AS TEUI TIVXS THK CISCULATI' OF AWT PAPER IU THE COPHTT. ADTBBTISIXO BATBS. CONDON i rSIUUID ITUT tlUMBA f ...t. A. PATTISOM.... Idltor M Proprietor, -Jl WparaMMa One huh One-anaiier eolnmn-. inm Meats I M Mr month Pun bui ooiaia a, OuMiaas..... . 00 mt nnik SCBICKIPTIOX Git rear (In. edvsno). w,. .....M,.1 M II boi .1 la lruo,.,.,......... ., t eg li mouiu. ..,..... ,..... l ot thf It 0(iitt M .,.,..,.,.. ft Mil lmliwlUt(ilurt4UUana pet .Mm tat M laeerttea sad 1 mmm fm Urn Iter KM, Lwl MTTtliw win tm an (Mai k eharasd te the party araarlng Ik am, M legal TOL. IX. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1900. NO. 47. and paid tor MmaaMavtt raralako THE OFFICIAL AKD LEADING PAPII OF GILLIAM COUNTY, GLOBE. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic Newt of the World. TKRSK TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items From the T Hemispheres htmM , la Condensed Farm. A majority of the senator U againat the seating of Quay. Another revolutionary plot iu Yensa Ml haa been nipped iu the bud. , Million! In war munition were Ira ported through DelKgoa bay . by the Doeri. A Doer patrol, mistaking algnala, waa badly cut up by a hot fire from a Rrltiah kopje. The headquarter of General! White and Hunter wai smaahed by a ihot from a "Long Tom." ; v Deaplte reports to the contrary, Web iter Davla 1 to be retained aa assistant secretary of the interior. The steamer Townsend, plying be tween Seattle and Alaskan point, la a total lot near llnine'a Mission. Montagu White will be received ai the ooniinUr and diplomatio represent ative of the South A fi lean republto. . Secretary Root baa iaaued au order - " appointing a complete new board of ' - i ordnance, with the exception of Gen eral Milee. Governor Gaga will call an extra eee ion of the California legislature. A United Statee wuator will probably - be elected, Captain I, Friedman, who died in Ban Francisco recently, left three-qnar-ton of bia fortune, amounting to 760, 000, to charity. The new ah I pa now being built for , the Oceanic Steamship Company will be without peen in the l'aoillo, and will greatly improve the aervice.: Matt Hllrtrnm, who killed Luke Mooere, the Clatsop county logger, waa adjudged insane. The evidence allowed the insanity to le hereditary. , v i The overdue City ot Seattle, baa been v.? i reported from Juneau, where aha waa towed by the Cottage City. Tb Heattlo'a delay waa caused by the breaking of her propeller. ar .The transport Pennsylvania, which ; 'i t r. aalla troui San Franoieco, will carry ' : 1 fnoda for paying off the United Statee troop now in the Philippine. About $1,300,000 Will U taken. The captain and crew of 14 of the British trinur Button, which went ' ashore on Fenwtck shoals, in Delaware bay, have arrived tn Fblladeplhla. It fc ,ia believed the Button wilt prove a total lose. .. . . In the annate Pettigraw offered a reaolation calling on the preaident to end the senate the report of General Itatee relating to the treaty with the sultan ot 8ulu. Among other tblnga the reaolation aka whether the an It an and hit officlala are nnder the civil ear ' vice. .,:,:.. The com ling of rabbita waa atopped in Chicago by humane oflloari. Mlneaat Johannesburg bavo made Impregnable that city from au attack ing force. Methodiat mlsalonarlee will begin active work in the l'hlllpplnea to con vert the Tagala. Count Bonl de Castellan aaya he la ' . ' : going to uae hla cane on the editor of '. v , i the lliHi Fliraro. Tue pope warmly praiaea the work of 'an endowment for a Catholic univer alty t Waahington. The Duke of Teck 1 dead at London. He died from pneumonia after an 111 ueaa of aeveral daya. The angar war ia to be continued oa the aame Unea aa heretofore, and no aettlemont ia In eight. At Bntto, Mont., Dominiuk Manna, a f J nninter, mounted a ladder to paint a ' nildlng. lie grabbed a live wire and v loll dead. Colonel George M. Randall and Col onel Jainea Dell, have been named by the prealdeut for promotiou to the rank of brigadier-general. Haifa million dollara la the esti mated coat of repairing tho Olympia according to the report of the 'naval conatrnctlon board. The work will be done at the Doaton navy-yard, and will occupy almut a yenr. According to the New York Ilerald'a Waahlngton correajMindent thvre la an ' excellent proapeot that the Nicaragua canal bill will go through "thia aoaaion without waiting for the report of the Walker commission. Mra. Annie Kllnworth Smith ia dead ' at New York. She aeut the flrat tele graphlo meaaage, "What hath God wrought?" from the United 8tatea au preme court room, Waahlngton, to Dal timore. Two negroea wore ahot to death and two white men danporately wounded ai the roault of an attempt to arreat a ne gro murderer at Maoon, Ga, J. H. Dutler, colored, ia the man who did moat of the ahootlng, and who waa hiinaelf allot to death. Berlin, Germany, is to eonatruot an underground railway coating (25,000, 000. ..... ..... Twenty-three yeara ago Senator Tel ler entered the aenate. Only three aenatora who aaw him aworn in are atlll hla colloaguea Allison of Iowa, Cockrell of Missouri, and Jonea of Ne vada, In the intervening 28 yeara over a hundred aenatora have died. But Mr. Teller, although nearly three acore and ten, ia atlll atrong and tig-proua. LATER NEWS. The plight of Kimberley ia urgent. The kaiaer'a birthday waa celebrated In the uaual way throughout Germany. Builer'a army baa retreated to the aouth of the Tugela, with heavy loaaea. Revolution in Venecuela, under the leaderehip of llernafides, ia apreading. Fire in Minneapolla destroyed a fonr atory brick building, canalng a loaa of 9120,000. . v It waa reported on good Transvaal authority that Mafeklng waa relieved on January 28. Edgar Oewalt, a 6-year-old boy of Alton a, waa run over by a atreet car and fatally injured. The Dank of Deerfiold, Doerfleld, Wia., waa robbed of about 917,000. The vault waa blown open bj dynamite. Fire deatroyed the workaof the Kleo trio Improvement Company at San Joae, Cal., entailing a loaa of 9100,000. Samuel Goinpera, In a conference with Preaident MoKlnley, advocated in eight-hour law for all government vork. It la aaid that Lord Roberta favored leaving Ladyamlth to it fate and marching on Dloemfonteln, capital of Orange Free Bute. The aurgeon-general of the marine hoapital aervice haa ehipped to Hono lulu 1,900 donee of halffkine prophylac tic, a plague aerum. Phil Armour Jr., eon of the Chicago mlllionaiie, died auddenly near Santa Barbara, Cal. Death waa due to con geatlon of the lunga. Dr. Leyda, diplomatio agent of the Tranavaal, aaya the Doera do not need to apply for mediation, aa everything waa going eplendidly. - Three maaked men entered the (ao tory of Dr. I'eter Fahrney St Son, at Chicairo, blew open the aafe and escaped with $1,700 in currency. v The aenate committee on Puerto Rico, haa decided that the Inland aball le known aa I'orto Rloo, and not Puerto Rico, aa fixed by a recent execu tive order. , The weather in the vicinity of Mel bourne, Auatralla, baa broken , alt re oorda for heat recently. On New Yea, ' deatba occurred from pron , The thermometer atood at 114 aiade, and ISO In the aun. Cow boy a and minora in Southern Arizona and New Mexico, have organ ised and are preparing to invade the atate of Sonora, Mexico, to avenge the murder of the six American proa pec tor by Mexican aoldiere under Gen eral Torre. They will fight againat the Mexican troop for the indend enoe of Sonora and the Yaqul nation. Recent Dawaon fire deatroyed prop erty worth $400,000. Bubonio plague haa broken out at Ro aarlo. Sooth America. , A race riot occurred at Coalberg, Ala. One negro waa killed. In a long article In a I'erle paper Emlle Zola defend a hla father's honor. The Alaaka mail aervice will be ex tended to Cape York the coming aprlng. The National prohibition convention haa been called to meet at Chicago, June 27. The ceo una of Puerto Rloo )uat com pleted ahowa a total of 957,000 innhab ttaute on the laland. . Nelaon and Rowland have eetab llahed amallpox quarantine againat Northern Waahingtuu and Idaho. It ia aald the pro-Boer meeting at Washington waa conducted almoat wholly by anti-expanalon and anti-ad-minlatratlon men. Nearly all the limine building and many frame dwellinga at the mining town of Ward and Lafayette, Colo rado, were deatroyed by Are. William Kirk, flrat mate of the American abip Clarence 8. Dement, waa miirderoualy aaaaulted in hia cabin while hla vessel waa at anchor In Port land, Or., harbor. Chairman Laoey.iof the houae com mittee on publio landa, aaid that it will be impoeaible to paaa general land lawa for Alaska at thia aeaaion, owing to opposition in the annate. The North China Dally Newa pub' liahea an edict, signed by Emperor Kwang Su, appointing aa emperor in hla place Put Slug, the nine-year-old eon ot Prince Tuano. The new emperor will aacend the throne January II. The eonato committee will report favorably on Senator Foater'a Alaska lighthouse bill, making an appropria tion ot 9300,000, to Include a light house at Unaraak pasa, Foster agreeing to a redaction In the appropriation from 9500,000. . Commander Richard Walnwright, who waa in command of the Gloucester at the battle of Santiago, waa presented a aword of honor and a ailver aervice by a oommlttee representing the oitt cena ot the District ot Columbia in the Columbia theater, Waahington. General Otis re porta to the war de partment that the Western coast of the island of Panay la now open for trade, and that the coaat of Lagnna de Bay and neighboring aeotiona of the country will also be opened to unrestricted train o by the end of the week. Brigadier-General Greely, chief of the aignal corps, la ateadlly recovering from the Injuries inflicted on him by a drunken expressman. The resemblance between Roberta, the polygamiat, and Senator Prltchard of North Carolina, la remarkable. They might be twin brothera. Both are of the aame build, have the aame caat of featurea, wear miiatachea trimmed alike; and their curly hair might ba dnplloate wlga. ROBERTS SENT HOME House Voted Not to Admit the Utah PolygamUt MAJORITY RESOLUTION CARRIED Closing Day tha Debate Tot- the Two Propositions Basalt Be , elv4 With Cbrs. Washington, Jan. 27. The caae of Drigham II. Roberta, the Mormof representative-elect from Utah, wbloh baa ocoupted ao much of the attention of the house el pee the assembling oj congress, waa decided today by the adoption of a resolution to exclude him by a vote of 208 to 60. The exact lan guage of the resolution waa aa followa: "That under the facta and clrcum stances of the case, Drigham H. Roberta, representative' elect from th atate of Utah, ought not to have ot hold a aeat in the house of repreaenta tivea, and that the aeat to which be waa elected la hereby declared vacant." The amendment to expel Roberta without aeatlng him, offered by Lacey, waa ruled out on a point of order, and the house only voted on the resolutions ot the majority and minority of th oommlttee. The bitter to aeat and then expel Roberta waa defeated, 81 to 244. An analysis of thia vote show, that 170 Republicans, 73 Democrat and two Populiata voted againat it, and 73 Democrats, aix Republicans, two Populiata and two Silver-Republicans for It. . ., The affirmative vote on the majority resolution to exclude Roberta and de clare the aeat vacant waa divided f followa: Republican, 168; Demo crata, 96; ropolista, 4. The oegativ. vote: Democrat, 47; Silver-Republicans, 2 Populiata, 1. There were over a acore of apeaken today, and the closing speeches on eacl aide were particularly able. Lanham, of Texaa, closed for the majority, and DeArmond. ot Missouri, for the minor ity. The announcement of the result ol the final vote waa received with oheera, Roberta waa present throughout the day, and left the hall after the result of the last vote bad been announced. Aa he did ao, he gave out a statement justifying his retention ot hla plural wlvea, on the ground that- his moral obligation waa more binding upon hla conscience than technical obedience to atatutory lawa, and aaying that there waa little excuse tor the extraordinary efforts too crush a system already aban doned and practically dead. He aald he waa a martyr to a "spasm of preju dice." He would not, he aaid, attempt to tm for congress again, although he would go back home with a light heart confident ot the future. Old Rlavwr QaasMoa. Washington, Jan. 27. Juat at tha aloae of today's aeaaion of the aenate, a' apeech delivered by Money, of Mis sissippi, on the race question in tha South precipitated a heated colloquy between htm and Chandler, of New Hampshire, in which the latter alleged that the Southern senators, by intern perate statements, were reopening tha whole Southern question In the aenate, after It waa supposed to be dead. Tbo charge which Chandler particularly noticed waa made by Morgan, of Ala bama; who i absent at present, but aa it had been reiterated eubatanttally, in Chandler's opinion, by other senators, he declared he did not purpose to per mit it to go nnrefuted. The charge waa made that the civil war had been precipitated by deigning politlctana ot the North for the purpose of putting the alavea on a political and social equality with the Southern whites. Chandler's refutation of the atatement waa made with characteristic vehe mence and aggressiveness, but as no reply waa offered, the Incident ended there. The urgent deficiency bill, carrying about $9,000,000, passed without di vision, and practically without debate. : HssistJP might. Wilkeabarre, Pa., Jan. 87. A freight train on the Central railroad of New Jersey, coming down the Wilkea barre mountain, this afternoon, ran away. At the foot ot the mountain, near the Ashley aiding, the cars left the track and were piled high in a big wreck. There waa dynamite in one of the cars and it exploded with great foroe. The shook waa felt tor a dis tance ol 20 miles. The wlndowa in nearly every houae in the town of Ash ley were broken. Three men, all ot them brakemen, were killed, two un known men were fatally Injured and aeveral others were badly hurt. The dead are: Frank McLaughlin, of Mauch Chunk, aged 27; Michael Bird, of Ash ley, aged 23, and William Buokley, ot thia city, aged 28. Dyaamlta Outrage at Donir. Leadville, Colo., Jan. 87. Another dynamite outrage the fourth alnoe Sunday was committed at 4 o'clook this morning, when an explosion In the rear ot the Western opera houae cauaed alight damage. When the police ar rived, they found two sticks of giant powder that tailed to explode. The city la greatly excited and a force ot night watchmen will be employed. Petition For Mediation. Brussels, Jan. 27. Nearly 100,000 signatures have been appended to the Address promoted by M. Le Juene and other members of the Universal Peaoe Society, asking President McKinley to mediate, which will be forwarded to Waahington In the course ol a fort night. - Victoria, B. O,. Jan. 27. Fire to night deatroyed one blook, principally small buildings. The loaa will not ex ceed 95.000. COMMISSION MAY GOVERN. President Bow Ba m Mew Pisa for the Philippine. New York, Jan. 27. A special to the Herald from Waahington aaya. Th proposition made by the Filipino leader, Senor Mablni, for a civil commlaaion to treat with the Filipino will not be considered by the administration nntll Aguinaldo aurrendera, and In official circles the general disposition is to re gard Mablni 's request as anotner play lor delay. '. It ia the purpose of President McKln ley to inaugurate a civil goverment to superaede .military rule in the Philip plnea at the earliest possible moment, and he is favorably inclined toward a commission in Hen of a governor-general, and ia discussing the question ol available men for auch a commission. If bis present plana are carried out tba FUlpinoa will have all of the commis sions they want to confer with, for in addition to a commlaaion for the gov ernment of the ialanda, it is not un likely that congress will appoint a joint oommiaaion to investigate the is lands next summer and report to the next aeaaion aa a guide for future legis lation. A great deal of interest waa mani fested in congressional circles in thi communication from Senor Mablni. There is some diversity of opinion ovei the proposition and it feasibility. Senator Hoar, leader of the anti-administration forces in this light, was deep ly interested in the proposition. "That sounds fair and just," aaid he. "and I do not see how snh a propo sition can well be declined. Aa I un derstand, all the FUlpinoa ask ia that congress listen to them before deciding their fate.". f Senator Lodge, who repreaenta the administration's views of the Philip pine question, said: "It will be time enough to talk ol commissions when these people lay down their arms and stop fighting our aoldlera." Senator . Boveridge, a moat pro nounced annexationist, regard Mablni aa the equal, aa a conservative states man, of any man in publio life in America, Of his proposition, how ever, the senator said: "I would have to study it mon closely before giving an opinion thai would be of value, but it I were to an ewer off hand, I would say that it seema to me hia suggestion haa been anticipated by the appointment of the civil commlaaion which visited the islands and which did everything pos sible to bring about an understanding with the natives." John Barrett, former minister tc Siam, aaid: "Whatever cornea from Mablni ii certainly - worth considering. I am inclined, however, to think it ia too late for anything to be done on the Una he auggeata. The only thing to do if to go in and complete American victory and then get to work and help the Fili pino develop v the largest amount of elf-government of which they are capa ble." : PLAGUE SCARE IN HAWAII. Hlle la Open Bebellloa Against the Government. Honolulu, Jan. 19, via Victoria, B. C, Jan. 27. Up to and including Jan uary 15, there were 84 cases of bubonic plague reported, 17 of which proved fatal. Since that date five cases have been discovered. The most important and alarming was that ot a white woman, the wife of George Borman, an old resident. This case waa reported the 6th. The woman lingered for two daya and then succumbed. This case created great alarm among the white people here, and a citl tens' meeting was called and active steps were taken to district the city, and now a house-to-house inspection is made twice a day and each occupant must be ao counted for. It ia believed that this plan will do more to stamp out the trouble than any steps yet taken. The board of health atlll continues to burn all Infected buildings. About one-half of Chinatown haa been deatroyed by fire. Before the month ia out it ia ex pected that thia plague spot will be en tirely reduced to ashes. The town ot Ililo has come out in open rebellion againat the government, and threatens to resist by force any at tempt to carry out the rules made by the authorities here. Reports from the Hawaiian town indicate a condition bordering on panic amoug the people, who aeem ready to offer mob violence to representatives of the government. TO SEE JUSTICE DONE. A Body of Armed and Determined Men Invade Frankfort. Ky. Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 87. A special train bearing more than 1,000 men, carrying Winchester rifles, arrived in Frankfort thia morning. The men hail from the counties ot Bell, Allen, Knox, Harlan, Whitley, Metcalf and Kdmon eon. Frankfort ia overflowing with visitors, but none except those arriving today carry arms. Governor Taylor stated to the press representative that the men were not soldier. The men marched to the atatehouae, ataoked their guna and took np posi tions in groupa about the building. Adjutant-General Collier states he had no knowledge that the men were com ing. Many ot the visitors are members of the atate guard. Ex-Secretary of State Flnley ad dressed the vlattors from the step ot the tate house. He said the object of the gathering was to see justice done. A committee waa appointed to draft reso lutions. Stephen Sharp, of Lexington, waa chosen chairman. Chinese Kmporer Is Dend. London, Jan. 27. According to a special dlapatoh from Shanghai, it ia reported that Emperor Kwang Su has committed suicide. Warren Abandons Bplonkop. London, Jan. 87. The war office an Bounces that General Warren haa abandoned Sptonkon. A FARMERS' CONGRESS Important Gathering: to Held at Salem. Be REPRESENTING FOUR STATES Praltgrowere, Stockmen, Hepgrowen ad Hortieultartst Will Bo Present at Meeting. Salem, Or., Jan. 29. The farmers' congress to be held in Salem February 7 and 8 will probably be the moat im portant meeting of the kind ever held in thm atate. The gathering will be of more than atate importance, for the agricultural Interests of California, Waahington and Idaho will also be represented. II will be more than a meeting of farmer, a that term la generally understood, for fruitgrowers, stockmen, hopgrow era, horticulturists, in fact, men of all occupations related to agriculture, will be present. The congress ia intendeo to comprehend all the departmenta of. the diveraified agricultural induatriet of the coaat, and it ia expected that a permanent organization will be ef fected. Thia movement waa started by thi Salem chamber of commerce, working in unison with the atate board of agri culture, and one of the chief objects b be attained ia the arrangement of dates of the state fairs of Oregon, California, Waahington and Idaho ao that then will be no conflict. Dy auch an ar rangement horsemen and exhibitor! will be enabled to make the circuit ol the coast states each season, and the varioua fairs will be improved accord ingly. Secretary of State Dunbar haa offered the uae of either of the legisla tive chambera for the congress, and it Is expected that the meetings will be held in one of these spacious halls. The date has been arranged so aa to be convenient for those who may come from various parts of the state to at tend the meeting of the League of Re publican clubs; to tie held in Portland February 6. Secretary II. D. Thielaen, of the Salem chamber of commerce, has prepared a programme for the con gresa and all who attend the amnions will be assured a rare treat. MERCHANTS - ARE PLEASED. Change Satisfactory Thy gee Benefit Coming to Business Interests. Chicago, Jan. 29. George II. Med hunt, a prominent merchant of Hong Kong, while in Chicago today, on hia way to London, said: "The commercial interests of Kofcg Kong look with favor on the American rule of the Philippines. In the past it has been the misfortune of those is lands to have been moat wretchedly governed, and in general the conditions which have obtained there have tended to check progress on the part of the people and the development ot the un doubtedly great natural resources of those islands. Under the rule of thi country, all those conditions will be changed, the resources of the islands will be developed, business will, ex pand greatly and the policy of thia country will make them inviting fields fir commercial venture and enterprise. "The business interests of Hong Kong will unquestionably be benefited by these changed conditions and in other ways we hail the advent of the United States into the Orient." ' Philippine Scientist. San Francisco, Jan. 27. Father Jose Algue, director of the Manila observa tory, the largest of the kind in the Orient, and hla assistant, Father Jose Clos, have arrived here, en route to Washington, with manv folios of valu able acientiflo data, which they hope to have published by the government. They have come to America upon the urgent invitation of Preaident Schur man, ot Cornell university, who wai president of the Philippine commis sion, and also by the request of Governor-General Otis, Of the Philippinea. Both of them arc Spaniards and Jesuit priests. Father Algue is a ty phoon expert, and his companion is an authority on earthquakes. They bring with them besides 13 manuscript vol umes on scientific subjects, many valu able mapa of the Philippine islands. Six Americans Shot. El Paso, Jan. 29. The mail tonight from Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, brings the news that a report is current then that six Americans, David Cusick, John Eldredge, George Lunt, Charles Burns, Lon Webster and Henry Williams, were shot last week near the foot of tha Baeatete mountains, east of Guaymas, by order of General Torres, who is in command of the Mexican troops now operating against the Yaqui Indians in Baeatete range. It is further reported that the mattet waa brought to the attention of the American consul at Guaymas, but th latter declined to aotr - U ia Mexican troops found the Ai in friendly intercourse wi Yaquis, whom the troops hi ronnded in the range. Sot Americana are known here, prospectors. Americana at warn all Amertcnaa to keep av Yaqui country. J-J Dynamite Bxploded In n Tr Wilkeabarre,, Pa., Jan. 1 men were killed and eight jured aa a result of a runaws1 and the explosion ot dynamite lowed, on the Central railroad Jersey, at Ashley laat nig complete list of the dead ia: Frank McLaughlin, br. Michael Bird, brakeman; Pet engine wiper; Charle Haney; known tramp. Hanluy went tt gine houae to idle time away u' going to night aohool, K -- (ia GLOOM IN ENGLAND. fear Thnt The War Office I With holding Bad Mews. London, Jan, 29. Seven day of fighting have left the, main Boer posi tion intact, 'and General Bailer 706 weaker, according to the official casu alty lists, which seemingly do not in culde the Spionkop losses, aa those last forwarded do not mention General Wondgate'a wounding. England is possessed by a sense of failure, though not a word in criticism of her generals and soldiers is uttered. Not much effort ia made to place a hap py construction upon General Boiler's 18 words, telling of the retirement from Spionkop, and there ia an uneasy impression abroad that worse newa is yet to come. At one of the military clubs tonight, the atatement passed from one person to another that the war office had received an unpleasant supplementary dispatch from General Buller, which waa being held up tor 13 houra. Spencer Wilkinson, in the Morning Post, writes aa followa of the Spionkop losses: "Thia ia a serious matter, and an at tempt will not here be made to mini mize it, for no greater wrong can be done to our people at home than to mis lead them about the significance of the events of the war. The right way is to tell the truth, as fares we know it." But the facts from the neighborhood of the Tngela are scantier than ever. The censorship now is simply prohibi tive, and something is wrong with the cables. The break on the east coast lines has been lepaired, but the cable between San Thome and Luanda, on the west coast, is uow interrupted. "More troops 1" is the only suggestion here as to the way to break the Doer resistance. Mr. Wilkinson regrets that General Buller has not 20,000 more men, declaring that if they would not make victory certain, hia enter prise without them is helpless. The Spectator, dealing with the ne cessity of large additional military pre parations, aaya: "It may be that we hare yet another cycle of disasters In front ot us." The transport Assaye arrived at Cape Town last Friday, with 2,127 officer! and men. The first portion of th Seventh division is afloat. Hence, with the 10,000 men of this division, and about 9,000 now at sea, it lies in the power of Lord Roberts to reinforce General Duller heavily. This course is advised by several military writers. Although England's nerve are se verely tried, her nerve ia absolutely un shaken, and probably nothing that can happen in South Africa will change in the slightest degree her intentions. She will continue to receive bad news, if it comes, with dignity, and will maintain her determination to win at last. . Department of Commerce. Washington. Jan. 39. The question of establishing a department of the government to be known aa the depart ment of commerce, with a cabinut offi cer at its head, has been discussed at considerable length by the aenate com mittee on commerce. The discussion was based upon a very complete report on the subject prepared by Senator Nel son. It ia proposed to include in the new department a bureau of manufactures, and to transfer from the treasury de partment the life-saving, lighthouse, marine hospital and steamboat inspec tion sen-ice, the bureaus of navigation, immigration, statistics and coast and geodetic surveys; to transfer from the interior department the commission of railway, the census office and the geo detic survey, and from the state depart ment the bureau of foreign commerce. The department of labor and the fish commission are also placed nnder this supervision. Robert's Salary. Washington, Jan. 39. The question of salary and mileage allowed for Mr. Roberta is to be considered by th house committee on account. Then is about $1,000 on mileage, and a likt amount tor salary, conditionally ' dut Mr. Roberts, but there is some doubt as to whether those sums should be al lowed. The attorney-general, on appll cation, haa refused to pass on the aub ject, aa it ia not in hia jurisdiction, an the controller of the treasury haa a Is referred the matter back to the commit tee on accounts. The latter body wll! now seek to get at the law in the cast and reach a decision. Investigation ot Wnrdner Troubles. Washington, Jan. 29. The housi committee on military affairs tod a) agieed to proceed with the investiga tion of the Idaho labor troubles Febru ary 14, and it was arranged that the governor and auditotr of the state anc Major-General Merriam should b asked to appear at that time. Sulzer, of New York, and Lenta, ot Ohio, wb have been urging the inquiry, are t furnish the names ot additional wit nesses to be examined. Diamond Robbery in Philadelphia Philadelphia, Jan. 27. Diamonds valued at $6,000 were stolen from thi ,mm.,r x,y .- David. - . Jewelers .........;.... h of the Jie fact ihe safe. r .jporarilj Dalles tralla. West pvemeni the golc uoua u the rest effort! moot tt potitior oim dia-separa-view tr THE RETREAT SOUTH Buller's Forces Have Re crossed the Tugela. BOERS DID NOT PRESS THEM Buller Think Transraaler Bave Been Targht to Bespeet Fighting Qami itlea of HI Troop. London, Jan. 80. General Buller aaya General Warren's troops have re treated south of the Tugela river. The Boers say the British lost 1,500 killed Wednesday. It is believed here this includes the wounded. The Boers also claim that 150 of the English troops surrendered at Spionkop. British Left ISOO Dend. Boer Head Laager, Ladysmith, Jan. 30. The British dead left on the battle field yesterday numbered 1,500. ACCOUNT OF THE MOVEMENT. Bailer's Official Dispatch to the War Office The Fighting. London, Jan. 80. General Buller'a dispatch to the war office atatea that Spionkop waa abandoned on account of lack of water, inability to bring artil lery there and the heavy Boer fire. General Buller givea no liat of causal tiea. His whole force withdrew south of the Tugela river, with the evident intention of reaching Ladyamlth by another route. Following ia the text of General Bul ler'a dispatch, dated Spearman'aCamp, Saturday Jan. 27: '"On January 20 Warren drove back the enemy and obtained possession of the southern crests of the high table land extending from the line of Acton Homes and liongerspoort to the west ern Ladysmith hills. From then to January 25 he remained in close con tact with the enemy. Boer Held Strong Position. "The enemy held a atrong position on a range of small kopjes stretching from northwest to southeast across the plateau from Acton Homes, through Spionkop, to the left bank of the Tugela. The actual position held waa perfectly tenable, but did not lend itself to an advance, as the southern slopes were ao steep that Warren could not get an effective artillery position, and water auppliea were a difficulty. "On January 23 I assented to hia attacking Spionkop, a large bill, indeed, a mountain which was evidently the key to the position, but was far more accessible from the north than from the south. On the 'night of January 23 he attacked Spionkop, but found it very difficult to hold, aa ita perimeter was to large, and water, which he had been led to believe existed, in thia extraor dinary dry season was found very deficient. "The crest was held all that day against severe attacks, 'and a heavy shell fire. Our men fought with great gallantry. "General Woodgate, who was in command of the summit, having been wounded, the officer who succeeded him decided on the night ot January 24 to abandon the position, and did so before dawn January 25. "1 reached Warren's camp at 5 A. M. on January 25, and decided that a second attack upon Spionkop was use lees, and that the enemy'a right waa too strong to allow me to force it. Decided to Withdraw. "Accordingly, I decided to withdraw the force to the aouth of the Tugela. At 6 A. M. we commenced withdraw ing the men, and by 8 A. M., January 27, Warren 'a force waa concentrated aouth ot the Tngela without the loss ot a man or a pound of stores. "The fact that the foroe should with draw from actual touch in some cases the linea were lesa than 1,000 yards apart with the enemy in the manner it did, is, I think, sufficient evidence of the morale of the troops, and that we were permitted to withdraw our cum brous ox and mule transports across the river, 85 yards broad, with 20-foot banks and a very awift current, unmo lested, ia, I think, proof that the enemy haa been taught to respect our soldiers' fighting powers." Plague In Mew Caledonia. Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 29. From Noumea, New Caledonia, the steam ship Miowera brings alarming reports of the ravages ot the plague, which has been prevalent there since early in De cember. There were 16 deaths during the first 10 days following the out break. The plague is attributed to the filthy quarters of the Japanese, Tonki nese and Kanakas. All the Kanakas have been isolated on an island adja cent to the town. Up to December 23 there had been no deaths among the whites, eight of whom had been in fected, but nine Kanakas, two Japanese and five Tonkinese had died of the dis ease. Much alarm is felt by the resi dents and business is at a standstill. The natives believe the plague is a visi tation of providence, and that it ia wrong to take means to oheck it. At Pomeroy last week 81 horaea were duly inspected, and purohaaed by the government. About aa many were re jected. Vienna, Jan. 80. A seriona view is taken in diplomatio circles here of the situation in China. The Neue Frei Presse thinks that other powers will follow the example of France and send warshipa to protect their aubjecta. The Austro-Hungarian cruiser Sonta will arrive at Hong Kong in a few days, and will be at the disposal of the Austro-Hungarian minister at Peking. Governor Lcary, of Guam, report the condition in that island aa highly satisfactory.