Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 24, 1900, Image 1

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...... A. PATTISON....
gdltor gad Proprietor. :
Ono yasr (In advance)..,,,,,,,,. ,....... fl H
II not paid In advance..,,..,, J 00
BtX D10II I lit. ..............M....M.M.....M...M....M. .. t 00
jltfS MIOH t lit. ....M...........M....4.M...M...M. ........ 44
Blngl eeplea , MIIMM t w mw I S4IM Wl
JMfl of fa VerV of OnuUm, Onae, at
O. R. M. Co. lima Card.
Kow tlmo card, taking tBtel Sunday, robin
ery lliki
Me, s-VIe Htintlngton, leaves...... m.
Mo. 4 Via Spokane, leavaa :vM p. i,
Ko. St-Looal freight, l.ara.,. ........ .,.,.7 iw p. la
Ko. 1-Portland, leavat ..........12 :7 a. ra.
il. Pttrtimwl. leave .,..,........,... 4. tol a. ni.
Mo. a-Local freight, laevrs II :M a. w
J. I. CRANK, Agont, Arllngtuu.
Attorney-at-Iaw, Notary Public
Will practice In all tho ennrta ol tho elate.
CollwMona aud rrobat uualuuaa glvoa oaralul
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Csadoa, Or.
Collection, end In.uranra. Termt reaennaMe
Orfloe In rear ol poetomce building, Malu eireel.
Orllot In Globe Build Inf. ,
Attorney and Oonnislor at La
Arltogtoa, Or.
TT. a Oo-amlaelonar and Notary Pnhlta In
ofttae. Practice lu all Ilia alala and l.-leral
can r li tit Oregon and Wealilnglod. All kind
trill, a lead aud legal bu.lueea traueaeied.
OBoa eornar Spring itrool and Oregon avtnoe
eoMDOK. oaaoox.
The Regulator Line.
The Dalles. PcrUand & Astoria
Daily Lint ol Strainers Bctwtrti PortUnd,
Vancouver, Catcads Lock, Hood Rtvo
and all Poind on ths WsaHingtoo aide
Tli a ataamrra Pallet City and Riilatnr teev
Portland awry nmrnlng kuiular) at,
end The Dallea ell a. m., arriving al daatiua
lion In aaiple lima lor outgoing iralua.
PralgUt Katsa (iratljr Uadurcd.
W. C. ALI.AWAV.Oan. Alt.,
Pool ol Court Htrcat, Tba Dallaa, Or.
Til To) p
Dariar liai ICMtDULlt airiti
Cbloato Ball Uka, Panr.r, 4:00 p. am.
ParUand Kt. Wertli.Oaiaka,
Hi.acl.l Kanaai t'lly, at.
t:ll a.m. liiila.Clilcagoand
Atlantlo Hall I.aka. Danrar, 1:00 a. av.
BipraM ft. Wortb.Omaka,
C M p.m. Kantaa CUT, St.
Via flunu lAiuU,CAlvagoid
Ingtoo. Kaat.
Atlantlo W alla Walla, Uarla- 1:00 a. m.
Kipraat ton.Hpnliana.Mln-
:)p. in. naaKUa, Ht. Paul,
Via Boo- Uulutli. allloan.
kauo. kae,i:blcagoAKait
iflt p.m. data tttaaMhlpi. 4.00 p. av
All tailing dalaa
lubjaal lu ebaiiga
For Han Pranplico
ball ovary 4 dajra.
Dally Ctluatkla Bliar 4 00 p.m.
Ks.Hunday llaamara. Munday
;U) a. ni.
Batiird ToAalorlaand Way
li):U p. fa. iaudliigl.
4.00 a m, Wlllaoiatla Rlrar. 1:10 p.m.
n.Hundar . Buadat
Or.fon Cltjr, Now
burg. Balain, Inda-
rauilxnix 4t Wag
TOO a.m. Wlltanano oad Viai. 1:80 p.m.
fuaa., 1'bur. kill kloort. Mon.. Wad.
and Bat. and Prl.
Oragon Clljr, Pay
ton, A Way lnJ
luga. 4:00 a m. WfllamaHa glvar. 4:40 p.m.
tuaa., Thar. Mon.. Wad.
and Bat. Portland to Corval. and Prl.
Ill A W ay Laud
ing.. L. Rlnarla Inako Rlvar. I.T.UwIiion
I a. m. Dally
bally Rlparla to Lowlaton a.m.
' 't...,. m ' ' w ' ' '"-"'.J. .'.'
J. X. CRANE, Agent, Arlington.
east al raassuf oi Asoat, rsrUaad, Qa
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Inle-r-iatlng; Collection of Item. From
tha Twu Ifnnilaphnroa 1'reaentml
In C.'oml-in.ed Form,
Goneral Duller occupied Dundee.
tieiiktor Clark, of Montana, hag
giKnetl. ,
Prenldent Steyn'g brother captured
by Geueral llullur.
Groat ruih la on from Dawaontogold
ditfgluua of the Koyokok.
There ! no hope of action by the aen-
ate on tho Nicaragua' canal bill thla
Germany la geUlua Couko Free HtaU
territory and now ocenptuaaboot 8,000
atnare ml let.
Senator Joneg. of Nevada, Introduced
a bill malclna it a crime for railroada
to blaoklUt employet.
The United Btntea court of appeals
bolda that a boycott la malicious inter
ference with bunliieas.
London papers want to otracise
Richard Croker in revenge for the por
tion Taniinanr has taken in the lloer
Democrats complain of Kantas City
hotel men. They object to paying Ave
dollars per day for a bed in a room with
fuar others.
rretident J. J. Hill paid $140,000
for a Spokane flour mill in order to get
an entrance to tho city for the Ureal
I'orto Rico and Hawaii will amid
delegatfla to the Democratic national
convention. Kach inland will be ao-
cordod sis delegates.
The grandntand, famous glass betting
rinit and all the buildings of the race
track atCHIton, N. J., were entirely
dentroved by fire, with a loss of $100,
000. The Ore was the work of incen
Assistant Attorney-General Boyd has
rendered a decision in the case of ex
nress oomnauies. in which bo holds
thev are not liable to taxes as brokers,
by reason of their imulng money orders
and travelers' cnecits.
An explosion of a tank In the gaso
line storehouse of A. U. Wykoff, at
Itarltan. N. Y.. cnllo-l out the flro
engines. While tlie Bremen were at
work, a second tank exploited and its
flaming ooutonts enveloped and fatally
burned two men.
Mrs. Lelaud Stanford, on tho annl
versary of ber deceased son's birth, has
delivered over to lli.hop Grace tlie
deed to the old SUnford manson, which
shall henceforward bo kuown as the
(Stanford Lathrop Children's Home
At the same time tho $75,000 transfer
was made which la to sorve as an en
dowmont fund for the institution,
Congress will adjourn about June 30,
llnrglar rifled the postolTlce and store
at Jefferson, Or.
Ituller has taken Boers' stronghold
on tho Blguantuarg.
The British were received at Kroon,
stad with 0en arms.
The minority reiwrt on the ship sub
sidy bill is strongly against a subsidy,
Tlie governor of Missouri haa offered
aid to tho police in the St..Louls strike.
Nationalists won two-thirds of the
vacant seats in the l'arls municipal gov
The Chicago Hook Island railway
will nrobablv build to Portland, Or,
Surveyors are now in the field
Dreyfus is in Paris and Franca is
worried. Olliolals will try to hurry
him away, owing to fear of douioualra
tions. Landlna privileges at Manila are
held by an unscrupulous monopoly that
Is accumulating a fortune ana inroi
tling trade.
Tho number of cases of bubouio
plngne at Sydney, N. 8. W., oflloially
reported to this date is 310, of which
76 proved fatal.
Chicago and other Mississippi valley
cities are expecting the hottest May
weather in years. There were four
prostrations in Chicago.
Joo Barker, found guilty of man
slaughter for the killing of Charles
Johuson, in Seattle, three months ago,
was sentenced to IS years' imprison
ment. In the United States snprome court
at Boston, Charles II. Cole, fortnei
president of the now delnnot Ulobi
National Bank, who reoentiy pieaaea
guilty on an indiotment charging him
with misappropriation of fuuds of thf
institution, was seuteuoed to sorve eight
years in Greenfield.
Aleo Whitney, aged 85, a sooiety
leader, was shot aud killed on a street
carat AuguBta, Ga., by a negro in a
quarrel over a seat. The negro, Gas
Wilson, was taken off a Georgia rail
road passenger train at Harlem, 25
miles from Augusta, by a mob and
lynched. He was being taken tc
Atlanta for safekeeping.
An American laundry plant has been
exported to China,
n, gsnnn.nno oardtal 1. invested
In this country in tho manufacture or
playing cards.
Coal is worked so easily in Chin,
that in Shansl it sells for 13 cents pet
a .l.
. .
David T. Haraden, who died a few
m a at i m m . a ja
76 veat-i in the iervioe of one firm ol
piano makers.
London is enthusiastic over the relief
f Mafeklng.
British forces under Lord Dundcnald
have advanoed as far as Lalng's Nek.
Fire destroyed the main portion of
Ht. Mary's school at Belmont, S. C.
Loss is estimated at $200,000.
William II, Hunt, of Montana, bag
loen selected to be secretary of state
lor the island of Puerto Blco.
Street-car strikers of St. Louis are
restrained from interfering with mall
cars by a temporary injunction.
Texas has declared a quarantine
against San Francisco on account of the
prevalence of plague In that city.
Fenian sympathisers with the Boers
made an attempt to blow up the Brit
ish fortifications at Esquimau, B. O.
Congressman George B. MoClellan,
son of "Little Mao," the federal gen
eral, is being urged as a running mate
for Bryan.
Washington Democrats in convention
at Spokane, indorsed Bryan for presi
dent, James Hamilton Lewis for vice-
The Boers announce they will defend
Johannesburg, and the consuls of the
neutral powers have been advised to
look after their citizens.
Owners of Chicago breweries have
defied the city ordinance requiring
them to pay $500 license fee tho first
day of May each year.
American warships are leaving
Manila for Chinese ports to escape the
hot weather which comes to that city
every April, May and June
In tho coast towns of Coltma and
Jollsro. Mexico, an earthquake caused
bouses to be sobmerged, boats swamped
and several natives to drown.
The statue of General Grant, pre
touted by the G. A. It
to tho nation,
was on veiled in the great rotunda ol
the capitol with impressive ceremonies.
In the senate, the proposition relat
ing to the tarnsportatlon of mail by
the traeumatlo tub system, was laid
on the table by a vote of 83 to 16
A work train on the Guadalajara
branch of tho Mexican Central road
ran into an obstruction, wrecking the
enuiue and a number of cars and kill
lug 11 men.
Assistant Surgeon A. S. Lloyd, of
the United States marine hospital ser
vice at CuIcsko. has been ordered to
Ssn Francisco to assist in tho work ol
rrancisco jo assist iu uie wora u.
prevention oi ine spreao oi wo ouoomo
General Brabant baa occupied Lady-
More Christians havo been massacred
north of Tien-Tain by tho "boxers."
Kentucky Republicans indorsed the
administration of President McKlnley.
Disease is causing tho deaths ol
many American soldiers in the Philip
Filipinos reject civil marriage,
claiming it as no more than
Boer peace envoys will bo allowed to
present their credentials at tho state de
Collector of Customs Ivey has with
drawn his resignation and will serve
out his term In Alaska,
F. P. Dengal, w ho eloped from Proa
sur, Wash., with a Mrs. Brackenburg,
was arrested iu Spokane.
There is a strong sentiment in favor
of Hepburn, of Iowa, for vice-president
on the Republican ticket.
Manila editors and correspondent?;
protest against the press oenscshlp
Many papers are shutting up shop.
Four persons perished in the fire in
the Hotel Helena. In Chicago. Guests
were forced to jump from windows,
Elijah Moore, aged 19, who murdered
Rev. Jesse Moore, bis father, at Vex
tot. Mo.. November 1 last, waa ex
Americans in Yucatan lose contracts
on electrio and bridge work through
beinir underbid by Englishmen and
Fire destroyed the works of tho Can
ada Cycle & Motor Company of St.
Catherines, Out., causing a loss of half
a million dollars
Columbian rebels threaten Panama,
great excitement prevails in that city
and United States vessels havo been
ordered to the soene.
An alleged nobleman, charged with
forcerv. in a Victoria, B. C, court,
swallowed glass during the trial and
will die. His name was Elliott
A factory is now constructing at
Corvallls to manufacture many artloles
of hardware, thus utilising valuable
timber that haa been going to waste,
Webster Davis was called upon to
speak at the Missouri Republican con
vention, but a debate on the question
of appointing a committee to escort
him to the stage came near disrupting
the oonvontion.
Secretary Gage, in response to an in
quiry from the house of representatives
as to tho extent of tho influx of Jap
anese, has submitted a letter from im
migration Commlsstonei Powderly,
stating thrat the arrivals for tho nine
mouths ending March 81, last, were
Governor Roosevelt has signed tho
bill compelling provision of seats for
waitresses in New York rostauranta.
! Average wages in Germany: House,
i maids, $2.88 a month; laborers, $3.14
Wn. 5
I Mlnneapollg has established and
i maintained fnr a vnar three uublic olav-
nn. fnr nhildn at a oo.t of 1300.
mystery. No weapon was found about
ni av-m v na. tr no. t ti iiiv aav-ai aovaii Tfaairaai in
ew xora o . "J", i-
in a burning building by catching them
as wej imi. ,
Boer Forces Withdrew From
the Invertment.
Bailor Oeoaplas Newoaatla, In Murthena
JCnd of MMal, In Fadarala Katroatx
lag Through tha I'aa.ea.
Pretoria. May 21. It wag officially
announced today that when the laagers
and forts around Mafeklng bad been
severely bombarded the siege was aban
doned. London, May 21. From the mention
of las iters in the Fretora dispaccn, it
Is understood bere that prior to me
raising of the siege of Mafeklng, the
Boer laauers around that place were
vigorously bombarded by tha Britisn
relief column and the burghers practi
cally compelled to abandon the siege
Bailor Takoo Maweaatlo.
Lonion. May 21. General Buller,
in-a dispatch to the war office, dated
Newcastle. May 21, says:
Newcastle was occupied last ntgnt,
and today the whole Second division
and the Third cavalry brigade will bo
twineeutrated here. I have sent the
mounted force through Nquta to expel
a small force of the enemy and to re
assure the natives. The enemy have
burned the chapel, broken much glass,
plundered many houses and taken cash
from tho banks, but otherwise they
have not done much harm. The rail
way is badly damaged, the Ingagane
and Nkader bridges are destroyed, as
are many culverts and tba pumping
station and water works. Of the 7.000
men flying before us, about 1,000 seem
to have gone to Wakkerstrora ana some
hv Mailer's Pass to the Free State.
The remainder, who are described at
disorganized rabble, have gone north
and thev intend to make a stand at
Lalng's Nek."
Brltlah at Cbrlatlana.
Pretoria. May 21 .President Steyn,
who arrived here Wednesday and has
been in close conference with the
Transvaal authorities, left for the Free
State last night. Addressing a crowd
on the Dlatform. he unted tbein to bo
of rood cheer.
It is reported that o.uuu iimtsn
hve- Barr0DI1(Ied Christiana, and
. tadloit and other om ;Ula have
been taken prisoners.
James Milne, the correspndent of too
Reuter Telesrram Company, who has
been prisoner hero, was liberated and
escorted to the border this morning.
Oovaraor Smith. Appolnto a Banator 4
Kill Vacancy.
Butte. Mont., May 21. Governor
Smith tadav sent dispatches from hero
to Senator V. A. Clark, Senator Chaud
ler. chairman of the committee on
privileges and elections, and Senator
Fiye, president of the senate, saying be
had disregarded ana revoKea uie actum
of Lieutenant-Governor Springs in nam
ing Mr. Clark to succeed to the vacancy
caused bv his own resignation, and
savins be bad named Martin Maginnis,
of Helena, to fill the vacancy. The
governor gives as his reasous bit opinion
that the appointment Of sir. uiara uy
the lleutenaut irovcruor was taiuted by
collusion and fraud. The dispatches
are practically the same, that to Mi
Clark reading:
"1 have this day disregarded and to-
voked vour appointineut as United
States senator, made by Lienteuuut'
Governor Spriires on the 15th inst., as
being taiuted with collusion and fraud
and have this day appointed Hon.
Martin Maginnis United States senator
to fill the vacauoy caused by your reaig
Those to Frye aud Chandler are of
the same tenor, notifying them of bis
aotion. The governor also sent
formal protest to Chandler, detailing
his reasons. He has also issued an
otwn letter to the iioople of the state,
donvina he had any knowledge of tho
contemplated step when lie l?n flion
tana for California. He says ho went
to California at the request of Thomas
R. Hinds to look into the title of some
mining property in which Miles Finlen
was interested. He owed Finlen
$2,000, and thought by going he might
earn a fee that would be applied on tho
indebtedness. "I shall prove by my
conduct in the future," he couoludes,
"that I was not guilty of any wrong
doing or any idea of wrong."
Miles Finlen is one of the Democrats
In tlie legislature who voted against
Clark. Martin Maginnis was delegate
in congress for the territory, aud, with
Clark, a Democratic contestant for sen
atorial honors whon Montana became a
Tagal Guerilla Warfare.
Yokohama. May 6, via Victoria, B.
C, May 19. The United States bans
port Thomas arrived unexpectedly from
Manila Saturday last. Returning offl
oers and men of the army disagree with
the optlmistio views of the Philippine
situation lately held by tho press and
tlie pnblio. Everything seems to point
to a long and devastating guerrilla war -
fare, and altogether the outlook is uol
A Memphis Tragedy.
Memphis, May 21. At an early hour
this morning the bodies of Henry
Relchman, of Memphis, and Mrs. Lily
Badakin, wife of a newspaper man of
Forest City, Ark., were found In tho
woman's apartment on Jeffeisou ave
nue. Koicnmnn naa oeen snot sis
times, while the woman's body received
one bullet. The affair is shrouded in
an v
th, premises, and It is believed to be a
nnl mnrd'
Word Being Omlttod In Oor
Oram ant Treaty With Franeo,
New York, May 21. A decision
Just rendered by Judge Townsend, who
is bearing in the United States circuit
court the appeals from the decision of
the board of general appraisers, under
the customs administration act, lessens
the duties on French brandies and
liquors 60 cents a gallon, and In the
particular suit which was brought by
George 8. Nicholas, an importer, takes
$45,000 out of the treasury of the gov
ernment. Nicholas, on Juno 10, 1808, received
from Franco 80,000 gallons of the cor
dial known as 'Chartreuse." Col-
ector Bidwell assessed the duty on
this importation at $3.25 per gallon.
The imoorter appealed to the board of
general appraisers, and they affirmed
the collector's action. Then the mat
ter waa brought into the circuit court
and, when the bearing came up, coun
sel for Nicholas insisted that under the
new treaty with France, made in
1898. a vear later (ban tje passage of
tho tariff under which the appraise
ment had been made, tho duty abould
have been only $1.75 per gallon
Copies of the treaties made between
Franco and tho United States were pro
duced as evidence, and in the French
copy the word "liquers" appears,
while from the American copy the
word "liquors" is missing. This deci
slon is in favor of the importers, and if
it holds, means a loss of many million
dollars to the government annually.
Hit Lateat Froelamatloa
to tha
Manila, May 21. A proclamation
purporting to have been issued by
Aguinaldo and dated May 4, from
Pollilo Island, one of the Philippine
group east of Luzon, la circulating in
Manila. It says the commission ap
pointed by President McKinley wsi
appointed without the authority of con
gress, and hence it cannot treat official
ly. It urges the Filipinos not to sur
render their arms at the lastigation of
tho commission and on promises which
congress may not ratify, and also nrges
the Filipinos to entbusastically wel-
oome the commission when it arrives in
tho towns and provinces, asking boldly
for the form of government they most
desire, as the Americans permit of free
dom of speech. The proclamation
closes with asking too Filipinos to
strive for liberty and independence and
again warns them against deception.
In the Catarma district about 500 of
the enemy attacked a portion of the
Forty-third regiment. The Americans
killed 308 of tbo rebels, umr tnree
Americans were wounded
Major John C. Gilmore and 100 men
of the Forty-third regiment were am
bushed May 6 near Pambugan, samar.
Seventy-five of the enemy were killed
and there were no American casualties,
The transpoit Lennox has returned
hero after landing four troops of tne
Eleventh cavalry to reinforce Colonel
J. F. Bell. Two troops. Major Sime
commanding, were landed at Legaspl
and proceeded across the country to
strengthen the garrison at Liago. They
found numerous entrenchments manned.
by insurgents between the towns, and
were two days on their way. Their
only loss was three horses. The officer
renort thev killed 40 insurgents, but
the natives declare 80 were killed.
Panama Canal Plot.
Washington. May 21. Soon aftei
the senate convened today, Morgan
(Dem. Ala.), chairman of the commute
on inter-oceanio canals, offered a reso
lution directing the committee to maki
an investigation, sweeping in its char
acter, of the dealings of individuals or
corporations with a view to monopoliz
ing a ship canal at Panama or in Nic
aragua, and whether the individuals oi
corporations propose to obstruct th
United States in tha construction of an
isthmian canal. Morgan stated thai
the object of tho inquiry proposed Is to
enable the president of the United
States to check and destroy a conspiracy
fouuded on fraud, corruption and ar
rogance, against the highest rights and
privileges of the people and government
of the United States.
Kxploalon In a Boarding Houae.
Chicago, May 31. Twenty person!
at the dinner table in Mrs. Anna
Smith's boarding house were startled
last night when, following an explosion
in the kitchen, tlie proprietress of the
place ran into the dining room wrapped
in a sheet of flame. The guests started
to her rescue, but when the door into
the cooking room was thrown open, it
was found to bo in flames also and they
retreated in fear. Two other persons
were burned during the fire, which
originated from tha explosion of a kero
sene oan. The injured are: Mrs.
Anna Smith, face, bands and body
severely burned, taken to the hospital,
will die; Lee Leahy, asleep on a oouch
in kitchen when the explosion occurred,
hands, shoulders and face severely
burned, may die; Edward Leahy,
burned aud hair singed while rescuing
Mrs. Smith from the burning room.
Kordluad'a Horrible Crime.
Stockholm, May 81. A dispatch re
ceived today from Eskilstavana says
that Philip Nordlund, who was arrest
ed there, has now fully confessed that
ha rinlthAMtalv nlnnned the crime he
j commmitted on board tho steamer
, Tring Carl, on Wednesday night, when
I he murdered seven men ana a woman.
Grand Vlalar of Morocco Dead.
Tangier, Morocco, May 21. The
grand vizier, Ahmed Ben Mussa, died
Sunday. May 13. A convulsion in in
ternal affairs is threatened, but It Is
believed Germany, Italy and Great
Britain have agreed to maintain tho
status quo, so it is hoped tho threatened
anaiohy will bo averted.
I Tacoma, May 21. William Patter
son, a waiter, fell from a window in
tho Lexington hotel last night and later
I died from his Injuries.
NO. 11.
Iboers for peaceI
Kruger's Message to
Prime Minister.
Aathantle Mawa Reported to Have Boea
Beaalved From Rfafeklng-KloU
oua fJemoaetratloBO.
London, May 22. Displayed in the
most conspicuous style in the Daily
Express, is the dominant war news of
the morning:
'We have the best reason for stating
that in the last 24 hours a telegram
has been received at the foreign office,
addresl personally to the prime min
ister, from President Kroger, proposing
terms of peace. Tho exact terms of
the message cannot be stated; but we
believe it is couched in an exceedingly
bumble strain."
It is inconceivable, of course, that
Lord Salisbury can have sent any reply
except the one that stands ready on the
lip of every Briton unconditional sur
Aatheatle Meva of Mafeklng.
An extraordinary issue of the Gazette
at Cape Town announces that in conse
quence of what is believed to be authen
tic news of the relief of Mafeklng. bu
Alfred Milner will close the public
offices today.
The boisterous rejoicings over the
news of Mafeking have become riotous
in parts of London, Aberdeen and Bel
fast, and elsewhere in the United King
dom. In the Finschley district of
suburban London, a mob stoned the
railway station master's house and
smashed the windows of a draper s
shop, setting the building on fire also.
although whether by accident or design
it is not yet known. Two clerks were
injured. The house of a Boer sympa
thizer at Harleston ras attacked by I
large mob and the windows were shat
tered. The police charged the mob and
were greeted with a shower of decayed
eggs. Numerous arrests were made
and the police reserves were called out.
Chlneae Faaacnrcra to B Detained at
Astoria, May 22. For the first time
in the history of this port a quarantine
baa beec established bere against ves
sels arriving from San Francisco. This
relates particularly to Chinese passen
gers, as thus far all others have been
allowed to pass. Both State Health
Officer Fulton and Quarantine Officer
Hastings havo receive! official notifica
tion of the existence of the plague at
the bay city, and, while the latter has
received no instructions from the de
partment to establish an inter-state
quarantine he deems strict precaution!
accessary to guard against th possible
introduction of the disease bere, and
together with the state health officer,
will inspect all incoming vessels from
that port and isolate all tho Chinsese
The first vessel affected by the new
regulations was the O. R. 3t X. steamer
Columbia, which arrived hero this
morning. She was detained in the
Quarantine grounds until a thorough
inspection was made and then allowed
to come to the dock. Two Chinese
passengers were, however, taken to the
government nuarantine station, where
their bacziige will be fumigated, and
they will be held for about 10 days.
Railroada In Nome IMatrlet.
San Francisco. May 21. Articles ol
incorporation of the Nome Railroad
Com pan v have been filed. The com
nanv propose to have a main line four
miles long with a branch line two and
half miles long. Tho incorporators
are C. D. Lane, E. J. Cutchen, C.
Willurd, P. J. Miller and F. W
Wyun. The capital stock is $100,000
The road will run from Nome toward
Anvil creek in Alaska.
The same persons have incorporated
the Wild Goose Railway Company
w ith $100,000 a capital stock to operat
4lo miles of road from the shores of
Retiring sea near Nome, towards Anv
creek, with a branch line la miles
Molineux aa a Conaoler.
New York, May 22. Roland B,
Moliueux did his utmost today to con
sole Fritz Meyer, who, in an adjoining
cell in the condemned men's quarters
in Sing Sing prison, was looking for
ward to the occupation of the electrio
chair tomorrow for the murder of
Policeman Frederick Smith. Genoral
Molineux visited his son on Saturday
and told him to be brave during Meyer's
An Inaurgent Ainbuah.
Manila. May 22. Five hundred in
surgents, half ol whom were armeu
with rifles, ambushed 80 scouts of the
Fortieth volunteer infantry in the hills
near Aquasan, in the northern part of
Mindanao. The Americans routed the
natives, killing 61. The American
casualitea were two killed and three
Judge W. C. Hook of tho United
States district court at Topeka, Kan.,
decided that the section of the law pro
hibiting people from coming into the
state and taking orders tor liquors is
Coal-Mluera Fatal Quarrel.
Memphis. May 22. Edward Whit
tiugton and Dennis Brogan, coal min
ers, enteied the lunch house of T. F.
McKeuna and became involved in a
quarrel, during which Wblttington
was shot by Mrs. McKenna, and
Brogan was fatally wounded.
Return of the Philadelphia.
San Francisco, May 21. The cruisei
Philadelphia arrived today from San
Juan del Sur, after a cruise in South
American and Central American waters.
rrefeailonal -- i i P OS pot mtt
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One half nolo ma.... t 09 par .ntk
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-Una tat I rat laaartlom tad 1 end pot Um there-
Local UtottUooMBli win ta an mm ko
aAargeS to the party ordering laera, M total
Ma, aad paid (or kefete aRSavIt to tanlaheg
How Can the Danger from Ala
lam Bak-
Ing Powder. Be Avoided?
The reported cases of poisoning from
the use of alum baking powder have
awakened the public to the serious
danger which menaces the health of
the people of this country In the num
erous alum powders which are urged
upon consumers.
Among the leading physicians and
scientists there is no question as to tho
detrimental effects which alum baking
powders produce upon the system. In
many foreign countries aud in many
cities of this country, the authorities
ave absolutely prohibited their sale or
the sale of bread containing alum.
Even small doses of alum given to
children, have produced fatal results.
while cases of heartburn, indigestion,
griping constipation, dyspepsia and
various kindred gastric troubles from
irritation of the mucous membrane, at
tributed to the continuous use of food
prepared with the alum or alum phos
phate powders, are familiar in the prac
tice of physicians generally.
Congress has recently been investi
gating the subject of food, and in its
official report to the senate the com
mittee aays "So far as the use of
alum in the manufacture of a food
product, such as baking powder, is con
cerned, the committee, in view of the
overwhelming mass of evidence antag
onistic to its use, recommends that its
use in food products and baking pow
ders be prohibited by law."
It is not possible that any prudent
housewife, any loving mother, will
knowingly use sn article of food that
will injure the health of her household,
or perhaps cause the death of her chil
dren. How shall the dangerous alum pow
ders be distinguished? And how shall
the danger to health from their use be
Generally alum powders may be
knon from the price at which they are
sold, or from the fact that they are ac
companied by a gift, or are disposed ol
under some scheme. The alum powder
costs but a few cents a pound to make,
and is often sold at 20 or 35 cents a
pound; sometimes aa low as 10 cents.
It is Impossible to name all the alum
powders in the market, but any baking
powder sold at a low price, or adver
tised as costing much less than the
well known, high class powders, or
accompaniod by a present, or disposed
of under any scheme, is of this class.
detrimental to health and to be avoided.
These facts should incline consumers
to turn a deaf ear to all Importunities
to buy the inferior powders. Tho wise
housekeeper will decline in ail cases to
take them.
Good Till He Took to Drink.
A few ve&ra since a large farmhouse
on my country place being vacant, I
offered, through one of the settlements,
to take some poor woman with small
children who seemed to need it for a
two-months' rest and fresh air. Among
those sent up waa a good looking and
soft spoken young woman with three
small children. She had Just come
from the hospital, and had a scar nearly
all around her neck which was just
healing up. Her husband, a carpenter,
bad cut her throat in a drunken spree,
nearly severing the juglar vein. Sho
was taken to the hospital and no waa
tried and sent to prison. "Was he
always ugly to yon?" sho was asked.
"Oh. no," she replied. "Ho waa very
good till he took to drink." National
Mr. Dolley, won't you let mo
at your watch a little while?"
"Certainly, Miss Flypp. Do yon
want to consult the time?
"No," replied the girl, as she opened
it and examined its case and works.
"I was curious to see if water tarnished
gold, or had any effect on the watch's
delicate mechanism."
"Water? What do you mean?"
"Well, Mr. Hunker told me you
were in the habit of soaking your
watch. What is the object of such
treatment, Mr. Dolly?" Harlem Life.
The uncommon woes of a married
lady in Damascus. Ohio, have impelled
her to seek a divorce. To prevent her
from going to a party she declared that
ber husband threw ber false teeth in
the fire aud concealed her switch of
false hair. Now she can't go out until
he gives her money to secure new teeth,
and ho heartlessly refuses uuleao sho
promises to renounce parties for ever
more. A Buffalo milk man is in trouble.
To a customer he supplied milk which
bad earthworms in it, and the custom
er had him arrested. He has decided
to carefully strain the water hereafter
before be dilutes his milk with it,
and use the worms for bait.
Governor Leary, of Guam, is a joker.
He has placed a tariff of $i a gallon on
whiskv, which everybody there wants
to drink, and yet has decided to admit
free painting and statuary, which no
body there cares about.
"Your husband has a heap to say
about how the country shall be run,"
said a neighbor. "I reckon ho takes
hisself fur a purty smart man."
"I reckon he does." said Mrs. Corn
tosse. "'But I don't 'low he's over
goiu' to set the world on fire."
'No, not if he has to git out hisself
an' chop the wood fur kiudlin' to start
thebluze." Washing ton Star.
Mot One.
"Young Goslin is in love with all
the girls," said Wintergteen.
"But what particular girl Is in
with him?" asked Terwilliger.
"The gill who would bo in lovo with
him would bo no particular girL"
Town Topio. .
If mon Judged women by tho way,
they treat their mothers there would
be fewer of those marriages that lead
to divorce. Chicago Democrat .