HKNHUN, City Treasurer, Condon. Juno II, 1000. FALL AND WINTER GOODS We wioli to s .lounce to our trlotuls and patron that our Fall and Winter itook of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Undorwear, Furnish ing Goods and Shoes la now arriving and la larger and better selected than ever before. We also have complete lines of . Superior Hoe and Disc Drills, Superior Seeders, Canton Plows and Studebaker Hacks, Wagons and - ALL COODS MARKED Whon'ln Arlington inako our etoro your headquarters. Thcro's ' room for all and bargains for all and tho latch string is at" ways out. LORD & CO. Arlington, Oregon, F. M. Sprlngaton J. A. Rodur SPRINGSTON & ROGERS. ' (Successor to T, G. Johnson.) Livery , Feed and Sale Stables Hay and Grain bought and sold. Firet-cluss Kigs always on band at very reasonable rates, A share of tho public patronage is respectfully solicited. Condon, GO AND SEE AL. HEfJSHAW Who keeps a fine lino of Stoves, Ranges, I.inolonm, Hedding, Springs, Valises, Hardwawe, (J loves, Cutlery, Flower Tots, Jar Rubbers Etc. K. A. NELSON. J. J, PORTWOOD. NELSON & PORTWOOD (Successors to D. M. RISEHART), LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMERS' TRADE. FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. Condon, Or. Corner LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We odor complete stock of Fine Snrfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, CeiW ifig, ItUHtlo, Bhfp-lop and all kinds of Rough Lninber. Careful attention given to bills of special air.es and dimension stuff. , MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY, OREGON. E. T HOLLENBEGK, CONSULTING ENGINEER. Estimates mado on all kinds'of Buildings, Machinery, Water' Powers, Pumps and Tumping Plants. Repairing a Specialty. If you have anything you think past fixing, bring it to mo. HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDINC. Condon, Oregon. Dort port ttyat tf?e QlOb Office is still in business giving tho latost news and turning out tho neatest job work in tho County. . Finest Visiting Cards: latest Stationery; ii'short the "bent printing;" ' NOW AI.RIVINC, Buggies IN PLAIN FIGURES t' Oregon. Spring and Church sts.