THE GOliDGil GLOBE. THURSDAY, JANUARY II. IUOO. NOTICE. Tho yimrlr sulnvrlptlmi lo tlit'Clums In $ I, SO, I I twltl In O'lviiiN'c. II not paid In mlviini'u $2 will Ira I'liiirifi'd. A iiHimll murk iirimud thin lKitlcu In-lt'-iiti-d tliHt jroiir milwiiritilliiu liniiMx plrtnl. I'Iimm) roiit'W promptly, LOCAL, NEWS. Miss iVnuilla Mmldook In seriously III, lHiOtcho Apotliuke at Camion Drug , (Vs. 1. It. Trlinlilu visUod Arlington lust wetk, Violins unit violin Hiring nt Condon firiitf Co'. Mm, J, F, Ititisitvbor left Bundny for hmntli's vUliitt I'orilnnd, lr, Sliluk'i Ilnir Tonio romoves dan druff from all sculps. Mrs Frank Downer It "till on tho nick ll.t. I). R. Brown mi I dittigbter, Miss Nel lie, Mro visiting In llio Wllluinetto vullcy. Tho (itmoiia Vlttio-Oro can now bo had nt tliu Condon I'mif Co'. Bold nts. H. A. Paulson returned from n short business trip to I'ortUnd Sunday. " A full lino of hiiir bnitlies nnd ayrlng-1 es nt thu Hudson I'lihntmcy, Cspt. Whistler and Jean Lcbou ro turned from l'ortliind Friday. l'nlnts It) ubundnnco nt the Hudson l'linrnmoy. .. C. C. Wilson mndo ft business trip to Tho Dulles hint week, returning, Bon day, An Interesting (irticln on the swine rdugua It unavoidably crowded out tliii weok hut will appear in our nest Issue.' Messrs Brown nnd Gou", of Lono Rook, wero in town last week attending court. Will Htovens loft Inst week for Cascade Montana,, where ho will spend tho win ter with his futher. ClmrlctJ. PUbliug, well known bus i ness umn of Tho Dulles, was here the first of tho week. John CunnlnKhatn and lll Heed wero out from Aril nton this week looking op the borne market. J. M. Cameron went out lo Terry Can yon Monday to look after his sheep in terests tboio. John Connolly was In from tho sheep range Sunday shaking h noils with his 4. friend In town. Fred Cornott has been pulling tho rib bons over ono of tho ttao tcoutabetween this pluro and Arlington since New Years. Norn aJackson A Dysnrt have just re ceived a splendid lino of Christmas goods. Call and aeo them. J II Bowon, representing Win. Fra xlor, tho l'ortlrttiJ horso buy or, will bo hero nott Saturday buying cavalry horses, 'Tls well to remember when In need vl medicines that In palioiiiuliig the " Condon Inig Co. that yoo get j our mon ey's worlh besides Wmefltiiig yonrown town. Bead ourdinplsy ad. Now The Condon liobubllean t'lub will meet at tho County Clerk's olIU-o nt Condon, Oregon, Jan. -0:h llXKl lor the purpooo of electing otllcors and live del egates to tho Kittle Republican lagil 0 couvention. k M. I'utkii President. L. 0. HaUlou and Win. Fraxior, of I'ortlund, bought 30 head of horses at Fossil Unt Friday. Tho animals were driven through hero Monday oil their w ay to tho railroad. Tho Uushford wagon which was giv en away by Wado Bros., tho enterpris ing Olex merchants, whs won by A lady, Mrs. II. J. Nott hold tho lucky ticket (No, 182) which woo tho prlae. Mr. Wilkinson White, of Trail Fork, celebrated his 71th. birthday Monday. A lurgo number of friends and neighbors gathered at his hospitable home to unite in wishing hihi hiany happy returns of tho day. Uso Dr. Tarkes' I.ung Balsam for coughs and colds, A positive and speed y euro guaranteed. 1 1 udnon Pharmacy oole agent. At tho recent S08nion the county court passed an order, to take effect July 1st., providing that tho county clerk and tho My otility sheriff shall pay their own depu ft f hiro after that date. , Knfl gain Or will trado for land in lil liam county, a good five room Iiouho In Halem, Ore., near tho high school. Ad dress F. M. UtNKH wtr, Olcx, Or. 4ld41 J. O. Lostor, of Missisalppl, arrived hero last Friday Intending to buy a lot of horses. As ho was looking for small cheap animals ho went en Sunday fur ther Into tho Interior." Mr. Ilolcolm, of Seattle, was here laht week buying horses. Ho secured a car load of draft animals, paying from $55 to $150 por head. Tho latter llguro was received by W. N. Brown (or a 170O pound animal. II. K. Trumblo, of Lincoln, Nebraska, has written a letter to Bostmasler Uel sachor making inquiries in regard to an opening at this plaeo for a (louring mill. Mr, Trumblo states that ho represents parties who own a $15,000 plant which they desire to put In operation in n good town In tho wheat belt. Condon should trv to secure this Industry. TheOumn will be glad to bear from farmers and others who are lutorestod In this subject. Obituary. Berry, the 5-year-old son of Mr nnd Mrs. A. S. llleo. died at his homo north of town, at 10 o'clock Huiiday oven ing of obstruction of the bowels, lie was sick only a few days but such was tho nature of tho case that rnedica ekill was unavailing to save his life Ills parents have the bearfell sympathy of manv friends In their sorrow. The luneral occurred on Tuesday. I . uupiu s taporB. In Ills latent transitory trip nerons the continent cunning Cupid, the winged boy sprite, who Is credited with hold lug a perpetual patent on the only ce ment yet discovered which lit guaran teed to unitu two fund hearts in such I manner that they therunftcr throb asone, checked his flight at a point just over Condon, long enough to let fly half- dozen darts, and the consoniience was that within 48 hours sit fond hearts in Condon were mndo to beat as threo Maiiiiihii At tho Condon hotel, in this city, on Kitturdny, January 0, 1900, .Mr. Frank C. I'atterson, of Fossil, to Mrs, Amelia Hunter, of Astoria, City Recorder ralotn officiating. Mr. 1'uttersou is well known all over this Bcctlon of Oregon and has monv friends who wish himself and his bride all manner of happiness and success on their matrimonial voyage. They will reside in Fossil. Maiiiukii In Condon, Sunday, Janu ary 7, 1000, Win. T. Myers, of Condon,' and Miss Millie Bartmeo, of Fossil, Ho oordor Tutoin again acting as master of ceremonies, Mr. Myers is well known here and has long been a resident of this vicinity and his bride Is ono of Fos sil's fairest (lowers, Gilliam and Wheel er have at last joined hands and the friend of this young couple will wish them well. Mahhimi At the residence of the officiating magistrate on Sunday, Janu ary 7, 1000, Mr. Thomas Bortwood and Mist Allis Yarhoogh, both of this city, Justice of the peace, (Joorgo L. Neale, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Bortwood aro two of Condon' moat highly respected young people and have a host of friends bore who will join In. heartfelt congratula tions, and in wishing them wealth, health and happiness all of the joyt and few of the sorrows of life, and in this sentiment the Gums joint most heartily for the whole halt-down. Our city reporter intimates that, if cur rent rumors are not misleading, this chapter of "Cupid's Capers" will be couiinuod at an early date. Condon Lodges. I,ant week was a busy one In Condon lodgq circles, the semi-annual installa tion ceremonies having occurred in the Knights of l'ythius, Independent Order of Odd Fellowt and Woodmen of the World. On Tuesday evening the K. Ft. in stalled the following officers; TI. O. Clark C. C. ; 8. B. Couture, V. C; W. C. Caldwell, V. ; II. N. Frazer, K.of H. and S. j C. H. rulmer M. of K. ; K. W. Moore, M. of F. Wednesday evening tho I. O. O. F. in stalled the following officers: B. A. I'attison, N. (J.; U. McKinncy, V, U. ; A. S. Uice, See. ; II. N. Frarer, Treas. i K. W, Moure, I'er. Sec: Wayne (iridcr. Warden.; 8. A.Thompson, Con. F.lgin Myers, I. O. ; Fred Cornett, O. U. W. A, Darling, It. S. ; J. K. FiUwater, L. 8. ; W. L. Wilcox, It. 8. S. ; J. O. Bortwood, L. S, fi. Tho W. of W. Installed their oflicert Thursday evening and also admitted two new members by iniatiou, Dr. 8. K. I.una and John Dysnrt being tho latent victims. The new officers are as follows: B, II. Hepheuson. C. C. ; John Kei- CBchor, A. L. ; F. M. Hnringston, Bank er; 8. A. I'attison, clerk ; II. N. Frazer, Watchman; W. A. Darling, Sentry; M. O. Clarke, W. L. Wilcox and Ed Nel son, mangers. ARLINGTON. The business men of this place are making a move to improve the road from here to Hock creek in a substantial man ner. Tho plan Is to grade the road, make it straight and then give It a dress ing of One gravel. Tho proposed im provements have been talked of before but only sinco tho assurance of a lino of steam boats on the river and a knowl edge of the amount of wheat and wool that naturally belong to this shipping point, have the business men teen their way clear to put to much money into tho roads as it required to mako thpm (list class, although this place has been very liberal in the matter of making roads, having spent large turns of mon ey (or that purpose In this county and on tho Washington side of Iho river. This it the only natural point on tho Columbia river in this soction of country for a good easy grado, in fact the only place whore a road can bo made with a grado less than 100 feet to the mile for the first ten miles. The people of Con- Ion should look to this placo as their Purely Business. Choice family whito Jh at Dunn Trot, Dunn Bros, will make great reduction In prices for the next 30 days. Wo must redueo our stock in order to mako room for spring goods now order ed. Call on us for bargains. Dunn Bros, Wo wish to thank our patrons for their liberal patronage during the past year ami hope to merit a continuance of tho snmo In the future. Dunn Bros. O. I.. Ncul, the well known auction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his cave. If you have property to sell consult him FUEKIFUKK F! FREE. In order to place it In each and every household in Condon, we will give to every one asking for it a sample doso of Dr. Blunder's Oregon Blood Purifier the best medi- clnn for the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels ever produced. Never fails to cure pimples and eruptions, nlsodisoas' CsoftheKkin and scalp, Try a doso at Condon Drug Co's wholeeulo agents. A social dance will be given in Arm ory hull Friday evening, January 0, All dancers aro Invited, 11 AVI Kit SIIVKHAl, I'KISKONS KUIt IH- V V ti ll I oilliio Mniiiiircrs in t il Hint., to ri'tHC' mut tin1 la lli'.'tr own imI suitouiuIiiili iMannlrs WIUIiik lo puy yi-Hily ni, myiilili wwlcly. Ho- Hhaolit minuoyinimt wuu iiiiiimuuI oiuiortunltn'S. Hi'f'Mi'itct'K exi-hrtniit. Kneltwo Ht'lr-niltlivNmHl nt;iiiin-l cuvulupo. b, A. luK, UUi;uxluli build lug, Cukittji). . shlpptA? point. Although the R. It. ft nenf them 6ft tho west the John Day is and always will be a barrier to a prac ticable ontlet that way. The Columbia river It. It, and Navi gation Co, has given notice to tome of tho settlers on the Washington tide of the river that on February 0 they will begin action in the court to condemn rights of way through their landt. Installation at Mayvlllo, A large number of Odd Fellowt and their fa m Hies from this place attended OLIVER CHILLED and STEEL PLOWS, Full Line for the Spring Trade. We Carry a Complete Line of Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Orders Taken for Furniture and Wall Paper. Special Inducements Winter WADE BROS., 0LEX,0R. The Globe Office Smoke an Export 5 Cent Cigar. Best Smoke in Town Jackson & Dysart, Distributers. IS IT FINEST CANNED GOODS THEN CO TO P. H. Stephenson's. AN ELEGTRIG BELT will absolutely euro the most Bovere case of Rheumatism Neuralgia,, Lame lliiek, Stomach Trouble, Kidney diseases (acute and chronic) and all Nervous DiscuueB. New 1000 model for sale only bv the CONDON DRUG COMPANY, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils, Photo Goods and family liquors Violins and strings always in stock Wholesale agents for Vitno-Ore and Oregon Blood Purifier, the best family medicine on the market. BARR LUC, the joint installation ceremonies of I' (j I. O, O. F. and Kubekah at MayvlhV, last Saturday night and all report hav ing had a most enjoyable timo. A sump tuous banqnet was served after the in stallation. The nnmca ot the newly elected officers follow : I.O. O.F. F. E. frtoltb.N.O.! O.T. Aftgell, V. U.; I. B. Carter, R.8.; K.A, Stinchfield, P. fj. : Al McConnell, Treat. rtebekah Dep-ee Nettie Anderson N, O.f Minnie Frickey, V. .; Ella Angcil U.S.; George Dukek, p. g.; George Angoll, Tieas. All at Correct Prices. For the next 30 days, On Underwear. For Fine Printing. YOU WANT CONDON, OR. A Full Line of s General Merchandise at S. B. BARKER'S When In need of Saddles or Ctiaps, Call on Or Send to J. K. Reisactier, The only Saddler in Gilliam New Masonic Building F. M. Sprlngston, j. A, Rodgers, SPRINGSTON & RODGERS. (Successor to T, a. Johnson.) Livery, Feed and Sale Stables HAY AND GRAIN First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Condon, Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, CHARLES FIX, Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St.. Condon, Ore. POOL ROOM, SOFT DRINKS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE sfcoR Trnnr n t Large Scales, price 25c a draft: reduction on contract weighing. LOST VALLEY LUMBERCO., HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager. ROUGH ANIX .DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting . of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kiuds of rough Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and dimension stuff MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY ARLINGTON SALOON, JEAN LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard aid pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cooi, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught Main St., Condon, Oregon THE "MODEL" C. C. WILSON, Proprietor. A Quiet Resort. Headquarters for High Grade "Wet" Goods. Green River Whiskey. Olympla Beer. Fancy Mixed Drinks. Fix Building, CONDON, OREGON THIS SACE FOR Dunn GENERAL MERCHANDISE. or Wheeler Counties. : : : CONDOM, OR. BOUGHT AND SOLD. Oregon. This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wantr. Proprietor. - OREGON. Bros; vnmit-flMtt suifl matter O. B. t X. O.' TIM Cwrif. lIUKOTCilT, BOIf. K fm imt (iartl, Uklnr ((Met' MuotUt, Tt ": ( wti mini. No. t-VI ndntliittoivltTe..;.....;..l':fcS , - No. 4 Vln HpokBiic, m ra p. v.. No. M Eoctjr tttlght, Icitoi. ..,..,.7:W p. -.. wtt aotiKD: No. 1 Porll.nd, )rrr - ;....1J:4T. No. forll.nd. Iraret...,. 4:12 . r. Ko. 28 Loctl Ji eight, lvaVe 11 U . J. E. CHANK, Agnt, Arllujtoa w. B. DOBYN9 Attoraej-at-Law, Notary PulHw tOXC, OREGON; Wt11 MttfM f all . Y. J. . .La ... Collection! sod Vrobat UuiioeM rin ear'' ( ttentlon. JJR. i. t. DOGAK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Coadoa. Oy. OffieB Oremni aVe.. hefween (athnl( i and residence ol 8. P. BLuiu W. DAEUNO' Attorney at Law, tidtmry Public and Convyncr. Coadoa. Or. CollMtloria'a'nd Inatipanm': T.nni Office 10 rear ol poatufficeballdin(tMaioi ' s. A. PATTISOIT HOTAET PUBLia- OfBcs In OlolM BalidingT cowdon, .... oRcaoirl s. A. D. GCRLIT Attorney and Counselor at Lav Arllna-ton. Or. TT. 8. roramlsaloneT and Knt.r PnMIr oftic. Practlea In all tha uin mil court oi Oregon and WaahtDgtoi. All k oiu. n. lauu ana tegai onuneaa traDaaetc gAM E. VAN VACTOa ATTOBIEY-AT-LAW. Olfice (oraet Spring itreet and Oregon a . : CORDOM', orroor. The Regulator Line. The Dalles, Pcrtland & 1st. NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Dally Lin of Steamers Between Port!) A Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood" Ri tai aQ Poioti on the 'Washington .k. The (teamen Dallet Cite and Reenlator la Portland every morning (excent BunIav)r ., arrlTing at deeti tion m ampie time lor outgoing mine. Treight Bates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLA WAT. Gen. Agt. Foot ol Court Street. Tbe Dalle, Cc . oill mil Sabt f,tm PerUaaS Aaaro Fan Bait Lake, Denrer, Fait Uail FVWorth.Omaha, Mall, t p. nt. Kanaaa City, 8t S;p.n Looi. Chicago, and teat. Walla Walla, Lewi, gpekaae riyer ton.Bpekane,Mln- Flier 'M p. au neapolla, St. Paul, I a. ao. Dululh. Illlwau- ke,CnlcagoAEaat ISO p. at. Oeaa I MMSklpt. IHS.B All tailing date ubject to change For San Frand'co Sail Dee S. , 13, 18. 23. 2S, and eT.ry 6 1 day. Dally Celimbla ll iWp.a Ex. Sunday Steaaiera. Ex. Susd. t:00 b. m. Batnrday To A. tori a and Way p. m. Landluga. (:00a.m. WHUaiette liner. 4:90 p. n. Ex. Sunday Ex. Suada ? Oregon City, Kew. berg.Raleui Way Landlnga, 7:00 a. m. WlllaaitNe aed aav l:Kp.m. Tnea.. Thur. kill Slrer. Mon., Wed. end Sat. and Frt, Oregon City, lay. too, 4 Way Land luga. :S0a.m. WMaawttS liver. 4:Mp.m. Tue.. Thar Mon., Wed. and Bat. Portland to Corral, and Frt. lit A Way Land ing. Lr. Rlperla leaks liver. Le.Iew 1:30 a.m. Pall Daily Rlperla U Leerliton I Jo a. J. E. CBAKE. icent, Arlington. W. H. HURLBURT, flentral Paaetnger Ae eat. Pottlaad. Oa Land Applications. Proofs and Abstracts. II. N. Fraiiert County Clerk, give special attention to abstracts of title, and is also prepared to receive U. 8. government (and filings and proofs, at well aS applications for the purelinse oi state school lands, at bis office in Con don. Or. Subscribe (or the (3 we a. y -Only f 1,00 a year. "1.