Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 24, 1900, Image 4

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    m M10BLE-ACED W0OT.
tvrm Letter Jroru Wimn Ualned Throuab
the "Ckac f Life" ay Lydte Crina
Bum' l.getalri Compound.
" D8AB MBS. PKKHAM : When I first
Wrote to you I ww in a wry bad oon-
anion. I was passing through the
change of life, and the doctors said I
Bad bladder and liver trouble. I had
(offered for nine years. Doctors failed
to do me any good. Since I have taken
Lydia E. IHnkham'a Vegetable Com
pound, my health has improved very
much. I will gladly recommend your
medicine to others and am sure that it
will prove as jfi-eat a blessing to them
as it has to mo." Mrs, Gko. H. Joks,
901 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Relief Came Promptly
"DkabMks. Pink-ham: 1 had been
under treatment with the doctors for
lour years, and seemed to get no better,
I thought I would try your medicine.
My trouble was change of life, and I
must say that I never had anything
help me so ranch as Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. Belief
same almost immediately. I have
better health now than I ever had. I
feel like a new woman, perfectly
strong. I give Lydia E. Pinkham
Compound all the credit, and would
not do without her medicine for any
thing. I have recommended it to
several of my friends. There is no
need of women suffering so much for
Mrs. Vinkham'a remedies are a sura
lure." Masai. Hitler, Bridge-
water, 1U.
Another Woman Helped
Dsab Mrs. Fixkham : I took Lydia
E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound
during change of life and derived great
benefit from ita use. Mart E. Jakm,
130 Coydon St, Bradford, Pa.
' iH J A H TO THE MEMO. X ir - ;rS
I'&Jf If iHVi WHO FELL IN fSjt Jtl 7
Help Wanted.
Mistress How did you happen to let
the fire go oat?
New Girl I'm sure I don't know,
ma'am, unless yon happened to forget
to tell ma to put coal on. Chicago
Evening liews.
Mace tne close or tne war wua epain memorial day nas assumed a new sig
nificance. The dead of two wars are honored, snd tbe real meaning of the day
is brought home to the later generation as it never has been before. The hailncsa
that time gives to memories of those who have cone to their Isst resting place
is ortisned aside and tne real import or the day stands out with more distinctness.
One day in the year may well be given over entirely to honoring our soldier dead.
It is not too much. They gave up their lives some to hold the country undivided
and some to relieve a down-trodden people at the threshold of our reoubllc We
owe them a debt of gratitude that we never can repay, whether they fought in
the civil wsr or the war with Spain. Their devotion and their courage entitle
them to the grateful remembrance we show, and the recent additions to their
number make the real significance of tbe exercises more distinct.
laaetlve Demand and Weaker Price
Are the Features.
Bradatreet'a tayi: The trad situation
this week nay be summed up In the
phrase, inactive demand and weaker
prices. While tn many respects the
industrial situation la easier than it
was, the unsettlenient la the building
trades continues marked, the reflex ao
tion being exhibited in tbe unsettled
demand for building material and
weaker prices for lumber and for many
products used In the building industry
Iron and steel buyers are still hold
ing off, most of the business done being
tor small lots for Immediate consump
Relatively good reports come from
the retail trade at most centers, ' not
withstanding the backward spring, but
as yet the volume of reordor business
from wholesalers and Jobbers has
proved disappointing. Finished cotton
and woolen goods remain steady.
wool is weaker, owing to the re
stricted demand from manufacturers
and in sympathy with lower prices set
at many grades at the London wool
sales. '
Relatively a good report comes from
the distribution trade in shoes, but
manufacturers are hanging back in
their purchases of leather, and hides
are rather weaker. -
Relatively the best trade reports
still come from the Pacific coast mar
kets, but better weather conditions at
the South have tended to brighten
trade reports from that section.
Wheat, including fiour, shipments
for the week aggregate 8,480,704. bush
els, against 5,637.02. last week.
Business failures in the United States
for the week number 174, as compared
with 15S last week.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out
of corns and bunions. It's the greatest
eonifort discovery of the age. Allen a Foot
Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy.
nut certain cure lor ingrowing Hans,
sweating, rations and hot. tired, aching
feet. e- have over 30.000 testimonials
Try it today. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c. in stamps.
Trial package FRER. Address, Allen a
uimsteu, i.e Koy, a. x.
r Affairs can easily reach crisis, bul
they are never permitted to Stop there. I Per blame if every on of us ain't sbowln'
Chicago Democrat.
War. now. It don't seem ilk a year nev
cone a bull roua" year
ISence we was ratlin' Into line to celebrate
thl. her.
lit don't seem possible, ylt that's the trick
time anus piays,
N everv vear'li (It mor short 'twlit Dec
oration aays.
JT every year the roll-call 'II be glttln'
shorter, too:
We're nilsatn' lots o' faces that w dlda t
use to do. , . ,
The Barnes la droppln' off no tellln' which
An nf na uir
Be counted out at muster on next Decoration
It's glttln' kinder funny, too, te see the o'
gray neaue
i Tb readers of this paper will be pleased ta
Jtern that there is at leant on dreaded diaeaaa
UN anienee nas ueen a Die to cure in ail iu
staaea, and that la catarrh. Ball'sCaUrrb Cni
la lie only positive cure known to the medical
iretern uy. teiarrn Ming a constitutions! uu
ease, require! a constitutional treatment.
Ball's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mueous anrfaee
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the dimes, and siting the patient
strength by building up tbe eonitltotloa and
swilling natur la doing it work. Tbe pro
prietor have to much faith tn Its enrativs
sewers, that they offer One Hundred Delia
lor aayeaa that it falls to can. riead lor lin
. C H iT A CO, Toledo, 0
Bold by drufiiirU. 75c
l'a family rills are the heat.
Clouds that move in contrary direc
tion to that of tbe surface current indi
cate a change of weather, because they
prove the existence of two sir currents,
ens warm and tbe other cold, and the
mingling of these frequently cause rain.
silver threada.
131' feller! yea, the youngest ain't got notn-
In else to aay;
lit war'a't o ten years sgo ea Decoration
Why, w was on'y boy mere boy ten
years ago; but then
We'd omebow got the notion op to think
ouraelves ol' men:
"N so, p'r'sps ten years from now. If sny
of ns stay,
We'll think that we waa on'y boy this
Decoration Dsy.
rhen close In, veter'ns, close In, men; ol'
comrade, alt In line.
Tonck elbowa once again that's right It
warms von no like wine.
Pr'ape 'taln't often more we'll meet brace
np 'a' atep out gay;
We might be angel touchln' wing next
Decoration Day. ,
Jo close In, veter'ns, close In, men; ol' com
rade, alt In atep:
Play up the tune we used to march we'll
keep the time we kep'.
W ain't too ol' fer three times three; God
are the tut. bnrrayl
Shake handa all roan' 'n' fall In, boys, fer
oecoratlon Day.
-Madeline 8. Bridge.
I rM thd nm i 9
E slwsys knew when Mike was
coming; the manner of his en
trance never left room for doubt.
There was always the confused murmur
of a wordy dispute with the elevator boy
downstairs who refused to operate his
mschine for newsboys, the quick rush of
bsre feet np the stairs to the. shrill ac
companment of "Man Coal Black Lady,"
f - Tl rr If. V . V. A
Would be too Cheap to be good, loor would fly open with a crah and
fcut we flaw Ton Rro-iea fn iIike would be in the center of the room
put we nare lop Dvgza lot tbo ET.nen Journal, l,,.,, w
lor $65 Cash that we gfuaran- laews!" from a golden imagination yellow
FOR $50.00...
tee for one year from date of
purchase. They have food
strong wheels, guaranteed' hick
ory spokes, tires 5-16 thick,
round edge and
ing the already very yellow news of his
psper in a manner that must hsv won
him an editorship could the proprietor of
the sheet have heard him. This partlc-
olsr May sfternoon the method of bis
entrance differed in no way from the
ssusl routine, save that the door flew
projecting opea a little more suddenly and swung
to sgain wun a mue louaer crasn ir pon-
and Harness.
Buy relial
at pood oolicy.
MeCornalek All Steel Ray Rake,
tbe Meat l tk World.
King 01 me aeaaow. com nana eeii-uump.
tleet.Wor 2 teeth; 12feet,82 orW teeth; fa)
miwi, mm lecvn.
it. f-ft m. . to ag
vwuituwproisme. dbe. Brlt onre !nl,ide (t WM dent
We have Others at 170, $75. tht Mik w unduly excited. The pe
ter e.c sers which he usually held out In front st
$50, $55 and up. (rm's length to displsy to the best advan-
Road Wao-ona at HQ anf n. ' kslf-psge scsre hesds were
IVOaO Wagons SI W ana Up, .nrl, nnflr nn arm: hi liir
Mitchell Farm Spring WagOU black eyes danced Jubilantly snd he en
tirely iorgot Dusines sna tne aiaming
sews of his papers in the vastly grester
importance of his own news.
"Say. wot yer tinkl De ol' man's 'list
ed fer a soger; he's go'a t'wart Ain't he
s birdT he shouted.
"Whose old man?" I inquired.
"Mine! M dad! Whose'd yer sup
pose Git de wool out o' yer t 'inker!" he
replied scornfully.
"But, Mike, who Is going to support the
famtlw?" I Innlllred remmhrin a elvlrl
Buy reliable goods ol a reliable concern inscription Mike had once given me of six
little Murphy of whom he was the eld
est and only '"ieven" at that.
"De fam'ly's sll right. Dad says dat
if he goes off to de scrap de folks wot
it ay home is boun' to take care uv his
fam'ly. Bay, yer ought to see 'im. He's
all right, ye bet! De reg'ment marches
It was the first time I had ever heard
Mike speak of hi father with snything
like respect. I knew him to be a drunken
ne'er-do-well, who abused his wife and
children snd contributed little to their
nipport. The days wore on. Regiment
after regiment passed through the city
tn route for the South and Mike was joy
ously full of excitement. Every after
noon he blew into the office and every day
bis stories of the news grew bigger snd
more yellow. He followed every move of
the army and his Imagination ran riot
with the possibilities of the world-chang
ing drams being enacted. Every scrap of
lews in regard to bis father's regiment
on his tongue's eud, snd 1 soon found
bat with the donning of bis blue coat bis
father had become a hero. As for Mike
limself he was tbe same Impudent. sharD-
?yed, dirty, ragged little gamin a of
I'ore, one of the most successful newsboys
n the street, an inveterate scrapper snd
(ambler, snd on his own confession, rare
ly at night having more than half bis
lay's earnings to take borne. When I
remonstrated with blra snd pointed out
that he should take his father's place, he
a as always ready with so auswsr, tmV
Tor catalogue, address A. H. BOYLAN, 121
Bawthorn Anna. Portland, Or.
ng back on the old argument that if hit
father fought for his country it wss his
country s place to look after bis family,
Tbe summer wore on. The Fourth at
July dawned hot snd sultry. The temper
ature rose with the sun: at 10 o'clock it
was 80: st 11 o'clock 90 and at noon it
registered 96 in the shade. The glare from
the asphalt streets blinded the eyes. Men
panted for breath snd now and then ons
fell. The water front and the parks were
thronged with womeu and children seek
ing relief. Those who succumbed were
tsken to the hospitals, but no one minded
uiem. Uown before Santisgo 16,000 men
in oingy brown canvas bloc trimmed nni
forms in the blistering heat of a tropical
climate were fighting against overwhelm
ing odds. On the day before had com
tne new of a disastrous defeat, snd tb
night had closed down In gloom. To-day
the defeat had been turned into a victory
snd the cable had flashed home the details
of s great nsrsl victory besides. The
grest city sweltered snd sweated snd
waited for confirmation aid tor tb list of
list afternoon business called m te
the office. For an hour I worked snd
then fell to thinking oi tbo great tragedy
being enacted. Suddenly I became aware
that someone was standing by my desk.
"Ev'nen Journal, sir List uv desd snd
It wss Mike, but I hardly recognized
tne voice. All the impudence, the old-
time braggadocio was gone, and he had
come in so quietly. "Why, Mike " I
began. I hen I noticed the trace of tears
furrowed through the dirt on the two
grimy cheeks. There wss an unwonted
seriousness in the deep black eyes snd
an unmistakable quiver in the voice as he
repeated, "Ev'nen Journal, air? Extra.
jes' out. Tlete list uv dead an' wound
I snatched the paper eagerly and tossed
Mike a nickel. "Never mind the change,"
I said, and plunged into the details ol tb
fight. When I glsnced op Mike was still
If yer please, sir," he begau. stnndlns
on one leg and uneasily rubbing it with
the dirty brown foot of the other. "If
yer please, sir, could I count yer reg'lsr
fer a poiper every night Oi Oi -ot ter
s port de fam'ly now 'cause OI'm th' head
uv it. He he's dere. sir." he finished
with a dry sob, pointing to the open page
oerore me. Ulancing down the column
in heavy black, bold-faced type. I saw th
name of Private Dennis A. Murphy on
tne roil or bonor with tbe brief, explana
tory nne, tsnot through the head."
Mike drew a step nearer. "Say." ha
laid, with Just a touch of his old-tim
eagerness, "he's a hero now. ain't he?"
Mike has several regular customesa In
the office now, but he no longer blow la
like a miniature hurricane. He comes
and goes quickly but quietly. He is full
of business, snd althongh bis former im
pudence now snd then flashes out It Is ia
a guarded way that will lose him no cus
tomers. He i slwsys resdy for a scrsp
wnen anyone intrude upon bis rights,
but he hss given Up fighting for the fnn
or tbe tning, snd be no longer pitches
pennies snd gambles away bis hard-earn
ed money. "Yer see, Oi'm de head uv d
fam'ly now, an' hsve ter help me mltber,"
be explain.
The other day he came Into the offlc
with the old-time rush. "They've got m
ratnere body, an' It's ter be buried here,"
he cried. Then sfter a moment's thought
he Inquired wistfully. "Say, do yer s'pos
oe sogers u marcn ter ni grave an' put s
flag sn' flowers on it 'Mortal day?"
Thornton N. Burgess, In Orsog Judd
Their Teats of Green.
Marching ateadlly, loyal and true,
Com tbe aurrlvor clad In blue.
While tbe Old Flag floating overhead.
tb dead.
Seattle Me.rh.ta.
Onions, 9.
Lettuce, hothouse, 405o dos.
rotatoes, flea 17; $17018.
Beets, per sack, 50960c.
Tumi pa, per sack, 40 O60o.
Carrots, per sack, 7585o.
Parsnips, per sack, 60 (8 Too.
Cauliflower, California 859 90c
Strawberries $2. 00 per case.
Celery 40 OOo per dos.
Cabbage, native and California.
11. 001.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 12.00(33.76; $3.00(38.50.
Prunes, 60o per box.
Butter Creamery, S2o; Eastern 83c;
dairy, 1722o; ranoh, 15(il7o pound.
fcggs 17o.
Cheese 1415o.
Poultry 14o; dressed. 14ai5o:
spring, $5.
Hay I'uget Sound timothy, $11.00
12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, 118.009 19.00
Corn Whole, $33.00; craoked, $23;
feed meal, $33.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California.
$3.25; buckwheat fiour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
floor, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00.
M ilia tuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $30; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 8o; cows, 7c; mutton 8c;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8X9
Hams Large, 13c; small, IS);
breakfast bacon, 13ic; dry salt sides,
Greets tb living, honor
Worthy of honor as king or queen,
Rllent 'neatb tbelr tenta of green.
With aleerilnr till ,1lnn't In A
Youth and beauty tbelr graves shall strew
To memorle grim, of bygone years,
W tribute pay In falling tear.
There' many a grave we cannot place,
That bide an nuforgotten face.
May orioles sing their sweetest lay.
O'er mounded earth of blue or gray.
For those that sleep 'neath tbe ocean's blue
Our hearts are tbrobblug ever true.
Beyond the sunset' beautiful gate,
Are gleaming teuta where angel wait,
To gnlrt the swinging columns tbrongh
lb golden streets beyond tb blue.
American Cultivator.
The British government makes no ex
amination to determine the validity oi
a device for which a patent is asked,
but takes It for granted that every in
vention is new and grants a patent to
every applicant, leaving bis claim, if
contested, to be subsequently deter
mined by the courts.
Llsley's "The Flood," which was sold
by tbe artist In 1870 for $8, was re
cently sold in Paris for $8,600,
filial I rJ 14. t
:a i d i m m i a
'iillril sk ei r
H It:
Taiwi U
ah a.
r 3
Nature begins fools, and women fiav
rortlend Starke.
Wheat Walla Walla. 510 62o;
Valley, 62c; Bluestem, 54o per bushel.
1 lour Best grades, $3.00; graham.
$2.60; superfine, $3.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86o; choice
gray, 83o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $14(314.60:
brewing, $16. 00 16.60 per ton.
MillstuiTs Bran, $13 per ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 pet
Hay Timothy, $9 (3 11; clover, $79
T.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton.
Bntter Fancy creamery, 80 (3 36c;
seconds, 46o; dairy, 26(8 80c;
store, 22 K 3 25o.
Eggs 13c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c;
Young America, Mo; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4,009
4.60 per dozen; hens, $6.00; springs,
$3.60(33.50; geese, $6.508.00 forold;
$4.50(36.60; docks, $6.00(37.00 per
aoten; turkeys, live, 143160 per
Potatoes 40 (3 66o per sack: sweets.
8 (3 3 io per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 70 per pound; cab
bage, lXo per pound; par mi pa, 75;
onions, 8o per pound; carrots, 60o.
Hops 2(3 Bo per pound
Wool Valley, 12ai8o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10(3 16o; mohair, tlQ
80o per pound.
Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 79
7Xc per pound; lambs, 8 Mo.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.00(6.60 per 100 pounds.
Beet Gross, top steers, $4.0094.60:
cows, $3.6094.00; dressed beef, tX
Ifio per pound.
Veal Large, 6K97kc; small. 89
Ko per pound.
Tallow 59 54c; No. 8 and grease.
8).9o per pound.
Sen rraeio Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 14916ope
pound; Eastern Oregon, 13916c; Val
ley, 30922c; Northern, 109130.
Hope 1899 crop, 11918o Dei
Butter Fancy creamery 17917Kc;
do seconds, 16ieKc; fancy dairy,
)6c; do seconds, 14915a per pound.
i'-ggs store, 15c ; fancy ranch.
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 9
30.00; bran, $13.60918.60.
Hay Wheat $6.60 9 9.60; wheat and
oat $6.0099.00; best barley $5,009
7.00; alfalfa, $5.0096.50 per ton;
straw, 359 40o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 60966c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 70o9$1.00; river Bur
banks, 40 9 76c; Salinas Burbanks,
80c91.10 per sack.
Citrus rruit Oranges. Valencia.
$3.7693.36; Mexican limes, $4,009
6.00; California lemons 76c9$1.60:
do choice $1. 76 9 8-00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1,609
3.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, I (26 Mo pet
To Be the Highest Bridge.
The Buffalo branoa of the Peunavl
ania Railroad, which will run through
Bradford from Wiloo. Pa., aoroas tbe
ridges, by way of Lafayette, McKean
county, will cross a deep and moun
tainous george in the latter vicinity
with a steel viaduct nearly BOO feet
high. The bridge, says the Phtlad.l
pbia Ledger, will be over 8,000 feet in
length, aud ita construction will be
one of the greatest engineering feats on
reoora. it will be the highest bridge
In the world.
Curiosity Save life.
A packtg marked quinine was aecrstly
tent to a bright woman, but being curious
she took it to a druggist who said it was
notqutiiin but arsenic. A like inquiry
into turn of tb medicines offered will cer
taluly detect tb false from tlia true. For
nan a century Hoatetter's Momacu Hitter
has been curing tndigeitlon, constipation,
dyspep!, liver and kiduty trouble and
has never once failed. Try it if you feel
weak and tired.
Had a Bens of Humor.
A sense of humor is a great thing in
helping a man over a hard place, and
the Biddeford Record thinks one of that
city's rumsellers must be possessed of
the aid of this cheerfulness. It was
jitBt after the big seiaure of liquors the
other day that a man who didn't know
of the raid stepped opto the dismantled
bar and asked for a drink. The pro
prietor looked at the man for a seooud
and then spreading his arms out on
the bar, said, as pleasantly as he emu Id
under the ciroumstanoeii: "I'm very
sorry, but I have just let the last ol my
stock of beer go."
Is a serious complaint. It's a warning that
should be heeded. It is different from an
honest tired feeling. It i a sure sign of
poor blood. You cau cure It by making
your blood rich and pur with Hood's Har
snparilla. That I what other people do
thousands of them. -Take a few bottles of
this good medicine now and you will not
only get rid of that weak, Iniiguid, ex
hausted feeling, but It will make you feel
well all through the summer.
, Tired Feellna-' I had that tired
feeling and dk! not he life or ambition to
accomplish my usual amount of household i7ii. ' .k. '"""J
work, llood'i Harsaparllla gave ineteHef iia S.'.' .TTuf "? fl'r lhr"
and also cured a scrofula tendency" I ei"1Jr" daring the teething period.
jus, it. aiiaairr, uowagiac, Mich.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Best Medlcln Money Csn Buy.
For the Vieflt of those who Intend
visiting ParU during the exposition,
the Rio Grande Western railway has
gotten out an attractive folder illustra
tive and descriptive of the main feature!
oi ine exposition, it contains some
valuable hints for intending visitors
aud descriptive articles upon Place de
La Conoorde, Aro de Triumphs, the
Madeleine, the Column ot July, the
Trooadero, Hotel de Ville. Column
Vendome, the Louvre, the Grand opera
house, the Bourse and the tomb of Na
poleon, in addition to a bird's eye view
oi the exposition grounds. The folder,
or pamphlet, is gotten out in handy
form, and is written In a pleasaut and
attractive style. It, in (act, gives In
little space everything one going to the
exposition would like to kuow before
starting on his journey.
lor copies of the Paris exposition
folder and other advertising matter
descriptive of the Rooky mountains'
famous scenery, tributary to tbe Rio
branae Western railway and its con
nections, write
J. D. MANSFIELD, Gen'l Agent,
363 Washington St., Portland, Ore,
The Automobile In South Amerlea.
In the enterprising cities of Buenos
Ayree automobile carriages are no un
common sight, in the form both of pit
vate vehicles and of delivery wagons
Cycle roads now radiate from Buenos
Ayree to distances ot 60 and 70 mile
in the surrounding country, and under
the care of the Argentine Touring Club
these roads are reserved for the use of
bicycles and automobiles. Youth's
I am sure Plan's Cur for llminumiitlnii
saved my life three yearsago. Mas Tun.
Koaains, Mnpl Street, Norwich, N. Y.,
f CO. XI, ItSAI,
Small Boy Wanter buy a dog, mis
ter? Mr. Digneilde Not that kind ot a
dog. Why, he looks as if he had fleasl
"lie has got 'em, but yer got terglv
dat dog credit fer wun t'iug."
"And what's that?"
-""He don't like em." Ohio State
Journal. . - ' '--
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Booth.
A new collar-button has the shank
made telescopic, with an internal
spring, which prevents the shank from
extending too far, aud also locks it in
a contracted position after the collar is
On some of the Japanese railroads
Th Aeru of Hlls.
Cholly My bwother is in luck.
He's got a place as floor walkah in a
dry goods store. He is there 16 hours
a day.
Awtlier I cawn't see the luok.
Cholly You cawn't! Why, his
pwants can nevah bag at the knees.
N. Y. Weekly.
food for the Carlbs.
Cassava and fish form the chief arti
cles of food of the Cariba. of (i
terra ootta sleepers are used. They 1 mala, and the former in cultivated only
are tar more desirable than those of in sufficient quantities tor their daily
wood and thus amply repay for increase needs, as a vivuUMe to eat with thi,i
in OOat. ! HI ml to make ihuir arraiiua hro.,.1
Is Sought by Female Suf
ferers From Ocean
to Ocean..
1800 Fourth
av., Rock
Island, 1)1.,
"I was
afflicted for
five or six
years with
catarrh a 1
and was
worst all
the time. I
begun talc
lug your
Penine with
a niarkod
ment from
the first.
of cur
ing that, the
Peruna hal
greatly im
proved my
"Every bottle ol Peruna Is worth Its
weight in gold; especially to me, for I
owe my prseeut good health to Peruna."'
All over the country there are women
who have been Invalids for many years.
suffering with female derangements
which the family doctor cannot cure,
What boon to such women im
Dr. hart man' t tree advice! So
famous has his skill made him
that hardly a hamlet or town In
the country but knows his name.
He cures tens of thousands, and
he offers to every woman who
will write to him her symptoms
and a history ot her trouble, free
advice and treatment.
The medicines he prescribes can be
obtained at any drug store, and the
cost is within the reach ot any woman.
He describes minutely and carefully
just whut she shall do aud get to make
a healthy, robust woman ot herself.
Tbe doctor has written a book espec
ially lor this class ol women, entitled
"Health and Beauty." This book con
tains many facta of interest to women,
aud will be sent tree to any address by
Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O.
Immediately after the outbreak ol
the war in Booth Africa, 331 French
officers resigned their commissions and
enlisted with the Boers.
Japanese school boys are taken Into
the forests by tbelr teachers, one day
iu the autumn, to engage in rabbit
Spring Bod
v Clea
Every spring you dean the house you
live in, to get rid of the dust and dirt which
collectetfc In the winter. Your body, the
house your soul lives In, also becomes filled
up during the winter with all manner of
filth, which should have been removed from
day to day, but was not. Your body needs
cleaning inside. If your bowels, your liver,
your kidneys are full of putrid filth, and
you don't clean them out in the spring,
you'll be in bad odor with yourself and
everybody else all summer.
DON'T USE A HOSE to dean your
body inside, but sweet, fragrant, mild but
positive and forceful CASCARETS, that
work while you sleep, prepare all the filth
collected in your body for removal, and
drive it off softlv. centlv. but none tri f
surely, leaving your blood pure and nourishing, your stomach and bowels dean and
lively, and your liver and kidneys healthy and active. Try a JO-cent box today, and if
not satisfied get your money back but you'll see how the cleaning of your body is
ViL N "J I . 111 I
c.5Uc. .U Wii iri'ir- :- DRUGGISTS
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and loo poor to buy CASCARETS w will send a bos free. AAdrtm
? If n J . f i as mm 'SS
wrung Ksmcoy tympany, uwcago or in xork mentioning advertisement and paper.
SlanMnerjf nml Snill.
chiDof) , aiiillas. it W r list St., r (inland, Or,
T' fun; lolfxlur. our Faiaeae ofril Kt Jf
I1KI.I.B ClUABa" lr. to eeuh txraoa tiuyln
a box or burignn tnrWM and ipr.M eharu.., an .l,-ra
niklpltcaM,ftomwlm!,.Mmt,oN(nfac Wit..,
American, whlnh with profwr car. abollld ImI
ir jnmrm ; ai.o a pi.wa wetra onain ena anaroi, KMia ul
four n.tii. and full adilrM. no mon.,, W. wlllecnd
ctjrar. wiiten. chain and caurm. If.atlor erafneUoa, you
ra utlatli'd, par I""" " JJ and Uirw charaM.
TnttKtMKUenleoywnr in tboU. H. ettltmatorHii. 1 h.
"NouOim 11.11.' I. a good a.maaf' 10. cigar, now ciff.rwd.
AiMrttaNatfonal Cian'Co., St luli.Mo,
VlMluurd.rtuaylMf.Kiv. lit. uuirt of Utli,
JOHN POm.W trt Ofi i H n A
'"' five you the best bariralus' In general
Ginnery, eiiginsa, noiiprs, tanks, pumps,
plows, belt and windmills. The new
steol I X L wiiiUnilll, sohl by him, is un
Squalled. .
Will Bet You $ioo
That If roil writ, ua four nam. and addr.wi. w
will .nl you a iilmtnaraiili and full ili-ncrliitlon ot
fwiai yim win iwro.ivr in n mo niiMl, llin.l Pco
noiiilral and tlniiy ftrvlrintile Sr grata avr
known, t In nillffly nrw, liaa a n.w yalvtii of
dritiiKhtn, hiinu a pare while flume, no amok. In
th. room, hut all tli. I lent In th. room In.U'.'l ot
ui th. rhliniiry. If ynu write in fur Inriirniailon
you'll b. glad ir It. THE JOHN HAIttltiTT
"., ( Kir. I Mreet, fi.rtl.iiw, lrao.
ONI a-OH DOSS. CnmStck nwdanh. and Dye-
jMlwla, UuinT a I'loipiM.rarlfy the Blood, Aid bita
tloa,l-rrcBtl:illMHaaM. rnotOrtperSlckaa, T
Vnrnlfil ''"J-"'""" ereeuullbt,0, D.
OSANauro.,raMiakia,rt, luida rscdaw,
for Oom.rriMHai anrt OIt f tt( Psvliok's Okmr Hpoli1n, II
t Ui ONLY mf.ll.'lns) tvlilch will itur smh Mid armry
osvsm, HO ,'AHK known It hu vr fatM to ouro, no
DitUUrT bow yrlous or of how lottff Htuidlnf . IWulu
from itm uaas will aistnnlth yon. It It htwliitl Mfo,
pntTsmcai t"vtur. nml man ha Ukem without ineonr
liltmw And dsfwnUon frotn immlnmsm. fHU'sU (l.uo.
wl by till milttl dnttcieimU, or wnt prapaUd kit xprM
pieilolr wrsvpiMKi. on m-t-lpt nf prUm, by
ClmUr fftsslJd on rotto. '
Very often creates havoo with woman's
nsrvoua systsnt,
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Cures quickly and li pleasant to take.
1 par beitls at your
Ilulltlln or remorlallne rmtd. n,... .n,a
stores. Wearry a (nmnlot line ol UanUit..
uratua aim Tllina. 1 11. vi,iri,i 'ni. u.i...
wollnir. Andlrona, KoiiiIom, Hureens, Kleclrlo,
(inn and Coinhltiatlnn (Jlianrlallere, and all atiu.
nlte Trlaliilnar to Klectrto and Uaa l.lalitliiir.
wealuicarry all klnda ol liatterlea, Bella and
Indicator.. I'lKitiiaraplia (ili.erfnlly sent on
applluBtlon. KltANK IIIILtJOMH :o.
H4 Waahlii(lon St., I'ertlend, Or,
n A postal sddrrsaiid to V. 0. Box 41, Tortland,
OriiKun. will lirln you a hatiilanm Ko-Nirt
(IiHik llmik. Ko-Nut la tha lard aulieU.
lute; and ptirur, cheaper and inoraacunomlcal.
For Sale by all Grocers.
..Un Slf i for aaaatural
i.Hin vi.oii.rB..,inn.nimaiioaa,
I m.i
nd ao
er soli
sr I
"or aant In el
EFJ!'"VTi rivW
ff W. orSbotll.., aa.
Irritation, er ulceration
art t. .ul.i.M. of fn..itir.,iM
IrMNtUDnluU F.I n ! .nit ..1,1...
IrHlEmusOHiMinti Oo. seat r boIwdooj.
VtSOIn,.r"J SMy rusaais,
o. , . V . m in pi.ia wr.BBUf.
"' (llnular Mat
M. P. K, V.
Mo. SI 1 BOO.
W"i?.tr..tiar. r..dr:rt,ir