Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, March 15, 1900, Image 3

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' THU330AY, NTARCrf l. eOO.
Purely Biislrteasf.
limit Milestone At the Condon Drugf Co
Onlor a tailor made lull fit gusrnn
teed from Dunn Bros.
Aycr' Almanacs and msdtclnet Rt
tho Cundon Drug Co,
Ws nro ients fur ths fninotii Buck'
Ingham 4 Hootch Boots and shoes.
, : Dunn Bros,
D. 8. Brown nd IUy Moore each pur
tinned a high grade violin kit week
from the Condon Drug (Jo,
Paints, oils and White' lead In bund
anco and nt lowest prices at The Hudson
Pharmacy. .
, Choice riimlly white flih at DannBroe.
H. L. NV the well known auction
eer, will give the strictest attention to
all hiiHltmn entritated to hl care. II
you have property to tell Consult bins,
The l'yraniid ol health It reached by
h spring tonic. Cmup, Barsaparllla
iiiiikos blood and bolide op the system.
Fur aale hy the Hudson PtiarmScy.
We lsh to thank oor patron for
' their liberal patronage dorlug the pait
year and hope to merit continuance o!
'.' jihe aue In the future. Dunn Broei
Laxative lifomo Quinine and Lang's
' Laxative Cold tableta both cure ooldi
ud both for tale at the lludion l'bar
Wantkd The ladiee of Condon and
vicinity lo know that they can get the
beat Hortmont of high claw fruits, coo
feetloiiery.and crackers at Jackaon A Dy
art's. '.
Dunn Bros, havn an Immense line of
fine merchandise 0on which the price
have been reduced ilnce the holiday!.
Their itock consists of Dry Uoodi, Cloth
Ing, Furnishings, Groceries etc.
The lludion Pharmacy li aole agent
for Perfection Headache Wafere no
morphine or antipyrene Lang'a Laaa
tlve Cold Tablet and Dr. Bbels's tlol
den Hair and Dandruff Cure. '
"Take Back Your Gold," he eald, and
buy bottle of Dr. Tfunder' Oregon
Blood Purifier to swoeten your breath
nd clear your completion. Condon
Drug Co., Agent.
Now 1 your opportunity to read good
book without going to the eipeneeof
purchasing them. Condon' circulating
library la Just the ticket. For partlcu
4A lar sue 11. W. Paul! ug, librarian. Mag
Mi nea and periodical kept for ale.
Something tor the ladles Beautiful
. guitars 10 to 15. Photo Album, 3 to
5. Latest long, 30o to 60c, Hind'
llonei and Almond Cream. Poaaonl'
and varloo other toilet powdere, Pack
er' Tar and other fancy oap, Mt. Hood
Cold Cream ha no equal. Tlaeoe and
Morning Ulory paper ail color. Pom
padour and aide couib. Paper napkin
SSoperlOO. Velvet candy at lOo per
package take the cake. Forquality and
price our photo and muilcal good can
not be duplicated thl aide of the factory,
and ace for yourselves. Condon
Drug Co'.
Whooping cough and pneumonia are
prevalent among the children, mil Vf
er and ileorgia Kmlth have been serious
ly ill with the Utter.
D. H. Brown, of Condon, and Bill
Brown, 'of Sniption, were in Mayville
Wednesday to receive eome cattle they
bad bonght
Our echool will Urt neit Monday,
March 10. with Mia Mable Halatead a
8am MeOilvray, onr road auperviaor,
darted op the road machine Ian week.
The Condon Drug Co. will put In a
stock of drug In the near future, some
thing Myiile ha long needeu.
' Mr. K. I. French ha been qoiU lck
with la grippe.
The Mayville dramatic troupe go to
Foul I Friday to play "Broken Fetter
itnir. Archer will iireach here Wed not-
day evening a he cannot fill hi regular
apolntineut neat nunuay,
Hankie Hanna. of Jordan, Ore., it vle-
Itlng hi uncle, W. N. Putuam.
Land Applications, Proofs and
H. N. Fraxer. County Clerk, five
nodal attention to abitracta ot title
ml ii alio nrcnared to receive U.
government land filing and proof, a
well aa appllcatloua for the purchase of
etate avhool lands, at hi office In Con
don, Or.
Mubacrlbe for the Ui.ona.
, Only 1,60 a year,
Gr Ad Clearance Sale.
Notwithstanding the fact that
tho prico of nearly all commodities
has advanced we will still give our
customers the benefit of the old
prices and In order to make room
for our big spring stock we will
make liberal discounts on all cash
sales for the next 30 days.
Special Bargains in
The bid
ill Tirl DIAMlrAM
A few
Good Values in Hats and Caps.
Groceries of all Kinds.
DUNN BROS. Condon, Oregon.
Ueo Hardle wa In town yesterday. '
Dr. llogan went to Portland Tuosduy.
Kd Nelson Is seriously HI whir pneu
monia. Alex Hurdle wa In from Trull Fork
thl week. '
Mr, J. If. P'adburg wa seriously 111
the first of the week
Mr. W. A. Darling wa on thef tick
Hat th flnt of the week.
Mr. Hnrlburt left for Albany on Wed
neiday of lat week ,
T. G Johnon ha bought the Oross
place adjoining hi ranch Juit west of
(1. 1. Tobev, of Hay creek, ha been
called to his old home in Maine, by the
erioui lllneil of hi father. .
Arthur Ame came over from Colum-
bu, Waahington, last Friday to visit
hi liter, Mn. 8. K. Van Vactor, and
to do a little farming on hi Ferry Can
yon homestead.
Mr. Bird Wright left Tuesday for
Wardner, Idaho, where ahe will Join
ber buibond who I in the employ of
one of toe mining companies at mat
place. -""
Judge Mariner wa seriously Indispos-
ed lait week while attending county
court. He waa detained In Arlington
for a dav or two by illnea and wa
hardlvableto attend to, court butinea
after reaching Condon,
Hon. Jay Is. Loca. register of the U.
Land Office at The Dalle, was In town
for a few day last week slinking hand
Ith old friend. Mr. Lucas, who was
clerk of thl county for a number ol
years, was and still I one of it moit
popular and highly respected citizens.
mong the old timer Jay Lucas is
balled a a friend and brother.
. M. flhott, of the Hepp'nerTime,
passed through Fossil yesterday en route
to Twickenham, lie recently wrote to
Mitchell and the other candidates, ex
cepting Fossil, for permanent county
seat of Wheeler county offering to estab
lish a newspaper at the place that would
bid the highest price, and make a tight
for such place for county seat He Is
at Twickenham today, and will probably
swing around the circle before returning
to Heppner. Fossil Journal.
At the session of county conrt last
week the resignation of E. W.Daggett,
a county superintendent of schools, wa
accepted and K. W. McColly wa ap
pointed to serve out the unexpired term.
Me' many friend have been busy con
gratulating him on bis appointment be
lieving that he will fill the omce tn a
most satisfactory manner. Prof. McCul-
went to Arlington Mondsy on busi
ness connected wltb the ofDce.
Eollo Fraacr, II. N, Fraxer' little
. M I
on, was thrown ironi a norse jtoeauaj
evening uear John Knox's place end sus
tained a fracture of both bones of the
left leg near the ankle besides a disloca
tion of the ankle joint. The fractured
bones protruded through the flesh mak-
n ll, Inlnr vr anrious. Dr. Luna
Ml.lnl the fracture and dislocation but
i th. ,mr,llflated nature of the
" ' r . .
case he adv sed the removal ol the pa-
Uenttoa Portland hospital where spe
cial appliances could be used. Mr. and
Mrs. Fraser left with the boy at 8 r.
M. and catching the 2:30 train reached
Portland yesterday morning.
Several of our people went to Heppner
last week lo see the football game be
tween Heppner and Waila Walla.
Walter Compton and family left Run-
day evening for their home at Philip,
His where ne win taae cnargsoi a plan
tation. He sold hi property here to A.
, Co.
The road machine wa here last week
doing some good work.
Tim Connolly passed through here a
tew days ago on his way home from a
visit to the Old Country (Ireland.) On
his way home he purchased 1SUO acres ot
ramie land In Colorado where he expects
to run sheep in the future.
Peach trees are In full bloom with
good prospects of a largo crop of fruit.
Attention Ladles.
Mis Louella Maddock will arrive here
within the next week with a well select
ed stock of spring hats. The ladles are
kindly requested to call and Inspect
them at P. H. Stephenson's before pur
chasing elsewhere.
trlrtomm Mannam In this itata to wpr
Mint mt in Uilr own ami Hmwinilliiii mmntfiw.
V lllltia Ui p r"ly S"1". Iyahls wwkly. lo
titrable fin jilojf mont Willi tmnuilniportnnltli.
KKfnnmooa MiihaiiKOU. Kncliw" Mll-a!tlMmwl
lamiimt euviojw. U. A. Fork, ffJUCuluu tmlld-
Boots and Shoes
reliable Iluckingham & Hecht brand, rubbing with the liniment on retiring
at uight, and iretllng np tree from pain.
Kor sale ny The uuuaon rnarmacy, u
loft which will be sold at the old prico.
A CMIIam County Invention.
Jiffpit 'ft lliirlrfn, our well known
itHftdittnicand Inventor, I In Portland
this week perfecting arrangment for the
manufacture, on a large scale, ol hi re
cently patented lifting Jack. C. A.
Simpson, who is Interested with Mr.
Harbin In the Invention, it with him
and the two gentlemen expect a soon
as the preliminaries are arranged, to
place the invention on the market and
push it lalo vigorously. The jack Is.
without doubt, a wonderful Improvment
over any previous device of the kind and
those who are familiar with its merits
are confident that Mciirs. Harbin and
Simpson have a bonanm In this Impor
tant Invention. The invention belongs
to that class of mechanical appliances
termed "lifting jacks"and primarially
seek to provide an appliance of tuch
character, embodying a very elmple,
compact and powerful construction of
easy adjustment and manipulation and
adapted to lifting heavy load; for use
a a wagon jack, for logging, mining or
blackemlth purpoiei; for holding burley
drills In position, for handling rocks or
other heavy loads close to the ground
and for truck, dray and house moving
purposes, Generally the invention com
prehends a construction including' a
combination of screw and lever operat
ed devices, so arranged that the elevat
ing shank can be quickly moved op by
the lever or slowly and more powerfully
elevated by screw action and In which
-be crew aud lever device are arrang-
ed to act Interchangeably, I. e. the screw
forming the ratchet surfaces for the lev
er pawl and the lever pawl forming, a
it were, fixed male thread member
with'whlch the screw surface engage
when the jack I operated by crew ac
tion. In Its more specific nature the
invention embodies a suitable hollow
support or standard provided with a
pair of opposing and alternately operat
ing pawls held to engage the spiral
groove in the lifting bar, aald specific
construction also including a pair of
supplemental pawl mounted upon the
standard that engage the spiral groove
in the lifting bar and which serve prin
cipally as a means for supporting the
bar In it elevated position and to re
lieve the lever points of the weight of
the bar and its load
The Invention I attracting much at
tention In circle interested in aucb con
trivances and it is likely the owners will
find no trouble in disposing of state
rights for its sale.
Banker Route A Robbwr.
J. It. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of
Thornville. Ohio, had been robbed of
health bv a serious luna trouble nntil
he tried Dr. Kline' New Discovery for
L'onsumDtion. Then be wrote: "It Is
th best medicine I ever used for a se
vere cold or a bad case ot lunar trouble.
I alwaya keep a bottle on band." Don't
Buffer with Coughs, Colds or any Throat
Chest or Lung trouble when you can be
cured so easily. Only Mhs and S1.0U,
Trial bottles free at Condon Drug Co',
On Sunday evening, March 11, 1000,
Mr. Frank M. Pliter, of this city, oneol
Gilliam county' popular commissioners,
was united tn rasrrlage to Miss Beatrice
Hurley, formerly of Portland, but
cently ol this place. The ceremony wa
i ,. ...
periorn. vj
Lamar, of the Fossil
Baptist church, in the presence of a large
number of friends of the contracting
parties, who were present to wish the
couple unbounded happiness aud pros
An elaborate wedding supper wa
served and after an hour or so spent lo
social intercourse the guests departed
The presents were many and elegant
but lack of space forbids an enumeration
of the list here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pliter will reside In their
coxy home on South Main street where
they will lie "at home" to their large
Circle of friends who will onite In wish
ing them a full measure of joy in tbei
voysge over the matrimonial sea.
If tronbled with rheumatism, give
Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. II
will not cwt you a cent if it does no good.
One abdication will relieve the pain
It also cures sprains ami Draiiea in one
third the time required by any other
ci . .. .
treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites quin
sev. nains in the side and chest, glaudu
lar and other swellings are quickly cor
ed bv annlvtnii it. E"ery bottle war-
ranted, i'rice, o and ou eta.
Another Physician Coming,
Dr. Oillette, house surgeon at the
Good Samaritan hospital has been per
suaded bv friends to locate here, lie
will arrive within a week or ten day
and comes to remain Indefinitely. Dr
Gillette is well known in Portland as
competent and reliable physician and in
bis special lines of surgery and diseases
of women he has won the confidence of
all with whom he has come in contact,
lie is well known to the medical frater
nity of the state and comes well recom
mended. His office will be in the rear
of the Condon Drug Co's. store whore
he may be consulted day or night.
Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism
;rwm ttte Vindicator, RutUerfanltoiiN, C.
The editor of the Vindicator hs hud
occsslon to test the elllcacy of Chamber
lain's l'sin Balm twice with tb mot
remarkable results ill each case. First
with rheumatism In the shoulder from
which he sutfured excruciating rain for
tan tlaya which waa relieved- with two
applications of Tain Ualm, rubbing the
parts alllicted and realising Instant ben'
fit and entire relief In a very short time
Second, tn rheumatism in thigh joint,
almost DroBtratina him wilbsevere pain,
u'hli'h waa relieved bv two anulicationa.
W.CioaUield, Mgr.
To better prepare myself to serve you
In the future I ex doc t. in a short time,
to attend a course of lectures in one
mir lwHt medical -collettps. To do this
mn at collect. All parties owiin me
plense take notice. Cull at my utiles aud
settle or make satisfiictory arrange
ments. Thanking you for past patron
age, I am yours sincerely,
J)K. 8. IC Lew A.
We want a echool teacher.
Mrs. Kd Clay is here vbitlnfr.
Bill Butler is here looking fur cattle
I. P. Thorna is having a well dug In
i yard.
T. C. Mobley and family went to Ar-
ngton Bunday afternoon.
Tell all the girls Cland Randall has a
new three rxitioin gang piow aim is
throwing the dirt in the air.
Grant Wade (Dr. Wade) has leveled
olf the ground for the foundation of his
new house which it liuenus erecting
Ed Toby is here on bis regular ronnd-
which consults in harrowing 1U
res of wheat and summer fallowing
800 acres.
While Phil Mulkev waa bringing a
load of plows from Arlington for Wade
Bros, his horses became unmanageable
nd caused a slight wreck, breaking the
tongue out of his new wagon and ot her
ds demolishing trie ringing, iwm
now what Phil had been eating.
An Honest Medlolne for La Grippe.
Gooree W. Wait, of Honth Gardiner,
Me..eava:" I have had the worstcough,
cold, chilis and grip and have taken lots
trash ol no account oui proms to me
vender. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
the only thing that has done anv good
hstever. I have need one bottle of it
and the cold, chills and grip have all
left me. I congratulate the mnnniac-
turers of an honest medicine." tor
sale by Hudson Pharmacy, C. W,
Crosfleld, Mgr.
Full Line for the
We Carrj a Completo Line of
Harness, Saddles, Chaps,
Orders Taken for
Furniture and Wall Paper.
Special Inducements
Smoke an Export
5 Cent Cigar.
Best Smoke in Town
Jackson & Dysart,
Some "dandy" bargains In Ladies' Gent's and Children's Underwear.
Also others lines of goods not mentioned here.
We also pay the market price for Horse Hair, Old Rubber, Copper,
nd Brass. One Door South of Henshaw's store.
But paint your honse and barn with good material. We sell white lead from
.1 Ih. pan to a 100 lb. keir. Boiled oil .from a Hie bottle to a 10 gallon case.
v.n.i!.n m.i tmn a 1 ik no n l u if t
kalsomlne. in same quantities. Brushes colors and window g'ass, all sises.
Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Uhd owes At Ths Dall, OB.. Fxh. 19. two.
Holloa ti htib lvn that the followliia
nutiml lettler haa tiled notlrw of hi Intention lo
initkv tlniU proof In rojiyort of hli rlslra and
tlt Mid iroof will be mud. before II. N. trust,
county clerk of (lllllam county, at Condon, Or.,
on Monday, April i, l'.WOvli;
DRCHILLA TRl'K, ol Condon, Orrfmn.
it., v ttiUW fn. thA awll awll and nW flW
ice 211 mid nt'i MM c T tp. 4 , r, i B., W.M.
Ilu immm tho followlnR wltnemKH to prove
hie coutlmione rueldonce upon unl cnltlVHtion
of Mid land.vlsi W. L, Hurker, K. K. Coniftt,
W. M.Coriiftt and 8. 1, Fleti hiT U ot
london,vn-gon. , ,
Jay P. Lucas, Koststcr.
A serenading party took in the town
Hiinday night hut instead of calling on
(he ne a ly married couple they turned
their attention altogether to the conpies
who, they thought, might be victims of
matrimony In the near future. The par
ty was made np of the bestinown ladies
and gentlemen of the town and the chief
recipients of their favors were J. M. Cam
eron, Geo. Bchott and C. W. Crosfleld,
three of onr best known society men who
it is believed, are -shout to renounce the
miseries of bachelordom. The boys
showed their appreciation of classical
music next day by a liberal "treat.
One timid young man is reported to I
have taken refuge nnder Uncle Al's bed
and was rescued by the serensders just
In time to esve his life.
E. T. Hollenbeck is engaged in mov
ing a building from J. A. Riser's ranch
to town. The dwelling will be occupied
by Sam E. Van Vector's family.
A Good Cough Medicine Tor Children.
"I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy," says r.
F. Moran, a well known and popular ba
ker, of Petersliorir. Va. "We have giv
en it to onr children when troobled with
bad conghs, also whooping congh, and it
has always given perfect satisfaction. It
was recommended to me by a druggist as
the best coueh medicine for children as
it contained no opium or other harmful
drug. Hold by The Hudson Pharmacy,
C. W. Crosfleld, Mgr. '
Spring Trade.
All at Correct Prices.
For the next 30 days, on
a SIX) lb. barrel, also rellow ochre and
I,SD Orrirs At Ths Oiiiss, Oa.. Mar. , 190ft.
Kotlce It hereby given that the following
.named eetller hallled notice ol her Intention to
make llnal proof In Nippnrt oi her cImIm, and
that nald proof will be made befoie H. N. Kran-r,
i'ountv t iers ai t oiuion, uresou, tm rnutj,
April M liKH), vli:
SADIE K. PAKMAN, of Condon, Oregon,
Hd. E. No. t 1 ne nde'iee1,
aec 1, tp 4, r '.KIo W. M. She namtie the fol
lowitm witnsMrs lo prove her contlnsons ree
Idenronpon and rtiltlration of wild land, vli:
Mr. M. ('. Kaetmau, Jamea Cordell, Antonc
lluwe and C. A. bimiwon. all of ('tn.don, Oregou.
Ja p, Lvcah, Reuinter.
Before You Buy
Your S$ttrtmer Sheep Cinp and ffotttefwUi Supplies,
Go and See
ttre FresfV n i GWpIefeSCoet ofOroewrfes, Tobaew), Iifi,
Uboew, Clothing, BInnkctst, Hardware, Croekery, Iry
Goods, Medicine Jtte". to be found in fh Lare tore of
Matlock &
Lone Rock,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable.
is IT
P. H. Stephenson's.
Stockmen's Supplies a Specialty.
When in need of
Saddles or Chaps,
Call on Or Send to
J. P. Reisactier,
xhe only Saddler in Gilliam
New Masonic Building
F. M. Sprlnffaton.
(Successors to
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Stop at
Bowling Alley and Baths.
Lower Main St., Condon, Ore.
grain and chopped feed
Large Scales, price 25c a draft;
We offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting
of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough
Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and
dimension stuff.
Timber Culture final Proof.
Laud ornca AtTita Dallss. Ob., Feb, 19 1900.
Nottcelthsiebvglventhat George W Klnehartnf
Condon, Oregon, haa Sled notleeof Intention to
make final proof before H.N. tracer, Co, Clerk
at hie olllce In Condon Oregon, on
Saturday, March 31. 190O,
on timber caUnre application o. SMI, for the
w!4ne,w'i ae !- and K . e welH,
'llenr'inea' aa wltneaace: ) W. Ebbert. Roy
Kbbert, S.V. Moore and A. S. Klee. all of
Couduu, irvggii. Jay t Uvas, Hetjlstur.
or Wheeler Counties.
: : : CONDON, OR.
J. A. Rodgers,
T, C. Johnson.)
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an' up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will rind this house euited to
their wants. .
inaxy quantity
reduction on contract weighing,
- - - - - OREGON.
Timber Culture, final Proof,
t'gUNnomt g.Tiis PAi-ua, Oa.. reb.9,tm
Notice la hereby given that John A. Me.
Murrl", of Condon. Oregon hat Sled notleeof ln
tentlon toeomwiite and niakeltiiaJ proof betore)
II. N. Prniur, county clerk, at blsoOios lu Uu
don, Oiegon. on
. ritlDAV. MARCH 2S. 1SM
on timber culture applliatlon No. "JT, for the
aw we. 23. Ip 4 : I a e. W. M.
Honnmea wltiMnece: (lodfiey Wchlltlng,
t" M. I'lit-r, t're1 li. May and H. ti. Kteirlwr,
ail ol Condon, regon, J a P. 1-Uca, Rst.