Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 10, 1900, Image 4

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VMk Wub Had Happy by ldla B.
Pita ham's Vegetable Compound
Lettr (MB Ywe Wave Wow Hare
,Cbileeau .
" Dkab Mm. PnrKMjLM : It wu my
ardent desire to hare s ohlld. I had
been married three year and wu
childless, to wrote to you to find out
tbe reason. After fol
lowing your kind ad-
E. Pinkhant'a Yege-
table Compound. I be-
, came tbe mother of
"". a beautiful baby
boy, the Joy of our
home. He la m
I fat, healthy baby,
thank to your medi-
cine." Mb. Mihda.
Fikklb, Eoaooe,
From Orateful
Mr. Lane
" Diab Mb.
wrote you a let
ter some time
ago, stating my ease to you.
"I had pains through my bowels,
headache, and backache, felt tired
and sleepy all the time, was troubled
with the whites. I followed your
advice, took your Vegetable Com
pound, and it did me lota of good. I
now hare a baby girl. I certainly be
.Mere I would have miscarried had it
not been for Lydia E. Pinkham' Vege
table Compound. I had a Very easy
time ; was tick only a short time. I
think your medicine is a godsend to
women In the condition in which I
was. I recommend it to all a the best
medicine for women." Mb. Mabt
Lake, Coytee, Tenn.
Connecticut figures from it recent
state school census shows that it has SO
per cent more inhabitants than it had
in 1890. The population of the coun
try oa this basis is 75.150,000.
Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet
It cures painful, swollen, imartinp, nerv
ous feet, and instantly takes the sung out
of corns and bunions. It's tbe matel
comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Fool
Ease makes tight or net shoes feel easy.
It is a certain cur for Ingrowing Nails,
sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching
fret. We have over 30.000 testimonials.
Try it today. Bold by all druggists and
shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Alien 8.
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
. With the men all at the front fight
ing on the kopjes, the Boer women may
be forced to harvest the cropjes, and, il
the worst comes, to defend their homes
with their mopjes.
The increase in transcontinental
travel by way of Salt Lake City in con
sequence of the scenic and other attrac
tion of the route, has recently justified
tbe Rio Grand Western Railway in
connection with the Denver fe Rio
Grande and Colorado Midland Railroads
says the Salt Lake Tribune, in estab
lishing a triple daily last passenger
service between Ogden and Denver.
All of these trains are equipped with
tbe latest appliances, improvement and
car. This road now operate through
sleepers between Chicago, Ogden and
Ban Francisco, also a perfect dining car
aervioe. Send 2c postage for literature,
rate or other Information to J. D.
Mansfield, 253 Washington street, Port
land; or Geo.. W. Heinta, general pas
senger agent, Salt Lake City.
Two lions escaped from a menagerie
In Valencia, Spain, and injured several
people before they were captured. One
of them leaped through the plate
glass window of a Jewelry store, and
scattered watches and diamond with
By a simple twist of the wrist yon ean line
p MM (aiut bar on tha
Champion Draw Cut Mower
Yon can't d It on any other. And tbsrs arc
ether points too. Hand for Cataloua.
Eeqalree soai sort of a tonic that cleans out
the lapurlUtM. Ons that really does this and
bunts is
floore's Revealed Remedy
And doas It thoroughly. Pleasant to take. 11.00
si jour aruffgisi a.
'2;;;, jested d 11.
t :
" s i it AA . ii ImCT
A isinuih ftru TtM Joo4. VM
, ifl I MB, fl'rf if ( rutrirf .!,
Commercial aad Financial Happealng-
f Interest la the Growing
Western States.
Creamery for Sh.rldaa.
At a meeting held at Sheridan, Or.,
for the purpose of discussing the cream
ery question, H. E. Loundslmry, of tha
Southern Pacific, and Dr. Withycombe,
of th state agriculture college, made
addtesee. A large number of tha rep
resentative farmer of that district were
present and listened very attentively
to the interesting data presented by Dr.
Withycombe' address. Questions
were asked, and all present weie im
pressed with the desirability of starting
a creamery at that point, as they all
admit that no money can be made or'
mortgages lifted with wheat at present
price, and especially a fruit and hop
raising have not given the relief ex
pected mainly, however, on account
of lack of co-operation in marketing
the product.
Wuklngtoa State Militia.
There is a movement on foot to hold
the militia state encampment at Ta co
ma in July. Governor Roger favors
the project. The state provide for the
expense while in camp only, and rail
way fare and other expense incurred
will have to be borne by the men if the
event of the state encampment idea ia
earned out. There are no fund avail
able from the state treasury for en
campment purposes this year, bnt
effort are being made by the Tacoma
contingent to provide for the entertain
ment of the visiting companies.
Sawmill at Deer Creek.
A sawmill of 40,000 feet capaoltr
daily is soon to be in running order on
Deer creek, one half mile above Britton
station. This new company ha been
formed by Robert Service, Charlie
Tibb and Thomas Tibbs. - The Tibb
brother have timber that will make
15,000,000 feet of lumber on Deer
oieek. The mill ia furnished with a
large dynamo, which will furnish
lights for tbe mill and lumber yard.
The machinery is all in transit, and i
to be in running order within 40 days.
Patting la a Ballast.
The Northern Pacifio ia (till working
a large force of men on the roadbed
between Vollmer and Clearwater, Ida.,
and putting in a ballast of a most per
manent nature. The ballast consists
of clay and small rock about the sise of
an egg, which, when once set, become
like concrete. It will take about two
months' yet to put the grade in first
class condition, and the company is
not sparing any pains to do everything
in good shape.
Asked to Pledge Acreage.
At Newberg, Or., blank contracts
furnished by the Willamette Beet Sugar
Company have been received and the
canvass among the farmers for securing
acreage will begin at once. Solicitors
have been appointed, vis.: A. Clark,
D. Turner, W. Cooper, William Man
ning and R. B. Linnville. As a basis
for beginning the canvass 1,000 acre
have already been subscribed at public
Small Strike at the Paper Mills.
Eleven boys employed a cutter in
the Willamette Pulp & Paper Mills, at
Oregon City, Or., walked into tbe com
pany's office and asked for an increase
of wage from 75 cent to $1 per day.
The matter was finally compromised
by a promise to give the boy steady
work. Only about three of the num
ber were working on full time, the
others getting on an average of 15 to 20
day each month.
Smallpox Among Indiana.
The quarantine that bad been placed
on tbe Indian settlement at the mouth
of Cayote gulch, near Lewiston, Idaho,
some week ago. ha been railed.
There were nine case of smallpox un
der quarantine, and one of the victims,
a woman, died as a result of going
bathing while afflicted with the dis-
New post are being set ia the tele
phone line between Vale and Ontario,
The Toledo, Or., creamery is now re
ceiving about 1,000 pounds of milk
daily, and will shortly have nearly all
it can use. c
J. T. Moylan, representing an east
ern syndicate, was in Kalama, Wash.,
closing a deal for purchase of timber
lands on the Coweeman river. Tbe
prices paid ran rom $1,600 to $3,500
per quarter section. .
A gilt-watch faker has been working
the people of Elgin, Or.
Ripe wild strawberries were picked
near McMinnville, Or., April 23.
An expert ia examining the coal pros
pects on Birch creek, 20 mile south of
Pendleton, Or.
Ellen tburg'e, Wash., municipal
electric lighting plant is about to be
improved at a cost of a little more than
New Whatcom ha $73.80 on hand to
entertain President McKinley when he
shall visit the coast and that town th
coming rammer.
Preparation are making for a big
season at the watering place of West
port and Cohasset, Gray' Harbor.
New teashore attraction and excursion
rate are advertised.
The Walla Walla creamery ia nsing
10,000 pound of milk, per day, and
will oon have a branch running at
Freewater. One-half of the milk now
consumed comes from Umatilla county,
Georg Mapes is gathering hi cattle
near Plush, Lake county, Or., to take
them south. He will take about 1,200
head. He has wagons arranged like
hay iscks upon which to haul the calves
that aie not able to make the trip on
K. Elliott, of Lebanon, Or., has sold
200 bead of Crook county horses to R.
W. Nichols. Mr. Nichols will first
take a drove of them to California and
ell them, and will then take a lot to
A new rule ha Just been adopted by
the Spokane polios department by
which any Indian found in the city
who ha not a pass from tbe Indian
agent or is not on some special business
will be promptly arrested as vagrant
and sent back to tbe reservation.
Slaves Indians were jailed the first
there Are Bad Features, But they Are
la tha Minority.
Brad street's says: Evidences of th
fact that there are now two (idea of the
general trad situation, where for a
year past there whs but one, come to
tight this week. Different Motion of
the country and lines of business return
different reports, but that the situa
tion a a whole la a favorable one and
suffers merely by oommlsseration with
th enormous and almost fevrish ac
tivity of some time ago, is also evident.
Excluding the great speculative cen
ter, the aggregate of business i un
doubtedly larger than a year ago, and
the business done in several Industrie
reporting reduced aotivity woold seem
very large even to tboa bearishly in
clined had it not been for the enormous
aggregate done some abort time ago;
Crop prospect, except in the wheat
area of the Central West, and in some
Hooded sections of the South, remain
all that might be wished for. Retail
demand is improving and nothing of a
definitely depressing charaoter ha yet
In the abrupt readjustment of steel
and wire prices, the iron and steel in
dustries received a notable shook, but
have stood the ordeal very well.
In agricultural produots the situa
tion is generally one of sustained
strength. Some slight shading in
wheat prices is largely the result of
flattering winter wheat crop pros
pects in the sections west of the
Wheat, including flonr shipments,
for the week aggtegate 8,583,683 bush
els, against 8,898,451 last week.
Failures for tbe week in tbe United
State are well down to the minimum,
numbering only 182, an increase of 21
over last week.
Canadian failure for the week num
ber 18, a compared with 19 last week.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, $9.
Lettuce, hot house, 40 45c do.
Potatoes, $16(317; $17018.
Beet, per sack, 60 60c.
Turnips, per sack, 4060o.
Carrot, per sack, 7585o.
Parsnips, per sack, 50(3 75c.'
. Cauliflower, California 86 90o.
Cabbage, native and California,
$1.00(31.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $2.00(32.75; $3.003.50.
Prunes, 60o per box.
Butter Creamery, 22c; Eastern 22c;
dairy, 17023a; ranch, l17e pound.
Eggs 153 16o.
Cheese 14 15c
Poultry 14c; dressed. 14lBc;
spring, $5.
Hay Pnget Sound timothy, $11.00
12.00; ' choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $18.00 19.00
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $28.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25t buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $8.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80 4. 00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00;
short, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middling, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 8c; cows, 7o; mutton 8o;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8
Hams Large, 13c; small.
breakfast bacon, 13 Xc; dry salt sides,
Pertlaad Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. B353o;
Valley, 53c; Bbaestem, 56o per bushel.
Flour Beet grades, $3.00; graham,
$3.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 35c; choice
gray, 84c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $14 14.60;
brewing, $17.00 17.60 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid
dling, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 85 40c;
seconds, 45c; dairy,' 25 30c;
store, 20 25c
Eggs 14c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon fall cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheeee lOo
per pound.
.: Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60
4.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$2.60(83.50; geese, $6.608.00 for old;
$4. 50 6. 50; ducks, $5.606.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 10 Ho per
Potatoes 40 70o per sack; sweets,
33)o per pound.
Vegetables Beete, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, 1iO per pound; parsnip, 75;
onion, $2.603.00; carrot, 60o.
Hops 8 (380 per pound
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1015o; mohair, 37
80o per pound.
Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wether
and .ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7
TXo per pound; lambs, $2.50 each.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.00 6.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(34.60;
cows, $3.60i4.00; dressed beef, 6Q
7?o per pound.
Veal Large, 61o; small, 8
8to per pound.
Tallow 65c; No. 3 and grease,
8Ji4o per pound.
a Fmnelsee Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1416o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 13 16c; Val
ley, 30 22c; Northern, 10 12c.
Hops 1899 crop, ll18o per
Butter Fancy creamery 18o;
do seconds, 1717o; fancy dairy,
17c; do seconds, 1616o per pound.
Eggs Store, 15c; fancy ranch,
Millstuff Middling, $17.00
30.00; bran, $13.50 18.60.
Hay Wheat $6.60 9.50; wheat and
oat $6.009.00; best barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $5.006.50 per ton;
straw, 26 40c per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose; 60 65c; Ore
gon Burbank, 70c$1.00; river Bur
bank, 40 76c; Salinas Burbanks,
80c 1.10 per sack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$3.75S.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 76o$l.B0;
do choice $1.753.00 per box.
Tropical Fruit Banana, $1.60
3.60 per. bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persia dates, 66o per
Maw Tmla Service a the O. . K.
The double train service just estab
lished between Portland and Chicago,
in which the O. R. & N., the Union
Paoiflo and the Oregon Short Line are
interested, shorten the through time
11 hour. Train No. 2. leaving Port
land at 9:15 A. M., daily, it known
th Chioago-Porlland special. It
equipment is new, making it fully the
equal of any train now in service from
the Pacifio coast to the East. It con
sist of a mail oar, baggage car, a library-composite
car, a first-class Pullman
sleeper, a dining car, two chair oars
and a tourist sleeper. There is but
one change of oar to all Eastern points.
The full time i three day through to
Chicago, or four day and two hours to
New York.
The second train, known a No. 6,
leave Portland daily at 6:90 P. M.,
connecting at East Portland with the
Southern Pacific' overland train from
San Francisco, and carries through
equipment to Chicago via the Union
Pnciflo and the Chicago & Northwest
ern, and also the equipment for the
Washington division of the O. R. & N.,
in connection with the Great Northern
for St. Paul. This train reaches S)x
kane at 10 A, M. A dining car serves
breakfast into Spokane, and dinner is
served on corresponding train leaving
Spokane at 3:45 P. M. The new sched
ule as arranged, supplies the most
complete service ever furnished on
the O. R. & N., also provides in
creased service in Eastern Oregon,
where it is greatly needed, and gives
immediate connection with the Wash
ington division at Pendleton. At this
point theie is a large interchange of
traffic, on aoconnt of the various min
ing districts of Baker oonnty, the Coeur
d'Alene, the Republio and Kootenai
mining camps. Portland i greatly
benefitted by this change, in a much
as increased service i given (rom East
ern Oregon and Idaho.
No. 3 arrives in Chicago at 9:30 A.
M.; No. 6 at 7:45 A. M., a at present.
The Westbound train out of Chicago,
corresponding with No. 2, ia No. 1.
This arrives in Portland at 4 P. M.
The train corresponding with the East
bound No. 6, is No. 3, ont of Chicago.
This reaches Portland at 7:30 A. M.
Westbound train No. 1 leave Cbioago
at 6:30 P. M., and Omaha at 8:20 A.
M. the following day. Tbe time ia re
duced two hour and 48 minute. No.
3, Westbound train, leave Chiwgo at
10:80 P. M., and Omaha at 4:35 P. M.
tbe next day.
The service on the Union Pacifio on
all these trains includes buffet-srook-ing-library
cars and dining cars. - No.
6 carries a daily ordinary sleeper to
Kansas City, with change en route to
ordinary car to Chicago.
Consult the nearest ticket agent foi
detailed information.
General Passenger Agent.
The ordlnarv step of an ostrich, when
feeding, is about 31 inches; when walk
ing, but not feeding, it is 36 inches;
when fleeing from an enemy, it stride
range from 11 H to 14 feet.
A deacon in a Baptist church in
Trenton i a (tickler for decorum. He
saw a young lady whisper to another
during prayer at a church, service, and
be loudly rebuked her. In indignation
she was passing out of the edifice, when
be said the church was no piace for
ber. Aroused by this taunt, she pro
ceeded to return to her pew, but be
slutched her back hair and "thus drew
ber out of the church.
Prospectors are boring for sino in
four counties in northern Arkansas, and
within the last year several changes in
the ownership of land there ha result
ed in oonsequenoe. One syndicate ia
said to have purchased 13,000 acres of
A Blood
Is that tired feeling blood lacks vitality
and richness, and hence you feel like a lag
gard all day and can't get rested at night.
Hood's Sarsaparilla will cure you because
it will restore to the blood the qualities It
needs to nourish, strengthen and sustain
the muscles, nerves and organs of the
body. It gives sweet, refreshing sleep and
impart new life and vigor to every func
tion. Felt Tlred-"In the spring I would
bav no appetite and would feel tired and
without ambition. Took Hood's Hnraa pa
rtita iu small doses, increasing as I grew
stronger. That tired feeling left me and I
felt better in every way." W, . Bake,
box w, Minora, unio.
Hood's Garsaparilln
Is the Best Medicine Money Can Bit v. Pre
pared by C. I. Hood it Co., Lowell, Mass.
base wall soatlnc.
In t lb. paper package, ssada ready for ass la
whit and fourteen beautiful tint by soiling
with sold water. It la a cement that oas
tbronch process of settin-, hardens with ace,
and can be coated and reeoetod without washing
os it oia coats oeiore renewing.
off it old coat before renewing.
I so tl rely
from all tha
variowkalsomiaesaa the market, beinc durable
and not stock oa th wall with sloe. Alabastia
euatosaers should insist oa Having tn tooas in
til Imitations. There laaotbin "Just as flood."
Prevents much sickness, particularly throat and
ransT difficulties, attributable to Unsanitary
coatings on walls. It has been recommended
In a paper published by the Michigan Stat
Board of Health oo account of It sanitary
features; which paper strongly condemned
kaleomlnee. Alabama ean be osm oo either
plastered walls, wood callings, brick orcanras,
and enjr one can brush It on. It admits of radi
cal ehauges from wall paper decorations, thus
securing at reasonable expense tbe latest and
beet effects. Alabastine is manufactured by th
lUabastine Cominr of drn.d Pi&IMp.
Instructive and Interesting booklet mailed fra
to all applicant.
Te fallr tatroduc oor f.Mai "SUUTHIKS
BkLI.fc CIS1H" w tin le euk penoe sarins
s eos M SO elews foe $t M end iipie otaarsM, en .toguft
ewa.l plen MM.,stonrlea,t ft Waten.
aenrlme meke, wnkk with proper cm hoal4 kul
tmt fn t aim e pl.ud welch thala Md charm. Sena us
roar aeme end full ddrM no monvf. We will etntl
:icara. WAUb.chfti. and antral. If.aUreiaminauan.riia
re mtUtM, per rmw agnl ftM an eipraei ikuiw
Tb teod.Mnlurwkm le la U. S. at Umm torsi.. To
mre Bri M Is sagood as away 100 ogan sow offme.
4Mf.l)eilonalClarCoI7 . st Ltub.Mo,
hie wialsgsliew gift las awes sf this tesei
A Welt-Kept Lire.
It requires a well-kwpt lite to do th
will of God, and even a better kept lit
to will to do Hi will. To b willing
i a rarer grace than to b doing th
will of God, For he who Is willing
may sometime have nothing to do and
must be willing to wait; and it i
easier far to be doing God's will than
to be willing to have nothing to do it
it easier far to be working for Christ
than it 1 to be willing to cease. 'o,
there ia nothing rarer in the world to
day than the truly willing soul, and
there is nothing more worth coveting
than the will to will God ' will. There
is no grander possession for any Chris
tian life than the transparently simple
mechanism of a sincerely obeying
heart. Henry Drummond.
Information While Ton Walt.
Mr. Speltem, of Htxhlaudtown,
write: "Dere Sur: Please tell me
wat is the holesumest food ter chil
dren?" You will find doughnuts about the
"holesomest" article of diet. Balti
more American.
Strength la Stillness.
Those who make the most noise in
the world are not those who have the
moat power in the world. Quiet in
fluences are the potent forces in God'
eo Wem, and even in man's sight . As
Aubrey Moore says: "Great men
think, while ordinary men talk. Great
saints pray, ordinary men preach.
High-souqding word and showy act
may impose upon the few. but it i si
lent effort which move the world."
This truth is not held popularly; yet
Elijah learned when he was divinely
shown that God was not to be recog
nised in the whirlwind, the earth
quake, or the fire, as he could be in
"the still small voice." Even this
world's wisdom testifies to the truth
in the adage: "Deep waters run still
est." It is God's voice which says:
"Be still, and know that I am God."
S. 8. Times ,
Chrlet forAlL
It must never be supposed that the
beautiful word and condescending acta
of Christ were just for Peter, James
and John and their companions. John
is not the only beloved disciple who is
encouraged to lean on the bosom of his
Lord. His love for the family in Beth
any is not a singular lov with which
other families have nothing to do. It
ia a specimen of his love, rather, in
tended to make glad ten thousand other
families. George Bow en.
Piety la the Home.
Parents must show piety at home;
that is, tbey must give good example
and reverent deportment in the face of
their children. All signifi
cation of love and tenderness, care
and watchfulness must be expressed
toward children that they may look
upon their parents as their friends and
patrons, their defense and sanctuary,
their treasure and their guide. Jeremy
Sweeden ha ordered 47 batteries of
the largest artillery. These little coun
tries are learning that they can put up
a stiff fight. .
you naturally and easily and without gripe or pain. Start to-nl jb.t one tablet keep It up for
a week and help the liver dean up the bowels, and you will feel right, your blood will be rich,
face look clean, eyes bright. Get a 1 0c box of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you arc not
cured or satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat it quickly and permanently
25c. 50c.
CC In Tt. crinff3Mift SVKMSr
s, ' : st i if i i n i i i r i . n - g tmmum
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS w will send a box free. Address
Sterling Rsmcdy Company. Chicago or New York, nuntioalnf advertisement and ppr. ga
NOTICE TO PROPERTY CWHERS.f Portland directory, pm curi yourself i
Orate and Tllln Tile Win,, Tile Wain- ,,Hiiirs mm n, Ma tzl 'Wmn"""
seating, Andirons, Fenders, ttertwni, Klectrle, CAWlnOIt CO.! KNOINKS, BOII.KKS, MA - (i..uUa PalalM.. aad But aiiria-
Oni and Combination chandeliers, and all sup. eluaery. supplies. ta-W first Ht fortland.Or. 7!THlm0nimni Oo ( or pouwavus.
piles pertalntne to Klectrlc and uas Mchtlnir. - 1 -.,,..,- ' ajeH Hi
v ,.l carryall kinds of JBatwrle., Bells and JOHN POOLE. PoMlASD, Omoo. 5 p lelluT
S4SW..h,n,.a.t.,..r,..nI.Ur. E", V. clrJ ,''';.
; steel IXI. windmill, sold by him, is un-
U Save 8o Per Cent YOUNG MEN!
If you use the New Columbian Fire Orat In .. . J ?? h"?!
jrour house With an ordinary sr.te SO per Way, MoPorm ck Rfl Pr- MLiJrrZ
cent of the hest dote up the chimney, but the MOW lllWUUI IIIIUK MUIICI" hum how a-riim. or of Sow lone un.iuur Hmuiu
New Columbian Orate makes a white flame, no rj ! SI-. .-O ,rom ' "," " H is ahwiuiair ml,
yS'tw":'1. SiilTtfwiK; Bearing Mower? Esswasir
entirely new and absolute perfection. For ... sal. brail Miahi. drueeiMa, or Mdprauaid kjewraa
photograph and full description send toTHB JU plainly wrapped, on iw-V of pri. By ' '
JOHN riAKKKTT CO., 1 Vlret Street, SvfA - - l' i CHSJUluf: Oft, Okies, IS.
Portland, Oregon. jg7 ' V lw"rf j """"
Kw Doobla Cylinder farm Lose- i'JiJ, Il3litaaaW '. .rrereat Mllloii.ns. DoBotOrlpeorSlrkeaTT and ThVa.h.n. V ffiiaBgga.
- Writ for Catalogue. ' ,aas M. P. M. U. Me. IS-lBooT
SSO K. Yamhill St., POBTLAND, OB. en ., v,(..i.h.i .u. i ny-M
... ... call on MM ormlrk A tent, or address A. H. VlHEI? wrltlnat to adeartlaaea i..u
IMentlon this paper.J Boyln, Portland, Oregon, for catalogue, J tteaUesl "hi W pi.
Mererm at SI. I.oais.
Th saloon keepers of St. Louis, Mo.,
have been notified that they shall not
maintain in connection with thalr
saloons win room or private stall or
room not at all time open to publio
gae. . They war also notified to dlt-
1 1 1 . . , . a.
continue ana pruniuit music ana w
prevent dissolute women and criminals
from frequenting their saloons, under
penalty of forfeiture of their license
and having their plaoe olosed a dis
orderly houses. Union Signal.
Few College Students Die.
Th death rale in colleges is extremely
low. Th strict attention to tli physique
is given as the cause. People outside of
colleges, as well, may have health and
strength. Hosteller's Ktoiuni'h Hitters Is
recommended most highly for preventing
as well as rurlng bodily weakness. It is
for th blood, the nerves and all atnmaoli
disorders, ami its cures of constipation, in
digestion, dy)H)Mla, sluggish liver or
weak kidneys, are most remarkable.
Six uiouruer who ottlulated as pall
bearers at a funeral in Mishowoka,
Iud., have sent in bill of indebtedness
against the man's estate for carrying
him to the gravs.
100 11KWARO S)100.
Th readers nl this paper will be pleased to
Ham that there is at leant oil dreaded diMaee
Uiat soieutie lias been able to cur In all Its
Siagea, aud that isoatarrh. Ilall'sCatarrb Cur
Is tbe only posit! v our know u to th medical
fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, rvqutrnt a OonatTlutlonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the syalein, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the dmcaae, and giving the patleul
strength by entitling up the constitution and
awning nature in doing its work. The pro
prietore hse so much faith In Its aurally
power, that they offer On Hundred Hollars
lor ant case that it (alls to sure. Mend lot list
ot testimonials. Address
r.M HKNKY A CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, loo.
Hall's TaiuiV rills are the beet.
A contract made over the telephone
is legal and binding, according to a
decision recently rendered la a Penn
sylvania lawsuit.
Mother will Hud Mrs. Winslow's Booth
tug Byrup th best remedy to us for theiV
children during th teething period.
Inoculation (or the plague is coming
more in favor in Bombay city, as many
as 7,170 porsoua having been treated In
one week.
riso's cure cannot be too highly spoken
of as a cough cure. J. W. 0'Hrin, 8'.2
Third Ave. N., Minneapolis., Minn.. Jan.
0, 11WO. '
Living animals have been newjy dis
covered at a depth in tbe ocean two
mile greater than any hitherto reached.
Steal Platforms tor faaseager Cars.
Instruction have been issued by the
mechanical department of the Rock
Island, that all passenger coaohet of
the road must be equipped with steel
platfoim. Already many have been
equipped, and as fast a the coaches
can be spared from the daily aervioe,
they are run into the shops and tbe old
platform taken off and a new ateel one
put in it place.
Small retailer in Germany bavs
organised for an attack on the depart
ment (tores. A bill ha been intro
duced in the reichstair to tax tha sale
ot tbe big store on an increasing ratio
nntil they reach 30 per cent of the
I proflta.
Puffs under the eyes; red nose; pimple
blotched, greasy face don't mean hard drink
in? always as much as it shows that there is
BILE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink,
ing and over-eating overloads the stomach,
but failure to assist nature in regularly dis
posing of the partially digested lumps of food
that are dumped into the bowels and allowed
to rot there, is. what causes all the trouble.
CASCARETS will help nature help you, and
will keep the system from filling with poisons,
will clean out the sores that tell of the sys
tem's rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure
becomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes and
skin yellow in fact the whole body kind of '
fills up with filth. Every time you neglect to
help nature you lay the foundation tor just
such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the '
poisons out of the
urn mmmim:
"Frune II in Exosllsst Spring 0a
tarth Bmsdj Z im si ,
11 u Ertr."
Hon. Dan. a. (Irosvenor, of th Famous
Ohio family.
Hon. Dan. A. Grosveuor, deputy
auditor for the war department, in a
letter written from Washington, D. O.,
"Allow m to express my gratitude to
you for th benefit derived from on bottl
of Pcruna. On week ha brought wonder
ful change and I am now as well at ever.
Besides being on of th very best spring
tonka it is an excellent catarrh remedy."
Very respectfully, Dan. A. Grotvcnor.
Hal P. Denton, chief national export
exposition, Philadelphia, Pa., writes:
"I was completely run down from
overwork and the responsibility natur
ally connected with the exploitation ot
a great international exposition. My
physician recommended an extended
vacation. When life seemed almost a
burden I began taking Parana, and
With the use of the fifth bottle I found
myself in a normal condition. I bav
slues enjoyed the best of health."
Almost everybody need a tonlo in
the spring. Something to braes tha
nerve, invigorate the brain, and
oleanss the blood. That Pernna will
I do this Is beyond all question. Eviy
one who has tried it has had the same
experience as Mrs. D. W. Timberlake,
of Lynchburg, Vs., who, in a recent
letter, made use of the following words:
, "I always take a dose of Pcruna after
. business hour, a it i a great thing
for the nerves. There is no better
ipring tonlo, and I have used about all
of them."
For a free book on "Summer Ca
tarrh," address The Pernna Med loin
Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Quarreling among the members of
the households ia extremely rate la
Japan. Thl is because th Japanese
' eat very little meat. Among great
I meat-eater irritable tempers prevail,
'anil famtltf jtfarmfctta tM Ari,nnn
Smoothing irons heated by electrlol
ty are used by the inmate of the luna
tlo aaylnm in Pontlao, Mich. Tbey
keep an even temperature, therefore do
not need to be ohanged, Ilk thoa heat
ed on th ooal or with gas.
system and will regulate