Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, November 09, 1899, Image 3

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Th yrly Nlaorlpllonlo ttmOwhuli $I.BO,
1 1 onld In atlvaiw. II not paid in mlvmiuc $ 2
Will b ohurgod, A pencil murk amain! tlili
wnttea Inillcituti that your miUcnptlon b.
plrcd. PImm nuw promptly.
County court li In waalon thia week.
Kuiidle Palmar ii tlio bom borne ahoor.
At Joe lUrbln'i shop,
Julian Daw, of Corvallla, It" visiting
bit lister, Mrs, Clarence Palmer.
Joe Harbin li agent (or threshers, en
gines, headers, and all machine eitras
and repairs. Call on him.
Wantrd Young and old to know that
Jackson A Dysart keep a choice stock of
Fruits and Pure Confections,
W. II. Colwell still has 50 head of
Bucks for sale at his Lone Rock ranch.
One and three-year-olds. Call or write.
Mrs. Ktta Harper has returned to
Condon and U again In charge of the
culinary department at the Condon
R. W. Crane it-turned from his trip to
the valley 8iiuUy. Ho did not visit the
ICaat as he Intended when he toft home.
Joe Harbin has in his employ Rundle
Palmer, a practical horse-ehoer, who Is
ready at all times to do fancy or heavy
horseshoeing. Try hint. '
Jim Dunn and Taul Orelner have
bought 100 head of hogs which they are
feeding lor market at Greiner's ranch.
They are In the market for more good
Joe Harbin Is the leading blacksmith
of the county. All his work is warrant
ed. New work a specialty. Wagon
racks made to order. Give him a trial,
John Jackson attended a dance at
Trail Fork last Friday evening. John
always enjoys himself In that neighbor
hood but he says the last occasion was
particularly enjoyable.
Don't think for a minute that Joe Har
bin la going to quit Condon. He has In
vested too much already to quit because
they aay be will.
Joseph Whyte was In town Saturday
from his ranch on Thlrtymlle. He re
ports the crossing In the county road at
the foot of Black Itutte as being in a dan
gerous condition and thinks It should be
repaired at once.
The Firemen's Ball to be given In Arm
ory ball Thanksgiving evening will be
the grandest affair of the kind ever giv
en In the county. Stick a pin In the
8. V. Moore has purchased the Frank
Beasley ranch In Ferry Canyon. The
tract consists of 320 acres of choice land,
Is well watered and "Doc" thinks It is
the finest ranch In the country. Mr.
and Mrs. Moore will move to the ranch
in the spring.
Wot. Christie was in from Trail Fork
last week for a few days recreation. Mr.
Christie Is a first class printer having
learned the business In Scotland and
later followed it in Manitoba but since
coming to Oregon he has laid down the
"stick" and "rule" and taken op the
hepherd'e crook.
Mrs. Margaret Lutke, of Portland,
grand worthy matron of the Order Kant
em Bur, arrived in Condon Thursday
and remained until Sunday. She was
on her official tour of visitation to the
various Chapters of the state and visited
Condon Chapter Thursday evening.
From here she went to Prinevelle, Mes
dames Relsacher and Barker taking her
as far as Fossil Sunday morning.
Fob Bali H0 acres of deeded land
aurrounded bv good range, situated
on Thlrtymlle, about 11 miles southeast
of Condon. Will be sold In portions to
suit purchasers. Also one team of 6
year-old geldings sound and true to
work, and second band wagon and har
ness. For tull particulars apply to
Joseph Whyte, on the premises.
Mra. 8. E. Wilson has ta ken charge of
the old Delwonloo restaurant having
bought the lease on the building and 6t
tures. The name of the house will be
changed to the "Model" and the place
will henceforth be a model restaurant in
very sense of the word. Mrs. Wilson
will run a strictly first-class house and as
sures those who may patronise her of
the best of treatment ' and attention.
She has 8 or 10 well furnished rooms
v to connection with the restaurant.
33 d 36
Mrs. J. M, Downing Is not so well the
Inst few days.
0. C. Wilson will soon open a new an
loon in the Fix building.
Sheepmen report the grans bettor than
It has been at this season for years.
Blaine Maloy lias entlrly recovered
from his recent (linens. His brother
(Jllff Is now suffering from an attack of
jaun lice. . .
Myers' freight outfit, loaded with
wheat for Arlington, went through town
yesterday morning. The ''train" con
sisted of three "sixes" and a "four".
John Madden and W. II. Colwell
came in from Lone Uuck Tuesday on
their way to Arlington. While in town
Mr. Madden called at the Ouiik office to
take a look at our sample of Russian
thistle to be able to detect the weed if it
makes lis appearance on his ranch.
The two meat markets which former
ly catered to the Condon trade have con
solidated, Orln Jackson having closed
his shop and taken charge of Jackson &
Dysart's market. This is a sort of meat
trust which cheers up the printer with
the hope that he can got trusted.. The
change will Insure the town one good
meat market the year around however.
Judge Mariner was the recipient of
many congratulations when he reached
Condon Tuesday, the cause being a re
port of bis wedding which was alleged to
have occurred last week. The judge
stoutly denied the charge however and
refused point blank to "set up" the ci
gars, Ills friends all nope the next re
port may have a better foundation.
Doctor Styner, the Electric Doctor, Is
in Condon advertising his Portland office.
The doctor gave his very entertaining
lectures here and we find that as well as
being versed in the mysteries of electric
ity be Is capital actor, His comedy
Is new and bright and his acting is muc h
better than we find in the usual 60 cent
shows. The doctor is meeting with suc
cess In his business and the many peo
ple who have called on him seem to be
well pleased with his new method of ap
plying electricity as a cure for nervous
and chronic diseases of men and women.
The doctor gives free electric readings to
all who call. Saturday Is hla last day.
He goes to Fossil next week.
Mining Excitement at Lone
Word reached town Tuesday from
Lone Rock that the people of that place
are excited over a gold strike recently
made by John E. Johnson and some oth
ers near the head of Ray creek, some 40
or 60 miles from Lone Rock. But little
development work has been done on the
ledge as vet the principal prospect hole
being but all feet deep, but the rock Is
said to be literally full of gold that is
easily visible to the naked eye. Frank
Ralston went over to the prospects a few
days ago and after doing a few days'
work returned for a load of supplies, sat
isfied that a bonanxa has been found.
We will await further developments
with interest.
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Frank W. Moore, of thia place,
and Miss F.thel Halatead of University
Park, were united In marriage, at Port
land, on Thursday of Inst week. The
happy young couple arrived In Condon
on Saturday and are stopping with the
groom's father near town. Both the
young people are well known here. The
The bride is a sister of our popular
teacher, Miss Mabel Halstead and a for
mer resident of this place Their many
friends will unite In wishing them a long
and happy voyage on the matrimonial
sea, In which kindly wishes thetiLoms
joins most heartily.
Death of J. M. Stanfleld.
Jonathan M, Btanfleld, a former resi
dent of thll county, but who has beeu a
resident of Owyhee county, Idaho since
1880, died at the residence of O. H. Rlne-
hart, at Mt. Home, Idaho, on Monday,
October 30, 1899, of pneumonia, aged
62 year.a
i Mr. Stanfleld was engaged In the cat
tle business In Idaho and he and his
wife had gone to Mt. Home to purchase
winter aupplios when he was token sud
denly 111 and died as above stated. He
leaves a widow, one daughter, one broth
er and an aged father to mourn his loss
1 na r irwiiiDirs uau.
PoHtors are now out announcing a
Grand bull to be given in Armory hall
on Thanksgiving evening by the mem
bers of the Condon Volunteer Fire Com
pany. It is (he intention of the fire laddies
to make this the most np-to- date, the
meet enjoyable, and withal the most
recherche and swell social event ever
given in the county,
Tickets will bo sold in advance at
the prices announced on the ponters and
must bo presented at the door for admis
sion. Programs will be furnlnhed the
dancers for their convenience making It
possible to engage partners In advance
thus obviating all the rush, hurry, and
confusion Incident to the ordinary catch-as-catch-can
method. A check room for
bats, and wraps, a ladies' dressing room,
and a refreshment stand will also be fur
nished. All lovers of HieTerpsichorean
art, In tiiisand ad joiningconnties, should
attend this ball and en joy for one even
ing the hospitality of tiie Condon Fire
Committed to tho Asylum.
Clarence Meek, a well known young
man of the Ferry Canyon neighborhood,
was arrested on a charge of insanity 011
Thursday morning of lant week and after
a hearing in Justice Ncale's court, was
committed to the asylum for the insane
atSulem. Sheriff Wilcox and Herbert
Halstead left for Salem with the unfort
unate young man in charge on the same
Meck's insanity was not of a violent
type but rather seemed to be in the na
ture of religious mania. He believed
himself to l the "Son of Man", claim
ing that Clarence Meek had been trans
formed into that personage During a
visit to Portland, a year or songo, he
joined the Salvation Army and since
that time religious fervor seems to have
grown on him to such an extent as to
unbalance his mental faculties. It is to
be hoped that a course of proper treat
ment at the asylum will soon elffct a per
manent cure.
A Robbery.
Charlie Robinsou's jewelry shop was
entered by burglars Monday evening be
tween the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock and
about 20, watches which were hanging
over the work table were stolen. The
entrance was effected through the rear
door which opens Into Mr" Robinson's
sleeping room back of the shop. At
this writing there is no clue to the
Telephone Completed.
The telephono line has been complet
ed to Fossil and as a sequel Mr. J. W.
Potter, representing the company, was
here last Thursday collecting the
amounts 'subscrilied and irnuingcoupons
to the subpcribcrs. While here Mr, Pot
ter also canvassed the town for subscrib
ers to a local system for the city and
readily secured enough patrons to insure
the establishment of an exchange. Mr.
Potter stated that persons living in the
country who desire to make "wire fence"
connections with the line can do so by
renting their 'phones from the company.
It is expected Hint tho local system will
be put in at once.
Furniture at Private Sale.
1 bedroom suite, chairs, tables, lcook
Ins stovo. 1 air-tight stove, carpets, etc.,
to be sold at private sale until Monday,
Nov. 13th. For particulars apply to
John Hudson
Fall Announcement.
We take pleasure In announcing
to our patrons that our Fall Goods
re now arriving. It will pay you
to call and inspect our goods and
prices before making your winter
Fine Line of
Winter Underwear
at very low price quality considered
Elegant Line of
Blankets at From 90 Cents to $10.00
Don't Overlook Our t.
'' Serviceable Fabrics, LatoHt Patterns Beautiful Toxture, Moderate Trices
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and
General Merchandise.
DUNN BROS., Condon Or.
A Free Gift to
Our Customers.
In order to get acquainted with the people of Gilliam Connty,
whom we hope will be our future friends and customers, as well as to
reduce our immense stock of General Merchandise, we have de
cided to make the following EXTRAORDINARY 'OFFER. Anew
3 1-2 Inch Rushford Wagon
or its value, 180.00, in merchandise, will be GIVEN AWAY to some
oneof our customers, in the following manner:
Between the dates of October 12, 1890 and December 23, 1899, every
person making a cash purchase at our store to the amount of FIVE
DOLLARS ($5.00) will recleve a NUMBERED TICKET which will
entitle them to chance in the Grand Drawing for the wagon on
Saturday, Dec. 23, 1899
A duplicate of the ticket given the purchaser will be deposited In a
sealed box where it will remain until drawing takes place,
Dry Goods
This is
Keep Your "I" on it.
Blankets Etc.
h'arm and Comfortable,
Horse Clothing,
Lap Robes,
Leggins and Chaps
Of all kinds, at
J. P. Reisactier,
New Masonic Building : : : CONDON, OR.
General Merchandise
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables,
Large New Barn on North Main Street,
Condon, - - Oregon.
First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates.
A 6hare of the public patronage is recpectmlly solicited.
Childrens Home Society.
Mrs. Ktta Jones, District Superintend-
of the Oregon Children's Home Society,
lias been visiting our tow n in the inter
ests of that society. Its objeet is to take
all orphans or abused and neglected
children and place them in cood family
homes. In this way they provide for a
large number of children at a minimum
expense. Tho worn is snpporiea oy
membership dues and contributions ol
those who feel an interest iu such work.
A Benefactor membership fee is 1100.00
Patron, 150.00, Life, L5. 00 and an an
nual meinberahipfeo is $1.00 per annum.
I)o not forget the needy, neglected,
homeless children and their friend, the
Children's Home Society. Remember
the hope of the world lies in its children.
Mrs. Al Hennhaw, of Condon, has
kindly consented to act as local agent.
Any funds entrusted to her will find its
way to the society also information con
cerning children or homes desiring chil
dren tor adoption.
Purely Business.
Read Condon Prng Co's. ad.
Pure Port wine aitreeable. beneficial.
Inexpensive at Condon Drug Co's.
Fine line of wall paper for season of
'00 at W. A. Parting's, Prices cannot
be duplicated this side of Chicago.
The famous Pr. Slocum's consump
tion remedies at Condon Drug Co's.
Haarlem oil, the genuine Holland, at
Condon Drug Co's.
W. A. Darling has inst received a fine
line of wall papers direct from Chicnuo.
Tho patterns are stylish and up-to-date
and the prices can not lie duplicated
this side of Chluago. Paper hung in a
orkmanlike manner. tf
Melwood whiskey, best on the mar
ket coate no more than any other at
Condon Drug Co's.
U. Ji. Neal. the well known auction
eer, will give the strictest attention to
all business entrusted to his cute. If
you have property to sell consult him.
Hot water bottles, fountain syringes
owl quality ana lowest pnucs hivami
don Drug Co's.
A truss adjusted by a practical Unas
fitter itivea the wearer comfort as well as
relief. Try Condon Drug Co.
The famous I), M. Suchler Wagons,
Hacks and llnggica, built at Moline,
Illinois, will be found at F. M. Plitor's
vnliii'le store, in the Rnrr Rniidintr. cor
ner Main and Spring streets. First-class
quality. Low prices. Agent for the
Portable Pantry, Finest picco of kitchen
furniture on earth. Cull and see it.
Tho latest and best remedv for rhiin
pod hands and sore Una Is Carbohitcd
Kosewalur and Ulyeerlnu, 23 cent at
Their Low Prices,
Their Large Stock,
and Their Guarantee
that they are in Lone Rock to stay is sufficient reason why you should
Trade With Them.
They respectfully solicit a liberal share of the patronage of
the country adjacent to Lone Rock.
Matlock & Stewart, : : LONE ROCK, ORE-
That Elegant Line of
Ready Made Dress Skirts?
If you have not, call today and
see them. They are irresistable.
R H. Stephenson's
You will find
them at
T. C. Earhart,
Fred Wilson
Summit Saloon,
Uiijes, Ijquors aqd Qiars.
New Meat Market.
The meat eating public will please take notice that we have
juut opened a new Meat Market in connection with our other
business and we hopo, by strict attention to business, to mer
it a share of the public patronage First-class meat only.
First-class Cutter at the Block.
An Error
on the part of a druggist may cause
serious results.
You take no Chances
when buying goods from the
Condon Drug Co.
Stop Lit
This popular hostelry has been
thoroughly renovated and is noW
prepared to cater to the wants of
the traveling public in an up-to-date
Commercial travelers, and others,
desiring the comforts of a first-class
hotel, will find this house suited to
their wants.
We have constantly on hand a full and complete line of GRO
CERIES. We call particular attention to our line of GENT'S
FURNISHING GOODS which is the most complete line in
Arlington. We are also agents for the celebrated SALEM
WOOLEN MILLS. Call and get prices. We are now located
at the old Coffin corner.
Bowling Alley and Baths.
Lower Main St.. Condon, Ore.
Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing.
We offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting
of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough
Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and
dimension stuff.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars.
Billiard and pool Sables.
First-class Coods Our Pride.
Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught.
Main St., Condon, Oregon.
til Btsl
I will tmve at my ranch, at Lone
Rock, h collection of the best bucks ever
utTered (or tale in thia county. They
aru adapted to the wants ol the sheep
raisers of this section, having been
picked from the Charles Conninithsm
tin Mil. I will have Dulains, and Coarse
Parties wishing bucks this fall should
correspond with me at once n mi I will
M tf' t j'lnt what they want. Don t ut oil
a buying buckn until it is too late.
K. M. JohiiKoii will give full informa ,
tiol) regarding buck a to all who will call
on bi in at Lone Hock,
Condon Drug Co's.