Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 19, 1900, Image 3

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TT J " 1 . 1
JULY i. leoo.
Thu following punioim am tho
iioerodiU'd agen t of the fJi.otfK at I
llio poHl oIlicoH tunned. They are
niitbomed to receive find' receipt
Mr dubHonption account:
W. It: Ooi.wem,. .... ..Arlington.
W'fiVK UftOH.,', , .... Oll'X
MM. Kua Asotxi. ,., May villo.
Other aiwntu will lb appointed,
tuid their names added to this list
later. ' : , c' '
Hurry Atuy U having a Initio with thu
mump. '.. , ,,: ;..''' ,':,,
Mrit.'J, K. FiUwater it on the sick
lint till week.
(jHcur Matey ami i, u. Smith were
lu (rum Ajttt Monday.
lU'tmnn Pauling I on the nick lift
Oil week with some farm of fever.
' A year-old chiM of YA Palmer, of A Jax,
hh uriuimiy 111 hint week, but 1 now
Mr, Arthur Myer wit erlotisly 111
the llrsl of thu weak with ftymptoniHof
Mr. mid Mri. (ieorxn Pdake v Initial
Mr. Rlnke's pureut, Mr. and Mm. Fit
Mater Tutmlay. .
Mr. n u J Mr, Sam K. Van Vactor are
vtHitlnu her parent at Columbus, WbhIi
tuition, this week,
Mr. Oreaa M. Tonkin, of Fonll,
preached to a very huga audience in
Mayville lat Kunday ti)(ht.
Mm. Lino Hull and ton Willie, of
Joint Iay City are the guest of Mr, and
Mm. Uoodwin thi w et-k .
Mm. MIey, of Furry Canyon, etpreU
to leave In a few day for Unii county
where ths will vitit relative.
Mm. Kd Kehott and children,' of Ko
htn I, li. C, vUlied their relating, Mr.
an 'I Mm. T. ti Johnson, last week, .
Mm. S, A. Maddoek, who ha been
confined to her room (or thu punt week,
it butter ti4 hot to toon be around
K. A. My bai purchaed tho two lot
. Immediately went of his rciilt'ni! prop
erty. Il p pei'U to build barn oil
lb properly.
It li rumored anions a reluct few that
buninen wa o runhlus at tha An net
vide thu other night that the "hull-box"
had to emptied at midnight.
Mm. C. L. Kiehuion 1 and children, qf
The Dalles, are spending the vacation
ttt Charlie' ranrih in t'erryfaliyon. Mr,
llichmond viailed Mr. X. U, Johnson ,
Mr. auit Mr. C.T. Piukham were butty
packing and lorinif their household
goodallti wevk. Thny will muvw to
llifir ranch iu Ferry Canyon luler In
. the (nin.
II. W, Wwber, the popular niimwryniah
4'auie In Tnilvy from a rttiivaastuir, trip
through Whwk-r county. Mr. WelM'r
ixpecUlo leave to!ny (ir hi home at
The Dalle U) jet aoquaiuli'd with hi
1'. il. Mcpheimm end fiimlly went
out to the White ranrh, on t'apernek,
Sunday. Mm. HlephenBou and the
tihildreu will remain la that vWinity (or
week or no and Herbert I a jolly baeh
elor now.
Mr. and Mr I. Downer were In town
Too lay. Mr. Downer I rapidly reeo v
rhlC from hi hit illneaa but hi niulli--r
i now voir nick at hi plaoe and.
hi brother, Al Downer i alxo quite il
ut hi ranch on Six-mile. :
ltcv'. Tonkin, of Fotmil, will prench in
the lixplim church at thi place on Sat
urday evening, July ill, at 8' oclnek end
on Kuhdajr tiiorolni; at 11 o'clock. Mi.
Tolikiu will preouh iu the vauio pluce
Kuiuluy evening at 8 o'clock. Ail'aro
Invited to these ervlce.
The wheat market njt Tortland la re
ported weak thl week on aut-oiirit of
improved crop proapet't iu the Middle
Veat and the growing erlouneii of the
L ar altuation which Iihhu tctidency lotif-
jii tiiimuo. Qiiotation are a follow:
'JraIIa Wullii, noiulnul, oft to 50 Dluo
Wim m in r.n ' i
ltev. Uramblet will tiold service in the
llaptirtt church on 8uuday, July 2!lli nl
11 A. M and i V. M. Morning theme,
"The New Man in Christ." Afternoon
lecture, on the origin of the Church of
Chridt. All are invited to attend tbeea
anrrices and hear theae ImnortHiit eub
jocta dlacueaed. 10d20
While driving his nieat wagon down a
tirade in Terry Canyon Monday John
lyart met with quite a painful accident
The nock-yoke broke, the horse begun
kicking and the wugon woiitofTthegrade
Mild was overturned, Mr. Dyart uiror
ed a evercly sprained ankle and iuhiht
ou hroldt'B but fortunately ikhiq of hie
lnjurie are erious. 1
Ittiv. TonkliiH, accompanied by . hi
fatber-in luw, 8. 1 Conroy, ol Toledo,
Or. went through from Arlington to
l'oi last Thurmlny. , Mr, Conroy will
viit hi daughter at ioHtll font few day
and will alxo look over thu interior coun
try for a buainoH opening In the gener
al tncrchanriitiit line, in which he ia now
tngajjed in Toledo, lie i accompanied
byjii little dituhtcr.
Wo call attention li the. ailvertiMomerit
of the Bute Nornml ncliool nl Mouuioiith
appcariiig in uiintlicr column of tl in
eue. The nclvml report a ucceful
year, with eBe6or'!rie pronpecla for the
next susaion.' - Many teacher are Uk'utf
the Nortot'.l CiMjrK'e loth dr'the mkof
the prrfo ; .' n' tr:v 'w.' p:ttv
generally )nv ;v';--;f. iVhe iii(
bent mean' tf -j.psre-.t.. f ,.r te.nsfffc
lha fjtate; f:fe'e- ' ',
Mr, n,irlijr Ixplnin3. "
C'lii'lon, Ore., .uly jr., mi).
Kditor mid Itendera C'okoon tiunttt.
.In reply to ."A- ti'iery" in the hint
Iihuo of the Uloiik iu which thu impri(t
lion i given that I have not called ttur
iiinlH, thereby enuring a hm to tiilliitin
County tux puyers, by allowing money
to remain In my pimijiwuion w liiii, It
hIkiuIiI be pitul out, I will my that J
think 1 tiiiu explain to tlioBt.1 wllllrig to
accept the truth th :i t the i-tutciuoiiln In
tii (iioms are not facta.
At Hih time of the County Treasurer'
lent cnii-niit'iUHl Bluli'inent "Mmcli SI,
1900," there wa on hand tWVM, from
that date to June o() Hit re na received
front all source 15t(W 87 and paid put
(luting the faun: time l l,!).ri7.Wl. ' ,
The rci)ou tiilliui Vnirttntu were not
called between Jununry SO ami Jnhe 8, i
(hut the Huto tux nriiminlitiK th ('..';:):!, 7'J
a paid .during that tinte. The 17000
in Narrtttit which tho "Hwiik" telU
you were redcumed In leu than a mouth
were not redeemed In a month but hnVe
been coming In the hint two months,
quite a lot of them through the tdienu
f tr tnxe, and some of them that were
registered In 1807 nod had been called
me time ago, The law require' that
a call fur warrant be outdo when there
I cash in the County Treasury to the
amount of flOOU applicable to the pay
ment ol County warrant. During my
term of oillce 1 have endeavored to make
the culls, a required and have done so
atlnfactorlly to the County Court,
On June 8th not June 1 Ith, a (ii.niu:
Muted, there wn miirii icnt amount of
money on hand to enublu me to call
warrant, ltetween Jun'e tith and June
231 recolved (nmi the herlirf J0(U.73
therelore I made a tecum! call.
"The (iuury" U evidently gotten np
by certain parlies who before the Jtlue
emcion put tbeiiuelvc to the trouble of
circulating In nearly all part of the
county a lnlehood to thu effect tliat I
aa oa ing the County money lout at lite
time of the failure of the First National
Ituuk Arlington In 18D4, 4
Now that the County Treannrer'
look have been carefully checked by
the County Court to the expiration of
my term of otlice, and a docket entry
made by aid Court showing that the
hook are found correct, alsa abate
ment published signed by the member
of the Conrt to th elfi ct that notVmg
w lost to the Comity either in money
or Interest by failure ol the Kirst Nation
al bank of Arlington, but all money lost
wan made good by me, Now these Query
partio feel a responsibility resting on
them and it seems to me tiiat they now
with to create the impression that I
have been holding back large sums of
money and not calling warrants, bleb
is not true, a will be seen by examining
tho record.
Thi Q'lery 1 evidently another at
tempt to injure me and my business.
8. 1$. lUiiKitn.
The Rtatement made by tho Ui.ork
last week were taken from the book in
the county treasurer's oltice and i( they
"tire not facts' we are not to blame.
The date of June 14 and Juno 28 given
by the (iL iKK refer to the days on which
the first publication ol the change in the
treasurer' call for warrant appeared
Hut to the date upon which interest
ci'iiM-a. Mr. barker ssys that The Que
ry i evidently gotten np by "certaiu
patties" uho circulated a falsehood In
ri-n trd to hi dealing with Ihucouuty at
the time ol tha failure ol tho Arlington
National bank. We wish to say that
the responsibility for matter appearing
in the editorial column of the (ii.obk
rest on tho editor and that "A Query"
as gotten up by himself, Tho ilouk
i not controlled by any impersonal cor
poration. Finally, tne Ui.odb baa no
desire to injure Mr. barker or hi busli
nes but tho odlco of county treasurer
is a public one and tho people have a
right to know just how the halluces hu
la-en conducted. To what lormer at
tempt "to injure me and hiy buninesa"
doc Mr. Darker allude? Is it to Itisde
fvitt and the consequent transfer, ol
con nt v fund to other litiuds? And it
may lie edited thalwheu il come to In
juring a limit's business it mukca all the
diil'eiemu iu the world to tome people
whosfo ox 1 gored, .
Mrs, Uobiuson and daughter, of I'ort
htnd, are visiting Mrs Robinson's sister,
Mr. V. M. l'liter thi week'
lyosT A bunch of key. King bear
tinuie of J. 1). Darling, l lndcr will
please return to W, A. 1 Hit ling,
J. V, Wilkin and I. 1'ryor were in
from Ferry Canyon yesterday buying a
new bender for their big harvest.
(j. W. Hinehart left yesterday for
Lane county on a business trip. Ho
will be gone two or throe week.
A New Threshor.
It. W. Crane, C. L. I.illie and Win.
Werhll, well known farmers of the May
ville district, passed through town Sun
day on their way from Arlington with
their new steam thresher outfit, The
machine is a lluiTulo-l'ilts, Is a beauty of
Its kind and is guaranteed to do good
work. Tho long trip (rum Arlington
was made without mishap and the own
ers are warm in their praise of Robert
Hiirtramp, the young engineer, who
wa sent out from Portland by the com
pany to et up the machine aod deliver
it to it destination. The roads are par
ticularly rough for such an outfit on ac
count of the late heavy ratiu on I it re-
(nti'econsidni'aliIe! V' run the erscne
and its train but Mr, llartram; proved
himself equal to the tuk. Ed Morcan,
of May ville, ia intercNtud with the three
gentlemen above named in the new ma
chine, ,.
Yph assume no rltk when yni buy
Chamt'i'l Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. Thu liiulniit Pharmacy
will refund your money if you are not
saiisi '.1 attei umnv t It is evrvwl)"e
lii'.n'lV 1..?v v'Vi r.s 'It; '.'.?'! :"" ."'
(.,'. t"i 1 rt 'iVt-lfets- TOfVifW "'''i'. ';
fo-'.-E:V It;:!.!. U -'l'
H't 'i" i'l ' u L-'.tr' ...
Mre. H R. Hameay, of Mayvlllo,
'LosoaHor Albany.
Mr. Houmay albo So
' ' rloualy lnjunv.1. "
A gloom' was cnst over this communi
ty Saturday by the receipt of a '.phone
mesfiige from Alli.iny which stated that
Mr 11, It.' JUtuaey, of tiear Muyville,
had been killed In a runaway accident
at that place Fiidtty and thai Mr.
sity had bean seriously injured,-.
Mr, and- Mrs. Hamssy left their home
on Heeciier Flat Wednesday for a 'pro
tracted visit with friend and relative
ut their former home; near Albany where
they expected1 t' spend the remainder
of the summer, They reached Albany
Friday and engaged a livery man to take
them tw'.ihu home of their son-iu-!uw,
wtiulh'en iicur fc'picer, . The, details ol
the accident are thu given by the Alba
ny correspondent of the Telegram.
"Mr. 11. H, ltamsey, who jumped
from a buggy yeiterday, died laateven
lug, (jhe wa injured aljotit tho head,
which caused concussion of the brain,
and she lived but a few hour. Mr.
iUuisay I unconscious but will proba
bly recover. Had they remained in the
buggy, neither won Id have been injured.
Mr. Ramsey a the .first to j'ttup and
received aeverul culs about ttie bead.
About one block further down the street
Mrs. Hatiisuy jumped and received cut
similar to one received by her husband,
only much deeper.," They had just ar
rived from Arlington, EastArn Oregon,
tu visit their aon-in-aw, who lives near
here. The mini driving the rig was not
injured at all, Lit had a bard time stop
qing the horse.' The cause. of the runa
way wa one of tho horse' bit broke."
, The Hamsay family have resided for
a number of year on lieecher Flat and
are numbered among (iHiiatu county's
best and mot respected citixeo. One
son, Jaiite Uanncy, and three. daugh
ter, Mesdame Al Searcy, Wm, f-earcy,
and M. Dukek, of near Mayyille, left
Saturday morniug for Albany, and were
joined on fihotivr Fiat by two other eons,
Bert nd Hollo, who live there. Anoth
er married daughter live ' at frpieer,
Linn county. Ttie grief stricken family
bave the earnest ympathy of a large
circle of friend in thia their sudden
and'great , bereavement.' i
Was It A Miracle?
"Th marvelous cure of Mrs. Kcna J.
Stout of Consumption has created in
tense excitement in Camutack, lud."
write Marion Htaart, a leading druggist
of Muncie, lud. She only weighed !H)
pound when her doctor' In York town
said the meat soon die. Then fihcticgan
to use Dr. , King' Kew Difeovery end
gained 37 pound in weight and w com
pletely cured," It ha cored thotisand
of hnpelr8 caee, and it ltively guar
anteed to cure all Throat, Chest and
Lung disease. fiOc and fl 1)0. Trial
bottle free at Condon Drng Co'.
A Rich Community.
One of the richest and best agricultur
al region in the (jreat Northwest, lie
between Tiiirtymile and ttie Wheeler
county lino comprising the sections cone
mouly known at Khv' and lieecher
Flat. ' Thu soil i deep and black and
rich and Ciilliam' golden grain grow
great thereon, the crop this year being
enormous and the quality of grain strict
ly A No. 1.
The Ci.oiih family visited that favored
section last Saturday and Bun Jay and
while there enjoyed the hospitality of
Mr. and Mrs. I!. K. Searcy at their co.v
Lomc-iii "Republican Gulch" of which
locality they are the pioneer." Il were
useless to toll our reader of the length
of. the wheat head and thesiiseoflhe
grain in lieecher' field and hoH to
retain our reputation for veracity but
all who are interested may call and in
spect the samples from the farms of Mr.
Searcy and Miller Curl w hich we brought
with u in self defense.
Mayville precinct, taken all around,
is a rich community, Uivh iu green
grass and golden grain ; rich in fat cuttle
sweet tempered mule and well fed, con
tented porker, but abovo all is (he
rich in the Intelligence and high charac
ter uf her people who are, a A class,
up-tp date, progressive and prosperou.
( The town of Mayville i u busy little
burg situated in the center of this rich
community and enjoy a good trade.
The general store of Key & Sou was
busy a a bee bivo Sunday but Mr, Keys
assured ua that a regular abhuth quiet
prevailed the town on that day,
Tho town also ha a good hotel, livery
stable, flouring mill, grocery, bowling
alley, millinery store and numerous
other line of business and a first-class
drugstore w ill soon bo established and
last, but not least, a neat church and a
buve of pretty girl are further attrac
tion which wo wll guarantee will ttfi
pcal to the heart of any newspaper man
on earth.
H. De Ncni went to Arlington yester
day to meet bin wife and little 'daughter
who were expected to arrive from Iowa.
It Saved Hi Log.
P. A. Danforth, of LiiGrnnge, (in., Buf
fered for six month with a frightful
riiniiitit rntri tm" bfit ' bn't writes
that bucklen'a Aridci Palee wholly
cured it iu llvo day:- For 'Ulcers,
Wound,' Pile, it's't'rtu Vest salve in the
world.. C'nre parantee1. Only 25 ct..
Sold' by Condon' Drrijj Co.. lv,
; Ca rci of Than k; . . .
, Wo take f bid ueiinp of tproitsiug otir
heart feit t'.raiituiie. to , cmr It ientis. and
uctghVior for their .assistance, aod sym
pathy at the time cf the d'vtiij M onr i-
' f'i '
Purely Dusinoarv
f?ed' plain, Solio, Velox aftd Di.kko
paper at the Condon Drug Co,
Silverware finest selection and best
goods obtainable... Dunn bro.
IU'IHs Hotand coltl water, clean tow
el, only 25eentai Condon hotel.
Have you tried t?; Dr, flbh-k't Hair
Tonic for the scalp. For sale at the
Hudson Pharmacy..
Have you sect) our latest arrival of
Silverware? Jf not. j'oij had b-Uer call;
and Inspect these koo ds. Finest wor-j
manstiip, beautiful designs. Dunn I',ro;-. i
J. Iv, Neal,-the well kririwri auction-i
per, will givw the strieie-i si.!i.lion to
all buaitice. entrusted, to'ltt. cam. Jf j
you have property to sell eonrult him.
Huniiiier f jot wear jijkt iu latest tforsl. j
Our slna-s eoti l.tne ctvle, lit and tinicti.l
! and compHae I hi Kandard .lirand. I.f t
! U ' foot" you. Dnnll KfOH. . !
Drfis goods of every di-mr.ilili' lia! i
and texturf for tin1 milliliter , itther, j
Kight now i the lime to purchiwi hoI
wo shall be pleased to tee you, Doini
Bros, .... .. , , . ,, -
F"or Sale,
A new Singer Sewing Machine, copt
175.00. Latest improvements. Wiil
s6ld cheap. C. 8. Pai.mkr, (.'ondon, Or,
prtorniETOK of-
Jiannfactnrer nf Koda, Orango and
Champagne Cider, 8arsaparilla and
Iron and all other foftand Carbonated) j
Drinks, Condon-trade U respect- j
fully solicited. ' Order promptly filled
Arlington, Ore. !
Manufacturer of and' Dealer in Jlamess and Saddles .
3Kino Stock Saddles a Specialty2
We Guarantee Our TrUts to Mease -.
- and Our U ork to Give Satisfaction
Call ic'icn in The Dalles cr write, for prices and information,
T h e D a 1 1 e s, Ore gon.
A Logical
Every man's character is measure.l. materially,
by the clothes he wears, and hia vanity . is gratifi
etl by the cflusive compliments thruct upon hint
by his fellow men and lady admirers on account
of the elegance of his attire. '
To dre53 tastily and coneirtentlr, in keeping
' with the prevailing fashion, it behjoves every per
son seeking to be er.dowed with this requisite, to
exercise care and judgement in the selection of hia
material and tailoring establishment"
, Wo are the school of art and style,
Come join the class and place on filo
Your order for a suit or more
Of LAMM'S clothes, known from shore to shore.
For sale by
Dli ri m
Dealers in General Merchandise.
A rin. "XT: rilH ' - It yon ivluh to attain '
iuu -..luars wnu
.. kflfp your Liver, Kidney's and UloM 'in gorxl cciodflion hy using Dr.-' (
- Puttid-'r's Qreron IJlood rurificr.: ."o'.is' thu time to taku it. Get
' it fresh froni the factory at .: ,. -:
'0-: Condon; Drug. Co. '
Whoiesata aod retail dealer in Faint and tin, Photok:ind. Musical ititrument
8,pti;tiuXp!i, Jt.tion an .CtRera. :C'!iM er wnd fur iufortuatioti wxi ptieea.-' I
; The Arliugtoti Ware use Co. i utaking
extensive impiovf ment to .accommo
date the large crop of wheat now cm
ngom . 17iW
Kend yiur order pi the Arlimrton'
Warehouse Co. f"r grain snx, header
bed lumber, nd clear wide pine or wa
ter tanks, A large supply ula-sv on
hand.'- ,; 17diB.
Joe Harbin, th blacksmith, withe to
announce, to hi friends that be lias re
turned to to n '. 'and ' taken peritonei
charge of his shop. Don't think for a
moment that be lot quit the to nor
that be intend to q'it it. lie is here to
S'av and to give you t-attofai'tiun in ma
chine repnir work t i which be will give
speeial attention.
:'r Dentistry.
Dr, T. L. Kieklin, . dentiat, hit re
mnved hi olhco to the Hlephencfitt
bsiil.bttj.', socoii'J floor, where he Will be
found at all times ready to attend to the
Kilt of desiring the services id a
tftrt-idai dwrisf,' Call' and ee him.
Th rlortor w.t bete for a' sliort time last
s'lMtitier and tiis wotk speak for itself,
Traa Juror's Notico.
All eilv warrants registered prior to
O' t. 1. U'0't. will is paid on presenta
tion f mv otiice.. Interest ceaces after
June ll, VXl). ' P. If. StkPIIEN.hos, '
Cttv freusurer, Condon.
June u, rca. ', -
Treasurer's Notice.
All county warrant registered prior
to January 1, will be paid on pre
sentation at mv oltice. Interest cease
after J une 2a, lUtu.
P. If. Ptepiiks.kon,
Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon,
Dated at Condoti, Ore., June'2, liliH.'.
WANTKi SRVl'.HA L f'Kt',t'iM: fW WS
trie tufrire Mmmx.-ri in this state to retire
Kent trie In Ihi'tr own tnt tairriaiiteititr eeMiitfeit
W tllliiK Ut (Mf jerl weskty.
ulraiitu t?m;,!.ymnt witli liiiaiiitai et'fftl!iilOs?s.
lieteiwlteiw esrtmriKed. Ktifliw.- w:i titwMi
K'Hiiilwi nvluji. S. A. rrk, KAlL'siitou bm.ii
iug. (.'IUChko. , ,
B ros . ,
Bole Agents for Condon
ripe old ato you mnsti
Grocoric. RUSHFORD
Hardware and A PflMO
Genera! Merchandise VY iluUriO '
::i;i,,kl"" racine
Fin8 Summer Organdies J;Lt'i,:,.J.
pATPSlpQ Ptriped and Flowered Patterns,
XClLaiCd I0c to 15c per yard.
LinCIlS Jt the thing for
Pillow Tubing Muslin, Table Cloth Etc.
P. H. Stephenson,
Sumrri it Saloon,
'visit DR. JORDAN'S cret
fltVMB tilUU J
In th or l
UrrHt nttrtietton In fh Cltg, A
Vhm li , or kn y con trrtrt-
the oi-let tfH-unt m tL i'ciiic
Hi WbO urft im-rtr
liura th iSTti oi youthful ind
urtion Or f-icfctf lit mimrar
puirary , ?mnim in nil iUcimpll.
rlkcrK. iana-r3MC. ft' r .
) tf l rUi;i, !. iiy tivii.tmti-.M of
ftMtt ut ifrst cumtiv po er, the !Hx l.r
hu!nitrrnriHi hi treaimt't t)t It if( not
tfiy irr JmoBi-viui ivitrf. but (rrra(ieiil
' mltUCl. tmt lM Km.i known tu bo I .ir m.rt
i q i.-r Pivrian ind fittrio, tn-iuu.ut
, lYrHll,M thnmih'y (4(raif1 from
I &A H ,ttu MUbotit the us- of vr.
TrM rifled br ut Kinort. Itiidlral
fur r Rt!)iiirc A quk-tc and rti-Hcii
ctrt tr 11 tr. i- t mid FIlulMtb
iir. Jr tui spcclui iialnlew mmiitKi,
I Vr.HV Nil uIvlnrtotwair!T
I our konmt i-piion 4 fc.mrnnla-'(t.
' Il'e wH t,unrw tJ.lli E CT in
WrUm fur vt. Ifll lOSOrHT AV
CX mOk & CO., 1051 Market SL, 3. F.
Stop at
f a a
x i 111
MRS. S. A. MAD DOCK, Proprietor.
Condon, - Oregon.
The pnblic will find that uo better accommodations ean bo
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Are You Aware
' That we are eolo agents for Masury's Taints? These pa hits :"
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fjttality.' ?'o tiner paint manufactured. . Any colrr 6rbab '
BitppUod. .Wo kct-p thcra in Btock. Oar Varniah'ts and Oils .
. arc tiief.ufcHt goods obtainable. .
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Iron I';.'i').-itea'l:i
Hpritit; luttrt'h'iei
Extensi'jifi Tabiett .
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tinner Suits.
As Good to You as a Daily and
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It farnishe more at the price thri
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lies. Its report from the Boer war have
not been excelled in thorouhne and
promptness, and with the presidential
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If you want to watch every move ol
the great political catupaien take tha
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The Thriee-a-week World' regular
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We offer thi nnequaled newspaper and
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Ttie regular subscription price of the
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This popular hoFtelry has been
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tho traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and other,
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find this house suited to
their warsU.
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Tiriij arvl -OiI.. Give h a tx L