Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 01, 1900, Image 4

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    The Assassination
of President Lincoln.
- i .
i:1IJW-S 111
f lill
wW1 If)
V Anrll 14 fnst thirtv-thre Tear
I will hava muni line lretident
' T.lnontn mrmm .hnf llnVII In Ford'S
Theater, Washington, by John Wilkes
Booth. The excitement all orer me unit
ed State to-day, csased by the wsr scare,
brings to mind the thrill of horror and
excitement that passed orer the country
thirty-three years ago, when, Just as the
minds of the people bad become settled
after four years of war, the country was
startled by the announcement of Lin
coln's assassination.
Announcements had been made In
Washington papers that President Lin
coln and Gen. Grant, accompanied by
their wires, woold rislt Ford's Theater
(now a pension office) on the erening of
April 14.
Gen. Grant found It necessary to rislt
Burlington. N. J., on that memorable
14th of April, and he accordingly sent to
President Lincoln a note of regret at his
Inability to accompany hira to the the
ater that erening, tearing Washington on
the 6 p. m. train.
To Bchuyler Colfax, then Speaker of
the Boose, the President extended an In
rltation to attend the theater as late as
8:15 p. m-, for It was not until then that
the President's party left " the White
House, President Lincoln manifested a
curious reluctance to going, but stated
that the papers had adrertised that him
self and Gen. Grant would both attend,
and, since Gen. Grant bad left Washing
ton, be did not want to hare the audience
disappointed, as the people would expect
to see at least one of them.
The theater was crowded. The box
rescrred for the presidential party was
the donble box forming the second tier on
th right-hand side of the stage. The
front of the box was decorated with flags
and in the center, on the outside, bung
an engraring of Washington.
Aa the Grants bad declined an inrita
tion to attend, Mrs. Lincoln inrited, is
their stead. Miss Harris, dsughter of Sen
ator Ira Harris, and MaJ. Henry U.
Bathbone, the Senator's stepson.
The play presented was the original
version of Tom Taylor's "Our American
Cousin," aa It was always given before
the late E. A. Kothern's changes In It,
ft U
f I '
afterwarda made to elaborate his atill
remembered character of Lord Dun
dreary. The assassin. Booth, familiar with the
' theater, visited the box about P. m.,
looking in for a iust surrey of the various
ptMltioua ot Its occupants. It was sup
fased. at tha time, that U was due to
I vv
7 1
mistake or the exercise of an Imperti
nent curiosity. Unknown to the presi
dential party. Booth had, during the day,
bored a hole through the door of the box
for observation or perhaps to fire through.
At 10 p. m. Booth again entered the
box, quietly holding a pistol in ode band
and a knire, or dirk, in the other. MaJ.
Rathbone rose and asked this intruder
his business. Booth rushed past the
Major without making a reply and. plac
ing his pistol close to the President's
head, actually in contact with it, fired,
and instantly sprang upon the cushioned
baluster of the box, when he made a
backward plunge with his knife, aimed
at the face or breast of Mr. Lincoln.
MaJ. Bathbone, springing forward to pro
tect the President, receired the atab In
his arm.
It was towards the latter part of the
play. Perfect stillness reigned through
out the house. The audience listened to
the dialogue between Florence Trenchard
and May Meredith, when the pistol shot
rang through the theater. It was appar
ently fired behind the scenes on the right
of the stage, and it was accepted by the
audience as an introduction to some new
passage, sereral of which bad been in-
I terpolated in the early part of the play.
Booth had been noted as leaper, bar-
v ...... s?
- V.J. naw r
lag become habituated to seuaational
leaps in his repertoire of characters. . He
leaped nine feet down on the stage, but
his spur caught in the flag decorating the
front of the presidential box and as ne
reached the stsge be fell, recovering him
self in a wonderful way, though his leg
was broken. He bounded across the
stage, pushing past Miss Lsura keenc,
who stood near the prompter's desk,
striking her on the hand with his own,
still holding the dagger. As he crossed
the stage Booth cried out, dramatically.
"Sic semper tyrannis!" and "1 hare done
itr Once through the aide scenes Booth
quickly escaped by the rear door of the
theater, where a horse awaited him, its
bridle held by an employe of the theater
whom Booth rewarded with a kick, his
agony from bit broken leg being intense.
Meanwhile the shrieks of Mrs. Lincoln
made clear to the audience the nature of
the horrible crime that had Just been per
petrated. Pandemonium -reigned. Wom
en cried, men hollowed and children
screamed. Miss Laura Eeene advanced
to the footlights and called out: "For
God's sake, have presence of mind I Keep
your places and all will be well!"
Miss Harris called to Miss Keene to
bring some water, which the actress did,
and afterwards accompanied Mrs. Lin
coln to the bouse opposite, to which tha
unconscious President was at once re
moved. It was found that ha had been
shot through the bead, above the back of
the temporal bone, and that some of the
brain was ooxing out and that death was
inevitable. 1
Within a comparatively short time the
terrible news bad spread all orer Wash
ington, , and by midnight every member
of the cabinet, except Seward, whose own
life waa attempted, had gathered at the
bedside ot their dying chief. Mrs. Lin
coln wat present, prostrated with grief,
and other members of tbe family. Sena
tor Sumner, Speaker Colfax, military of
ficials of the War Department, several
generals and physicians, the latter In
cluding Surgeon General Barnes, who
had from the first assisted Dr. Stone,
tbe President's family physician.
President Lincoln never recovered con
sciousness. At day dawned bia pulse
failed and a look of perfect peace over
spread his features. At 722 a. m. he
ceased to breathe. Rev. Dr. Gurley knelt
down and prayed and Secretary Stanton
broke tbe silenca which followed with tha
remark; Trow ha belong to tbe ages.'
The South loot. In Lincoln, out who
would hat proved to b Its best friend,
at tat perhaps, now realised, la a letter
written to tten. Van Aim on the last day
of hit life, Lincoln wrote weens that
strike the Vejuote of his character, la
It he said:
"I thank you for the assurance you gire
m that I shall be supported by conaerra
tire men like yourself In the efforts 1
may make to restore the Union so aa to
make It, to use your language, a union
of hearts and "hands aa well as of State."
Orer all the members of that presi
dential theater party a black and awful
fate hung menarlugly.
. The fate1 of the assassin, John Wilkes
Booth, la too welt known for repetition
shot down, like a dog, aa he was, in a
burniug barn.
Mauy hare not followed the end of oth
ers iudlrectly associated with the tragedy.
The stricken widow of the martyred
President passed the balance of her days
In melancholia and madness. Of the
guests who were with her in the box that
night, oue slew the other and ended his
own life a maniac.
By a curlona coincidence, eren Senrt.
Boston, who shot Booth in the
barn, became insane and was afterwards
coufiaed in Kansas asylum. -
Original Verse, Flowers or Candy Are.
Now the Proper Gifts.
. Valentines are out of date. That it
the edict of society. When the 14th of
February cornea around now the proper
caper is to write to .your lady fair a few
choice stanxas of ralentine rente, or, in
case of your inability to construct proper
rhyme, send around a few bunches of rlo
lets or sweet roses or a nice box of candy
a heart shaped box preferred, of course
-all tied up with pretty silk ribbons. The
flowers and the candy may not last aa
long as the poetry, but the flowers will
be prettier, the candy will taste better and
both will be more appreciated.
W'hea It is said that ralentinea are out
of date the statement has to be made, ot
course, with some reservation. They are
3 tfffofh r-,1
It was h that the aasaaslnatioa was pUnaed.
out of date as gifts between fashionable
adults, but among children they are popu
lar still. ETery tittle lad and lassie
watches for the postman on the morning
of St. Valentine's day, of course, and is
disappointed if the mail brings no lor
mrsssge, no little embossed and painted
Cupid. What is meant by the statement
that ralentinea are out ot date is that the
day of the three-story, fussed and fussy,
band-painted, lint and nonsense creation.
over which yonttg ladies used to go into
rest Mies of delight and young men used
to go into bankruptcy, baa long been pass
ed. The custom of sending that sort of
remembrance ia as dead aa the custom of
New Year's calling. It waa never a sen
sible custom anyway, for no young mi
felt really repaid ia putting a week's sal
ary Into a gift to a young lady when, be
cause of the mystery and secrecy, that
have to be obxerved in sending valentines,
he could not accompany it with his card.
It was altogether too discouraging to
hare his bated rival get tbe credit for
sending a sentimental lot of poetry all
done np In, fluffy expensireness for which
he bsd cheerfully emptied bis pockets and
"gone broke." Valentines ot that sort
hare had their day and belong now to tha
sweetly remembered past.
Hearts or dollars? ah, to which
Should my maiden heart Incline!
To le inved or to be rich?
Tell me, good St. Valentine.
Should I score the shining gold
Is s heart a richer mine?
Bere I'm waiting to be told
Tell at good fit ValeaUs.
s - r
Paysnents Through CUaring-Houtsi
Less 1'htaat at Tear Ago.
It. G. Dun ft Co. 'a weakly rsvisw ol
trade, ay;
Whether the new yasr wilt tnrpatt
or keep pact with the old 1 tha .ques
tion which gives apecial interest to
vary eek' returns. Comparing now
with business by far thsr largest and
most prosperous ever known a year
ago, more than 40 per cent larger than
in January, 1898, which, in ita turn,
had shown heavier business (nan in
any preceding year, it cannot be ex
pected that anch a gain will be repeat
ed. But the decrease of 9.8 per cent in
payments throngh the cluuing-houset
ia wholly due to great speculative ac
tivity at New York last year, with
aalee ot 18,081,833 shares against
8,818,920 to the same date this year,
for payments outside this city have
been 4.8 per cent greater than a ear
ago, and greater than in the tame part
of any other month. a
This week one contract ot lO.OOOioni
tor a Western road, and two tor bridges
requiring 11,000 tone, are the only big
transactions reported in iron product
Perhaps the most important indr
trlal event ia the marketing of wool
goods at prices averaging 18.4 per cent
higher than last year, many makes be
ing promptly told up and withdrawn,
while others sell so well as to give
great encouragement.
Business in cotton goods begins to
increase, though in staples it is still
moderate. .. r
The market for breadstuffs is not ac
tive nor have changes in prices of ele
vator wheat been ot any consequence,
but the active May option shows a
sharp decline. Atlantio exports con
tinue far below former years; in three
weeks, 8,093325 bushels against 18,
234,082 last year. .
Failures for the week have been 243
In the United States, against S43 last
year, and 40 in Canada, against 83 last
year. - . - .
SmUI Markets.
Onions, new, 1.50i 1.78 per tack.
Lettuce, hothouse, SI. 85
Potatoes, new, 818 20.
Beets, per sack, 78 85c.
Turnips, per sack, 80o.
Carrots, per sack, 50o.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c.
Cauliflower, 76c$l per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, 7 So
g f 1.00 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $1.25 1.60 per box.
Pears, $1.001.35 per box.
Prunes, 80o per box.
Butter Creamery,' 83o per pound;
dairy, 1732o; ranch, 84c per pound.
Egg soasio.
Cheese Native. 18o.
Poultry 18 (3 14c; dressed. 140150.
Hay Puget Bound timothy, $13.00;
choioe Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $28.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat
Sour, $3.00; rye flour, $3. 80 4. 00.
Millstnffs Bran, per ton, $14.00;
shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.50 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choioe dressed beet
teers, 7X8c; cows, prime, 7c; pork,
7c; trimmed, 8Xc; veal, 6X(flQc.
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 X;
breakfast bacon, 12)ic; dry salt aides,
. Partlaad Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 60(3 61c;
Valley, 50c; Bluestem, 62o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2.90; graham,
$2.85; superfine, $2.16 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85 86c; choioe
gray, 84o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15 18.00;
brewing, $18.00318.60. per ton.
Millstnffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; aborts, $18; chop, $18 per
Hay Timothy, $9.60311; clover,
$738; Oregon wild hay, $637 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 603 66c;
seconds, 4345o; dairy, 8087io;
store, 32X 27 Xc.
Egg, 173170 per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 Xi
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,603
4.00 per dosen; hens, $4.60; springs,
$2.5038.50; geese, $7.00 3 8.50 for old;
$4.603-60; ducks, $6.00 3 9.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 163170 per
Potatoes 65 3 80c per sack; tweets,
3320 per pound,
i Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lXo per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, $1.1531.50; carrots, $1.
Hops 7310c; 1998 crop, 6 3 60.
Wool Valley, 1318o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8314c; mohair, 373
80c per pound.
Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8X0; dressed mutton, 6X3
7o per pound; lambs, 7Xo per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $6.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.5036.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $8.6034.00;
cows, $3 3 8.60; dressed beef, 6X3
lXo per pound.
Veal Large, 8X7Xo; small, 83
8X0 per pound.
aa fraaelaM Market. .
; Wool Spring Nevada, 123150 per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12316c; Val
ley, 20322c; Northern, 103 12o.
Hops 1899 crop, II3120 per
Butter Fancy creamery 25c;
do seconds, 38334c; fancy dairy, 81
322o; do seconds, 18 3 20o per pound.
Eggs Store, 18 3 20c; fancy ranch,
Mlllstuffs Middlings, $17.00 3
20.00; bran, $13314.00.
Hay Wheat $6. 50 3 -B0; wheat and
oat $6.6039.00; best barley $5,003
7.00; alfalfa, $6.0037.60 per ton;
straw, 80 345o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 86 3 90; Ore
gon Burbankt, 860 12.0; river Bur
banks, 60385c; Salinas Burbanks,
$1.00 31.25 per sack.
Citrus Frait Oranges, Valencia,
$3.7538.25; Mexican limes, $4,003
(.00; California lemons 75c3$1.60;
do choioe $1.7633.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1,503
3.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 63eXo per
Yoa May Bend tfie Sptlnj
Bat Not the Tree!
Whn &sMt hu btcomt chronic raf
dttp tttttd it b often difficult to cw (.
Tht b tkt rtston vutip it it btst fc
UK 'Ihoif j Sr$pr8lA vufmn dbtatt
first ihewt itself, h knti4, ttn
dots aa, Hocxf s Sr$tprSl is also
noonltrfuEy svectssfut.
3wcdA SaUafygl
Indian Woman's Harrow Kaeape Frota
a Terrible Death.
Mrs. Ellen Crosby had a narrow es
cape from being buried alive in Craw
ford county, Indiana. She wat pro
nounced dead, and preparations for the
burial were being made. While this
was in progress bet daughter, 19 years
old, worn out by exhaustion, lay down
to rest, but her eyet had scarcely
closed before she sprang np and per
emptorily insisted that her mothert
body be returned to the bed. " She re
marked that her mother had called to
her in her sleep, saying: "Mary, don't
let them bury me alive," The under
taker complied with the daughter's re
quest, saying it waa but a dream, but
the daughter stoutly claimed the con
trary aud would not be denied. Nearty
eight hours passed when : Mrs. Crosby
slowly opened her eyes and looked at
her daughter, who had remained by
her bedside, constantly watching for a
return to life. Mrs. Crosby, is now
oonsidered in a fair way to recovery."
btats or Ohw, crrr of tolxdo,
LCGAt Coontv. je y,
Fbsne 1. CHBKtv makes oath that ks It the
senior (wrter ol the Arm ol F. J. Cbikst A Co.,
doing business In th City ol Toledo, County
nd mate afomwld, and that said arm will pay
lh aura Ol ON K H ON UKKU UOI.I.A K8 Inrwh
and every case of Catarrh that cannot bs cured
by the use ot Hull Catsrkm Curs.
Sworn to bsfore me and subscribed In mr
presanoe, thiatth day of Deeember, A. O. lasi
77i A.W.OLEA801I,
Ball's Catarrh Core la takes Internally and acta
dirently on the blood aud mucous surlauea A
tbe system. Send tor tttmonlala, tree.
F. J. CH rNKV A CO Toledo, 9.
Sold by dmsirlats, 7&e.
Hail's Fuutlj rills art tht beat, '
Matrimony aa Small Capital.
A Wilmington clergyman tells of a
Philadelphia couple who came to him
to l married one day. When they
left the boat at tbe Fourth street wharf
in the oity they had but five dollars
between them, j Nevertheless, ' the
groom called a cab and ordered to be
driven to the city hall and then to the
nearest minister. At the city hall he
paid , $3.60 for a marriage license,
which left $1.40 to pay the cabman and
to tee the minister. At tbe latter's
house the cabby demanded $1.50. The
groom replied that he did not have it,
and the driver compromised on a dol
lar, leaving 40 cents for the minister.
The groom, however, was not done
buying, for he stepped into a near-by
store and bought an envelop for a
cent. In this he put the remaining 89
cents, and after the ceremony handed
It to the minister. How the newly
married couple got back to Philadel
phia is a mystery. Philadelphia
Itecord, " ,
Painters in the car shops at Knox
ville are working 15 to 17 hours pet
day. -., - '
Am Important Factor la Traasooatl
ental. Travel.
No one crossing the continent can
afford to cut Salt Lake City from his
route. The attractions ot the place,
including the Mormon Temple, Taber
nacle and Church institutions, the
Great Salt Lake deader and denser
than the Head Sea in the Holy Land
the picturesque environment and the
warm sulphur- and hot springs, are
greater to the square yard than any lo
cality on the American continent.
Th Bio Grande Western Railway,
connecting on the East with the Den
ver St Bio Grande and Colorado Mid
land Railways and on the West with
the Southern Paciflo (Central Route)
and Oregon Short Line, is the only
transoontinetnal line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. The route
through Salt Lake City via the Kio
Grand Western Railway is famous all
th year round. On account of the
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it ia just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield,
268 Washington St., Portland, or Geo.
W, Heints, Acting General Passenger
Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of
"Salt Lak City the City of the
Saints." . r
Bow Womaa Was Hade.
A small boy In the Mission Sunday
school of Bishop Fallows' church pro
pounded an entirely new theory of
creation last Sunday.
"Who made man?" atked th teach
er, beginning, as in the good old days
when orthodoxy used catechisms
"God," was the prompt reply.
"And bow did be make him?"
"Out of dust, ma'am; nothing but
"And who made woman?"
"God made her, too, ma'am."
The small boy hesitated, and then
replied cheerfully: 'He caused a deep
leep to fall upon man and then took
ut his backbone and mad woman."
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Vermont in maple sugar stands fir
in tbe union, making nearly 3,000,00
pounds annually. More butter per coa
is made In Vermont than in any other
state more pounds of wool per sheep
are clipped than in any other state,
and more bushels of potatoes are raited
per acre than in any other state.
Chaplain Conden, who is totally
blind, never permits a barber to touch
hit face. While Dr. Conden hat been
blind for a number of years, it hat
been his practice to shave himself, and
to well does he do it that he seldom if
ever "nicks" his face.
Adjutant-General Corbin thinks tho
Lawton fund will Anally reaoh $100,
000, which will be invested for Mr.
Lawton in government bonds and uive
her an income sufficient to provide
agalUHt all want and enable her to edu
cate her ohildren properly.
I J Saw Cuunh Smp. Tata (loud. Cm I 1
f j hi tuna, tVilr br dm !. I I
h. , n mil. linm n i
" The Sam Jones,
There are many Joueses In this
world, but perhaps not quit to many
aa people think. Not long ago two
friends met who had not teen so oh
other tor ten years, tine thalr school
"Whom did you marry, Billy?"
atked one.
"A Mitt Jones, ol Philadelphia," re
plied Billy, who was a trill tentitlv.
"You always did take to th nam
'Jones.' I can remember when ws
went to tohool together you used to tag
around after a UtAe snub-nosed Jonet
"I remember it, too," said Billy.
"She's ths girl I married." Youth's
Artlflelal Bight.
An Inventor hna perfected an electrical
appliance, wliioli lis olnlms will titshta tlia
blind to see. This villi bring much liml
ueat to those who have defwtlvt eyealiilit.
Another sraat dlscoverv which will brius
happiness to ;hne whose ttomnchs have
oeuunit uerangHii, It llosietter s etoniacn
Hitters. It is a vertnlu curs for Indica
tion, dyspepsia, ntalnrtit, fever and ague.
In Saxony no teacher receives lest
than $300 a year. -
Only Sara Msdlolua for Children.
Tha tender llttla Inaldea nf rhlUlron art ruin
ed by violent purses, pills or liquids. Ci'rets
are pirasaui, nariait'O, tnnouva. vruiiiau iw,
260,600. . .. .
New York housesmitbs get $3.20 for
eight hours.
I know that my life waa saved by Plto't
Cur for Ooiisiiinptioii. John A. Miller,
au aaoie, Muma;aii, April 21, vm.
The North StaffortUhir (England)
Christian Endeavor union has put on
foot a scheme for obtaining 6,000 new
total absitnene pledges in the year.
Take Laxative Dronio Quinine Tablet.
AU druggists refund th money if it
fail to cur. E. W. Grove's tiguatur
It on each bo. 25o.
Java furnlthes two-thirds of th
quinine used.
VITALITY Inw.itebllltalod or shawned wind h?
Ur. K low's liivlsorallne 'loiile. rHKKII. Trial
llottlscxintftlnlnai Works' tr!mMt. In. KHim's
Institute, Ml an M., I'lilladlbia. Soaudod tall.
During th last fiscal year Berlin ex
ported 83,083 tons ot beer and imported
82,988 tons, ot which 84,508 cam
from Bavaria and Bohemia.
Mexico it on of th United States'
best ooitomert in the sewing machine
Built on the Square. A Splendid Line for You, KB. DEALER.
Portland, Oreyon, Delivery, and Replacements on Guarantee.
Quick Delivery Guaranteed. A LINE HARD TO BEAT.
Boys' andGbV Bkyclta. Largest Jobber of Bicycle Sundries in th Northwest. Trite
for Ca'alogus and Discounts. Agents wanted in all towns throughout Oregotv
Vashlngton, Idaho and Montana,
1IEIIC1I BICYCLE CO. P8ITUI0 BUISI, Popi Salts Sep., I3M34 Slztl SL
ji. oa mjkManJS bottlb won 10.
DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use "5 DROPS" for
Swamoff RnstTMaTic Cuaa Co.i When I irrote fa (or s sample battle of "I niOPt" say
wilt was sulfsrlnf trrlbl)r from horumslUm s1 ra ry dlKoursirttl, as I had Uk4 every
thlaf (he ooctora pisscnlvo, seadlnf her to aichtclS Sprint:, etc My doctor Is wry much
surprUed at the progress say wife la making, sad she la so well that ah
: ii i r " m , f refused to heep bsr aeamstresa and Is now doing herewa atwtng. Th
J J tfactar laslst aa hr ukiag 'l Dreps" aad aaaare her that ills sow
; I i "ZT. only a matter ol a lew taya sadaha will he eatirsly cared, aad aa tre sr
.. f "V very wsll knowa here, the "I PROPS la rtcatflng eoaaldsrable alUaf
R a tloa sad praise. V. at PaiCB, Jersey Cily, N. J. Od.UIsWL
If I tf 1 ' 1 iwtmM XmrttKTK Cusa Co.i I auSsred terribly with Kldaaf
aAtf" f T rev Ms for yeara, sad sffr asiag laas tha two heltles of "I CROra"
13 lamaaatinlyweUandIiTe''DHOI''tbspralafofnycttra. I
V J -S eoald aot Sad anything that would fle ma th slightest relM anlll I
, 'iim.-' tried this tsaiady. sad 1 raooniaioad It to errybody aa a psrasaaiet care
(toads MASK) for Kidney Ptaaaaa. MARV A.CARSAUOK, Slack Osp, Pa, Aug. ttt.
itrm nnADfill Is e tsoat sowsrfol seartas taowa. Pras tnm ooUtsa aatf atrfMtlf ktnaUaa,
O UnwrO it (iraa alaiart laMMiaiwoas (aiM, a4 si a aaMUnoarator HbaaaiaMaaH
olaslaa, (loaralala. lrasla, Btawhaoaa, AsthaM, May ter. f'atarrh, ttrlasva.
Craaa, iiMslnwm, harraaiassi, ttnass aa Maaraiate Maaaaahaa. Kara aha, TaatSN
aba, fiart Waaaaaas, Wrotwy, Malawta, Craala haai.a.... eta., eta.
r P A Vn oallir.r.lorl"rjROPt"4lut trll, lll uaS s Sa auapla kattl,
4 W UATtf aravaMbf awlkforMsu, AwmplkmMalllarla yoa, !, taw SoHta gat
ase ft-SMkatttos for as. loMbrasaaSaaaals, aaasrt Wata a ! tmMars. 1UTS is ra-att.
WAXftOX mtSKVISATIO CVU CO.. I ta 14 Lha mu, CUIcaoo, llXm
Fenna and Wire Work.
and Irou leiioiiig; olltc ralllnt.eia. Ml Alder,
Maohlnary and Sappho.
eblaery.auppllaa. s-Mi Kitilti., I'uilisiid.Or.
can give yon tlis beat bargains In general
maoliinerjr, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plow, beltt and windmills. The Hew
steel I XL windmill, sold by blin, is un.
duy The cEfiuinc
... MamnrAOTrano t ,..
ssr worn mm mam a.
' - L A I i v a Kl
4 u irr
team Pump
nd Watr
Pumping Plant of
Anjr Capacity
Titl'U a lillUfffM
to S5 First Rtraat. Portland, Ur.
Uscliinnry-All Kinda.
Cash paid for Ston Arrows. Hptars,
Pli.Axea.eti. Writ aiidssndimt.
line to H. P. Hamilton, Two Hirers, WU.
t , l . . . j
that only oust half aa much.
1 1 Tested, Ira to name, fraah and I 1
I I reliable. Always tsi boat. Ask J
I tr Parry's take no other J
V V Writ for Mao Sd Aaanal,
V w at. PKBHT Jh
' nK, atteh. rmo
PAPIPCD 18 Curable
UillllalLII Without the Use tf Knire.
Address OR. NKWIURIC, Mountain Horn, Ida,
V' '
impravsd Train Bolpmsat.
Th O. R. A N. and Oregon Bhotl
Lin have added a buffet, smoking and
library ctr to tblr Portland-Chicago
through train, and s dining car servio
hat been InsuguarsUd. Th train it
equipped with th latett chair cart,
day coaches and luxurious nnt-olsit
and ordinary tleepeis. Dlieot conneo
llou mad at Granger with Union Pa
clflo, and at Ogden with Rio Grand
lint, from sll points In Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eattein oltles.
For Information, rstet, etc., call on
any O. R. A N. sgsnt, or addresi W.
H. Burlburt, General Paatenger Agent,
Portland. ' r
'Within th next five years Mltsourl .
will startle th world," prophesies
Stat Geologist Gallagher, in a recent
interview, "with the great amount ol
lead, sine, copper, niokel, cobalt and
coal mined in tho ttate. Missouri is
rich in minerals, the richest ol any
ttat in th country."
Don't smoke cigarettes for the pur
pose of killing time. Time will transact
business at th old stand long after you
qolt. Chicago Newt.
Mothsrs will Una Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth
big Syrup the beat remedy to use for th'
tuililreu during the teething period.
, It Answered Ike rnrpaa.
Maude Have Bella and Jack had a
new quarrel?
Lena Ob, no I but they've patched
up their old on till it's about as good
as new, I'uok.
If rna haven't a rwnlar. bralthr ssamewal tf IM
huls mmf lUy, r rm It!, or will as. krv
fcuMls . and lie Ml. furna. 1 tlMi iiutiieol
vluisnr phMla ur Mill imHmm. Is ansonms. Tha
imM)ttitv eNlftt. most psrrtit way ul atotilas las
suasls !r aud alaaa U i tas
I .Pleasant. Palauhla. fount. Taste flood IV Hon,
lTr Mictsoa. SHln. orUrluo. We. U Write
1 f roe saaiBia. aad konklat oa kaalih. a'drsas
keeFyouh blood clean
(BevalCsar) ......$75
Will eut-ylsld enrn; m maksmh atat kind
Of mull ka superior laiisnlns qnallilri; will
olr th problem ol failanlng Hogs and C'stll
la a wheat eounity; ahould tie sown In th
sprint th km a wiitend will yirld Iron
hi to fu bushels raer th straw alur It Is
Ihraihed has an oily subslano aad It It laaoet
aa gnod aa bar.
I'rlxa r ! to pr poaad ar tS pa
haadrad. Addrs
i. SlIIKLDS CO., Bfesoew, ldsha.
Just at cheap at poor Ink.
eenls: ruin ta
Modasio, I'al. Bui aw.
Are You Tired?
Do You Lack Energy?
You can Worn nrgtle and los thai
tired leellug by using
Moore't Revealed Remedy
It contains no dansiirniis dritgtit has
apleasaul last. 1 aboill at drusiliis.
It Utm MS (... . .
r i.i.rt.'
IrrluUun. a. ul.. X
t. .niwa riDiBM, nn out asuta
inmiOhisio.i1o. ti r polwanus,
VutatMn,.!" 1 awn p Dswawhrfa,
. nil. a I yrsMii i sl.ln wrasa..
if OS, , t boltlM, (j.V "
OlrsaUr aat a
Ynr OnnorrbfKt. mxi& (llt wrrt Pah'; Ok-. RrthnlrWi u
ITiU"!. 7 . km,""""- RssslW
.-v wm I mtimm arar I I lf 1 at OH teat ataa
""P'i ". or fu II bos for Mo. lsiH i".". "i'LTJ
rbiii.., go.... nUhtiSSiZ
H. P. K. C.
No. S-1S00.
I tiiatLAMr hA
fnim Ita um
pr...!.!. ud M h. uln bioaTiJ
hl.nw n.l . I.unj.m from hualnna. PHlrK. MtKw
wl. t.f mil r.ll.lJ. dnKi.. ot arnt Br.p.uT Si ana
plslnljr arspoHl, on rwrlot of prt... (,
r .'J!!! -lCAi;oO.,0kataIU.