THE coc:i cube. THURSDAY. APRIL 6. IOOO, THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY. OREGON. Obituary. : Lulu Cordelia, the infant daughter of 1 Mr. dti'l Mrs. Idl. Dunn ditrl Tnewiay evening, April 8, tH), aged 1 year and 4 days, after a lingering illness of more titan threw week duration. The littla m suffered intensely at times daring her illness and (or some time, her life watt despaired of, bnt loving hearts con tinued to hope against hope and to cling . to ttttrj straw that promised life. All that medical skill could do was done, without avail, and after days of agonis ing pain to every heart that loved bar bonnie, smiling face her young life went ont and her spotless spirit winged its flight to that Infinite realm where God is Love, and where suffering and pain ran have no place. Her going leaves a bleeding wound in her parent's hearts which will be hard to heal, and many friends who had learned to love her win tome, smiling face will cherish the re membrance of ber short life as one ot life's bright days. ' ,' "The light of her young life went down, As sinks behind the bill. The glory of the setting star- -' Clear, 'beautiful and still. ' Still let her mild rebuking stand Between as and the wrong, And her dear memory serve to make Our faith in goodness strong." ARLINGTON. R. II. Robinson sold the Advocate to Mr. Chas. Hicks, formerly of this place. The crop prospect is the best in the history of the country, both fruit and grain. " Dr. Griffin, who has been sick lor several weeks, is improving, and will soon be out again. Dr. Brown of La Grande spent several days here last week visiting his sick ancle, Dr. Uriffia. We all congratulate ourselves in hav ing one of the best set of men nominated on both tickets that have been put op for several years. V. W. Weatherford, one of the largest wheat raisers in this section of the coun ty, and one of the first settlers on Shut tier Flat, is lying at the point of death at his home here. There have been several transfers of property made here lately, which shows that Arlington is still alive. We are looking for the boats to be put on the river soon, at least in time to carry part of the wool clip to the Dalles. Millions Given A Way. It is certainly most gratifying to the public to know of one concern which is not afraid to be generous. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery lor Comminution, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottle and have the satisfaction of knowing it has eared thousands of hopeless eases. Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe and all Throat, Chest and Long diseases are surely cured by it. Call on the Condon Drag Co. and get free trial bottle Regular sixe 50c and $1.00. Every bot tle guaranteed. BEECH ER FLAT. Everything jnst as we would have them weather and candidates. Mrs. J. M. Cnrl is visiting Mrs. Wm. Bamsay of Lost Valley. Mrs. Wm. Stilt is still very pdorly with Dr Shaw, of Fossil, prescribing for her. Some of our boys, who went to Oregon's Eldorado, Sumpter, have been tick and exposed to smallpox. Mrs. I.. A. Henderson has gone to Brownville, being summoned to the bed side of ber aged father who is very low with dropsy and heart trouble. Th Best Romody for Rheumatism. ' QUICK RELIEF FROM PAW. ' All who nee Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Hr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says : "Soots time ago I had a severe attack of rheumatism ia my arm and shoulder. I tried numer ous remedies bat got no relief until 1 was recommended by Messrs George F. Farsons & Co., druggists of this place, to"' try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommended it ao highly that I bought bottle. wot soM relieved of mJ2 pain. have sines recommended this liniment to many ot my friends, who sgre with me that it is the beet remedy for sonseo )ar rheumatism in tbe market." For sal by Hudson , Pharmacy, C. W. Crosfield, Mgr. L CEVURTZ, HIE HOME n Mi- - '-y Pa pert rig and Painting. W. A. Dtoftfn hiw jnst received a fwll line of latest W Paper samples TOO? patterns? and hr jwpaTe to fuririah esti mates fctc. on" star! mtlt I per Hanging and Fainting: rrww m short notice and in a neat and workmanlike manner. Give him a caff. : .- Notrce. . ,:-":;, . Notice is hereby given that on Kfafy i, 1900, at 9, A. M., approved plat of frac tional township 5 South of range IJEst W. M.,. will he filed in this office, after which time the vacant tracts in said township will be subject to entry.' ; Jay P. Ltcas, Register. Otis Pattkhson, Receiver. Treasurer's Notice. , All county warrants registered prior to July 1, 1808, will be paid on presen tation at my office. Interest cease after this date. S. B. Barker, Treasurer of Gilliam conntv, Orejrnn. Dated at Condon, Ore., Jan. 30, 1900. SUMMONS. In the Circuit roart ol the State I Oregon lor the County ofUilliana. W. landes, Plaintiff, v. dr T. Persons, Defendant ' To Edgar T. Persons, th above named defend- In the name ot the State 'ol Orwron. yon ere hereby rranired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against yon in the above entitled ac tion, within the dm hereinafter mentioned, anduvo fail so to answer, hw want thereof, the Bla'intiff will lake twlwnenl airatnat yon (or trtv mm ol SXOD.00 with interest thereon at the rate ol ten per cent per annam from the loth, day o( Anoint, Iww t!iO.M paid thereon on Den, 12, 1SW; for tl7."vOO as attorney's lees; fort24.!i with Interest thereon at the rate ol (per cent per annum (ram the 3d. day ol February, ltoa; for, with Interest thereon at the rate ol S percent per annum from the 1Mb, day of Feb ruary, 18; lor SIM with interest thereon at the rate ot S per cent per annam from the Slst. day of December, 1K9S; for tl?.l renta with In terest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the XOth day ol Dec., ltw, and lor I 16. with in terest thereon from the 27th. day of Dec., If"?, and lor plaintllTa eosts and dtsndnententa In thin arHnn. and alao an order lor the Bale ol the I attached property In aaid action, to wit:-The fen l nalt ol tc. X in inwuiuipi pomh, nana 2, in Gilliam Co'inte, Oreaon, and a one foarth interest in the growing crop ol wheat thereon. This ettmnjoms la served npon yon by publica tion thanmf in the Condom (ubs, weekly newapaper pnblifbed in mid Gilliam Comity, by order of the Hon. W. U firadshaw. Judge ot the above named court, made at chamber in Dallea City. Oregon, on March 14th., UNO, which aaid order prescribe that the same be published once week lor rix consecutive week; that the first EHblication shall be made on tbe 15th. day of ln-h- 1W1L and that Um service be deemed complete on the 2th day of April, 1900, and yon are reqairca w appear wn aiiswrr huh wb- PMttnt on or uciora aaiu uw hoin wn, " W.H. WiumM, Attorney for Plaintiff , SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt ol the State of Oregon, for IhecoaniyrfU uiuiara. Nellie Atkeeon, Plaintiff, vs. George Atkeaon. Defendant To the above named defendant, George Atke aon: In the name of tbe State of Oreffon, yon are hereby not! tied and teanired to appear and an- awer toe complaint filed aeatnat you in tbe above ennnea etui, on or oetura i nnraaar, April &, 1909, the aame being ail weeka from the date of the first publication of tbia notice, and that II yoa tail to ao appear and answer the aaid eom plaintor otherwise plead thereto within aaid line, the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the reuel (Herein prayea lor, wnicn is !ur a aecree forever dissolving the bonda ol matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and defendant in tbe aoore entitled nit, and for each other and further relief aa may in equity be Inst. This aammons ia served on yoa by publication thereof in the condom uioa m we penoa ot six consecnUve weeks, seven isssues, eommenc- ur with the issue ol Fehraary ti. two. o rlrtae loi an order tiled in the above entitled Coart bearing dale thj0th. day of February, 1W0. Uivea amier my hand and dated this iud. day ol February, A. v. IMO. 8a E. Va Vactosl Attorney for Plaintiff , EXECUTOR'S-NOTICE. Hotiee la hereby given that tbe wndenlgned waa on tbe 44th. day ol February, 1900 appointed exeeetor of the estate of Nancy J. Hawk, de ceased, by the County Conrt of Oregon for tiiili am Conntv. All nereons bavlnc elainu aninat aaid estate are hereby notified to preeent the same tons aaiy vennea at my Bomeaoatn eaat of Condon. Oraron. or at the office of Hendricks A Bowerman, my attorneys, at war- omce as unavm vreaoa. wunin six months irom th date and first pnbUoatioaof thla notice. Dated at Condon, Oregon; this 1st day ot jtarca, a, v. mutt D. H. WOODTIH. ExecHtor ol tbe EsUte of Nancy J, Hawk dee'd Fop Sale. One blood Herford bull two years old. One blood Herford boll four years old. Animals may be teen at my ranch 5 miles northeast of Condon. D. 8. Brow. GENERAL OTIS. This fine stallion will make tbe of 1900 a follows: W. L. Barker's ranch April 7-8-17-18-27 and 28. ' Condon April 9-10-19-20-23 and 30. Mayville April 11-12-21-22 and May land 2. Fossil April 13-14-23-21 and May I and 4. Lost Valley (at Balding ranch April 15-18-25-26 and May 5 and 6, and contin uing throughout the season in the same rotation. Geo. Otis is a bright bay, 7-yeare-old, weighing 1900 lb. Sired by Strickland's Scotch Clyde, "Usurper." Grandsire, "Candhar" (Beg. No, 586) First dam English Draft mar "Snip". Second dam "Bella of Scotland" (Reg. No. 1678). bills or enquire of ES. CSBgETT, KEEPER. FURNISHER. FUBNITUHE, GAHFETS, STOVES. Do yon want a stesJ rang or a cook stove? If you do we will give yon the celebrated Eclipse Steel Range at prices that will astonish yon. Thee ranges are guaranteed to bake perfectly and not to erack or burn oat ia 15 yean, Ao np-to-dat steel range, of high quality at very low price. High grada material and superior workmanship throughout. Si i boles, Mo. 8 covers. Topsnrfac 26x36. Firebox 25 inches. Oven 18x18x13. High body 29 inches, only $28.60. Cemented top oven plate, cnt long cen ter and backwall, heavy ring covera, double flreback and bottom prate. Top cast in four parts, oven 18x19x12 Fire box 24 inches. Only $15. 00. Reservoir 22. 50. Copper uickle plated reservoir $7.50 extra attached to range. You run no risk in buying an Eclipse Range or Stove, everyone ia guaranteed and th manufacturers are back of th guarantee. Send for a complete stovs catalogue free. I. CEVURTZ, TiMEk 173-175 FIRST 8TREET. FORTLACD - - - - CHECON. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that th coun ty anverititendent of tiilliatn county will bolf th regnUr examination of ap plicant for couaty paper at Condon, Oregon, on ' APRIL It, 12 and 13,1900, .V an follows: unmmenctng wetinesiiay, April If, at ff o'clock A. M. and continu ing until1 Friday, Aprif 13, at 4' o'clock Wecfnewmt I'eninanahlp, hletorr, Ottflograhy,- readings Thrstiav written antrtmetio. tneory of tchtt grammar, echooMaw. , Kriilay ieography,- mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government, it. a. oicuuny, .; County Superintendent. p H. WALN County Surveyor and Clvtl EnSfTrrwar Home-stead aeckera located at , reasonable rates. Condon... Or'sjjftfn", QR3. REVKS A LCSA PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Day or night calls promptly answerad. - Office In New Masonic BnlMlna. CONDON - - - ' - .OREGON, QR. i. W. VOOKL Specialist for Refraction and Defects of th Ey, Will Visit Condon Bvsry Three Monlha, ' Watch Loral Column for Pates. U. H. BBtcnaiCKS. JiT SOWSKM4H, HENDRICKS A BOWERMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, nmrr sdildirs wsst or rout orvtcs, cohdok. nasToooa noam or rrsiwia'a aaica, roaaiL; Carefnl attention to legal baslneaa in Cillltaia and Wheeler counties. A Notary in each office. Deputy Stock Inspectors. I hare appointed as my deputies the following persona: W. H. Colwell, Arltnrton. L. B. Town wild, Condon, Charley White, Paper Sack. R. M. JflBNsoH, Lone Rock, Stock Inspector lor Gilliam County, Oregon H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder. . Scroll Uork; a Specialty. Plansand Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon. C. S. PALMER, prtistK Barber. Sleelc Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground COMDOH - - - - OREGON. SUMMONS. Ia the Circalt Conrt ol the Btate of Oregon, tor toe UMiniy oi uiuiam. May Anderson, Plaintiff, vs Aagnst Andeisoa, Defendant. To tbe a bora named aefenaant, Asurost An- In the name of the Stats of Oresoa.yoa are Hereby nouneaana reqnirea in appear ana an swer the eomnialut aiad aaainst V(H1 in ins above entitled suit on or before Tbaraday, April 5b 1900. (the same being alx weeka from the date ol the first pablicalion of this a Mice) and that if yoa fail to ao appear and answer the aaid com plaint, or otberwiae plead thereto within said time, the blaintlB will aonlr to the Coart lor the relief therein prayed for, which la for a decree forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony exist ing between tbe plaintiff and defendant in tbe above enuuM sail, ana iof sacs otnar ana ror tber relief aa mar In eaaitv be last. Tbia eummone la served on yoa by DObllra- Uon In tbe Coanoa Globb fur tbe period of six eoaaeeatlve weeka seven laaeea. eommenrlnc with the lasm of Febrnarv iL 191)0. bv virtue of an order Sled In tbe above entitled Coart bearing date tbe AKh oar ot reernary, lwo. Given andermy band and dated this 22nd day of rebraary, A. 1). UHO. Bam E.Vm Vactob. Attorney for Plaintiff. CJTATIC9L In the Cownty Court of th Wataof Orefoa, for tor tbe coanty of Gilliam. In the matter of tbe estate of 1. A. Unn, de emed, Citation: . To aim. Carrie Johnson, Mrs. Mary leaeern. Mm. Marie Ooodeli and Mr. c. E. Lind and ail partlea Interested ia tbe aetata of said deceased umenng: In the name of the State ol Oreawi : Yoa and each of voa are berebv cited and required to appear In tbe Coanty Coart of tbe eoanty Of units m, at toe eoen room tnereoi, at Condon, la tbe eoanty of Cillllam,-oa Toesday, the 8th day of May, IWO, at i o'cloek In the alle. noon of that dor, then and there to show eaeae why an order should not, be made aatborlnng tbe sale of tbe N. E. S of the M. W. U, the K. of tbe M. E. and tbe 8. K. U of tbe N. E. M of nee, m to ip. s e., k. zi n. si. in uiuiam Coanty, Oregoa, eontaJning ISA acres of land and being tbe property of said estate. Service ot this citation la hereby made by pnb tleation In tbe Cokdom Olob, a weekly news paper of general cirealatkMi published at Con don, In aaid eoanty and state, for roar censer.n- tire weeks, Ave lames, commencing with tbe with the laaoe ai Thursday April IV, 1U0 by virtue of an order dnly mads and entered ia said coortos the Kb day oi March law. w.j. atAaiaaa, Jaxfcr of the Coanty eoart of the Stale of Oreapn, rortbeeoanty of Ollliam with toe sealof aaid court sfflzed thla Wta day! March. A. D. ISO. Attest: H. N. PaAa, Clerk, ay uaaa, u. roirrwooo, uepary. NOTICE FOR PCBUCATION. LaDD Omct at Ts Daixas. Oa., Feb, It, 1900 . Mode Is herebv afven that the followlna- aamed settler has filed notice ol bis Intention to make final proof in support of bia claim, and that said proof will be made before H. N. Frazer, Coanty Clerk, at Condon, Oregon, oa Satarday, April 7, 1900. vis: JACOB E. BCHROEDEB, of Clem, Or., Hd. E. Na 7129 for tbe seV neW. nU aeU and erii aeti aee M rp. J s r 21 vY. M. ne namea toe following witnesses to prove biaeonttnaooa residence npon and ealti vatlon of said land, vis: C. A. Denneman, W. R. Borer. James Larch Jacob Larch, allot clem. Oregon. JaT P. Iaicas, Keglster. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laaa Omct at The D allbs, Oa., Mar. U, 1900. Stoatoe la bereby given that the following named settler has filed notioeof hislntention to make final woof In taonort of his claim andtbat aaid proof will be made before H. N. muter, rcraniy ciers, at conaon, uregon on Friday, May , 190S, via: WILLIAM PALMER, of Condon, Oregon, Hd. K.No. M77 for Uis4eW.stUswK and lot 7 see. . to. 4 s. r JO e W. u He namea tbe following wllnesaes to prove bia eontl noons Kskdonee npon and eal TBUim oi eaiu lanu. tik: - 8. B. Con tare. Samuel Lamberaoa. P. P. caaon ana niiuam Mwney, an oi conaon, uregnn. jat r. locas Kegisiar. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Labb Omen. Tne Daubs, Ob., Mar. 1 lain, Notice te berebr given that tbe lollowlnc- named settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that mat sain nrooi wm ne meow aeiora u. a rnuer. coanty clerical coaaon, Usefon, en rriday, May liftJV, via; OEOROE U MEALE, of Condon, Oregon, Hd.E. Mo. 79 for tbs wU nw H and nvnrW oec. ll.Tp.4gR.ME. W;M. He namestbe following witnesses to prove his eontlnnoas residence apon and enltlratlon ol saia lano vis: i. u, jonnson, a. B. twrser, w. U Wilcox and J. U. Downing, ail ol Condon, Oregon. Jat P. Lvcas, Register. WANTED BKVKRAL PERSONS FOR Dig. dlstrictOffli Managers In IhlssUtetorep. me In their own and surrounding eoantlea. Willing to pay yearly Sflflo, payable weekly. De sirable employment witb anaeoal opportunlUea. Keferencee exchanged. Knekme self-addressed stamped en velope. a. A. Calk, &2Q Caxton bniid lug, Chicago. For Sale. Ten shares of Arlington National Bank fctock. Will pay dividend April 1, 1000. Address A. C. Haws & Co., Ailintjton, Ore. SEEING FliOLl DAOKHESS TO LIGHT. BUSIED TREASURES BROUGHT TO LIGHT AT Our immense line of Spring and Summer CioocU has j,uet arrived. 7 SKIS TTIEM, PRICE THEM, COMrA RE TIIKM. Se itstttt bocause it is a pleasure to inspect niow, now good. Trice tliieui because here lies the secret of our success. Beauty alone csnnot always please but we have always been able to please our custo raers when it conves to price. CoirrpKfe them ant see if our linj of Two- Toned Covert, Grey Beige, Black Herring-bone Diagonal, Serges, Suitings, and Novelties don't compare favorably with samplos yon get from Portland and the East. We give you what you are looking for arnl give you a chance to se lect the best. , . ' Fifty Different Patterns of Sum mer Wash Goods to Select From. Dotted Swiss, Colored Swiss Striped Lappet, Check Lawn, Fancy Organdies,. Fancy. Figured Cord, Crepon, Percales, Etc. Etc. Trimmings of all Kinds. Measure them, compare them, pull them, stretch them, give them every test that a woman's wit and judgement can devise and see it they will not stand op under the most trying ordeal. Write for Samples and Prices ALL CQC3S UACXEO III PLAKI FICUHES. , : LORD & CO. Arlington, Oregon. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuinavuiAAnnAinjvinAI . e)r sa sa-ni : -VHMI'X Of Arlington, Or., No. 3918, Transacts a General Accounts Kept 1 Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest ! SFESiAi Arramea gives, ti csuectisss. vi ssusit vesi issisos. i D.M.FRENCH. Praaldantt W. W. T. HURLBURT. Caahlar. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH. W. ' WARDS. AND ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAII LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard aiyd pool Sables. 4 First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Coo), Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught. Main St., Condon, Oregon THE "MODEL" C. C. WILSON, Proprietor. A Quiet Resort. Headquarters for H&h Grade "Wet" Goods. Green River Whiskey. Olympla Beer. Fancy Mixed Drinks. Fix Building, CONDON, OREGON To Our Establishment :, : We have just added to our establishment the largest and ' most complete line of cameras and photographic supplies in Eastern Oregon. Call or write for prices. Jlje tfud$0i7 pharmacy, Dealers iu Drugs, Paints, Oils, Jewelry, Photo Supplies and Sundries. LMIP Banking Business.; Subject to Check. allowed on time deposits. 8TBIWER, Vtco-Praaldant) FRANK W. 8TEIWER. W. LORD. L. C. ED. r. T. HURLBURT. , BE SI1URTE & WEIR 0 RELIABLE MERCHANTS, ARLIIICTOn, - - - - DROP IN AT COE'S 5ipoji Next Door to Bowling Alley Arlington, - whan you fa.l like enjoying a flrat-claaa GI3AR OH MILWAUKEE DEER Oil DRAUCIIT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. Rill Ell ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, Prop'r. The publio will find that ho better acoommodstioni can be found iu this country than at this house. Meals 25o; beds 25c HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVEUilC f.iEil. E. T HOLLENBEGK, r.1. L Consulting Engineer. Estimates mads on all kinds of Buildings, Machinery, Water Towers, Pumps and Pump ing Plants. Repairing a Specialty. If you have any thing you think past fixing, bring it to me. KEA:;'jAanss i m nx iuiloirc. CONDON WHEN LOOKItlG FOR AL, HENSHAW He has a complete stock of the following goods on hand and more coming on every train. Furniture, Hardware, " Carpenter's Tools, Paints. Blankets, Gloves, Wall Paper, House Lining. Stoves, Stove-pipe, Window-glass, Crockery. Trunks, Hand-bags, Undertaker's Goods. Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice. T. O. Earhart, CALL AT THE Summit Saloon, aaassJamPOrt FINEST BRANDS rfW Uipcs, IJcjuo 8 apd Qars. FINE BILLIARD AMD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. EARHART & WILSON, CONDON, LOST VALLEY LUMBERCO., HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager. ? ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. . We offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of flooring, coiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF P03T OFFICE. LOST VALLEY - . OREGON. 0., ORE. OREGON. BARGAII1S CALL 0!i Frad Wilson Prop'rs. ORE.