Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 13, 1900, Image 3

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Our Agents.
. Tlio following persons are the
accredited agent of tho Oi.onis at
tho post olhoos named, They are
iiuitiomGU 10 receive anU. recoiji
for nubscriirtion accounts:
W. II. OtiMVKU. . , . , .Arlington
Mhs. Ku.a AnukiX. ; , . .Mayvillo
uiiior agents will bo appointed
ami moir names aikleO. to this Jib
IK (Juliette I on Hie tick Hot.
(ioo. Perry, of Lone Rock, epoiit a few
Unyt in town limt wpk.
George Ilrannflalil U homo from liakar
County on Und buslcicm.
Mr. J, II. l'utnaui.of Fomti, itvinit
i 11 14 licr mother, Mn. K. Meuk.
MU tluaate Purling vlelted at Mr
Murjr Hrown'i oti Kovk croek litot weok.
Mi MifuU MudJotK Mttirnud Tuue
Uy (roiu a Cow days' vinit at lite Cooney
Mini Miiln;1 iluUtoail ami Mrf. V. A.
Darling vUltwd friondi at Mayville lt
ThUMUny, .
Charlie Karlmrt came in from Lone
Hock BuntUy and will remain in town
durinu court week.
Jim. H. N. Frailer, Mr. 8. D. Darker
and Mr, and Mr. T. U. Johnson return
ed from Portland Tuesday,
Mr. John 1. l'inkhain returned Sun
day front San Fmhdlstro, where he spent
neveral weeks visiting friend.
F. M. Bprlngtitou ha purchased the
llarr residence on Summit street. He
moved into the property Monday.
Jean Uboim, C. W. Crosfleld, H. II.
Wain and S. A. l'attlson returned from
the Portland fair ami carnival Tuekday.
Couslderahle wheat I going toward
the railroad now. In another mouth
Arlington will be the liveliest town of
Its else in Oregon.
W, A. Good in ba ft force of men t
Work this week rushing to completion
the new building for Mis Louellit Mad
dock on Spring street.
Mr. C. A. (inneman and daughters,
of Clem, have returned to Corvallia,
here the young ladles are students in
the Oregon Agricultural College.
Otto Clrecnhood, one of the best-known
newspaper men in the Northwest, com suicide )n the lavatory of the
Portland hotel at 0 o'clock Monday even
ing. Ill health and debpondency wa
the cause of the deed.
John Harrison, of Matuuy Fiat, ha
bought the engine formerly used on J.
tl UlAuaHMin1. ttiMtfliur An, I Ifrlll IIM
It on hi separator. The days of the
horse-power thresher teem to he num
bered. Mis Loncll MadJnck returned Tues
day from t'orlland, where she went to
MttH t her fall and winter slotk ot mil
linery goods. She brought a few case
of goods with her and the balance of
her dock will arrive soon.
Mr. Ames and son Arthur, of Colum
bus, Wash., visited her daughter, Mrs.
8. 1'.. Van V actor, during the work,
tirade Van Vactor, who ha been spend
ing the summer with hitr grandparent,
accoinpaniml them to her home.
We understand that a new enterprise
will toon he launched in Condon in the
way ot an Implement house, of which T.
0. Johnson and F. M. Pliter will be the
proprietor. A new building will be
erected on Main stroet just north of Dun
lap' blacksmith shop.
The Athena Tress say (armor In
Umatilla county have been disappointed
In the yield of their fields, and that few
crops have come up to expectation. In
Wasco county It I different. Very few
farmer had their crop overestimated
and a good many harvested more than
they expected.
Mr. and Mr. 1 B. Stevens, accom
panied by Mr. Alonso Sloven and her
on Tut, started on the 10th hint, for
Portland, where they expect to spend
everal days enjoying tho sights, after
which they will go to Salem, whore
they will vinlt Mrs. Churchill, sister of
the two Indies, and attend tho Pluto
Fair. Mrs. Alonso Stcvons will loavo
her son at thodeaf-muto school atSalom.
Hikd In Arlingtoo.Beptcmber 5, IflOO,
Hazel Kditli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Smith, of Croy, aged live years,
eight tuonthssnd two days. The funeral
took place at the hotel parlor, with ap
propriate service at the grave In tho
Arlington cemetery. The bereaved par
ents have tho sympathy of their many
friends In Arlington. Record.
,,. Fire broke out in the Good Samaritan
Hospital in Portland laat Wednesday,
completely destroying one ward before
the flames could be chocked. There
were 83 put ion ts in the building when
the fire atarted, but were removed In
safety to ft. Vincent' Hospital, where
they will remain for treatment until pro
visions can bo made for them. The
cause of the Ore I supposed to have
been a defective flue.
According to the Blue Mountain Knglo,
an enraged Irish lady down at Arling
ton the other day struck at hor hutbaud
with a hoe and nipped the end of his
nose oir with the biade. Tat rushed up
to the office of the old Justice of the peace
to find out under what olmrge he could
have his frou arrested. After taking
the caso under advieomont for an hour
or bo, the old magistrate looked over his
eye glasses and said : "I And that the
only thing you con do is to bind her
over to keep the peace." "Peace, tho
divll," bellowed Pat, "the cat haveal
roady eaten the pleco; why, what' tho
matter with ye, anyway?"
Most of the sick are improving.
Miss Hnsie Stevenson la teaching school
In Ferry Canyon,
Jus. Whytu was transacting business
in Condon Monday,
The full fishing Bontort opened on the
Columbia Monday,
Mr. and Mr U J Caven, of line
creek are visiting their dauxhter Mrs
W Ii Wilcox. ,, ., '. ' ; -
Fred Wilson returned to Condon Sun
day, after hating attended the race at
Hamilton . ., '
Joe Harbin and family left Sunday
for Portland, where they will reside dur
ing the coining winter
Oscar Portwood Is having ft tussle
with the prevalent fever this week.
John Jackson, of the firm of Jackson
St Dysart, left Sunday for Portland to
take in the Street Fair. , ,"
Mr. S. K Wilton came in last Satur
day from Howard Tpbey' ranch, and is
at present Hopping at the Condon hotel.
Miss Belle Wilson, who Is teaching
school In the Sniptlon district, spent
Saturday and Sunday with the Maddock
family, , ,f" " "
An English scientist claim the dis
covery of a practical, commercial method
of wlreleds telephone. Further Infor
mation will be awaited with interest.
The public will want to know whether
on the new system the telephone girl
will continue to drawl, "W-n-e'
Oeo. Tntom wa down to Joe Trivitt's
ranch Sunday, and while be and Mr,
Trivitt were looking through the melon
putch for a nice ripe melon they found
pocket rule, the propertv oi W. A,
Darling. Mr. Darling admit that be
lost the rule one day last week while
taking a short cut through Joe' melon
patch while Joe wa away from home.
Will Neat, of Ooldendale, Wash., came
in yesterday morning from Wasco, hav
ing Just heard ot the serioui illness of
hi father and intrv Mr. Meal was
away from home when they wired to
(soldcodale (or him a few days ago and
it was Impossible to locate hiiu. Ha
heard of the sickness of hi relative In
cidentally while at Wasco, and traveled
all night to reach them, happily finding
their condition much improved when be
reached here.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After
Thirty Yeara of Suffering.
"I suffered for thirty year with diar
rhoea and thought 1 wa nast helmr
cured," say JohnS. llalloway.of French
Camp, MIks. "I had spent so much
lime ana money anil euuored so much
that I had given up all hopes ol recovery.
I was so leelile f roin theetleclsof the diar
rhoea that l could do no kind of labor,
:ould not even travel, but bv accident
I was permitted to find a bottle of Chain
Imrlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and after taking several bottles
1 am entirely cured of that trouble. 1
am so plenwl with the result that I am
anxious that it he In reach of all who
sutler a 1 have." Fr tahi by The Hud
son rharniacv C. V. Croslield, mgr.
The Portland Fair.
The Portland atreet fair is a great suc
cess, in point of number in attendance,
and while the exhibts will hardly corn-
Dare favorably with the Columbian Ex
position, many of them are creditable
and attractive. Wasco county has a fine
exhibit of fruit, grain, wool, etc., and
should have a gold medal. Many ot the
leading business firms of Portland have
attractive display on exhibition which
will 110 doubt draw much attention to
their city.
The fair la run on the European plan
'pay fur what you see. Teu cent ad
mit the visitor to tho street, another
dime I demanded for admission to the
Midway, and then, every time you turn
around it ia ten cents more. Tim Mid
way Is an aggregation of old lakes from
the Chicago fair which have bean
on the road "doing" the public alnce
that time.
Die crowd lent week Were the larget
the city ever accommodated. The ho
tels, restaurants, saloons, and all other
caterer to the transient cIusm, were
crowded day and night and reaped a
rich harvest from the visitors.
Ringting ItroB.' circus, which was at
first forbidden the city during fair week,
but later allowed to show by payment of
a big license, proved the biggest attrac
tion of the week. Tho great American
people will never tire of going to see the
Editor' Awful Plight. .
F. M. Hlggins, Editor Seneca (111..)
News, was nillicted for years with Tiles
that no doctor or remedy helped until he
tried liiicklen's Arnica Salve, the best
n the world. He writes, two boxes
wholly cured him. Infallible for Piles.
mre guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold bv
Condon Drug CO.
No Capital Necessary to sell
Our Teas, Coffees and Spices.
In every City and Town in the States
of Oregon and -Washington outside of
Portland. Ladies or young men who
have two or three hours per day to spare
will find soiling our Tens, Codees and
Spices pleasant work and they enn make
big money for themselves. Write for
full particulhrs and Catalogue FREE.
No. 3-'6 Washington St.. Portland. Or.
Largest distrioutors of Tens, Coll'oes and
Spices on the Pacillo Const. 100 stores
in successful operation. . .
United Statkh Land Okkick,
The Dulles, Or., August 10, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that on Septem
ber 12, 1000, there will bo filed in this
olllce approved plats of the following
townships:. ,:.
Fractional Township 1 South, Range
18 E. W. M., Fractional Township 6
South, Range 17 E, W, M. and Frac
tional Township 11 South, Range 15 E
W, M,
Jay P, Lucas, Register.
Circuit Court Docket.
: ? September term, f!HXJ.
A Orelner et at vs John Fortna Hen
ilrichs A liowerman for l If, and 11 8
Wilson and L W Hurling for daft.
Coftln Bros v 'John Mikalo S A D
Uurley for pllr.
A WtngvsU W Hitiulmrtnnd Herbert
JlalstcBdlt LSabin for pllf. ,
All Wlthrow vs J Ptmnd and Henrv
Crass A D Ixjedy fur pllf, and HAD
Uurley for doft, .
A 11 Wlthrow ve tho city of Arlington
A I) edy for pllr, and SAD Uurley
ior ueii.
J 8 Hoypr vs Philadelphia Hwurity
vo. vy 11 jooyns ior pill.
August Seekomp vs James Stevenson
Shiii E Van Vatto for pllf, and Hon-
uricK A uowertiiun for ilult,.
3 It Downing v W E Htirton end
Roolien McKinney Sum E Van Vactor
for pill.
Kate Russell ami W J Russell vs R R
Pong Sam K Van Vactor for pllf, and
Hendricks & Bowerinun for deft, ,
T H harhart V Oeorgn Stevenson-
bam h Van Vactor for pllf.
W W Steiwer M L Armslrong and
I' rank Arinstroiig--Hendricks & Dower-
wan lor pill, .
R M Dooly", trustee, v Wm I Fletcher
ana f 11 iougius A U Uurley for pllr.
Arlington Nat'l Rank vs I, W Darling
nn wiey imrnng ueiiaricks a Uuwer
man for pllf. . ,:
T (i Enrhart vsCharles Johnson Sara
E Van Vactor for pllf. , .
Shurte A Weir Co. vs O J O'lerreithor
and fS D Ollls Ham E Van Vactor for
In the matter of the petition of Robert
B Spencer et al for a county road No.
102, appeal by A J CochranHondrick
liowerman for pllr,
. In the matter of the petition of Robert
II spencer et al for a county road No.
102, appeal by M O Cochran Hendricks
liowerman for app.
Carrie Hnrnhaui s! W Montague
james ai jonna tor pur.
Charles Rasmnsseti vs J 3 Hogsn
Sain E Van Vactor for iilfl. and Jleu-
dricksJc. liowerman for deft.
W It Boyer vs Charles Oberreither
Sam E Van Vactor for pllf.
W P Fuller vs Condon Drug Co. E E
Merges and Menefee A Wilson for piff.
Adolph HaniKild vs the Oregon Rail
road A Navigation Co. C J Bright for
nllT. and SAD Uurley and II T Conner
lor deft.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.. vs Condon
Drng Co. Hendricks A liowerman for
ti R Barker va Joseph Lieoallen and
Mary Lieuallcn Hendricks A Uoaer
uian for plff.
Stel wer. Carpenter A Co. va E I French
Hendricks A liowerman for pllf.
Jtqi tTY.
George Itardie v Iavid Snanldimrct
al A H Ben nett and Heudricks A liower
man for pltT.
J Uurney Fowler et al vs Frank Mun-
keretal Ueo. W Haxen for plff. .
, W C Caldwell et al v A W Armstrong
Sam E Van Vactor for piff, and Hen
dricks A liowerman for deft.
Edward B Smith vs Georgia A Smith
Crosean A Robbiu and 11 S Wilson
for pltf, and Hendricks A Bowerman tor
, School district No. 1, in Gilliam coun
ty, Oregon, v S B Darker as count v
treasurer S A D Uurley lor plff, and A
A Jay ne for deft.
DH W ood fi net at vs Milton Wash
bnnt et ox Hendricks A Bowerman for
plff, and Sam E Van Vactor for deft.
Mamie Beihl vs Jacob Beibl Sam E
Van Vactor for pltf.
James M John vs John Klenliena
James M Johns for plff, and SAD Uur
ley lor Uett,
Mary Bell Baker vs Charles t. Baker
Hendricks A Bowerman for pllf. and
Sam J4 Van Vactor for deft.
Jennie C Otierreither va Charles J
Oberreither James M Johns for plff.
and Sam K Van Vactor for deft.
The American Mortgage Co. of Scot
land vs Sarah E Cruui et al A A Jayne
for plff.
James E Douglas vs Lydia PoOiflas
James M Johns for plff, and Ueo. p Lent
tor delt.
Mary Anderson vs August Andersen
Sam E Van Vactor for plff.
Nellie Atkeson vs George Atkeson
Sam E Van Vactor for plff,
M E Garrison vs Sol J Garrison W
II Dobyns tor plff.
Ada Sproat va Wm. E Sproat James
M Johns for pllf.
Maud 1. Albrecht vs Edward Albrecht
Henry Crass for plff.
W Landos vs Edgar T Persons et al
W 11 Wilson for pllf.
ERle Shnrte vs Frank I Shurte S A
I) Uurley for plff.
George Alexander vs Alice Alexander
et al Hendricks A Bowerman for pllf.
Susie E Wilson vs Charles C Wilson
Satn E Van Vactor for plff.
James J Fix va L W Darling et al
Sam E Van Vactor for plff.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a
Great Favorite.
The soothing and- healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have made
it a great favorite with pooplo every
where. It is especially prized by moth
ers of Binall children for colds, crimp and
whooping consigns ib always affords
quick relief, and as It contains no opium
or other harmful drug, it may be given
as confidently to a baby as to an adult.
For sale by Tho Hudson Pharmacy C.
W. Croslield, mgr.
Sunshine a Good Hair Tonic.
A good tonio for the hair is sunshine
and fresh air. The Ureek girls who sat
on the city wall aud gnve thoir hair a
daily sun bath wore wiso. The modern
woman can't exactly follow their exam
pie, but, at any rate, she can refrain
from tightly braiding hor hair at night
and can leave it loose so that the air van
get to it. Then when she washes her
hair, which ih summer should not be
less often than once a fortnight, she can
sit in a sunny window until it is dry.
Sunshine does not dry the scalp as arti
ficial heat is bound to do,, but it gives
lifo and vigor to the Imlr,
Cuta and Bruise Qulokly Healed.
Chamberlain' pain Balm applied to
a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injorv
will instantly allay the pnin and will
heal the part in less timo than any
other treatment, Unless the injury ia
very severeitwill not leave a soar. Pain
Balm also cores rheumatism, sprains,
swellings and lumeness. Fir sale by
The Hudson Pharmacy. C. W. Cros
lield, mgr. ; , " ' 1
Circuit Court Jury List.
, . Drawn for September term, 1SKJ0.
The following have been drawn as ju
rors for the coming term of circuit court:
Arlington Hons ileardsley, Ww. 1.
Fletcher, Fred HannA.
Condon John W. Khbert, F. Ward,
A. Hartman, 17. B. Trimble, Reubin Ale
Kinney, F. M. Shannon, J. C. Cooney,
w. i. i mm fig, a. i. emiiniint.
... Clem Jesse O. Lewi.
Idea L. P. Davidson.
' Lone Rock J. W. Williams, Jeff
Hayes. U. M. Jolinxon.
Mayville Geo, B. Dukek, R. W.
Crane, J. Boyer, F. B. Moore.
Olex D. F. Sfricklin, Joe Bndd, Wm.
Hunt, J. W, Mi'Kiiinev, Pope Gatlin, J.
A. Wiird. V. II. llnnilim .1 A Mill..r
J. W. Phillips..
Willows Mike fichewe.
You MHtirritf tin riulf n-lu tmt
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Dmr-
rnoea itemeoy. the flmlson 1'harmacy
will refnnfl vunr fiimiev if vtn ura mt
satisfied after nsmg it. It is everywhere
admitted to be the most successful rem-
itdv In tium fitr huitna) ,wr ..... u ...I fl.
only one that never fails. It i pleasant
safe and reliable.
,r Treasurer's Notice.
All city warrants registered prior to
Deo. 1, 1890, will be paid on presenta
tion at my nlllce. Interest ceases after
Aug. 20, 1000. P. II. Stki'iikmn,
City Treasurer, Condon,
June 11. 1000. : , .
Treasurer's Notice.
All ennntv .uitrrnnla retriaterorl nrlnc
to January 1. will lie naul on nru-
seutation at niv odh-H. Intercut i-i-utea
after June 23, 1000.
Treiifttlrer lit f tillinm count w t l.f.,ri
Dated at Condon, Ore., June" 23. 1!HK.
Purely Business. .
All lines of summer gools sold at cost
for cash t Shnrte A Weir Co.'.
l'ArifH Hot and cold water, clean tow
els, only 25centsat Condon hotel.
Shnrte A Weir Crr.' are making low
prices for cash in all hoes of goods.
When in need of a grain drifl do not
forget to see the Monitor ami Bnekeye
at Shurte A Weir Co.', Arllrurlon, (jr.
Have yoo tried it? Dr. Shiek' Hair
Tonic for the scalp. For sale at the
Hudson Pharmacy,
Shnrte A Weir Co. have just received
their fall lines of Huta and Caps, Boots
and Shoes, which they are selling at
very close margin for cash.
G. L. Neal, the welt known anction
ecr, will give the strictest attention to
all business entrusted to hi care. If
yon have property to sell' consult him
Shurte A Weir Co- have the largest
supply of lace leather, leather beltings
drapers, draper slat, etc., to be found
in Gilliam county, at bed rock prices.
Dr. T. L. Nicklin, dentist, has re
moved his office to the Stephenson
building, second floor, where he will be
found at all times resdv to attend to the
w ants of those desiring the services of a
firtt-c!nss dentist. Call and see him
The doctor was here for a short time last
summer and his work speaks for itself.
trletouw Miiniiifer in thin ntnte to reiire
ftettf me lu their on Hifl unrrotindjiiK eouittitu
IIIItiK to pay vearly f m, (mrable wwklv, I)b
.lrhli; employment with Hn'ial ttortiiiltlii.
HfertMiees exeliMtlir-'l. Kipc1m m-lt-tniirrrf
lnniK'1 etiTelopc.
iiik. :nieHKo.
a. A. Pack, jMH'xloh build
Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness and Saddles
CFine Stoclc Saddles a Specialtyi
H'e Guarantee Our rrues to Pleast
and Our If ork to Give Satisfaction
Call when in The Dalles or write for rices and information.
The Dalles, Oregon.
In Time of Peace
Prepare for War.
Now is ths time for the
fanners to prepare for the
next year's crol.
It is generally conceded
by the best farmers that
the proper way ti sow
grain is with a drill.
We are agents for latest
improved MeSherry Grain
Drills, Disc and Hoc, and
hae quite a number on
hand. Do not buy a drill
till you inspect the Mc
Sherrv the best of all.
For sale by
D u n n Bros,,
Dealers in. General Merchandise.
Highest Prices Paid for Grain.
General Warehouse Business Conducted,
Fall Announcement.
Bargains in Dry Goods.
Now is the time to purchase. .
Do not Jet this Goldwrt Opportunity pasa
Ladies Underwear, Trimmings,
Hosiery and Gloves, I Ribbons and
Dress Goods, j Laces.
We have on hand
of all Patterns and Qualities.
Wc sell all supplies, usually kept by us, at moderate prices
quality considered. Call for what you want and we will sup
ply you satisfactorily. Yours truly,
P. H. Stephenson,
Universal Stoves and
Iron Bedsteads
Spring Mattresses
Extension Tables
Orders taken for Furnituro
' and Wsrll Taper not kept ia
General Merchandise WAGONS
Largest stock in the
Summit Saloon,
Stop at
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and other?",
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wanta.
MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Proprietor.
Condon, - Oregon.
The public will find that no better accommodations can be .
found in this countrv than at this house. Meals 25c: beds 25c.
Are You Aware
That we are sole agents for Masury's Taints? These paints
have a world-wide reputation for brilliancy of colorand lasting
quality.. No finer paint manufactured. Any color or shade
supplied. We keep them in stock. Our Varnishes aud Oils
are the finest goods obtainable.
The Hudson Pharmacy,
Drugs, Photo Supplies, Jewelry, Paints' and Oils. Give us a trial.
Aianuftictnrcr of Sodu, Orange mid
Ctiainpiigne Oiiler, Siil'siipaiillii unit
Iron and all other Gotland Curkmated
JMnks. Condon trd. is respect
fully solicited Ordws promptly tilled
Arlington, Ore.
Fossil Flour
takes the load because it
is the best. , .,. ,,
Try it.
Fossil Flouring Mills,
Vnf Stily t iv- f.cit lin '.VihIi.hi M'T'-lim-ltt