Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 21, 1899, Image 1

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rvii.iiiio ivkxv Tin'km ar
....8. A. PATTISON....
editor and Proprietor.
Prof aval mi al cards. ..,....J1 OR m meat
On eqnare ..... 1 M Mr rnonta
Ooe-qnatier colnmn H par aaoata
One half colaia a 4 00 pr month .
OMMlnmn. ...ml0 00 pgr eaonU
laalneaa local win he charged at M eenta pet
Ong yaar (In advance) ,, tl M
If nol paid In advama. ....... ,., j oo
H ninniliii , , MI j go
Ihrfe moiulia ...,.. m
eil so
.Una tor leu laantloa and 1 mm par use tnare-
Lata! agvertiesiaenta will la all aaaaa ka
gfcarged ts U party ordering thesa, at iatal
Mas, aa4 paid far before aadavll la reralaaeg
NO. 41.
Knlfrt al tht FatUiglai of Condon, Oman, at
SMmrf-cbua mnfl aintur
O. It. K. Oo. Tlma Card.
New tlma eard, taking effoot Sunday, Fobro-
mi j toil! i
KAirr ant'ND.
No. 8 Via IlntilliiKlon, InavGi,.. 1 :M a.
No, 4 Via Ntiokaiia, loavoa ,,. 7:Wp. m
No. 114 Local freight, Ituivea ..7:W p. m
vnrr bound.
No. l-Pnrttand, Iravn W:47 a. m.
No. a Murttniul, liavoa ..,..... 4 :M a. m.
No. 28 Local height, loavnt .. 11 :M a. m.
J. K. CKANK, Agent, Arlington.
y 11. DOBYNS
Attorney-st-Law, Notary Public
Will practice In all tin conrtaof tht atata,
rollwiliiiit and Probate Hualumie glveu cartful
Condon, Or.
Office Oregon avi., between Catholic Chorea
ami reeldvmwufS. P. tihuli.
i t Attorney at Law,
, I t ' .
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Condon, Or.
rleellnaandlnauranre. Terms reasonable
nii' lu war ul pualolhoe building, Main street.
ti a.Va.xtimhi
, t Office In (Jiobe Building.
t" oondon, . . . ok icaow.
Attorn 7 tad Oonmelor at Law
' Arlington, Or.
V. B. Cnmm.l(ihcr and Notary Pnbllo In
nftleo. t'rnli' In all Hie auia and fi'dnrat
court, ol Oroiton and KulilnaiiM. All kluda
olU. 8, land and legal buouiw Iranaaetvd.
; Office corner Hutlng tlrmt and Oregon arenua
f j .5. -; ., ......
The Regulator Line.
The Dalle;, Pcrtfand I Istoria
Dally Line of Stcamera Brtwn Portknd,
Vancouver, CaacacU Locks, Hood River
and all Poind on the Wathlngton tide
Tha atramrra Dallra City and Regulator laan
Cnrtland fVT)f ninrnlng (nirpnl Hiiinlay) at .
. a ml 11m Ditlln all a. m., arriving at deatin
; lloii in amplo lima lor outgoing tralna.
' rrclght llatra Greatly Kcdurcd.
" W. C. AI.t.AWAY, Orn. Agt..
Foot of Court Hirwt, 1 lia aila, Or.
B. Tl ICHfOUlEi ......
Fa.t Halt Lab, rx-nrar, Faxt
Mall Ft. Worth, Omaha, Mail.
p. 10. Kanaa. I'll), HI t:p.nk
l.niil., ( h Ivago,
Bpoaana Walla Walla, lwla- Hpokaua
Klyar ton.Hpiiknna.Mlii- Kly.r
, ,. I:tip. m. nrapnlla, Hi. Paul, t a. m.
I)iiluth, Mll an
k.,ClilcaHO.tlat liWp.m. Oeianlltamalilui, 4.00 p. m.
All .ailing dntat
i aubji'i't to fhaugu
. , . , Tor an Fraiu'lM.o
" Sail !. 8, , lit, in,
M. 'in, aud avury 6
da? a.
Dully Columbia Rlvar 4:00 p.m.
Kx.xunriay ktaamart. K. Uuiiday
I :0tll. Hi.
i taturduy To Aalorla and Way
lu.oo p. in. Landing..
:0iia.m Wlllamalt Rlvar. 4:H0p. m.
Ka. guuday Kx. HuuUay
On-goo Clly, Naw.
li.Tg.Hnlcin 4 Wuy
1:00 a. in. Wlllam.'lt tag Yam- : p.m.
Tuna., Thtir. hill Nltara. Mun., WoJ,
aud Hut. and Frl.
Oroton City, Day
Ion, A W ay Laud-
6:00 a.m. WCIamatla Rlvar. 4 :80 p.m.
Tufa., Thur Mon., Wad.
and bat. Portland to Cnrval- and Frl.
Ila it Way Laud
luga. tr. Klparla Inakt Rlvar. Lr.I.r.wlitoa
liDOa. in, Dully
Dally lllparla to Uwlaton to a.m.
, J. E. CRANE, Axent, ArlIneUD,
i anral Pautugai Aiaut, Portland, 0
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Intaraatlng Collotlonoritama Fror'
tha Two Ilamlapharaa lraanad
In a Coodonaad Form.
An anll-Sitllgb meotln wr bld In
Omaha. '
Gataore doeg not blirao the guldua
fur bla dlaoator.
Otia hag hem lnntractod to open
portg In th I'hlllpplueg.
A colon of 80 Michigan people will
ottle near Falrhavun, VV'atth.
Five atorea were buroed out on riith
atreet, noar Aider, l'ortlttud, Or.; lung,
f 10,000.
It la aald that Booth Africa haa al
waya been graveyard for the liritiah
gouerala' reputationa.
The Britlah bark Indian Einprio,
laden with coal, waa traraed to the
water'a edge near Lima, Fern.
Onr iron ore aupply la ghort. It will
take 200 venela to handle the curgoog
of iron engagod for importation.
Two prominunt Portland rhyali.Iang
have been aued by a lady who olulme
negligenoe in diagnoglng hor caw.
A report cornea from AatorU, Or.,
that the packer' combine will operate
only three of It cannenea next aeaaon.
llritiaher acknowledge that they
loot over 700 men at Ktormberg, and
ltoer reiwrtt apjwrently agree with
thoao from Ilrltiah aourcea.
Nearly 9,000,000 bnahelt of wheat
ate atored in warehoueua of Tacoma
and not a ahlp ia loadinit, the ownera
of the wheat holding fur better price.
A company haa boon organized in
Kaatern Oregon to build a railway
line from Ililgard to the John Day
country. The O. It. & N. ia aald to
be in the deal. . ,
Jonea of Waahlngton haa introduced
in the house bill for a cable to the
1'hilipplneg, to coat not to exceed
000,000, and the creation of a cable
Terrific galea were reported from
porta on the Great Lukea Tuoaday, aud
feara were felt tor the atiffty of a fleet
of ateamer which iutd left the Strait
of Mackinac
Otla reporta that 3,000 additional
R pnii In h prianm-ra have been aeciired in
Northern Luaon, making over 8,000
ruleaaed within a month. Hevon hun
dred are now en route from Yigan, and
tranaporta will be aent for the re
in Kinder.
The tranaporta 8heridan and Grant
are at Seattle
Kngiueorg and firemen of the Union
Pacific have aaked for more pay.
Tho Paciflo Expreag ofTko at Omaha
waa robbed of from 5,000 to $30,000.
The Ilritlah aliip Glenholm will be
fumigated at Astoria for fear of yellow
A prominent Frenchman aaya that
England ia ready fur war with the
whole world,
A negro wag ghot at LewUton, Id.
The ballot flattened on hta akull and
he waa comparatively uninjured.
' Waahlngton offlctalg are auxiouaover
the poftnlble fate of the American pria
ouera in tlie hands of Aguinaldo.
The football team of tho University
of California will pltty the Carlisle Iu
dlana on Chrlatmaa day, in Sun Fran-
Commandor E. P. Wood, U. 8. N.,
ia dead of typhoid fever at Washington.
He commanded the Petrel in the battle
of Manila bay.
To inoreaite Admirat Dewey'g
trouble MinnoHtoa iiuople will preaout
him with a large black bear recently
The supreme court of Oregon has
finally pasxed u)on the cane of the
state v. Magers, the petition for a re
hearing being deuied.
Conitressman Ilalloy will protCHt
against the entrance of General Joe
Wheeler into congress on his return
from the Philippines.
"Governor of Cuba" will be the offi
cial designation of the olllce to which
Major-General Leonard Wood will be
assigned early in the new year.
Colonel James Graham and William
P. Cnnueen, prominent politicians of
St. Marys, Kau drank from a disin
fectant bottle which they supposed to
contain whiskey, and ore not expected
to live.
The president will soon send a apeo
ial message to congress regarding re
wards for ollloerg and men from the At
lantic squadron who distinguished
themselves daring the war with Spain,
and whose gallantry haa not yet boon
The controller of the curronoy has
doolared the fifth dividend of 10 per
cent in favor of the creditors of The
Dalles National bank, making 05 per
cout paid on tho claims proved,
amounting to $30,818.20.
Tho total number of women over 18
years old employed in tho factoring and
workshops of tho ilrltish islands la
about 600,000.
John J. Bmallwood, president of the
Industrial and Collegiate institute at
Claremont, Va., was born a slave and
largely educated himself.
Judge Wylie, for years one of the
most prominent figures on the district
bench, is still living in Washington,
and, though over 00 years old, is- in
vigorous health.
Conoral Mothncn la f rearing for
anothpr advauco.
Tho Gorman press end pcop'.o nro
jubilant over Bnller'g defoat.
Major-General Wood anticipate liny
lng a pleatnt time In Havana.
Agitators are alarming tho peaceable
natives ol the island of Isegros.
Three Mexicana were killed as a iO'
salt of a fight near Florence, Ariz.
New York is working hard to secaro
the noxt national Democratic conven
tion. The Broadway National Bank, of Bog
ton, has failed, with liabilities of $3,
000,000. William II. Carpenter, poet and edi
tor, died at hla hrme in Baltimore,
aged 80.
The usual large number of British
officers were killed In the engagement
at Tugela.
Aguinaldo ha retreated into the
mountains and Major Marsh has given
op the chase.
The Boers captured a great quantity
of British supplies and ammunition at
Tho Forty-eighth United States in
fantry haa been released from quaran'
tine at Angel island.
Puller's casualties in the battle at
Tugela river, in killed, wounded and
missing, number 1,100.
The American Federation of Labor
has registered an emphatic disapproval
of government subsidies.
The Stanford University football team
will play the Multnomah club on New
Year's day at Portland.
Baron KoWts baa been appointed to
supersede General Buller in command
of the South African forces.
Four persona were burned to death
in Alliun-e Ky., as a retult of a chill
throwing some powder in a fire.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
will donate $1,000,000 to aid the Boers
in their fight against the English.
Tho Spanish government has formal
ly recognized General Castro as presi
dent of the republic of Venezuela.
A farewell banquet at Carleton,
England, In aid of the fund of the
American hospital-ship Maine, realized
Fire completely dostroyed the school
annex building of St. Michaels orphan
asylum, of Pittsburg l'a., with a loss
of $0,000.
A Cleveland, Akron & Columbus pas
senger train collided with a switch
engine near Cleveland, killing tho en
gineer, flremau and conductor.
The province of Cayan, Luzon, haa
surrendered to Captain McCalla.
Commander Tilley may be given
charge of our possessions in Samoa.
Americana have destroyed Aguin
aldo'g body guard and the rebel chief
has fled In disguise.
Mac Arthur has captured Mabini, one
of the ablest of Insurgents, and founder
of their government.
Promlnont officials will go to Wash
ington to lobby for the admission of
New Mexico to statehood.
Owing to the British reverses in
South Africa It la said Russia and
Franco are getting restless.
The army and navy are each urging
different routes for the Paolflo cable.
Private comanles are also after it.
Alaska ia after better government.
Her special envoy is in Washington to
present a petition for favors desired.
Ladysmith ' relief force's advance
column has reached a position within
three miles of Colunso without opposi
tion. General Methuen attacked 13,000
Boers on the Modder river, but found
their position too strong for him. He
roiorts great losses.
Major-General Andrew G. Wauchope
was killed In action at Modder river.
He was a veteran of the Ashantee and
Egyptian campaigns.
A rooent decision of the customs de
partment In regard to the shipment of
goods In bond works a groat Injury to
Pacific coast interests.
Germany has inquired as to our in
tentions regarding the Danish West
Indies. It ia believed Germany would
like to have them, but this would not
suit Uncle Sam.
Two Americans were killed, appar
ently without provocation, in San
Pedro, Spanish Honduras. The kill
ing, as reported, was of a particularly
aggravating type.
Major-General Edward Ferrero ia
dead at New York. In 1801 he rained
the "Shepard Kllles," of which he was
made colonel. He took the first forti
fied redoubt oaptured in the war.
Another glgantio corporation is now
organising to oppose the sugar trust in
the islands. A former member of the
sugar trust is believed to be one of the
loading spirits. The capital will be
$100,000,000 and may be known as the
Colonial Sugar Refining Company.
A Washington dispatch to the Clove
land Loader aaya that McKlnley and
Root will head the Republican ticket.
Leading Republicans favor their nomi
nation by aoolamation. Tuesday, June
18, is suggested aa the most likely date
for tho convention.
The Illinois Central railroad has
practically secured control of the Min
neapolis & St. Louis lino, giving it an
Independent line to St. Paul.
Patriok Fnrey, who died in Philadel
phia at the age of 100, had as his am
bition the desire to live in three cen
turies and nearly accomplished It.
The queen of Portugal, who is said
to have taken up medicine as a fud, be
came so Interested in it that she com
pleted the course and took the degree
of M. D.
Supreme Court Must Pass on
Demonetization Act
United fltataa Will Defend tha Legality
f the At The Dolnga of Uta
Monetary League.
Denver, Deo. 18. W." A. Riicker,
president of the United States Mone
tary League, left here last night for St.
Louis, where he will hold a conference
with the governors of several states
friendly to the free coinage of silver,
relative to a suit which ia about to be
begun by the state of Colorado for the
purpose of securing a decision by the
United State supreme court as to the
legality of the demonetization of silver.
The general assembly of the state
passed a joint resolution authorizing
the governor to take step to bring thig
question before the supreme court.
After consultation with prominent pub
lio men of the state, Governor Thomat,
settled upon a course of action. The
first step was to authorize President
Rucker, under the great seal of the
state, to confer with other governors
and raise funds necessary to bring, a
case before the supreme court of the
United States.
The replies from governor of those
states recognizing that silver should be
on an equality with gold as a circulat
ing medium of value have been most
satisfactory, promising assistance, and,
If possible, active co-operation. Es
pecially in Texas has the reception of
the idea been cordial, and it is possible
Mr. Rucker will go to that state and
meet the governor and state official
before proceeding to Washington.
Suit against the government will be
gin in Denver. The United Stater
Monetary League will give the state (A
Colorado as a present, a solid silver
brick of the purest metal of 100 ounces,
and representing $100 at par ratio.
The treasurer of the state will then
formally present the brick to the state.
The state will send it to the United
States mint at Washington, with the
demand that it be coined into, 100 sil
ver dollar.
"This demand, of course," says Mr.
Rucker, "will be refused. Upon the
refusal, suit will be entered in the
United State supreme court, for we
have no right, under the constitution,
to demand that bullion be coined.
The question will be raised as to where
the constitution land us, and the suit
brought in the natni of the state of Col
orado to secure more rapid action than
otherwise would be given It."
Mr. Rucker will be assisted by coun
sel from thig and other states.
Batchelder Kneountered Enemy In Hla
March to Aparrt.
Waahlngton, Deo. 18. The war de
partment today received a cablegram
giving the latest developmental in the
situation In the Philippines. The ca
blegram is as follows:
"Manila, Deo. 18. Batchelder,
Twenty-fourth infantry, reporta that
on the 14th he had an engagement at
the junction of he Magat and the Rio
Grande, Isabella province, the enemy
leaving four dead and five mortally
wounded in the trenches. Our los
was one drowned and four wounded.
He say he is in need of clothing, pro
visions and money. He will reach Ta
guagarao, Cagayan province, shortly,
Doubtless the navy relieved him yester
day. "Four hundred and seventy-five
Spanish prisoners arrived this morning,
among them the sick at Yigan, num
bering 120.
"Young, at Banqui, Northwestern
Luzon, repot ts that his troops are still
pursuing the remnant of the Insur
gents, who have 23 American prisoner
In their possession. The country is
exceedingly rough. Our men, without
shoes, are still persistently pursuing.
"The number of Spanish prisoner
now in the hands of the insurgents is
probably 1,000, mostly in the south.
I expect to effect their release In a few
"Negros reporta that Sergeant Koe-
der, Sixth infantry, 20 soldiers and 18
native police, attacked 400 insrugenta
at Madrigal this morning. There were
no casualties. The enemy's loss was 28
killed and many wonnded. OTIS."
Hunting a Mew Coat Supply.
San Francisco, Deo. 18. H. E.
Huntington, of the Southern Paciflo
Company, has gone to Mexico with a
corps of experts to make a final exami
nation of a bed of coal In the state of
Sonora, about 60 miles off the line of
the Sonora railway, which runs from
Benson, Ariz., to Guayamas, Mexico.
The Southern Paciflo recently pur
chased this road from the Santa Fe.
The coal deposit will cost the Southern
Pacific $500,000. A branch from the
Sonora railway to the property will
cost $1,500,000.
The railroad company has. during
the past 14 months, employed 1,800
cars In hauling coal from Utah and
Wyoming to supply its locomotives in
Nevada and California. Utah and
Wyoming coal for the use of the com
pany is delivered as far south aa Bait
erstlold. Large Mining Deal.
Baker City, Or., Deo. 10. A deal
affecting directly and indirectly more
property than any other in the history
of mining in Oregon ia being handled
in a qniot way hore. It Is a matter of
inside and reliable information that
the effort to close the deal will be suc
cessful. It Is for the consolidation of
the Bobbins-Elkhorn group, consisting
of four claims; the Denny group of
six claims, and the Baisley-Elkhorn
claim, all on Elkhorn mountain, which
ia kuown to be vurv rich.
Test of Convention Hlgned by
United States, Uermany, (England.
Washington, Deo. 16. The full text
of the treaty negotiated between the
United States, Germany and Great
Britain for the adjustment of the ques
tions between the three governments in
respect to the Samoan islands wag made
public today. The treaty bears date at
Washington, Deoember 3, 1899, and,
after reciting it purpose to be to ad
just amicably question between the
three powers In respect to the Samoan
group, and to avoid future misnnder
standings, proceeds textually as fol
"Article I The general act con
cluded and signed by the aforesaid
powers at Berlin on the 14 th day of
June, A. D. 1899, and all previous
treaties, conventions and agreements
relating to Samoa, are anulled.
"Article II Germany renounces in
favor of the United States of America
all her rights and claims over and in
respect to the island of Tutulla and all
other islands of the Samoan group east
of longitude 171 degrees west of Green
wloh. Great Britain In like manner
renounce In favor of the United State-t
of America all her rights and claim,
over and In respect to the Island ol
Tutuila and all other islands of the Sa
moan group east of longitude 171 de
grees west of Greenwich. Reciprocally
the United States renounces In favor of
Germany all its rights and claims over
and in respect to the islands of Upoln
and Savali, and all other islands of the
Samoan group west of longitnde 171
degrees west of Greenwich.
"Article III It is understood and
agreed that each of the signatory pow
ers shall continue to enjoy, In respect
to their commerce and commercial ves
sels in all the islands of the Samoan
group, privileges and conditions equal
to those enjoyed by the sovereign
power, in all ports which may be open
to the commerce of either of them.
"Article IV The present convention
shall be ratified as soon as possible,
and shall come into force immediately
after the exchange of ratifications. In
faith whereof, etc.,
Drlvea tho Insurgents out of
Bnlaean Province.
Washington, Dec. 16. General Otii
has cabled the war department that
Lieutenant Batson, who organized and
commanded the Macabebe scouts, has
been seriously wounded In the foot.
Amputation is probable. General Otis'
dispatch follows:
"Manila, Dec. 16. Lieutenant Bat
eon, Fourth cavalry, organized four
large companies of Macabebe scout,
and had the advance of Lawton'
troops and attended Young's cavalry in
Northwestern Luzon, Batson leading
with conspicuous gallantry in several
hard-fought engagements. November
29 he waa seriously wounded in the
foot. Amputation is probably neces
sary. Can he not receive a place in
some staff corps as reward for efficient
General Otis today also cabled the
war department as follows:
"Manila, Dec. 16. General Lawton
reports Bnlaean province freed of insur
gents yesterday. Troop of the Fourth
cavalry captured the strong mountain
position of Biacnabato, with food sup
plies, clothing, cartridge factory and
"MacArthur's troops occupied Iba, a
town on the southwestern coast of Lu
zon, with slight opposition and a few
light casualties.
"The 8th Inst. Bates reported from
Zomboonga that he has garrisoned
Bastlan; is sending troops to Cottobato
and Davoo, and that the condition of
affairs is satisfactory."
Will right With Boers.
Cleveland, Deo. 15. The Plain
dealer sayas: "A party of 25 young
Irish-Americans have left this city to
join the Boers in their fight against
Great Britain. At New York the
young men, who are mostly veterans of
the Spanish-American war, will join
about 600 other Irishmen, and the en
tire party will sail from New York
Saturday for Paris. In the latter city
the men will join an Irish regiment be
ing formed to go to the assistance of
the Boers. Five hundred more Irish
men will follow to Paris in a couple ol
weeks. Plans have already been made
for the entire regiment of 1,000 to
reach the scene of the fighting.
War In Guatemala.
New York, Deo. 16. Guatemalan
advioes to the Herald are that the gov
ernments bulletin, just published,
gives details of a revolutionary attempt
in the eastern departments of Guate
mala. Troops are now pursuing the
revolutionists over the frontier into
Salvador and Honraras.v The govern
ment has received from the bank a loan
of $500,000 to meet the expenses of the
Word oomes from Colon that the
Venezuelan consul there has received
offlolal notice of the blockade of the
port of Maracaibo, recently captured
by the revolutionists under Hernandez.
The aggregate capital of the compan
ies represented at the Cleveland con
vention of the National Paint and var
nish Association is upward of $200,-
Belief for Puerto Rlcans.
Washington, Deo. 14. The cabinet
meeting today was devoted almost
wholly to a discussion of the political
and financial conditions in Puerto
Rico. The matter was brought np by
Secretary Root, who stated that a com
munication had been received from the
governor-general of the island, enclos
ing petitions describing the situation,
and asking for action by congress whion
would determine their political status
and relation to the United States.
Savages Also
Show Cymp-
terns of Trouble.
lost tait:i is BErnsa -.-ovrsi;
Barnn Roberts Baa Been Appointed to
U.eiaede Buller In General
Command of War.
Sterkstrom, Dec. 19. As a result of
the British reverses, the whole country
northward is in rebellion. The natives
there, as well as those in Basutoland,
are said to be much disturbed and los
ing heart teepee ting the strength of the
Cape Town, Dec. 19. Secret meet
ings of Boer sympathizer continue to be
held in various parts of Cape Colony,
and the attitude of the Dutch farmer
is turbulent.
Bobert Appointed.
London, Dec. 19. Shortly before
midnight the following notice was post
ed at the war office:
"As the campaign in Natal, in the
opinion of her majesty's government,
is likely to require the presence and
undivided attention of General Sir Red
vers Buller, it has been decided to send
Baron Roberts, of Kandahar and
Waterford, as commander-in-chief in
South Africa, with Lord Kitchener as
chief of staff."
Crew of Freight Train on a Korthern
Faelfle Branch.
Lowiston, Idaho, Dec. 19. Piled np
at the bottom of Kendrick hill on the
Northern Pacific branch are two en
gines and 19 cars loaded with steel.
In houses near by ore the dead bodies
of Engineers Arthur E. Bain and John
A. Ogden, Fireman Earl Brad aha w and
Brakeman A. Badge, of Spokane, and
John Peterman, also of Spokane, fat
ally injured.
The train was an extra with a load
of steel for the Northern Pacific exten
sion. The rails were covered with ice
and snow, and in descending the long
grade leading into Kendrick the train
got out of control of the trainmen and
dashed madly down the steep grade,
about 7 o'clock this evening. A mile
and a half east of Kendrick four cars
were ditched, and the track was torn
np for s quarter of a mile.' When the
rest of the flying train struck the yards
the engines and all the cars were
ditched and completely wrecked, and
the track there torn up for 200 yards.
Wrecking trains have been sent from
Spokane and Lewie ton.
The Kendrick grade is one of the
steepest in the Northwest. Control of
the train was lost at the head of the
grade and then the engines started on
their mod five-mile run in the dork.
None of the fated crew have lived to
tell the story of their awful eensat-ons
while being swept on to death.
Fifty Horeee Burned.
New York, Deo. 19. Fire st rated at
13:40 o'clock this morning in a big
factory building, at 655-657 First ave
nue, occupied by several manufactur
ing and other businesses. The flames
spread with marked rapidity, and with
in a few minutes there was a terrifio
panic in the surrounding tenements, and
the avenue was soon almost blocked
with half-uaked poor people, who had
tumbled out of the building with wild
cries 'of fright. Sheets of flames burst
from the windows and Bhowers of
sparks fell upon the gathering crowds
and terrified tenement dwellers. The
basement was occupied as a livery
stable and 50 horses were burned to
death. The fire was confined to the
one building with a loss of about $75,-
Americana Want ta Fight.
Ottawa, Ont., Deo. 19. Dr. Borden,
minister of militia, has recevied an
offer from the president of a manufac
turing concern In the United States,
who was at one time a member of th
Grande Trunk rifle brigade, In Canada
offering to raise a regiment of Cana
dians in the United States in such i
way as not to violate the neutrality
laws. Another offer comes from Idaho
to raise 500 men. Besides these there
are individual offers from all over
Rail Rates to Oo Up.
Chicago, Dec. 19. The Chronicle
says: "One of the most radical and
general advances ever made In freight
rates will go Into effect on all the rail
roads east and west of Chicago January
1. Thousands of articles of every de
scription will be affected, and the in
crease will average 85 and 40 per cent,
the Jump on many classes reaching 50
per cent. The contemplated action has
aroused the shipping interests of the
Three Children Burned to a Crlap.
Nicholasvllle, Ky., Dec. 19. Three
children of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reyn
olds, aged 6, 8 and 1, respectively, were
burned to a crisp today in their home,
in which they had been locked while
their parents went visiting. The Reyn
olds returned in time to see the house
collapse and the viotlms vainly fight
ing to escape.
Loesee of the People.
Durban, Deo. 19. The Natal govern
ment Gazette announces that General
Buller has appointed a commission to
inquire into the losses of the people of
the colony resulting from the Boer in
vasion. Lieutenant Roberta Dead.
London, Deo. 19. Lieutenant Rob
erts, son of Lord Roberts, of Kandahar
and Waterford, who was wounded In
the engagement at Tugela river, is
Buller Repulaed by tha Boera at th
Tugela River.
London, Dec. 18. The warofflce has
received a dispatch announcing that
General Buller has met with serious re
verse, losing 11 guns. General Buller
was attempting to cross the Tugela
river. Finding it impossible to effect
bis object, he ordered a retirement in
order to avoid greater losses. He left
11 guns behind.
The following is the text of General
Buller's dispatch announcing the re
verse: "Buller to Lansdowne: Chevely
Camp, Deo. 18. I regret to reporta
serious reverse. 1 moved in full
strength from our camp near Chevely
at 4 o'clock this morning. There are
two fordable places in the Tugela river,
and it was my intention to force a pas
sage through at one of them. They are
about two miles apart. My intention
was to force one or the other with one
brigade, supported by a central brigade.
General Hat was to attack the left
drift, General Hlldyard the right road,
and General Littleton was to take the
center and to support either.
"Early in the day I saw that General
Hart would not be able to force a pas
sage, and I directed blm to withdraw.
He had, however, attacked with great
gallantry, and his leading battalion,
the Connaught rangers, I fear, suffered
a great deal. Colonel I. G. Brooke
wag seriosly wounded.
. "We have abandoned 10 guns and
lost by shell-fire one. The losses in
General Hunt's brigade are, I fear, very
heavy, although the proportion of
severely wounded, I hope, Is not large.
The Fourteenth and Sixty-ninth field
batteries also suffered severe losses.
"We have retired to our camp at
Jealona Man Then Sent Bnllet Through
Hla Own Head.
Tacoma, Deo. 18. Adam Crist de
liberately shot his wife fatally, killed
his 8-year-old son, seriously wounded
a second son, aged 5 years, and then
ended the tragedy by putting a ballet
throughiis own brain. Jealousy is the
only motive assigned for the crime.
Crist is the proprietor of the Chicago "
house, and returned this morning from
a six months' business trip to Spokane.
He was at the hotel during the
morning, and apparently in the best of
health and spirits. About 2 o'clock
in the afternoon he went to a Pacific
avenue pawnbroker and purchased two
revolvers. He stopped a few doors
away at a drug store and bought 25
cents' worth of vitriol. He must have
proceeded directly home, for the shoot
ing occurred only a few moments later.
Crist was in the hotel kitchen, on
the second floor, when his wife was
called to the head of the stairs to talk
to a peddler. After the interval of a
few moments he sent the younger child
to ask her to come to the kitchen.
Immediately afterward four shots were
fired, all of which were found to have
taken effect in her body. He then
turned the revolver on the little boy
and wounded him in the leg, but the
child managed to crawl down the stairs
tnd escape.
The woman staggered to the side
walk and Crist went into the hall,
where he caught the 8-year-old boy.
There are no witnesses to this part of
the tragedy, but from the position of
the bodies Crist must have held the lad
close to him while he put a bullet
through his heart. A 41-caliber bullet
through his own head followed, and
both bodies fell to the floor, still
clasped in each other's arms.
Navy Ia Badly In Need of Men.
Washington, Deo. 18. The navy is
4,000 short of the legal maximum, and
this in spite of the best efforts of the
recruiting officers. Secretary Long
has called the attention of congress to
this, and suggests that it might offer a
decided incentive by extending to sail
ors enlisting the benefit of the act allott
ing ot apprentices clothing not to ex
ceed $45 in value. Under the present
system, the men are kept in debt for
months after enlistment by the purchase
of the necessary outfit.
Yallejo, Cal., Deo. 18. Sixty re
cruits from the United States ship
Hartford have refused to stun articles
of enlistment because, as they claim,
the government charges them for the
cost of their uniform and clothes. The
Hartford was Admiral Farramit's flag
ship at the battle of Mobile bay, in
the civil war. uuring tne past iour
years she has been fully restored, and
is now being fitted oat for a cruise to
New York, where she will be used as a
training-ship. The men are badly
needed in the service.
Kaetern Buyers Contract or Wool.
Seattle, Deo. 18. For two weeks
past representatives of Eastern wool
firms, principally from Boston, have
been canvassing the wool-growing sec
tions of the state in an effort to buy up
next year's clip. In the Rainier re
serve district, advances have been
offered, at a full prioe when delivered
next summer of from 17 to 20 cents
per pound. The cause assigned fo ,
offering to buy in advanceJj v"-v V
heavy orders have been recoivei-ihf.
house represented for delivery next fall,
and to make sure of a supply, all the
crops possible are now being secured.
Dewey Invited to California.
San Francisco, Deo. 18. An invita
tion, signed by Mayor Phelan and the
grand officers of the Native Sons of the
Golden West, has been sent to Admiral
Dewey, requesting his presence in this
olty on admission day, September 9,
Candymakers in Baltimore to the
number of 800 are organizing.
Eggs without shells are shipped from
Russia to England,