Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 14, 1900, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JUNE 14, 1000.
The pfficial paper or cilliam
, , ; Our Agents.
, ' Tho fallowing persons are the
accredited agents of tho Gi.obk at
the pout oflices named. They are
Huthorizeti to receive and receipt
fur BuhHortption accounts:
W. II. Colwku.;. .Arlington.
W'avk linos...., Olex
Mrs. Ef.u Anoem,, . . . ..Mayville.
Frank Btjcwakt ...... Lone Hock.
Other agonts will be appointed,
and their nauios added to thin lint
Skiii Jonei, of Loat Valley wna in town
Will Llvingatono wai on tlie lick lint
Uat week.
Mrs. It. N. Frnzor ii vUitlng friondi in
J, I.. Yautls, of Foetil, wa In town
anday. , .
T. i. Johnnon in liavlnii an addition
. built to Ills reldciioe. ,'
Oacar. Mly win In from his Ajn
ranch Saturday.
Fred Wilton and Al Boarcy went to
1'omII on a business trip Friday.
lion. J. V. Kdwarda and daughter of
Mayvillt) wvro in town Hatnrday.
Jim Dunn left lust week for a visit at
Ma old home In Michigan.
Henry Hartman wai doing some car
I n tor work for Jackson A Uysart lust
week. . '.,
Manley Kelsur Ii building an addition
to his resldunce seven oiilci nOrtb of
Cliai. Meserve, formerly connected
with the Arlington Becord, wan In town
Monday night.
I. . W. Parting waa in town Saturday
looking for a certificate of election aa ,
vounty surveyor.
Fossil won out In the county seat fight
nd her cilltcna are all smiles yet.
Shake neighbors.
C 8. Palmer, the popular barber, ha
Just placed a new barber chair in til a
well-appointed shop.
Frank Moore and F. NY. Moore are
hauling big load of wood down from
the niooutains these daye. j
Iug Sellers, the old reliable audrl
ver, iaagaia pulling the rl boom between
Condon and Arlington.
II. X. Fraier left for Portland Tuesday
morning to attend the Masonic Uraod
Lodge now In session la that city.
; Arthur Myers was one of the fortunate
ones in the Kaaminer drawing this year.
He drew a fine toilet and manicure set.
J. It. Clarke has gone out to Ferry
Canyon to build a new residence for Ar
thur Myers, to replace the one destroyed
by fire last full.
II. N. Condicl, the well-known versa
tile newapapvr man of Arlington, has
built himself a palatial residence on his
farm near Cleio.
J. V. Apple and T. R. Kiggs, of Oto,
were In town Friday on a business trip.
Mr. Kiggs is looking for a location in
this section of the county.
Governor Uer will be married to-day
to Miss Isabella Trulinger, of Astoria.
The ceremony will take place in the As
toria Presbyterian church.
West Bros., of Hay Creek, report good
crop proajiocls on their ranch. I'esldus
their Hay Creek crop they also have in
a big crop on Kork Creek.
Win. Musgrove and Andy Armstrong
started Friday to the Walla Walla coun
try with about 40 head of horses which
they will sell to the farmers in that sec
tion. Arthur Myers, Charlie Richmond,
Uric lialding, Charlie Burroughs, Steve
Couture, and Win. Hawci were among
the Ferry Canyon farmers who were
doing business In town Saturday.
Condon's youths ought not to miss the
novelty of the season a necktie and
apron social to be hold at Henry Hart
man's ranch, Thursday evening, June
14. The ladies of the Baptist church are
the entertainers and 25c entitles each
person to a necktie and dish of Ice cream.
Kverybody Invited.
The latent annual report of tho Oregon
Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F., has been Issued.
There are now In the state 120 subordin
ate lodges. Number of brothers relieved
during the year, 820; number of widowed
families relieved, 14; numbers of bro
thers burled, 81 Total number of
members, 6706. Total amount of relief
during the year, $20,380.60.
A four-homo team loaded with wood,
belonging to Hugh Ptricklnnd, took
fright while standing In front of Punlap's
blacksmith shop Saturday and started to
run. They only ran a few roils, how
ever, ontH one of the animala fell which
stopped the others and but little damage
was done. Clyde Flint was driving the
team but at the time ot the runaway he
wat on the ground preparing to water
his team.
White the momberi of tho Woodmen
camp were busily engaged transacting
business last Thursday night the lodge
room waa Invaded by an armed mob and
the members all iiiado prisoners. There
was considerable trouble for an hour or
o but the boys were finally given their
freedom and allowed to go on their own
recognizance. The " mob " consisted of
a doten or so charming members of the
Women ot Woodcraft lodge and they
were armed with the only weapons
which will cause a Woodman to surrfin
dei namely, beauty,' sandwiches, cake
and lemonade. A pleasant evening was
passed and the boys all hope to bo at
tacked in tho snmo fashion as often as
may bo convenient.
Miss Dra Blake, of rendition, Is visit
ting friends here this week.
Mrs. fii, A. l'attison returned yesterday
from a visit with friends at Holse, Idaho,
l'rof, W. It. Ncal has been engaged as
principal of the Condon pnblic school for
the coming year.
; The Church of Christ will meet In the
Willow grove at tho home of I). 8. Ilrown
next Sunday. Kverybody Invited. Bas
ket dinner.
i J. K. FiUwater and Josh Portwood re
turned from Wyoming Tuesday morning,
where- they have been looking after J.
K,'e sheep. ,
On Monday Elder Swift of the Chnrch
of (Jurist baptised John Harrison and
family, of Thirtynillo, and received them
into the church. ,
Miss (Hells Hurling was a passenger
on Monday's north-bound singe to Ar
lington where she will accopt a position
at the Grande Hotel.
J. W. Ilrown was over from Fotsil
Friday. - Mr, Ilrown will goto Weston
nest week to work through the harvest
seasen. .
The Own acknowledges an invitation
to attend the annual commencment ex
ercises of the University of Oregon at
Kugene which occurs to-day.
OtCampUll)who has been with the
stage company here for the past year
li ft Monday for n visit with his home
folks at Cenlervilto, Washington. -
J oo Laeonna, a former resident of this
place was here a few days last week from
Han Francisco. Mr. Laconna was for
merly a partner of 'Dunn ISros. in the
sheep business.
Win. Imnlnpls building an addition
to his blacksmith shop. The new bnild
Ing will give neoded room in the work
shop and also furnish office room. John
McMorris Is doing the work.
Frank Lownor is seriously 111 Ho has
been suffering from la grippe and It is
thought his lungs are slightly affected.
Dr. 8haw was over, from Fossil to see
him Sunday.
Indian Billy came in from Buttermilk
Canyon yesterday and reported that his
father, old Billy, was killed by another
Indian named Ike, on Monday, Too
much firewater was the cause.
Cooke Bros, are having a 4000 gallon
water tank built at their ranch.
K. T. Itotlenbeck is doing the work. 8.
S. Gridor is also at work there putting
up a cook wagon to ga with their new
threshing outfit.
Rev, Brown, of Lone Rock, will con
duct services In the new Baptist chnrch
here Saturday and Sunday. Hours of
worship fur Sunday are 11.30 a.m. and
7.30 p.m. .Sunday school will meet at 2
p.m. All Invited.
Mrs. W. H. Snelland children who
have been visiting in Condon the last
week returned to her home at Olex the
first of the week accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. M. 0. Clarke, who will spend
a week on the creek.
Mrs. W. L. Wilcox, Mrs. R. A. Bald
ing, and Mrs. M. E. Ward, who were
delegates to tho Baptist Association at
Fossil last week returned home Monday.
They report having a good time, and
much good was done during the week.
Mrs. K. M. Curran, wife of Rev Cur-
ran, who formerly preached in this city,
arrived Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs.
E. Mock, of Ferry Canyon. Mr. Curran
Joined the rush of gold seeker to Cape
Nome a low days ago.
We acknowledge receipt of an invita
tion to attend the annual meeting of the
Whoelor County Pioneers' Association,
which will meet in Kelsay's grove, at
Fossil, on July 3'd. A cordial invitation
Is extended to the. people of Gilliam
county to be present.
Charlie and Will Ladigea lift last
Thursday evening for a pleasure trip to
Portland and the coast. They went to
The Dalles on horseback and ex pected to
lake the boat from there to Portland.
They will visit Astoria, 8tido, and
other points of interest before returning.
While coming out of the timber in
Lost Valley with a load of wood last Fri
day Dan Rineharthad the misfortune to
overturn his wagon on a steep hillside.
Dan was thrown clear of the wreck and,
although not seriously injured, he receiv
ed a number ot painful gashes and
Mr. W..8- Whodon, Cashier of the
First National Bank of Wintcrset, Iowa,
in a recent letter gives some experience
with a carpenter in his employ that will
be ot value toother mechanics. Ho says:
'I had a carpenter working for me who
was obliged to stop w ork for several days
on account of being troubled with diar
rhoea. I mentioned to him that I had
been similarly troubled and that Chain
borlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhioa
Remedy had cured me. He bought a
bottle of It from the druggist here and
Informed mo that one dose cured him,
and ha is again at his work." For sale
by Tho Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Cros
tluld, mgr.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to thank the neighbors and
friends of Ferry Canyon neighborhood
for tholrklndly assistance and sympathy
during the illness and' at the time ot the
death of my boloved wife. I also wish
to thank the brothers of Bummll Lodge,
No. 130. 1. O. 0. F., for kindness shown
at the same time. Such kindness can
hardly be repaid, I can only thank you.
' Frank A. Fauikr.
Notice to Pioneers.
'-There will be a moetingof tho Gilliam
eounty Pioneer Houioty on Saturday,
June 23, 1000, iti the Armory hall, Con
don. All Plonoors and their families
are invited to be pceseut, Basket din
ner and a general good time.
. Wm, Coukktt, Tres.
Sam E. VanVactor, Sec.
Subscribo for the Cit.oiiie.
Only 1.50 a year.
A Quiet Weddlnjr.
The beautiful homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Al Henshaw was ablaze with light and
radiant with lovely flowers on Wednes
day evening of last week In honor of the
marriage of their daughter, Miss Blrdio,
to Mr. C. W. Crosfleld. ' The Interior
was tastefully decorated with bunting
and roses, making a scene of picturesque
beauty long to be remembered.
At 0.30 the bridal party entered the
parlor, Mr. J. M, Cameron, of this city,
acting as best man, and Mis Emma
Orosflold, of Portland, as bridesmaid.
Rev, F. D. Ilealy then pronounced the
simple but Impressive words which join
or life two ot the best known and most
highly respected young people of this
city. After congratulations bad bt-en
offered those present were served with a
most dainty and appetising collation.
The young couple were made the recipi
ents of a large array of most beautiful
presents which only Tack ot space pre
vents an enumeration ot, A pleasant
feature of the evening was the serenade
tendered the bride and groom by a nnm
b?r of Condbn's best vocalists consisting
of Mrs. Jno. Reisacher, Mr. 8. B. Bar
ker, Mrs. T. G. Johnson, Miss Lula Fit
water, Miss Ethel Parman, and Messrs
II. N". Frazer and It. II. Wain. Only a
few relative and intimate friends of the
contracting parties were present at the
wedding. The happy couple will reside
with the bride's parents, where they
will be " at home " to their friends at
all times.
A quiet wedding was solemnized In
the Catholic church on Thursday morn
ing, the 7th Inst., at 0.30 o'clock, in
which Mr. Cha. Fix and Miss Mollis
Rargl were the high contracting parties.
The marriagu was a very quiet one, no
guesta being present except the immedi
ate relatives of the bride.
Father Kelly performed tho ceremony.
Mr. Fix Is one of our well known busi
ness men whllethe bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mr. Frank Kargl, who reside
on a ranch near town.
A Double Wedding.
A double wedding occurred at the re
sidence of Mr. Al McConnell, at Mayrille,
on Monday, at high noon.
Tbe high contracting parties were Mr.
W. B. Maley and Miss Minnie Frit-key,
and Mr. Charlie Carter and Mies Maggie
M'Connoll. The brides are step-sisters,
and are two of Mayville' most popular
young ladies, and the groom are two of
the best known and most highly respect
ed young men of Ferry Canyon precinct.
Rev. Archer, of Fossil, assisted by
Rev. Holt, of Portland, pronounced the
sacred word which made four fond
young heart beat as two and the occa
sion waa one long to be remembered by
the large number of friends present.
About 75 guests, friends and relative
of the young people were present to wit
ness the ceremony and to enjoy the ele
gant luncheon which was served im
mediately after the wedding and the
occasion is described as one of the moft
pleasant social events ever given in the
county. Lack of space forbids a men
tion of the list of presents which were
received by the happy" couple but it
may be said that they were at once nu
merous, costly and elegant.
Mr. and Mrs. Maley will atay at the
Maley ranch in Ferry Canyiin, w hile Mr.
and Mrs. Carter will at once go to house
keeping near Mayville. The Oi.ouit joins
with a host of friend in wishing these
worthy young people a long, happy and
prosperous life.
At Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pauling ar
now at home to their friend and other.
Halstead House,
Condon June 13, 1900.
A Wealth of Beauty,
Is often hidden by nnsightly Pimples,
Eczema, fetter, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum,
etc. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve will glorify
the face by curing all Skin Eruptions,
also Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons,
Ulcers, and worst forms of Piles. Only
25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Condon Drug Co.
As Good to You as a Daily and
You get It at the Price
of a Weekly.
It furnishes more at the price than
any other newspaper published In
America. Its news sorvice covers all the
globe and is equaled by that of few dai
lies. Its reports from the Boer war have
not been excelled in thoroughness and
promptness, and with the presidential
campaign now in progress it will be in
valuable. Its political news is absolute
ly impartial. This fact makes it of
especial value to you at this time.
If you want to watch every move of
the great political campaign take the
Thrlce-a-Week World. It you want to
keep your eye on the Trusts and they
need watching take the Thrice-a-Weok
The Thricc-a-weck World's regular
subscription price Is only 1.00 per year.
We oiler this unequated newspaper and
Tub Gi-oiik together one year for $2.00.
The regular subscription price ot the
two papers is I-.50.
$100 Reward.
The above reward will bo paid for in
formation leading to the conviction of
any person or persons nuilty of cuttinti
(tmcet or otherwise tresspassing on our
ranches In Ferry Canyon.
JiAUKKR & Camkiuw, -
Purely Business.
We have refrigerator In dully use and
therefore guarantee all meat wholesome
and nice. Jackson & Dysart. ;' '
v Tanglefoot at Condon Drog Co.
Silverware finest selection and best
good obtainable, Dunn Bros.
. BatIih Hot and cold water, clean tow
els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel.
Standard plates, 4 by 5, for amatenrs,
45i! per doss. Seed's n'latea, 4 by 5, 05c
per do., at Condon Drag Co.
( Colds 1 Colds ! Cored by ntdn Lang'
Laxative Cold Tablet. For sale only in
Condon by the Hudson l'liarnint-y.
Have von tried it? Dr. Hliick's iluir
Tonic for t'he. m-elp. For vale at the
lludson Pharmacy.
Dr. Plunder's O, P.. P. cure nine cases
out of every ten. Oct it. Condon Drug
P. H. Htephenson is ss-ent for the cele
brated fltranss lirus. iHilor-madn suit.
Call and have your meatnire taken.
Have yon seen onr latest arrival of
silverware? If not, yon had beu.-r call
and Inspect tjiese goods. Finest work
manship, beautiful designs. Dunn lln.s.
G. L. Ncal, the well known auction
eer, will give the strictest attention t
all business entrusted to his caic if
you have property to sell consult him.
Bummer footwear jut-tin latpsteood.
Our shoes combine style, fit and finish,
and comprise the atandard brands. Lot
us " loot" yoo. uunn uros.
Dress good of every desirable shade
and texture for the summer weather.
Right now Is the time to purchase, and
we shall be pleased to see yon. Dunn
. Attention Ladles.
Mis Lonella Maddock has. Inaddilion
to her fine line of fashionable millinery
goods, juat received a line of pretty neck
wear. Also a stock ni tnoge elegant new
chain purses. Call and see tnein at P.
11. Ktephenson'i store. ill order
goods when requested.
For Sale.
The following described real estate:
situated in Gilliam county, Or., is offer
ed for sale for the next sixty days on the
following terms: f 1000.00. of which
1000.00 is to be cash, 500.00 payable in
one year, f-XKJ.OO in two year the de
ferred payments U bear 8 per cent inter
est. Or will sell for all cash at $1500 00.
It is the land known a the Levi J.
Goodrich ranch, situated aa follow : N.
W', 22 N 18 E. V.. SEV, and NWJf,
fE. and NKif 8W, 28. and ', N
fM, and WW.. 23 8N. 18E. containing
558 85-100 acres. Apply to
V. K. Bavasd,
The Dalles, Ore.
la over and we are elected to stay at home
and we will be found at the old stand ready
and willing to supply our -customers with
everything kept in General Merchandise.
Choice line of
We are Agents for the
D. M. Osborne and the McCormack
Our aim is to keep the very best quality of goods obtainable.
Call and inspect our stock and bo convinced.
Our prices are the lowest quality considered.
Yours respectfully,
Scorching Winds !
With the approach of summer this is what we can expect, and ought
to prepare for it. We have the interests of the citizens of Condon al
ways in oar mind and concluded that a cooling beverage was the one
thing needful to counteract the effects of warm weather. Onr soda
fountain is now in full blast, and if you have not already tried onr
soft drinks couie now. '
Siit Driuh, la Crtam, Milk SAairt
Crathri an J CauJht.
A ro the people who always treat you right.
Our goods are the best.
Our assortment the largest, and .
Our prices the lowest.
We charge for prescriptions according to the
ingredients and not tho site of bottle and dose. (live us a trial order.
Call on or write for information and prices.
Wholcsalo and Wotail Dealers in Prujra, Photo Goods,
Musical Supplies and PalnterV Material.
A Good Cough Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy when druggist use it In
their own families in preference to any
other. ."I have sold Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with complete Satisfaction to myself and
customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith
Van Etten, N. Y. " I have alway nsed
it in my own family both for ordinary
coughs and colds, and for the cough fol
lowing la grippe, and find It very effica
cious," For sale by The Hndson Phar
macy -C. W. Crngfield, mgr.
Treasurer's Notice.
All city warrants registered prior to
Oct. 1, 1899, will be paid on presenta
tion at mv office. Interest reases after
June 11, 1900. P. II. Bteviikmso!,
City Treasurer, Condon.
Jnnell, 1000.
Treasurer's Notice.
All county warrants registered prior
to 14, 18.18, will be paid on pre
wiitH'imi si mv .illii-e. Interest ceases
after JinieH, l'.HM).
ft It. ft.tKKF.R,
Treasnrer ff Gilliam eonnty, Oregon.
Dated at Condon, Ore., June 8, 1M)P.
. General Otis.
I Tlii line stallion is a bright bay. 7-
tiMra-ni'i, weigning jinsj ios. mreu uy
Strickland' H-otch Clyde "Usurper'
G'lmd'ire, "Candhar" (Reg. No. 686).
First dam English draft mare "Snip."
Heo.nn'dam "Belle of Scotland" (Reg.
No. 1078). For terms and date see bills
or enquire of En. Coksktt, Keeper.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate
by Administratrix.
Sollot In hereby given that. In ruiimwnreof an
order rf the Hon. County Cmirt of (ilUifon rotsit
Iv, on-con, nnite Mnn-h JO. )'.M, I In anUnniKiird
the ulinlnl.trxtrli of the nUile of Jwon U Otrv,
dvt-oiMMt, will m-II at public aurtlou, t the blKU
eat lit'Mer for aah in hand, the following le
w-rllied tval eatate, fituatw in Gilliam county,
OrKon. Ui wit :
The north eaat quarter of aertinn one In town
all tamth. ratiKtf twenty east. W. M.. and alaothe
weot half of the north eaat quarter and the wrat
half nf the aoiitli eaat quarter of aM'tlon fix.
In to-nhi)i aix aouth. raiure twenty one eaat, W.
M.. roiiuiltiliia In all -fM acres, according to tbe
Xoremincnt aitr-reir.
The aid sale will take place at the fourthouac
door in Condon, fUlliam eountr, Oregon, on
Katnrday, the SOth day of Jane, MM, at tbe bout
of one o'elork V II. of aald day.
Thla aale to be made nl.J.-rt to the leaae ot
Geo. a. lmki-k, whtch explrea Not. 1. 1 W0.
ir.ssir, A. Cakt.
Ad-nlnialratrix of the eatate ot
Jaaon U Cary, d weaned.
HaKDRicKaa Bowkrmax, Attorney-.
trl't ofliee Mana-rera In thla atate to repre
aent me in their own and aurroundlnf. eoanttea
W lillna to pay yearly payable weekly. De
sirable employment with HnHaualopportunlttea.
lUffereneea exi-hanred, Knntoae ar-lf-addref-aed
tamped envelope. S. A. Park, 3J0iltxton build
Ing, t litCHKu.
Jackson & Dysart.
Hardware and
General Merchandise
Largest stock in the
' Indies' Waist Sets, Necklaces, and Watches.
Latest Styles in Chains and Bracelets.
All Goods warranted.
Prices to suit everybody.
Come and ee for yourself.
Fountain Fens, Looking
Glasses, Pipes, etc.
P. H. Stephenson.
Summit Saloon,
F. M. Sprlngston J. A, Rodffttr
(Successor to T. O.Johnaon.)
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Hay and Grain bought and sold.
First-class Rigs always on hand at very reasonable rates,
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Stop at
MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, Proprietor.
Condon, - Oregon.
The public will find that no
found in this country than at
Estimates made on all kind of Buildings, Machinery, Water
Powers, Pumps and Pumping Plants. Repairing a Specialty,
If you have anything you think past fixipj,',,bririf it to me.
Condon, Oregon.
Universal Slovcifarnl
Iron ItfiFteali
Spring Mattrcssea
Chili ra
Kx tension TalIH
OrdT taken fr Furniture
and Wall Paper not kepi in
-wy . OfWtO
Just received from Chicago.
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring tbe comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wants.
better accommodations can be
this house. Meals 25c; beds 25c.