0' TBI OFFICIAL AUD LIABINQ FAFEX OF GILLIAM COUNTY. munu svaav tbtmhav sf ....8. A. PATTISON.... tdltor snd Fropriatof. TBIXS TORS TBI CDtCULATIO ' IKVtknM IX TBI COUNTY. CONDON GL 41 Wantawnk 1 a, M Mania Oae-onaiiar flolntan i aft mi anaia UOafrbelf ooiat. a , t so par Man it Ptta u 10 0 m atoatk lamlswlUsaaasrgedatlteeaa aw I taaattlaN aa4 1 aaaM mi ttat thorn BORSCrUrTIOII RATKti An Vaer (In advance!, ......M...I...M..91 H If nut paid In edvanu.., u k a mm k ix inoiitns Ihrr monthi.. tlngla sepia..,.. 1 OS VOL. X. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OIIEGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1900. no, a isKWir party ordering then, at lata) saUevttla faialeaeS . L OF OBE -eair m I On tvi nM . m kim in in F I taw, f Lagul 9 ' JMkI al W Pariaglai a Condon, OVaaen, aawnrl-fUM imMI matt , O. B. . O. Tlma Card. asunotom, osaao. ' Naw Km sard, Uklng eBaot Sunday, Febru ary lath i ast Sound. tin. I Via Hnnttngton, leaves.,........! iW a, m. ko, 4 Via BpntHiie, !, ftt p. ra ho. Je-Looal liaieht. lay....,..,.......7;Ai . at wast souks. No, I rnrtlaod, ! ................. 1'J 4' a. at. ho. I Cortland. Irum Mi.iii, ho. la-Local Irelghl, leave, II :(4 a. m. J. I. CftaNJt, Agent, Arlington. yy u. dobynb Attorney-at-Law, Hotary Talllo. : ' ' ;; ' ;'"'V - Will practice In all the courted In Mate. Collection, aud frobeur. Bualueas given oarelid aiteulloa. 1W.DAM.lNa i , y Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Collection, and Insurance. Tarme reeenneble Oflioe In rear til ikmIuOIv uulldlug, alalu iuM 8. A. PATT180M HOTAET FUBLia ' S ; , OSlo In Olobe Building. . CONDOM, . - OMEOOIf. g A. D. GTKUCT , Attorney tad Ooaoislor at Law Arlington, Or. n. a fammlulonar and Notary foblle la tifnm. Ftai'llca In all Hi (taut and llrat twiiruul Otrfon and Waalilut4il. All kluda oil), a land aud Ugal buiaaia UanaMla-l. gAM K. VAN VACTUa ATTORHIT-AT-LA. Offloa eorBar Spring Ureal and Oragoa artnaa COMDOK, OaKOOIf. The Regulator Line. The Dalles, Portland I Istoria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Oatly Lint ol Steamer Balwcm Portland, Vancouver, Ctxd Lock Hood Rival and all Points on ll Taabington aide. Tli attamrm Dailaa rilgrana Rgnlalor faa I'uriland tYarf nwriilni (aaeani ttunila?) at ; and TUa Hallaa al t a. m , arriving al daatina llun la aaipi Una lor ouigolug tralna. rralgkl Kate. Uraatljr Haduead. W. 0. ALIJIWAT.O.a. Agt, root ol Court Muaat. Tba Dailaa, Of. DitabT Hall IOHIDULII AaaiTB Chicago Salt Uka. Paarar, 4;Mp.BV ' Parllaiid ru VYorth,Oaalia, Htclal Kanaa VHr. tt, .It 1. m. Loiila.ChloagoaBd A Allantla Bait taka. Danrar, l:Ota,aa. KiaraM ft. Wurib.Oinaka, g wp.ai. Kan.a. City, it. Via lluitl Ixula,Caluaguaud luglun. Cut. Allanlla Walla Walla, Uwla- I.Wa.Bi. Eiprau tun.gpnliaiia.MlB- A) p.m. iixapolla.rK. Paul, VlaHpo.. Duluib, atllaaa. kaua. kaa.CblcagoAtul iWp.Bt. OeaialWaai.blai. .W p. av All tailing dalaa ubjoot to ckaug For Pan Praaelaoo Ball avarf t dajra. Dallr CahaiBli Rlnr 4 00 p.m. Ji.BuuJar tlaaaiara. Ba. Sunday lUia. m. taturdaf ToAltorlaand War 10:00 p. n. Laudluga, 4:00 a m. WMIaaitNa Blar. 4:10 p.m. JCI. Buadar ' Ba. Buaday Oregon Cltf, N.w. twrg. Hal. 111, lmta liamlrana A Way ' ' Laiidlngt, 1:00a.m. Wlllaiaatta aad Yaai- 1:10 p.m. Tu.r, Tlmr. Klllll.tri. Man., Wad. aud Hat. and fti. - Oregon Cltjr, Day- Ion, A Way Laud luga. , 4:00a m. WUItm.il, Ulnar. 410 p.m. T I'wet., Tlmr Hon,. Wad. A and Bat. Portland to Corral- aud frl. II. A Way Laud Inga, It. Illparla Inak Rlrar. Lr.lwl.un S a. m. bally ially Rlparla to Uwl.loii t a.m. J. E. CRANE, Agent, Arlington. W. H. HURLBURT, eBral raaaaug ai Agaat, rwtlaad, Ua iVENTS OF HIE MY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKRRK TICK8 KUOM THK W1EK8 An Intvniatlng Colltln nt Itanta Vrnm thm Two Mamlahara PniavnitMt , In a Cnlual form. Paioteni and pnpmhanfiera of Tacoma have woo their atrika fur a nhorter day. Kninlang and ;hliiom rlnnh lu Man churia, many biug killed on both tide. . . ; Atlmirel Dewey attondad a reenptloa by the colored pooyla at MumpliU, Arttorla will ofler a bounty for aual Bcalpa In order to protect the salmon Industry. The steamer Toaa Mara has arrived at Seattle from Yokohama with TOO more Japs. The bill for Alaskan lighthonaM prob ably cannot be paarwd at thla session of eong-rets. President MoKluley sent lilrth.Ur oongratulatlona to the crown prince of Germany. Two persona were buined to death by the destruction ol the American hotel at Oeuessee, N. Y. New York's naval remrve refused to accept the navy departnieut'e offer tot a cruise and practice. Charles f. Keely fans been arrested for embeBsilng f 80,000 in the Cuban poatofllue department. Three Forest Grove peoil are thought to have perished in the sinking of the Dora 1). in Alaskan waters. Three Americana wore klllod and seven wounded In an engagement with rebels on the island of I'anay. Middle-of-the-road Populists at 6ioux Falls will hold their convention in a birf tent. Ignatius Donnelly is talked of for the presidency. Martin Slevert, who killed one Christeuson at Latoya Hay, Alaska, asked the miners there to hang him and was accommodated. The chiefs of Tntolla, of the Ra- moan group, have formally ceded the Island to the United States. Ui the American flag; has been hoUtml d- Itepresentativea of the Field mnceura la Chicago will soon be in the North west for a three mouths' tour for the purpose of seeking curios among Ore gon Indians, Twenty-six hundred street-car mn ara on a strike in bt. Louis, and every line In the city la compelled to sus pend operaton. The police are power less. War preparations by the reformers In China are proceeding vigorously, large quantities of anna belug taken into the country. The imeriul gov ernment sees no cause for alarm. Kx-Oongresnnan David 1). Culbert- son, of Texas, is dead. ' General Hamilton has captured Win- burg, the Boer stronghold. L. Marquis, a fanner residing aeven miles northwest of Kugeue, committed suicide. Heavy rains in Iowa did much dam age to property aud caused large losseg in livestock. Lord Roberta has crossed the Yet river and the lloers are still in full re treat northward. Ban Antonio, Texas, was struck by a territlo wind storm, doing damage to the amount of 70,OO0. W. 0. Endioott, secretary of war in Cleveland's first administration, died at Boston, aged 78 years. Bclentlsts hope to make many new discoveries on the event of the sun's total eclipse on May US. General Harrison Gray Otis is boom ing Congressman Hepburn, of Iowa, for McKlnley's running mate. Aguinaldo has joined his forces ia North Luson and has ansomblod con siderable force in the mountains; Gen eral Young asks for reinforcements. Benor Albertl, promineut in Cuban politics aud editor of a newspaper, was shot and instantly killed by an un known assassin at Gibara, province of Bantiago de Cuba. Pope Leo will make amends for his deposition of Archbishop Keaue, who may be appointed to the position held by the late Archbishop Hunuessy, of Dubuque, Iowa. The output of oil in California has increased from 1,245,123 barrels in 180S, to 2,293,123 barrels in 1800. The state now ranks fourth among the states of the nuiou in, petroleum pro ductions Rev. Charles S. Morris, a colored Baptist missionary, recently ruturned from South Africa, was vigorously hissed when he championed the causa of England in a lecture before the West Bide Y. M. C. A. of New York City. The counter-demonstrations became so pronounced that the lecturer a bsudoned the disousston of the merits of the uou teudiug nations. Greece hits forbidden the exportation of antiquitiea. A railroad across Gieece, to cost $11,000,000, will be finished in four years. During the present decade the United Btates produced half of the world's cop per supply. The Alaskan winter was the ooldesf on reoord. The teinierature ranged from 17 to 60 degress below euro at pBWsou LAI eft NEWS. A cheese trust has been formed In Chicago. Arbitration with regard to the Bt. Louis street oar strike bag failed. Lord Itoberts entered Kroonstaad, which had been evacuated by the Transvaal forces. Honolulu has been officially declared a clean port, the plague being efficient ly stamped out. t The senate, by a close vote, rejected the proposition for an armor-plate plant operated by the government. ' . The towns of Hilongos and Maasln, In Leyte, have been captured by the Americans with few casualties. 1 The American pavilion at Paris was turned over to the exposition authorities with impressive ceremonies. A woman and 8-year-old child were burned to death at South Omaha, Neb., by starting a tire with gasoline. Germany is said to be supplying the Filipinos with arms to enable them to continue their fight against the United States. Charles Panstein, a murderous ath lete of Butte, Mont., shot and killed a butcher, bis wife and then committed suicide. ; The Populist national convention at gioux Falls nominated W. J. Bryan for president, Charles A. Towns for vice president. Before leaving Kroonstaad, President Bteyn issued a proclamation making Liudley the seat of government of Orange Free State. ' Middleof-the-Koad Populist conven tion at Cincinnati, nominated Wharton P. Barker for president and . Ignatius Donnelly for vice-president. The work of the Chioago city di rectory enumerators for 1900, almost completed, shows that the population of Chicago it not lest than S,00 1,000. - Seven men were killed and 20 or won firemen hurt by a collision in a tunnel in Philadelphia. The wreck caught fire, and the total loss is $140, 000. . Owing to the alarm being taken in Amerioa over the influx of Japanese and the probability of anti-Japanese legislation, the Japanete government is making efforts to turn the tit ) of its surplus population to Formosa. ' The cholera continues to rage in the famine camps of India. There have been 400 deaths in three days at Man dive Bo numerous are the caaM at fora that it ia impriK to-wiieot the bodies, Which He " lo? days "in the sun. The people have fled and cannot be induced to return. A similar state of things prevails at Broach. Plague has broken out at Hong Kong. Ira Williams, a logger, was drowned In the Kecanioum river, near Astoria. The government ot the Orange Free State has beeu moved front Kronstadt to Heilbron. . Republicans of Illinois In convention assembled, indorsed the MoKinley ad mitiistration. Two men and two boys were killed by the wrecking ot a frait train, near Bawling, Wyo. , Excessive customs duties imposed by the military government are fast kill ing American trade in the Philippines. The First and Second Irish Fusiliers tailed from Cape Town for Athlone, Ireland, to recuperate from their try ing experlenoea in the field. Captain Cnshing, of the revenue cut ter Rush, which baa tailed for the Arc tic, will take a oeniua of the inhabit ants of the Aleutian islands. President Powell, of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, issued an order formally discontinuing the strike of the Southern railway telegraphers. During a riot between strikers and workmen at the Buttonwood mine ot the Parish Goal Company at Wilkes barre, Pa., about 20 men were badly injured, the strikers dispersing the workmen. The British iron ship Sierra Nevada, Captain Scott, from Liverpool, Janu ary 16, for Molbourne, Ana., was total ly wrecked outside the harbor of the latter place. Five ot her crew were saved, but 22 others, including the cap tain, perished. One hundred and fifty -seven Japanese immigranta have landed in San Fran- I cisoo, of which number 75 were admit- I ted by certificates of landing signed by the United States immigration com missioner at Vancouver, 11. C, and 82 1 on certificates from the commissioner 1 at Seattle. Franklin W. Fisk, D. D., whose res ignation after 41 years Incumbency of the office of president of the Chicago Thoelogloal seminary, takes effect at the close of the current year, has been eleoted professor emeritus of the chair of sacred rhetoric ot the institution. The election ia for life. The secretary ot the treasury has di rected Collector Jackson, at San Fran cisco, to detail an inspector from the Chinose bureau to attend to the making out of papers for Chinese merchants doimciled in this country who are on the eve ot departing for China with the intention ot returning. They will have these papers on their return to this country to facilitate their landing. Louisville, Ky is to have a large Mormon temple. There are 0,821 ofllolala on the New York state pay roll. Census enumerators begin work on June 1 and finish in 80 days. The Alaskan gold output for the sea son is estimated at over 120,000,000. Major Arms says he has Vnt nearly 28,000 Amet loans to South Africa to join the Boer forces. EARTHQUAKE AT SEA Experience of Ship St Mirren Off the Columbia. FURIOUS WAVES A5D NO WIND In.tramaata Rhoro Show Thar Wtl DletarbanM Soma Boars Bator Dlatanoa BookoaadV Astoria, Or., May 14. The British Ihlp Saint Mirren that arrived la this tnoruktg -4tMafckoharnrtenctd a peculiar phenomenon last evening. It was about half past 6 when Captain Cordiner, the bar pilot, boarded bet from the pilot schooner San Jose. The wind at that time was blowing light from the south, and there was only a moderate swell on. Suddenly the tea to the southward was seen to be In commotion, as if a hurricane was blowing, but the wind did not increase as an immense ' wave approaobed the vessel. The ship waa tossed about for over two hours in a sea that would bury her in the water and then again lift her up and drop her down. The teat frequently washed clear over her. After this had continued for about two hours it subsided as quickly as it had risen, and the wind immediately shift- sd from south to east, then In a short time to northwest, going almost around the compass In a few hours. The wind from the northwest was toon in tht nature of a gale, and the ship was un der lower topsails during ths night, bnt no injury was done to her. Cap tain Hamilton and Captain Cordiner at first thought that a tidal wave was coming, but the long succession of big waves leads them to the belief that there must have been an earthquake In that vicinity. Tht self-reoording government ba rometer in the office of Weather Ob server Johnson, of this city, shows that about 4 o'clock yesterday morning there waa an electrical or selsmio dis turbance in tills vicinity and the tele graph wires also gave ' evidence of it at the same time. While the ship was experiencing the waves off the mouth of the river the barometer remained steady. This would indicate that the waves resulted from an earthquake that happened early in the morning. and as the effect of an earthquake in Japan is felt hero 10 days later, it can readily be estimated how far away it ...'t--.Ma-a-atjf4' ' V - v j ; T. LOUIS STRIKE. Efforts to Botilo It failed-A aothar Fatality. Bt. Louis, May 14. The features of the day in the great street railway strike was the conference between Gov ernor Stephens, the members of the ex ecutive committee of the local street railway employes' association, and the officers and attorneys ot the Transit Company, called for the purpose of as certaining if tome tort of on amicable understanding could not be arrived at to end hostilities. The conference lasted several hours, but at its oonolu tion Governor Stephens announced that nothing had been accomplished. The Suburban Company operated its system under police protction during the entire day without interference, and was patronized liberally by the public. The Transit Company ran two cars over one branch of its system, but attempted to carry no passengers. Another fatality as a result of the strike wag recorded tonight. As Flora Siegfried, a young woman, was crossing Washington street, carry tag an infant In her arms, she was bit on the head by a brick that had been hulled at a passing car on the Suburban system Her skull was fractured; and she died shortly after being oarrled to the City Hospital. The street car mon of the East St. Louis line struck this afternoon. Still ths Champion. Seaside Club, Coney Island, May 14, In the fastest, prettiest and closest heavy-weight ring battle ever fought in New York. James J. Je Series has re affirmed his riht to the championship. In the arena of the Seaside Sporting Club tonight he decisively defeated Jim Oorbett, once champion of the world himself, after 23 rounds of sclentlfio fighting. It was a clean knock-out. that came to quickly that it dated the tliousanda of keen, alert, intent specta tors and left them in doubt as to just bow the winning blow was delivered It was avowed that it was a left-hand ed jolt to the jaw, but Jeffries himself snd Referee Charley bite, who stood at his side, say it was a right-band swing. Oreat Flro In Japan. San Francisco, May 14. Mall ad vices from Yokohama give particulars of the big fire at Fuktn, a large town on the western coast of Japan, April 18, The flames originated in the sub' orbs of the city, and were carried by a heavy wind to several parti of the city at once. The fire rage' for six hourt before it oould be controlled. Sixteen hundred houses, inoludlng 80 temples aud all the principal buildings, were burned. Sixteen persons perished and nearly 100 more were injured. The property lost is estimated at 6,000,000 yen, or about 92,600,000. Mills Su.pend Oporntlona. Tifton, Ga., May, 12. All the nillt belonging to tho Georgia Saw Mill Association will be run on two-thirds time after today. This affects thous ands of operatives and decreases the output of yellow pine In this state near ly one-third. Schroerier Hall, for Guam, Sun Francisco, Muy 14. Commander Bchroeder. the successor of Governor Leary, of Guam, sailed foi his post of ' duty today on the steamer Coptic BARKER AND DONNELLY. ftomlnatad bp Mlddla-of-tba-ltoad Fap- allat CaarntlMi For Preiident Wharton Barker, of Pennsylvania. For Vice-President Ignatius Don nelly, of Minnesota. - - - . Cincinnati, May 1 J. What it com- monjy known as the Midlde-of-the- Rood Poptilist party, but according to leaders of the movement is the one and only People's party, placed its national ticket in the field today. ' Mlddla-of-tho-Koad Platforaa. The People's party of the United States assembled in National conven tion this 10th day of May, 1900, affirm ing our unshaken belief in the cardinal tenets of the People's party, as set'. forth In the Omaha platform, and pledging ourselves anew to continued advocacy of those grand principles of human liberty until right shall triumph aver might, and love over greed, do adopt and proclaim this declaration of faith: first We demand the initiative and referendum and the imperative man date. Second We demand the publio ownership and operation of those meant of communication, transportation and production which the people may elect, such as railroads, telegraphs and tele phone lines, coal minea, eta. Third The land, including all natural sources of wealth, is a heritage of the people, and should not be monop olized for speculative purposes, snd alien ownership of land should be pro hibited. Fourth A scientific and absolute paper money, based upon the entire wealth and population of the nation, not redeemable in any specific commo dity, but made a full legal tender for all debts and receivable for all taxes and public dues and Issued by the government only. Fifth We demand the levy and col lection of a graduated tax on incomes and inheritance. Sixth We demand the election of president, vice-president, federal judges and United States senators by direct vote of the people. Seventh We are opposed to trusts and declare that the contention be' tween the old parties on monopoly is a sham battle and that no solution of this mighty problem is possible with' out the adoption ot publio ownership of publio utilities. FIGHTING IN PHILIPPINES. Large Kafeel foree Attacked! Amerieaa i rj teoaie. Eat Were ltoated. Manila Ma H. A taW3f"80T3 in surgents attacked 28 scouts of the Forty-eighth regiment near San Jacinto. province of Pangaslnan, Monday, but were routed by the scouts, 10 of their number being killed. The Americans lost two killed. April 86, tho rebels burned and tacked the town of Trocan, near Bulu can, murdering natives who were friendly to the Americana and two Spaniards. The Americans killed 87 of the insurgents. The same date, Major Andrews, with two companies of troops, attacked General Moiica's stronghold near Ormuo, Leyte island. Mojica had brass cannon and plenty ot ammunl tton, but after three hours of fighting the insurgents fled. Their loss it not known. The Ameericant lost two killed and 11 wounded. They destroy ed tht enemy's rifles, powder and stores. The Insurgents nave suffered a heavy lost at Tabako, province of Albay, Luzon. Two hundred riflemen and 800 bolomen were preparing to attack the town, and Captain Lester II. Simons, with a company of the Forty-seventh volunteer regiment, advanced to meet them and killed manf. The insvrgent leader, native priest, was wounded and captured after his horse had been shot from under him.. Three Aineri cant were wounded. WRECK DUE TO CARELESSNESS At Leaat 81a Poreoaa Killed la Accident at O'Neill. the Denver, May 12. A special to the Republican from Cheyenne, Wyo. says: The charred remains of two more viotims of the Union Paclfio accident at O'Neill sidetrack were found in the wreckage today. Both bodiea waa so badly burned as to render identification Impossible. One of the bodiea waa that of a boy. Papers in the pockets of one of the unknown victims found yeeter day indicate that his name was Daniel Shay, and that ha had recently been employed at Rook Springs. The other unknown found yesterday baa not yet been identified, and the remains of Fireman Louis Benta have not yet been found. When the aooident occurred a car loaded with aulphur caught fire, and transformed the wreck into a of flames. The wreckage is still burn ing and renders the work ot searching for additional viotims exceedingly hazardous. Thus far, the remains ot three men aud three boys have been re covered and it is believed other bodies will be found before the search is 00m pleted. An official investigation into the oanse ot the awtnl accident discloses the faot that it was due to the care lessness of an employe. The last train to past O'Neill prior to the aooident was a westbound freight, In charge of Conduotor Hendricks' crew. New York, May 12. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says Lord Salisbury took the grace out of the reoeat visit of the queen to Ireland by the vehemence . with which he warned Irishmen that recent events in South Africa proved that theregcould not be praotloal independence any' where in the empire with opportuni ties for arraying hostile foroes against the Imperial government. It was a trenchant, but aorid speech, and wat not well timed WAR ALMOST OVER British View of Situation in South Africa. THE BOERS' DEMORALIZATION Lord Koberts Waa Welcomed to It roe a ataut Doteb, However. Har. Saf- fared Small Material Lose. London, May IS. "The war is prac tically over," gays the Daily Chroni cle's Kroonstad conenpondeM, and, in lest definite terms. tbA isthe View to be gathered from all the correspond ents. They picture the Boers as utter ly demoralized and disheartened by Lord Koberts' unexpectedly rapid ad vance, and by bis facile turning ot the carefully prepared positions of ths Boers. There was practically no fight ing and there are no further details to give respecting the occupation of Kroon stad. The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says: "The Union Jack was hoisted in the market place by Mrs. Lock head, the American wife of a Scotchman. Most of the horses of the Boers art in a wretched condition, but President Kruger declares he will continue the war." It appears that the Boers at Kroonstad bad been reinforced by 8,000 men from Natal last Friday, and that altogether 10,000, with 20 guns, treked from Kroonstad on the approach of Lord Rob erts. The Boer mode on ineffectual stand at Bosch land, and had elaborate entrenchment is front of Kroonstad, which offered great facilities for a rear guard action. Their only anxiety. however, appears to have been to get away safely with all their guns and convoys, which again they have success fully accomplished. The few stores they were unable to carry away, they bumed. . The Times says: "The signs point to military break-down on the port of the Boers, but after experiences of the past, we cannot accept the reports of demoralization without reseive. The game of war must be strictly played out to the end." Lindler, the new Free State capital, it 45 miles southeast of Kroonstad. bait way to Bethlehem, and was probably selected as a convenient rendezvous tor the command that is now retiring ba tore General Brabant and General Bun dle, in the Thsbancbn district. Bra- bant hag "O own pied . Hoepelolh hall way on the road from Thabanchn to Lady- brand. There is not a word ot news regard ing General Boiler's movements or from the far western side. Nothing is known, therefore, of the pro gi ess of the Mafeking relief column. THREE KILLED IN STORM. Two More Berioasly Injured Severe Kloetrlo Dl.tarbaaee. St. Paul, May 15. Three persons were killed and two were seriously in jured during a severe wind and rain storm this evening. The wind played havoc with the telephone wires between this city and Minneapolis. The poles of the company for two blocks were strewn over the track of the Inter Urban trolley line, thus blocking trafflo for the night. Sidewalks were dia placed and buildings suffered. Patrick Sexton, senior member of the firm ot Sexton & Co., wholesale cigar dealers, bad been at Como Park with hit four children and they were driving home. On Dale street the atom dia lodged the sidewalk, which crashed Into Mr. Sexton't carriage, killing him almost instantly and more or lets In juring hit daughter and 10-year-old eon. Pint Republican Convention. New York, May 14. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Survivors of the first Republican Na tional convention are to be the guests in Philadelphia next month. Invita tions will be sent to them next Mon day. Only 15 survive of all those who assembled in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on June 18, 1856, to enunciate the new principles and to bring Into existence a new party. Of these only one con' linnet a prominent figure in politics. lie is Representative Galusba A. Grow, who was the youngest member of the lower house when he first entered it and who is now its oldest member. The guests ot the national commit tee will be given prominent seats on the platform. Wool Pmuggllng. Boston, May 14. Special treasury agent, under the direction of Agent Converse J. Smith, of this city, have Just unearthed an alleged swindling scheme, and, as a result, 100 sacks of wool, valued at $6,000, have been seized in this city, Lawrence and Bris tol. R. I. It it estimated 50,000 worth ot wool hat been tmuggled through the port of Boston during the past year. America Ought to Bond 1,000,000, New York, May 13. Tho Indian famine relief committee tonight issued an appeal asserting that despite sys tematic aid furnished 6,000.000 people in India, at least 6,000,000 are starv ing. The appeal aayt that Amerioa ought to send at least a ml lion dollars Scotch Banker klllod Himself. Edinburgh, Scotland, May 14. II, II. Noro, manager of the Union Bank of Scotland, waa found dead this morning at his residenoe. His head was half blown away by a gun. Apparently hs committed suicide. His action is attrib uted to the faot that he had been suffering from influenza. Murat Halstead has accepted the jironiuouur ui wiv uow juiiv,v ui ifvui- nalism, an Institution devoted to teach ing practical uawspauor worn, OPERATIONS IN CAVITS. All Principal Towaa Oaeapled and Ulvea a Government. Washington, May 14. The war de partment has made publio a report from Brigadier-General Wbeaton, U. 3. A., concerning the operations of an expedition led by him early in January into the country stretching south from Manila to Lake Taal. Hit forces, con sisting of the Fourth, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-eighth, Forty-fifth and com pan lea D and II of the Thirty-seventh In fantry and detachments of the. Third and Fourth artillery, concentrated at Imut and one mile south of that point. On toe 7th of the month the first en gagement occurred, in which Lieuten ant Ward Cheney wat mortally wound ed while leading aetachment against fthe tnemy, 500 strong. 'The American kras was two privates kllld and one wounded, while the insurgents lost 80 killed and wounded. On this day Col onel Birkheimer, with a detachment of the Twenty-eighth infantry and Cap tain Keilly in command of a section of the Fifth artillery, engaged the enemy at Putol, where tho insurgents were routed with great slaughter. 74 bodies being counted in one portion of the battlefield. Our lost waa 11 men wounded. Still another sharp engagement oc curred on the 7th, when Major Tag gart, with the Second and Third bat talions of the Twenty-eighth infantry, attacked a force of insurgents estimated at 1,000 strong, near Imns, driving them from the field, killing 80 and woundng more than 80. Major Tag- gar t bad one man killed aud six wounded. Lake Taal was reached on the 10th, and several slight skirmishes occurred on the northern and eastern shores. On the 16th Major W. IT. John ston, with three companies of the Forty sixth infantry, met the enemy at Le ro aring, 800 strong, with four cannon, and drove them across the river to Taal. On the 20th he was reinforced by three companies sent from Batangaa by Colonel Anderson, Thirty-eighth in fantry, and attacked and carried Taal, dispersing the insurgents and capturing their cannon. ; THE SOFT-NOSE SHELL. Inventor Explain Haw It ' Pierces Amaor-Plato. New York, May 14. James W. John son, member of the firm of Isaac G. Johnson & Co., of Bpuyten Dnyvill, in ventors of the Johnson soft-note shell, explained nut night how the soft steel eap enables a projectile to pierce ainior plate. "1 think." -said Mr. Johnson, "that the action of the Soft steel' cap may be s illustrated by a simple experiment. If yon would try to drive a shingle nail through a piece of sheet Iron, the nail would bend. But If yon , first drive a nail through a piece of hardwood, it will penetrate the sheet iron. "The soft-nose, in other words, pre vents the projectile from glancing off. Ita whole force is concentrated at the point. In one of the tests made at In dian Head, we fired a projectile at the armor plate at an angle of 21 degrees. No sooner had the soft nose touched the plate than the projectile turned at a right angle to the plate and pene trated It. The cap or soft nose, also acts as a kind of lubricant to the shell." Poetlblllty of Wnr. Washington, May 14. No disposi tion has been made as yet of the naval appropriation bill by the senate, but after an all-day discussion, on agree ment waa reached. A notable speech was delivered by Lodge upon the ne cessity of building up the United States navy without delay. The speech was delivered with the vigor and earnest ness characteristic of Lodge's discus sion of public questions, and attracted much attention. Daniel presentd an extended argument in support of the immediate construction by the govern ment of an armor factory, while Alli son opposed the project of a government armor factory on the score of economy. Towne's Advice Not Token. Chicago, May 11. Charles A. Towne, when asked for an expression of opinion regarding the action of the Sioux Falls convention, said: "I can only say what I have always said since my name has been mentioned in this connection, that I have not sought the office and have made no efforts to se cure the nomination, but if the Popu lists and the other parties think I am the most available man for the position, I will accept. It has been my wish all along that the Sioux Falls conven tion should name a committee to meet with the committees of the other two parties at Kansas City to consider the vice-presidential question, bnt it looks as though my friends at Bioux Falls did not consider that the best course to follow." Riots In Spain. Madrid, May 14. Yesterday passed off peacefully practically everywhere throughout the Spanish dominion, de spite the universal anti-taxation agita tion The only noteworthy diBt urb ane took place at Valencia, where riot ing occurred and barricades were erect ed in the streets, from behind which a mob stoned the gendarmes. The lat ter, in tudwvoring to dislodge the riot ers, were received with rifle shots, and two policemen were injured. ITbe gen darmes replied with a fusillade before the mob fled. Importation of Contract Laborer. Victoria, B. C, May 14. There are over 400 more of the Japanese immi grants waiting at the quarantine sta tion, lauded last evening from the steamer Sikh. These 400 are nearly all for the United States, but only 200 will be carried through direct. A large number of the Japanesa are weav ers under a contract mode with them by a Japanese firm in New York. They are engaged to work in some New Eugluud wills,