THUasOAYt JULY 5.ISOO, The 111 on mrttea correspondence from till eeUonji ol Milium eomny, N e, stir- to meke this jdiwt tin' li'iittlni! !." m ill.iru ol tec COUHIV (lrt Hltte AUf '.IllT.its to HHXlXt N I'V -vending: fn ti: new. o the ivunee Ho iichrhourhiw!'.- i ttrtvapi ndeuee - must ne eiem-d by the writer, not tiecesKurtlr i or pub Ueuliim. lull emni evhtvtit'e ol ,;o.)d iidth. mill 1 trie editor AmiHs no re-roM(l-'iitl. utroptu , loiiiMixtue 'd by vuiivjMuiti ills. . . VOft'lit groWtf iq campaign year.'- Gilliam even in il.wvls caine"-and the '.v-iett t'rp i. assured. Let us rcttini thanks. . Tim w tu.dvrini; Uxvt corner preavlter , l),Ri,On IVecher Flat, J nn S, HKX). who ws here last nek went from this ; frank, the lO-veur-old son ut Mr. ami place to Mnyvilie anil, on scccii.-U o! hi j Mrs Joseph Mnttinglv, after it short ill munj amwi, the oitirons oi that phwe . neM 0f bat a tew day's duration, ivnehuled that he win not a proper per- 1 At! that medusnl skill rtnd tender care nun to. b at large. ' Friday moraing . could do waj doin without avail and in. frdieriif Vi!tvs was notified to corns o"er j 12 o'clock Thursday he nikntly psssed mid take him into custody, which ho away. did. Tho nin was taken More Jus-! Another eooe trom 'this world ot onrt, tic of the Peace Morgtn and was exain-j No mow to imther therua with Its flower! imd aa tu his anility hv lr. Vuriidl whit vom,p llngwr ""I1'. l , ,,,, , . " ...i ,i j - Watt on beauty ieth.' tlujtvr atv laid , , , j the result that he km f.o.omittftt to tho i W(.arv nlwllttg blltcr (iml Wwli lam (or tiio insane at 5-alem. : Whtuj- ary with fatttivR and itvr to aieot;" ' he found he wai (in custody ho refused ' ' one bus (tone to that Lrutht golden shore, j t tulk would not tell hU nnuie nor j " 1,1,11 ,8"!!-v' ,,,w,' r"R' 0,1 ; tiert he eatno from. : lie WHS not vlo Aauthor is pisllng trm sorrow mill (In, "utul'lntt waa evidently in ntnl 'vt siiL-h ! Happy whKrtlt'( multlvti vntot nut ni given at the aay THH LAKGKdl' LINK OF Agricultural Implements '.: HETWKEN THli PALI.K8 AND 1'KNDl.KTON, Which wore bought at priei'8 to tlefy coiupotition. el Iiv.lSfiS (irovor (lff vvL-imi nwiv- voUib and litMiiaiuan ilarrisoh rccoivcil o. l-IO.'ilG votos. Ieveliti(i receivtni nearly ' 100,000 -more of tiie'popu'ar vnte tlrnn Ilar risoti but ITarritjon got 2u! wttos in the electoral col!(ve to Clsve-L-iinrs Anil yt't this is called a popular form of government aJ- inifustcrej for the people, of the people arid y the people. : : iri'.iiim'iii ub will he idittii. Shtttiii Wilcox and County Clerk FiMtor h ft f.jr Salem Friday evening with the unfortuniitu man in charge. . Democratic delegates are being held 'up in Kansas City this week , in much the same fashion as re publican delegates were mulched in the City of Brotherly Love two weeks ag). Hotel keepers and others who carter to the transient trade reap a harvest at such times and it is perhaps well enough that it is so, From now until another , set , of national : cooventions roll around the politicians will have away the best of ordinary people and it is well enough for at least a few of the other fellows to take their inning while tbey have a 'cinch." 7.V J REPUBLIC. , A republic is a country where people discuss things. A despot ism is a country where they can not do so and hold their jobs. An idiot asylum is a place where they d'iri't even care 'to discuss things. . The pagan Burmese tack a paper on a revolving wheel and leave it to do their praying. This is won derfully like some Americans who . fix a few party leaders into a polit ical prayer-wheel, pin their faith to them and go off about their bus Ities", quite assured that it would be blasphemous to wonder why (!od gave every man a conscience if its wort could be done just as well by the machine. A repulie no lorTger jealous of its rights has begun to lose them. In one week, during the present month, ten thousand Poles, Italians and Croats landed iu New York, bound for Pennsylvania to. work for the protected monopolies and trusts. '"; It is pretty hard to see, with the naked eye just where "protection to American labor" comes in. Idaho World. MAYVILLE. School closed Friday. . Everybody is busy haying. . Hurt and Uursess Munger were in town Saturday. NoKii June 2S, 1900, to the wife of J. W. Ilyer, a son. Misa Maud McOounell is visiting this week with Mrs. French. Rev. Mayiield (ireuched to a lare audience Sunday.. '"A'. J, May Geld was iu town on bus iness. Friday. - OUR STOCK OF JoyoMS as btrtl whvu tlic inornlnti U brlulit, When tlw swiwl mnibeaut have brunaht an thvlr li!lit, , . Weary a-tth mwlng ami never to leap, ' Wery with hibor mid nilroniinu nlM'pi Aimtlu-rdi-partwl tor heaivii'ii hrilit liort, King tli bell soitly there' erojai en thadiKir. rtiiif-'in vrre aaxuiny unimng to nit'et trail un err akin nr One who walks with them lu heavifbrtKhl i '''I RKO OtE AN3 DC CONVINCE ' twi: - - l.oved uum hHva whlspeml that oio one It - ; bwt. ..' ' ;- V: - ' t wo Irom rth'8 trtslii and takliu swout rust Vvs there In one moi in aujftlie Mim, ime liwl to ehrih and tie less to kiwi. Due more defined to heavvn'a brwrht nhi.'re, lUus th U'U aoltiy thcre'n eiiipc on the door. .' .-.....:' T.S. - full and comnlete line of Bain and S ton irh ton V The latest improved Oliver and Moline (lung Hows, The up-to-date Jfonitor and Cuckeye lloo and Disc Drills, I MeCoriuiek improved roller-bearing Mowers, llooporri.and Binders. Th uneitilld Milwaukee Chain Drive Mowers.' Russell it Co.'s Kngines, Threshers and Fixtures, Tho Little G;ant Tread Power Threshers. . General Merchandise K VKRY COMI'l.KTK, Wlllflt WE AUK tiKUVEMMI TO OUR OCSTOMyBS AT hOWICHP I'UIl-KS. SHURTE & WEIR CO. Millinery Goods at , Reduced Pricos. Miss Lonella Maddock has decided to ': Assessor M.O. Clarke waa here the mnKB "P1"!? reuueiion in the priees . . t ; t C 11 a ! t T.l a. I nth..rrlt... mli. i.l h.w!,, u. aiiuinrry i.uuuj iiiiui juiyti, m If the battle-ship Oregon has been wrecked off the coast of China the loss will scarcely be balanced by anything gained in that wilder ness of heathenism. But at this writing it is not assumed that the vessell will be lost. If it should be it will be another serious calamity to the navy, especially when fol lowing so closely upon the destruc tion of the Maine and the wreck of the Charleston. At this rate we will lose our warshipp, though not in battle, nearly . as fast as we build them. Telegram. Miller Curl was in a few days ago and treated himself to a new hayrttke. Geo, Angell is iu from his ranch to spend the Fourth, Judge Mattingly is after .the Condon dog poisoner with blood ift his eye. T Fred Stinehfield and Flora MeCoimell visited friends ou Fine Creek during the week. , ' i . ;. Jim Dyer has been holding his head in a barrel the lust few days shouting "papa" to see how it sounds. ' E. S.' French was here Monday oil business. Mrs. F'rench is seriously ill witea form of liver trouble..''-." ' Fapoii Jg and painting on the Baptist parsonage is about completed. IV. Coryell and family will occupy it. - Jim Kins and Ed Putnam left this uioruinir for Arlington with a btinchof eattle for J. E. Reynolds, the Nebraska buyer. - . '. B. K. and Al Searcy, J. Boyer, John Fortna and Miller Curt caiue iu from The Pii'.les last week loaded with freight for Keys & Son. . We are ail wondering who the lucky girl will be to get the lirst ride in 3.H. Harnett's new buggy, recently purchas ed of Keys & Son. Died -June 27, 1900, Frank, the 10-year-old sou of Joe Mattingly, of putrid sore throat. The funeral occurrtd Thursday and was largely attended. - E. A. Stinchfield.has returned from Washington where be has been buying and shipping stock for Mr. Kalaton of the Union Meat Company . An insane man who claimed to be a Baptist preacher, was arrested and given a hearing last Friday and was taken to the asylum, iloeave his name aa Bow-1 ers. W, L. Barker's team was here the other day for a toad of mill feed. Mr. Barker botight the small safe that was in KeyesA Son' store the firm having replaced it with a large new one. order to close out her stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Home nice new stock has just been received. Call and secure a bargain. At P. H. itepheuson'8 store. ....- For Sale. A new Singer Sewing Machine, cost J75.0O. Latest improvements, Will be t sold cheap. C. S. I'almkr, Condon. Or. pj II ! County Surveyor and Civil Engineer Home-stead seekers located at ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAH LABOUS, PROP. . FINK WIXKS, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGARS. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. ' " FIRST-CLASS GOODS OUR PlilDE. ' FRESIT, COOL MILWAUKEE KEG BEER on Dbatojit SEE TIIE ais mMmmmtMmsmMmmmmmxmsmum UCHT RU'WIHC REAPERS, BINDERS HEADERS, MOWERS The Jones Chain Mower has no gear, no peer. Tho leading grass cutting machine of the world. When you get ready for a Binder don't overlook the Main St., Condon, Oregon reasonable rates. Condon, Oregon, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . Iay or niKlit ealli promptly answered. Office in New Mkwiiiic Bdilctln. CONDON - - . OREGON. J3K. J. F. GVLLETTE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . OJh'.t bui of C.mdi'H Drug Co. H. H. HKNDKICKS. J.IY BOWKKMAN. HENDRICKS & BOWERMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICES ... rmT Bun.mfo wan or 1"ot' ornc. Condon, first doob korth ors'rKiwEa' brick, rossiL; Ciirefn! attention to legiU bnalueM iti OilHam and Wheeler eonnUea. A Nuiarr In each olftce. . mm nninttf t it? ' roa HKiii-iiRAiiK T'LJC HOWLING wkt" coons. -.- - a i TICr ALLEY" VISE .WHISKIKS. !" MODEL." POOL OITMNA BKEIl. 1 .-TABLES-- ' FANCY MIXED " 1 1 . KR1.VKS. ' A r- ' '.!- i. IS COS.VKCTION. A Quiet Resort. Lower I Z. '," 1 Condon, Main street Char,es F,x' PrP" Oregon. DR J. W. VOGEI. Specialist for Refraction and Defect of the Eye, Will Vlait Condon Every Thret Slontha. Watch Local Column for Pates. Deputy Stock Inspectors. I hiive appointed ai my deputiea the following W. H. Cnlwett. Arlingtmi. I.. B. Townwnd. Omilon. Charley White, 1'aiwrSaik. R. M. Joii!o!, Lone Roek. Stoca Inapertor tor Gilliam Count)-, Oregon. Russell" .!- ' Traction or Portable, Simple r Com f pound, Wood or Straw Durocr. Cyclone" During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering from cholera in fantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Cholera Reme dy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if ueed according to di rections. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and ' healthy. I have recom mended this remedy freqnently and have never known it to fail. Mas. Ccktis Ba- i nek, Bookwaiter, Ohio. Slid by thej Hudson Pharmacy. C. W. Crosfieid, mgr. H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. Scroll Uori( a Specialty. Plans and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon. Automatic Stackers, Wind Stack ers, Horse Power, Threshermen's Supplies of All Kinds. -WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. RUSSELL & CO. PORTLAND, Oa I. O. O. F. As to the condition of the order we quote the following interesting fads from thereport'ol Grand Sire Alfred S. Pinker ton. . December 31st last, the subordinate lodge membership was 830,961 and the number of sisters enrolled in the Rebek- ah lodges numbered 190,007 bership of 1,020,063. Wonderful ban The first candidate rose and paid; 'T fought for you my friends, and today thebonea of ray right arm are bleaching among the hills of Tennesee." ' Imp (ifpnriri no VI,. fa;.r.,l .... ;.. lew, iuub longed. During the last 80 years over 2,000,000 persons have My left ieg friends lies listless in crossed tho threshold of the order and the shadows of the Virginia vales! ' j frora a total revenue of $i09,833.5fi0 dur "Both my legs," said tho third ingl,'is feriod the mm of 80,W)3.WI candidate, "arehi the Mi;sisirpi!" J""6?1 fraternal and ,,,, - ., il , i brotherly relief. So much dry tiumltfrs 1 hen the fourth man rose and j mi, ;bnt wh ,. e..timate the order's ,.'" ' A. "'-, ., . , : i worth expr-fs by brother to broth- I went through- the war w,tLout;t.rill tllL. f,.af.irmt, h;in,t cIm , the a iwratcb. Here are two Mrong j Undlf WlJ lijliHy a(;t , tbe word i you msiun, auu 0f t(,tuttioii and faretvell, ino live legs to kick till you get 'em." --"' ' .-. - . ' And ho carried ' the district.- Atlanta Constitution. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxv om, The Iullus, Ob., June 10, ixi. Notlre in lieroby (riven thot the -,tlolg named settler hn (Ural notiio hia Iriti ntlon to nmke tinal pronlin atpprt of !itflaim, mi'i that iii.ii imi.i prooi win oe rnune oeiore H. II. Ilen-lru-k, U. S. ComiulMiiouer. at i otnll.Oredon, on Satardar. Jnly a, I90O, rlt: JOHN B.SCOTT, of Condon, Oregon Hii.h. No. 73ftl tor the ny ne n't nw M .n't i w H n w H Hie. X'. Tp. mk. 21 E. W! M. , He namenthe following witnessc to prwehia eontinmim resilience upon and enltivatton of eni'1 land viz: C. M. Hmitti, J. U. Smilh, Oe.vive wvt,..iiBirii-,ii, ..t'tnmi nil vl on'lon,'n,'on ) l: Lt'CAc, Kigiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IXB Omcr At Thk D Lttf, On., May 2S, lOTiO. Nottee fn liereliy given that the following- imiiiwl .ettler lina tiled iirpilw ni h( l,,t. ,,t;.,,, tn These fig- 1 ''"nmilte ai"l mnie (iniil proof in ippottof In. urea ex in tut in com OI nation a total mem- j ut "niwiord, county elerlc at lleiiMier, i)r on ThHrmlur, July 5, l!K,o, vi: Tllmrtu i nu vtii v ..i tt i been tho development of this fraternity. tf.i E n riVt, for the W'.- ww ; ... uud Su In law, one lodge and five member : in i W TP 4W H k w r ... . ' 1. He tinraia the IoIIowIiik w tneraea tn nrnvr. hla eoiitlniioua midenee upon and cultivation of aitid lund, (W-orge I'erry, All W jneliind, Henry Ni-1 and Harry ferry, all of Lom Kock, Oregon. . . , 1V I-l'CAH, l'.i-giijter, . The Boat Remedy for Stomach and Bowel Troubles. "I have been in the drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of VMi'-bu,orc H- v .'. A Good Couh Medicine. n.any thonsamU have be;n restored to I the uronrietarv inedi.-inr-s r,f n .mi,. health and happiness by the use of Among the entire lint I have never iound Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If nt-j any thing to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Meted ail h any throat or lung trouble, j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy forall givo it a trial for it is certain to prove j stomach and bow.d troubles," ays O. V. benelieial. CoOjfhs tlmr. have resisted j VkHl.-M, of Columt.os, Ca. "This all other treatment for years, have yield- remedy cured two severe cases of cholera e i w nu retnc'ly and perfect health has , morbtm in mv family and I have .,.,. ( ..ten resiomu. l-ases that seemed hope- mended and sold hundreds of bottles of U., that the olimsite of f:nnoim health it to my cturomors to their entire aatiM- resurts failed to tisiwfii h... hu. i liU t. .... i . . . 1 , , . ' ; l" ' I "" """ B hoick unusmecurei me in tl ir own i,d ; - "! me.- ror laie uy : in a pleasant torm." iiie Hti'if.ii.' Phirtuaoj- C.' W. Crf,- '. Hndon held., rinrr.-. ; 1 ' j' !,,.. CONTEST NOTICE, VS Iabo Otock, 'Ihk I),wxw,Oft., June 13 1'jfiO A miffii letit eonti-nt attidnvit having heen filed In thia office by Henry VV, Welnr, coiiteatunt, aKaitiht homcf Ud entry Xo. ?:I72. made May 8, ISM, for lot and I and S 8 W 4 of ec. & tp. 4 S mnf;e 111 E by frank A. Biwtoit, Cotitcatoe, In whieh it ix alleged that tairt I- rank A. huuitn hua who'ly abandoned wild traet, that he baa changed hia residerwe therefrom formorethan eix mnnthf aince making aald entry and that he is not In the military or naval aenice of the L'nitvd Ktatea, aiiid parties are hereby notilled to nppeijr reapond and oiler evldenee toHchlng aid allegation at 1C o'clcKik a, m. on Angiiitt 1 JrMZr, comity clerk, at hia NEW HARNESS SHOP. I will open a complete line of HarnesH within a few days, in the room adjoining the Condon Drug Go's store, and I re quest my friends, and the public generally to hold their orders until I am ready for business. I have excellent health and am going into this business for tho , Almighty Dollar and all I ask is for you to go first to other ..dealers and get prices before coming to ma. If I fail to sell you it ia my funeral. Yours for . Jones Lever Binder, It is the only harvester and binder that will cut whole harvests without missing a bundle, Remember! The Jones steei Frame Header Is taking the lead in Gilliam and Klickitat counties. We have all these machines set up and ready for inspection, ..When in town. Call and see them and get our price. LORD & CO. F. M. Sprlnuston . ; I. a. nio.r. SPRINGSTON & ROGERS. (Sucootttiors to T O. Johnson.) Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Hay and Grain bought and sold. First-class Uigs always on hand at very reasonable rates, , , A Bhare of the public jmtronatro is respectfully Bolicited. Condon, Oregon. CALL OH TOWi L. P0RTW00D MHEH LOOKING FOR BARGAINS -AL. HENSHAW lie Las a complete stock of the following goods on hand and more coming on every train. I'urniturc, Hardware, Carpenters Tools, Blankets,' Gloves, Wall Paper, Stoves, Stove-pipe,-' Wiudow-glas, Trunks, Hand-bugs, 1 Undortakcr'i Taints. Houso Lining, Crockery. Goods. Pvctuember! Ho will order anything, not koptiu stock, on short notice. E.A.NELSON. J. J. PORTWOOLv - NELSON & PORTWOOD '.. Successors to V. M..EIXE11ART),-; -. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE SPECIAL ATTENTION. TO DRUMMERS' TRADE. FIRST-CLASH RIGS AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. PAPERING AND PAINTING. Full line of latest Wall Paper. Estimates on work and material ; furnished on short notice, Call and seo my samples. W. A DARLING ofltee ntCondon, Omtton, and that dual bearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. tn. on Ai. 13, V.W before tlie helnter and lleeelvcr at the t'nluxl rtutea tunil nniec in Tbe nlle. Onon; Tlii'iMlil contestant bavlmr, in n prop, f ofllda VI t. fili d June bl, liaai, avt- forth fuel wliii.h ahow that after due dlliifenee, personal service of tliia notiee Can not be made, it ia hereby or dered nui directed that uiich notiee be lven by dne and proper p-ililieation. Jay P. !,;., - ; 1J ' , - l!, Kiier. Pharriiiii' WANTKIi KKVKKAf, I'KKSONH KOtt IlIH. dlntrletoMiie MuiiMifra in thin afute loni.. nnrrounowiu eoiinni-K. we'kly. I;i(. 'porniniin-w. il 8lilr.f:.;d I'X'.OII build- for ertle bv The w "'mst " pay vurly nm. pnrabin w ,., ,,, ; airable eiiiiii'yinenl Willi niiKinnil i, " . C-rO"ilieid, Iteferem-ci eel.anijil. l,ni-rw a I i ytiir.iii.-d e.nvebipc. r. A. i'urk, .' ' n ' i ina, tli!".i'0. Notice of Sale of Real Estate by Administrator. Kotiec l hereby ptl ven that, In pursuance of an order of the Hon. County Court of (iilliam coun ty, Oregon, rnnilo and entered on 'i'ui-aduv, the eiKbth day of May, A, P., I'.i((, the iinileri(.-iied thendminlatrAinrof the eiate of John A, i.inn deeeimed, will wll at public a.K'tlon to the hiKli id bidder for enah In hand, the fullowlnit dc aerlbed rel ite, Hnut In 01111am county, dtiitc of i ir,-ifon, to wit : 1 he north-east iiuarK-r ol tbe north went quar ter, the mirth bail ol the nortli-en.i, quarter and III south-east quarter (,f the nnnli eiist quarter bisection lh(ity.-oiir amith, runae twenty one, e.iHt of Wlllainetto Meridian, and eonlalnln ona hnndreil and iiixty aeros, aeeordinK to If. 8. Gov ernment anrvf-e, Tluiaald sale will tk pliu'C nt the Courthouse door, milium Comity, On-icon, on rmturday, the. 2lat day of July, A, II., I(si, at tho hour of one o'clock p.m. ul said day, I'. II. ftTKrHk-KiioK, Adminisfrator of the esfale of ' John A. t-iiin, deceased. Fiubnerihe for Uiu (irobi.. UnJy 1 1. oil a year, t C. S. PALMER, rtistic. Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-Rround. CONDON - - - - OREGON. Notice of Sale of Real Estate by Administratrix. Notice is hereby given that, In pursuance of nn order ol the Hon, County 1'onrtol Olllluni coun ty, Oreeon. made March 20. IWO, lh nnd.Tstiined . , .,...,,.,,, p. ,,,,,, 41,, ,;,,, in. tlllflfl mo aoininisirairix oi the esuiie o Justin I, Cnrv. decvarml, will aell at public unction. 1 1 tho hiKh est bidder for easli in Iniiul, tiie following; du si rihed real estate, aitmito In Ijilllain county, 'Hie north eastriuartcr of seelion ooe to t.wn. six sootli, rnijuo twenty east, VV, M., and also the west half of the north cast quarter and the west hall of tin- south east quarter of scellon six, in township six south, ranire twenty one east, W, M.. containing: in all jfiju acnt, acvurdlMg to the government survev. J he aald sale will take place lit tho Courthouse door in Condon, (iilllam eouiltv, Oregon, mi fciiturdiiy, the Willi day ol Jane, I'JOO, at the hour of one o'cloi k I' M. of said day. - Tills sale to la made sithjeei. In the base of Geo. B liukek, wbieb exiiiies Nov 1, Ji'-wmi: A. Ciay, Admtnislrutnx nt tho estate, oi Jaenri L. C4ir-', (lu cua'.d. Hi:MIJcS& Bowj.i,?ui., AtioriiAytv Condon, Or. Corner Spring and Church sts. LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTE AD, Manager. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Wo ofTor a complete stoek of Fine Surfaced Lumber, conltinK of Flooring, Cell ing, KtiHtlc, Ship-lap and all kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful . attention given to bills of speolal Hizes and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY, OREGON. E. T HOLLENBECK, Pil. E. CONSULTING ENGINEER. Estimates mado on all kinds of Buildings, Machinery, Water Powers, Pumps and Pumping Plants. Repairing a Specialty, If you havo anything you think past Dxing, bring it to rue, HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX RUILMUn. 4i Condon, ,Oregon. ".'""' ":,'''.:...'''.:' ' . 'I