Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 05, 1900, Image 4

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    -Gil WOmrSL. HEALTH
Erneot Lettars from Woman R
Uovi of Pala by Mrs. I'iukliam.
" Peab Mr. Piskbam: Befar I
ommenoel to talcs your medicine I
was in a terrible state, wishing mytelf
dead a good many time. Every part
of icy body seemed to pain in some
tray. At time Of menstruation my
Buffering wh something' terrible. I
thought there was bo cure for me, but
after taking several bottle of Lydia
. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all
my bad feelings were gone. I am now
well and enjoying good health. I shall
always praise your medicine." Mrs.
Amos Fkschleb, Box 826, Romeo, Mich,
Female Troubles Overcome
" Dkab Mrs. Piheham : I had female
trouble, painful menses, and kidney
complaint, also stomach trouble. About
a year ago I happened to pick up a
paper that contained an advertisement
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and when I read how it had
helped others, 1 thought it might help
me, and decided to give it a trial. I
did so, and as a result am now feeling
perfectly well. 1 wish to thank you for
the benefit your medicine has been to
me." Mas. Cuaba. Stocbkb, Diller, Neb.
No flore Pain
. " Dear Mrs. Pixebah : Your Vege
table Compound has been of much
benefit to me. When my menses first
appeared they were very irregular.
They occurred too often and did not
leave for a week or more. I always
suffered at these times with terrible
pains in my back and abdomen. Would
be in bed for several days and would
not be exactly rational at times. I
took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and menses became regular
and pains left me entirely." Mas. K.
F. CvsTEa, Brule, Wis.
Equina I.oaeee la War.
In all protracted wars the loss in
horses from disease is tenibly heavy.
In Napoleon's campaign across the Nie
men, out of 60,000 horses, no fewer
than 45,000 succumbed in six 'months.
At the siege of Plevna the Russians
lost SO per cent of tho'.r draught ani
mals, and in the Egyptian wars of 1883
the English horses were disabled, of
which 600 died from sickness and only
60 on the field of battle. Pearson's
Magazine. - -
. A new regulation cog introduced in
Swiss watches, works so accurately
that the time pieces do not vary 10 sec
onds In a month.
Every saloon at Tullahoma, Tenn.,
has been placed under the legal ban
charged wtth Sunday liquor selling.
Try Alloa's Foot Jtaaei.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At
this season your fret feel swollen, nervous
and hot, nntl.get tired easily. If yon have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
oot-lwise. It coois me leer, ana makes
walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails,
woolen and' aweatinc feet, blisters and
rollout spots. Relieves corns and bunions
of all pain and gives rest aud comfort. We
liave30,W0 testimonials. Try it todav.
Hold bv all druggists and shoe dealers for
2ne. Trial packwge ( KtiK. Address Allen
8. Olmstead, LeKoy. K. Y.
Crime Prvalt la Borlla.
Crimes of violence, whose perpetra
tors have remained undiscovered, have
become so common in Berlin and its
neighborhood that the Prussian min
ister oi me interior nas given nonce
that all violent deaths shsil be report
ed at once to a special bureau, which
shall decide whether the local or Ber
lin police shall take up the case, and
in certain instances shall set its own
detectives to work. N Y. Sun.
Fhrslciaa aad Morphine.
In a recent address before a graduat
ing class of medical students occurs
the following most sensible advice:
"While fewer physicians become in
sane than members of other profes
sions, a larger proportion - become ad
dicted to the nse of morphia. Opium
In any form is exceedingly dangerous
when self-administered. No physician
should attempt to treat himsell, but
always take the advice and follow the
direction of another physician."
Leas Cbaaee of Keeoverr.
Prof. G. Sims Woodhead, M. D.,
professor of pathology, Cambridge Uni
versity, pehaps the greatest authority
on pathology in the world, recently
wrote for "Abkarl," edited by W. 8.
Cains, of London, ss follows: "For the
last yeai or two I have been keeping
note of the various observations ths
have been made in regard to the nse of
alcohol in disease, and I am coming to
believe more and more firmly that the
patient wbo takes, or has taken, alco
hol has a less chance of recovery than
the patient who abstains."
Mlai Buaan Wjrmar.
Miss Susan Wvruar, teacher in the
Richmond school, Chicago, 111., writes
the following letter to Dr. Hartraan
regarding Pe-ru-na. She says: "Only
those who have suffered as I have, can
know what a blessing it is to be able to
find relief in Pe-ru-na. This has been
my experience. A friend in need is a
.friend indeed, and every bottle of Pe-ru-na
I ever bought proved a good
friend to we." Susan Wymar.
Mrs. Margaretba Pauben, 1214
North Superior street, Bacine City,
Wis., writes: "I feel so well and good
and happy now that pen cannot de
scribe it. Pe-ru-na is everything to
me. 1 have taken several bottles ol
Pe-ru-na foi female complaint. I am
in the change of life and it does me
good." Pe-ru-na has no equal in all
of the irregularities and emergencies
peculiar to women caused by pelvic
autarrh. - ' ' -
Address Dr. llarttnai., Columbus,
p., lor a fret book for women only.
Value of a Knowledge of Geology to
the Prospector,
(By Karl Donglaa, Vntvmitr ot Montana.)
The study of the remains of plant
and animal lite tnat-Jiave -existed in
past ages is like history, astronomy,
fossil languages, politics and all other
branches of human knowledge; it is
niigbtv interesting when out gets in
terested in it. But it is extremely dif
ficult to get very deeply iueterested in
somethiug that we know nothing about.
There are so many branches of knowl
edge that one cannot know everything.
But the subject on which I am asked
to write is, 1 believe, of vital interest
to the miner and prospector, though
our knowledge of it was not developed
for their special benefit, but because ol
the interest aud fascination of the eub
ject itself.
Though I never spent a week in
searh of mineral veins, I have a fellow
feeling for the prospector. In the first
place, there is a charm in outdoor life
in tramping over the hills and moun
tains and through the deep ravines and
rocky canyons; in going into camp
tired enough to make rest sweet, and
hungry enough to devour with the
keenest relish the ham, bacon, coffee,
flapjacks and anything else that hap
pens to come along that is eatable; and
in sleeping in the pure air under the
blue tent of the sky with the whisper
ing of the pines and the varied voices
of the mountain streams to charm
away worldly cares and lull to sleep.
It seems so good not to have to wear
stylish clothes, especially if one bas
none to wear; to be where there is no
fear of trespassing on any man's land,
and to fear nobody's dog; to feel that
the world is yours as much as any
body's, and whatever riohes you may
find buried in its treasure house you
can call your own.
The prospector descends into the
dark mine, submitting himself to
slavery awhile that be may "grub
stake" himself and be a free man for
the rest of the year and have a prospect
of "striking something rich" and be
coming at "VeiutAj or mora wealthy
than bis employer.
The mine owner is ranch the same
kind of a man, but he has the advantage
in having more money to start with,
and is looking for a place where he can
invest his money in a "good proposi
tion" and get richer.
With both mine owner and prospec
tor intelligence and judgment are need
ed. It is true that sometmes those
who have learned little from books and
nothing from experience have blun
dered onto rich leads; but if, the truth
were summed up 1 think it wonld ap
pear that a very large percentage of
good mines have been found by men
of experience, who have worked in
mines, have seen and bandied the ores
and have observed the rock in which
they occur. I firmly believe, too, that
a man's chances of finding the treas
ures hid in the eaith would be in
creased many fold by adding to his ex
perience that of other men, by study
ing th3 mode of occurrence of ores, the
rock formations in which they occur
in fact, the better knowledge of
geology and mineralogy he possesses
and the better his power of observation
and judgment the better his chances of
success. The same holds trne of the
dealer in mining property. It is true
that these sciences are large ones, but
it is just as true that the chances of
failure without the necessary knowl
edge are fully as large. If a sick man,
ignorant of the properties of drags,
were turned loose in an apothecary's
shop he might blunder onto something
that would help him, but the chances
would be against him. We need not
be scared by the voluminous books on
geology with their frightful looking
names. There are simple, interesting
books, giving the most important in
formation, and written especially for
prospectors and mining men, and for
the understanding of them no previous
knowledge of geology and mineralogy
are needed. These may lead to deeper
study later. But someone will my
that certain minerals have been found
where ho experienced prospector would
search and where geologists have said
they cannot occur. The trouble is,
an old miner comes from California,
to Montana and begins to look for gold
here. He knows just how the rock
looks in which tbe ore occurs wheie he
mined in California, and he is looking
for tbe same kind of rock and the same
looking ore, but he probably will nut
find it. An old Montana miner goes
to Colorado and meets with the same
disappointment. His views of tbe oc
currence of ores are too narrow. The
precious metals occur in many differ
ent kinds of rock and under a great
variety of conditions; and one would
have to know tbe geology of the whole
world to know all tbe conditions in
which they occur; yet there are certain
underlying truths that, if understood,
will vastly increase the chances o! (ac
cess and save not only many years but
many life times. Many brother geolo
gists perhaps I ought to say nncle ge
ologists, for I think they are of the gen
eration that is passing away have
studied a certain region and have
jndgfd all tbs world by that. I might
whisper to you, too, that not all who
talk and write on geological subjects
know just what they are talking about,
and I nave no doubt yon have thought
of that before reading this article.
A leoent report from Boise, Idaho, is
to the effect that a fabulously rich
body of gold ore has been encountered
in the Iowa mine, owned by Judge W.
B. Ileyburn. The mine is located near
Okanogan Gold Mines, Ltd., is the
name of a corporation capitalized for
1200,000 which has been incorporated
to take over the property of the Oka
nogan Free Gold Mines, Ltd., which
bas property in Okanogan county
A unique gold dredge has been built
by the Hammond Manufacturing Com
pany of Portland, Oregon, for the
Monarch Gold Mining & Dredging
Company, which will be taken to Cape
Aome. 'Abe dredge is on rollers, and
may be moved from place to place at
the will of the engineer while the mu
ch Ins is in operation. It is constructed
to work the ground below tide water.
It is capable of excavating to a width
of 35 feet and six feet deep without
moving. Tbe gravel is raised bv a
chain of buckets, screened and paused
w oepper plats
DlttriaaMv Trad la on a Restricted
.". Seal. '
Bradstreet's sys: Midsammsr dull
ness in distributive trade and indus
try, and farther reduction of prices in
manufactured goods, particularly iron
and steel and raw textiles, but a
matked movement irt nearly all agri
cultural products, ais tbe leading fea
tures of the business situation this
Crop damage baa been a moving
cause for the adavnee in the price of
cotton. Some weakness has been noted
in cotton goods, without, however,
favorably affecting distribution. Trade
in dry goods has been helped by warmer
weather. '
Wool is lower, and the woolen-goods
market is rather qniet, awaiting the
next London wool sale and the opening
of the spring-weight season.
A heavy business is doing in refined
sugar, and the manufacturers era over
sold. A good margin of profit exists
tn this trade.
Reports from the boot and shoe in
dustry are ' of rather nnsatisfactory
trade prospects, and leather and hides
ire rather weak at the East, but strong
it Chicago, where heavy purchases foi
Philippine army purposes have strength
ened the situation.
Anthracite coal is in seasonable dis
tribution, while the deamnd tor bi
tuminous continues active.
Wheat (including flour) shipments
for the week segregate 4,645,180 bush
els, against 4,678,029 bushels last
failures in the United States for the
week number 167, compared with 180
last week.
Failures in the Dominion of Canada
for the week numler 38, against 23
last week.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, ljtfo.
Lettuce, hot house, 91 per crate.
Potatoes, $15(9 16; ?16.
Beets, per sack, 90c 1.
Turnips, per sack, 75o.
Carrots, per sack, 9 1.
... Parsnips, per sack, 60 75c.
. Cauliflower, California 90c fl.
. Strawberries $1.25 per case.
Celery 4060o per doa.
Cabbage, native and California,
$1.00 1.25 per 100 pounds.
Tomatoes $2.50 per case.
Butter; Eastern 22c;
dairy, 1722c; ranch, 1617o pound.
Eggs 19c.
Cheese 14 16c.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 15c;
spring, 3.50.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, 11.00
(312.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $18.00.
Cora Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or' ground, per ton,
Flour1 Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80 9 4.00.
51 illn tuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
leed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton. $30.00. '
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8(3
Hams Large, 13c; small, IS);
breakfast bacon, 12,'tc; dry salt sides,
fortune Mark.
Wheat Walla Walla. 67 58c;
Valley,. 68o; Bluestem, 68o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.05; graham,
,2.65; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85o; choice
gray, 33o per bnshel.
Barley Feed barley, $14.00 (15.00;
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstnffs Bran, I2 ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 per
ton. .
Hay Timothy, $10311; clover, $73
T.50; Oregon wild hay, $607 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 85940c;
leconds, 45c; dairy, 25880o;
itore, 25c.
Eggs 15c perdozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,000
4.00 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$1.26 3.60; geese, $4.00 5.00 fcrold;
$4. 60(36.50; dncks, $3.00 4.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 14gl6o per
Potatoes 10 60c per sack; sweetw,
2(3230 per pouno.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 76c;
per sack;, garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lo per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, 1 He per pound; carrots, $1.
Hops 2 8c per pound.
Wool Valley, 1616o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10O16c; mohair, 26
per pound.
Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wethers
and ewes, Sc; dressed mutton, 70
7J40 per pound; lambs, SJfcc.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.00(36.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Groes, top steers, $4.0004.60;
cows, $3.60(84.00; dressed beef, 6)0
7'c per pound.
Veal Large, 6Ji07c; small, 80
83c per pound.
Tallow 5 5)4 c; No. 3 and crease.
8i4o per pound.
aa Traaeisee Market.
Wool Sorinz Nevada. 18(21 Bo net
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10015c; Val
ley, its(gzuc; piortnern, lucgizo.
Hops crop, 11 o 13o per
Butter Fancv creamerv 19 a 20c:
do seconds, 18018c; fancy dairy,
18c; do seconds, 1516Jo per pound.
Kegs Store, loeMs fancy ranch.
Millstuffs Middlines. $17.00 a
20.00; bran, $12.60018.50.
Hay Wheat $6.60010; wheat and
oat $6,0009.50; best barley $5,000
7.00; alfalfa, $5.0008.00 per ton;
straw, 25040c per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 60 (3 65c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 80c O 90; river Bar-
banks, 8665o; new. 70c$l. 25.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.7508.25; Mexican limes, $4,000
5.00; California lemons 76c $1.60;
do choice $1.76 0 2.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60O
3.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, $O0s per
Great Paris Banker and His til ft a to
I Charity,
Baron Alpbouse Dt Rothschild, wbo
died recently and left upward of 23,'
OW.OOO francs to tbs poor, was the head
of the Paris house of the great family
m uauaers. u was uiguiy noaorea in
France, a member ot tbe Legion of
Honor, an associate of the institute
and a regent of tbe Bank of France.
The baron married his cousin, a daugh'
jter of the English Rothschilds, ills
, home la tbe Place de la Concords was
the finest private mansion in Paris. II
' was not only eminent as a financier,
but was also a conspicuous figure lu tbe
BAHUN hotuhcuild.
most exclusive salons of tbe Faubourg
St. Germain. Tbe eutertaluuieuts of the
baroness at her uiagulttociu couutry
home, tbe Chateau de Kerrlers, and at
her town house, were noted for their
splendor. Baron Alphonse was one of
the eleven Barous Rothschild whose
loans to the governments of the world
within the past ten years aggregate
more than $500,000,000. The head of
the Paris house whs a hard worker
sud devoted to business, but, like all
his cousin barons, lie bad a bobby.
This was a passion for bnylug rare
books. His collection tvss one of tbe
most valuable of a private klud tn Eu
rope. While he lived he bore the repu
tation of a stern, uncharitable man.
The reading of his will replaces this
reputation with one of a diametrically
apposite nature.
Russlsn soldiers are supplied with
handkerchiefs at the expense of the
Women employed on Japanese tea
farms work twelve hours and are paid
13 cents a day.
Every day there hangs over London
a vast smoke cloud that Is estimated
to weigh sbout three hundred tons.
Tbe baron of beef two sirloins join
ed together by the end of the backbone
Is always served on the royal tabic
at Windsor Castle Christmas day.
A newspaper printed on the excur
sion steamer Ophlr published one num
ber in eighty degrees north latitude.
It claims to be tbe paper published
farthest north of any on record.
Spiders are a serious plague In Jap
an. They spin their webs on the tele
graph wires, and sre so numerous as
to cause a serious loss of Insulation.
Sweeping tbe wires does little good,
as tbe spiders begin all over sgaln.
The only place where "black dia
monds" are found Is In tbe Brailllan
province of Bun la. Tbey are usually
found In river beds and brought op
by divers. Others are obtained by'tun
neltng mountains. Tbe largest speci
men ever found was worth $20,000.
Water containing salts bas a lower
point of congelation. Sea water Is
more or less salt in localities, but In
general It freezes at 27 degrees 4 min
utes (In round numbers 28 degrees). If
water be saturated with sea salt, tbe
freezing point sinks to 4 degrees be
low sero. In freezing, tbe pure water
floats as Ice and tbe salt separates.
Tbe number of winks In a given time
Is found by Kots, a Russian physician,
to furnish a fairly accurate measure of
tbe degree of eye fatigue caused by
various lllumlnants. This method gave
tbe following unexpected results from
readings of ten minutes: With a can
dle, 6.8 winks per. minute; city gas,
2.8; sunlight, 2.2; electric light, 1.8.
Among tbe curiosities In deeds, at
tention Is called to one In Belfast,
which gives tbe course and distance
"to a bole In the roof of tbe shed of
tbe blseksmlth shop." This, U. P.
Farrow, the Belfast dvll engineer,
says, should be considered an "inde
structible monument," as tbe bole still
remains, although tbe shed wss burned
many years ago. Another queer deed
Is of a shipyard In Rockport, and one
course Is described as "In line with the
bow of two vessels now building at
said shipyard."
. Aa Ironto Coadolenoe.
When a man becomes suddenly rich
It not Infrequently follows tliut be be
comes as suddenly oblivious to bis old
friends. Thus, a Persian having ob
tained a lucrative position at court, a
friend of bis came shortly afterward
to congratulate blm t hereon. Tbe new
:ourtler asked blm: "Wbo are you and
why do you come here?" Tbe other
coolly replied; "Do you not know me,
then? I am your old friend, and am
eome to condole wltb yon, having heard
that you bad lately lost your sight."
San Francisco Wave.
T .e Madrid Census.
A recent count shows that Madrid
lias 10,038 buildings with 18,080 apart
ments. Tbe number of Inhabitants ex
ceeds 600,000-407,l(i0 Spanish and
3,280 foreigners. ,
Teavblnx Oermaa Id the Transvaal.
Johannesburg bas a German school
which last June was giving Instruc
tion to 113 boys. 84 girls and 25 chil
dren In tbe kindergarten.
Chocolate Used as Money.
Chocolate Is still used in tbe Interior
of South Africa for currency, as art
cocoanuts and eggs.
Some people are good for no other
reason than that tbey may better
tbust those wbo ars not
" ' i
1 IVg-uq
th Are Mads and Vaad by the Hun
dreds ot Mill ton.
"There art probably few people out
tide the trade who know anything
concerning tbs vast number of clothes
pins that art annually required to tup-
ply the millions ot houseketpert
throughout the United States," said a
wholesale dealer In such goods tn Nsw
Fork to tht writer yesterday. "It Is es
timated that ss many as 60,000,000 dot-
en. or 000,000,000 single pint, art man
ufactured In Eastern and Western fac
tories every year. The product Is su
perior In workmanship and finish to
anything of Its klud turued out any
where in tbt world, and Is shipped
largely to all parts ot Europe, wuert
It can bt sold cheaper than tht rough
and poorly made home article.
"Clothespins art made In this country
principally out of beach and maple.
Blocks of this wood are fed to a very
Ingenious aud exceedingly rapid-running
machine, which has three sepa
rate compartments. One of tbese cuts
t block of wood us Into a dozen or more
pieces, each ot which Is suitable for
forming a pin, It next sixes and cuts
tht crutel,' or plact that It to grip tht
wash on tht clothesline, and tht final
operation turns the neck and head ot
tht pins and smooths and finishes
them off by the bushel, ready for use.
The pins are then packed In boxes, each
containing 720, and the boxes are then
nailed up by another labor-saving ma
chine, ready for tbt market." Wash
ington Star.
A National Pawnshop.
Two recognised national Institutions
tn Mexico art the national pawnshops
and the thieves' market. In tht for
mer, every article pawned Is for sale,
If unredeemed within six months, and
there are always bargains to tie picked
op. The rate of Interest is not high,
snd on each article deposited some
thing Hkt tbe real value la given.
Strangest thing ot all to our own
money lenders, If, when at tbt tnd of
tht time, the owner Is unable to redeem
It and tbe article Is sold for more than
was loaned on It, a note to tht borrow
er invites him to call and claim tht
surplus over tht amount bt already
bas. At the thieves' market there It
not so much philanthropy, and he who
bas lost something of value and would
purchase It back Is apt to pay dearly
for It . The pawnshop keeps short
hours, but tbe candles In tbe booths of
tbe thieves market burn long after tbt
boulevards are deserted. It occupies a
half square, and every article for sslt
Is, If not confessedly, at least tacitly,
known to have departed from Its for
mer owner without bis consent. Con
tractors wbo leave tools or lanterns on
tht streets come to tht market every
morning to buy tbelr property back.
for tbt Mexican tblef Is a clever crook,
with persistency that might be directed
to a better use, and locks and bolts do
not deter blm any more than the police
man on every square that Is under tbt
rule of the Mexican city authorities.
Sly Joking- la tbe Palplc.
"Before I went to college," said
minister of this city, "I did supply
work on a certain charge one summer.
In the Methodist Church wt had ser
vice morning and evening. There wss
a Presbyterian Church In tht village,
and the pastor from another village
supplied it, preaching there once a
Sunday In tht afternoon. I went to
bear him ont afternoon. Ut was a cot-lege-bred
man and was supposed to be
away up. When ht spied me In tbt
congregation bt came down and asked
me to assist in tht opening exercises.
When wt were seated ht asked me to
read tbe first lesson, and at the stmt
time announct that It was a certain
chapter In tht Book of Numbers. Just
before I was to read 1 reached up to
tht desk and took down ths Bible and
opened to tbe place. I glanced down
over tbt chapter and saw that it was
a mass of unpronounceable names. I
knew that be was working a Jokt oft
me. He knew that I could not get
away with those names. I said noth
ing, but when tbe time came I stood
up and announced tbt chapter follow
ing and read It
'When I sat down he gavt me a look
and ht got ont back. I whispered
hoarsely, 'I guess not' Those were
tht only words spoken on tht subject"
Utlca Observer.
Signaling at Night.
A system of nlght-slguallng wltb
flags held up by kites and lighted by a
suspended search-light was tried soma
time ago at Buyonue, New Jersey. Says
The search light was of about ont
hundred candle power, and was sus
pended within a few feet of tbe flags.
The light was sent up at a quarter to
T o'clock, bung two feet below tbt
flags, each of which was two feet
square. Both light and flags wert sup
ported by one nine foot and ont seven
foot kite. The flags wert fastened to
the kite cable by perpendicular staffs.
To light the flags tbe search-light was
rigidly braced on tbt kltt cable In sucb
a position that It pointed straight sky
ward. As tbt kites carried tbt cable
upward, tbe glare of tht fiery pencil
passed beneath the flying kites and up
ward into space, Tbe rapid fluttering
of tbt lings caused the effect of a
stream of blue, wbtte and red fire, ex
tending ten or twelve feet beyond tht
search light reflector.
This invention will probably not only
bt used In signaling In time of war.
but will product effects of great beauty
In night carnivals.
His Position.
A meeting of a negro "literary socie
ty" was In progress, and tbe business
part of the program was under consid
eration. Some one bad proposed that the regu
lar time of meeting bt changed from
Monday to Wednesday night, and tbs
proposition provoked much discussion.
Finally tbe president of tbe society
was appealed to for bis opinion, and
be said, with much gravity:
"Well, membahs ob de s'clety, pus-
sonally, now, pussonally, I don't car"
which night de s'clety meeU, but fo
myself I prefers Monday."
Wben tbe average girl Isn't crying
to her mother that the boys tease bar
the is looking for boys to tcast ber.
A new novel by Gertrude Dls it cau
cd "Tbt Image Breakers," and will a
near la tbt fail.
Th Tombs, I
Whoever so named Nsw York's
llootny prison choss an spt and signifi
cant phraat. Many a wretched crim
inal hat found indeed therein that ths
path of sin it tht path of death, and
bat mourned at tht bnrial of hit own
blighted bopst snd ruined resolutions.
But "stona walls do not a prison
make." There art those who sit im
mured in "the tombs" of a dead past
and woeful prsseut. Themselves, aa
Milton would have it, art their own
dungeons. Let them lift up their heads
to tht dawn aud freedom. God is not
far from any one ol us, Baptist Union.
Do not omit tht lata cucumbers for
pickling. ' Tht seed may bt planted in
Junt or July. Tht White Bpint is an
excellent variety, at it is uniform,
rouud and of good length. It is also
tender and very crisp, having a long
item, snd they keep well as pickles.
They must bt picked oft dally or they
will grow too largt,
WbkI Will Itooom sfChlMaT
Nous can torses ths uiitcom of the
quarrwl betwsen foreign powors over the
division of Clilna. It It Interesting to
watch ths going to pieces of this race,
Many )eiiil ara nUo gnliig to plm'es tn
nun he of d vswihU, OuiiHtiiiatlon and stniu
m il dim-a-M. UihmI health oiin he It-mtned
U ws usa Hosttitter'a Utomitoti Uluert.
Tbt Chicago Tribune thinks a cycle
path for wheelmen may be cousldertd
a good thing on tbt tirtt.
Vori't Tronblo.
"The gas bill is twice what it was
last month," said the poet's wife.
"There must bt somethiug wrong with
tht meter,"
"I witih I wert a gas company.
sighed the poet. "Kvery time my
meter goes wrong I lost money." lu-
dianapolia Press.
Black cntlon hose should be dried
and Ironed on the wrong tidt to pre
vent fading.
Bewara of Olntmontt for OaUrrk Tksf
t'aatala Moreurj,
A Btsrcury will surely dontroy ths tonM ot
mell h,1 aBilftljr tritR ths whole nvs
trm wlieiieiiiorius It thrmiglt the mut-oue tiitv
bm, Hiii-h ii-!et ibuuld ueer be umiI e.
eepi on irewrl.iiotn frura repuieble phl
eient, u the deluxe thee will do U it-n fold to
lheiHMourn iMwelblr Otrtes from them.
HeU'e Ceierrh ure, iiinulr(ure. bv J.
Chvnojr A t o., Toledo. )., comaiiie no mercury,
ami I taken Imernelly, tnltig ttlraoiljr upon
ths blnott snd macoua eurfeoee of (lie trsiom,
In buying llell'el elerrb Cur be mire eon (el
tht- genuine. Il taken Intertiellr, and me.le
in Toledo, Ohio, be F. J. Cheney 4 Co. loeu
nonleU free.
Hll by HrnKlt, arte Tito, per bottle.
Usll'i Family I'lllt ere the beeu
. -r -
Tht income of John D. Rockefeller,
of tht btandard Oil Company, increases
at the rate of $08 an hour, night and
day. . '
City Clerk Donovaa, ot Boston, has
chosen for hit mtssenger a 17 year old
girl, Miss Annie O. Kiley, tbt first of
ber sex to bold such a ponltioruu Bos
ton. The civil service commissioners
being nnable to supply a girl in re
sponse to Mr. Donovan's request, ht
cbose his own messenger.
Confusion in tht head, vertigo, stu
por, faiutnesa, nausea, vomiting, gen
eral depression ol the nervous and cir
culatory functions, follow tht iugestion
of large quantities of tobaoco.
Calicoes should bt washed in clean
water, dried in the shade, and turned
on tht wrong sidt to dry.
Black and white calicoes art benefit
ted by having a handful of salt added
to the rinsing water.
Red tablecloths keep their color if a
little borax is added to tht rinse water
and they art dried in tbt shade.
It is not needful to boil white cloths
(unless very dirty) and have the house
filled with steam every week.
There are 746 saloons in tbe First
ward of Chicago, and in one section
there sre SO in ont block.
We Are Direct
(The Famous German Wood Preterver)
One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. Price, SO cents
per quart. Write for
Force Feed Elevator, warranted
to waste leu grain than any other.
Send for Catalogue.
First and Taylor Strut, Portland, Oregon
Branches! Salem, McMinnville,
La Grande, Medford. Seattle, Spo
Yon can be eumrorUnle el way. If you hare the
Deer Columbian fire aval. In your bullae. No mure
trouble from eiitnlte or ualMlealed rooma. It be.
Beer ayatein of draughta, ihrowa the heat Imo the
room maiean or up tne t-nimney, and aavea yon
money. Let uatell yon all-. ill tola new (rate. It
la perfection for any hoiinehnld. for mrllrulara
ami full dr!rlitlou apply to TH E .IOM H II A It
Can And quick snd permanent relief
lor aerlima and strength dvatruylnf
troubiea In
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thotittnrla have need It tnd tliotiesndt
imw prale It, It cHrriiiermineutly. 1
per bottle at your di usglat't,
Untitling or remodellns ri-aldenvea and
ilurea. We carry a cnmtilei line ol Matitele,
(irttea and TiIIiii, 'Hie Flooring, Tile Wtln
acoilns, Andlriina, Kendera, Httreena, Kli-ctrlo,
(iaa and Combination Cbantlellert, tnd all ann.
tillev pertaining to Klecirlc and (-aa Mflitliif.
VeeLo carry til klnda ol Batterleo, Bella and
Indicator!, fhrnosrHtilia cheerfully aent on
application. rHANK HOM OMr) O.
a nH.iiuiglea St., I'urtlanil, or.
lj ll)L lilM
1 1 Seat Couiib Syrup. Taalea Oooi Cat I 1
I I In time. Sold by druraima. f I
haven't a reguler. bulihy woeeoietit ot
kdwTeeerrSy,ruu re mot, ur will De. Keep youf
bowult open, sod be U. turvt. In Hie iliepeol
i.h.utn n, mil kuklBim. la ueisaeroua, Tlie
am. km lion, eealeel. tuoai periei-l j w Heeylttl IM
buwela olear as oieM It to UUe
PlMHknt, Palatable, rotent.TaatcQooS, PoOooS,
Keeer Sleken, Weaken, or Urlpe. Wo. UXi Wrlll
for free temple, tod bmktel on health. Atlilreaa
BMrtlat BeaMer teaer, Vkleeia, aeaartel, let. MM
An Knar Job.
"What it Smith doing now?"
"Ho is traveling with a circus."
"Pretty hard work, isn't It,"
"No; ha has nothing to do but to
stick his head into the lion's mouth
twict a day." Tlt-Iiits.
Sllene Is Oolilen.
Mrs. Stublr John, would yon relet
to a gnn as feminine?
Mr. Stubb I should think not Ma
rial "And why not?",
"Because guns can lit silenced."
Chicago Kvenlng News.
Menlo Park. 8nl Mstso County, rat.,
tilth It new building, newly fiirulehed
and t'oinplci lahoratoriea, beautiful sup
rtniuditiMi and home Inthir-iicre, It one ol
th belt equipped wliool lor His training;
tif boys anil young men on the ctiaat, Il
Is In charge- of r. Imll. lloltt and isao
credited Ht the unteoreitU-a. rifttd for cat
alog. Tenth year begun Anguat U, 1(M.
Kvasluht is frstnmntlv linoaired bv
the use of tobacco, due to the paralys
ing of the neives controlling tbt iris,
or paralysis of the opt to nerve, some
times reuniting in absolute lost of sight.
Mothers will nnTMrsTlvIuTTow's Hooth
Ilis Hyrup tbt beet remedy tout fur thrtt
slilltlrsn during tht toethlng jwriud,
Tht towns ot Ktldy so l Moody, Tex.,
bavt each voted "no license," tht
former by a big majority.
Piwi's Ours for Consumption ia an Intnl.
abls medicine for rOiitfha and colda N.
W. tAMi-Bb, Uctan Oruve, N. J Feb, 17,
In Prussia habitual drunkards may
bt legally put in charge of guardians.
Thermometer Manor Kequlalto.
A thermometer is almost ludeapuusi
bit in the nursery. It sliotild, if posl
ble, hang in the middle of tht room,
away from tht door, window, wall and
fireplace, where tht mercury may bt
affected by tht draught. II tht room
where the baby la obliged to tleep is
very hot in ths uild.lls of the day, or a
at night, bang a wet sheet over tht
window and leavt tht door open.
Sprinkle tht aheet as It dries with a
whisk broom that bas been dipped in
cold water. Ladies' Home Journal.
A recent investigation allowed that
93 per cent of the inmates of the New
York boost of industry wert sent there
for crimes resulting from tht nat of in
toxicating drinks. .
During tht last 20 years deaths from
alcoholism in Ureat Britain have in
creased 82 per oent among men, and
145 per cent among women.
It will neamnmrllv take a mat mane
years to demonstrate to the lay mind
whether the rejection of tht Holland
submarine torpedo boat was a great
economy or a groat oversight.
Importers of
circulars and Information
CO., Portland, Oregon
...Best On Earth...
Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulls
on the long spokes when doing the hardest
work, which is compressing- the bundle, ty
ing: the knot and discharg-ing- the bundle.
We guarantee a gain of power of 16 2-3
per cent at this time.
111 11 itat hi .
wo tin oniLLino III
uU Looms a niaas, iiT1B( cHio. LU
JOHN POOLK, rosTfcASD, Oasoos,
con c v you tiia beat bsriculua In general
machinery, siiKtntts, boilers, tanks, t.unipa,
plows, bIts and windmills. Ths new
steel I X h windmill, sold by him, Is tin.
H!l ftllfm'Commn
Will UWIill J
ONI FOH A DOSS. Cure Hick needaelie and Dya-
Kpala, UeruoTal-liiipiea.rurlfy loeuiood, Aid Dlfiie.
n.l're.nntlilllou.iie.a. loootUrleorrllckan. Ts
m! -"Ji'TJl1 1 m elreeifullhoi.-Bo. Da.
BOaaHttOOO.,rueertaale,ra. Suld tiy Ormgl.ta.
Dee Hit 41 for amnaiural
. M .
la I i.aa.,L -
Irrltatloua' er ulcerations
of" me. cos a m.Bibralicai,
ralnleea, aud not aeUin.
OtlEvalCrltaiiMi (to. r poteuuoua.
rnissiSMTI,S.I J mmm "r "reiainats,
. U.S. a. s 1 id stain vraaaer.
T i 17 "Preea, ereeeld, foe
""-Tll . ,'" b"Ul.a73.Ta.
W. P. N. If
Mo. ST-1SOO.
U,,f iT,,t,nf "lvartlMrs plsasa