Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 21, 1899, Image 4

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    1 i
npHODOH th "old folk" talk at tki
I good old times,
, When lol waa plenty and care
were m fewj
let the "yoong folka" listen with doubtful
J Conn need they were not a good aa the
Those were gay sleigh rides, grandpapa, I
While Isssl ne'er danced lithe aa dear
But some thing could be said 'bout a mod
era beau.
And a cos; jaunt la a palace car.
Those were wonderful loares dear "grand
ma'r" made,
And she broldered your aock with a woo-
droits dsrn;
Tet she wondered sometimes, I'm sure. If It
Would hire left had ah dared for a prom
enade , And enjoyed to bar apua a little street
No doubt her papa, great-granpa, you know,
Beally frowned when she purchased her
wedding dress.
And sighed aa he wtahed for the "good old
I When bonnets were cheaper and dresses
took less.. ,
While his great-grandpa, I're heard It said,
Wouldn't spar the wool fcr hla daughter
to weave;
But sighed for the fashions of Paradise,
And longed for the fig leave of Mother
Boon forgotten la pais, when pleasures are
"Diets nee enchants us,"
the poet eras
,Who wanders hla memory back to deplore.
au iHinr 100 sign or we oooia ail
The maiden who lingers o'er past hours of
Forgets aa ahe day -dreams of heroes and
Bow her hair wouldn't crimp and her gloves
wouldn't fit;
For ''deeply - depraved are Inanimate
1 things. A
There are bountiful timet la these good new
days; .
There are lives as beautiful, pure and true.
As sny who moved to the simpler wsys;
And It may be a trill better, too;
Since God with Infinite, loving design.
Is raising the nations nearer to Him;
And the stesdv sween of the centuries.
Kver chants s progressive, happier hymn.
Then a glad New Tear, this my earnest
I send la aonefnL Inbllsnt tone!
That the coming year, rich-freighted with
' May prove the best that yoa ever have
Lilla's Xraas Presents. J
. . .
r 1LLA 8PRAGUE seemed to blow
II . In st the door with a rust of wind
- and a drift of snow. Then, having
kicked a pair of snow encrusted over
shoe into a corner of the ball. Alls
Lilla ran upstairs Id a hurry.
"See here, mother," said Lilla, "it's all
orer now,
"What, dearr Mrs. Spragne asked,
looking np absently from a letter she was
"Iff all orer I say, lt'a all orer be
tween Randolph oh, what a too too
fool I v beenr And ahe flung herself,
sobbing, on a big horsehair sofa.
: "But why. Lliur
1 "Don't ask me like that, mother. Don't!
I've told yon before. And this this Is
the see sec second time. Obf More
"I don't understand yon, daughter,"
aid her mother, leaving her batch of
Christmas correspondence and going to
carry comfort to the tragic figure on the
horsehair sofa.
, "He's rnn away again!" Lilla roared.
( "Done what, dearr
"The same as he did before."
L "What did he do before T
."Mother, I told you, day before yes
terday ran away from me. He thought
I didn't sec him."
, "Mr. Watts ran away from yon V
' "Yes, mother, and I'll never speak to
him again. Day before yesterday he at
least had the politeness to bow. This
time he just turned and went down a
side street He was with that frump of
cousin. I just hate her, and him, and
the whole lot"
"Don't be foolish, child. Mr. Watts
will be here to explain It all. You'll see."
In answer to this Lilla only rose from
tb sofa, grimly took off her wraps and
hat muttering: "Yes, I'll see," and dis
appeared through a door that led to her
own room.
Mrs. Spragne did not follow her daugh
ter with any further attempts at conso
lation, neither did ahe guess what Lilla
was going to do, and that was to write a
Dear Sir In case you may wlahtomakeany
explanation of your very strange conduct on
two ooeaolon this wees. I wish you would
snare yourself the trouble of doing any such
tunic, ettner personally or in wruin. I
(tug shall b returned by mall, registered
That little projectile which Lllia fired
t her Banc very nearly ended the life
f Randolph Watts; at least so Watts
aid. lie could not think, or he might
have seen an easy way out of the horri
ble msse Into which be had got himself.
His transgression stared him in the face,
lie had run away from Lilla twice and
had even congratulated himself on his
cape from her and chuckled over It se
cretly. How we be to convince her that
hla evasion was not an evidence of dis
loyalty to her!
It was only three day before Christ
inas and WatU bad promjsed himself
that, whatever future Christmas might
have In store for him, that Christmas
should be the happiest he had known, so
far at least.
That night he lay awake until he waa
exhausted. Next morning he got up and
went to his business mechanically.
The first ray of comfort came with his
cousin, Mrs. Sucher the same whom
Lilla had spoken of a a "frump."
"Why, Randolph," said Mrs. Sucher,
"it is am, ovek how," said liixa.
as she entered the office, "what Is the
matter with you? Have yon been iH?"
"She saw me," -was all Randolph could
"Tea. I came to speak to yon again
about It I forjrot "
"Oh, lt'a no use now, Cousin Mattie.
She will not 'receive me or my letters'
"Pooh! Did she tell yon sor .
"She wrote to me I mustn't go there."
"Look here, Randolph," said the eom
mon sense matron, "this Is all nonsense.
If Lilla Spragne won't receive me, she
must be a ninny "
"Don't say that!"
"I will say that But anyhow, her
mother will see me. I am going now to
call on Mrs. Spragne. And now, look
here, about this bracelet.
"Shall we go on with that?" said
Watts, with a faint smile.
"Of course we shall, stupid. Higglns
says he has tried to set the watch with
the face In, as yon wanted it and he
can t make any better job of it than
Moore could. Now I think I'd better go
and take It back to Moore's and tell them
to set It with the face out, don't your"
"Very well," said Watts, with almost
childish resignation.
"And then the miniature can go Inside
wltb the original crystal over it ehr
"Very well"
"And then I'm going straight to Mrs.
Spragne a.
"Are yonr
First to Higglns Mrs. Sucher went
where she took possession of a remark
ably pretty and uncommon gold bracelet
a tiny old-fashioned watch and the min
latnre. Then to Moore's, where she left
the bracelet, the watch and the mlnla
tare. Then to Mrs. Sprsgue's.
As Mrs. Sucher entered Mrs. Spragne's
private and Individual sitting room she
heard a whisk and rustle of skirts and a
door closed behind a rapidly retreating
"Lilla not welir said Mrs. Sucher,
with an Incredulous laugh. "Too bad.
These Christmas preparations are nnde-
nlably fatiguing. I have spent three
weeks, my dear Mrs. Spraguc. running
about town In search of the right present
for the right people."
ion must have laid yourself out to
be generous," said Mrs. Sprague.
"I am generous. I give my time nnd
labor to help other people give presents.
That brings me to the object of this visit.
Can you keep a secret?"
'Yes, said Mrs. Spragne, "and I nm
burning with curiosity. So make haste
and tell me."
"Oh, then yon know?"
"You were with Randolph Watts when
be ran away from Lilla yesterday. How
was it?"
You promise not to tell her? to keep
It tor three days? Very well. You see,
he wants to give her a bracelet he had
mad for her, with a very pretty motto
on it In enamel. Then be wants to give
her a beautiful little watch that belonged
to his poor mother, and be has bad a lit
tle miniature of his mother made to fit
la behind the watch. First be took the
watch to Moore's. That was the day he
ran up against Lilla, when he bad tb
whole package In hla band, and ' was
afraid ahe would ask him, and ran. Ve
tcrday, just as he was taking me to hold
a consultation on that wonderful brace
let, we saw Lilla coming along. I sal
to htm: 'Randolph, If ahe meets us she'
want to walk along with us, and thea
the whole plot is ruined. Let's turn down
here before she sees us.' But It seems
she saw us after all."
On Christmas morning. In spite of
many earnest assurances from her moth'
er that that morning would bring a clear-ing-up
It all her trouble, Lilla was as ter
ribly cross and out of tune with the
chimes aa she bad been for tour days
past. Moreover, she a wok with a head'
She found stocking tied to the head
of her bed, as she had expected, aud
took the stocking down and opened It
mechanically. Then she found the brace
let with a scrap of paper In which. In her
mother a writing, were the words, "Press
the spring and look Inside, behind the
watch." And when ah looked a lovely,
loving face looked back at her a face
that was very like Randolph Watts' own,
And at the bottom of the stocking
away at the very toe was another pa
per which said, "The bracelet ought to
tell you why I ran away. R. W."
Then she laid her head and bracelet
on her pillow, and wet both bracelet and
pillow with tears until her headache waa
all gone.
A Happy New Vear.
Delight and pathos are Inextricably
mingled with the thought of New lean
day, says the Boston Watchman. It
only a conventional point of time; any
other would do aa well. Every day closes
an old year and begins a new one. but for
all that we cannot help feeling that this
day, which Is agreed upon throughout
Christendom for the beginning of a new
year. Is somewhat unique. The pathos
comes from the review of the past, and
from the sense that another notch has
been cut for us on the stick of time. The
delight arises from the anticipation of
the new and better experiences of the
year to come. What interest any rational
person could hare in having his fortune
told is a mystery. The test and charm of
life consist largely in the fact that each
day Is like a new page In the story. If
you wish to enjoy yonr book yoa do not
whtn it Is half read, turn to the closing
chapter to discover how It turns out Yoa
do not thsnk anyone for telling yon the
plot It Is so with life. There la In
finite satisfaction in each day's contribu
tion to the record. Yon do not wsnt to
anticipate it It would be a curse If any
one could tell yon just what the year
would bring. It Is just aa reasonable to
suppose that the year will be happy as
sad. Who can tell? Who can control
that? Are we not in the bands of Ood?
That is the reason for A happy New
Year day.
THE little folk are talkin'-they talk
like anything
'Bout Hanty Claus a-eomln', an' what
he's golu' to bring;
An' the mother never scolds 'en or tells 'en
'bout the noise?
They're just the Sweetest little girls the
Because they know that Banty Clans knows
everything they do,
An' while he's loading up bis sleigh he's
watchln' of 'em, tool
An' them that minds their mother, they
gets the most of toy
They're just the sweetest little girl the
They've Just been wrltln' letter to Banty
viou, rai:u " 7
An' tellln' him just wbst they wsnt an1
ehowln' him the war
To where the house Is. so he'll know Just
where to leave the toy.
Fee just the sweetest little girls the best
ox nine uvysi
They're gltttn' mighty anxious ftr th days
Aa all of 'em are happy aa' they make
lurir miliaria moi
She never has to scold 'em or tell 'en 'bout
me noiee,
'Cause they're Jnst the sweetest little glrli
-the best of llttl boys.
-Atlanta Constitution.
Beat of All Gift.
The best of all gifts at the present time
Is yourself. Make yourself In some way
more pleasant and helpful to others. You
may have been neglectful of them: be
mindful henceforth. You may be quick
la temper and have spoken hastily: nut
on restrslnt and speak kindly now. Re
strain all evil habits and make yourself
a joy and a help to others. Thev will
bless you.
If I wuz Santa, and Btnta wus
D'you know what I would do?
I'd load wltb presents the Christ
mas tree
And have tn sll marked "For
Willie n..
S With p'raps for Charlie a
I'm Willie B.
First of Alt
If Rant Clau would ask th horse,
Who has to pull the loads,
The gift he'd like for Christmas
He would shout, '"Oood ICoadsr'
It la better to give a Christmas box
than to receive one from a pugilist.
Statistic of Columbia Hirer Salmon
rank a Ulvaa la Annual Report of
Coutntlseioaar Haed, of Oregon.
Flub. Commissioner F. C. Seed, of
Oregon, has filed his animal report in
the office of the governor. The report
coven the year ending October 81
1899. It is A voluminous document
and covers the year's work in
un the subject of hatcheries the re
port reviews the progress iu locating
and constructing the buildings and the
work accomplished in the state daring
the past year.
The number of ohlnook salmon eggs
taken from the different hatcheries in
Oregon tributary to the Columbia river
for the year 1899, is aa follows:
TJpper Clackamas hatchery
Salmon river hatchery.
Clackamas hatchery .......
.. 1.000.000
Total for Oregon t.SJO.OuO
Chinook salmon eggs taken on the
Washington side of the Columbia
Chinook hatchery 1.800.000
Kalama hatchery ............ ....... 4 nwtw
Wind river hatchery 1.600.000
Little White Salmon hatchery. ...10.000.ttu0
Chewaukum hatchery l.ouo.uu)
Total for Washington.... .18.300.00
Total for Columbia river 13,100.000
From the salmon that were marked
oy Air. iiuDbaiti, batoned from eggs
taken in 1895, there were eaught dur
ing the season of 1898, S75 fish weigh
ing from 10 to 60 pounds each. Dur
ing the season of 1899 the paokers and
dealers have neglected to watch for the
marked fish as well aa they should
says the report, bat between 40 and 60
have been reported, the average weight
being nearly 10 pounds greater than
those taken in 1898.
The report shows a falling off in the
number of cases of salmon canned dur
ing the past season on the Columbia as
com rami with 1898. This is in part
accounted for by the increased 'number
of pounds of salmon handled by the
cold-storage concerns.
The following statistics of the sal
mon pack are given:
Spring pack, Oiegon side
Variety. Case. Value.
Chinook IDI.liW fl.OM.OM 00
Bluebacks 22 .158 121 W on
Steelheads 19.963 89,797 SO
Total m.ilS tl.K2.M3H
Spring pack, Washington side
Variety. Casea. Value.
Chlnooks &0.5UQ I r7.7W 00
Bluebacks 7.6W 40.975 00
Bteelheads 1,340 15.030 00
Total (4,499
I 333,756 00
Spring pack, both si
Total 194.708
Fall pack, Oregon aide-
Variety. Cases.
Chinook 12.91U
Stlverstdes U.443
Bteelheads 222
. 596.398 60
58 069 00
M 00
I 155.551 50
Fall pack, Washington side-
Chinook ,
Bllversidea ....
. 2.450
. 7,750
. 654
11.026 00
M.K75 00
2.926 00
Total 10.850
Fall pack, both sides
Total 4B.4IT
Total on Columbia... 240.125
Total on coast rivers. 74.932
t 48.825 00
t 204.376 50
1.M0.77S 00
271.532 00
Total 41S.057
Amount and value of each
12.072.307 59
species of
fish consumed locally and shipped Kant
for the year 1899:
Pounds. Value.
Fresh salmon 2,199.239 tl5.9:a
Salt Hal mon l,3.V).w 10K.MM
Sturgeon F9.9I0 3.691
Smelt 2K0.5U0 14.02$
Shad 275.3X0 11.015
Crawfish 138.2-W 13.H24
Cat Huh 62.30 2.095
Tom cod t.000 310
Halibut 218.4(10 22.472
Cod 11,500 9-fl
Herring 11,175 m
Flounders 6.WM 231
Parch 4,525 77
Oysters 6M.S110 14,770
Clams 110.900 2.218
Total 5.448,617 2370.848
Northwest Notes.
Repnblio is soon to vote on the quo
tion of incorporation.
A Portland man has bought 29,000
pounds of wool at Ashland at 15 to 18
Washington hag a stringent law for
the protection of hotelmen from board
bill Jumpers.
The'Fairhaven coal mines, at Coke
dale, have been sold to the Great
Northern railroad.
Demand has outstripped the supply
of lockboxes at the Spokane postsofflce,
where 702 are now in use.
A gravity water supply, to be piped
nine miles, is nnder consideration of
Baker City's common council.
Baker City is talking of "modern
pavement" for its leading business
street, to relieve the present ' disgrace
ful nnpaved condition."
Approximately a sum of $200,000 in
delinquent taxes was paid into the
county treasury this year on Whatcom
city property. Of this sum, about
50,000 was the interest penalty of 6
per cent. Treasurer Rueder has placed
this to the credit of the county, and
the city of Whatcom baa entered a de
mand for it. The matter will be taken
into the courts.
Arthur Iluey. who went from bis
home, near Walla Walla, to work in
Umatilla county harvest fields, early
in the fall, and who was sought by his
parents for weeks after it had come time
for him to return home, has turned up
alive and well. He went to Bedland,
Cal., and a newspaper paragraph tell
ing of his parents' search induced him
to write home, and soon follow his
letter. . ,
An electrio light plant and water
works system are two Improvements
that are almost a necessity in Burns,
and the News thinks steps will be
taken early in the spring to inaugurate
the two systems.
A Gilliam county man recently sold
63 head of beef cattle to the Union
Meat Company, of Portland, The price
was $3.60 per 100 for steers and $8.10
for fat cows. Twelve head of the cat
tle averaged 1,800 pounds, and one
steer brought $46.67. j
Through the failure of some of the
shingle mills of Whatcom county to
close, nnder the agreement recenty
reached to limit production in the in
terest of better prices, a break-up was
imminent In the Whatcom county asso-
niation. But a meeting was held and
the recalcitrant concerns promised to
qnit work, there waa a new election of
officers, and harmony and strength were
restored. '
The Lake view Examiner reports
sale of 77 head of beef cows at 6 cents
per pound, and that the seller "has a
special lot of beef Christmas cows that
he is holding; at th cents."
Csaal nhnnkag at Knit of the
Not Apparent.
R. G. Dun A Co.'s weekly review of
trade says; The approach of now
rear usually bringa so much of heal
tancy in business that the small shrink
age this year is surprising. Probably
never before have the productive forces
oi the country been so largely coverud
by contracts at this date, inducing
employment and profit far into the
coming year. This results not from
any mere speculative excitement, but
from actual demands for consumption
running lar beyond the producing ca
pacity hereafter, and pushing it to re
markable expansion. The increase in
foreign trade has been
pared with the increase of $24,000,000
in payments through clearing-houses
For the week the payments have been
80.3 per oent larger than last year, and
88.1 per cent larger than in 1892.
Demand for oars and other railway
equipment is enormous, and also for
shipping, both lake and ocean. Tin is
woak at 27o, and copper declined to
lono, but lead And spelter, are
Wool has advanoed further, with
muoh speculative baying, though most
manufacturers have supplied wants for
the present, And are less disposed
purchase at prices ; now averaging
higher than at any time since June IS,
Wheat hat risen 8o, and corn k fraO'
tion, with a decline in Western ro
celpts of both. Atlantio exports of
wheat this week, flour included, were
only 8,869,667 bushels, against 6,636,
767 last year, and Pacific exports 880,
172 bushels, against 650,623 bushols
Failures for the week have been 22
in the United States, against 248 last
year, and 83 iu Canada, against 29 last
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, $1.00 1. S3 per sack
Potatoes, new, $16 20.
Beets, per sack, 75 85c.
Turnips, per saok, OOo.
Carrots, per sack, BOo.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 850.
Cauliflower, 75o perdosen.
Cabbage, native and California, ft
90o per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 6580o.
Apples, $1.26 1.60 per box.
Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box.
Prunes, 60o per box.
Watermelons, $1.60.
Nutmeg, 60 76o.
Butter Creamery, 82o per pound
dairy, 1722o; ranoh, 22o per pound,
Eggs Firm, 80 31o.
Cheese Native, 16o.
Poultry 9 lOo; dressed, 11 13a.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $28.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $23.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85;
blended straights, $3.10; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; it
ham, per barrel, $8.80; whole wheat
flour, $3.10; rye flour, $8.80 4.00.
Millstuffs Bran. Der ton. S16.00:
shorts, per ton, $17.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.60 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $36.00.
Portlaad Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 60 61c;
Valley, 61c; Bluestem, 62o per bushel.
Hour Best grades, $3.00; graham.
$2.60; superfine, 62.18 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86 80c; choice
gray, 85o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $16 16.50;
brewing, $18.00 19.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy, $9 11; clover, $7
3 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery. 6056o;
seconds, 42K45o; dairy, 87t'40o;
store, 2535o.
Eggs 18X21o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18o;
Young America, 14c; now cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
8.50 per dozen; hens, $4.60; springs,
$2.00 3.60; geese, $7.008.60 forold;
$4.606.50 for young; ducks, $4.60
per dozen; turkeys, live, 1415o
per pound.
Potatoes 60 60c per sack; sweets,
22o per pound.
V egetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlio, 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70
700 per dozen; encumbers, ouo per
box; peas, 84o per pound; tomatoes,
76o per box; green corn, 13 K
16o per dozen.
Hops 8llo; 1898 crop, 68o.
Wool Valley, 1218o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27
80o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8io; dressed mutton, 6X
7o per pound; lambs, 7X0 per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $6.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.60 6.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.604.00;
cows, $8 8.50; U rested beef, 6t
THo per pound.
Veal Large, 6t 76c; small, 8
8Ko per pound.
aa Vranaisea Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18oper
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 10c; Val
ley, 1820o; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 1899 crop, ll12o per
Onions Yellow, 7685o per tack.
Butter Fancy creamery 24 25c;
do seconds, 2224c; fancy dairy, 21
22o; do seconds, 1920o per pound.
Eggs Store. 2627o; fancy ranch.
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00
20.00; bran, $1415.00.
Hay Wheat $7.00 10; wheat and
oat $7.609.60; best barley $6.00
7.50; alfalfa, $6.00 7. 60 per ton;
straw, 8545o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 40 BOo; Ore
gon Burbanks, 60c 1.00; river Bur
banks, 4565o; Salinas Burbanks,
$1.00 1.25 per sack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$8.768.28; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 76o$1.60;
do choice $1.76 2.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50
1.00 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, tikiX per
Tha Marriageable Age
A spinster who ia still living In hope
ays the marriageable- ago is anywhere
between the seminary and the ceme
tery. Chicago Daily News.
Tha Typewriter Invention.
A stntlsticlim bus proven that th Inven
tion of the typewriter has given employ
ment to oUO.IKW Kiple, but lie fulls to stats
how ninny cases of weak stomachs it lias
induced. All people of sedentary own.
patlon need Hosteller's Btomach Hitters
It helps nature to bear the strain which
ensues Irom couliimmmit.
Foolish men
men eat them.
make feasts and wise
T7 offer On nundrod Dollars lUward lor any
ease ot Catarrh thsl vu nut bo curt! by UaU't
Vatarrh euro.
r. J. ortKNKY A CO.. Props.. Toledo, O.
We the. undersigned, Intvs known F.J.lllnuoj
for th nasi 15 v.mrn, ami bailors him porlsctljr
honorable In all bntlii sa transaetloiw and An
anolallv abia to carry out any obllgnUwu iuadt
by itiolr llrut.
Wbst A Tan x.
Wholesale lruTtt, Tolt In, "X
W nolemls Drur tsts, Toledo, U
nail's Catarrh Cur It t- kn.m-rnllr,oilnt
(ilrwilyou the bluwl and m onus surlkJt oi
the system. Frl 7So pr bo U. iMi by si
urtitilats. Testtmonl.UIra,
Hall's family l'ltli n thi bast.
Mexico sold the United Statos $2,
000,000 worth of hides last year.
Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is ou each box. Zoo.
In Austrian hotels it is still custom
axy to charge extra for candloa.
Kat Them I.Ike Candy.
Painty, Iraarnnt tshlels of confection Cat-
.nivw . . ntiiMruu, m iurm;iiie ill HMiaf ,
rills and llqulits are out ol daw. All drug.
I.,. 11. , .
WM ,W, ..', UUU.
He who is not
traitor to Heaven.
true to himself la a
Mothers will Ami tin Wln.ln.1.
Ing Hyrop ths best remedy to us for thrlv
Buuureu uuruig me teething period.
Michigan, Ohio aud Indiana lime
makers are forming a trust.
,, We will forfeit 11,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to he not
genuine, ihi I'iho Co., Warren, I'a.
Wyomlng'a coal mines are producing
-i.uuu tons per tiay,
yiTAUTT low.dehllltaieil or shamted cured br
Ir. Kline's fnl,irtlM Timta, HIKK 1. Trial
.,,.,,,,. , inmimeui. nr. Kllnr
Jntuiut. mil A ri b M.. 1-ulUdeluliia, Vouudsd iH
At Roberta, Ga
15 cents a bushel.
cotton seed cost
The Pleasant!, Most Powarfnl and
iflrellYS htreifalilug Keuedy lor
La Orlppe, Catarrh,
win cm any aeh or psln known
In th human btly. Send lor trial txiltl,
trial ImiII a. Vti
This offer Imu an dsva nnl
Irss twills (SU0
floats of ft DHor each
hill do or I for 12 so.
1ST sad 169 0arera It. Chlesi.
Improved Train Equipment.
The O. R, A N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
thiotigh train, and a dining car service
has been Inaugurated. The train is
equipped wllb ths latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious fliit-olaas
and ordinary lee pen. Dlieot connee
tion made at Granger with Union I'a
clflo, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
for iiuormaiion, rates, etc., call mi
any O. R. A N. agent, or address W
Hsllurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Ara Yoa Going East
m-tmm If so, you should see that
your ticket rends via tha
Great I took Island route,
ml you will get Die best
Pullman palace sleeping cars, elegant
teclinlng ohaircats "free," and libiary
buffet cars on an through trains. Best
dining car service In the world. Popu
lar personally comluoted eiourslont
once a week to all points Ksst. For
full particulars call on or mid res any
ticket agent, or A. E. COOPER.
G. A. P. D., O. R. J. & P. Ry., 146
Washington street, Portland, Or.
Cllmata, Scenery and Nature' Saal
Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air,
constitute the factors, which art) rapid
ly making Colorado the health and
pleasure grounds of the world.
Here the sun shines 857 days of the
average year, and it blends with the
crisp, electrio mountain air to produce
climate matchless in the known
world. No pen can portray, no brush
can picture the majestic grandeur of
the scenery along the line of the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad in Colorado.
Parties going 1-ast should travel via
this line which is known all over the
world as the Bcenio Line of the world.
For any information regarding rates,
time tables, etc., call on or adilnws H.
C. Nichol, general agent, 251 Wash
ington street, Portland, Or., or any
agent of the O. R. Sc N. Co., or South
era Pacific Company.
HI Misfortune.
Teacher Try to remember this:
Milton, the poet, was blind. Do yon
think you can remember it?
Bobby Smart Yes. ma'am.
"Now, what was Milton's great
He was a poet." Columbus (O.)
State Journal.
44 A Miss is As
Good as a Mile.
If you art not tntlrely wtl. you art tH.
Ulnesi does not mtn dttlh'i door. S It
a tens of warintss, a " ttrtd f tiling" a
lift filled with tumttest pains and Buffer
ing. In 90 of east the blood It to blame,
llocxft Sartapardla It Naturt't corrective
for disordert of the blood. Rf member
i th iiiassattif f i r rrrr t
TIim!S Stora fo S1I.4I. Serein
A Ketallera'rrnnt-aaistae Wbalaaalaia
Proftt. Take, ail.aaua ol enr eontaoi
.imiwa. iiuwii a.uoaa mil.
rteee of prir Stera, at sor eoatrao
wita the ataanraMnrar aoarsela them
tofnralabMlththia,M w can all
wools ba orooJi
oeaormaaa parlor auaiM, The
parlor stana, TMVtoturas
. hat V. sat la4u ja t laaal . .1.
aaa or taalr elaaaaoa.
MB S..A.MI - ...l . a.aA
Bar UBIBntSJ B ismr imniarinT iniHI
A rrIHoUlcs. 1st. faUhmm mIoMfwlw
In time- Solrj br Smoslata. f I
la '
Iffna hsren'ta resnlar, healthr morement at th
bowels at err (Uriy"U'n ak'S. or will be. Kiiep 70111
bowels oiwin, and bo
vlolsul uhralA or oil uieabsiiQ
n. is tUiiseroiis. Ti
IHilkon. is oaiiserous. Ths
Kionliieil, eiuleat, mot inirreel i
wsls clear sua olsaa is to tak
war ui availing tos
tleaant, Pststsbla, rtitent. TsateOnod IToflnnd,
Ksrer nlvkon, Wesksn, or Urltw. KM. tun, MM Writs
for fro aiunvile, awl booklet on health. Aiirircaa
Sttrllas BmS- lwrr. Ckbaat, alml, Saw tart. MS
svnup OF FIGS
... M AKUA0TOnD BY ...
Fence anil vira Wiiina.
I'OIITI.AKI) Wilts ,t IKON WoltKHi UlltH
Slid Iron leneliis: nlflee rsillnir. em. ail Aider,
ManMnery ami eiittil!,
raWK'NlN A t'O.i KNtllNKS, HOI I. K KM, MA.
alnnerr, suplls. k-m first St., I'urtlniul.ur.
JOHN roi)LK.n?orrrTs
oan five you th best Iwrnslns In general
niaehlnery, engine, boilers, tanks, pumps,
blows, belts and windmills. Th new
itcol I X h windmill, sold by him, Is un.
Barter's ink
Em us It? You should.
team Pumps
and Water
Pumping Flams ol
Any Capacity
SOtoSO first Street. I'nrlland, Or.
siaoniiiory All kiiius.
and M air lo Lantern Murrain
No. la now reatlr for wailing,
T. P. ANIIKKWH, to Monlguinvtf
Ml,, San FranelaiHh
rttKVKNTINK, thegrealeal anttteiitlo snt
rernili'tile known. Wluriiresll lenialn
hire. I'ostllveljr aale anil euriain. No wnmmi
ale wUiiuill It. Mall nrtlera promptly tlttv.l.
II s Ion, Agents wstiteil. Ply money nimlo.
nr.nai'1, I'Klu lu.. A ini ia
CO., A 161 la rail airwl,
Lhleago, III.
Horrid Rheumatic Pains
Are rauaed by the Imnnrltlealn th IiIimhI. Van
wllll relieved nf the pain quickly, your blood
will u ms'le pur by
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
Turt and plea-ant to trk. On bottle sltna
rsllsf. 11.00 per buttle si jour drnitiilat's.
Da. tumt.-s book,
for Women
a.mA. In rUla,aMM.3nia, writs
,r Hma,e'ieliUi,s -rtl,i.
Ian aaa Ti lunula of lata. aUkTa.!
French Female Pills.
Pram hr ikonwuwu tt Mii.nM hutiMias
ra. !... i.iu,i,i. uut .in, out aa ntuO,
Mi,lrflallrfn,j.l.,.l. k..
teejoe In S, Wl.iu ,l?t.,t. ta no oW
rauoa Oriu Oualia Sai faarlSU. Sew furaCIIK
Yoa Cto't Hike I Mlittki bj Taking tlx
For tt b the hvorils through Dinlnar Car
and Buffet-Libriry Car Lin East.
Tot further particulars call on or aililress
J. K. NAUKL. C. T. A. W. K. COMAN. U. A.
C. O. TKItitY, T, P. A,
124 Third Street, r'onrLANO, Or.
i urota'ir mnlfttir ntanfM itJIiifiB.
M t00 four 0M.
Use Ills 41 for annattiral
Irrltatliifia or ulrrstiuus
M aal M .irlst.n
M airutaf. 01 laaeuua memltraiiM.
rr.,u Onatactaa, Pslnlnae, anil nut aatrlu.
ItMIUHISlOtl 00. (Mil or pnlatiugus.
UiOIsri,0.arTI S1" "P nnasalat.
r atni in Slain wrspeer
t aivraiM, rapali, ui
Ian. nr s li,.lll.. ii '
Jlreulsr sanl on niuM.
lit ONI.T mrtr?tn wlilrli will mir Mtrh tanrl rett-v
asa. nr i.nni in, w ss se sibhi ssTsar Shi in iisera. na
isaierr now a'ri nim vr "t now surii
from tu um will twtnnlah ytm. It
Inn itiui'llfir. lUsmlu
frnvtmui atricitini. tuul two h
lfnre ntl d,tnM'itt frnm btii
M IHNlMlts?l7 mitt.
rstf HtKt
n wtUirmi innutiT.
4nMav I'HH K, UM. lf.rf
m ty Mil rflUM univirurU, ui Mnt priptU bj Bltrm.
blainlv wnuiMHl, on ipt r,t pr.o. lv
I prtp. hj
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cur Rink llea.lsch
t?4 y'!,?1,'!,,,,"," I'lmplaasnd Purify th
OotUrlMorBU'knri. Tnfnninr...A.. "
CO.,,.Vouaa. Bold by Drusnlau.
W. P. N. V.
NO. Bl-'Utt.
WHEN wrltlna; to adTertlaers plans
iuaotloo this iaer.
eitus ynua
riaaaa ""u
toil Vsliliilni
SWroaanS lUnsoa. D-AsrlcnHnral
a, r Lragaann i'i
losanrl 1'ataait MMtlal..M
ioi jrtatrvmsMii
iiierpiaa. rf-lluna ana Hiwrtlns
1 i" ST Svi IV 2 ' " . -" " " J?"" ' "'
WAIJaUI laW ana. I lanta' IPaaa-nlaila lliaa arl,u.J. M 1
. BmnA 1AU mnd tw Uw Kufplf uTuloifu wiA Vim
treated selsn.
tiUnally and
eonS dentin I-
CAW ''
JW In tb sud than Bar aaads Wk
if thai only exist ball a mucli.
If Tasted, true to narue, fresh and 1
1 1 reliable, Always th treat. Ask II
I for Kerry's Uk no other. I
I . Write for Ism SaaS Aaaaal.
m. m. r r.u u r a vs., JF J
Tint riirttts it m nnmi, itieMtiri r lrirtitliitg
FiIm ftr run tit Dr. f onko'lla mna
nitm Ithlnv mt iiltneihttsf . Alftr(i ttiuMtri. h"r k
Jar al drtisrsrUtatir Mut i mat I 'trmaumalrm Wana
ff,-!,8.!!.!!!!;!! M
0. N. tVOOOas
CO., 101 Isoani p.rtlan..
s JB..' -