Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 07, 1900, Image 3

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Our Agents.
Tho following persons are the
Accredited agents of the Oi.onn at
tho post olliees named. They are
authorised to receive and receipt
for subscription accounts:
W, II. : CouvkU. . . V, , .Arlington.
Wadk linos. . . , ....... i ... . Olex
Mkh. KrxA Anoki.t.. , . . . .Mayvillo.
Thank Htkwaut. . . . . . Lone Kock.
Othor auents will be Appointed,
and their names added to thin lint
" ..J i
Kl. MoKinii)' left fur the summer
rungo Tuuwlny. '
John Mitihlun ittnl Mr. Andruw were
ovr from Lone KouW Tuesday.
Mauley Kulxtir wn soriottaty ill (or
tow (liiytt ihu first of llio week.
Cneli Sliiiptwri lull jeatonlny for the
mountain to tutiilvaiup forS. U. Darker,
Win. Loon)' Iihh guna to the monntnlnii
mi eum 'ttnitlor fur Duiker & I'll tar's
Winnie Kehtnr went out to Smith'
ranch on liny Creek yeiturduy (or the
Mia Mullle Ilurlburt, the popular
Arlington ttmuher, who I engaged letch
iiiU l Mayvlllo, wm In town KiimUy,
W. J. Kuwell, ot Trull Fork, iterted
lilt (lieep (or the mountain Monday,
with C'hurlle iulinauti mul Andy McLer
en in charge. ,
J. O. 8ta)henon relumed (ram the
Willnuietta valley Mondny where he hue
trt-en fur evurl week telling hunch of
Mr. F. W. Arl end Mi KnnnnCroe
field, of IVtlitml, errlyod MomUy to
epend (ew day visiting their brother, j
V. W. CrwHlleld.
J. W. Merivner end T. I(. Morrie were
in from Men precinct Tuesday bringing
with them tlm election return of that
Manley Downing and Itert Caaon left
Monday (or the Willamette valley with
u b.ind ot home whiuh they will put on
the market In that part of the country.
Mr. and Mr. It. M. Houlnaon, of Ar
lington, visited friend here tor a d ly or
two lt week. They were on their way
from viail with relative at lono Kock
and My villa.
Klder J. I.. Swift, o( tho Church of
Christ, will preach in the Armory ball
neat Sunday, Juno 10th, at It o'clock
a.m. and 3 o'clock p.m. All are cordi
ally invited to attend.
IL il. Wain ha begun hi work an
eeiiKU enumerator in Oil district.
Every citizen ahould aid him in every
way to iccuru a full and complete rt-lnrn
of thu dita detired ly the government.
tn l';inierwi, the well-known wheat
grower of Hhuttler 1'lal w in town ye
trrdnv atteuding tlio luiieriil of Mr. F.
A. Palmer. Mr. Cameron report crop
proapect very promising In hi auction,
lie i furuiliig alwut 1200 acre.
The elrcu fulled to reach hero on
echeduie time on account of a breakdown
over on the John !ay river, which threw
them itdtty behind their date. They
ehowed hero Katurdny evening, liowever,
to a tair crod and tho H)rforniiince wa.
rather creditable.
The threo-yvnr-uld son of J. E. Fua,
who live out near tho Uhick llutte, wa
injured on Tuesday by the overturning
of a hack in which Mr. Foe and
her two children were riding. The child
wan brought to town (or inediual atten
tion and happily hi injuries were not
found aeriou.
Condou' youth ought nut to utiaa tho
novelty of the season -a nock tie and
apron oclal to bo held at Henry Hart
inun' ranch, Ttitirxlity evening, Juno
U. The ladieaof the Baptist church are
thu rulurtuiuera and 35u entitle each
pcraou to a necktie and dlali of ice cream.
All are invited.
Air. and Mr. Andrew Neel and Mr.
H. M. Johnaon, of Lone Kock, vlaited
(riend here for a few day Inet week re
turning home Monday, Mr. Johnaon
wa attacked by a fainting spell during
the mornlngaervieo at the Ilup(it church
(Sunday, which wu canned, no doubt,
by the exeeaaive heat, but the had fully
recovered by Monday morning.
We are right in it.
" Ve, we are on top " when It come to toot rooiI. " A
nice lot of laU-et style shoe for ladle and Rent'. ha
just been received. These good demand the attention
of everyone dusirou of enjoying comfort, and, a our
growing trade Implies, will insure to the wearer a good,
comfortable shoe at a moderate price. Wu can't be
undersold fur same quality of shoe.
A Silver Opportunity.
Now is tho time to buy your silverware. Como aud ex
amine our lait good in thi line. They are of beautiful
design and workmanship and moderate In price, . Make
nu ideal tea sot and are suitable to adorn any table.
Call on us before purchasing elsewhere.
Dress Goods
Lamm Bros.' mado to order suits
Everything in Dry Goods lino
The ladle aid aoclety of the Congre
gational church opened an ice-crenm
parlor on Friday afternoon and evening,
and cleared over f.'iO.OO, which goo to
aid In the work of thi charitable insti
tution, A very mccemful and enjoyable social
hop was given In the Armory hall on
Thuradiiy evening last. Fred Wilson
wa floor manager and the beat of ii.uilc
was cotitrl hulcd by IS. It. Wheat, violin,
and J. II. Wells, organ.
The ladle of the Latter Day Paint
church catered to the want of voter
and otheraon Monday, when they cleared
ver $50.00, on the sale' of Ice cream and
Hrawberrle In the Downing building,
i'he money i for church purposes.
One of the quloteit and prettiest wed
ding of the season occurred tout evening
at the realdenee of Mr. and Mr. Al
IJenahaw, when their accomplished
daughter, Mil ltlrdie, wa Joined in
wed luck to Mr. C. W. Croftleld, man
ager ot the Hudaon Pharmacy. Only
a few friend of the family witnessed
the marrlago, and lack of time prevents
ii giving a detailed account of the oc
casion in ttila issue.
The election on Monday passed off
quietly in Condon a it did all over the
county. Following are the return from
the variou precinct iu Ullllam county.
Congre Hutler pro 6, Moody rep G5,
Simmon Ind deni 0, Hinlt.h dem, 64.
Supremo Judge Bright pro 4, Oreon
dem 7.1, Wolverton rep 68.
District Attorney Mene(ee rep 00,
Moore dem 70
Food and ltalry Commissioner Dai ley
rep 07, Kenady pro 4, Schulmerich dem
W "
Joint Bcnalor dem 02, Kteiwer
rep 43
Joint Keprcwntatlve Barrett rep 54,
Coon iloru U7, Cattananh rep 47, Edward
deiu 70, Misener dem 00, Miller rep &9
County Commissioner Iloycr dem 77,
Ward rep 08
Sheriff Ham rep 20, Wilcox dem U9
Clerk Fraier rep 74, Johnson dem 71
Treasurer Barker rep 61, Stephenson
dem 82
Assessor Clarke rep 81, Musgrove
dem 02 a
fichool Superintendent Cras rep 52,
Keal dem 02
Surveyor Darling dem 00, Wain rep
Coroner Lasler dem 00, Kuedy rep
Justice of tho Peace Dyiart rep 40,
N'eale dem 03
Countable Knox rep 72, Strickland
dem 61
Koad Supervisor Kleer rep 08, Kice
dem 70
Ilutler 8, Moody 70, Simmon 8, Smith
Dright 7, Green 42, Wolverton 77
Mcnefea 72, Moore 40
lialley 77, Kenady 8, Schulmerich, 44
Coxad 20, StclwertW
Harrutt 00, Coon 40, Cattanach Co,
Edward St, Mioener m, Miller 83
Boyer45, Ward 78
Ham 05, Wilcox 69
Fraaer 77, Johnaon 50
Karker 60, Stephenson !0
Clarke 82, Musgrove 40
Crass 49, Neal 73
Darling 52, Wain 73
1 juier CO, Kuedy 65
Mover 47, Ward 25
Ham 11, Wilcox 45
1'rar.or 25, Johnson 31
Darker 20, Stephenson 87
C'larko 27, Musgrove 23
Craw 18, Neal 36 . '
Darling 34, Wain 23
l.aier 87, RueJy 19
Ferry Canyon.
Kutlar 3, Moody 23, Simmon 11,
Hmith 58
Drlght 4, Green 77, Wolverton 27
Menefee 20, Moore 79
ltalley 27, Kenady 4, Hchulmerlch 73
Coxad 77, PU'iwor'22
llarrct 23, Coon 05, Caltanach 22, Ed
ward 77, Misener 64, Miller 27
Doj er 79, Ward 27
Wilcox 07, Ham 12
Fraaer 33, Johnson 74
Darker 84, Ktephrnson 74
Clarke 30, Musgrove 67
Cras 10, Neal 88
Darling 68, Wain 39
, Lajier 75, Kuedy 29
ItoyerS, Ward It
Ham 8, Wilcox 0
Frassor 13, Johnson 1 "
Darker 11, Blepheuson 3
Clarke 12, Musgrove i
Crass li, Neal 3
Darling 6, Wain 9
Lazier 2, Kuedy 12
Lona Hook.
Butler 8, Moody 21, Simmons 6, Smith
Drlght 0, (ireen 20, Wolverton 20
Dailey 18, Kenady 3, Hchulmerlch 22
Coxad 25, t-teiwer 14
Hurrett 17, Coon 17, Cattanach 14, Kd
wards 25, Misener 18, Miller 21
Menefee 30, Moore 17 ,
Dover 20, Ward 20
Ham 28, Wilcox 20
Frazer 18, Johnson 20
Darker 13, Stephenson 33.
Clarke 18, Musgrove 23
Crass 10, Neal 28 .
Darling 23. Walu 21
Lazier 23, Kuedy 20 '
Butler 2, Moody 12, Simmon 6, Smith
Bright 2. Oreen 10, Wolverton 19
Dailey 10, Kenady 1, Schulmerich 17.
Cozad28, Steiwer 6.
Barrett 13, Coon 20, Cattanach 14, Ed
wards 27, Misener 4, Miller 10
Menefee 17, Moore 19
Doyer 28, Ward 0
Ham 8. Wilcox 29
Frazer 18, Johnson 21
Darker 18, Stephenson 20
Clarke 20, Mnpgrove 19
Cras 7, Neal 30 ,
Darling 21, Wain 10
Lazier 18, Kuedy 10
' Mayvllta.
Butler 3, Mocdy 31, Simmon, 7, Smith
Bright 7, Oreon 27, Wolverton 31
Menefee 31, Moore 50
Bailey 31, Kenady 0, Schulmerich 43
Coxad 80, Steiwer 29
Barrett 81, Coon 43, Cattanach 27, Ed
wards 51, Misener 39, Miller 31
Boyer 61, Ward 37
Ham 10. Wilcox 70
Frazer 40, Joh neon 42
Barker 38, Stephenson 60
Clarke 48, Musgrove 87
Cras 35, Neal 69
Darling 48, tValn 35
Lizier 49, Kuedy 30
Rock Craak.
Boyer 58, Ward 71
Ham 65, Wilcox 72
Frazer 83, Johnson 48
Barker 70, Stephenson 58
Clarke 00, Musgrove 33
Crass 68, Neal 08
Darling 63. Wain 71
Lazier 43, Kuedy 84
Trail Fork.
Butler 1, Moody 33, Simmons 3, Smith
Bright I, Oreen 5, Wolverton 32
Dailey 31, Kenady 3, Schulmerich 4
Coxad 14, Steiwer 20
Barrett 29, Coon 7, Cattanach 25, Ed
wards 6, Misener 5, Miller 27
.Menefee 30, Moo its 7
Boyer 12, Ward 28 7 '
Ham 12, Wilcox 27 ,
Fraaer 33, Johnson 7
Darker 16, Stephenson 23
Clarke 33, Musgrove 6
Cras 20, Neal 14
Darling 22, Wain 13 '"
Lazier 9, Rnedy 31
Willow Creek.
Doyer 10, Ward 11
Ham 8, Wilcox 13
Frazer 13, Johnson 8
Barker 13, Stephenson 8
Clarke 0, Muagrove 4
Cras 8, Neal 9
Darling 12, Wain 3
Ijizicr 7, Kuedy 14
Tho Total Vote.
Butler 33,' Moody 300, Simmon 82,
Smith 280.
Bright 38, Oreen 374, Wolverton 8S3
Bailey 3"4, Kenady 41, Schulmerich
Cozad 447, Steiwer 307
Barrett 337, Coou 332, Cattanach 313,
Edward 301, Misener 300, Miller 304
Menefee 380, Moore 300
The candidate Aral-named is elected.
The figure at endof line, following dash,
show hi majority.
Boyer 416. Ward 38231
Wilcox 602, Ham 219313
Frazer 430, Johnson 3S2 48
Stephenson 444, Barker 30084
Clarke 402, Musgrove 813 149
Neal 4-S8, Crass 299 189
Darling 401, Wain 387 It
. Kuedy 304, Lazier 301 3
Municipal iudebtediK'Ha, No 222, Yd
Judiciary, No 214, Ye 15262
Irrigation, No 109, Yes 1881 1
Repeal, Ye 231, No 129-102
Equal Suffrage, Ye 314, No 210104
A Good CouKh Medicine.
It speak well (or Chamberlain'
Cough Kemedy when druggists use it in
their own faniilioa in preference to any
other, "I have sold Chamberlain'
Cough Itemed)' (or the past live year
with complete satisfaction to myself and
customers," aaya Druggist J. Ooldsmith
Van Elton, N. Y. " I have always used
it in my own lamily both for ordinary
cough aud colds, and (or the cough fol
lowing la grippe, and find it very elllca
elou." For sale by The Hudson Thar
maey C, W. Croaflold, mgr.
Of all kinds done on the short
est notice and at reasonahlo
rate. Nothing too largo, no
thing too small. ;
Globe Office.
Mrs, Lizzie Palmer, wife of Frank A,
Palmer, died en Tuesday, the Oth int ,
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Agnes
Collins, in Ferry Cnnyoit. Mrs. Palmer
hnd been a suil'erer from a complication
of diseases for more than a year and waa
hronght from her home it) Portland lust
fall in the hope that the change in cli
mate and her mother's care and
would restore her to health but in rpite.
of nil that could he done for her she.
gradually grew worse and pawd away
as above staled. Deceased w:i a mem
ber of the Iteheknh Deg'ee IMl(if. I. O.
O. F. holding her membership in Eure
ka, Utah, her hufhsiid Ix-ini; a member
of Summit Iidg-, No. 130, .(). (). F in
this city. She leaves a i'm-band and one
child to mourn her loss arid to them w ill
go forth the eiiint sympathy of a largp
circle of friends and relatives, The fun
eral occurred yesterday under the lin i
lion of Summit lod. No, 130. ,
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
" At one lime I suffered from a w. en
sprain of the ankle," says Oeo. E. Cur .
editor of the Gi'init, Washington. Va
" After using several well recommi ml.
medicines without success, I tried ('(ihik
her Iain's pain Balm, and am pleased l
say that relief came us soon a I began
its use and a complete enre srieedilv lul
lowed." 8ld by the Hudson Pharmacy
C. W. Crosfiuld, mgr. '
Cave Himself Up.
Lnuia Smithie, who has been herding
sheep in this section and acroft the river
in Wfmtii iitrtrtn fur a vnr-ir srt nrABflntml !
himself at the sheriff' office last Thurs
day afternoon, and declared that he
wished to he taken into custodv for the
murder of George Young, which crime
l. .ii. . ci.u:....n""
county, California, about three years
ago. Ornithic had been drinking heavily
for several days and was in a badly shat
tered condition when he gave himself
op but the story he told to Deputy Sher-
iff Pinkham seemed pretty straight and j:)0 00 is to he rash, toOO.OO payable in
the next day he told praeticallv the same !""e year, $900.00 in two years the de
story. When Sheriff Wilcox returned to ! Xl.
town Thursday evening he atonce Aired jt ig lhe ,1(l known M the Levi J.
the sheriff of Siskiyou county for in- Goodrich ranch, situated a follow: N.
stmction but for some reason he re- 22 N 18 E. EM, E. and N W.V.
(,ived no reply, lie held Smithie until j '$klti
nuimay morning ano noi. ieeiiiig jusuueu
in holding him longer under the ci'cnm
stances he was turned loose. Smithie
claims the killing to have been the re
sult o( some sort of b family row and
that Young had threatened hi life and
that he killed him in self defense.
Mr. W. S. Whedon, Cashier of the
First National Bank of Wiuterset, Iowa,
in a recent letter give eome experience
with a carpenter in hi employ that will
be bt value toother mechanics. Hesnysif
"I had a carpenter working for'nie who i
was obliged to stop work for several days
on account of being troubled with diar
rhiea. 1 mentioned to him that I had
been similarly troubled and that Cham
berlain' Colie, C'iuk'ra and 'Diarrli'O.
Kemedy had cured uie." He bo'nght a i
bottle of it from the druggist here and
informed me that one dose cured him,
and he U again at his work." For sale
by The Hudson Pharmacy C. W. Cros
tield, mgr. .
V.,tl li.iu Inlnul Wall Vnar
Eitiiuatca on work and material
furnished on short notice.
Cull and see my Bttmples.
Attention Ladies.
Mis Louella Mnddock has, in addition
to her 6ne line of fashionable millinery
goods, just received a line of pretty neck
wear. Also a stock of those elegant new
chain purnea. Call and see tnem at P.
II. Stephenson' store. Will order
goods when re)nestei.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate
by Administratrix.
Notice in hereby Riven Hint. In piinmnn of n
onlerot the Hon. County Court ot t.illUm cohii-
tv, tHVKou, mu.k Marrh -JO. 1.HH', the umii'isiu-m-it i
titt siliniiifKiniirlx ot t-nnitr ot Jhkou I., t'nry. t
lcceNit. will -ll nt .ulIlc HUWton. t t'i,( lilnh- f
et hlililer lor cRh In tuind, the fotlowiii dc- !
xtIImmI rel wlate, Dttiwtu III tiilliuut county,
Onitoii. to wit : j
The north enntqunrtor of section one tn town
nix south, mince Iwciny enHt, V . M,, mid mUo th .
went tmlf ot the north 4:ut qiitirter ttioi thu went
httlt if the nottth OHnt jmii1er of sv-etlott lx,
In tnwiiffhtp nix 9,M)th.riuiru twoiityotitf ent, VV, !
M.. roiitnliitiiK In nit ;L acres, BCfonling to Hi I
Sovrrmneiit wirvey. I
The miiil mlo will lta flnee st the t'onrltiotiw i
UiHr in Condon. t;iliun eounty. (m-Kon. ou 1
storiliiy, the iiih dy of June, liVn), t the hour
of ono o'elm k I'.M. of wld d,iy. . ;
I run Nile to he mieV: uoj,.t tn the leuw; ot
tieo. II. Iukek, whkh cxiilnn Nov. t, l!n).
Jknnik A. Ciiy.
Adtnlni.tnitrix of the estate of
JukOh I.. t'nry, deVHi.Hl. -
Scorching Winds I
With the approach of summer this is what wo can expect, and ought
to prepare (or it. We have the interests of the citizens of Condon al
ways in our miud and concluded that a ooliiv beverage was the one
thing need(ul to counteract the effects of warm weather. Onr soda
fountain is now in full blast, and it' you hnvd not already tried our
soft driiiks come uow.
S.hM Prints, 7.v tVrtiw, Mi'k S,'ia.ts
Cratktrs aiij CaiiMtj.
Jinny a precious life hits been saved by the
timely use of Dr. l'funder's Oregon Wood
I'urilicr. It cures Iumo back, liver und kid
ney trouble. Get it fresh from the factory
Purely Business.
We have refrigerator in daily n and
therefore guarantee all meats wholesome
and nice. Jai-kson & Dysart.
Tanglefoot fly paper at Condon Drug
Subscribe for the Oiarr.
Only l..0 a year.
I g -( 'nnZ
Hath Hot and cold water, clean tow
els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel.
Colds! Odds! Cured by oing Lang's
lixntive Cold Tablets. For sale only in
Condon by the Hudson Pharmacy.
Oct yourself a new watch at E. D.
Wheat's window in the Hudson Phar
macy. Kepuiring a specialty.
Have yon tried it? Dr. Shiek' Hair
Tonic for the scalp. ' For sale at the
Hudson rharmacy,
P. If. Stephenson is agent for thecele
immU'1 MrJiiirH I'.ros. tailor-made suits,
'.'all and hiivi. measure taken.
S -ei's iAiitff. 4 bv 5. 05 fier doz. ;
'tandard phiu-. 4 liv 6, 4'is per doz.
it I'i. -t'-kko, nml blue print paper, at
ondm liriiji C!o.
Have yon h-vh onr latest arrival of
-ikemare? If ip.i, you had better call
mil lnpeet these xoods. Finest work
nmiNliif, lieautiful designs. Dunn Broe.
(J. L. N:il, the well known auction
eer, nill give the strictest attention to
ill biiwin- entrusted to his care. If
you have property to sell consult hiui.
Summer (outwear juktin latest goods.
Our hoes combine style, fit and finish,
and comprise the standard brand. Let
us "loot" you. Dunn Bros.
E. B. Wheat, the Arlington jeweler, is
at the Hudson pharmacy this week with
a lino stock of watches, jewelry, etc.
Call and eee him. .
Drcfs goods of every desirable shade
and texture for the summer weather.
Eight now is the time to purchase, and
! we shall be pleased to see you
For Sale.
The following described real estate,
situated in Gilliam county. Or., is offer
ed for sale for the next sixty days on the
folio win-: terms: 1000.00, of which
g,joi) acres. Applv to
C. E. Bayard,
The Dalles, Ore.
General Otis.
i Thia fine stallion is a bright hay, 7-Vears-ohl,
weighing 1000 lbs. Sired bv
Strickland' Scotch Clvde "Usurper."
'GrnniUirn. "Tsndhar" fRetr. No. 5861.
KirBt dam English draft mare "Snip."
j Second dam " Belle of Scotland " (Keg.
' 16"s- or lrin8 n1 Js,M bib
j 01 e"tre of Eft- Ker-
The Fine Imported Caledonian
Will be foond dur
ing the season o( 1900
. IWrow' ramrh
4 mile east of Con
don. For particulars
call on or ail drew,
William Cooke or O. G. Fabma.n,
Condon, Oregon.
trU t WW Mniini:tT III thl itte Ui lepre
sent me ii tbuirowii nod itmundih(tiN,Htitles
WilliiiK Ui rwy yeiirly , pnyhle weekly. la
ulrHhle employment with Hiintoial opiMirtunitie.
liefereliees ext haunI. Knetiwe "eltniildrrwwU
tninp-d envelope, a. A. Park, 3H!tou bilild
Ing, CTiUaKo.
visit DP. JORDAN'S ct(
in tu Wor'i
ffrtttfttt nttrnctt to City. A
jtrr"tru jmiir IWtUF,
WrahMilve. or in rmntnwu
the oMf Rprinjit tn tht I'ftciOa 1
llA ToHRsr wnm an mH4
II1 uarn tttia ai i.iiTvr
11 ti. ni ilia rrtcrn of yuuihlnl it.
vniiM ,
riiUuitR or Xi-vut. In niamru
i ma -
' .Wra, Kemnmund ihystMi laXfbllilv.lm. (
, iaiiie,T, LMt NiiMbtjfHl UmU itietinipii.
I ci(tini; NpriuiorrhM, ' Proftimor i
I rlHHtlof. ic, liy m ran: hi 1 1 (Km of i
' only AfT'irJ TiuiiunIIhU rviief. btu prmmient I
I 1 tun SO Hri'KUatfa fit trfuinifttt that It K Hi nm ,
t euro, iuo iM'tr dtra not claim toprifuriH ,
' mimcH but m wt kimn n to b Uir and i
. uiirirw CliVHitrliin nnd titrroi, iirvmluetit
P lu ttiswpfiultvDlivraar. r i
NVPBIM4 thtmtirS!v rndlrt1 fmm 1
TraaH flttrd hr an Hxdm-L Hadiotl 1
fwr for Rwinr. A quirk tirt rrnfifftt i
for Pili. iiwir mini riMalu. by '
l Dr. jorti in 4 ttpitui iminieM metbmU. a
IsTI'RT 1IAW ADnlrlnirtonsumreccTal
our A tiwii opinion ut iitsronipltttnr. -
vairill ttmtrwitr a jrQiSIiiwJS vt AAtn 1
$vrrt ease rn . r.
V'..nju:tti-.n nti;i; n MrtctiTpnTiM
TrwJtuifttt nnuuaU v or by leiir.
Writ f r R.mIc. PHILOOCHr
ekkw ioc men.) tutoi wni
0!t JORDAN ft CO., 1051 Mtrfcat BL.S. P.
Jackson & Dysart.
General Merchandise
Largest stock in the
' Ladies' Waist Set?, Necklaces, and Watches.
Latest Styles in Chains and Bracelets.
All Goods warranted.
Prices to suit everybody.
Come and see for yourself.
fountain Tens, Looking
Glasses, Pipes, etc.
P. H. Stephenson.
Summit Saloon,
F. M. Sprlngwton " J. A. Rodgt ,
(Successors to T, G.Johnson.;
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Hay and Grain bought and sold.
First-class Rigs always on hand at very reasonable rates,
' , A 6hare of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Stop at
Condon, - Oregon.
GEO. W; RINEHART, Prop' r.
The public will find that no better accomniodationn can bo
found iu this country than at this house. Jleals 'J5c; bedsL'.'ic.
Estimates made on all kinds o( Iiuildinps, Macliinery, Water
Powers Pumps and Pumping Plants. Repairing a Ppecinlly,
If yoii have anything you think past fixing, bring it tn mc.
t'niverfial Slovt. mul
Iron Hed-lwids
Spring Muttrei-scM
Kxtciifiun Tiiblt'J
Orders (tikou fir Ftirr.ilire
nntl WiJ! jx-r iit.t kepi i:t
Just received from Chicago.
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants of
the . traveling .public in an up-to-date
manner. , . . '
Commercial trailers,' and others,
desiring the comforts of a firt-elans
hotel, will find this house suited t
their wants.
Subscribe for thu Gi.ciiK.
Only !fl.50n ye-nr.
Condon, Oregon.