Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, March 01, 1900, Image 3

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Purely Business.
Ulionili'iilly iitiru C'ri'iim of.Ttirtur nt
i Coiiiloii l)ni Co'.
1,'tvt-rn of ihuhIii, don't overlook, the
Ciiit'lon PriitfUo's. ml In Another columit
Onlur n Inllur Hindu' suit (It gunnm
tuetl from ) )ii n n Hron, ' . .
We iub injunln for tliu fiiiiioiu Buck
higliaui A lli'clcli Kuolii anil hIiwd.
l'unn JJrog.
C'iiotcu family white flli nt Dunn Droi,
Dunn Bniti, will imik( grent reduction
In irli:!i for tii next 3i) tia. '
f jir, hnuK lini.iitii MHir toiiie ugiiar-
, ui uy i nu iiunifiin i nurniHcy 10 re-
III )VU illlll'll U II Hilt Ull tH'Ul. ll.i!fllH0.
W'u iihm rvtlnce out, Ktoftlc 1 1) order to
make room fur prlng gornl now onlur
d, UiUj on it fur Imrguinv. Dunn tiro.
O. I.. Nonl, the well known miction
eur,. wlllglv th ttrlitleitt Httoutlon to
nil Ininlntiim eMitnutuil to hJa onto, if
you hiivo iroiurty to null consult him.
We, wish to thank onr ptroii for
tlioir lilicinl iHtrounti during the pt
yi'iir ai(J liopo M intirit continuance of
. tliu twine in lht fiiturn. Dunn liron,
'''For Ltimhngn, Weak llnck, Bright'
.Diflimnc, HlitMininlniiii,aiid lluitrt Failure
trv lie. I'urUu'B tvhlnov l'illa. tor lulu
by Tlie llwlwn Vhnrumey.'
4100 reward for better einoko tltnn
,10:! timi'l .Vrtlmr olgir or 11 5c Stytidow or
jlNipHdurw rlgnr. ' Little Cimlno, clear
- Uhvuiib, 3 lor 10c. M only by
liju 1 union ru v,. .', " : .-'"
Vatm The ladifi'of Condon nnd
vicinity to know Unit thvy can get tha
hunt ttnsortnifint of hlti ulrnn Imii. con
fuctiuiH'ry,flndcr;ii!kctt Jut-kaonA !)
' ' (tart's. . . .'...: '
1 Don't be talked Into pitying fancy prl
v ce for"ye'glimio or poctack' by tnv
tillns oiillcmim when you can get aiiullnr
glunseg for one-half the money at the
Condon Druj Oo'. Eyot UitUxl free of
clinre. ' ..
Dunn ttroi. liavn an itiitnciKO line of
fine mrhandi(W upon which the prlcei
have boon reduced iilnca the liolidayi.
' T iittlr ttoik contiitd of Dry lloodn, Cloth
Inn, Famlaliluge, Oroierle etc. .
Try n battle ol J.iio' Tcpnin nnd Cel-'-..
ry Cordinl. Kieeedlngly ngrectble to
' the tanto, very benr-Hclal in derangement
of the hiomaeh and nervoat tyitem,
chariicterim;d by ludigcetlon nnd nleep
' luntte. Only (SOtf per pint nt the
Condon Drug C'.
' On Nrtveniber tut, the lludon I'hannn--y
opi'iiod'n now perwripUon file with
No. 1. It yon have hud n prescription
4 filled recently, oi.if not' look at n neigh
four' bottle mid nee how many pretcrlp
. tioix thoy huve flllod since therii
Ladlo take notice -Over 40 beauti
ful color in tianue piiper at the Condon
Drug Co'. Wealao null par' napkin
cbenporthan you can waali the linen
oiu-fl. We have n ftw photo album nt
k from i to W each uilnl'lofor birthday
prevent, tlive im a call, llarr building,
, Condon, Oregon. -
The Condon Drug Co, U rtocking up
on l'hobi for the spring' trude.
Thry alu 4iav n ni at line of musical
iuHtrnineiitif nnd supplies besides hnv-
lug the cleauest tirk of drugs nnd pat
ent medicines in litis county, They nre
ilcnurvlng of the trade which they now
nj.y n they are strictly n Condon
linn and do n one-price-to-nll butdness
' tin a llve-aud-Wt five plan. They wilt
have about n ton ol freight up this week.
Cull or writefur -information and prices.
Mr. Ruck ley made n business trip to
Hhurinnn county Ust week.
T. C. Mobley lost lii favorite borne n
fow days ago liy an accident in the barn.
We hear that Jacob llortser.of Eight
milo ha gotn bran new wile. lletJake
can't tell w hat cenlury he is living In.
The horse rallied fff by Tcrttey Bros,
was drawn by a shef phonier, working
tor Mr. McAllister en lower Itock creek.
' Innnr last l.-ttnr you made os say
Mies 8nell wait going to teaoh at Forest
lirove when It should have been I.(M-iist
l i rove, '
Mr. Ira riiitiip. of Dallas, Is among
the Into arrival hero, lie is n brother
nf Minn Kminn I'hillips, one of our popu
lar lady teachers. , '
Joe Build indirins n he it having hU
well sunk kepur nnd expects to get
plenty of water. He I providing n very
comfortable home, , Old maids, widows,
nod bin glrU, plenpa remember.'
J. A. Ward has lout several valuable
homes at dillVrenl times during the past
vear, and as the trouble wngUiiic so
serious a to lie alariiilnar, he sent to Port
land lor a veterinary but we nre told
be was unable to render hint nny ns-
Htnitceas he could not decide w hat the
rmihlo was.
Grand Clearance Sale.
Notwitlistamling tho4ftict lhat
tho price of nearly all commodities
lifts advanced wo will still give our,
customers the benefit of tho old
prices and, in order to make room
for our big spring stock we will
make liberal discounts on nil Hsh
gules for tlio next 30 days.
Special Bargains in
The old
All Wool Blankets-
A fow
Good Values in Hats and Caps.
Groceries of all Kinds.
DUNN BROS. Condon, Oregon.
Mrs. McCnrry Isdott n with an' attack
of pneumonia.
F. M. 1'liter nnd Frank Armstrong left
last Saturday for Tacoirm with near
load of heavy horses, ! ,
Mlx 1'rnrl Fitiswatcr has returned
from Monmouth where she ha been at
tending school. '
There nre some Indications of a new
laundry being established In Condou in
the near future,
Ueorge lllake, the Kock creek sheep
man was In town the first of the week,
Ills wife nnd baby were with him.
We are Indebted to Congressmnn
Moody for copies of the lie port of Lsbor
Commissioner Carroll D. Wright.
It Is now 12 day since our case of
smallpox developed with no further
ense reported. It Is hoped there will
be no spread of the disease,
Mrs. (rider, who has been visiting
iter son, Wayno Orlder, near this place,
(or the past three weeks, left Sunday
looming for l'eiidlcton. f
Dr, J, A. Lnmberaon, of Iebnnon, a
son of Mr. and Mr. A. . I-nmberson. of
Ferry Canyn, In in New York City this
winter taking s post graduate coume in
urgery. , , ,"
N0Tit.1t The Derufwratlc Cenlrnl Com
mittee of Gilliam County, Oregon will
mvet At Condon, Oregon, on Saturday,
March, 10, 1000, nt 2 o'clock, P. M. All
commltteeuieu should be present,
f , . ..IS; P, Wmn, Chnlrmnn.
Notick All democratsnnd other who
believe In democratic principle of gov
ernment nre requested to meet nt Armo
ry hall, Condon, on Haturdny, March 3,
1UO0, at 2 o'clock P. M. for the pprpW
ol organising n democratic club.
Ity Order of Committee. '
A Kansas editor thus soliloquizes: "If
n man should wear his pantaloons so
long that whenever he appeared on the
street he would be obliged to reach
around behind nnd grab hold of the
slack nnd hold them op, wouldn't the
Indie laugh?" '
J. K. Fitxwnte,r Josh Portwood Kan
dolph Itambonnd Frank Caldwell will
leave today for Wyoming where Mr.
Fitzwnter I running hi sheep. Joeh
nud Kandolph will look niter Mr. Fit
water's sheep this summer nnd Frnnk
will bold n similar position with Darker
ISrus. '
Itoss Etenrdsley, president J Geo Miller,
vice-president: W. II. Col well secretnry
nnd treasurer are the principal officer of
the Eastern Oregon Rent Estate Co late
ly organized nt Arlington. The new firm
will bny nnd sell E. O. realty making
specialty of Gillintn county dirt. We
wish them success.
Win Hurt died Mondny morning nt
the residence or hi brother, 8. A. D.
Hurt, north of town, of consumption,
lie had been In ill health fur two years
nnd nlihougt be grew gradually worse
hisdeathenme suddenly and unexpect
edly. The funeral occurred yesterday
in the Masonic cemetery,
Frank Stewnrt, of Lone Rock, wni in
town Haturdny. Mr. Hlewart Is nt pres
ent engaged in teaching the public
school nt that place nnd ha lately pur
chased, the i nler et-t of Jesse Stewart
In the general merchandise store of Mat
lock A Siowart. lie will in the future
net ns ngent for the Glomc nt that place.
A number of team went through from
Mayvllle, Monday, enroute to Arlington
londed with fat hogs for the Portland
market. There were 110 porker In the
bunch nnd they were raised nnd sold by
Andv Mrclner, Chas. Ml lie, Wm. Werh-
li Geo. Gibbon nnd Jim Dyer. The price
secured ranged from 14.00 to HBO per
ca t. J. II. Ralston purchased the lot
for the Union Meat Co.
The report sent out front Arlington
lately stulinii that the well known tlnn
of Muirte St Weir were about to remove
their larue stock ol merchandise from
Arlington to Stintpter la incorrect. A
letter from that firm to the Ui.ona, re
ceived n few uavs ago, state that the
will continue their business nt Arlington
as usual and thnl they nre not going to
(Milliliter. The large trade which this
flriuvninvs in (iilliHui f-nnntv la reason
enough why they should not be looking
lor n new location.
Mr. Jordan, nn nged Indy who has
made her home w ith her eon, II, U. Jor
dan, for the past year or so, met with n
serious nrt'ldent last Halnrday nt Arline.
ton. Mrs. Jordan left here Fridny for
Los Angeles, Caluornin. whore she ex
liectod to reside with herdatmhter. When
nhout to take the train Saturday after
noon cite fell from the depot platform.
breaking the bones in one hip nnd one
arm. Hereon was notified by telephone
nnd he nnd hi wife at once left for Ar
lington and removed the unfortunate la'
(It to n Portland hospital, it I oeiieveu
she will recover.
Boots and Shoes
reliable Buckingliam &. Hecbt brand.
left which will bo sold at the old price.
Flreat Arflrifrton In Which a
Slx-Yef-.OIc Ctrl l Burned
''; to Death.
Hpeclitl to Oifc O'Mtar. ' , '
ARLINGTON. Feb 28-Th residence
of C. A. Jergerison, I'n this city, cunlit
fire at 0.30' last eVenlrtg and Wasnlinovt
totally consumed. A' child sit years old
who was asleep in an upper room was
burned to crisp The fire started from a
cnndle tarried by Mrs. Jergenson into a
closet under the stairway and had gain
ed great headway before being (Uncover
ed. The fire company responded
promptly, but were obliged to lay 1200
feet of hose to reach the huildlng. The
family are left In destitute Circumstance's
bat already the kind hearted' citizens
have raised more than f 100' for their
relief. 0.
Mr. Ed Dunn is seriously ill.
II. N. Frnwsr I on the sick list this
week. ' .
I'M Temple the smnllpos patient I on
the mend. -
and -' " -: .
" steel plows,
Full Line for the
We Carry a Complete Line of
Harness, Saddles, Chaps,
OrJers Taken for
Furniture and Wall Paper.
Special Inducements
Smoke an Export
5 Cent Cigar.
Best Smoke in Town
Jackson & Dysart,
Get Wiley B. Allen', or any other music iloalor'e prices, atvl tlton t
our and tee If what we eay iau't true. Ve have in stotk
Violins, 3 to '-5 each.
Ban Joe, fit).
Ouitar vaaea, $2.50 each.
Violin ivory pegs, $1.75 per eot.
Violin low hair, 50o eueh.
Violin rosin, lOw.
Violin necks, 60c,
Flute accordeons, $2.00 each.
Jews harpe, 10c each.
Rattle bone, 10c pair.
Bitnji etrltigs. &0u to $1.00 per set.
Send ns your
Surrondera to ; Gen. Roberts
With 4000 Men. Enland
LONDON, Feb. 27 General CrorijV
surrendered Ida forces consisting of 4000
iiii'ii, to Iml K il.crts at daylight this
morning. There fs great rejoicing here.
Banker Route A Bobber.
J. It. Garrison, Cashier of the bunk of
Tiniriivllle, Ohio, had been robbed of
lien 1 1 It by a serious lung trouble unlit
he tried Dr. Klug'e New Discovery for
C'oiiHiimpfion. Then he wrote: "It Is
the bel medicine I ever used for a se
vere cold or a bad case ol loni; trouble.
I always keep a bottle on hand." Don t
snfler wilh Cornelia, C&ldsorany Throat
Cheat or Lung trouble when you can lie
cuied so easily. Only -fiOc and ft .00
Trial bottles free nt Condon Drug Co's.
0. A. Dablke, who was almost mur
dered near Clem Monday evening
of Ust week, wan brought totown.Thim
day nnd is rapidly improving. His as
sailant has Hot yet been prenleit al
though the ollice'r have been following
up every clue.
Spring Trade.
All at Correct Prices.
For tho next 30 days, on
Guitar, $10 to $15 each.
Violin cases, 50o to $2 50 each.
; Violin patent heads, Too each.
Violin bows, 75c to $3 OJ each.
Violin chin rests, 50i oitoh.
Violin strings, 10c to i'5c each. ,
Hand accordeons, $5.00 each.
Harmonica?, 10 to $1.00 each.
Tin flutes, 10c each.
Guitar Btring?, 50c to $1.00 per set.
Latest eongs, SOc to 50c each.
mail ordora,
One application will relieve the pain,
It rIho riireM sprains and bruises in one
third the time r qoired by any other
treatment, t'utu, burns, frostbite quin
eey, pain in the side p ntl chect. glunilu nnd other rwellinga ar quickly cur
mI by applying it. E"ery bottle war
ranted. Piice, 'lb and 50 :t.
May Strike Gilliam.
Many of our exchanges nre telling of
the manner in which some of the gulli
ble eople in their recpective neighbor
hood have heen tHkemnliv gra-ery ad
dlers. It's the same old story. Instead
of "the belter goods Himii your home
dealer" promised, the full weight and
lower puces, it bus I ice 11 the Invariable
rule that the goods sold by these ped
dlers are vt inferior quality, short weight
and in the end mnch higher In price
than the home dealers' goods. People
w ho think their local merchant la cheat
ing them umially run up ngainst the thing when they strike trav
eling concerns. One of these grocery
fakirs is now operating in Morrow and
(j'Biit counties, nu.l we warn fenrihle
people to he on the lookout for him.
llcppner Tioies.
Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism.
iFrom the Vindicator, K ithertordtony. C.
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lain's I'ain I'alin twice with the uioht
remarkable results in each care. First
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which he suffered excruciating pain for
ten days which was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the
parts afflicted aiid realizing instant ben
efit and entire relief in a very short time.
Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint,
altooct proetrating him w ith severe pain,
which was relieved by two applications,
rubbing with the liniment on retiring
at night, and getting np free from pain.
For sale by The Hudson Pharmacy, C.
W. Cionfiitld, Mgr.
Htnckmen seem to think the backbone
of the winter is broken nnd ns nil bnve
large quantities of hay on band nnd stock
in fine condition they have nothing to
kick abont. . ...
Mr. Geo. Wick came down from
.Sumpter the first of the week to visit
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Winelnnd.
Considerable uneasiness is felt among
hi r people on account of her coming
from a place where they have had so
many (-uses of small pox." '
Frank Slew art went to Condon Satur
day morning and on arriving there he
Stockmen's Supplies a Specialty.
When in need of
Saddies.or Chaps,
Call on Or Send to
J. R. Reisacher,
The only Saddler in Gilliam
New Masonic Building
F. M. Sprlngaton.
(Succeseore to
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Stop at
Bowling Alley and Baths.
Lower Main St.. Condon. Ore.
-" OR TRADE.avaSy
Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing.
We offor a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting
of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap anil all kinds of rough
Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and
dimension etuff.
bills the same evening.
Washington's Hirthil'V wa appropr
iately celebrated here by ah enteitnin
ment and basket snppe'r' iii (lie evening
at the Baptist' church.' The progrum
wasexcellentlv reiidereil ttrrmghoiit nd
was highly appreciated by the Ixrgeitn
dienee and the sn'poer well it was. just
One evening lt wcr k a miml i" (
onr vonng neoii! went to a ditnce at Mr
j Phillip's. 011 Thirtvmile alKint 14 mi lee
from h"re. fh" mud wis from iwito
sin inches in the roiid but riiev stemed
t ho di Tien I i'n saml got there lull imag'ne
their 'lisafipotutmi-nt when they were
told they had got there 24 hours too
soon as ibe dunce was to lie the next
evening. Yim might t have seen the
mud fly on the return trip.
Cattle buyers have alrpadr begun to
ei q 'lire f.-' salable eattb I'.ill Matlock
has been talking to severa.1 hover the
past few dav by telephone but none of
them venture to set a price w hich they
ezpect to pav, but onr cattle ow ners are
not backward in saying that thev expect
toget(20a head for yeatiim steers, 30
for two-year-nlds and other kin I4 in pro
portion. An Honest Medicine for La Grippe.
George W. Wait, of Sonth Gardiner,
Me , say :" I have had the worstcongb,
cold, chills and grip and have taken lots
of trash of no account but profits to the
vernier. Chamberlain's Congh Remedy
Is the only thing that I as dne nnv good
whatever. I have nsed one bottle of it
and the cold, chills and grip have nil
left me. I congratulate the inmnfnc
turers of nn honest medicine." For
sale by Hudson Pharmacy, C. W.
Crosfield, Mgr. '
.Treasurer's Notice.
All connty warrants registered prior
toJuly 1, 180ft. will be paid on presen
tation at my oflice. Interest ceases after
this date: ' K B. Bakker,
Treaenref of Gilliam conntv, Oregon.
Dated at Condon, Ore., Jan. 30, 1000.
For Sale.
Ten (hare of Arlington National Bank
Stock. Will pay dividend April 1, 1003.
A. C. IfAweoN 4 Co'.,
Arlington, Ore.
trict OfHee MHniiuer in lht nttite to repre
sent min Uietrown sinl surrotriUiuffeoHiitlefl
W'filins to py yeitrlv Sum), pavb e weekly. De
sfnthlia erriploytnent with tinuiiUHt optiortiinttien.
References exrbanired. Knei,. s'lf-M1dretiMeo
tamtied envelope. 8. A. Park, 320i:axtoa builij
ng, Ctiicsgo.
or Wheeler Counties
: 1: : CONDON, O
J. A. Rodgers,
T. G. Johnc-n.)
This .popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is now
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find (bis house suited to
their wantc
- - - - - OREGON
O. It. N. Co. Tims rr.t.
iitj(iT( if, (inmoN, , '.
'. Kew tlrn cnrtl, taking effect Surtilay,'Felirri
rv l:ith:
j Ko. 2-Vls tlnMlnct'iti, leaves.
.." :t t. m.'
.T:.K p. m."
ivo. In l-t'ukrtm', k-nVHS
0. 24 Local fiuitjtlii, leHveH . .
, ant .nd. '
Ko. 1 -Pordnn(!,'li'vn. :47 a. rttl'
No. IV- PurtlMmt, leaven ,... 4:.i s, n,'
Ko. 23 Local lniflii, lcft'e ...::vtr:ii a. ni.'
1. K. t ltASK,' Agent, ArlniHlon;-
Attornej-at-Law, Hotary rublioV
Will pracllcs In all Ibe curl nf the ntntsl
poUeetioim and 1'robuU; Uusiuoi glveu Onrvfui
. 1. 1. HOGAX
Condon. Or.
OfTlfs Orpjon are., between Catholic Cban-lf
and residence of 8. 1'. Unite.
r W. daei-ino
Attorney at Law
NotarV Public and Conveyancer,
. 5ondun. Or.
rollectfont and insurance. Terms reasonable.
Office in re.rol p(wtuttic-e building, Mala street
Office In (ilobe Building. '
condox, .... itEonr.
g A. D. Ct'RLEV
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Arlli.t;ton, Or.
V. 8. rommlnloner and Kotanr Pnbltc lis
nftice. Prlice in sit llie itute and federal
emirttol Oreitun and W mIiIiiku.). All Itiud.
OIL', tf. land aud legal ba incus transacted.
Office corner Spring street and Oregon avenne
The Regulator Line.
The Oa!!e?f PrUand i hkh
Daily Line of Steamers Between Portland,
Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River
and all Points on the Washington aide.
The ateamrr PallenOltvand Regulator lear
Portland every morning (except &tintav) ac .
and The Iwlles at a. m., arriving at dejtlua.
lion in ample time for outgoing trains.
Freight Kate Greatly Reduced.
W. C. ALUAWAV, Gen. Afct..
Foot of Court Street, Tu Dalles, Or.
Iff! F?lP
Ft Kail Lake, Penrer, Fat
lad Ft. Worth, malia. Had.
( p. a. Kana I lly, tit S.Aip.m.
IjiuK Chicago,
and Kiuu
EpoVane Walla Walla. Lftrlv Si"ka
Fiver ton.Spotane.Miu- Klyer
l:j p. m. iieiKll.St. Haul, t a. la.
Diilulh. Milwan-
ke,C'bicKO& Kaat
.-0p.m. CceanSttamihlpl. .W) p. m.
All railing date
atiliject ti ehauije
For San Franclc -ail
lee 3. 8, t. It,
t.Ta, aud tn-vry 6
ti.illT Clmbl Rltr 4 00 p.m.
Ex. Ninday Ex. Sunday
l-atiirday To Astoria and ay
lu.uo p. in. Landings.
;00a.m. K'lllaaeUt . 4:nop.m.
ki. buudaj - "x. buaday
Oregon City, New-
i Inrg.Saleui 4t Way
7:00 a. n. WlllamMt and tarn- :S0p.m.
I,uj Thnr. hill lf. '" Weil
aud Sat. ri.
Oregon City, Par
tou, A W aj Land
iug. 6.00 a m. Wllametta '4:30 p.m.
Tuer. Thnr Moii., ed.
aud but. Portland to rorrat- and Fri.
li A Way I.and
tnga, I.t. Riparla (nak diver. I..1M
a.m. IU
Daily Rlparia to Iwlton S:lo a.m.
J. E. CRANE, Agent, Arllugton.
Qanatal Paiweuger Agent, Portland. Oa
Land Applications, Proofs and
11. N. Frnzor. County Clfrk. dive
ipeciHl tilli-iition to abstract! ol titli-,
nut in also prepared to ren-ive I', f,
joverninunt liiml fllinaH nml priof,
jrf II K8 upplii'Htinns for tin- (inri'liHee l
tute scliuul la ml t, ut liia oil ice in Con
Ion, Or.
Su'itfi-nlie fur Lite Uloiik.'
Only tl.-O a )-r.