THE GOilDOIl GLOBE. THURiWAY, FSaUAHV J. IWOO. NOTICE, . 1 liu ymirlj' i(ticilitl"iitii thOl,niirl $I.BO, 1 1 tuilil Irt nelvwifly. If iiftt pulil lit (I'lvmn-u 92 will t I'lninii'il, A I'uni'H murk nr-iuml thla luitlc liiilicntr tlmt jriinr milihUlun liui plrwl. . I'liMaa ikiidw tmiiniitl)'. i t ., ..; , LOCAL NEWS, Wantkii The Iittltofi . of Cunijon and tletlnlty to knuw Unit tliy can H th U't iiimirliiiciit nf IiIk'i fruits, iionfftti'iiicry ami wuekura ul Jiuikion A tyart', Knatirrn oyatera nervail at tiro Cuiiilun ImtHl fur 50 cunts per plain, s Koiul Dunn Itros. now ael In this lumif. Win, linmn, uf l.ono Hoik, visited lilii brntlier, I), B. llrown, Intit work. Charlie- Wiinl, of Arllngtun, will horo fur a fuw tliiyn laat week, Mian drain HalJiiitf las been oiiitfiKtHl U tt'Hi'ti a term of nu'liool lit Klglitinile, J.VV. 8unvtifr,.n old timer of this ' county, wm In from Klulitmllo laat week. 0. W. White uhljiDfid a cur lunil of mutton (iliupp front lleppner to Trout ditlo litt Patnnlay. WahtkihA flood woman couk. (lood siif paid. Knqtilro nt Modi-I restaur ; biii, Condon, Or. ' ' I (J, Soliott, of Rock creek, as In town 8iit unlay. Mr. Ccliott recently returned from a trip to Cttlifuriila, A 1'li'nxniit dunce vim gtvn In Armo ry tt ntt laati'rldiiy evetiliijr, Tha crowd wit not Ittrgo but nil report a good time, fill Keeny, of Hoppnor, ''lulled friotidg Iii'ro Ittat week, llo Udt fur home Hut or- day.' ' " ' ' ..'..: r, Klilok'a (Vildon HairTotile In guar teed by 'The Hudson l'linrmacy to re move indruuand all iwalp diseases. Julian Dovy, of Corvallla, who has been visiting hi aiater, Mr..,Clarenc Palm er, for several weeks, k'ft for home Sun day. . . v. ; .... . , .... vVatnpqto'a Tasteless Laxative Loen ges l au Meal laxative and a aure euro for conatlpatlon. For sale hy The Hud aon Pharmacy.' Mr, Van Vactor and daughter. Grae-e, returned Tlinraday from a pleaaant via it with her parent atColumboa, Wash ington. K. I). Wheat, of Arlington, will open a fine line of jewelry at the Iludnon Pharmacy next Tuesday morning. Call and see him. ' lor Limtago,' Weak Duck, Bright' Maea, Uheumaliaiii.and Heart Failure try Dr. I'arke'a Kldnpy Till. For aalo hy The llndaon Pharmacy. A full lino of apertaclpa will be opened at the llndaon Pharmary nextTucday morning by K. B. Wheat, the Arlington Jeweler. If your eye trouble you call and eo him. . ' The Ladle Aid will give a Japaneee Tea Social Friilay evenintc. February 2, liloO. in Armory hall. -A 35 cenlluneh will he wrvml and enrh guent will retain a china tea cup and aaucer a a aonve nlr. A firogrant in Japnnte coatame w ill he rendered. : The Latter liny fAalit have been hold ing a rtea of meeting, in their neat new rhnrch on the went aide of town for tho pnt week. lifv. Pukor and Itcv. !(KU in started the meeting and Rev. Chano haa conie to ftit them. HeV. C'liaiie waa here laat winter and Ja an el otjunnt apeaker. ' John Urota reported a able to leave the hoapltal at Portland having recover ed liia phyelral trenglb although there i yet but little Improvement in hi men Inl farultiea. C. W. White and Capt, Whittler expect to go to Portland In a few daya and will probably bring Mr. tiros home will) them. ' A. A. Jayne, dlHtrlct at torney for thi dintrlit, wa here from The Pallea day or two hut week looking after the cane of the Kittle va Pierce. He alio made aome inquiries In the Keley case lint decided there wa no evidence at hand which coifld connect any one with the death of the woman and child. Mahkiko Mr. Krneot H. Taylor and Mia Mary N. Hcqggini, of Rock creek, were united in marriage, at Arlington, rhtnilay, tho 2a Inst, Mr, Taylor i a prONert)U farmer of that aeclion and the hride la the charming dnnghter ot N. H, ffcoggin. Judge , f, fchl, Arhngton'a handHome and popular justice of the , peace, tied the nuptial knot In the moat article manner. The happy couple have tho bem wiHhe of all who know them. Grand Clearance Sale. Notwithstanding tho, fact that the price of nearly all comtnoditiou has advanced we will still give our customers tho benefit of the old prices and in ordor to make room for our, big spring stock we will make liberal discounts on all cauh eulcs for tho next 30 days. 3 m Vjr ' it Special Bargains in " ' .-v Tho old All Wool Blankets ; A few loft which will be sold at tho old price. Good Values in Hats and Caps. Groderies of all Kinds. DUNN BROS. Condon, Oregon. Hi'Oil'n plate at Condon lrug Co. 'a J. II. Hiollh wa in Iroin theMayvllle country Tuesday, , : . , , , . Vlolloniand fixing at Condon Drag CO,' - " .. J-;' ; li. K. Turin!, of Arlington, wa her on a huinena trip thla week, Mitgiulne Cyclone Camera 4X5 $10. at Condon Drug Co'. Albert Stahl and II. N, Andretcn were In town from Lone Itwk Tuaailay, , Don't forget that Chamberloln't rem edie are told by the Condon Drug Co. Mr. and Mr. John Dyaart made trip to Arlington lant week, O. 0. U. euro a cough in one day, 60 cent per Imitlit. For tale only by the Condon Ding Co, Dr, Corlnll, of Indiana, paaed through town TiieHiliiy on hi way to Mayvllle where he expect to locate, ' The lady who changed plnah cape at tho dance laat Friday evening by ml take can have them exchanged by call ing at thi office. Evidence In a land contest In which Harry May is con tenia nt and F. M. Filt er I contestee Is being taken thla week before Jay Bowerman. Voter are atlll coming In alowly to be registered at the clerk's office. Only 117 were registered In the county op till yesterday morning. Jesse Vaughn, of Athena. I bore thi week, lie I a brother of Mr. Keltey w howithher baby wa found dead at the Knssell ranch ' about two weeks ago. Our woll known bhicb ainlth, Joe llar bln, has Invented a new lifting jack which he it having patented. It I a neat and useful contrivance and la laid to be a big Improvement over anything else in it line. We hope Mr. Harbin will make hi"pile"ontof thi invention. Almost every team coming out from Arlington brings freight for tho Condon Drug Co, Tho people hero' appreciate tho fair and square business method of the above Orm and the mere fact of it being a Condon institution tends to in crease its patronage. - e ' A decision wa handed down by Judge Bradtthaw on tho 27th lest, in tho di vorce caee of Ogilvlo v. Ogilvio. Mr. fOgllvio waa granted a divorce and given the custody of the children. Hendricks A Bowerman were Mr. Ogilvio' attor ney's in this case. In thi issue will le found a notice ot the examination of teacher for state papers which will be held in Condon during the present month. Only appli cant for state paper will be exam ined at thla time, the regular county examination occurring In April. H. M.Johnson wa hero Tuesday on hi way from Win. Bmith'a place on the John Dayto hi homo at Lone Rock. Mr. Johnson had been at Smith's place for ten day superintending the dipping of 6550 aheep, a few of that number being infected with scab. Mr. Johnson says ho never before saw such a growth of wool at thi season of the year. Grand Ball. The grand ball to be given on tho 14th Intit. will bo 'hummer." Nothing will be left undone to Insure good time to those who attend. Tho management will lie first class and tho music will bo furnished by Musgrovo't orchetra'whicb la an earnest that It will be Brit clas. Don't forget the date, Wednesday even ing, February 14th, St, Valentino's day. Purely Business. Dunn Bros, havn an Immense line of fine merchandise upon which the prices have been reduced since tho holidays. Their stock consists of Dry Uoods, Cloth Ing, Furnishing, Groceries etc We are agenta for tho famona Buck ingham A Ilectch Boots and aboee. , t DanoBroo. Order a tailor made ouit fit guaran teed from Dunn Broa. Choice family white fiah at Dunn Broa, Dunn Bros, will make great reduction in price for the next 30 day. We must reduce our stock In ordor to make room for spring goods now order ed. Call on ua for bargains. Dunn Bros. We wish to thank our patron for thoir liberal patronage during tho past year and hope to merit continnanco of tho tamo in tho future. Dunn Bros. G. L. Neat, the well know n auction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his care. If you have property to sell consult hi in. t C Boots and Shoes reliable Buckingham & Hccht brand U m 1 1 1 w v i i jTb Ut l "X2v f i v t u i o i . A rail lil been leaned fur the demo" cruila state convention to inert in Port land, Thursday. April 12, 1000, for the purpose of electing delegate to the Na tional Democatie Convention and nomi nating astute ticket. " The representa tion will be baaed on Hie vote for su preme Judge In 1808. one delegate for each 160 votero and one at large for each county. Under this rating Gilliam eonnty will be entitled to three deletion). Tho central committee of each eonnty is requested to fix the time for holding their own primaries and county conveu. tlons. AM delegates elected to the stale convention are urged to attend in person. Tho greatest danger from cold and la grippe la their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care la need, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, II danger will bo avoided. It will cure cold or an attack of la grippe In leis time than any other treatment. It la pleasant and safe to take. For aale by Th Hudson pharmacy, C. W. Croe fletd, Mgr. : v To Whom It May Concern. I wish to state to the people of Gilliam county, that I never authorized any one to ask county aid for my wife either be fore or since she was under a doctor's care In Portland. The aid allowed by the last session of tho county court waa without my knowledge or consent as I hare never asked tho parties who made tho complaint for help or money. Gkoroi F, Pahrmh OLIVER CHILLED V'"' and STEEL PLOWS, Full Line for the Spring Trade; We Carry a Complete Line of Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Orders Taken for Furniture and Wall Paper. Special Inducements Winter WADE BROS., OLEX, OR. Smoke an Export 5 Cent Cigar. Best Smoke in Town Jackson;& Dysart,, Distributers. IS IT FINEST CANNED GOODS TIIEtl CO TO P. H. Stephenson's. THIS IS 110 FAKE "Dr. Founder' Oregon Blood Turifler is the best family medicine on the market. I have given It fair trial and can recommend it." . " ' CONDON DRUG COMPANY, WHOLKSALK AUKSTS ,v. , Worarryin ttock Abbey' Effervescent Salt, lludyan Remedv, Yitae Ore, Pr, Slocum'i Remedies, CufJcnra preparations, Lvdia E. l'inkham' medicines, Avers and Hood's Saraaparllla and an unlimited dock of other less popular preparations BARR BIG, Tho case against Win. Pierce, the Kightmlle farmer w ho waa arrested last week on a warrant swornonl by Ed War ren on tlieaerlous charge of rape of his own 14-year old daughter, was ifieiniBaed Friilay morning on motion of, District attorney A. A. Jayne for want of evi dence to convict.' It appear that War den had a letter from the girl in which she chary? her fattier with Improper relation with her but when the girl wns brought to testify in lite case she repudi ated the whole story. It la stated that she admitted writing ,the letter hut claimed that the story it contained was all false. Pueh being the case there was no chance of conviction if the charge wa true and the motion for dismissal followed, 8am Van Vector had charge of the defense. Tho Hudson I'heruircy guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy and will refund tho money to anyoiffe who fa not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. Thi it the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take, ' It prevent any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. 46M61 Strayed One red roan cow branded P inside of box. Laat aeen on Hay creek near If C gtrickland'a place. Information leading o her recovery will bo auitably reward ed. W. E. Reno, Olex, Or All at Correct Prices. For the next 30 days, on Underwear. YOU WANT Charuk Pinkiiam, Condon, Or, CONDON, OR Our town I wide awake and dning a rushing bnsiness generally. We chal lenge the stxte to show a town doing a greater i mount of hnsiiiess according to population;? , - , . . : Our Sunday ; Pi hcol" started out at tl.e liei:u log of the year with a new set of oBleers, Mrs. T. C. Mobley, our efl1eieiit'nperintendent for the last two years, having resigned. Mr. Rine- art w as elected to wicceed, her. ; Mr. Elgin Cube! and wile have gone o visit hiii s'u-k father, near Astoria. Our streets are evidently too narrow, aavonngman broke the reach of his agon while turning a four-horse teum lately. Misa Snell't school closed on the 10.-t. Our town ha had a public well dug nd ha plenty of water at present. Our town marshal, Frank Little, superintend ed the work, II. D. Randall and wife have been on the lick list but aro np again. Tho late freeze ha checked farm work hich wa going at full apeed. Olex haa had aeveral Important raffles this winter. Chance are now h-insr sold at Tobey Bros.' store on a good 1303 pound horse eight years old and aound. Chance run from one cent to a dollar. Most of the high nnmbers are taken. All who can not come in person should rite and have friend buy a few chances. ' ' The firm of Mead & Little has dissolv ed partnership, Mr. Little retiring. ' One of II. J. Nott's eight horse teams took s lively spin with the plow few ays ago, scattering the rig ail over the eld. Rev. Bain!, of Utah, waa hero laat week looking after the estate of his de ceased brother. Joseph Baird. While here he preached two aermone at what s known a the "Bunker Hill" achool house eaat of here and among tho many interesting things be spoke of was hia appy little family,' consisting of himself two wives and only twenty ais children. But nevertheless we think Mr. Roberta hould be allowed bia eeat In congrea. Subscribo for The Globe, AlC" V I Only f L50 ayear. S. B. BARKER DEALER IN GEN'L MERCHANDISE. Stockmen's Supplies a Specialty. CONDON - When In need of Sadd ies Call on Or Send to j. K. Reisacher, . The only Saddler in Gilliam New Masonic Building M. Sprlngston, SPRINGSTON (Succaaaors to Livery, Feed and Sale Stable HAY "AND GRAIN First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A 6hare of the public patronage la respectfully solicited. Condon, Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, CHAR LBS FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St., Condon, Ore. " POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES. ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED 1 toll .OR TRADE.X i aa- Large Scales, price 25o a draft: reduction ou contract weighing. LOST VALLEY LUMBERCO., HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager. ROUGH AND D RESSED LUMBER. We offer a cotuplote stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and nil kinds of rough Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY - ------ OREGON. rutnatrangerTnan Fiction " A copy of the IXiyton, Washlm;!' C'lnrlfi-l'ii'S", sliown ns ly Juhn A. MorrlK, cioilains h true story that W'r ' I hard to ili-en nut In the realms of tlon, Mr McM"rris Whs well sccjnHi eel with the Kt'nth'iiiHii In' the caaen't, vouches for the arory, , Nathan C. Keiih left hi wife a diiiiirhler in Minnesota, in IS 19, a went to Cnllfuriila in senre-h of gold, j, some nufeirtnnate cirenlnstanee the hi hand and wife- Inst all I'ace eif ee-hoih and years him Mrs. Kith n i lirlailir ter mnvd west sell io ne ar Mfarbm A 1 nit 25 years aito Mr, Keith, after yen of aimless w nnderinirs, aett'ed dov. within 25 mile nf the present home his wile, and ilmnrliler lint only a fe week aiio elid they lenrn ( the net. presence of faedi other. The wife sa-. her husband's name in a 1h hI paper am wrote to the aehlress sttliig that stu hail lost a bnslnd by that name 5 yeara ago and other fact that left n donhtin the old man's mind that he ha' found hi hnt hist' family, lie lost n time In making them a visit and th meeting is described as a most happt one. - ; This etorv furoishea another proof oi the iinportane of the work done by the local newspaper. A Convincing Answer "I hobbled Into Mr. Blnckmon's druy tore one evening," say Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Cia., "and he suited me to try Chamberlain's pain Balm for rheu matism with which I bad snffered for longtime. I told him I had no faith in any medicine aa they ail failed. He said: 'Well if Chamherlain'a Pain Balm doe not help yon, yon need not pay for it I took a bottle of it home and used it according to the directions and in one week I waa cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism. " fold by Tho Hudson Pharmacy, C. W. Cros- flield, Mgr. WANTED SEVKRAf, PERSONS FOR DIS trlrt txnee Manager In this state to repre sent me In their own urnl HrninnOliiciinntii's Vt llllnf to ff yearly anno, iiavahle weekly. D titrable employment with Hiinanal iprtiiultiea. References exchansed. EiielrMe aelf-adeireaaed tamped enTekitie. S. A. Park. 301 axlua build. I Ing, Chicago. - OREGON. o r C h aps, or Wheeler Counties. : : : CONDON, Of J. A, Rodger. & RODGERS. T, G. Johnson.) BOUGHT AND SOLI Oregon. This popular hostelry has beeu thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cuter to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. Proprietor. IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE Jftiferaf at On PttfoGm at Qmtton. OntM. m - rmt-rltti mml matter " . O, R, X, Cm Time tmnU Ksw Urns card, lakliiir cRwt SuSHlar. Fbr' bast micsnv r fo. Z-VIs Itnnllngton, lesvs,....l a. m. , .No. 4 Via Huoliaiie, lnv" ,.. ,T Mi p. m, , Xo. HLuai irstghl, learm . .....-..1;& f. m. WOT IKIVND. So. J Portland, leaT..-....rf. .ft!i;a,SI, So. S Piirtlaiul, leaves ,. .... 4 Ma. m. No. 2S-.Loeal IiIkIU, learr..,.. It M a. m, i. E t'KANK, Agent, Arlington. ' H. DOB TICS Attorneoat-Law, Kotary Putlla. IOMB, OKKOO!. Wit! eralle In all lfi enffrta nf lha ilaea. Collw.tliini and Probata Uualuw lu sarslwi iKuuua, jQR. hi. BOOAH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, GextoB, Of. Offiew-Oreami are., between Catholic Ctnrafe .net realdenee oi B. f . Hkum L. W. BARLINO Attorney at Law, r Notary Public and Convy.ncr Co.doB, Or. rolleetlontanilfmirrance. Terms reaannabla Oflle. in rear ol puatoRtc building, Main airaet, s. A. rATTISOX roriBT FUBLId. Office In Glob. Building1. CONDON, .... OKEOOff. g A. D. GUBLET : Attoray and Oonnislor at Law Arlli'Btea, Or. r. 8. CommlHloner and Kotarr Pnblle In efttee. Practice in ail tlie ataia and leileral eouruot Oregon and W aahlnntwl. All kind. oiu. B. laaa ajia legal Dibiocaa iranaaetej. gAM K. VAN YACTOB ATTOEBHT-AT-LAW. Office comer Sprftig atreet and Oregon at cno COMDON, OBKGOIT. The Regulator Line. flis Oa'Iei. Pcrtfand S Isteria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER : LINE.... Daily Line of SUanwrs Between PortlaooV Vaocouver, CicdtLocJn,riood Rives and all Points on tba Vithington tkU. The eteimen Pullet Cltrand Regulator lear Portland every morning (eitwpt Kuml.y) at '. anil The Dallea at S a. m arriving at dentiii Lion la ample time for outgoing train, freight Kate Greatly Red need. W. C. ALLAW AT. Gen. Agt., Foot ol Court Street. Th. Dalle, Or. rrr 0 6ii"icr'Uio Daraarr fnm rwtllll Aaaira Fast Salt Lake, Penver, rut VI. ii rt. Worth, Omaha, Mail, t p. m. Kama. Citr, 8t Lout. Chicago, and tut, . gpokan. Walla Wall. Lewi- (pnkan. Flyer ton.Spokane.Mln- Flyer I :U t. m. neanoll,St. Paul, Ian. Duluth, Jlilwan ke, CliicagoJi tt Mp.m. CeaiiSIatklp. 4.W p. a. Alt tailing date, .iibjvcl tn change Kor Pan Praiiclco i-all UK a. S, U, 18, x:l. 'tit, and every i rial a. Pnlly Ctltnakla RlMT 4 00 p.m. Ex. Bunrtay ttaamra. Ez.uuUf :0Uo. m. Saturday To Atorla and Way p. m. Laudinga, :0fia.m Wlllaaiett. Rlvtr. 4;n0p. m. Ejueuudaj . ' , Ka.Souday Oregon City. N.w tH rg.Saleiu a Way ijtiiUing. 7.00 a n. Wlllaaiat an. Viae ' S:W p. m. Taca.. Tbur. Mil Sluara. kluu.. WeJ. and Sat. ud t'ri. Oregon City, Day ton, A Way Laud tug. SMa.n. VHlaewtt W.f. :Wp.m. rue., Tbur "on.. ed aud bat. . Portland to Corral- and StL II May Laud- I 'ng- Lr. Rlparia Irak. Sfeer. Lr.Lewiitoa 1:90 a.m. 'ir Dally Rlparia to Leariaton S lu a.m. J. E. CBAXE, Agent, Arilugton. W. H. HURLBURT, C.naral raaMngu Aran I, rottlaad. Ok Land Applications, Proofs and Abstracts. II. N. Frarer, Coanty Clfrk. fives Bpee'ial attention to abstrHttn of title, ami is alao tirepareil to recnive U. S. governnifiit IhihI lilinns ami pronfa, aa wfll aa applications for tins piire:li nl state school lands, at hia otttoa in CVu don, Or. Inscribe fur the (ii.ork. Only fl.Mi a jwir.