THE G01ID0N GLOBE. r 1 -. NOTICE. ','" TI19 yearly nubKirli.thm totlioUunim, .BO, 1 1 valU In nUvimco. If not In .lvmim $2 will bo liiK..t, U incll umrk ar-mml thli uirtlee liiilli'Hioi tlmt your Milmnnptloii hitmex plrml. I'Iiihmtoiiuw nmitly, LOCAL NXWS. Cpt. Whlmler returiiu I from rurtlond lit thumday, ' Fred Mnirou came out from Arlington batuiiiity, II. N. I'Vwsur returned from Portland Friday. Jay Uoworinan made a business trip W UIUX Tuesday, Mr. and Mr. S. II. Barker return from Npokann Hunday evening. Dr. 8. K. Luna bought J)r. llog'an' residence ItiHt Friday. The price paid u not Known, lhim-rThurdy morning, October 12, isuu, to tlio wife of IS. T. Hoi lun beck 10,1 pound boy, - .,. Will Myers, who ha been In the up per country for couple of years, return 0(1 IllSt week. ..- Ilorlairt IIkUIok.I, the well known Lost Valley, lumberman, was in town the first ol the wuuk. Miss KtolU Darlliiii went out to W. N Ilrown't ranch Sunday where alio will teach a term of private school during tliu win tor. , , Joe Ilarblb rctirrncd from the Valloy lamwrok, accompanied by hia family, Thy are occupying the' Utirr houae on Bummic street. i W, Crane, of near Mayvllle, loft Monday morning for the Wlllamutteval ley on a business trip. Ho exi-wU to vUlt Ida old home In Canada before re turning home. Henry Cucndet hai aold hia store at Loot Valley and at loon as he Is relieved 01 tua duties as poet master at that place he will take hit family to Moscow, Ida ho, on a visit to hia father. Mm. 0. Schott, of Hock creek, and her later, Mra. Avery, of Corvallin, visited Mre. T.O, Johnson laat week. Mra. Av ery waa on her return from a visit at lioise, Idaho. While coming from Arlington the oth er day William Looney wot thrown Irom Ma freight wagon and rather seriously injured, lilt lift arm waa tiadlv btula ed and apraiued and hia neck and back wrra hurt, lie waa unconscious for awhile but on recovering he waa able to come to Condon and la able to be around. Hardy Downing, of Kan J one, a nr-ph-ew of J. II. Downing, waa fourth in a re cent contest in Pennsylvania for the na tional one mile bicycle championship. McFarland waa llntt, Riser third and ClMIIHT fifth Al la nnlu M lis may yet hold the championship. Fos II Jouanal, Mr and MrtG. V. Rinehart will start In a day or two fur Lewlston, Idaho, whore they will visit their ii. They cipeel also to visit Mra. Itlnehart'a sla ter at Spokane before thuir return. Their daughter, Mrs. Herbert llnlstcad will have charge of the restaurant during thulr absence; Joe Ueuallen went to lone last week to assist his wife In getting settled to housekeeping In that town. Mr. Lieu alien has been in pour health for some time and her physician advised her to leave the ranch fur awhile. After ga ting hor rattled Joe will return to the ranch and look f tor, hia interests there. On Saturday of last week, Dr. ltevcs received the startling new that small port had broken out lit Alma, Arkansas, where his family are still residing and that hie wlfu and children had been ex posed to the dread disease. The doctor lull that hia place waa with hia fumlly at such a time and after hastily arrang ing hia affitlia he took the atago Sunday morning and la probably at home by this time. The doctor made many friends during hia short sojourn in this place all of whom will join In hoping that the terrible disease will pass light ly over hia family and town. Miss Sandrock, of Campbell & Wilsons' Millinery Parlors, of The Dalles and Pen dleton; Or. will lie In Condon the second week In October, commencing Oct. Oth and ending Oct. 15th, with a full and completijHtiH'k of millinery. Latest stylus anHcca that dofyjcompetltloii. 2fldSl VfABTKO Young and old to know that Jackson A Dysart keep a choice atock of Fruits and I'ure Confections, Charlie fiariiart,' fUv'chport, A I Down er and Hun lie Palmer went to Antelope iiiesnay to attend the races. Uncle Al IIuiihIhuv is handing out new stovus right and loft lately and looking uicasant In consequence. Considerable whent'ls moving towards the railroad now though not much is be ing sold, the market being rather unsat isfactory. Hrlck Balding has sold his place in Lost Valley and Is moving to Ferry Can yon, lurry Canyon is the cumin ' m country. W, L, Wilcox, and fumlly, returned from I'lneereuk Numluy, They sey the Wheeler comity rouds are very muddy, tno result i the late snow and rains Uuo Uukuk was in town Mondav. He says some of "the. fruit trues in his neighborhood were broken down by the unseasonable snow storm lust week. The Firemen's liuli to be ulven in Arm ory hall Thanksgiving evening will lie the grumiest allair of the kind ever uiv en in the county. Stick a bin in the unto. K-governor William Wallace Thavor uiea lust Sunday uioriilmr at i'ortlund alter an illness of two days. He was 72 years old. He whs elected governor of Uregon in 1878 on the democratic ticket. Sheriff Wilcox and wife, fom Condon. visited Mrs. Wilcox's mother. Mrs. Cv. en, bu 1'lno creek this week. Mrs. Cav en, whose limb was fractured by a run away lust week is gutting along nicely untlor care of lit s. Shaw. Fossil Journal. T. A. lUuiner and bis son-in-law. Hen ry Doores, with their fauiiiie expect to leave next Sunday for Meivelse. Wyo ming where they will muke their home u the future. Mr. Kenner recently aold hia ranch and cattle to W, H, lirowu, the price paid being f.'GUO. J. U. Stevenson brought in the fluost sample of potutoei the other day that we have seen this season. The "spuds" averaged about one foot in lenuth and live of them were all Jay How er man could lilt and more than he could eat at one meal. They are One iitecimens. howing the productiveness of Ferrv Canyon soli. A Few Arrests. Recorder T.tom'i court wai pretty busy the first of the week, three canes being before his honor for consideration. Martin Van Hluricon cumo to town Mon day evening and after getting a go'id siz ed "skate" aboard, wandered Into Chan. Fix's place where ho become entangled in an altercation with one A. W. I'.ul. mer. During the fracas Von alleges that lie was knocked down and thrown out and tlmt by some means unknown to him ho lost his purse containim-some thing over f'iO. In the morning Vun re covered his purse but claimed the mon ey therein was short 20. Van and It a la mer were arrested next morning, the former on a charge of being drunk and disorderly and the bitter on a charge of fighting. Van plead ituilty and was fin ed $5.00 which ho paid but ISulzmerstood trial. Later Van swore out a comulaint of robbery agnlnst Charlie Fix, the latter being released on his own recognizance to appear for a 'hearing Wednesday at 1 o'clock. Dalit iner was given a trial Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock and was dismissed the evidence showing tha Van wus the aggressor in the fliiht and that Balzmer only acted in self defense. Mr. Fix was siven a hearlno but ea thero was not a particle of evidence ad duced to show that he bad anvthinu to do with the lose of Van'a money he was discharged. A Free Gift to Our Customers. The Job department of theGi.on office baa been crowded with work lately. turning out stationery etc, for our enter prising business men. Anions those served last week were Jackson 4 Dysart. Kurhart A Wilson and T. U. Johnson, of this place and Wade liros., of Olex. We like to be busy so send lu your orders nd we w ill accomodate you and cuaran lee satisfaction. Tiie "Photo Tent" Is in full blast and Mr. Bradley, the proprietor, wishes to announce that hit sUy in Condon w ilt be short owing to the forwardness of the fall weather. Those who wish to secure a lilting should call at the curliest op portunity. If you do not with lobe left. call early at the "Photo Tent" as it will onry remain a few days longer. Mr. Bradley informs us that hu la bettor eqniped for fine photographic results than ever lef re. Call and bear a selec tion on thegraphophone at the lent. James Hestaln and wife, of Lone Rock who left this county four year ago in search of a bettor country and a more agreeable climate, returned lost week, satisfied that their soarch had been in vain. During their abeence they travel ed all over California, Western and Southern Oregon and were in Mexico for a time but nothing they saw suited them so well, when calmly considered from all sides, as the ranch which, they still own, near Lone Rock, Mr. Hestain says that California is the home of the rich man and of the pauper and that the latter class largely predominates. He says he never beforo saw so many abjectly poor people as are to be found in California and he is glad to be back in grand old Uiiliam county. - C, J. Q'llnn, of Mayvillo, was in town Saturday on bunineai connected with the Until proof of the homestead of the II Beck estate, of which Mr. Qninn ii executor. The . nearest relative and heir of the deceased ii a brother who re sides In New Jersey and this is the first case on record in which final proof hai been made on a homestead without the owner or heir being present when testi mony ol witnesses was taken. In this case II. 11. Hendricks, of Fossil, laid the matter before Hon. 'Dinger Hermann. commissioner of the general hind office at Washington, with the result that that gentleman made a ruling that testimony of witnesses could tie taken hero and the final affidavit of the heir could be taken in New Jersey.. ,' , Fall Announcement. We take p I en if u re In announcing to our patrons that our Fall Uoods are now arriving. It will pay you to call and inspect our goods and prices before making your winter purchases. Fine Line of Winter Underwear at very low price quality considered Blankets at From 90 Cents to $10.00 Don't Overlook Our Elegant Line of Ladies' V Dress Goods Serviceable Fabrics, Latest Patterns Beautiful Texture, Moderate Prices Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and 1 - ' . General Merchandise. DUNN BROS., Condon Or. The Yacht Race. After seven unsuccessful attempts to try conclusions, the two ocean erev hounds, Colombia and Shamrock, cot off on Monday under a brlek breeze and covered the course within the prescribed time. The result was whateverv Amer ican hoped for, vlx : a victory for the Co lumbia, she coming out eleven minutes ahead of her competitor. It ii laid the seven uusucceaslul attempts cost 12.600. Misi Mary Maddock ii visiting Mrs Bessie Ladd at Clem this week. Geo. Martin has returned from the mountains for the winter. Mrs J. M. Downing, who has been on the sick list for several weeks, is now improving rapidly. Iiluine Maley haw Leen having a serl- ons time for the past week with an attack of phlegmonous erysipelas. The disease started from a slight abrasion of the skin on one hand but spread to both hands and hia face. He was better yesterday ,ud on the way to a ipedy recovery. Purely Business. Read Condon Drug Co'a. ad. P. D. C, curei dandruff in a week. 25 cents per bottle at Condon Drug Co. Fine line of wall paper for season of Wat W. A. Darling's. Prices cannot he duplicated this side of Chicago. Rotiftwater and glycerine for chapped anils and face at Condon Drug Co. O. L. N'eal, the well known auction eer, will give the strictest attention to II business entrusted to his care. If you have property to sell consult him. 12tf. Fine cigars, cigarettes and candies. California wines, pure whiskies and grajio brandy at the Condon Drug Co. W. A. Darling has just received a fine line of wall papers direct from Chicago. The pattern! are stylish and up-to-date and the prices can not lie duplicated this side of Chicago. Paper bung in a workmanlike manner. tf Send your prescription! and family recipes to the Condon Drug Co., dealers In pure Drugs. Chomlca a and Meili lines. The fumoni D. M. Sechler Wagons, Hacki and Puggies, built at Moline, Illinois, will be found at F. M. niter's ehicle store, in the Rarr liuiidins. cor ner Main and Spring streets. First-eltiss quality. Low prices. Agent for the Portablo Pantry. Finest piece of kitchen furniture on earth. Call and see it. In order to get acquainted with the people of Gilliiim County, whom we hope will be our future friends and customers, as well as to reduce our In. nienee etock of (ieneral Merchandise, we have de cided to irrnko the following EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. A new 3 1-2 Inch Rushford Wagon or its value, fHO.OO, In merchandise, will be GIVEN AWAY to some one of our customers, in the following rummer; Between the dates t f October 12, W.i9 and December 23, 1899, every person making a caeh purchase at our store to the amount of FIV1? DOLLARS ($5.00) will recieve a NUMBERED TICKET which will entitle them to a dance in the Grand Drawing for the wagon on Saturday, Dec. 23, 1899 A duplicate of the tichet given the purchaser will be deposited in a sealed boa where It will remain until drawing takes place. This is S. B. BARKER'S Space. Keep Your "I" on it. Dry Goods ' .'!"S Blankets E'c. I'arm and Comfortable, Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, Leggins and Chaps Of all Isinds, at J. P. Reisacher, FurnishingSNew Masonic Building : : : CONDON, OR. T General Merchandise - G. JOHNSON, -PROPRIETOR OF Groceries Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, l-arge .jew Barn on North Main Street, Condon, - - Oregon. Wagons HAY AND GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD. rillPflPH 1TDV BDlOAM.t.. R WADE BROS., OLEX, OR. CHARGES VERY ntluivinic First-class Rigs Always on Hand at Very Reasonable Rates. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. THE NEW FIRM w.tmatlock. J. I o I bWAKTi MATLOCK & STEWART (SUCCESSORS TO P. L. HAM) Our goods are now all in and ready for inspection and sale. They will be found as fine and complete a stock of General Merchandise as was ever shown in Lone Rock and our prices defy competition. Our stock consists of Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Shelf Hardware. Wood ware Etc. Stop at The CONDON HOTEL. MRS. S. A. MADDOCK, This popular hostelry has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public in an up-to-date manner. Commercial travelers, and others, desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel, will find this house suited to their wants. Proprietor. Graniteware. Stockmen's Supplies A Specialty, A Share of Yonr Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. Matlock & Stewart, : : LONE ROCK, ORE" Notice to Pioneers. The Gilliam County pioneer As sociauon vul hold an important business meeting on Saturday, Oc tober '28, lS'J'.l, in the Congregation al church at Condon, Oregon, at which time the constitution will be adopted and other matters of im portance will receive attention. All pioneers in the county are earn estly urged to attend this meeting. All persons who came. to Oreeon prior to February 12, 1 85., their hildren and children s children. who shall have attained tho aiie of 21 years and who are citizen's of hastern Oregon amljill persons who canio to Eastern Oregon prior to ne year and who are now residents of Eastern Oregon shall bo eliciblo to become membors of this association. ' Geo. Tatom, . . . Secretary. Half Fare. The Oregon Industrial Exposition will be open at Portia nd this year from Sop tember 2Sth to Octiber 28th", and the O. R. & N. Co. will spII round trip tickets for 10 during its continuance. These tickets will be good ONLY on train So. 1 passing Arlington at' 1 :03 P. M. every ednesdny, and on train No. 3, passina at 3:13 A. M. every Thursday. These excursion tickets will expire the Sunday night following the Wednesday or Thurs day on which passengers arrive in Port- nnd. Coupons will be attached entit ling the holder of eneh of these tickets to two ndmisslona to the exposition. Rear in mind that these tickets are good only on the days and on the trains above mentioned. , - Non-Alchohollc. No man who lives on meat waa ever nown to lick his wifeP or ask for a ivorce. A vegetable diet woman la as cold and eliutnny as a turnip. If you ant yonr girl to have rony cheeks and itallty In her motion, feed her on beef steak with Occasional doses of Dr. Haw son's Tonic DiUcra. Sold everywhere. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? That Elegant Line of i Ready Made Dress Skirts? If you have not, call today and see them. They are irresistable. P. H. Stephenson's MILLER "THE REGULATOR." THAT'S THE PLACE TO TRADE. We have constantly on hand a full and complete line of GRO CERIES. "We call particular attention to our line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS which is the most complete line in Arlington. We are also agents for the celebrated SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. Call and get prices. We are now located at the old Coffin corner. THE OLD r.EL'A3LE r.ECULATOS. GEO. MILLER, : : ARLINGTON. OR - - - y CHARLES FIX. Bowling Alley and Baths. Lower Main St., Condon. Ore. POOL ROOM. SOFT DRINKS. CONFFrrrinMc-Dirc nr. GRAIN AND CHOPPED FEED IN ANY QUANTITY FOR SALE Large Scales, price 25c a draft; reduction on contract weighing. You will find the in at T. Q. Earhart, Fred Wilson CALL AT THE Summit Saloon, IFOR FINEST BRANDS OF Uipes, Ijquors and Qiars. FIXE BILLIARD AND TOOL TABLE IN CONNECTION. EARHART & WILSON, CONDON, Prop'rs. ORE. New Meat Market. The meat eating publio will please take notice that we have juut opened a new Meat Market iu connection with our other business and we hope, by strict attention to business, to mer it a share of the publio patronage First-class meat only. First-class Cutter at the Block. JACKSON & DYSART LOST VALLEY LUMBERCO., HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager. ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of fine surfaced Lumber, consisting of flooring, ceiling, rustic, ship-lap and all kinds of rough Lumber. Careful attention given to bills of special sizes, and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY - - - OREGON. ARLINGTON .'SALO JEAM LEBOUS, PROP. Fine Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars. Billiard aijd pool Sables. First-class Goods Our Pride. Fresh, Cool, Milwaukee Keg Beer On Draught Main St., Condon, Oregon. ON, ATTENTION SHEEPMEN. Dont You Do It!!I Don't send from $10 to (40 away for an" Electric Bolt wl en yru cpd get the aauie Uelt tor one half the money at tlio Condon Drug Co. A good Electric Bolt Is a sure cure for Eht'umniisin, Kidney and Liver diuoaaos and nervousness. Can be worn ty men and womau. Write for circulars, Condon - - W. ' iXSXKS W BUCKS FOB SLEI Oregon. w Hi colwell, I will have "at my ranch, at Lone K'ck, a collection of the beet bnckaever offered fur sale in this county. They are adapted to the wants of the nheep. raisers of this section, tin vtntr been picked from the Charlea CnniiiiiKliam hand. I will have Detains, and Coarse Wools. 1'artiea wishing buck this full should correspond with me at once and I w ill get jtiet what they want. Don't puiuu buying bucks until It is too fate. K. Al. Ji.hncon will give full Informa tion regarding bucks to all who will call on hi in at Lone Rock. : ARLINGTON, CisE.