fcao 1 uauut 1 iniwi lhA CiaiCULATl' OF AWT PAPER IH THE COPNTT. ADVIKTItlHO BATH. CONDON OBE. .. A. PATTISON.... Idllor tad Proprietor, r :ettml earts. ...11 Wast ajontk una en nam .. 1 to Mr Bud ... I M Mr mnntk ... I DO m' mouth ..-..10 00 per moat Ooa-onaiter cnlnmn.. UOne ball eolimn SriBICRIPTIOtl BATCH On year (In aaano), ft M If not imid lu kdrtuut...... ...... 1 00 III ninntlii ,.,.......,...,. 1 (M Three UiOllthS((.,,.M.e.iM.M. ...,...... W Inula bIi. SIS 'MtllMeflMtl Sulneei local! will ke oUtricd t 18 oenia mi Mas far I ret nuertoa tad I oeatt Mr Um Uer, Aftr. Legal MVaTtiaaaenM U IB til MM k kui4 t the Mrty ordering tkm, et lag) BMW, an Mid for Mfn efldavtt U furnish TOL. IX CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1900. NO. 52. GL EVENTS OF THE DAI Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKKSR TICKS FROM TKK WIRES Ah Interesting Collection of I tains From tlla Two llvniiapliarea Presented ' lu a Condansad Form, Lord Holier!' casualties at rards. berg, were 721, iu on days' lighting, lrofltaof the Kiinlterley Diamond Mining Company last year were $10," 000,000. Democratic offlcem (or minor state offlne in Kentucky have been given certificate!. Evnville, InV, people are lml re to tin estate in the Fiji islands, valued at k 110.000,000, F. D. Armour, Jr., who died tecenl ly In Pasadena, Cal., left An estat valued t $8,000,000. , Several Klondiker were arrested Id Esquimau fortification, under tho be lief tlint they were spies. Astoria. Dr., physicians urge the peo pie to extriiiltiHt the rut iu order to keep out the buboulo plague. Juat 10 yean Aftr the Boer victory at Majub hill, Cronje and 4,000 wen surrender to the British force. The tnnsport Hancock lias Airived t Hun Francisco from Manila, with the bodice of 000 dead beroee. The president haa nominated Henri fl. Miller, of Josephine county, Or., to be consul at Chung King, China. The UriKab intelligence department estimates the total lkmr strength at 81, HOB, while England be over 180, 000 men. Prince PouUtowskl, , of Ban Fran Cisco, bat purchased the Inland of Haul Ian, one of the Philippines, for $500,. 000. The Isluitd ia valuable for iti pearl flaheriei And hemp trade. Hie Baldwin Locomotive Work oi , Philadelphia, ha received an ortlei I room the Pal in fc Orleans railway ol nr. i j-ranee, ir ou ivwneei pananngei tiylnee. Thia ia the tint locomotive contract ever placod by the railway la America. The Chamber of Commerce of Han Francisco, hna appointed a committal to consider Ilia advisability of en tab lishing a branch of the New York American-Asiatic Association, the pur ioae of which ia to increase trade with the Orient. The ateamer Australia Arrived At Pan Franciaco from Honolulu. Bhe bringt newa that after IS daya bod paaaed without a aign of plague, three cater were dlacorered on February 19, and all ended fatally. The vlctlma wen two Chineae, nmlea, and a woman, half Chlneiw and half Hawaiian. Tai council haa appropriates! another f 100, 000 to allow the board of health t carry on the work of lighting tbl plague. Cronje haa anrrendiired. l'uet fiouud aalmon packer hava combined. National Dimotalllat will meet ii Kan City in July. In a battle with the Yaqala, Mexican troupe lout over 200 in killed and wounded. Hamilton H. Oreyaon, former pot maatur at Manila, died iu I'hiladel pbla.'of hlcoougli. Two ritUborg tin plat work havt reramed operation, giving employ, went to 1,000 workingmen. Dr. A. Wright, of Buffalo, preaidenl of the American Inatitute of Honieo- path, U dead, aged 74 year, Fire In Montroal destroyed thi Theater rrancaia and nearly ail eutir block, cauiug A lot ot f 100,000. CAtholic In New York Are seeking the privilnue of teaching their religioo la the public avhool at certain hour. The Utiitod ft Into government will build road and wharve and 2,400 inilea of telegraph line thia year la AlaikA. fv I'ugiliat Tom (jbarkey threaten to fyr Retire from the ring unlet he can ar i -"K8 match with Fitaaimuion oi '' Jeffrie. The United Htute aupremo co-rl haa deuied the application of Captain Oborlin Carter to bring hi caae lute that court. The Interstate Commerce Commi alon'a aeHNiou at Norfolk, Nub., ia luve tiguting alleged dlouriiuinution In freight ratoe. In London, the (Jrnnd tlmator, when Henry Irving and other Actor hav been in the habit of beginning previa oial tour, waa gutted by lire. Admiral Dewey ot hi prico money oaau. the court of claim docidinu thai the Spfliiiah Hunt in Manila bay wai not iupcrior to the Amoriouu. lie wai awarded $U,750. Full power have been granted to Henry L. Wimon, United 8tute miu' irttur to Chili, to igu a treaty of extra dition he hua nogotiuted with th Chilean government. Mitt Susan B. Anthony recently cole. bratud her eightieth birthday auul veraary. . lu Uannntt cities morchant are not Allowed to put up aigna nulesg th fording is Uue. I'rinoe Henry of RnaaiA was robbed by bandit while on hi way to viult the king of Hlnm, Col, George T. Perkins, of Akron, 0., ha preseutod that city with 80 Acre of land valued at $100,000 a f playground for children. LATER NEWS. Prospects for the termination of the Colombian revolution are poorer than ver. At Vienna, the Crown Princes Steph anie, of Austria, was married to Count Von Lonray. The total number of Boer prisoner oaptnred at Paardeberg by the British li 4,000 men. ' A party of ix American robber pros Doctor have been massacred by Indian in the wild of UratU. The twelfth convention of the Nation al Uepnblloan League bus been called to meet la the city of tit. Paul, July 17, 1800. Fro aen meat, (applied to the Ameri can army in the Philippine, 1 reported by officials in Manila to be highly satisfactory. A passenger train on the Canadian pAoiflo, near Toronto, Canada, jumped the track, and several member of par liament were injured. The Kentucky legislature has passed a bill Appropriating 1100,000 to carry on the work of hunting down the as sassin of William Ooebel. In An engagement between Mexican and Maya Indiana, near Hsnta Cms, 800 Mexican defeated 8,000 Indiana. Indian killed numbered 82. Filipino Insurrection ha not yet been anbdued. The rebel are prepar ing for th rainy season and will carry on guerrilla warfare on a large scale. . William Henry, A half-breed Indian of Ooreto, Cal., ahot and killed Nettle Smith, a young Indian woman, and then killed himself. Jealousy was the CAUM. Forty-three and one-half incbea of snow in 88 hour is the new record established at Kocheiter, N. Y. The railroads are recovering from the biggest fight against the element) they navt bad In many year. The Carterivllle, HI., union miners, who have been on trial fur the past 40 days at Vienna, charged with murder ing negro miners, were acquitted by the jury. Four other obargea are pend ing Against the miners. Belief in the efficacy of prayer aa a sura cure for disease waa the cause oi the divorce granted to George E. White, ex-congressman and A wealthy lumber dealer of Chicago, from nil wife, Minnie A. White. The Canadian Papermakers' Asso ciation at Montreal, adopted a scale ol prtoe for oarload lota, five-ton lota and itU-reatn lots ot different grades ol paper. The increase In present price i from 10 to 13 per cent British troop have again occupied Ren berg, Jonbert oppose Buller with more determination. An arid land conference will be bold At 8aU Lak April 18. The Maya Indiana an giving th Mexican a hard tight. Th Puerto Bican tariff bill ha passed th house by a vote ot 172 to 100. The Innlskllling fusilier were caught In a Boer trap At Hallway Hill and unmercifully slaughtered. Two person were killed and several badly injured ia a collision between two passenger train near Kansas City, Mo. During the carnival procession At Caracas, Venezuela, two shots were fired at President Castro, without effect. All ohanoe ot saving any of the Span ish Armored cruisers sunk off Bantiago baa gone. The Cristobal Colon haa alid into deep water. The Russian pies la clamoring for Intervention. They contend it la time to end the most infamous war England ha ever waged through lust for gold. The greatest fire Newark, N. J., ever experienced swept through the retail dry goooda district, destroying a soot of buildings, causing a loos of 81,000, 000. . Tho Swedish mail steamer Rex stranded off Lohmnrgut IoUnd, off the coast of Germany, during a fog. .Five stewardessea were drowned in attempt ing to leave the ship. General Miles say thatCronje's sur render I not a serious injury to tho lloer cause. He expressed admiration for the 4,000 patriots who stood off for 10 daya 50,000 of the British army. Lou Curry, one of the train robbers who was eugaged in tho Wilcox, Wy anting, hold-up on the Union l'aclllo last June, when something like ISO, 000 waa secured, waa ahot and killed by officer near Kausa City while re sisting arrest. Two meu who hava arrived at Ana heim, Cal., from the Rautlago moun tains, report that there have been many earthquake shocks In the section since last Christmas. No' serious damage is known to have been doue, aa there are few habitation there. At a meteing in Ran Franeisoo, a plan ot organisation ha been agreed upon by the promoter of the 1'anitlo Commercial Museum. All commercial bodies on this coast have been asked to request their congressmen and sena tors to support the pending bill to ap propriate $200,000 tor a publio mu seum at Philadelphia. "Women sailor are employed in Don mark, Norway and Finland. Report from 45 oollegea show dis couraging religious conditions ia but three. Booth-Tucker cay God use America aa a connecting link between other uationa, , Thomas Yates, of Toledo, O., la the only living American who tosk part in the charge of the Light brigade At j liulaklava. LAWS FOR HAWAII The Senate Passed the Gov. eminent Bill. CLAY SPOKE ON THK PHILIPPINES Puort Rleo Tariff Bill Ilopvrtad Front the Hons and Mad the Vn flulshsd Buslosss. Washington, March 8. The bill pro viding a form of govenrment for the territory of Hawaii was passed by the senate today without division. Cul lom has had charge of the measure. Clay, of Georgia, delivered a carefully prepared speech on the Philippine ques tion. He favored the adoption ot the Bacon resolution declaring it to bo the policy of the United State to turn over the Islands to the Filipinos as soon as a stable government could be established by them wider the protection of this country. At the instance of Foraker, the Puerto Kioo tariff bill was made the unfinished business, and will be considered aa soon as the conference re port on the financial bill shall have been disposed of. The Democrat scored their first victory of the session in the house to day on the motion to take op the con tested election case of Aldrich-Kobbins, from the Fourth Alabama district. Oa two seperste votes, the Democrats, with the aid of two Republican. Mondell (Wyo.), and If. C, Smith (Mich.), beat the Republicans on the question of the consideration. An agreement waa made to consider the Loud bill re lating to second-class mail matter on March SO. A bill was passed to grant an American register to the ship Wind ward, in which Lieutenant Peary will make an attempt to reach the North Pole. TRAIN ROBBER? KILLED. Skat by OSBoara Wall lUaUtlag Ar .. raat. Kansas City, Mo., March 8, Lon Curry, one of the train robbers who waa engaged in the Wilcox, Wyo., holdup on the Union Pacific last June, when aomethlng like $30,000 waa secured, was shot and killed by officers near here thia morning while resisting arrest. Curry Was visiting the borne of his aunt and cousin, Mrs. Bob Lee and Misa Llsaie Lee, in the country, 10 miles sooth of Kansas City, and bad been there a week. Thomas Haven, assistant superintendent of the Pinker ton office at San Francisco, discovered Logan at Cripple Creek, Colo., two weeks ago, but lost him, and Anally traced him to Kanaa City, where he appear to have arrived February 18. Yesterday Logan waa located at the Lee home, and early thia morning three local detective and three Pinker tons, including Bayers, surrounded the house and called on him to surrender. Instead, Curry darted out of the rear door, pistol in band. As he reached the gate and turned to fire, a volley from the deteotives caused him to waver. He ran 150 yards across the road and into A cornfield before he fell. When the detective reached him he waa breathing his last. There was a bullet wonnd through hi head. Hia revolver waa still clutched In hi hand. Curry was placed in a wagon and brought to the morgue in Kansas City. Babals AaahlB; road. New York, March 8. A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid aaya: The Filipino junta here aaya that a special envoy from Aguinaldo will Arrive in Peris in March, and will go thence to London end Berlin to seek funds for the continuation of the struggle against American supremacy. It ia declared that guerrilla warfare will be continued and it is hinted that assurances of money to continue the fight have been received from Europe. . Franoh Cannon Factory Burn ad. Le Creosote, France, March 8. Fire broke ont yesterday evening in the furuova cannon factory beta whence the Ron obtained their powerful "Long Toms." Two enormous buildings, con taining gun materials, stores and a number of artillery models, were de stroyed. The losses are estimated at nearly 1,000,000 francs. A large number of workmen have been thrown out ot employment. Whan Marrltt Ratlras. Washington, March 8. V'ior Gen eral John R. Brooke, who ha . been in thia city since bis recent detachment from duty as governor general of Cuba, has been delegated for the military de partment oltbe East, with headquarters at New York. The change In that command will not ooour until June next, when Mar Geueral Wesley Mer rltt will retire. General Brooke was offered hi choice of the command ot the department of the lake and the department of the East, and expressed hia preference for the latter assignment. General Merritt'a retirement will re sult in the promotion of Brigadier Gen eral E, 8. Otis (major general United States volunteer), commanding the military forces in the Philippines, to the grade of major general in the regu lar establishment. Lata Winter Storm. St. Lonis, March 8. -Every railroad running into the city, especially from the West, is suffering aa the result ot the heavy tall ol snow in the Missis sippi valley during the past two days. In St. Louis the streets are deeply cov ered with snow, and tratllo ia much Impeded. New York, March 8. Report from all interior notnts in the state indicate I the worst snow storm In many years The blissard weather is general. BUSH FIRES IN AUSTRALIA. Fast Tract Barn ad Ovar favaa Parson Parlshad. Vancouver, B. C. , March 5 The steamer Aorangi, from Sydney, today brings An aocoant of the most disas trous bnsb fires in Victoria experienced in the last 60 yean. The entire Warrnambool district has been devas tated, end the damage is estimated at $2,000,000. The fire broke out simulta neously in various parts of the colony, and burned for two days and three nights, finally burning itself out the morning of January 81, The whole country between Dunkeld and Mort lake is a mass of blackness. Seven persons perished in the flames, which swept over a tract 40 miles long snd 80 miles wide, consuming 1,000,000 Acre of grass, six wool warehouses, 2,000 sheep and 1,000 cattle and horses. The latest news from Noumea prior to the sailing of the Aorangi was to the effect tbst the plague bad again broken out among the kanakas. In almost every case the disease has proven fatal to the kanakaa, but in the majority of case core are effected among Euro peans. , In five weeks the mortality has been nine Europeans and 54 kana kas and Asiatics. So far, owing to the strict measures taken by the author ities to prevent the pest extending to the country, it ha only been reported at Neponi. The village of Neponi bat beea quarantined . One caae of bubonic plague is reported from Tasmania, and there was also one caae at Sydney, but both recovered. There wai a tremend ous scare ell through the Australian colonies, end rigorous quarantine regu lations have been enforced, with there suit that no other plague cases have made their appearance. The coast defenses ot New Caledonia are being strengthened. Urge sums be ing expended in erecting forts on the bills and in the suburbs of Noumea. Convicts Are being employed in the con struction of earthworks And batteries. These publio works, ntilizing the serv ices of all the convicts, none of the Utter will for the future be let out to private enterprise. The scarcity of labor haa necessitated A ceeaation ot mining operations. The government has entered into negotia tions with the Japanese government to bring over 2,000 Japanese as agricul tural Uborers, and 8,000 for work in the mines. The Sydney papers have a story about Misa Logan, an American girl, 81 years of age,. who is termed the "Hero ine of the Caroline Group." She is the daughter of the first missionary to the group sent from Boston by the Con gregational board ot the Untied States. Rev. Robert Logan died 12 years ago, and since hU death his work haa been carried on by hia widow, who was the first white woman in the IsUnda. Through illness Mn. Logan waa obliged to return to the United States, and her daughter volunteered to remain alone at the mission. NEEDS OF THE NAVY. aerate Lob; Submit a Statement t Cong-rasa. Washington, March 5. Secretary Long has made a statement to the bouse naval committee on the general needs of the navy and the desirability of not building new ships in government yards. As to the new ships, be held to his recommendation at the time con gress met, namely, three armored cruis er of about 18,000 ton each, with the heaviest armor and most powerful ord nance; 12 gunboats of about 900 tons each, three protected cruisen of about 8,000 tons each. As to building war ship in our navy yard, Mr. Long said the cost much more than those Imilt under contract, and took twice as long to build them. . Admiral Dewey suggested to the com mittee that it leave off the 13 gunboats and give three new battleships instead. He said that the battleships would be more serviceable, as General Otis bad just purchased 14 gunboats, . and had turned them over to the navy. They were in fair condition, and the admiral said that from hia experience, he thought they were just the vessels needed for service in the Philippines. Baaing In Chicago School. Chicago, March 5. The boxing bouts which were held in the basement of the South Division Hiah school un der the supervision of Principal Smith, find favor in the eyea of the board of education authorities. President G. H. Harris stated that he saw nothing wrong in them as long aa Mr. Smith supervised them. Superintendent of City Schools Andrews not only indorse the exercise, but sajs that he believes that boxing la the best sport in which the students can partake. Franco's Naval Policy. Paris, March 6. -In the chamber of deputies today, while the naval esti mate were under consideration, M. Lockroy, ex-minister of marine, made A notable speech, explaining his view reuarding the proper naval policy for France to follow. He declared it neces sary for Franco to make great mone tary sacrifices for her navy, as her for eign policy depended upon her naval strength. Bishop Gilbert Dead. St Paul, Minn., March 6 Bishop Gilbert, coadjutor of the diocese of Minnesota (Episcopal), died here to day, aged 52. He had previously been located in Montana. Imprisoned Minors. Redding, Cal., March 8. Of the eight miners who were imprisoned by yesterday's cave-in in the Iron Moun tain mine, four were afterwards res cued, but have died from their injuries. The dead are: David E. Ross, A. Cav anaugh, R. Castillon and Alfred Oatea. The four still entombed are: J. Mo Bioom, R. McCalliop, A. Van Buren and J. Gates. While the work of res cue is being rapidly pushed, it is with out expectation of finding them alive. FACING BOER ARMY Roberts Moves His Camp to Osfonteia. SIX THOUSAND DUTCH NEAtt HIM Th Mala Fore I Being Concentrated Farther Morth Under Jonbert, Where Bnttl Will Occur. London, March 5. Lord Roberts, at Osfonteln, six or eight miles east of Paardeberg, (aces the re-formed Boer army, from 6,000 to 6,000 strong. This may be merely a corps ol observa tion ready to retire on prepared posi tions. Doubtless it is receiving itera tions from the late besiegers of Lady smith, and from other points. What ever the force may be, Lord Roberts has ample troops to cope with it. Ai a heavy rain is (ailing on the veldt And the grsss is improving, this will be a good thing temporarily for the Boers. British Camp mt Osfonteln. Osfonteln, March 5. The British camp has been moved here. A heavy rain is falling, the veldt is improving, supplies are rapidly arriving, and the men are in good health, despite the fact that they have been on naif rations for a fortnight. Cecil Rhodes has sent a quantity of champagne from Kimber ley to be drunk to the health of Lord Roberts. Lord Robert has published an order thanking the troops for their courag and for the seal and endurance they have displayed amid the hardships of a forced march. He says that their for titude and general conduct have been worthy of the queen's soldiers. A (light skirmish occurred several miles southeast, in which Colonel Remington had a horse shot under him. The Boer forces on our front are be lieved to be under the joint command of Botha, De Larey And Dewet. They ere expecting reinforcements from NAtal. The guns that were captured at Paar deberg have been brought here. The rifles captured have, in many cases, scriptural texts engrsved upon them, for example, "Lord, strengthen this Arm." It is said that just prior to General Cronje'a surrender there was almost a mutiny in camp. MONEY GOES BACK. Pnerto Bican Itntlea to B TJaad for Starving Paopla. Washington, March 5. Two boon after the receipt ot a special message ol the president recommending the imme diate passage of a bill to place in his hands all the moneys collected upon Puerto Rican goods since the Spanish evacuation of the island, to be used tot tbe relief of the Puerto Ricans, had been read to tbe house today, the house had passed and sent to tbe senate a bill to carry out the recommendation. The message came like a bolt ont ot a clear sky to tbe minoiity. They were at first inclined to hail it with delight as A reproof of the majority for the passage of the Puerto Rican tariff bill. The Republican leaders, however, had a bill ready to carry the president's recommendations into effect. Cannon Asked immediate consideration of it, and this was given. It was only when the debate opened and it had been agreed that 20 minutes should be al lowed on a aide that, under the lead of Bailey, of Texas, the Democrats began lining up against the bill, because it placed no limitations upon the presi dent's discretion in the use of the money. The bill was passed by a vote of 162 to 197, IS Democrats, 2 Popu lists end i Silver Republicans voting with tbe Republicans. . Blllloa-Dollnr Trail. New York, March 6. A special tc the Tribune from Wheeling, W. Va., aays: A combination of iron and stee industries, with $1,000,000,000 capital, will be completed within six months from April 1. It will include the American Tin Plate Company, the Na tional Steel Company, the American Hoop & Wire Company, tbe National Steel Company (now forming) and an other which la already in existence and which is as large or larger than any ot the concerns named. The name of t jis latter concern U withheld. This infor mation is given by a man who holds interests in all save one of these com binations, and who, with W. T. Gra ham and Judge Moore, ot Chicago, planned the American Tin Plate Com pany and the National Steel Company. German j nnd tho Peace Coafarcneo. ' Berlin, March 5. During the debate in the Kelchstag today on the foreign office estimates, Herr Grandnauer, Social-Democrat, requested to be in formed aa to the attitude of the govern ment in regard to The Hague peace con ference. The minister of foreign affairs. Count von Bulow, replied: "Our aims are always directed to ward peace, and it will not be broken by us. I can give no guarantee of the action of others. There lore, we must be armed. We gladly participated in the labors of the conference, but could not agree to obligatory arbitration, and oan only decide upon recourse to Arbi tration aa cases arise." Lone Highwayman. Calistoga, Cal., March 5. The Cal istoga and Clear Lake stage waa held up today by a lone highwayman on Mount St. Helena, aix milea from thia city. The robber secured $4.50 in cash and Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express box, which is said to have contained but little of value. The stage was driven by A. R. Palmer, and it contained four passengers, three women and one man, au Italian gardener, who contributed the $4.60. The passengers went not molested, MINES AND MINING. Prospecting and Mining In Gapo Home Country. Newspapers and private letters re ceived from Cape Nome via Dawson say that considerable prospecting was car ried on this winter. Many miners have an idea that at and below low water mark the richest sands will be found. Therefore, as soon as the ice was solid ly frozen to tbe bottom of tbe shore they began prospecting to solve a much-vexed question as to the origin of the gold in the beach sands. Prospect ing in tbe tundra warrants the belief that it Is impregnated with gold much in the same manner as the beach. Tundra prospecting, the advices say, had not been carried on extensively, owing to tbe difficulty encountered in sinking to bedrock on Account of water. The ground freezes to n unknown depth, the same as in the Klondike, snd if it should prove rioh an area of country will be developed that will be greater than a score of Klondikes rolled into one. From what has already been done, it was said to be reasonable to predict that the tundra would prove very rich. Big prospects had been found in dozens of places, right from tbe grass roots, but the weather bas not yet been sufficiently cold to enable bed rock to be reached. Anvil creek ia the Eldorado of West ern Alaska. Claim No. 1 below bas thus far proved to be the banner claim, and is owned by Japhet Linderberg. Tbe output haa been enormous, when it is considered that it was worked but six weeks. From this claim $117,000 was cleaned up, while Discovery yield ed $58,000 in three weeks; No. 2 above, $30,000; No. 4, $80,000; No. 8, $40,000; No. 6 was worked, but the pay streak was not located. No. 7, owned by Dr. Kittelsen, produced about $30,000; No. 8, belonging to Price & Lane, $192,000; No. 9, belong ing to the Swedish Mission, $68,000; Nob. 10 and 11, owned by C. D. Lane, How to Writ Advert! lenient a. The most successful pol icy which can be adopted in writing any advertise ment is to bo word it as to win tbe confidence and re spect of the reader. If you can make such an impres sion upon the reader's mind that he will believe that you are in earnest in what you say, that you really be lieve it yourself, and that you are laying tbe case be fore him in a plain, busi ness like 'manner, without Any exaggerations or at tempts to mislead him, you are nearly sure to get that person's trade. were worked on lays, and the Lapland ers who worked them got for their share $50,000 clear money. Several quartz ledges have been located along Anvil, one opposite No. 9, on the right limit, and another oppo site No. 7, and it ia believed that a little development work will uncover the mother ledge, and, if found, the output is sure to be enormous. Other claims on tributaries of Nome snd Snake rivers have been prospected to a limited extent. Enough has been done, however, to warrant the belief that tbe work of next summer will re veal Eldorado and Bonanza by the scoie. Fire destroyed the store of the North American. Transportation & Trading Company at Fort Yukon, January 9. All the valuable contents of provisions, dry goods, household goods, turs and everything else in the building was de stroyed with it. A Department of Mines. A new cabinet officer, to be known as the secretary of mines and mining, is provided in a bill favorably acted on by the house committee on mines and mining. Tbe bill creates on executive department, which shall have entire charge of affairs relating to mines, in cluding geological surveys. The proposed secretary of wines is to have the same rank and salary as other cabinet officers, and an assistant secretary. Another mining measure favorably acted open establishes mining experi ment stations in each ol the mining states, similar to the agriculture ex periment stations, and provides for the Appointment of a government geologist At $3,500 And An assayer at $3,500, in tbe several mining states. These offi cers are to furnish assays, issue public bulletins and conduct explorations of mining regions. Mining many yean ago left tbe realm of speculation and now occupies a dig nified end important position Among the legitimate industries of tbe world. As the yean pass gambling, aa a fea ture ot mining enterprises, is fast dis appearing. While gambling in mining Stocks msy continue indefinitely, the mining industries, per se, is as free from illegitimate practices as in any other business. Henoj it should receive tbe same interest, fostering can and pro tection, at the hand of the general and local governments, a do other Indus trie. A commercial club has been organiz ed at Vale, Malheur county, Or., to pro mote the business interests of tbe com munity. When a soldier enlists in the English Army he has given him a little volume, containing among other things three blank forms for a will. These are us ually found properly made out on the body ot the soldiers killed on the bat tlefield, but often wills are left in other ways. It is related that an English iioldier, found dead on the battlefield, had scratched on the inside of his hel met: "All to my wife," using the end of a bullet to write with. The war de partment held the will to be valid, LODGING HOUSE FIRE Six Persons Burned to Death in New York. INMATES WERE PASIC STEICKEN It Was In tha Cheap flowery Section, ad Property I.oia Waa Only About SS.OOO. New York. March 6. -Six persons were burned to death and two were in jured early this morning in a fire which occurred in a seven-story lodging house At 44 to 48 Bowery. Tbe dead are: Charles Buttie, 40 years old; John CUrk, 50 yean old; Edward Doyle, 85 years old; Henry Juckson (colored), 85 ysan old; one unidentified man about 50 yean old, Stephen Carney, 75 yean old. Martin Gallagher, 63 years old, wss burned about the face and hands and also removed to the hospital. Edward Walker, 47 yean old, was burned, but after having his wound dressed, remained at the lodging house. Tbe fire was discovered shortly after o'clock. Smoke was pouring from the windows of the fifth floor, and the flames were making rapid progress. The lodging bouse was cut up into 132 rooms, snd 90 of these small places were occupied when the fire broke out. Policemen sent in an alarm and burst into tbe place to arouse the inmates. They notified tbe night clerk, who im mediately rang the alarms all over the house. Tbe hallways were instantly filled with a crowd of excited people. The policemen forced their way to the upper floors in an effort to rescue some of the helpless, believing one or two were overcome with smoke. They carried out Thomas Harper, a one legged man, and Ed Waker, who had been burned and partially overcomu by tbe smoke. Stephen Carney was found dying on the floor in his room, where the flames had already burned tbe old man's face, hands and body, but a policeman picked him up and carried him ont of the building. Tbe firemen succeeded in putting out the flames without- great loss to the building. After tbe fire was out they began a search. The bodies of all. five ot the victims were found on the fifth flow, where the fire did the most dam age. Buttie was suffocated in bis bed. John Clark waa found on the floor oi bis room dead, as was also Edward Doyle. The colored man was found dead at a window, and the unidentified man had been overcome just as be waa dragging himself from the window to the fire escape. All the bodies were taken to the morgue. The damage to the building will amount to about $3, 000. The place was conducted by Domino Milano, and was a cheap Bow ery lodging house. Carney, who died tonight, is said to have been a licensed priest of the Catholio church. Prevention of Forest Fire. Washington, March 6. Investigation of the causes, effects, and means of prevention of forest fires in the West, will be carried on this summer in Washington, Oregon, California, Ari zona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, South Dakota. Be sides field study, designed chiefly to discover means of preventing the evil, the forestry division is making a his troic record of all important fires which have occurred in the United States since 1754. Although yet incomplete, this indicates that the annual recorded loss by forest burnings in the United States is. at the very lowest, $20,000, 000. It will probably run far above this sum, as the Pacific coast states have been only partially examined. Accounts of over 5,500 disastrous fires have been obtained in the ' 17 states already examined. Michigan, Minne sota and Wisconsin hare suffered the most severely. Bead Waa Shot off. London, Ky., March 6. Millard Hughes waa murdered and Henry Blev ins and others were injured lost night at a dance near East Bornstadt, a min ing town. Leonard Smallwood, Hamp Gregg and others attacked Hughes. Hull go' head was shot off, and 15 lev ins and others were hit by stray shots. Smallwood later went to sleep in the room where his victims Uy. Today he and Gregg a ere arrested as principals, and Edward Smallwood, father of Leon ard, and hia daughter Lizzie, were Ar rested Aa Accomplices. KotoU of Convicts at Cairo. Cairo, March 6. A serious revolt ol 70 convicts At Tourah, the great prison near Cairo, nearly involved 500 other prisoners. Blank out ridges having failed to overawe the malcontents, a volley waa fired from a window oppo site through the window of the room occupied by them. Five were shot, and two, it is beieved, fatally wounded. All of them then surrendered and were confined in their cells. Large Tannery Burned. Corry, Pa., March 6. The Western Union tannery, at Spartansburg, and contents were destroyed by fixe today. With no means ot figting the fire, the citizens had to stand helplessly by watching the only industry of the town being destroyed. The loss ia $30,000, fully covered by insurance. Swept Over Niagara Falls. Buffalo, N. Y., March 6. Surcely a doubt remains that the man whose ories for help were heard coming from the Niagara river last night wasAshton Smith, 27 years old, son of Rev. Henry Ash ton Smith, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, at Fort Erie, Out. Young Smith left Fort Erie in a rickety boat at 8 o'clock last night, and at tempted to row across the swift cur rent ot the Niagara to Niagara Falls on sn important errand for a friend. Ha ha not been seen since.