Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, October 12, 1899, Image 1

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rviLHMio avssr thuhsmt it
....8. A. PATTISON....
tdl tor and Proprietor.
Finteertond nrfi,
One toere ,
... Jl M er numtk
IHMt Bmll
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.). half column.......
M 00 pr -walk
iBdolM locals will
a-are-d at la santa mar
pn year (In advance).,,...,,..., -((-((. 9
II not paid In advance i W
III mouths v 1 K
Three niiinth,.
tllt 0Upll.iMMMMt ,,,,, INN.... . OA
.Ma tat nt lnaartUm
aad 1 oaals fat Una tker
will la all eases ke
NO. 31.
barged te the party
roaring thaaa, at Mgal
MM, tad paid lot
afl-davtt la fwalakad
t Vd at Ihi fmiUifiM mt Ckndsn, Orajaa,
Hcd ebu. mail matur
O. It. K. On. Tlma Card.
New time erd, taking effect- Sunday, Fsbra.
an inn I
Mo. J-VIa Hnutlngtun, leave...
.1 Mia,
1:p. n.
ho. 4 Via Spokane, leavea
No. MLoaal freight, lav...,
wnrr sound.
,7 :w p ia.
Ho. 1 Portland, leaves
:, m.
4 Me. in.
11 M a. m.
ro. e-rrunn, inarva. ........
Mo. -b-Loial freight, leaves...
1. K. CKANK, Agent, Arlington.
Ittorney-at-Law, Notary Publlo.
Will prentice In all In court! r ins tut.
Collwifuiu aud Probata Uualfiaaa glveu oerelul
Ceadea. Or.
flfflce-Oresnn aro., between Catholle Charak
and reddenee ut a. P. -butt.
Attorney at Law,
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Condon, Or.
CnllMtlonaand Innnranra. Terms reasonable.
Otht-e In rar ol poetonlca building, Main (treat,
Office In Oloba Building.
g A. D. GUttLKY
Attorn and Ooooialor at Law
Arlington, Or.
V. a. Cnmml.einner and Notary Pnblla In
bltim. I'rai'ilca lu all lha etaia aad ledaral
etMiti.ol urriuii aud Waalilugtoit. All kluda
olU. g. land aud legal badaeta Uaueaatad.
OAce torner Spring (treat and Oregon araoua.
connuit, OBKOOM.
The Regulator Line.
he Dalles. Psrtland Astoria
Daily Lln ol Sttanwn Beiwcen Portland,
Vancouver, CucAdc Loclu, flood Rivet
and all Points on lha Wathtagtoa Mia.
m.. n.n.. rite and RMtitatnr laaea
poilUnil rvrrf nioriilng (etreni Buiuly)al
ml The Uallrtata a. m., arriving at daaUna
luii la amtle lima lor outgoing ireiua.
freight ttalea Ureatljr Itedueed.
W. C. AUJtWAY.Ota. Agt.,
root ol Court Street, The twilea, Or,
pirtai TiMI acHiOUttl Aaniea
rua rraa Arllagtea gaoal
Paal Hall thkn, Penear, Faa
Mall rt. Worth. Omaha, Mall.
I 3 a. a. Kaneae Cjltr, at llMp.av
1j)uI. Cblvaga,
aud Kaak
tpokaua Walla Walla, po- Bpokana
Vltor kaua. Mlniieato- rler
' iaa p. at. IK. Paul, tu-
lulh. Milwaukee,
Chluago aud Kaat
At p.m. Oeaaa Iteamihla, 4Mp. a.
r Praai Partlaad.
Ball every ae dy(.
g:Wp.m. Cohjatkla (,
K.iiilar klaemert. , Ba.auaday
Ml im v. u. To A(lorl( and nay
Landing. -
i i .
.00. m. Wlllaneltt Blow. .4:10 p. m.
Bi.kuuday la.kaaday
Oregon City, New.
burg.aalem A War
7:i. m. Willamette aad g:Wp. m.
Tuee., Thur. hill lxr(. Men.. Wad,
aud Bab aa4Ftl.
Oregon City, Day
Ion, A nay Lead
lng(. f OOa m. WIIKaidW Biter. 4:g0p.m.
Tuee., Thur. , Tuee.. lhui
aud Bab Portland to Corral- aad Bat.
Ill A Wy Land
ing, tf. Rlixrla Brtak Bluar. LT.Iwltton
l:tA m. :5;la
H.llr Rlparla to Lewliten Dally
.Saturday Xa. Friday
-J. E. CRANK, Agent, Arlington.
Beaeral PasMag et Adl tmV, 4i
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Aa Intonating Collection of I tame Fro-Tj
the Two Uemlepheree Proaontoa
la a Condensed Form.
St. rani plumber art on a strike,
Emneror Francis Joseph haa
proved the nw AnHtrlttu cabinet
William Waldorf Ator paid hlf
taxmi in New York, amounting touc-urlj
bait a million.
UrlKft-Uor-Gencrttl Iganhaa decided
to appeal hia cum to coiigreae and
hopes to aevnra vindication.
The British Kovorninont haa placed a
larire order (or canned tmtat aud tinned
(rult with one of Chicago'a packing
A party 01 American aolillera were
ambtighed by Filipino. A ftignat aer
aeant was killed and two other Ameri
cana were wounded.
Joseph Kirk, the town marshal ot
Int-a, Ky., waa abut by a denperado.
A posse have one to the mounUlna ai
ter the murderer.
Aa the result of a severe elootrical
storm on North beach, Washington,
the bouse of the life-saving crew was
damaged by a thunderlKilt.
Two maeked men atopped the Shef-
tela stauo near Ouray, Colo., and took
the mall, but overlooked a boa con
taining f 12,000 in gold.
Indianapolis la carrying back to the
South the Confederate flag, which her
soldiers captured from the Ferry, Tex.,
ranger during the civil war.
A writ of halieaa corpus haa been
grantud to Captain Parker, found guilty
of misappropriating funds, and who
had been sentenced to imprisonment.
The Yenecoela boundary award is a
compromise. Koine of Great Britain 'a
claims are disallowed. Iter frontier
will start at the Waini river. The
award waa unanimous.
The first race of the America cup
aerie resulted in a fiasco. Time limit
waa five boors and neither boat fiuiah
ed in this time. Excursion boats in
terfered badly w ith the racer.
The sword awarded by congreM
presented to Admiral Dewey by lrei
dent McKlnley. The addresM was
made by Secretary Long. The admiral
resounded by Bavins that he now had
proof tlutt rt publics are not ungratefuL
The Warren liner Bay Htate, from
Liverool for Boston, Is ashore near
Cape Kace, N. K., and will likely prove
a total wreck. Her crew and a num
berof ptuMenger are adrift in boat
which are lust in the fou. Une boat
reached Cape Fuller.
Pasteur methods tire subduing the
plague in Portugal.
New York is Jammed with strangers
to aee the international yacht race
There is talk in Japan of a triple a)
liance between Japan, China and Corea.
(sir Thmoaa Llpton has Iteen invited
to attend the Chicago corner stone lay
The empress dowager of China, it i
laid, has determined to depose the em
peror of Japan.
Fifteen men, with knives, revolver
and clubs eiiKairod in a street brawl
In Chicago ami one mau wa killed
Japanese lamiors have tioen found by
a German chemist to m the most
tlve protectors of iron and steel from
Captain Albert Barker, who took
the battleship Oregon from New York
to Manila, will tako command of the
Norfolk navy-yard.
In the event of war the British ex
peot early reverses in South Africa.
The government is blamed for having
delayed sending reinforcement to th
Gen. Otl says the insurgent are
maneuvering solely to gain recognition.
He haa told Aguimtldo'e envoys that
the only thins the Uulted States will
consider i a white flag.
A paddle steamer en route from
II mg Kong to Manila foundered and
aeven of the crow were drowned. Thg
disaster ia said to have been due to tftc
rivages of the white rat.
President McKlnley has determined
to urge again upon congress the an
thorlaation of a. trans-l'aciflo cable,
aud when that body meets will lie able
to show the practicablity of such a
route by a naval survey.
A crook arrestod at Knoxville, Tonn
has offered to revoal the hiding place
of the timepiece stolen from ex-Presi
dent Harrison some time ago. It i
worth more than (1,000 aud waa pre'
aented to Mr. Harrison by the senator
on hi retiring from office.
At Munole, Ind Francis Stoker, a
veteran of the civil war, dropped dead
from apoplexy. His son, Kverett, now
coming home front the Phiipplues, will
learn of hia father' death and that of
hi betrothed, Miss Kdna Fogel, at
Chicago, simultaneously.
Not one drop of intoxicating liquor
I allowed to be aold at any ot the mil
itary camp of Canada.
At 76 year ot ago Judge Jackson, ol
the United States district court tor
West Virginia, 1 still active ou the
benoh. He wa appointed by Lincoln.
According to the books of the New
York police department the receipts of
the burglar and blghwaymeu of that
oity for the past 18 mouths have been
little rising ot $3,500,000.
Admiral Dewoy will receive a $1,000
watch from the municipality of Boston.
The city will spend 1.,&00 giving
the admiral a welcome.
The Marquette Club, of Chicago, en
tertained President McKlnley at a
banquet in the Auditorium Saturday
night. Thirty-five hundred guest were
According to the Sebastopol corre
spondent of the Daily Graphic, the
UusUn naval credit for 1900 amount
to the ernomous total of 87,600,000
The Pari correspondent of the Daily
Mail aaya: I learn that Germany ia
about to hand over documents which.
will lead to the quashing of the Drey
fus verdict.
The Thirteenth Minnesota regiment,
returning home from the Philippines,
waa royally entertained in Portland.
The regiment remained over night and
attended the exposition.
The Spanish government haa aold
the Havana floating dock for $000,000
to a syndicate of Vera Crua merchants.
Several New York firm have been
asked for term for conveying the dock
to Vera Crua.
Admiral Dewey haa chosen J. W.
Crawford as hi official secretary. Mr.
Crawford ia an employe in the office
of the judKe-advoca te-generat of the
navy. He will hold tha rank of lieu
tenant in the navy-
Near Chicago five persons were in
jured in a collision liewteen a Haw
thorne race track train on the Illinois
Central, and a freight engine which
stood upon a liding, the awitch of
which had been left open.
Don Emanuel Aspiroa, Mexican am
bassador to the United States, and th
first of the distinguished iraesta whom
Chicago haa arranged to entertain dur
inir the fall festival, haa arrived in the
windy city from Washington.
The third attempt to aail the first
race beteen the Columbia and Sham
rock, which took place Saturday,
proved a failure, the wind giving out
when the yachts were five milew from th
finish. When the race wa abandoned
the Colombia waa slightly in the lead
A petition to President McKlnley,
urging the friendly services of the Uni
ted State in mediation between Great
Britain and the republic of the Trans
vaal and the Orange Free State, has
received the signature of more than
400 representative men, including 80
oild president of colleires, 50 church
diunataries, governor of state, may
or of cities, justice of the United
State and itate courts, senators, con
greesmen, editors ana others oonspicu
ous in publlo matter, the professions
and commerce.
The Thirty-fifth infantry haa sailed
from Portland direct for Manila.
A Chicago rat-catcher ia reputed to
make $0,000 a year at the business
Admiral Dewey at hia own request
haa been formally destached from the
The United State revenue cutter
McCulloch, formerly dispatch boat of
Dewey 'a fleet haa arrived in Portland,
President Andrade i laid o havt
given up the struggle in Veneauela and
to lav engaged tuuisage on a steamei
sailing for New York.
Agenta ot the British government art
now in this country picking up horses
and mulea by the hundred, and arrang
ing for speedy shipment.
Shipping men fear that disaster hai
befallen the Cyrus Wakefield, a month
overdue at San Francisco. Five pel
cent reinsurance haa been paid on her,
General Otl report progress of the
war in the i 'niuppines. a rooner
band operating in the western portion
of the island of Negro baa been exter
Western road are consjering a prop
osition to discontinue the practice of
granting reduced rates to officers ot
volunteer reglmenta returning from the
The Pacific Biscuit Company, other
wise known aa the cracker trust, haa
been fully organiaed and la now doing
the bulk ot the cracker and candy busi
ness of this coast.
The president la said to favor a de
partment of industry and commerce to
be represented in the cabinet. It is
being urged by the Business Men'
League, of Chicago.
The big ship Edward Bewail, with a
carrying capacity of 18,000 tons haa
been launched at Bath, Me. She will
engage in the grain trade between San
Franoiaoo and Liverpool.
A Pretoria dispatch quote "Oom
Paul" Krttger as saying: "Bullets
came by thousands at the time of the
Jameson raid, but the burghers were
untouched. Over one hundred were
killed on the other side, showing that
the Lord directed our bullets. The
Lord rule the world."
The patent issued to Jamea E. Low
for a certain kind ot crown and bridge
work in dentistry haa been held valid
bv th United States circuit court for
the southern district of New York,
This patent haa been the cause of
immense amount ot litigtalon, and it
ia said that nearly every dentist in the
country baa used the crown and bridge
The American Jewish year book, just
Issued, estimates the Jewish popula
tion of the United State at 1,048,800.
A Toledo (O.) wheel manufactory ia
filling an order for five bicycle for the
children of the king of Slam.
Th University of California will
erect a monument on the college camp
u to the collegians who died at the
front in the late war after having
abandoned their studies there to enlist
as volunteer.
Britain Is Massing
Her Troops.
Tha Oorernm-nt Aetirely Preparing fox
Oroat Btru((le la South
London, Oct. ..Whatever may be
the result, ot Great Britain's contro
versy with the South African republic,
every department of the government
today is as busy as though actual hos
tilities bud begun. The electric flash
that announced the mobilization of the
army ' reserves and the summoning of
parliament, set every wheel of the gov
ernment machinery in motion. An
hour after the Gazette appeared, exe
cutive ordera were being dispatched
from the war office to every section of
the kingdom, and the 10,000 bulletin
which appeared posted throughout the
eountrr today are laid to have been
identical with the proclamation pre
pared for use had the Fashoda incident
reo ulred such a step.
At the same time Lord Salisbury ana
Mr. Balfour were issuing the necessary
ordera for the reassembling of parlia
ment, and the admiralty was concen
trating its transports. So complete
were the preparations that 25,000 re
serve have already Indivldualy received
coupon tickets which contain instruc
tions where each man shall report for
railway transportation to the place
designated, and a money order for three
shillings for proi vision en route,
At Woolwich today, it was a set-ted
that 5 per cent of the reserves would
be fully equipped within six day. In
the meantime, the members of the two
houses of parliament are arranging to
return to London, and a force of men
is busily enraged in completing the
improvements at estminster.
The important news from soutn
Africa comes from Mafeking, where
twice on Saturday the British camp
waa aroused, the men stood to their
arms, guns were limbered ana patron
were dispatched in the direction of the
border. No hostilities have occurred
as yet, but the enemy has moved prac
tically to the border, eight miles from
Mafeking. in force, estimated at least
6.000, comprising five commanders.
The garrisoning and fortifying of the
town are practically completed. The
streets are barricaded, and a perfect
system of mines has teen laid
Two armored trains have arrived at
Mafeking, consisting of three bullet
proof cars, the first of which carries
a searchlight, while the rest of the cars
are loop-holed. Each train is com
plete in itself and carries its own pro
Me Way te Avert War,
Southampton. Oct. 9. Sir St. John
Christopher Willouhby, who accompan
ied Dr. Jameson into the Transvaal in
1896. and who, for participating in the
raid, was sentenced to 10 months' im
prisonment, but wa aubsequentiy re
leased, waa a passenger by the steamer
Mexican, which sailed for the t- ape on
Saturday. Mr. weasels, member
the Cape assembly for rjbiirgh, was
also a passenger by the Mexican, in
the course of an interview, Mr. Weasel
declared that he saw no way to avert
between Great Britain and the
Transvaal, and, if not long, it would be
terribly severe. He believed it would
be impossible to restrain the younger
Dutch residents of Cape Colony, with
whom blood would prove thicker than
water. The Boers, said Mr. V essels.
were hemmed in, and would fight des
neratelv. and trouble might be ex
pected with the natives.
Tha Barbaric Act of a Polish Woman
at Bucoda.
Seattle, Oct. 9. A special from Bu
coda save: A most deliberate and bar-
bario attempt at sucide occurred at this
place yesterday. Mrs. Leo Prabuski, a
Polish woman, became angered at
some little aomesuo occurreucu u
determined to do away with her life.
She procured an ordinary hatpin six
inches long and drove the pin into her
stomach through the navel, l'ressing
hard against the pin, she drove it until
it could go no farther, as it had lodged
in the spine. Then, with the intention
ot forcing the pin out at the back, she
procured a rusty darning needle ana
drove this into what she thought was
the hole made by the hat pin. Not
until 12 o'clock last night did she tell
any one what she hail done.
Today Mr. Prabuskl repented ot her
act. and accompanied the Bucoda phy-
lOlan to this city, where Dr. Uedpath
removed the pin and needle. Dr. Red-
path thinks she will live. She is 48
year old and has 19 children, five of
whom are living.
Blneat Corn Crop In lllatory.
Chicago. Oct. 9. "This years corn
crop will be one of the largest in oui
history," said Seoretary ol Agriculture
Wilson today. "The total yield aa
estimated will be between 2,300,000,
000 and 2,600,000,000 bushels. The
high price offered for meat will in
cline the farmer to use their crop to
feeding purpose."
Two Through Trains.
Portland, Oct. 9. Commencing Bun-
day, October IS, the Southern Pacific
Company will put on another through
train between Portland and San Fran
cisco. The new train will leave here
at 8:30 A. M. and arrive in San Fran
cisco, 8:15 P. M. Northbound trains
will leave San Francisco at 7 A. M.
There will be no change in the running
time of the present through train leav
ing Portland at 7 P. M.
Insurgent OfBears of Nicaragua
Managua, Nicaragua, Oct. 7. The
court-martial which was in esHion here
for several months trying,- in the ab
sence of most of them, the chief of the
revolutionary movement, which began
In February at Bluefields, has pro
claimed it decision. General Pablo
Reye and two or three other insurgent
officer who escaped from Nicaragua,
are condemned to Buffer the extreme
penalty of the law, which is death.
Only one of the prominent leader wai
captured. He is now in the peniten
tiary. No public accusation was made
in these cases nor is any reason offered
for the arrests. The sensation is all
the greater because there have been no
indications of an uprising against Presi
dent Zelaya since last February.
Such lawless acts as the government
Li committing In this regard, acts
usually at the expense of members ol
the party not in power, tend to check
the reviving activity and again to im
pair credit. Except for such ai-rents,
however, and the impressment into hei
army, matters axe fairly quiet.
Dangers of Whalehuntlng,
San Francisco, Oct. 7. The officer!
ofthe whaler Delate u tell of the terrible
fate of Oscar Hnachenbett, a aailot, in
the Arctic. On August 26, 1898, the
boats were lowered for an enormoui
whale. Just after a harpoon had been
fixed in the whale' side and he had
started off at tremendous speed, IIus-
chenbett stepped carelessly into the
rope's bight. A loop caught his leg
and he was drawn into the water, in
passing out of the boat the body of the
man hurled itself against Third Mate
Nikito and one of the crew, knocking
both overboard. The mate scrambled
np and slashed the rope into with his
knife. Then began a chase for the
whale and the body of the man. For
three hours the monster raced and sank
to the bottom before he could be lanced
and the sailors' body recovered,
Will Ball From Portland
Washington, Oct. 7. The Thirty
ninth sure, and possibly the Forty-fifth
volunteers, will sail from Portland,
Ordera were issued today to Colonel
Bullard, commanding the two battal
ion of the Thirty-ninth, at Fort Cook
Neb., to go to Vancouver barrack foi
the purpose of sailing to the Philip
pine islands by way of Portland
No orders have been yet issued for the
Forty-fifth, but there are good indica
tions that this regiment will also ren
dezvous at Vancouver and sail from I
Portland. The determination of Sec-j
retary Hoot to give Portland a fan
ire Portland a fail
s to which it is en-
i seemi It . ! tZ
show of the business
titled by its location seems o mtve per-;
meated the San Francisco authorities,
and even General Shatter has now re- '
commended that the Thirty-ninth sail
from Porltand. and so strongly that it t
is believed he will include the Forty
fifth as well.
Teneanela Not SatlaBed.
Paris, Oct. 7. Senor Rojaa, the
Venezuelan agent here, in the course ol
an interview, said:
'The award was not what I hoped,
but we must make the best of it.
What can you expect in a contest be
tween an elephant and an ant? One
thing will result from it America
will accept no more arbitrations with
Europe. You will see America laid
down a fresh international code, which
ihe ,,, .pply to the 01d Wo,ld whethei
the latter likes it or not. ' The South
American states, including Brazil,
w ill rally around the United States for
the purpose of effecting an economic
union. We shall try to establish a
monetary union on the basis of the gold
standard. These projects need not im
ply a hostile attitude toward Europe,
but it must be borne in mind that
Europe stands in much greater need ol
us than we of her."
To Represent Paclfle Btatea.
San Francisco, Oct 7. The San
Francisco board of trade sent the fol-
loing telegram to President McKlnley
"The board of trade of San Francisco
earnestly asks your consideration for
the large and important interests west
of the Rocky mountains by appointing
a representative from California for
the Paciflo coast, to fill the vaeanoy ex
isting in the interstate commerce com
mission." Gift of the Crocker Katate.
San Francisco, Oct. 7. The Crocker
Estate Company, which is composed of
the heirs of the late Charles Crocker,
one of the builders of the Central Pa
citto railroad, haa made a gift to the
employes of the Southern Paciflo rail
road of the Crocker homestead at Sac
ramento to be used as a hospital for
Southern Paciflo employes.
Very soon a general schedule for the
enumeration of live stock will be put
forth, in a tentative form, by Statis
tician Power of the census office, fox
discussion, and, if necessary, correc
tion. The count will be made June 1,
1900, in order to permit harmonious
comparisons with the oount of live
stock in 1890, which is recorded aa of
June 1.
Burned at Her Dock,
New York, Oct. 7. The Mullory
steamer Leona was burned and sunk at
her wharf in East river tonight. The
cargo, consisting of tobacco and 8,000
bales ot cotton, and valued at $..0,00U
to $300,000 is a total loss, and the
boat ia little better than a wreck.
Brltiah Steamer Wrecked.
Santa Monica, Cal., Oct 7. Cap
tain Bowen, of the ship Arotio Stream,
from Hamburg, report that on An
trust 11. while off Staten Island, near
the Straits of Magellan, ne saw ine
British ship Gifford take men from an
open boat By signaling he learned
from the Gifford that ana nan rescuea
five members of the crew of the Brit
ish steamer Tekoa, whioh had been
wrecked on taten island several days
befora. '
Portland an' Interesting City
to Visit
The Great Pair Op-ned Reptainber BS.
and Will Run Afternoon and
Kvenlng to October SS.
The Oregon Industrial Exposition.
which is now in full blast at Portland,
Is the most successful enterprise of its
kind ever held in the Northwest.
Everything about it is on a grand
scale, as well it may be, for no ex
pense has been spared to make every
thing connected with it first-class in
every respect. To accomplish this re
sult it was necessary to invest $12,000
as a starter, and this amount was
quickly forthcoming. The enterprising
business men of Portland went down
into their pockets and produced the
cash, for they recognize the fact that
the fair is a great object-lesson, an
educator, and instructor an enterprise
that benefits the entire Northwest
The products of every section of the
Northwest are freely given place in tin
exposition at Portland, and the mines,
farms, fields, factories, forests and nan
eries all make a grand showing, and
there are grains and grasses that any
part of the world may lie well proud of.
Colonel II. C. Dosch. Col. R. C. Judaon
and Louis M. Spiegl have collected to
gether and have on exhibition thou
lands of specimens of grains and grasses
and fruits and vegetables raised in the
Northwest, all of which make a splen
lid showing for thi rich region.
Among the many things seen at the
exposition in Portland may be men
tioned the mining exhibit. Tons of
ore. all showing iust where it came
from and its value is shown, having
been collected by J. P. Marshall, and
there is a reproduction of a quarts
mine, with its big timbers, shafts and
tunnels, built by J. F. Batchelder, of
the Portland Railway Co.. who is a
practical mining engineer.
In a large illuminated cave is a com
plete fish hatchery, in which young sal
mon may be plainly seen in all afe'ges
of hatching out, and there ia a lull-
grown Royal Chinook salmon always
on exhibition.
There are a great many sights to see
at the exposition. The realistic re
7 , T. t u i- .v
P004100 01 Multnomah falls is worth
! f J 1
i , . . p ,. Vnn -u-hinrt it. fills
80 feet; and the rustic bridge is there
for the people to cross, and the sylvan
pools, and ferns and mosses and big.
live fir trees. The falls are attracting
great crowds and will run all the time
to the closing, October 28.
Portland is a very attractive oity t
visit, and it has such a splendid street
car system that the stranger can see
the business section, the attractive
homes and the splendid suburbs all on
a single 5 cent fare, while comfortably
seated in open electrio cars. Two car
lines pass the door of the great exposi
tion building, in which the great fair
of the Northwest is held the City
' gUDUrban
line and the Washington
! 8treet lin6and M the stranger has to
do is to take a car which is plainly
marked. "Direct to the Exposition.",
The war museum, which is under
the direct supervision of Captain E. S.
Edwards, Colonel D. M. Dunne and
General O. Summers, is a grand sight
to see. It was the carrying out of a
brilliant idea suggested by Dan Mo-
Allen, ono of Portland's most patriotio
and enterprising business men, and it
will be the means of adding many dol
lars to the fund being raised to the
Oregon volunteers who lost their live
during the recent wars.
The immense exposition building at
Portland has been vastly improved in
very part of its interior, and is gay
with flags and bunting, and at night
presents a scene of splendor rarely
eaualled. It has 8,500 electric lights,
and presents a picture to be long re
Eatlmates for the Navy
Washington, Oct. 9. Acting Secre
tary Allen has prepared the statement
of estimates which w ill be submitted to
congress for the maintenance of the
naval establishment for the next fiscal
year. These amount to $73,034,083,
which is an increase over tne appropria
tion for the current year of $24,537,187,
Included in the increase for next
vear are appropriations of $12,208,474
- - - . . .
for public works and navy-yaras ana
stations. There is also an estimate of
$2,021,000 for the new naval academy
D'Arcos Prnlaea Dewey
Boston, Oct. 9. The Spanish minis
ter. Duke D'Arcos. who has just left
his house at Manchester, said with re
gard to the reception being given Ad
miral Dewey:
"It does not surprise me in the least,
Admiral Dewey is a brave and noble
man, and for the extraordinary sen-ice
he has rendered his country no honor
that can be shown him in return is too
oreat. He has aroused the admiration
of the whole world by the gallantry of
his conduct, and he would be a small
man, indeed, who could not recognize
his merit and give free expression to
his admiration for Dewey' valor.
Big Liners Chartered.
New York, Oct. 9. The Tribune
says : Surprise and interest have been
excited in shipping circles by the new
that within the last three days some
85 vessels engaged in the trans-Atlantic
trade have been chartered by the Brit
ish government for periods of three
months and upwards. Among tha
ships chartered are a numler belonging
to the big passenger and freight lines,
though the complete list is not known
at the offices of the lines in tms city,
Natives of the New llebrtde Roaats a
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 9. A re
markable story of cannibalism was
brought to Sydney, Australia, a few
days before the sailing of the steamer
Aorangi to this port, by the rrencn
steamer Jeanette. . The victim of the
display of savagery was a native of
Hawaii, named Amaru, who acted as
orderly to the immigration department
at Noumea, in the New Hebrides.
About six months ago Amaru mar
ried a native woman of Aoba, in tha
New Hebrides group, and on passing
that island on the second day of the
voyage of the Jeanette to one of the
outlying islands, he decided to visit his
wife's tnbe. Accordingly the couple
were put off in a small boat, and it was
only a few weeks ago that the steamer
mad a second call and learned their
fate. By mistake they bad landed on
an unfriendly shore ana were taken
The man was tied to a etase and his
torture begun. This consisted first in
allowing vicious jungle snakes from
which the poison fangs had been re
moved to attack the man's legs.
Then a fire was made at his feet and
his legs were horribly burned, though
the injury was superficial so that the
victim would not die under the treat
ment. Then he was made the target
for the spears of the tribesmen, who
finally killed him. He was torn to
pieces and placed over a fire with two
iheep. In fact, according to the story
he was eaten with the sheep.
In the meantime Amaru's wife had
been provided with another husband.
The matter was reported to a British
man-of-war, but it is thought no aotion
has been taken.
General Grant's Command
Prom Irnei.
Manila, Oct. 9. General Fred
Grant, with three companies of the
Fourth infantry, two companies of the
Fourteenth infantry and a band of
scouts attached to the fomer regiment,
advanced from Imus this morning,
driving the insurgents from the entire
west bank of the Imna river. Three
Americans were wounded. It is esti
mated that 10 Filipinos were killed.
Companies C and H, with the scouts,
crossed the river at the big bend and
advanced westward in the direction of
the Binacayan road, the insurgents
firing volleys, but retiring. Twenty
Filipinos were discovered in trenches
at the Binacayan church, about mid
way between Baooor and Cavito Viejo.
way Deiweeu aouor auu
Riley's battery of the Fift
Fifth artillery
made an effective sortie about a mile
south of Bacoor and shelled the west
bank of the river at close range. That
bank is now held by the Americana.
Heavy Lo( of Mnlea.
Washington, Oct. 9. A cable mes
sage from General Otis to the war de
partment brings word of the loss of
several hundred horses and mules on
the transport Siam. The message fol
"Manila, Oct. 9. The steamer
Siam, which left San Francisco August
18 with 45 horses and 828 mules, en
countered a typhoon September 21 off
Northern Luzon, in which all but 16
mules were lost. The animals were
killed by the pitching of the vessel and
the lack of air from the necessary clos
ing of the hatches. There were no
casualties among the passengers.
It is stated at the quartermater's de
partment that the mules which were
lost on the Siam were trained pack
mules, which were considered the most
valuable sent to the Philippines.
Home In Washington for Dewey.
Washington, Oct. 9. Admiral
Dewey has elected to accept a house in
Washington already conetucted, in
stead of having one built for his occu
pation. The admiral was officially in
formed today of the purpose of the peo
ple of the United States to present him
with a home in Washington. He
frankly expressed his gratification at
the tender, which he immediately ac
cepted. He said had the proposed
home been the gift a few wealthy men
he should have felt indisposed to ac
cept it. but he noted that the fund had
over 43,000 subscribers, indicating that
It was to be really a gift of the Ameri
can people, and aa such he would ac
cept it with as much pleasure as he
had the sword bestowed upon nun by
Washington Soldiers Decorated.
San Francisco, Oct. 9. Governor
Rogers and several members of his
staff, besides a number of ladies, visited
the general hospital today in search of
any Washington men that might be
there, so they might decorate the suf
ferers with the state medal to be pre
sented to the men of the regiment
when it has returned. There were six
Washington men in the hospital Nel
son Churchill, Louis F. Brittaon and C.
H. Hovey, of company H; Robert E.
Bucklin, of company K, and Jesse Ar
nold and Robert T. Golden, of company
C. Golden was so ill with typhoid
that no one but the governor was al
lowed to see him, but the other were
all ready and anxious to see the dele
gation, and in each ward where there
was a Washington man quite a levee
was held. Governor Rogers himset
decorated each man, at the same time
acknowledging his service in the name
of the state.
Murdered Hia Pormer Wlfa.
Tacoma, Oct. 9. Albert Machod
. . - 1 A.
was convicted today oi muraer in tne
first degree, the jury being out but 10
minutes. His crime was the murder
of his former wife, and was a most
brutal one.
Held Vp a Saloon.
Phoenix, Aria., Oct. 9. Two masked
men held up the Palace saloon early
this morning and secured $245. They
have not yet been captured. They left
I $2,000 insight.