THE COilDOI! globe. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1900, . NOTICE. . Tin i.iwk inviti'8 tififvpnit'lonm tom hII Hunt m i.ilhmn ruumy. V t Him to ntukti Iht itnjn r tin- lomlniR new medium of th tvtintv und im ttt our mentis to MUHtKt us hy infuwitin -t it Hi itcwr wt their ivniw iv , l.rltiMorliool. (imKft'niU'iMn inunt tn iv thr wrtirr. not iiwvwwrih' forjm Itrntlttn, Urn im hii vvirtfiuirnf jrnoii luith.tuut , tlitkt'r,tiir HEMimvn no rvfjiniinilillit) lorophi THE POOR BOYS CHAXCE. Yale university, which lias be rome a household word in circle? of education, has opened ft broad nvenao of learning for the ambi tious student of limited means, and no doubt will attract hundred of young men to that institution who heretofore have been frightened by the thought of expense. Professor Kicell is at the head of the new department, wb:eh is a sort of em ployment agency, ami the faculty ia endeavoring ti dignify honest toil in the confines of tins college grounds. ly inaktng it possible for the student of limited means to- work his way through, Yale pots a premium on industry that will boar fruit in the later life of the college graduate. The young man who is compelled to depend on his own exertions to provide himself with an education can not help but be equipped for competition in the" labor market, whether that labor be mental or muscular. lie will familiarize himself with some settled avocation that at any time, should be find professional walks of life overcrowded, may be turned into dollars and cents. It will give him an insight into 'the details of business of arT humble nature and will make.hiui more charitable to the lesa fortunate laborer who toils in the streets, the fields and the mines. It will teach the young men who follow bim that the man who has a trade in addition to his college education is better equipped and more independent than the graduate who is compelled to de pend on his chosen profession. College faculties realize that a majority of the students they have ent forth with diplomas need more than the mere mental training. I5y placing a substantial premium on industry, by dignifying occupa tions which shallow-minded men regard as menial, they pave the way for a broader fellowship and a more truly democratic body, of students. If the example of Yale is generally followed by other col leges, and there is little doubt that the practice will soon become gen eral, the intellectual standard of Americans will be immeasurably raised. A fe w years hence will find a goodly portion of the male popu lation possessed of college learing. The'Iaborer's son can confidently anticipate the day when the course at college gives him opportunity to be the intellectual equal of the banker's son, and the child of the section hand can hope for the 6ame advancement in higher education as the youth whose father owns the railroad. Son Advises Father. Condon, Oregon, -September 9,1000. Pear Fathek ; I was very sorry that tou allowed yoar IhH letter to me to be published iu tbe Condon Times, but npon furtlier reflection, I think, owing to the litnhej sircolation of the paper, itiat it will do very little harm. I have been reading little, father, since I left home. I am fully convinced that you are in error in tneny of your political views. The old sorrel mare was a very good wninial', father, but 1 doubt if she would bring more than $45 now. The horse dia CrPod bought was for the U. 8. cavaJry. Tho old sorrel- would not fill the biltv Even if the war in the l'hilip pines has raised the price of horses. It veems to- me tluvt such prosperity bas been dearry paid for. Now, father, yotr are laboring nnder a Herious delusion if you think Skinner can get 27 vents for his wool. He stored it at The Dalles last soring and would be too glad to take 20 cents, but be can't get an offer. You sre surety wrong about the trusts fttther. Don't you remember when I bought the Magore plnce? I paid 3.15 for wire, laid dowu at Condon, to fence iuthe place. ' Last spring when I built that string of" fenee through the center f my place I paid 0. Iff for the same kind of wire. . Nails that we could buy then an-1 fonr years ago for Z and 4 cents, eoat 1 eea-ts- now. Wages have increased very IrUle-. In another column of the Times sup plement I noticed a reference made in regnrdlo the increased circulation of gold, and, fearing that you might be mislead ly thi sophistry,' I wish to cite yon to a few facts that will account for the increased circulation of gold, not , taking Mr. McKinley or the Republican party into consideration i 1 Hiring the la-it two years more than eight billions of gold have been taken from mother earth, and during the fifty years Immediately preceding this, only a trille over seven billions were mined. Ikn'B Hot this eeem A better renscm for the inertRse in the circulation of gold than to attribute ft to tl.e Republican administration? know, father, that vou rein earnest when on rpeak of, "The wist, thonnlit ful and patriotic administration of Mr, MoKinley," but I don't we it just that way, When the chief executive says; "forcible annexation is criminal m if,res ion," and then proceed to tio that very thing,Iitnott!otit)iilr him wise.thought fill or patriotic, And if he is carrying out the principle of the UepnblicRo party by i doing, I do not fuel like aup porlini him. . ' I hone, father, that you will get the wool from over your eyes before next November. ' Yunr affectionate win, ' J. A. Mo.MoKKra. ' County Court Proceedings. September term, WO, - lii the mutter of the petition ofS. V. Moore et ul for comity road No. IW-G. SchitlliiK. 11-1.. I'rojml and . A. W iUoii appointed viewers, to meet and report forthwith: L. W. lrltiti, :ir reyrtr; report read t'pt. T-S S, A, D. Hunt, A. lUrtmNu ami Y. M. Shannon appointed viewers todvtvnnlne daniaeea ln Chan. Fix, to meet October si, tMM. til 10 o'clork . m. In the matter ot the petition ot D A. Ruraell etalfor county road No. 113 viewer report dmauxcg and road er.lered opened. In the matter oi the petition ol J. A. Smith ct al lor a chains; in county road No. 101 road ordered opened and the portion of said load be tween beginniiiK point of the etiamra and the ending part of the same declared vacated. In the matter of the official bond of 'W. L. Wilcox, sherifT bond approved." In the mutter of the application of John A. nd MiilWx D. Si&iih lor rebating taxes taxes rebated. ' In the matter of remonstrance against liqnor license tn Rock creek precinct no petition filed. In the matter of rowd supervisor for road dis trict No. 4 Wm. Taylor appointeil supervisor. In the matter of the collection of delinquent taxes clerk Instructed to issue alias warrants requiring the sheriff to proceed and collect ail delinquent taxes. , - PKOBA.TC Jn the matter of the estate of H. M. Clay, dee'd folly settled; adm. to be discharged from tiling receipts. In the matter of the estate of J. F. Graham, deceasedfully settled and adm. discharged. In the matter of the estate of Tlios. J. Yonn, deeeael Dual hettrinir set for November t, I'.IH), at i a clock p. m., notice to be published in Com bos liLOHK. In the matter of the estate of J . A. I.lon, dee'd adm. authorised to pay SO per cent on claims against the estate from money now on hand. BILLS ALLOW Kb. - Rd Dann, Tel rent for Sept and Oct .... . f a no Coniwin i.ij'BK. piihaoil pt'K (or Co ,.. 30 W Al Hennhaw, cunket for burial i;l tvan Hillings, pauper . . . S7 00 K A McOullv, sal Co sch't Supt Kl ;H) It A McCnllv, hal sal same M (i'hillin)f. viewer road XolW. 2i Howard Propst, same . . . 2 00 A h Iiuthie, same . .. Jou J It Clark, digging grave Sam Hillings, pauper , . . . 4 00 Lillian Stevens, asst teachers' ex Hon J A McMorris. same , .... 9 DO A H Kuciv, me-i attendance K Potter. , . l! 7S A H Kuedy, med attendance TC Koland 7 7i L W Iiarliiifi. surveying road No 101 . Won i) 1. Ailams, chain bearer same 2 00 VV R Uaker, viewer same 2 Ml C C Clarke, same............ ... tts) J L Blahak, same 2m R M Johnson, sal as stock inspector 83 :3 Weeklv limes, pub and pt'g 21 75 W 1. Wilcox, board of prinoners W, II S Fraiter, cash pdont for Co Hi 70 L W Dailing. surveying road No 109 12(10 4 00 4 0Q ' 2 IS) 20U 2110 8 06 4110 2 00 IS W MW K.00 14 00 2IW 2u0 2H00 2I 6 HI 4 00 A 110 12 00 ii schilling, viewer same..,,., Howard Propet. same.... A Wilson, same Arthnr Foster, chain beareT same... . V Moore, same Sam Mctiilvrav. marker same ....... W M lllakely, sheritf fees Al Heiishaw, lin ks for court house . . i W Pver, sal ss C4. Commissioner. .. W R Boyer, same scalc BOl'NIT. John Madden AmosWineland . iieo Ma'lden Milton lewis Williiim Keys . ,.. F it Meveus i M D Kbbert ., Amos W'ineland , John Maidincnt...... Al ileiibhaw....... Continued from January Term. Ko Sculps. Chas B Bromwell 6(10 I, I. Cook 210 W B FwTng 400 W B Kwins; , .... W -N McKiuney 12 no W Marvel......... 1200 bills xoi allowed. -Butte Creek L L ii L Co., lumber for K S McLiHvray .t 1" 0j coxTiJti'KO roa tehk. Dr. II M .Khaw, med att Wra Wllfy TO 00 SAD Unrley, pt g and pub 107 on Dr. H K Luna, med atttam Hulings 16 00 Mrs A .Maidocs, board, ete of Bam Hulings 23 00 Endured Death's Agonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garre'ttson, of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down wben attacked by Asthma, from which he suffered for years, fie writes bis misery was often so great that it seemed he endured the agonies of death ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption wholly cured him. This mar colons medicine is the only known cure for Asthma as welt as Consumption, Conghs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. i'rice50c and 00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free al Con don Drug Co.'s. Strayed From my place Id Sherman county, on nr about July 14, 1900, two bay hors es, 5 and 6 years old. I.aet seen going south through Condon Wednesday July 18. Both had on halters and one had chain on foot. Range between Eight- mile and Thirtymile. Brand 2T connect ed, bottom of 2 forming top of T. Suita ble reward will tie paid for information leading to their recovery. I'lease notify j. C. VVhitkkv, Kntledge, Or., or leave word at the Gloiib office. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S chot !MUSEUfJ OF AKATOUY' 1051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO CAL in in w i. Grtaitit (titration In th Cllf, A toomderfui slpM fur vMtor. I Wrah , or fcny ooti tmct thi Okt HfJ(rtlilt OU til I'Mllfltf " OS. slOBDA-l-WIVATE DISEASES Hr ar an4 initial ' c4 Mfi who r tnffrrlnK Uum tb rfa-rt vt Ttiutbiul rnll OrsUotlS or t'vitt In niAtiirar ' yrc Krvoi)SMi4 pltmicm lMJUy, In k MMiy, Himbd in nil lurompil. I VMtUmm; N,HirmjIwrr.i, Vrmutmtmr rha, loiifrrhwii, It r j ) mt 1 rlnllnv, ooaibiiiMUoa of liiuaostrriif r1 hi Crnitm?iit ttrnt 1( mm ttftt ' only (Tor4 TfiimeJlt rvllet, but permanent i ctir, i b9 uijucor aot n nt eitm to perform x ' mlruclen, but m well known to be fair and W - wi.te Fliy-iCtso HttA feitrgon, pr-Ulual , ffTPHllJK rtiimnirnly errirllrsteif from ) the Kyatwu without thwueeof Werrir.. m Tr fitted br on E.Titert. Me1lfil ) fur for RuyiHre. A qntck ti1 raftienl m ex re for Fllte, rlitre ami Flfailiby MAK rplrli(touswUirscelT We will bwiranlf tOHlTl VJC CUSS la I ivoiwiiiutlnn fbCK and strictly frlrsta, CHAHUKH VKkr XKAhOXAItlli. Truutmsut Mrsouullr or br lellr. Writs f..r Hook. PHIMKOrHT ST' niKBItSC MstlkdFsm, (Avslasthlsi iKxjaioriui'ii.j Lanorwnie Dl JORDAN Si CO.. 1951 MsHut tL. 6. F. 'i r J3lt. i. K. til'U.ETTK, -.' PHVlCtAN AND SUROEON'. . ; ff CituJt'H Drug Co. ' QR. KCXA PHYiSldlVCN AND SUROEON. lay or nlitlireaTW promptly answered. Ofllce in New Masonic Bulldinir. CONDON - OREGON. H. U. llKKPRtCKS, JUV ttOW KHM AN. HENDRICKS & BdWERMAN, t ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW. FIRST BUILniNO WEST OF VWT OrKICK, COKDOKS FIRST DOCK liORTH OrsTKtWKK'S 1UI'K, nxwtl. Careful attention to lesd hMsinesa in (illliain and Wheeler counties. A Notary in each ottlce. H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Uor a Specialty. Plans and Estimates Furnished Condon Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby slvcn that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of . F. Crtsham de ceased, has tiled in tho county court of Gilliam county, state of Oregon, his dual account as such administrator of said estate and that . Tuesday, September 4, 10OO, at 3 o'clock V. M bas been fixed by laid court as tho time tor hearing objections to said report and the settlement thereof. B. K. Sxabi t, Administrator of the Estate of J. F. Grisham dec. WASTED SKVF.RAI. . PKUSOSS FOR PIS dbitrlct Oiliee Mauagers in this state to rce me tn their own and surrounding comities. Willing to psv yearly iW, payable weekly, Ie sirnble e.mpleynient with uimtHal opiortumtk-s. Kelerences exehangvtl. Knelose self-addressed stamped envelope, 8. A. Park,320 Caxton bulld Insr, Chirafff,. "MEET US OH THE MIDWAY" The Event of the Times. GREAT STREET FAIR AHD CARNIVAL Occupying many solid blocks, taking in an entire street from curb to CMrb. Portland; Oregon, Sept. 4 to 15, 1900 Under the auspices of the Tort- land Elks. SURPASSING In MAONITIPK and UBANH El'R AXYTUISO OF TILE KINO EVER ATTEMPTED t H ; OX THE PACIFIC COAST. Something to remember up to tbe date of your heart failure. The Street of Cairo. The Oriental Theatre The German Village . The Dancing Girls An Arabian Pageant Crowning the Queen Rex, King of the Carnival Attended by His Magnificent Court The great parade of the Elks and other orders. The Italian Park and Fountain, The maiinlli eeut triumphal arch and grand Midway tilled i with wonderful attractions. Mining, Mercantile, j Agriculture; Horticulture and other Industrial i exhibits. The Women's Pavilion, designed by women, bnllt by women and decorated by women for the exhibit of women's Industrial work. The 'grain palace built of Oregon and Washington grains and grasses. i Music, Gayety and Fun. Night turned into day. I Lowest rail and water rates ever given to Port land from all parts of the Pacific Northwest Notice of Sale of Real Estate by Executor. Tnder and hy author! tv of the power eontni ned in the will of Henry Heck, late of liilliam fonn- tv. Oregon, oeceaseii, ai reeling me anaewgnea : executor to sell tbe real estate of tbe said deced- cui, umiee w netewj niia um, pin um Saturday. 6th day of October, 1900, at the honr of 1 o'clock P. M. of mild day. at the court house door at t'ondon, Gilliam County, Oregon, sell to tbe highest bidder lor cash iu hand. nd subject to the aonroval and contirraa- ' tion by the County Court mi Uilliara Comity, or., the loliowhig deserilafd real estate, situated in (ji)Iiam Comity, Oregon, to-wit: I The Northwest quarter of Section Twentr-stx. in Townshln Five. South of Range lweuiy r.asi, nuiaineiie jienoian, aini me North Half of svmthwest quarter and Southeast quarter of the Sontbwest quarter and Northwest quarter of the louthit quarter of Hection 'I wenty-slx. In Township Five. Kouth of Range Twenty Kust, Williaineito Meridian, and con taining 30 acres, according to U. 8. Government surrey. ;tven nnder my hand and dated this 21st day of August, I'M. Executor of the estate of Henry Beck, deceased. Job Printing Of all kinds done on the short est notice and at reasonable rates. Nothing too large, no thing too small, ' Globe Office. To the Consumers Ve desire to Btate that we are detormined to redue onr largo stock off ' goods and for the neit 00 days will uiako great reductions In all Hues for . casli. : .; , . - Uy referring to your local papers yon frequently iioto tho ad. of interior merchants, who, with conspiolous signs, fay: "We. soil at Arlington .prices.' Is tins not evidence that the Arlington merchants must load In1 low prict or there won hi be no need- for such statesmems? He torn pur- ... chasiny j'ou fall supplies or tho smaller bill get prices from us. Io agricnltttral Implements we have the favorite Monitor Drills subject to four attachments, via, hoe, disc, press wheels or ahoa. ' .' . The Oliver and Flying Dutchman Mows are hard to beat for good cloan work, durability amd lightness of draft. , It is no longar trti experiment to buy a IVin or Sloughten wagon, a they have but few if any competitors when strength and lightrunuing qualities are considered. Ifyouaiiticipatetreatlngyonrself toa do not pur chase until onr new carload of the old reliable Iinclne rigs reach us, which will lie here in September. " When In need of a chop mill, liay press, windmill, sewing mtichlne, or any kind of machinery used on tbe farm, write ua for prices and wo will' treat you right. '; v 3QFAdilrcBs all communications to the firm at the old James W. Smith store. SHURTE & WEIR CO. Arlington : : : Oregon. ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LABOUS,' PROP. FIXE WINES, LIQUORS find CHOICE CIGARS. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR TRIDE. FRESH, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER ox Dravght. Main St., Condon, Oregon imwntfwtftmw a T H E a " MODEL." A Quiet Resort HEADijrARTERS FOR HKUI-CiRADE "WET" GOODS. FINK IIIrfKIF.& OLYMTl A HKKK. FANt'V MIXED DRINKS. Lower Charles Main street iUUUUUIUUUMU. MEW HARNESS SHOP NOW READY for BUSINESS. My Stock is Arriving. My Shop is Open. Call atd see mo. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE. gjBT I wish to state that I am in business on my own ac- j&J ST count. I have no partners silent or otherwise nor jDlJ 'Hr. is my shop a branch of any other institution. I am doing business for Tom and for Tom's benefit and to - ffl fiT succeed I offer good goods, honest work, moderate pri- - prl fJ ces and courteous treatment. Let mo prove it to you. TOM L. P0RTW00D. State Normal School . MONMOUTH, OREGON. , FALL TEHM BEGINS 8EPTEMBEH 18, 1000. Students prepared to take Btate Certificate immediately oo graduation. Graduates readily secure good positions. Expense of year from $120 to $150. Strong Academic and Professional conrses. New Special department in Manual Training. Well-qtiippcd Farming Department. For catalogue containing full annonncemenU, address P. L. Camimirm,, President, or W. A. Wanm, Hucretary of Facnltr. PAPERING AND PAINTING. Full line of latest Wall Paper. Estimates on work and material furnished on short notice. Call and see my samples. W. A. DARLING. SUMMONS. . In tlii' Circuit Ootirt of tho HUto 'of Oregon, former County 'of uillism. W. R. Boyer, 1'lHintlir, ). vs. I Chnrlcs Oberrelthcr, Defcndnnt. 7 Tn the above named defoiilniit, Clmrlcs Ohcr rtlthor: in the nm of tho Stntp of Orison, yoa an; hH'hy notlfietl Slid rcgiiiptd to npfinur nnij answer tho ftomplHlnt l)K'i sfrslnst ynit in tho stjoVHiitUU'ii sr'tion on or )n1nrv Thurs'luy, St'iti rnU-r l;i, (Hie siinio Ivlnlf six W"k Irnin the ilHte of tho first viililiciitlnii of this uouctij, sua umi ii nnswHr th shUI roinii uolim), snii Hint if you fsil t so HiMur snd nitswHr in shkj roiniiiHiui. m oirirrwisn ttiimu tlntrflo within xkIiI time, the tilalntlir will sp- ply to thof;nnrt Ut the relief limrMin tiniyed for, wiiiru is lor jiiiMiinwiii skhiiihi you lor iinj sum of one hioirlr,! and clvrhl (toilsrs, with lnuri'st thereon st the rate of six fier ctfiit iiir Hiinnui from the OTth day of Mny, A. !., lnoo, and for illntlirs costs and dlshiiromentslnsal'l action. 'I his summons is s;rvt'if on you hy fiuhth'ation thenio) III tin- Conimis Olxian for the purlud of six !onurtiMve Wi'rks, iwvfn Issues, I'mnnwine. Iiik with the issue of August 2nd, A. !., hy virtue of mi order lil"! in the aliove entitled Court and bvurlug date tbe 17111 duy of July, A, 1).. 1IPUI). (iiven nnder my hand and dated this llrst day ol AiikiisI, A. Ii. 1100. 8am E. VN Vsitok, Attorney for i'lalntlir. Subscribe for the Guiuk. Only f 1 .50 a year. BOWLING ALLEY POOL TABLES IS I'ON.NKlTIOK. j Condon. Fix, Prop. J Oregon. C.S. PALMER, rtisti Barber. Sleek: Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground. CONDON OREGON. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of tho 8tato of OroifO n, lor me county oi uuiiain. Hbarte it Weir Compels a Corporation, l'lnliillT, vs. 0. J. Oberrelther, and g, I), Mills, Defendants. Io the sIkivs named defendants, C, i. OUT rellher and H. II. Dills: in the name of the Btalot Oreoron. yoH nnd eaehol you are hereby notllh'd and required to appear and answer the eompliilut filed iiKtilnst yiM In tho above entitled action on or belom Thursday, the VMh dHyolMejilenilsir. A. P., I'.wo, the same heliiK six weeks from theihile of Ihe llrst imbllcaliou ol this notice), and Unit If you full to so'aiiiN.'ar and answer tbe said complaint. or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the ulttinllirwill apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for, which is lor JudKincntaKalnst you mm men oi you, tor tne sum ol i n 71, with hiterest thereon at the rate of six per rent per annum from the llrst day of Auuust. A. I).. Ihmi. and for the further sum ol f 17.1X1, with interest tneruou at tne rale ot ten y-r cent per annum Irom tbe fifteenth day of August, A. !., )win, lens the sum ol llfty dollars paid October Is, law; Ihe stun of rtlicen dollars paid NovemlairVl, in'js, ana mo sum oi nine ootiiirs puju eiovem. 1st 211. WM. and for Ihe further sum of thirtv live dollars attorney fees, and for plailitlirseosls and disbursement In said action. This summons is served on you and each of you hy publication thereof In the Ohioon lHias lor ne penou oi six consecutive wit as, seven issues, coinmmictiiK with the fssuo ol Thursday. Auxust '2, IU00. hy virtue of an order Hied in the aliove tmuilcd Uom end beurliiK date July 17, I'.UKI. (liven under my hand and dated this 1st day Ol AlUfUSI. A, 1,, liSSI, Ham. K. Van Vactob Attoiiiey fiji l'liilnilir, FALL AND WINTER GOODS ,V wish to ariniiunt'e to' our friends' aild' pntrom tlint our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Underwear, FurnldU lug Goods and Shoos is no arriving nnd lir larer add batter selected1 than ever before; We also have complete Superior Hoe and Disc Drills, Superior Seeders, Canton Plows and Studebaker Hacks ' Wagons and Buggies, ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES r "When in Arlington make our store j'our JicaJijuartcrB. Thuro's roonv for nil anil bargains for all and tho latch string is no ways out. LORD & CO, Ari ington, Oregon, F. M. Sprlngaton SPRINGSTON (Suooaaaors to Livery, Feed and Sale Stables I Hay and Grain bought and boIJ. First-claBB Kigs always on hand at very rciuonablo rates, A fiharo of the public patronage is rcHpecti'ully Bolicitudl' Condon, GO AND SEE AL.HEfiSHAW, Wlio keeps a fine line of Stovca, HangcR, Linolonm, Ikddtng, Springs, VulineH, llardwawe, Glovea, yutlery, Flower Potir, Jar Rubbers Etc. E. A. NELSON. NELSON &l PORTWOOD (Succeoiori to D, M. KINKUAUT), ' , LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STAB LET, SOCIAL ATTENTION TO DRUMMERS TRADE. FIRST-CLASS RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS, Condon, Or. Corner LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer compIotB atoclc of Fina Surfaced Lumber, conalatlng of Flooring, Ceil ing, UuHtlc, Ship-lap and all kind of Rough Lumber. Careful attention given to bllla of special ilzea and dimension atuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY, OREGON, E. T HOLLEIJBECK, IY1. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER. KHliniatcs made on all kinds of Buildings, Machinory, Water I'owors, Pumps and Pumping Plants. Repairing a Specialty. If you have anything you think past fixing, bring it to mo, HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDING Condon, Oregon. Doit fort ttyat tye 0 Office is still in business giving the latest news and turning out the neiilustjob work in tho County. Kinest Visiting Cards: lutest Stationery; in shoit the "bent printing." NOW ARRIVING. lines of J. A, Rodgar- & ROGERS. T, O.Johnaon.) OreRon. , J. . POUTWO0JX Spring and Church sts.