THE G&1DQH GLOBE. T he official paper of gilliam county. oregon. Our Agents. ", I fullovrti'ft pnrfcins nnv the R.'i-i- '.l - ii'ciit( of the (ii.onis at tit.. jxiHt iill'u-rn niinifd. Thoy are ftutliorunl to'rwcive and receipt fur suSisi'rijitjoii accounts: W. II. lU:.FA.h . . . v. . . Arlington. V.UK ' Buos. ;v';,:-;'. ; ; Olex. Mus. F,r-1.. i,: . . . . . Mayville. Other ngents will be appointed, ami their names ad Jed to this list Liter. ,, It' you are not already a sub scriber, or if your subscription has expired, call on your nearest agent in d bo made happy. With a contagious disease among ns every citizen should be alive to the importance of keeping his prem ises in a first class sanitary condi tion. Clean up the back yard sta bles etc and lessen the chances of an epidemic. S.4LTLXG WHEAT LAXDS1 Under the direction of R Camp bell, traffic manager of the'O. R. & X.,' some interesting experiments are being made by Colonel R. C. Judson. industrial agent for the eompany. One of them is the use of salt on grain land to retain moisture. Colonel JuJson, who has just re turned from Blalock, in reference to his work said: ''Hack of Blalock, extending to Rock creek and beyond, is a large area of grain land. Owing to the very heavy rainfall, beginning in October and continuing up to the present time, the grain has thrived finely. The outlook for an extra good crop is favorable. While at the farm I arranged with a couple of farmers to test the preservation of moisturein land by the use of salt. This is no new idea. It has been tried in the East. I shall salt the fields during different! stages of the growth of the grain and keep an accurate account for publication, so that farmers desir ing to use it may know how to go about it. These tests will show whether or not we can retain moist tire In the ground during the ripen ing season. I find that in Eastern Oregm the prevailing warm winds daring ripening season, damage the crops. ,-Mr. Campbell under whose di rection I am working, has already purchased the salt, and it is'now in storage ready for use. Tests will be made, not only at the point men tioned but also in the Walla Walla and Umatilla valleys. T shall use SlK) pounds of salt to the acre. ' While at Blalock I examined the Hinead fruit farm. To my no tion it is the best cultivated orchard in the Northwest. It i9 certainly the best trimmed and kept of any I have visited. The trees have win tered finely am will be loaded with fruit. The buds on apricot, nectar ine, peach, pear, cherry and prune trees are not swelled vtt so as to be hurt by the frost, and as no frost visits the valley of the Columbia east from Grant after March 1. 1 predict -an enormous, yield-- Tele gram. - Tim llii'isiin' . l'iianinry c;iiii ttutft' fvenf buttle of CltKmlierliitus Cili UtMifly ami. will rVfWrhi the money tn anyone who fs .nut satisl'ieif after uatiift lo-tliir,ls of the f-oiiteiitaY This is th heel remedy in th worM fur la grippe, conifh?, eot.Ia. cronp ntul whooping cough ami is pleasant ami ante to take, . It prpvenls any tendency uf a cold to result in pneumonia. .45.101 ROCK CREEK. T. 0. Woodland and two daughter went to Condon Monday.: , - E. T. Karnsworth visited llardman and tleppner Sunday. K. O.. Port wood and family have mov ed to their farm on Dry Fork. Oeo. Sihott went to Condon Tuesday. toek on the Crwk is doing nicely. County Surveyor'aWd' oWH Englnr Hoine-stead seekers located at reasonable rates, Condort, ' ' 0rgw- QRaTuKVEs" lN.V ; . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON Iay or night call promptly answered. Office til JCew ilnsonlc BitlhtliiK. CONDON - - .OREGON, MAYVILLE. The Aid Socey's social Toes lay even ing was well attended considering the inelement weather and bad roads. . $18 was realiaed which will be applied to seating the church,'. ... Miss Louie Friese who has been Hay ing at the hotel fof the last year and a half returned to Fossil Sjndny. E. A. Stinchfield had teams hauling ice for storage during the last cold spell. E l is going to keep cool next summer. 1). V. Ralston, tha cattle buyer, is here this week. , ' The greatest danger from colds and la 'grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, ail danger will be avoided. It will cure a cola or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by The Hudson Pharmacy, C. W. Cros field, Mitr. H. K. HRKDIUCKR. JAT OWIKHK. HENDRICKS & BOWERMAN, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW. rmsTBmi.oiso wsTor iwt nmct, coupon. rtRST DOOR NORTH Ot STItlWItR'B BKKK, Fowl I.; Can-fill attention to Kwt tmslnea In Gilliam and Wlieeler eumitlea. A Notary in eaeb oltlca. SUMMONS. In the Cironit Court ot the State of Oregon, for theConttty ot Gilliam. Kt'is Alkeson, I'lalnttlT, n. Goorge Alkeaon. Defendant. To the above named defendant, George Atke on: .' In the name ot the 8:ale of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required toappear and an swer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled uit, on or before Thursday, April j, VJOO, the same being six weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice, and that If you fail to so appear and answer the said com plHintor otherwise plead thereto within said ime. the plaintiff will apply to-the Court for the relief therein prayed for, which is for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony ex lsling between the plaintiff and defendant In the aooye entitled suit, and for such other and further relief as may in equttj be.uL This summons i served on yon by publication thereof in the Condob Globe for the period of tlx consecutive weeks, seven Isssues, commenc- ng with the issue of Febrnarjr 2J, ISOO, ty virtue iof an order Sled In tha above enUtled Court bearing date theJOth. day oi February, 191)0. - Given nnder my band and dated this'ilnd. day o! February, A. D. 1S00. Sax E. Va Vactoh, - Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Giillara. May Anderson, Plaintiff, v August Anderson. Defendant To the above named defendant, August An demon : In the name of the Btate oi are hereby not i tied and required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled against you iu the above entitled suit on or before Thursday, April .", l'JOO. the same being six weeks from the date of the first publication of this n nice aud that if you fail to so appear and answer the said com plaint, or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for, which is fora decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony exist ing between the plaintiff and defendant in the above entitled suit, and for rath other and fur ther relief as may In equity be just. This summons is served on you by publica tion in the Comoh Gub for the period of six . consecutive week. seven inner,, commencing with the issue of February 22, 1900, by virtue of an order Hied in the above entitled Court bearingdate tbe 20th day of February, 1900. ' Given under my hand and dated this Und day of February, A. D. 1909. Sam E. Vaw Vactob. Attorney for Plaintiff. QR. J. W. VOtiEL Specialist for Refraction and Defeota of the Eye, Will Visit Condon Every Three Months. Watch Local Column tor Itatea, " Deputy Stock Inspectors. I have appointed as my deputies the following pereons: n. n. . uiw.'u, nriiiiK.... 1,. B. Townaend, Condon. Charley White, Paper Sack. K. M. JoHKsoa, Lone Rock, Mock Inspector forUilllam County, Uregon H. W. HARTMAN. Carpenter and Builder.' Scroll Uorl a Specialty. Plans and Estimates Furnished Condon : : Oregon. C. S, PALMER, prtisti Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts. Razors honed and re-ground CONDON - OREGON. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for the County ot Gilliam, . Mantel Blebl, Plaintiff, T. Jacob Bletu, De fendant. To the above named defendant, Jacob Btebl In the name ot the State of Oregon, yoaare hereby notified and required to appearand an swer the complaint filed agaiust job in the above entitled duit. on or before .Thursday, March 8, l'.K,(the same being six weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice) and that if you fail to so appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto with in said time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for, which is for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of mat rimony existing between the plaintiff and de fendant In the above entitled suit, and tor such other and further relief as may In equity be Just This summons Is served on you by publication thereof in the Condor Globb for the period of six consecutive weeks aeven Issues. commencing with the Issue of January 25, 1900, by virtue If an order filed In the above entitled Court bearing date the 22nd. day of January. 1DMJ. Given nnder my hand and dated this 20th day of January A. D. 1900. 8am. E. Vas Vactob. Attorney for Plaintiff. Oiim Paul Kruger hits notifieil our government that the latent consign- j nibnt of Hay from thia country is i not what it should be anil decline to receive it, giving as hid reaHon that it was put ii too green, and lias a very pronounced English fla vor. O no Paul knows a thing or two. Weleer Signal. The appointment of young Hay pmaeks more of English nobility than it dues of Americanism. He was appointed because he happen ed ba the' pon of his father, and thsri'fure first in line of succession to a fat snap. Just when theljnit- I State tii!cd ;d an experienced tli pi niiat in the Transvaal it sent a green kid. , No wonder O m Paul t ('fused to accept him. Montpelier Examiner. ARLINGTON. Ttie council will probably ri:is an or liinmire fjuarantiniint boiiio of the near Ity Wellington- towns on ncmntit f H malignant furtn of ili pttinria whii'li pre vails there. The eimll(ox scare will al so lie cotiMi'i-recl. The reports smallpox at Condon hn c t'ise I a fe-ling of unt-asinessi here as wo lire closely conni'eli il by ftfl;e coiii iiiiltiiciitiim iitnl otherwise. IVuplehere think )hat Mr. Vilin diil very wrong to I'oinrt ciirt'ct from the honne in Con- , inn that contaiueil the case of hiiiii1Ii nml pocnilily expofitl foineone to lhat lire.iilo l ilisaaso. There was no eonme lelt (lie citv (ilFioinla tint to reipieift him to w impy the city hull over nitfht ami Ut return home the next iiiorniiiir Bi-caiiHe nit" is exposal to nny eontairiuna niala ly ia no fgoitw for tvt thinking of otli- fru. Arlington w ill try to keep tier enb jrU at ho:uu iliuulil emallpox develop iit-ro.- ' . v . REPUBLICAN CALL. The republicans of Gilliam county, Oregon, will meet at the usual voting place In their re specUve precincts, on March 21, 1900, at I o'clock p. m. and nominate candidate for precinct ofti ces, and el xrt delegates to the Republican Conn ty Convention, for Gilliam county, which is al so called to meet at Condon on March 29, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m., , of that day, nn lew otherwise or lered by the chairman of the county central committee, for the parpose of nominating candidates for all county offices, except one commissioner aud one county Judge, and to elect fonr delegates to represent Gilliam county at the Republican Mate and District Conventions for Oregon. The Co'inty Convention will consist of 31 dele gates chosen from the various precincts as fol lows: . Arlington .......... 5 Blalock.... -.2 Condon..-.. 4 Kerry Canyon.. 2 Idea ..2 lone Lock 2 Mavvillc 4 . Matney. , 2 Rock Creek 4 Trail Fork 2 Willow Creek 2 The apportionment is one delegate-at-large for each precinct, one for every 20 votes, and one for every fraction over one-half thereof eaat for Frank A. Moore, supreme judo vlo XV8, taking intoconsldcration the changes ;.iade in precinct lines sinca lait election. By order of the Republican County Central Committee. Gko. B. Dukkk, Chairman, CONTEST NOTICE, V 8 Lano Omcx, Tat TUi.1., Or.. Feb. S. 1900. A sHOictent contest altldavlt having been filed Inthisolliceby Grant E. Kellngg. contcatant. again"! homestead entry .o. wu. rams ooni bar 4. twit, for loU 18 11 and 12 of sec. tpl s in. hv Henrr Hchlofel. Coutestee. in which it i alleged that: aald Henry K-hlegel has totally!nnM wild litnd and has been absent there (mm for more than seven months and that said nnd has not been cultivated DV saia tianry Schlegel for the past year and that defendant did not abandon the tract to enter the military or naval service of the t'nited Ktates in time of war. said parties are hereby notified toappear. respond and offer evidence touching said Illation at 1C o'clock a. m. on March XI lias, before Win. Henrichs, county clerk, at his office at More, Oregon, and that tlnal hearing xlll he hi.1,1 in o'clock a. m. on Aortl . IMUO. before the Kenlster and Receiver at the I' nited state Land ofttce inf rhe Oallea. Oregon. The uidcontftjiiit harintf. in a timDeratnda. vit. tiled Feh. 3, lwm, set forth fact which show that after due diligence, personal erviee of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or- dered and directed that suen notice ne given oy JAY 1". W!Ca, due and proper publication 4u Keg later. AN N CASH t-ttaiiuu-uMai-ia GLEARfltJCE SALE. C ASH I CASH 1 CASH f A LITTLE FORTUNE can be saved by attending this sale. Visit our store during January and we will sell you Dry Goods and Clothing at from 15 to 25 per cent. off. See our prices on Ladies' Capes. All our $11.00 Capes for. . . . ..19.90 All our $9.75 Capes for...... $7,80 All our $8.00 Capes for...... $0.40 All our $7.75 Capes for...... $0.20 All our $7.50 Capes for. . ; . .$0.00 AH'our $5.00 Capts for. .... .$3.95 All our $4.50 Capes for...... $3.00 All our $3.50 Capes for...... $2.80 All our $3.00 Capes for.;.... $2.40 All our $2.00 Capes for. 1 . ..$1.60 All our $1.75 Capes for. . . . :.$1.40 25 per cent, off on Clothing, Underwear, Cotton Blan kets, Ladies' Wrappers and Skirts. , :.- -i , . ... ...... A few pieces Fancy Plaids, 25 off. Don't fail to visit our Shoe department We are offering all our Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes at 20 per cent discount REMEMBER this sale lasts only during January. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. LORD & CO. ' Arlington, Oregon. Of Or. KOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Laud Omat at Th DaU,is, O., Fr.B. 9, 1000. Notice is herebt (riven that the follnwin nam ed settler has filed notice o( his Intention to make Hnul pooot in support of his claim, and tbat said proof will he made before H. N. F raiser comity clerk of (itlliam connty, at Condon, Or., on Haturday March 21, fJUO, vix: JULIA COLUSH (formerly Julia Coatnre) of Condon. .. Hd. K. No. tiiX for the sw see. 30 to l.r JOe W M. lie name the fnllnwlnc; witnesses to prove his coiitinanns resilience apon and cnltlva lion of said land, via: 8. B. I'ontnre. I wis t.ontHre, V. t, Caaon and 1. A. Walter all Con don, Oregon. Jay V. Lucas iteifiater. Aril No. 3918, I Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to Check. Drafts sold on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Interest allowed on time deposits. SPECIAL ATTENTION CIVENTO COLLECTIONS. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS D. M, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Orrici At Tm Dalleb, Ob., Feh. 1M0. Notice is hereby given that the following ntiincd settler has Hied notice of his Intention to miike fiiml proof in nifMirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before 11. N. Frazcr, county clirk of (iilliam county, at Condon, Or., on Monday. April i. ltlOO Tli: DKI'WILLA TRt'E, of Condon, Oregon, fid. K. No. fi. for the sw'4 tw and n vr'4 .c iliHiid neW se1 sec V tp. 4 s, r. 21 e.. W.M. lie itHTncs the foliowint; witnesses to prrive his continuous residence npon and cnltiration of said land, viz: W. L, Barker, K. H. (.riiett, W. U, (rnett and B. I), Fletcher allot Condon, Oregon. Jav P. LccAa, ReKister, KOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION. Timber Culture Final proof. Lako Orrice at The Dallkk, Oa., Feb, IV 1900. Notice is hereby irtfen that Otonre W Klnehartof Condon, Oni(o, ha. iiied noti of Intention to make final prool before H. N. trutor, Co. Clerk at his ollice In Condon Oregon, on v Saturday, March3t, leOO, on timrx'rcult'.tre application No. HJUt, for the swiii'K.wli se 'A and mi'4 se '4 ecl, tp, ril e.Y. M. a IlKiiamcH aa witneaws: ... J, W. Kbbert, Ray Kblicrt. . V. Mooi'v Mini A. K. Kin', all' of Condon, I rcguin jn.lMV. JK Lmai, Kc'jjisler, KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Culture, Final Proof. I" g LAKpOrrtci.THi Dalle, O.. Feb. ,1000. Notice is hereby Riven that John A. Me. Morris, of Condon, Oretfon baa filed notice of in tention to commute and make flnal proof before II. N. Fraxer, county clerk, at t is olHue in Con don, Oregon, on FKIDAT, MARCH 23. 1000 on timber eolture application No. 2827, for the n'4ttx.W,tp s. r 23 e. W. U. He game a witnesses: Godfrey Schilling, t. M. PUter, Fred G. May and 8. D. Fletcher, all of Condon, Oregon. Jay P. LocaJ". Herts ter. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Notice Is hereby (riven, in tba matter of the estate of Mary E Hammers, deceased, that tbe un dersigned was on tbe loth day of February, A. D loot, appointed by the County- Conrtot Gilliam County, Oregon, the executor of tha estate of the above named decedent. A II person hav ing claim against the laid estate mast present tbe same to me duly verified at my home, eaat of Condon, Oregon, or to Hendricks k Bowermau, my attorneys, at their office at Condon, Oregon, within six month from tbe date and first publication of this notice. Condon, Oregon, M. E. fHiMMEM, Febrnay l', 1900. Executor of th Estat of ' Mary E. Bum men dee'd EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given in the matter of the estate of D, C. Dowucr, deceased, that tbe under signed were, on the 2Mb day of April, W, duly appointed by the county court of Ullliara coun ty, Htiiie of Oregon, executor of tbe estate of D. C. IKiwner deceased. All person having claims against suld de ceased, or hi estate, are bereby notllled and requested to present the same to us duly veri fied, at Condon, Oregon, witbiu six month from the date hereof. Condon, Oregon, J. K. Dowxia, H. F. Dowmek January IS, liWO. . Executor. WASTF.l) SEVERAL PKKHONm FOR l)l dixtrlcl OHice Managers In this state to rep ine In their own and surrounding counties. Willing to pay yearly WW. payable weekly. De sirable empieymenl with niisiiual opimrtiinltle. Reference exchanged. F.nclose self-addrossed ; stiinipcd envelope. H. A. I'aik, iM l ailon builii iug, l biciiuo. FRENCH, President; W. W. STEIWER, Vlo-Praldnt FRANK T. HURLBURT. Caahlar. DIRECTORS D. M. FRENCH. W. W. 8TEIWER. W. LORD, L. C. ED. WARDS AND F.T. HURLBURT. j- ltlJI Jlje fode Ffestauraijt . Tr5. 5. U1'1509, proprietress. A "model" restaurant Excellent cookery, careful service, neat rooms. Our patron's comfort is our delight. A share of tbe public patronage is respectfully solicited. first Door Jout.? of 5tcPCI?5OI'5 5torc orpdor; ARLIIJCTOfi SALOOtl, JEAII LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard aijd pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught Main St, Condon, Oregon THE "MODEL" C, C. WILSON, Proprietor. A Quiet Resort. Headquarters for High Grade "Wet" Goods Creen River Whiskey. Olympla Beer. Fancy Mixed Drinks. Fix Building, CONDON, OREGON CASH will citptriVe fiUlCATKK' nAROATNH at' tile fi'rhV of SHURTIS ife WKtH CO: from this date, NoVctnber lfy fyy to January i, W00, than anywhere elne In Oilmri county. iN ORDER l.t'o reducb Oiir l'ttrge' stock of General Mer" . chundise, before toking inventory, we will make' GUK Af rtfTDUCTlOyB In alf m carried by us es ' ccpl Groceries aud Hardware, which' will be sold at fig ures to meet the closest ctrtnpetittoh. REM EMBER we civrry ncatfy everything ffonl ft Needle' to a Threshing Machine; Most ofourgbods wore pur- V chased before the advance In pricer Which will'be to the' advanlnge of our customers; We hare a few' MONITOR DRILLS loft from the car-load' recently received from the factory which will' be sold for less, money than they can bo bought for aftor January 1st. NEW DEPARTURE Steel or Chilled Bottom Gang Plows, we are. holding at the old price until January 1st.' ; although the price has advanced 15 00 to 8.00. BAIN AND STOUCHTOH Wagons hare made a sharp advance in price but we are in a position to meet any prices made on wagons that are equal In quality to the well known brands we carry. The largest line of SEWING MACHINES in Arlington is to be found at our store. Call and see us and get prices. , SHURTE Ik TJEIR CO., RELIABLE MERCHAIITS, ARLINGTON, - - - - ORE. DROP IN AT COB'S 5npojJ Next Door to Bowling Alley ArliriKtoni- -' MaMfOINI- ... when you fl Ilk enjoying a f lrt-el - CIGAR OR MILWAUKEE BEER OH ORAUCHT. All kinds of first-class liquors on hand. R 1 13 EH ART'S RESTAURANT Condon, - Oregon. GEO. W. RINEHART, PropY. The public will find that no better accommodations ran bo found in this country than at this house. Meals 25c; beds 25o. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN, E. T HOLLENBECK, 11 E. Consulting Engineer. Estimates made on all kinds of Buildings, Machinery, Water TowerB, Pumps and Pump ing Plants. Repairing a Specialty. If you have any thing you think past fixing, bring it to me. HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIX BUILDING. CONDON OREGON. VIIEII LOOKIHG FOR BARGAIIIS GALL Oil v ' ' ' AL. HENSHAWh He has a complete stock of the following goods on hand and otore coming on every train. Furniture, Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Paints. Blankets, Gloves, Wall Paper, House Lining, Stoves, Stove-pipe Window-glass, Crockery, Trunks, Ilaod-bags, Undertaker's Goods. Remember! He will order anything, not kept in stock, on short notice. D. M. RINEHART, WPBOPRIETOR)f4Vi LIVERY & FEED BARN. Good Rigs for Hire. Careful Attention to stock. Oregon. Comer Spring and Churoh 8trat,. Condon T. Q. Earhart, Fred Wilson CALL AT THE Summit Saloon, IFOR FINEST BRANDS OFJ Uines, Ijcjuo s aijd lars. FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION., EARHART & WILSON, CONDON, Prop'rs. ORE. 16