Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 05, 1900, Image 3

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    wgr.ij hi
Our Agents.
The following persona fe the
accredited agents of the Globe at
the jHjet otlicea named. They are
authortoed to reooive and receipt
for subscription aocoUDtai
W. II. Coi.well. .... , .Arlington.
Wadb Duo Olex
Mrs. Ella Anoeix, , , , , .Mayville'
Frank SfKWAUT.,..,.Ixno Rook.
Other agents will be appointed,
and their names audod to this list
If you arcr not already a sub
scriber, or if your subscription has
expired, call on your nearest agent
, and be made happy.
Subscribe (or the Oixnt.
Only 1.50 a year
Purely Business.
lWt overtook the Condon Drug Co.'g
adtis 00 Joslil
Choice family white fish at tonn Bros,
One bottle of 6 drop will cart your
rbearaatiitu. Condon Drag Co., agents.
Order a tailor made suit fit gnaran-teed-from
Dunn Bros.
FoM Sals A thoroughbred Drown
Leghorn Cockerel. Enquire at this office
for imrtlcalare.
We are agents for the famous Buck
ingham S Hoc ten Boots and shoes.
Dunn Bros.
Colds I Col Ji I Cured by oslng Lang's
I.aaativs Cold TableU. For tat oolyln
Condon by the lludnon I'harmaey.
Don't sand off for your patterns when
?oo can get the ButUrlck patterns at 1.
I. Stephenson's.
Have you tried HT Dr. Bhlek's Hair
Tonle (or the scalp. For sale at the
Hudson Pharmacy.
J. L. Neal, the well known auction
eer, will give the strictest attention to
all basinets entrusted to bis care. II
you have property to sell consult blm.
Munsey's, McCloree, Cosmopolitan,
Pearsons, Strand, Century, Bcribnsr's
ruck, Judge, and many other publica
tions are now sold by Condon Drug Co.,
Lost On the toad between J. O. Stev
enson's sndR. McKlneey's, a ladies' sil
ver watch. Finder pirate leave same at
this office or return to Miss Susie Stev
enson, ths owner.
Two fiiioar Rimos calls up the Condon
Drug Co., who will deliver goods to any
part of tbe city free of charge. If jrou
want good goods prompt service and
reasonabls rates call tbsm op.
We wish to thsnk onr patron for
their liberal patronage during tbe pat
year and hope to merit a continuance of
the same In tbe future. Dona Bros.
Wasted The ladles of Condon and
vicinity to know that they can get the
beat eeMrtinent of high class fruits, con
fectiottery.sad crackers at Jackson Dy
cart's. ;,
I Dana Area! hevn an immense line of
flne merchandise upon which the prices
have been reduced since the holidays.
Their stork consist of Dry Uoods, Cloth
ing. Famishing, Groceries etc.
Wool bags are now ready for distribu
tion and your orders are eolidted.
Write ns or send by voor friend for the
number you want, the price will be
right at tbe Arlington Warehouse Com
pany's. " ' j
The Arlington Wsrsboews Company's
eomniodloua warehouses will be turned
ever to the wool growers this season and
the management will see to it that all
are rightly treated. We won't be the
whole ihow but will be the beat show in
Arlington when we have this season's
wool clip Mowed away and the glad faces
of the sturdy sheep-mattere are seen In
our houses. This Is one of tbe years for
Arlington promlees to be the heaviest
wool shipping point saet of Tbe Dalles
this season. Everybody la talking of
Arlington as a market hard to beat and
this saaeon prom i net to ticel in intereat
and activity. Be in line and brine your
wool to the Arlington Warehouse Com
pany. Thsy will make advances and aid
you in securing a good pries.
Wood For Sale.
200 cords of good 16-Inch pine wood
forests at the Lost Valley sawmill. For
terms call on or address.
J. C. Fata
Lost Valley, Or.
Attention Ladles.
Miss Louelta Haddock has Just opened
a complete line fashionable millinery
goods at r. II. Stephenson's store and
the ladies are kindly requested to call
and Inspect the sams before purchas
ing elsewhere. Will order goods when
Mrs, T. (I. Johnson Is on the sfck (lit.
John Dysart was at Arlington this
Mrs, rul Orelner Is seriously III at
her borne In Mayville precinct.
Father Kelly will hold services In ths
Cutliollc church Sunday at 19 o'clock.
Regular church services at the Latter
Day Saints every Sunday, at 11 a.m. and
7 p.m. Sunday School, 2 p.m. Every
body Invited.
Godfrey Schilling has bought a timber
culture constating of MUX acres, on Mat
nsy Flat, of Fred Wilson tbe considers
tion being $800.
Elder J. L. Swift, of the Church of
Christ, will bold services In Armory
bsll Ssturday evening, April 7, and
Sunday April 8, at 11 A. M. and 8 P.M
Dan Rlnebart bss sold bis ranch,
north of town, to bis father, O. W.Rlne
hart, and bought the Charlie Baker
place. Tbe consideration In tbe former
deal was 1800 and in the latter $1200,
Earheart A Wilson bavs just put in one
of the most complete refrigerators and
beer pumps to be found In Eastern Ore
gon, Tbls enterprising firm are always
up-to-date, and tbe "schooners" In
which they will dispense " Hop Uold"
will be found both wide and deep.
In the Weekly Eaat Oregonlan of
April Oiu, the speech that Win. J.B-yan
made In Pendleton on Thursday, March
29, will be printed in full, Just as Mr,
Bryan delivered It. Tbe speech will
contain something like 15,000 words.
Copies of the paper can be bad by mail,
sent to any address for 6 cents each.
Sam fi. VaaVactor's new office build
ing on Msin street has sprung up as
though by, msglo this wsek. To the
philosophical mind, however, there Is no
magic about It, but only another demon
stration of tbe swift work of Condon car
penters, who are mostly " lulus " when
it comes to speed and dexterity.
Dr. Uillette arrived from Portland
Saturday and will locate here permanent
ly In tbe practice of bis profession. Tbe
doctor Is a pleasant gentleman, and es
pressos himself aa highly pleased with
the appearance of tbe town and surround
ing country. He has established bis
office In tbe rear of tbe Condon Drug
Co.'s store.
J. W. fitrack was here for a few days
last week In tbe Interests of the Portage
Railway Co. Mr. fitrack was more than
favorably Impressed with the appearance
of this part of Gilliam county, and gavs
It as his opinion that It will be but a
short time until a branch railroad will
be built from tbe Columbia river to
Condon. '
Paul Orelner and Jim Dunn met with
quite a serious loss Tuesday morning by
toe Darning oi a smoaenouse, on nr.
Grelner's ranch, in which they were ear
In the bacon of 67 bogs, which tbey bad
fed and butchered during tbe past win
ter. The Are occurred about daylight
although no fuel bad been put on tbe
smoke" Are later then 4 o'clock Mon
day evening. Tbe loci is between (700
and $800, and no Insurance,
Tbe ladles of 'the Latter Day SalnU
church will give an entertainment and
Basket Social, at the church, on Thurs
day evening, April 19. . A "nsh pond,"
In which tbe gentlemen may And part
ners for supper, will be a feature, and
tbe price (or supper will be fixed by the
weight of lady "caught." Agoooume
la assured and everybody Is cordially In
vited to attend. Proceeds for benefit ol
the church, Ladies are Invited to bring
baskets. .
H. N. Fraxer's young son. Rolln, who
has been sn inmate of thetlood Samari
tan Hospital at Portland (or some time,
Having a badly fractured ankle repaired,
bas so (ar recovered aa to ba able to be
removed (row the hospital to private
lodgings. A recent telephone message
from Mrs. Frater, who la with her boy,
states that she hopes Rollo will be able
to come home In about 10 days, and that
the Injured limb will be as good as ever
in due time. Rollo Is a typical " yonng
American" when it comet to "grit,"
and his (rlends will be glad to know that
he has recovered from inch a serious
accident so speedily.
Public Sale.
Tbe undersigned will offer at public
sals, at his borne, 8 miles southeast of
Condon, on
Ths (olio wing described property, to wtt
Sis head o( horses, one header, one gang
plow, one complete threshing machine
and outfit, blacksmith outfit and other
farm Implements too numerous to men
tion. Terms o( sale: A credit of eight
months will be given on all approved
accounts over $10.00 or 5 per cent dis
count (or cash.
Sale will commence at 10 o'clock a.m.
.. C. L. Bakxb.
Geo. Nsalb, Auctioneer.
Grand Clearance Sale.
Notwithstanding the fact that
the price of nearly all com modi ties
has advanced we will still give our
customers the benefit of the old
pricea and in order to make room
for our big spring stock we will
make liberal discounts on all cash
salea for the next 30 days.
Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes
The old reliable Buckingham & Ilecht brand
All Wool Blankets
A few left which will be sold at the old price
Good Values in Hats and Caps.
Groceries of all Kinds.
DUNN BROS. Condon, Orego
Dmccrtlo Convention,
Ths democrats of Gilliam county met
In convention last Ssturday for the pur
pose of nominating a full county ticket
and electing three delegates to tbe state,
congressional and district conventions
which will meet In Portland, April 12.
At 10 A. M. tbe convention was called
to order by Ira B. Carter, of Mayville,
who is chairman of ths county central
committee, John A. McMorrls being
chosen ss temporary chairman and P.
Stephenson as temporary secretary.
The committee on credential!, consisting
of I. B. Carter, E. P. Weir and John
Madden, was nest appointed and are-
cess taken to give that committee time
to examine tbe credentials of delegates
and prepare its report, after wbicb the
following other committees were appointed.
Permanent Organisation and Order of
BusinessSam E, Van Vector, Henry
Wilklns, A. Orelner.
Resolutions and Platform Oeo. B.
Smith, 11. O. Strickland, Bam E. Van
At tbe afternoon session tbe tempora
ry chairman was made permanent and
B, Carter was elected by acclamation
to serve the convention as permanent
secretary. The reports of the several
committees were then beard and adopt-
The platform was very brief being
sn endorsement of tbe Chicago platform
of 1898 and a declaration for tbe perpet
uation of the time honored principles
of democracygovernment of the people
for the people and by the people. The
following ticket was then nominated.
Sheriff- W. L. Wilcos, of Condon.
Clerk T. O. Johnson, of Condon,
Commissioner W. R. Boyer, of
Treasurer P. U. Stephenson, of Con
don. :' ' 1
Assessor Wm. Musgrpve, of Ferry
Canyon. ; . ' -
School Superintendent W. R. Neal,
ol Arlington.
Surveyor L. W. Darling, of Condon.
Coroner Dr. Lasler, of Arlington.
Tbe convention was harmonious
throughout and tbe democrats are confi
dent tbst they bave tbe strongest ticket
ever nominated in tbe county by their
Caught a Dreadful Cold.
Marlon Kooke, manager for T. M.
Thompson, a large importer of flne milli
nery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Cbica-
ssys: "During tbe late severe
weather, I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at sight and made me
unfit to attend my work during tbe day.
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at the time, which seemed to re
lieve ber so quickly, that I bought some
formrself. It acted like magic and I
began to Improve at once. I am now en
tirely well and feel very pteased to ac
knowledge its merits.
For sale by The Hudson Pbsrmacy, C.
W.Ciosfileld, Mgr.
A Bolt of Lightning?.
During the heavy storm Sunday after
noon a bolt of lightning struck a tele
phone pole just north of Springston A
Rogers' barn and, taking the wire, paid
its respects to every 'phone In town.
Tbe heaviest charge ran Into tbe central
station at Dunn Bros, store completely
wrecking a window near the booth and
burning out the fuse wires and some of
the insulated wires leading from the
main line to the 'phones. Every 'phone
In town was visited and electrio sparks
were thicker than politicians were last
week. Many persona admit that they
were badly frightened and tbey believe
that those who don't admit it were as
badly scared as anybody.
Not only tbe telephone wires were af
fected but the water pipes were also
charged with the current and Charlie
Earhart. who happened to bave hold of
tbetauoetln his place of business, re
ceived a severe shock. This wss caused
by some of tbe ground wires of the sys
tem being attached to tbe water mains
to insure a complete circuit with the
earth. It looks as though the water and
tbe telephone systems should be discon
nected so that the citisen can take bis
water "straight" if he wants to and only
take an electric bath when his physician
prescribes one.
Vol, 1 No. 1 of tbe Wheeler Coanty
Mews, published at Twickenham, over
on the John Day, has just been received,
It is B. M. Knott's latest newspaper ven
tore, tbe plant being the seme that be
nsed In the production of the now de
funct lone Sun and Hard man Home
stead. . The new paper is in the field as
tbe champion of Twickenham for coun
ty seat of Wheeler county and already
the fight Is on between Shutt snd Jim
Stewart. Shutt claims that Jim got in
a fool in ths first round by whacking
him below the belt wltb a sqnib before
he got his gloves on but when be got in
"posish" he hnrled the missile back at
Jim and called him a liar to boot. Shutt
followed this up with an allusion to
Jim's superiority as a prevaricator as to
tbe amount o( the stake money and was
jnat about to get Jim on the ropes when
Jim let drive at blm a big volume of an
cient history wbicb landed sqnare on the
Jaw, At this point the wire was cut but
we espect to bear tbe second round was
a hot number. '
A Horrible; Outbreak
"Of large sores on my little daughter's
bead developed Into a case of scald bead"
writes C. D.Iablll,of Morgantown.Tenn.
butBuckleu's Arnica Salve completely
cured ber. It's a guaranteed core for
Ecsema, Tetter, Salt Rhenm, Pimples,
Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Ouly 25 cents at
tbs Condon Drug CVe. " ,,'
April Term of Court Postponed.
Jftrfge W. L. Bradsbaw has notified
Sheriff Wilcox that on account of tbe
serious Illness of Mrs. Bradsbaw It will
be Impossible for him to be present st
the regular term of court which should
convene here next Monday and that the
docket will be continued for the term.
It was not practicable to secure another
Jndge to occupy the bench at this time
and there beinir no prisoners awaiting
trial or other persons who ar apt to I e
seriously Inconvenienced by the delay
we feel confident that, under tbe rirvnnv
stances, the people of the conntv will
find no fault with this arrangement.
Sheriff -Wilcos wishes to ntifyall
persons who have been summoned ss
inrors for tbe April term that thev are
excused from attendance at court until
further notice,
A Testimonial from Old England.
"I consider ' Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy tbe best In the world (or bron
chitis" says Mr, Win. Savory of Warring
ton, England. "It has saved my wife's
life, she having been a martyr to bron
chitis for over six years, being most of
the time confined to her bed. She is
now quite well. Sold by The Hudson
Pharmacy. C. W. Croefleld, Mgr. ,
For Sale Cheap.
One Pitt's separator and horse power
and complete threshing outfit. For par
ticulars enquire of Cooke Baoa., Condon,
Or. -
Full line for the Spring Trade.
We Carry a Complete Line of
Harness, Saddles, Chaps,
All at Correct Prices.
Orders Taken for
Furniture and Wall Paper.
'. ...
Special Inducements
Republican Platform.
The following resolutions were adopted
by the Republican county convention In
session here last week :
Resolved, That we indorse the pre
sent administration .by . the Republican
partv and favor the permanent retention
or the I'hinppine isiancn, we believe
that the inhabitants or rnerlo Kico are
entitled to tbs same rights, privileges
and immunities as-the-people or anv
other territory belonging to the United
States. We believe lit the protection of
American industries until thev are able
to compete with foreign establishments
engaged Sn the same pursuits, In order
to give employment at gooa wagea to
American workinginen s but favor free
trade on all articlee manufactured and
controlled bv trusts.
" Unsolved. That we lavoreoadnlng the
pay of our several county otfloera to tbe
salary provided by law, and if at any
time It becomes sbsolutely necessary for
anv of our county officers to have assist
ance In order to do the work required ol
them properly, we thins it is the duty
ot the County Court to provide such
If troubled with rheumatism.
Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial
will notcost you a cent If it does no good,
One application wtll relieve the pain
It also cures sprains and bruises in one-
third the time required by any other
treatment, tints, burns, Irostlrttesqnin
sev. pains in tbe side snd chest, glandu
lar and other awellings are quickly cur
ed by applying It. E"ery bottle war
ranted. 1'rice, Z6 and 60 eta. at the
Hudson Pharmacy, C. W Croafield, Mgr,
For the next 30 days, on
Winter Underwear.
Borne "dandy" bargains in Ladies' Gent's and Children's Underwear,
Also others lines ol goods not mentioned here.
We also pay the market price for Horse Hair, Old Rubber, Copper,
and Brass. One Door 8outh of Henahaw's store.
Before You Buy
Ytnr thmiaet Bltcep Camp and HoasefioM fltapplfe",
Go and See
the Fresh and" Complete-Stock ofOrocttkm, Tobaceo, Hafir,
fcboew, Clot tring; Blankets, Hardware, CrocieTj, Dry
Ooorfev Medicines Ele. to- be Found in the Large Store of
Matlock & Stewart,
Lone Rock, Oregon.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable.
P. H. Stephenson's.
Oranges and
' (vr,'; Bananas, at
Jacls6n & Dysart's
Meat Market.
Tbatvou can do better by trading with the Condon Dru Co than by sending
yonr orders to outside dealers. It will take just one trial to convince yon. Re
member also that we are a uonoon nrra. Money paid to us is not sent to Itew
York, Portland, The Dalles or any other town but will eventually be put into
Condon improvements. We. have, besides a complete line of drugs and patent
medicines, a lutvupa or pnoto supplies, musical instruments, painter's materials
and electric Dauenes, oeiia ana msoies. notions, canaiee and cigars, novels
magastnes ana periodicals, uive us a can or send us your mail orders.
Stockmen's Supplies a Specialty.
When in need of
Saddles or Chaps,
Call on Or Send to
J. P. Reisactier,
The only Saddler In Gilliam
or Wheeler Counties.
New Masonic Building: : : : CONDON, OR.
F M. esringeton.
J. A. Nodgere,
(ftuooeeeorc to T C. Johnson.)
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Flrert-class Rigs Always on Hand lit Vary Reasonable Rates
A share of tbe public patronage Is respectiullv solicited.
Stop at
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is no
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wantd.
Bowling Alley and Baths.
Lower Main St.. Condon, Ore.
pool room, soft Drinks, confectioneries, etc.
ill a nrr m m ii
Large Scales, price 25c a draft: reduction on contract weighing.
To better prepare myself to serve you
In tbe future I expect, in a ahort time.
to attend a coarse ol lectures in one of
our best medical colleges. To do this I
must collect. All parties owing me will
please take notloe. Call at my office and
settle or make satisfactory arrange
ments. Thanking you tor past patron
age, I am yours sincerely,
1B. S. K. LlNA.
Uko Ornca At Tna Daixss, Ob., Fety IS, 1900.
Notloe It hereby given that the following
named MHtor hu riled notl ot hU Intention to
make tlnal pmol Inanpport ol hit clim, and
that Mild proof will ba mail before H. H. Fraaer,
ooHnty clerk ol oiUlam coanty, at Condon, Or.,
on Monday. April i, 1M0 via:
. DKl'SILLA TKl'K, ot Condon, Oregon,
Hd. K. No. SUM, tor the n'i iwV and iwU
aeevioaml nw1. '.; avo'i'' tp. it, r. Jla. W.Jr
tie namea the following wllneMea to prove
hla eoiitiiiMWM ruaulriio upon and cultivation
ol said land, via: W. V, Barker, K. R. Cornttt,
W. M. Cornet! and & D, rietcher all ot
Condon, Oregon.
. Jay P. tccAi, Rtgl.ter.
Land Omci Av Tna Daubs, Ob., Mar. S, 1900.
Notioa la hereby given that the following
named tattler hatnled notice ol her Intention lo
make Snal proof In Hippnrtof her claim, and
that aald proof wtll be made betoie H. N. Pmi.T.
Comity Clerk at Condon, Oregon, on Friday,
April 10 1900. via:
8AD1K E. PAKVAN, ot Condon. Oregon,
Hd. K. No. mi. Irt t art;, nel and rt$ ae1.
tec 1. tp4t, VY. M. Bbe name! the fol
lowing witneMwa lo prove her eontlnnout
ldtnce upon and cultivation of mid land, via:
Mra. M. C, Eaalman, Jomea fnnlrll, An tone
Bvrge and C. A. elmpaon, all of Condon. Orvtton.
jay r. i.vcAi, ncgi.wr.
Petition for Liquor Llcenae.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of tillllam.
To the Hon. County Court of Gilliam County,
Wa the undenltmed reatdenla and legal voter
ot the Precinct ot Lone Hook, in laid County
and State, hereby petition your houorable body
that a llcenae be granted W. R. Roberta, of aald
precinct, to toll apiittHona, Malt and vlnoua llq-
Mora, at retail, In quantltiot leal than one gallon
In the town ot Loue Hook, In aald Precinct,
County and State:
Joseph 0. Ward, G. W. Boone, C W. Pitcher,
H. & Keel, Jeff Hayea, Joe, SI. Hayes, Amoa
Wlncland, 0. W. Madden, John H. Hayea, An
brew Neel, I. X. Smith, I. C. Bennett, Jeff Neel,
Riley Billing, J. H. Ral.ton. O. H. Neel. John
One hen, Bd Comptou, Jack Parker, K. B. Lau
der, Geo. Earhart, P. H. Robinann, R. Jl. John
eon, N. H. Nuckolls, J. Andrew., J. R Bennett,
P. R. Nlcholaon. Arthur Madden, Cha V. Pbeg
ley, J. T. Turley, C. Rldgway, Wm K.Conon, Roy
Foater, W. R. Roberta,
To Whom tt May Concern: Notice U hereby
given that the uuderaigned, W. K. Roberta, will.
on the 8Ui duy of May, 1900, apply lo tbe Honor
able County Court of Gilliam (ounty, Oregon,
lorallcenauto tell at retail. In quantities tea
than one gallon iplritnou. malt and vino i
liquor, In the town and precinct of Lone lioek
In mill Ulhuin Count)', Oivgou. W, K, Uoaunrs
Land Ornca at Tna DALtan, Oa., Feb . WOO,
Notice 1 hereby given thai the following
named aettlerhat filed notice of bla Intention to
make final proof In aupport of hla claim, and)
that aald nmof will be made before H. N. Craser.
county clerk of Gilliam coanty, at Condon, Or.,
on Thunday, April 12, 1900, via:
RAl.l'H MAY, of Condon, Oregon,
Hd. E. No. Sals, for the wl ne n', nw., see.
, tpj , r 22 a, W. M. He name the following
wltneaaea to nrovehit con t! nana, raetdenre npon
and cultivation ol aald land, vie. W. J. Smith.
H. II. Boer. Martin Mitcbail and Ham May. all
ot Coudon, Oregon.
jit r. I.UCA. Beginer.
Notice it hereby given. In the matter af the
eatate of Mary Knummera, rtuneawd, that the ui
demlgned waaon the lutn aay nt rewn.rv, a. it
I9U0, appointed by the Coanty Court oftitlii i
County, Oregon, the exaentor ol tna .in'
of the ahove named oaewlent. an aeraena Hav
ing claim attain the el-l eatate m net prraant
the ame In m duly vanned at mi hom.
eaatof Condon, Oregon, o to Headrtrk
Howerman, my attorneya, at their offi at
t'nudon, Oregon, within at a month treat tbe
data and Sret publication of thl nolle.
Comlon. Oregon, . M. B. H'iaa,
Pebruay 1. IWU. ' Executor of the Kataia ol
Mary E.Summendqe'4
trirtomoa Manager, tn IhMxtala lorrixe.
aent me In their own and urrouii.Jingronti'.l''.
Willing la pat yearly StOtt, payable wwkty. I.e.
tlrahle employment wltb nMtuinptmrt"!t".
Heterencea exchanged. F.itrlnae
tampMi unvloie. a. X. Park, !M)(:atuu buul.
, lug,Cniuifg.